diff options
authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-06-01 17:16:06 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-06-01 17:16:06 +0200
commitf6a3483c7dcac5ed56a349361a19dc1f4c985de3 (patch)
parentcf9824cd02c9dd5a8053c1853f26b98ad807766e (diff)
starting BTL_SEsimuref
3 files changed, 319 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 60cf380b..a5cc8895 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ SCHEDULING= \
RTLpathSchedulerproof.v RTLpath.v \
RTLpathScheduler.v RTLpathWFcheck.v \
BTL.v BTLmatchRTL.v BTLtoRTL.v BTLtoRTLproof.v RTLtoBTL.v RTLtoBTLproof.v \
- BTL_Livecheck.v BTL_Scheduler.v BTL_Schedulerproof.v BTL_SEtheory.v
+ BTL_Livecheck.v BTL_Scheduler.v BTL_Schedulerproof.v BTL_SEtheory.v BTL_SEsimuref.v
# C front-end modules (in cfrontend/)
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af2159cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+(** Refinement of BTL_SEtheory data-structures
+ in order to introduce (and prove correct) a lower-level specification of the simulation test.
+ TODO: not yet with hash-consing ? Or "fake" hash-consing only ?
+ Ceci est un "bac à sable".
+ - On introduit une représentation plus concrète pour les types d'état symbolique [sistate] et [sstate].
+ - Etant donné une spécification intuitive "*_simu" pour tester la simulation sur cette représentation des états symboliques,
+ on essaye déjà de trouver les bonnes notions de raffinement "*_refines" qui permette de prouver les lemmes "*_simu_correct".
+ - Il faudra ensuite vérifier que l'exécution symbolique préserve ces relations de raffinement !
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL BTL OptionMonad BTL_SEtheory.
+(** * Preservation properties *)
+(* TODO: inherited from RTLpath. Use simu_proof_context + bctx2 + bctx1 instead of all the hypotheses/variables below ? *)
+Section SymbValPreserved.
+Variable ge ge': BTL.genv.
+Hypothesis symbols_preserved_BTL: forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+Hypothesis senv_preserved_BTL: Senv.equiv ge ge'.
+Lemma senv_find_symbol_preserved id:
+ Senv.find_symbol ge id = Senv.find_symbol ge' id.
+ destruct senv_preserved_BTL as (A & B & C). congruence.
+Lemma senv_symbol_address_preserved id ofs:
+ Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs = Senv.symbol_address ge' id ofs.
+ unfold Senv.symbol_address. rewrite senv_find_symbol_preserved.
+ reflexivity.
+Variable stk stk': list stackframe.
+Variable f f': function.
+Variable sp: val.
+Variable rs0: regset.
+Variable m0: mem.
+Lemma eval_sval_preserved sv:
+ eval_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sv = eval_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sv.
+ induction sv using sval_mut with (P0 := fun lsv => eval_list_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) lsv = eval_list_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) lsv)
+ (P1 := fun sm => eval_smem (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sm = eval_smem (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sm); simpl; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_operation_preserved; eauto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv0; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv1; auto.
+Lemma seval_builtin_arg_preserved m: forall bs varg,
+ seval_builtin_arg (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) m bs varg ->
+ seval_builtin_arg (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) m bs varg.
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ all: try (constructor; auto).
+ - rewrite <- eval_sval_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite <- senv_symbol_address_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite senv_symbol_address_preserved. eapply seval_BA_addrglobal.
+Lemma seval_builtin_args_preserved m lbs vargs:
+ seval_builtin_args (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) m lbs vargs ->
+ seval_builtin_args (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) m lbs vargs.
+ induction 1; constructor; eauto.
+ eapply seval_builtin_arg_preserved; auto.
+Lemma list_sval_eval_preserved lsv:
+ eval_list_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) lsv = eval_list_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) lsv.
+ induction lsv; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite eval_sval_preserved. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHlsv; auto.
+Lemma smem_eval_preserved sm:
+ eval_smem (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sm = eval_smem (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sm.
+ induction sm; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsm; clear IHsm. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
+ rewrite eval_sval_preserved; auto.
+Lemma seval_condition_preserved cond lsv sm:
+ seval_condition (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) cond lsv sm = seval_condition (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) cond lsv sm.
+ unfold seval_condition.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite smem_eval_preserved; auto.
+End SymbValPreserved.
+(** * ... *)
+Record sis_ok ctx (sis: sistate): Prop := {
+ OK_PRE: (sis.(si_pre) ctx);
+ OK_SMEM: eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) <> None;
+ OK_SREG: forall (r: reg), eval_sval ctx (si_sreg sis r) <> None
+Local Hint Resolve OK_PRE OK_SMEM OK_SREG: core.
