path: root/src/Hashtree.v
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+Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
+Require Import TVSMT.Maps.
+Require Import TVSMT.Errors.
+Require Import TVSMT.Common.
+#[local] Open Scope positive.
+#[local] Hint Resolve in_eq : core.
+#[local] Hint Resolve in_cons : core.
+Declare Scope monad_scope.
+Module Type Monad.
+ Parameter mon : Type -> Type.
+ Parameter ret : forall (A : Type) (x : A), mon A.
+ Arguments ret [A].
+ Parameter bind : forall (A B : Type) (f : mon A) (g : A -> mon B), mon B.
+ Arguments bind [A B].
+ Parameter bind2 : forall (A B C: Type) (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C), mon C.
+ Arguments bind2 [A B C].
+End Monad.
+Module MonadExtra(M : Monad).
+ Import M.
+ Module Import MonadNotation.
+ Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" :=
+ (bind A (fun X => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200) : monad_scope.
+ Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" :=
+ (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200) : monad_scope.
+ End MonadNotation.
+ #[local] Open Scope monad_scope.
+ Fixpoint traverselist {A B: Type} (f: A -> mon B) (l: list A) {struct l}: mon (list B) :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => ret nil
+ | x::xs =>
+ do r <- f x;
+ do rs <- traverselist f xs;
+ ret (r::rs)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint collectlist {A : Type} (f : A -> mon unit) (l : list A) {struct l} : mon unit :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => ret tt
+ | x::xs => do y <- f x; collectlist f xs
+ end.
+ Definition mfold_left {A B} (f: A -> B -> mon A) (l: list B) (s: mon A): mon A :=
+ fold_left (fun a b => do a' <- a; f a' b) l s.
+End MonadExtra.
+Module Type State.
+ Parameter st : Type.
+ Parameter st_prop : st -> st -> Prop.
+ Axiom st_refl : forall s, st_prop s s.
+ Axiom st_trans : forall s1 s2 s3, st_prop s1 s2 -> st_prop s2 s3 -> st_prop s1 s3.
+End State.
+Module Statemonad(S : State) <: Monad.
+ Inductive res (A: Type) (s: S.st): Type :=
+ | Error : Errors.errmsg -> res A s
+ | OK : A -> forall (s' : S.st), S.st_prop s s' -> res A s.
+ Arguments OK [A s].
+ Arguments Error [A s].
+ Definition mon (A: Type) : Type := forall (s: S.st), res A s.
+ Definition ret {A: Type} (x: A) : mon A :=
+ fun (s : S.st) => OK x s (S.st_refl s).
+ Definition bind {A B: Type} (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
+ fun (s : S.st) =>
+ match f s with
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | OK a s' i =>
+ match g a s' with
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | OK b s'' i' => OK b s'' (S.st_trans s s' s'' i i')
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition bind2 {A B C: Type} (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C) : mon C :=
+ bind f (fun xy => g (fst xy) (snd xy)).
+ Definition handle_error {A: Type} (f g: mon A) : mon A :=
+ fun (s : S.st) =>
+ match f s with
+ | OK a s' i => OK a s' i
+ | Error _ => g s
+ end.
+ Definition error {A: Type} (err: Errors.errmsg) : mon A := fun (s: S.st) => Error err.
+ Definition get : mon S.st := fun s => OK s s (S.st_refl s).
+ Definition set (s: S.st) (i: forall s', S.st_prop s' s) : mon unit :=
+ fun s' => OK tt s (i s').
+ Definition run_mon {A: Type} (s: S.st) (m: mon A): Errors.res A :=
+ match m s with
+ | OK a s' i => Errors.OK a
+ | Error err => Errors.Error err
+ end.
+End Statemonad.
+Definition max_key {A} (t: PTree.t A) :=
+ fold_right Pos.max 1%positive (map fst (PTree.elements t)).
+Lemma max_key_correct' :
+ forall l hi, In hi l -> hi <= fold_right Pos.max 1 l.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. lia.
+ destruct (Pos.max_dec a (fold_right Pos.max 1 l)); rewrite e.
+ - apply Pos.max_l_iff in e.
+ assert (forall a b c, a <= c -> c <= b -> a <= b) by lia.
+ eapply H; eauto.
+ - apply IHl; auto.
+Lemma max_key_correct :
+ forall A h_tree hi (c: A),
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hi <= max_key h_tree.
+ unfold max_key. intros. apply PTree.elements_correct in H.
+ apply max_key_correct'.
+ eapply in_map with (f := fst) in H. auto.
+Lemma max_not_present :
+ forall A k (h: PTree.t A), k > max_key h -> h ! k = None.
