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authorDavid Monniaux <David.Monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2022-01-24 22:37:25 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <David.Monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2022-01-24 22:37:25 +0100
commit0ec09c99af2071f52271dd5e14846f5da3bcb718 (patch)
parent56c5f324c1792df0a1c660f37bb9d5028c496a3f (diff)
some progress
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/FPDivision64.v b/kvx/FPDivision64.v
index 74303a7a..e4f883e7 100644
--- a/kvx/FPDivision64.v
+++ b/kvx/FPDivision64.v
@@ -29,6 +29,25 @@ Require Import IEEE754_extra.
From Gappa Require Import Gappa_tactic.
+Lemma Znearest_lub :
+ forall choice (n : Z) (x : R), (IZR n <= x)%R -> (n <= Znearest choice x)%Z.
+ intros until x. intro BND.
+ pose proof (Zfloor_lub n x BND).
+ pose proof (Znearest_ge_floor choice x).
+ lia.
+Lemma Znearest_glb :
+ forall choice (n : Z) (x : R), (x <= IZR n)%R -> (Znearest choice x <= n)%Z.
+ intros until x. intro BND.
+ pose proof (Zceil_glb n x BND).
+ pose proof (Znearest_le_ceil choice x).
+ lia.
Definition approx_inv_longu b :=
let invb_s := ExtValues.invfs (Val.maketotal (Val.singleoflongu b)) in
let invb_d := Val.floatofsingle invb_s in
@@ -851,7 +870,99 @@ Proof.
rewrite C4.
+Lemma step1_div_longu_correct_anyb :
+ forall a b
+ (b_NOT01 : (1 < Int64.unsigned b)%Z),
+ exists (q : int64),
+ (step1_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) = Vlong q.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range a) as a_RANGE.
+ pose proof (Int64.unsigned_range b) as b_RANGE.
+ change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616%Z in *.
+ set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
+ set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
+ assert (0 <= IZR a' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as a_RANGE'.
+ { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
+ assert (2 <= IZR b' <= 18446744073709551615)%R as b_RANGE'.
+ { split; apply IZR_le; lia. }
+ assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.
+ destruct (Z_le_gt_dec a' 0).
+ { assert (a' = 0%Z) as ZERO by lia.
+ replace a with Int64.zero; cycle 1.
+ {
+ unfold a' in ZERO.
+ unfold Int64.zero.
+ rewrite <- ZERO.
+ apply Int64.repr_unsigned.
+ }
+ exists Int64.zero.
+ apply step1_div_longu_a0.
+ exact b_NOT0.
+ }
+ unfold step1_div_longu.
+ unfold step1_real_div_longu.
+ destruct (step1_real_inv_longu_correct b b_NOT0) as (f & C1E & C1R & C1F & C1S).
+ rewrite C1E.
+ cbn.
+ unfold Float.of_longu, Float.mul, Float.to_longu_ne.
+ set (re := (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)).
+ fold a'.
+ fold b' in C1R.
+ pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 re re a') as C2.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C2; cycle 1.
+ { clear C2.
+ apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
+ { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
+ cbn.
+ gappa.
+ }
+ cbn in C2.
+ destruct C2 as (C2R & C2F & C2S).
+ pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
+ (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) as C3.
+ rewrite C2R in C3.
+ rewrite C2F in C3.
+ rewrite C2S in C3.
+ rewrite C1R in C3.
+ rewrite C1F in C3.
+ rewrite C1S in C3.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C3; cycle 1.
+ { clear C3.
+ apply Rabs_relax with (b := bpow radix2 64).
+ { apply bpow_lt. lia. }
+ cbn.
+ gappa.
+ }
+ cbn in C3.
+ destruct C3 as (C3R & C3F & _).
+ pose proof (ZofB_ne_range_correct 53 1024
+ (Bmult 53 1024 re re Float.binop_nan mode_NE
+ (BofZ 53 1024 re re a') f) 0 Int64.max_unsigned) as C4.
+ rewrite C3R in C4.
+ rewrite C3F in C4.
+ cbn zeta in C4.
+ rewrite Zle_bool_true in C4 ; cycle 1.
+ { clear C4.
+ apply Znearest_lub.
+ gappa.
+ }
+ rewrite Zle_bool_true in C4 ; cycle 1.
+ { clear C4.
+ apply Znearest_glb.
+ cbn.
+ gappa.
+ }
+ rewrite C4.
+ cbn.
+ eauto.
Definition smallb_approx_range := 4400000000000%Z.
Lemma step1_div_longu_correct :
forall a b,
@@ -1194,24 +1305,6 @@ Definition step2_div_long a b :=
Val.select (Val.cmpl_bool Cgt (Val.subl (Val.mull q b) a) (Vlong Int64.zero))
(Val.addl q (Vlong Int64.mone)) q Tlong.
-Lemma Znearest_lub :
- forall choice (n : Z) (x : R), (IZR n <= x)%R -> (n <= Znearest choice x)%Z.
- intros until x. intro BND.
- pose proof (Zfloor_lub n x BND).
- pose proof (Znearest_ge_floor choice x).
- lia.
-Lemma Znearest_glb :
- forall choice (n : Z) (x : R), (x <= IZR n)%R -> (Znearest choice x <= n)%Z.
- intros until x. intro BND.
- pose proof (Zceil_glb n x BND).
- pose proof (Znearest_le_ceil choice x).
- lia.
Lemma function_ite :
forall {A B : Type} (fn : A->B) (b : bool) (x y: A),
fn (if b then x else y) = (if b then fn x else fn y).
@@ -1663,3 +1756,48 @@ Proof.
rewrite zlt_false by lia.
+Lemma twostep_div_longu_bigb_correct :
+ forall a b
+ (b_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) > smallb_thresh)%Z)
+ (b_NOT_TOO_BIG : ((Int64.unsigned b) <= Int64.max_signed)%Z),
+ (twostep_div_longu (Vlong a) (Vlong b)) =
+ (Val.maketotal (Val.divlu (Vlong a) (Vlong b))).
+ intros.
+ unfold twostep_div_longu.
+ set (b' := Int64.unsigned b) in *.
+ set (a' := Int64.unsigned a) in *.
+ assert (0 < b')%Z as b_NOT0 by lia.
+ assert (b' <= Int64.max_signed)%Z as b_NOTBIG.
+ { change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
+ unfold smallb_thresh in b_RANGE.
+ lia.
+ }
+ cbn.
+ rewrite (step2_div_long_bigb_correct (Int64.sub a (Int64.mul b q1)) b r1_SMALL b_NOT0 b_NOTBIG).
+ unfold Int64.add, Int64.sub, Int64.mul, Int64.divu.
+ fold q1' b' a'.
+ rewrite <- unsigned_repr_sub.
+ rewrite <- unsigned_repr_add.
+ rewrite Int64.signed_repr ; cycle 1.
+ {
+ change Int64.min_signed with (-9223372036854775808)%Z.
+ change Int64.max_signed with (9223372036854775807)%Z.
+ unfold smallb_approx_range in *.
+ lia.
+ }
+ rewrite Z.add_comm.
+ rewrite <- Z.div_add by lia.
+ replace (a' - b' * q1' + q1' * b')%Z with a' by ring.
+ rewrite Int64.eq_false ; cycle 1.
+ { intro Z. unfold b' in b_NOT0. rewrite Z in b_NOT0.
+ rewrite Int64.unsigned_zero in b_NOT0.
+ lia.
+ }
+ reflexivity.