+Local Hint Constructors sis_ok: core.
+Lemma sem_sok ctx sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m -> sis_ok ctx sis.
+ unfold sem_sistate;
+ econstructor;
+ intuition congruence.
+(* NB: refinement of (symbolic) internal state *)
+Record ristate :=
+ {
+ (** [ris_smem] represents the current smem symbolic evaluations.
+ (we also recover the history of smem in ris_smem) *)
+ ris_smem: smem;
+ (** For the values in registers:
+ 1) we store a list of sval evaluations
+ 2) we encode the symbolic regset by a PTree + a boolean indicating the default sval *)
+ ris_input_init: bool;
+ ris_ok_sval: list sval;
+ ris_sreg:> PTree.t sval
+ }.
+Definition ris_sreg_get (ris: ristate) r: sval :=
+ match PTree.get r ris with
+ | None => if ris_input_init ris then Sinput r else Sundef
+ | Some sv => sv
+ end.
+Coercion ris_sreg_get: ristate >-> Funclass.
+Record ris_ok ctx (ris: ristate) : Prop := {
+ OK_RMEM: (eval_smem ctx (ris_smem ris)) <> None;
+ OK_RREG: forall sv, List.In sv (ris_ok_sval ris) -> eval_sval ctx sv <> None
+Local Hint Resolve OK_RMEM OK_RREG: core.
+Local Hint Constructors ris_ok: core.
+Record ris_refines ctx (ris: ristate) (sis: sistate): Prop := {
+ OK_EQUIV: sis_ok ctx sis <-> ris_ok ctx ris;
+ MEM_EQ: ris_ok ctx ris -> eval_smem ctx ris.(ris_smem) = eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem);
+ REG_EQ: ris_ok ctx ris -> forall r, eval_sval ctx (ris_sreg_get ris r) = eval_sval ctx (si_sreg sis r);
+ (* the below invariant allows to evaluate operations in the initial memory of the path instead of the current memory *)
+ VALID_PRESERV: forall m b ofs, eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) = Some m -> Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer (cm0 ctx) b ofs
+Local Hint Constructors ris_refines: core.
+Record ris_simu ris1 ris2: Prop := {
+ SIMU_FAILS: forall sv, List.In sv ris2.(ris_ok_sval) -> List.In sv ris1.(ris_ok_sval);
+ SIMU_MEM: ris1.(ris_smem) = ris2.(ris_smem);
+ SIMU_REG: forall r, ris_sreg_get ris1 r = ris_sreg_get ris2 r
+Local Hint Resolve SIMU_FAILS SIMU_MEM SIMU_REG: core.
+Local Hint Constructors ris_simu: core.
+Local Hint Resolve sge_match: core.
+Lemma ris_simu_ok_preserv f1 f2 ris1 ris2 (ctx:simu_proof_context):
+ ris_simu ris1 ris2 -> ris_ok (bctx1 f1 ctx) ris1 -> ris_ok (bctx2 f2 ctx) ris2.
+ intros SIMU OK; econstructor; eauto.
+ - erewrite <- SIMU_MEM; eauto.
+ unfold bctx2; erewrite smem_eval_preserved; eauto.
+ - unfold bctx2; intros; erewrite eval_sval_preserved; eauto.
+Lemma ris_simu_correct f1 f2 ris1 ris2 (ctx:simu_proof_context) sis1 sis2 rs m:
+ ris_simu ris1 ris2 ->
+ ris_refines (bctx1 f1 ctx) ris1 sis1 ->
+ ris_refines (bctx2 f2 ctx) ris2 sis2 ->
+ sem_sistate (bctx1 f1 ctx) sis1 rs m ->
+ sem_sistate (bctx2 f2 ctx) sis2 rs m.
+ intros RIS REF1 REF2 SEM.
+ (* destruct REF1. destruct REF2. *)
+ exploit sem_sok; eauto.
+ erewrite OK_EQUIV; eauto.
+ intros ROK1.
+ exploit ris_simu_ok_preserv; eauto.
+ intros ROK2. generalize ROK2; erewrite <- OK_EQUIV; eauto.
+ intros SOK2.
+ destruct SEM as (PRE & SMEM & SREG).
+ unfold sem_sistate; intuition eauto.
+ + erewrite <- MEM_EQ, <- SIMU_MEM; eauto.
+ unfold bctx2; erewrite smem_eval_preserved; eauto.
+ erewrite MEM_EQ; eauto.