+ intros. destruct (h ! k) eqn:?; auto.
+ apply max_key_correct in Heqo. lia.
+Lemma filter_none :
+ forall A f l (x: A), filter f l = nil -> In x l -> f x = false.
+Proof. induction l; crush; inv H0; subst; destruct_match; crush. Qed.
+Lemma filter_set :
+ forall A l l' f (x: A),
+ (In x l -> In x l') ->
+ In x (filter f l) ->
+ In x (filter f l').
+ induction l; crush.
+ destruct_match; crush. inv H0; crush.
+ apply filter_In. simplify; crush.
+Lemma filter_cons_true :
+ forall A f l (a: A) l',
+ filter f l = a :: l' -> f a = true.
+ induction l; crush. destruct (f a) eqn:?.
+ inv H. auto. eapply IHl; eauto.
+Lemma PTree_set_elements :
+ forall A t x x' (c: A),
+ In x (PTree.elements t) ->
+ x' <> (fst x) ->
+ In x (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c t)).
+ intros. destruct x.
+ eapply PTree.elements_correct. simplify.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto. apply PTree.elements_complete in H. auto.
+Lemma filter_set2 :
+ forall A x y z (h: PTree.t A),
+ In z (PTree.elements (PTree.set x y h)) ->
+ In z (PTree.elements h) \/ fst z = x.
+ intros. destruct z.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p x); subst.
+ tauto.
+ left. apply PTree.elements_correct. apply PTree.elements_complete in H.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H; auto.
+Lemma in_filter : forall A f l (x: A), In x (filter f l) -> In x l.
+Proof. induction l; crush. destruct_match; crush. inv H; crush. Qed.
+Lemma filter_norepet:
+ forall A f (l: list A),
+ list_norepet l ->
+ list_norepet (filter f l).
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. destruct (f a).
+ constructor. unfold not in *; intros. apply H2.
+ eapply in_filter; eauto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+ apply IHl; auto.
+Lemma filter_norepet2:
+ forall A B g (l: list (A * B)),
+ list_norepet (map fst l) ->
+ list_norepet (map fst (filter g l)).
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H. destruct (g a) eqn:?.
+ simplify. constructor. unfold not in *. intros.
+ eapply H2.
+ apply list_in_map_inv in H. simplify; subst.
+ rewrite H.
+ apply filter_In in H1. simplify.
+ apply in_map. eauto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto.
+ eapply IHl. eauto.
+Module Type Hashable := UsualDecidableType.
+Module HashTree(Import H: Hashable).
+ Definition hash := positive.
+ Definition hash_tree := PTree.t t.
+ Definition empty := PTree.empty t.
+ Definition find_tree (el: t) (h: hash_tree) : option hash :=
+ match filter (fun x => if eq_dec el (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h) with
+ | (p, _) :: nil => Some p
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition hash_value (max: hash) (e: t) (h: hash_tree): hash * hash_tree :=
+ match find_tree e h with
+ | Some p => (p, h)
+ | None =>
+ let nkey := Pos.max max (max_key h) + 1 in
+ (nkey, PTree.set nkey e h)
+ end.
+ Definition hash_value2 (max: hash) (e: t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let (e1, e2) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ ((v1, v2), h2).
+ Definition hash_value3 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3), h3).
+ Definition hash_value4 (max: hash) (e: t * t * t * t) (h: hash_tree): (hash * hash * hash * hash) * hash_tree :=
+ let '(e1, e2, e3, e4) := e in
+ let (v1, h1) := hash_value max e1 h in
+ let (v2, h2) := hash_value max e2 h1 in
+ let (v3, h3) := hash_value max e3 h2 in
+ let (v4, h4) := hash_value max e4 h3 in
+ ((v1, v2, v3, v4), h4).
+ Definition hash_list (max: hash) (e: list t) (h: hash_tree): list hash * hash_tree :=
+ fold_left (fun s e =>
+ let (i, h') := hash_value max e (snd s) in
+ (fst s ++ i::nil, h')
+ ) e (nil, h).
+ Definition wf_hash_table h_tree :=
+ (forall x c, h_tree ! x = Some c -> find_tree c h_tree = Some x).
+ Lemma find_tree_correct :
+ forall c h_tree p,
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H. destruct_match; crush.
+ destruct_match; simplify.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ assert (In (p, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { setoid_rewrite Heql. constructor; auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify. destruct_match; crush. subst.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_tree_unique :
+ forall c h_tree p p',
+ find_tree c h_tree = Some p ->
+ h_tree ! p' = Some c ->
+ p = p'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold find_tree in H.
