diff options
authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-06-17 18:43:14 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-06-17 18:43:14 +0200
commit45e8a0997169b0b081f3cea500debc237e4a8c76 (patch)
parenta486dc3f82db87480904882ef7a63ad7bf004c67 (diff)
[BROKEN] Fixed the dependency oracle, does not compile
I was removing too many dependencies
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
index 9912fbcb..75dc2495 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
@@ -707,26 +707,59 @@ let loc2int = function
| Mem -> 1
| Reg pr -> preg2int pr
-module OrderedLoc = struct
- type t = location
- let compare l l' = compare (loc2int l) (loc2int l')
+module HashedLoc = struct
+ type t = { loc: location; key: int }
+ let equal l1 l2 = (l1.key = l2.key)
+ let hash l = l.key
+ let create (l:location) : t = { loc=l; key = loc2int l }
-module LocMap = Map.Make(OrderedLoc)
+module LocHash = Hashtbl.Make(HashedLoc)
+(* Hash table : location => list of instruction ids *)
let rec intlist n =
if n < 0 then failwith "intlist: n < 0"
else if n = 0 then []
else (n-1) :: (intlist (n-1))
+(* Returns a list of instruction ids *)
+let rec get_accesses hashloc = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | loc :: llocs -> (LocHash.find hashloc loc) @ (get_accesses hashloc llocs)
+let latency_constraints bb =
+ let written = LocHash.create 0
+ and read = LocHash.create 0
+ and count = ref 0
+ and constraints = ref []
+ and instr_infos = instruction_infos bb
+ in let step (i: inst_info) =
+ let raw = get_accesses i.read_locs written
+ and waw = get_accesses i.write_locs written
+ and war = get_accesses i.write_locs read
+ in begin
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) raw;
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) waw;
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) war;
+ if i.is_control then List.iter (fun n -> constraints := {instr_from = n; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) (intlist !count);
+ (* Updating "read" and "written" hashmaps *)
+ List.iter (fun loc ->
+ begin
+ LocHash.replace written loc [!count];
+ LocHash.replace read loc []; (* Clearing all the entries of "read" hashmap when a register is written *)
+ end) i.write_locs;
+ List.iter (fun loc -> LocHash.replace read loc (LocHash.find read loc)) i.read_locs;
+ count := !count + 1
+ end
+ in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
let rec list2locmap v = function
| [] -> LocMap.empty
| loc :: l -> LocMap.add loc v (list2locmap v l)
-let get_accesses locs locmap = LocMap.filter (fun l _ -> List.mem l locs) locmap
-let latency_constraints bb =
- let written = ref LocMap.empty
+ let written = ref (LocHash.create 0)
and read = ref LocMap.empty
and count = ref 0
and constraints = ref []
@@ -747,6 +780,7 @@ let latency_constraints bb =
count := !count + 1
in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
+ *)
(* let latency_constraints bb = (* failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented" *)
let written = ref []