+ + erewrite <- REG_EQ, <- SIMU_REG; eauto.
+ unfold bctx2; erewrite eval_sval_preserved; eauto.
+ erewrite REG_EQ; eauto.
+Definition rfv_refines ctx (rfv sfv: sfval): Prop :=
+ forall rs m t s, sem_sfval ctx rfv rs m t s <-> sem_sfval ctx sfv rs m t s.
+Definition rfv_simu (rfv1 rfv2: sfval): Prop := rfv1 = rfv2.
+Lemma rvf_simu_correct f1 f2 rfv1 rfv2 (ctx: simu_proof_context) sfv1 sfv2 rs m t s:
+ rfv_simu rfv1 rfv2 ->
+ rfv_refines (bctx1 f1 ctx) rfv1 sfv1 ->
+ rfv_refines (bctx2 f2 ctx) rfv2 sfv2 ->
+ sem_sfval (bctx1 f1 ctx) sfv1 rs m t s ->
+ sem_sfval (bctx2 f2 ctx) sfv2 rs m t s.
+ unfold rfv_simu, rfv_refines; intros X REF1 REF2 SEM. subst.
+ rewrite <- REF2.
+ assert (sem_sfval (bctx1 f1 ctx) rfv2 rs m t s). { rewrite REF1; auto. }
+(* refinement of (symbolic) state *)
+Inductive rstate :=
+ | Rfinal (ris: ristate) (rfv: sfval)
+ | Rcond (cond: condition) (rargs: list_sval) (rifso rifnot: rstate)
+ | Rabort
+ .
+Inductive rst_simu: rstate -> rstate -> Prop :=
+ | Rfinal_simu ris1 ris2 rfv1 rfv2:
+ ris_simu ris1 ris2 ->
+ rfv_simu rfv1 rfv2 ->
+ rst_simu (Rfinal ris1 rfv1) (Rfinal ris2 rfv2)
+ | Rcond_simu cond rargs rifso1 rifnot1 rifso2 rifnot2:
+ rst_simu rifso1 rifso2 ->
+ rst_simu rifnot1 rifnot2 ->
+ rst_simu (Rcond cond rargs rifso1 rifnot1) (Rcond cond rargs rifso2 rifnot2)
+ | Rabort_simu: rst_simu Rabort Rabort
+(* TODO: extension à voir dans un second temps !
+ | Rcond_skip cond rargs rifso1 rifnot1 rst:
+ rst_simu rifso1 rst ->
+ rst_simu rifnot1 rst ->
+ rst_simu (Rcond cond rargs rifso1 rifnot1) rst
+ .
+(* Comment prend on en compte le ris en cours d'execution ??? *)
+Inductive rst_refines ctx: (* Prop -> *) rstate -> sstate -> Prop :=
+ | refines_Sfinal ris sis rfv sfv (*ok: Prop*)
+ (*OK: ris_ok ctx ris -> ok*)
+ (RIS: ris_refines ctx ris sis)
+ (RFV: ris_ok ctx ris -> rfv_refines ctx rfv sfv)
+ : rst_refines ctx (*ok*) (Rfinal ris rfv) (Sfinal sis sfv)
+ | refines_Scond cond rargs args sm rifso rifnot ifso ifnot (*ok1 ok2: Prop*)
+ (*OK1: ok2 -> ok1*)
+ (RCOND: (* ok2 -> *) seval_condition ctx cond rargs Sinit = seval_condition ctx cond args sm)
+ (REFso: seval_condition ctx cond rargs Sinit = Some true -> rst_refines ctx (*ok2*) rifso ifso)
+ (REFnot: seval_condition ctx cond rargs Sinit = Some false -> rst_refines ctx (*ok2*) rifnot ifnot)
+ : rst_refines ctx (*ok1*) (Rcond cond rargs rifso rifnot) (Scond cond args sm ifso ifnot)
+ | refines_Sabort
+ : rst_refines ctx Rabort Sabort
+ .
+Lemma rst_simu_correct rst1 rst2:
+ rst_simu rst1 rst2 ->
+ forall f1 f2 ctx st1 st2 (*ok1 ok2*),
+ rst_refines (*ok1*) (bctx1 f1 ctx) rst1 st1 ->
+ rst_refines (*ok2*) (bctx2 f2 ctx) rst2 st2 ->
+ (* ok1 -> ok2 -> *)
+ sstate_simu f1 f2 ctx st1 st2.
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+ - (* final *) intros f1 f2 ctx st1 st2 REF1 REF2 t s1 SEM1.
+ inv REF1. inv REF2. inv SEM1.
+ exploit sem_sok; eauto.
