path: root/aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v
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authorLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-12-06 22:15:54 +0100
committerLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-12-06 22:15:54 +0100
commit246553dadbf6a089bd92bcdea645cff95e26f3ed (patch)
tree57c43986550badec34ef71b31e7c607a1f8483b5 /aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v
parent972f6b9890ea3644626fc097e460035028b940eb (diff)
Asmgen proof completely proved with ldp/stp
Diffstat (limited to 'aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v b/aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v
index 140b3aa2..48840602 100644
--- a/aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v
+++ b/aarch64/PostpassSchedulingproof.v
@@ -99,28 +99,27 @@ Lemma transf_find_bblock:
verified_schedule bb = OK tbb
/\ find_bblock (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) (fn_blocks tf) = Some tbb.
- (*intros.*)
- (*monadInv H0. destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size_blocks (fn_blocks x))); try (inv EQ0; fail). inv EQ0.*)
- (*monadInv EQ. simpl in *.*)
- (*generalize (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) H x EQ0; clear ofs H x g EQ0.*)
- (*induction (fn_blocks f).*)
- (*- intros. simpl in *. discriminate.*)
- (*- intros. simpl in *.*)
- (*monadInv EQ0. simpl.*)
- (*destruct (zlt z 0); try discriminate.*)
- (*destruct (zeq z 0).*)
- (*+ inv H. eauto.*)
- (*+ monadInv EQ0.*)
- (*exploit IHb; eauto.*)
- (*intros (tbb & SCH & FIND).*)
- (*eexists; split; eauto.*)
- (*inv FIND.*)
- (*unfold verify_size in EQ0.*)
- (*destruct (size a =? size (stick_header (header a) x)) eqn:EQSIZE; try discriminate.*)
- (*rewrite Z.eqb_eq in EQSIZE; rewrite EQSIZE.*)
- (*reflexivity.*)
+ intros.
+ monadInv H0. destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (size_blocks (fn_blocks x))); try (inv EQ0; fail). inv EQ0.
+ monadInv EQ. simpl in *.
+ generalize (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) H x EQ0; clear ofs H x g EQ0.
+ induction (fn_blocks f).
+ - intros. simpl in *. discriminate.
+ - intros. simpl in *.
+ monadInv EQ0. simpl.
+ destruct (zlt z 0); try discriminate.
+ destruct (zeq z 0).
+ + inv H. eauto.
+ + monadInv EQ0.
+ exploit IHb; eauto.
+ intros (tbb & SCH & FIND).
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+ inv FIND.
+ unfold verify_size in EQ0.
+ destruct (size a =? size (stick_header (header a) x)) eqn:EQSIZE; try discriminate.
+ rewrite Z.eqb_eq in EQSIZE; rewrite EQSIZE.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma stick_header_neutral: forall a,
a = (stick_header (header a) (no_header a)).