diff options
authorLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-05-05 14:03:04 +0200
committerLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-05-05 14:03:04 +0200
commite9f8fa5f0635f3c1af489bcf084d38f89ea58b13 (patch)
parentf427f9b257baee8a962a4b3e6c1e3c1804fd65da (diff)
advance in cfg checker
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL.v b/scheduling/BTL.v
index 28941e01..82a54061 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL.v
@@ -513,11 +513,148 @@ Proof.
(* TODO: deuxième étape (après BTLtoRTLproof.plus_simulation) *)
-Parameter verify_block: PTree.t node -> RTL.code -> bool -> node -> iblock -> res (option node).
+Fixpoint verify_block (dupmap: PTree.t node) cfg isfst pc ib : res (option node) :=
+ match ib with
+ | BF fi =>
+ match fi with
+ | Bgoto pc =>
+ match dupmap!pc with
+ | Some _ => OK None
+ | None => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect dupmap Bgoto")
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some i => Error (msg "TODO") (* TODO *)
+ | None => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg BF")
+ end
+ end
+ | Bnop =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some (Inop pc') => OK (Some pc')
+ | _ => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg Bnop")
+ end
+ | Bop op lr r =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some (Iop op' lr' r' pc') =>
+ if (eq_operation op op') then
+ if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then
+ if (Pos.eq_dec r r') then
+ OK (Some pc')
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different r in Bop")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different lr in Bop")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different operations in Bop")
+ | _ => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg Bop")
+ end
+ | Bload tm m a lr r =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some (Iload tm' m' a' lr' r' pc') =>
+ if (trapping_mode_eq tm tm') then
+ if (chunk_eq m m') then
+ if (eq_addressing a a') then
+ if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then
+ if (Pos.eq_dec r r') then
+ OK (Some pc')
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different r in Bload")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different lr in Bload")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different addressing in Bload")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different mchunk in Bload")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different trapping_mode in Bload")
+ | _ => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg Bload")
+ end
+ | Bstore m a lr r =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some (Istore m' a' lr' r' pc') =>
+ if (chunk_eq m m') then
+ if (eq_addressing a a') then
+ if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then
+ if (Pos.eq_dec r r') then OK (Some pc')
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different r in Bstore")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different lr in Bstore")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different addressing in Bstore")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different mchunk in Bstore")
+ | _ => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg Bstore")
+ end
+ | Bseq b1 b2 =>
+ do opc <- verify_block dupmap cfg isfst pc b1;
+ match opc with
+ | Some pc' =>
+ verify_block dupmap cfg false pc' b2
+ | None => Error (msg "verify_block: None next pc in Bseq (deadcode)")
+ end
+ | Bcond c lr bso bnot i =>
+ match cfg!pc with
+ | Some (Icond c' lr' pcso pcnot i') =>
+ if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then
+ if (eq_condition c c') then
+ do opc1 <- verify_block dupmap cfg false pcso bso;
+ do opc2 <- verify_block dupmap cfg false pcnot bnot;
+ match opc1, opc2 with
+ | None, o => OK o
+ | o, None => OK o
+ | Some x, Some x' =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec x x' then OK (Some x)
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: is_join_opt incorrect for Bcond")
+ end
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: incompatible conditions in Bcond")
+ else Error (msg "verify_block: different lr in Bcond")
+ | _ => Error (msg "verify_block: incorrect cfg Bcond")
+ end
+ end.
(* This property expresses that "relation" [match_iblock] is a partial function (see also [iblock_istep_run_equiv] above) *)
Lemma verify_block_correct: forall dupmap cfg isfst pc ib fin,
verify_block dupmap cfg isfst pc ib = (OK fin) -> match_iblock dupmap cfg isfst pc ib fin.
+ induction ib; intros;
+ try (unfold verify_block in H; destruct (cfg!pc) eqn:EQCFG; [ idtac | discriminate; fail ]).
+ - admit.
+ - (* Bnop *)
+ destruct i; inv H.
+ constructor; assumption.
+ - (* Bop *)
+ destruct i; try discriminate.
+ destruct (eq_operation _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (list_eq_dec _ _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); try discriminate. inv H.
+ constructor; assumption.
+ - (* Bload *)
+ destruct i; try discriminate.
+ destruct (trapping_mode_eq _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (chunk_eq _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (eq_addressing _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (list_eq_dec _ _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); try discriminate. inv H.
+ constructor; assumption.
+ - (* Bstore *)
+ destruct i; try discriminate.
+ destruct (chunk_eq _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (eq_addressing _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (list_eq_dec _ _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); try discriminate. inv H.
+ constructor; assumption.
+ - (* Bseq *)
+ monadInv H.
+ destruct x; try discriminate.
+ eapply mib_seq_Some.
+ eapply IHib1; eauto. admit.
+ (*eapply IHib2; eauto.*)
+ (*destruct (cfg!pc) eqn:ECFG; try discriminate.*)
+ (*destruct i; try discriminate.*)
+ - (* Bcond *)
+ destruct i; try discriminate.
+ destruct (list_eq_dec _ _ _); try discriminate.
+ destruct (eq_condition _ _); try discriminate.
+ fold (verify_block dupmap cfg false n ib1) in H.
+ fold (verify_block dupmap cfg false n0 ib2) in H.
+ monadInv H.
+ destruct x, x0; try destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); try discriminate.
+ + inv EQ2. eapply mib_cond; eauto.
+ admit.
+ admit.
+ admit.
+ + admit.
+ + admit.
+ + admit.
Local Hint Resolve verify_block_correct: core.