+ rewrite OK_EQUIV; eauto.
+ intros RIS_OK1.
+ exploit (ris_simu_ok_preserv f1 f2); eauto.
+ intros RIS_OK2. intuition.
+ exploit ris_simu_correct; eauto.
+ exploit rvf_simu_correct; eauto.
+ simpl.
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ simpl.
+ admit. (* TODO: condition sur les tr_inputs: à ajouter plutôt dans le simu_proof_context ! *)
+ + admit.
+ - (* cond *) intros f1 f2 ctx st1 st2 REF1 REF2 t s1 SEM1.
+ inv REF1. inv REF2. inv SEM1.
+ destruct b; simpl.
+ + assert (TODO1: rst_refines (bctx1 f1 ctx) rifso1 ifso). admit.
+ assert (TODO2: rst_refines (bctx2 f2 ctx) rifso2 ifso0). admit.
+ exploit IHrst_simu1; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & X1 & X2).
+ exists s2; split; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ * assert (TODO3: seval_condition (bctx2 f2 ctx) cond args0 sm0 = Some true). admit.
+ eauto.
+ * simpl; eauto.
+ + admit.
+ - (* abort *) intros f1 f2 ctx st1 st2 REF1 REF2 t s1 SEM1.
+ inv REF1. inv SEM1.
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEtheory.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEtheory.v
index 3083ca71..c7a44153 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_SEtheory.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEtheory.v
@@ -1057,102 +1057,4 @@ Proof.
intros (s3 & STEP2 & EQ2).
clear STEP1; eexists; split; eauto.
eapply equiv_state_trans; eauto.
-(** * Preservation properties *)
-Section SymbValPreserved.
-Variable ge ge': BTL.genv.
-Hypothesis symbols_preserved_BTL: forall s, Genv.find_symbol ge' s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
-Hypothesis senv_preserved_BTL: Senv.equiv ge ge'.
-Lemma senv_find_symbol_preserved id:
- Senv.find_symbol ge id = Senv.find_symbol ge' id.
- destruct senv_preserved_BTL as (A & B & C). congruence.
-Lemma senv_symbol_address_preserved id ofs:
- Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs = Senv.symbol_address ge' id ofs.
- unfold Senv.symbol_address. rewrite senv_find_symbol_preserved.
- reflexivity.
-Variable stk stk': list stackframe.
-Variable f f': function.
-Variable sp: val.
-Variable rs0: regset.
-Variable m0: mem.
-Lemma eval_sval_preserved sv:
- eval_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sv = eval_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sv.
- induction sv using sval_mut with (P0 := fun lsv => eval_list_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) lsv = eval_list_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) lsv)
- (P1 := fun sm => eval_smem (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sm = eval_smem (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sm); simpl; auto.
- + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
- erewrite eval_operation_preserved; eauto.
- + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
- erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
- destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsv; auto.
- + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsv0; auto.
- + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
- erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
- destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsv1; auto.
-Lemma seval_builtin_arg_preserved m: forall bs varg,
- seval_builtin_arg (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) m bs varg ->
- seval_builtin_arg (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) m bs varg.
- induction 1; simpl.
- all: try (constructor; auto).
- - rewrite <- eval_sval_preserved. assumption.
- - rewrite <- senv_symbol_address_preserved. assumption.
- - rewrite senv_symbol_address_preserved. eapply seval_BA_addrglobal.
-Lemma seval_builtin_args_preserved m lbs vargs:
- seval_builtin_args (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) m lbs vargs ->
- seval_builtin_args (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) m lbs vargs.
- induction 1; constructor; eauto.
- eapply seval_builtin_arg_preserved; auto.
-Lemma list_sval_eval_preserved lsv:
- eval_list_sval (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) lsv = eval_list_sval (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) lsv.
- induction lsv; simpl; auto.
- rewrite eval_sval_preserved. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHlsv; auto.
-Lemma smem_eval_preserved sm:
- eval_smem (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) sm = eval_smem (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) sm.
- induction sm; simpl; auto.
- rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
- erewrite <- eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
- destruct (eval_addressing _ sp _ _); auto.
- rewrite IHsm; clear IHsm. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
- rewrite eval_sval_preserved; auto.
-Lemma seval_condition_preserved cond lsv sm:
- seval_condition (Bctx ge stk f sp rs0 m0) cond lsv sm = seval_condition (Bctx ge' stk' f' sp rs0 m0) cond lsv sm.
- unfold seval_condition.
- rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
- rewrite smem_eval_preserved; auto.
-End SymbValPreserved.
+Qed. \ No newline at end of file