+ repeat (destruct_match; crush; []).
+ assert (In (p, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h_tree))).
+ { setoid_rewrite Heql. constructor; auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. simplify.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p p'); auto.
+ exfalso.
+ destruct_match; subst; crush.
+ assert (In (p', t0) (PTree.elements h_tree) /\ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false) (p', t0) = true).
+ { split. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto. setoid_rewrite Heqs. auto. }
+ apply filter_In in H. setoid_rewrite Heql in H. inv H. simplify. crush. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_no_element' :
+ forall c h_tree,
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ ~ forall x, h_tree ! x = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ unfold not, wf_hash_table; intros.
+ specialize (H1 1). eapply H0 in H1. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_no_element :
+ forall c h_tree,
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ ~ exists x, h_tree ! x = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ unfold not, wf_hash_table; intros.
+ simplify. apply H0 in H2. rewrite H in H2. crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set_gso' :
+ forall h x p0 c',
+ filter
+ (fun x : hash * t =>
+ if eq_dec c' (snd x) then true else false) (PTree.elements h) =
+ (x, p0) :: nil ->
+ h ! x = Some p0 /\ p0 = c'.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply filter_In in H0. simplify. destruct_match; subst; crush.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete; auto.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set_gso :
+ forall x x' c' c h,
+ x <> x' ->
+ wf_hash_table h ->
+ find_tree c' h = Some x ->
+ find_tree c h = None ->
+ find_tree c' (PTree.set x' c h) = Some x.
+ Proof.
+ intros. pose proof H1 as X. unfold find_tree in H1.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ destruct p. destruct l; crush.
+ apply wf_hash_table_set_gso' in Heql. simplify.
+ pose proof H2 as Z. apply hash_no_element in H2; auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c c'); subst.
+ { exfalso. eapply H2. econstructor; eauto. }
+ unfold wf_hash_table in H0.
+ assert (In (x', c) (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gss; auto. }
+ assert (In (x, c') (PTree.elements h)).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct; auto. }
+ assert (In (x, c') (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))).
+ { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. }
+ pose proof X as Y.
+ unfold find_tree in X. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []).
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply filter_In in H6. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ unfold find_tree. repeat (destruct_match; crush).
+ { eapply filter_none in Heql0.
+ 2: { apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. }
+ destruct_match; crush. }
+ { subst.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ learn H; assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ eapply filter_set in H10. rewrite Heql0 in H10. inv H10. simplify. auto.
+ inv H11. auto. }
+ { exfalso. subst.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ learn H; assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ pose proof H8 as X2. destruct p1.
+ pose proof X2 as X4.
+ apply in_filter in X2. apply PTree.elements_complete in X2.
+ assert (In (p, t2) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h)))) by (rewrite H6; eauto).
+ pose proof H11 as X3.
+ apply in_filter in H11. apply PTree.elements_complete in H11.
+ destruct (peq p0 p); subst.
+ {
+ assert (list_norepet (map fst (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x' c h))))).
+ { eapply filter_norepet2. eapply PTree.elements_keys_norepet. }
+ rewrite Heql0 in H12. simplify. inv H12. eapply H15. apply in_eq.
+ }
+ { apply filter_In in X4. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ apply filter_In in X3. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ destruct (peq p x'); subst.
+ { rewrite PTree.gss in H11; crush. }
+ { destruct (peq p0 x'); subst.
+ { rewrite PTree.gss in X2; crush. }
+ { rewrite PTree.gso in X2 by auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H11 by auto.
+ assert (p = p0) by (eapply find_tree_unique; eauto).
+ crush. } } } }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_set :
+ forall h_tree c v (GT: v > max_key h_tree),
+ find_tree c h_tree = None ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ wf_hash_table (PTree.set v c h_tree).
+ Proof.
+ unfold wf_hash_table; simplify.
+ destruct (peq v x); subst.
+ pose proof (hash_no_element c h_tree H H0).
+ rewrite PTree.gss in H1. simplify.
+ unfold find_tree.
+ assert (In (x, c0) (PTree.elements (PTree.set x c0 h_tree))
+ /\ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec c0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (x, c0) = true).
+ { simplify. apply PTree.elements_correct. rewrite PTree.gss. auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c0 c0); crush. }
+ destruct_match.
+ apply filter_In in H1. rewrite Heql in H1. crush.
+ apply filter_In in H1. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). subst.
+ destruct l. simplify. rewrite Heql in H1. inv H1. inv H3. auto.
+ crush.
+ exfalso. apply H2. destruct p.
