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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-31 00:34:14 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-31 00:34:14 +0200
commit1ba9cba60f5cf4fe0a2c1d620881cad2383c0027 (patch)
parenta779d35bad9faf3bbfc5bf898565256bd40edf33 (diff)
one more admit
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Injectproof.v b/backend/Injectproof.v
index e3c9007b..c3de5e47 100644
--- a/backend/Injectproof.v
+++ b/backend/Injectproof.v
@@ -225,6 +225,19 @@ Fixpoint inject_l_position extra_pc
+Lemma inject_l_position_increases : forall injections pc k,
+ pc <= inject_l_position pc injections k.
+ induction injections; simpl; intros.
+ lia.
+ destruct a as [_ l].
+ destruct k.
+ lia.
+ specialize IHinjections with (pc := (Pos.succ (pos_add_nat pc (Datatypes.length l)))) (k := k).
+ assert (pc <= (pos_add_nat pc (Datatypes.length l))) by apply pos_add_nat_increases.
+ lia.
Definition inject_l (prog : code) extra_pc injections :=
List.fold_left (fun already (injection : node * (list inj_instr)) =>
inject_at' already (fst injection) (snd injection))
@@ -550,6 +563,15 @@ Section INJECTOR.
unfold match_regs. intros. trivial.
+ Lemma match_regs_trans : forall f rs1 rs2 rs3,
+ match_regs f rs1 rs2 -> match_regs f rs2 rs3 -> match_regs f rs1 rs3.
+ Proof.
+ unfold match_regs. intros until rs3. intros M12 M23 r.
+ specialize M12 with r.
+ specialize M23 with r.
+ intuition congruence.
+ Qed.
Inductive match_frames: RTL.stackframe -> RTL.stackframe -> Prop :=
| match_frames_intro: forall res f tf sp pc rs trs
@@ -753,8 +775,7 @@ Section INJECTOR.
* apply assign_above; auto.
- (* TODO
- Lemma transf_function_starstep :
+ Lemma transf_function_inj_starstep :
forall ts f tf sp m inj_n src_pc inj_pc inj_code
(FUN : transf_function gen_injections f = OK tf)
(INJ : nth_error (PTree.elements (gen_injections f)) inj_n =
@@ -781,11 +802,68 @@ Section INJECTOR.
assert (k <= Datatypes.length inj_code)%nat as KK by lia.
pose proof (IHk KK) as IH.
clear IHk KK.
- assert (
- exists trs'.
- split.
- assumption.
+ pose proof FUN as VALIDATE.
+ unfold transf_function, valid_injections1 in VALIDATE.
+ destruct forallb eqn:FORALL in VALIDATE.
+ 2: discriminate.
+ injection VALIDATE.
+ intro TF.
+ symmetry in TF.
+ pose proof (inject_l_injected (PTree.elements (gen_injections f)) (fn_code f) inj_n src_pc inj_code (Pos.succ (max_pc_function f)) ((List.length inj_code) - (S k))%nat) as INJECTED.
+ lapply INJECTED.
+ { clear INJECTED.
+ intro INJECTED.
+ assert ((Datatypes.length inj_code - S k <
+ Datatypes.length inj_code)%nat) as LESS by lia.
+ pose proof (INJECTED INJ LESS) as INJ'.
+ replace (snd
+ (inject_l (fn_code f) (Pos.succ (max_pc_function f))
+ (PTree.elements (gen_injections f)))) with (fn_code tf) in INJ'.
+ 2: rewrite TF; simpl; reflexivity. apply transf_function_inj_step with (f:=f) (ts:=ts) (sp:=sp) (trs:=trs) (m := m) in INJ'.
+ 2: assumption.
+ {
+ destruct INJ' as [trs'' [STEP STEPMATCH]].
+ destruct (IH trs'') as [trs' [STARSTEPMATCH STARSTEP]].
+ exists trs'.
+ split.
+ { apply match_regs_trans with (rs2 := trs''); assumption. }
+ eapply Smallstep.star_step with (t1:=E0) (t2:=E0).
+ {
+ rewrite POSITION in STEP.
+ exact STEP.
+ }
+ {
+ replace (Datatypes.length inj_code - k)%nat
+ with (S (Datatypes.length inj_code - (S k)))%nat in STARSTEP by lia.
+ simpl pos_add_nat in STARSTEP.
+ exact STARSTEP.
+ }
+ constructor.
+ }
+ rewrite forallb_forall in FORALL.
+ specialize FORALL with (src_pc, inj_code).
+ lapply FORALL.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff.
+ intros (SRC & ALL_VALID).
+ rewrite forallb_forall in ALL_VALID.
+ apply ALL_VALID.
+ admit.
+ }
+ apply nth_error_In with (n := inj_n).
+ assumption.
+ }
+ rewrite forallb_forall in FORALL.
+ rewrite forallb_forall.
+ intros x INx.
+ rewrite Pos.ltb_lt.
+ pose proof (FORALL x INx) as ALLx.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff in ALLx.
+ destruct ALLx as [ALLx1 ALLx2].
+ rewrite Pos.leb_le in ALLx1.
+ lia.
+ Admitted.