+ pose proof Heql as X. apply filter_cons_true in X. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ assert (In (p0, t0) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t0 h_tree)))) by (rewrite Heql; eauto).
+ assert (In (p, t1) (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t0 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t0 h_tree)))) by (rewrite Heql; eauto).
+ apply filter_In in H4. simplify. destruct_match; crush; subst.
+ apply in_filter in H3. apply PTree.elements_complete in H5. apply PTree.elements_complete in H3.
+ assert (list_norepet (map fst (filter
+ (fun x : positive * t => if eq_dec t1 (snd x) then true else false)
+ (PTree.elements (PTree.set x t1 h_tree))))).
+ { eapply filter_norepet2. eapply PTree.elements_keys_norepet. }
+ rewrite Heql in H4. simplify.
+ destruct (peq p0 p); subst.
+ { inv H4. exfalso. eapply H8. eauto. }
+ destruct (peq x p); subst.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H3; auto. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H5; auto. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso in H1; auto.
+ destruct (eq_dec c c0); subst.
+ { apply H0 in H1. rewrite H in H1. discriminate. }
+ apply H0 in H1.
+ apply wf_hash_table_set_gso; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_distr :
+ forall m p h_tree h h_tree',
+ hash_value m p h_tree = (h, h_tree') ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ wf_hash_table h_tree'.
+ Proof.
+ unfold hash_value; simplify.
+ destruct_match.
+ - inv H; auto.
+ - inv H. apply wf_hash_table_set; try lia; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_hash_table_eq :
+ forall h_tree a b c,
+ wf_hash_table h_tree ->
+ h_tree ! a = Some c ->
+ h_tree ! b = Some c ->
+ a = b.
+ Proof.
+ unfold wf_hash_table; intros; apply H in H0; eapply find_tree_unique; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_constant :
+ forall p h h_tree hi c h_tree' m,
+ h_tree ! hi = Some c ->
+ hash_value m p h_tree = (h, h_tree') ->
+ h_tree' ! hi = Some c.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold hash_value in H0. destruct_match.
+ inv H0. eauto.
+ inv H0.
+ pose proof H. apply max_key_correct in H0.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; solve [eauto | lia].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma find_tree_Some :
+ forall el h v,
+ find_tree el h = Some v ->
+ h ! v = Some el.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold find_tree in *.
+ destruct_match; crush. destruct p.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ match goal with
+ | H: filter ?f ?el = ?x::?xs |- _ =>
+ assert (In x (filter f el)) by (rewrite H; crush)
+ end.
+ apply PTree.elements_complete.
+ apply filter_In in H. inv H.
+ destruct_match; crush.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma hash_present_eq :
+ forall m e1 e2 p1 h h',
+ hash_value m e2 h = (p1, h') ->
+ h ! p1 = Some e1 -> e1 = e2.
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold hash_value in *. destruct_match.
+ - inv H. apply find_tree_Some in Heqo.
+ rewrite Heqo in H0. inv H0. auto.
+ - inv H. assert (h ! (Pos.max m (max_key h) + 1) = None)
+ by (apply max_not_present; lia). crush.
+ Qed.
+ Module HashState <: State.
+ Definition st := hash_tree.
+ Definition st_prop (h1 h2: hash_tree): Prop :=
+ forall x y, h1 ! x = Some y -> h2 ! x = Some y.
+ Lemma st_refl :
+ forall s, st_prop s s.
+ Proof. unfold st_prop; auto. Qed.
+ Lemma st_trans :
+ forall s1 s2 s3,
+ st_prop s1 s2 -> st_prop s2 s3 -> st_prop s1 s3.
+ Proof.
+ unfold st_prop; intros; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ #[global] Instance HashStatePreorder : PreOrder st_prop :=
+ { PreOrder_Reflexive := st_refl;
+ PreOrder_Transitive := st_trans;
+ }.
+ End HashState.
+ Module HashMonad := Statemonad(HashState).
+End HashTree.
+Definition gt_1 {A} h :=
+ forall x (y: A), h ! x = Some y -> 1 < x.
+Module HashTreeProperties (Import H: Hashable).
+ Module Import HT := HashTree(H).
+ Lemma hash_value_gt :
+ forall max v h,
+ gt_1 h ->
+ gt_1 (snd (hash_value max v h)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold gt_1, hash_value; intros.
+ destruct_match; eauto.
+ destruct (peq (Pos.max max (max_key h) + 1) x); [subst;lia|].
+ cbn [snd] in *. rewrite PTree.gso in H0; eauto.
+ Qed.
+End HashTreeProperties.