path: root/arm
diff options
authorMichael Schmidt <github@mschmidt.me>2015-10-14 15:07:48 +0200
committerMichael Schmidt <github@mschmidt.me>2015-10-14 15:07:48 +0200
commit60ab550a952c3d9719b2a91ec90c9b58769f6717 (patch)
tree523cf4eb5a35594b16a297b4bd7e29157f42b0fc /arm
parenta479c280441b91007c379b0b63b907926d54f930 (diff)
bug 17392: remove trailing whitespace in source files
Diffstat (limited to 'arm')
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/arm/Asmexpand.ml b/arm/Asmexpand.ml
index 990f207d..a0a4fcc5 100644
--- a/arm/Asmexpand.ml
+++ b/arm/Asmexpand.ml
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let memcpy_small_arg sz arg tmp =
assert false
let expand_builtin_memcpy_small sz al src dst =
- let (tsrc, tdst) =
+ let (tsrc, tdst) =
if dst <> BA (IR IR2) then (IR2, IR3) else (IR3, IR2) in
let (rsrc, osrc) = memcpy_small_arg sz src tsrc in
let (rdst, odst) = memcpy_small_arg sz dst tdst in
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let memcpy_big_arg arg tmp =
let expand_builtin_memcpy_big sz al src dst =
assert (sz >= al);
assert (sz mod al = 0);
- let (s, d) =
+ let (s, d) =
if dst <> BA (IR IR2) then (IR2, IR3) else (IR3, IR2) in
memcpy_big_arg src s;
memcpy_big_arg dst d;
diff --git a/arm/TargetPrinter.ml b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
index b988f10f..4961f897 100644
--- a/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ module type PRINTER_OPTIONS =
module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
(* Code generation options. *)
let literals_in_code = ref true (* to be turned into a proper option *)
(* Basic printing functions *)
let print_label oc lbl = elf_label oc (transl_label lbl)
let comment = "@"
let symbol = elf_symbol
@@ -61,34 +61,34 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
| IR4 -> "r4" | IR5 -> "r5" | IR6 -> "r6" | IR7 -> "r7"
| IR8 -> "r8" | IR9 -> "r9" | IR10 -> "r10" | IR11 -> "r11"
| IR12 -> "r12" | IR13 -> "sp" | IR14 -> "lr"
let float_reg_name = function
| FR0 -> "d0" | FR1 -> "d1" | FR2 -> "d2" | FR3 -> "d3"
| FR4 -> "d4" | FR5 -> "d5" | FR6 -> "d6" | FR7 -> "d7"
| FR8 -> "d8" | FR9 -> "d9" | FR10 -> "d10" | FR11 -> "d11"
| FR12 -> "d12" | FR13 -> "d13" | FR14 -> "d14" | FR15 -> "d15"
let single_float_reg_index = function
| FR0 -> 0 | FR1 -> 2 | FR2 -> 4 | FR3 -> 6
| FR4 -> 8 | FR5 -> 10 | FR6 -> 12 | FR7 -> 14
| FR8 -> 16 | FR9 -> 18 | FR10 -> 20 | FR11 -> 22
| FR12 -> 24 | FR13 -> 26 | FR14 -> 28 | FR15 -> 30
let single_float_reg_name = function
| FR0 -> "s0" | FR1 -> "s2" | FR2 -> "s4" | FR3 -> "s6"
| FR4 -> "s8" | FR5 -> "s10" | FR6 -> "s12" | FR7 -> "s14"
| FR8 -> "s16" | FR9 -> "s18" | FR10 -> "s20" | FR11 -> "s22"
| FR12 -> "s24" | FR13 -> "s26" | FR14 -> "s28" | FR15 -> "s30"
let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
let freg_single oc r = output_string oc (single_float_reg_name r)
let preg oc = function
| IR r -> ireg oc r
| FR r -> freg oc r
| _ -> assert false
let condition_name = function
| TCeq -> "eq"
| TCne -> "ne"
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
| TClt -> "lt"
| TCgt -> "gt"
| TCle -> "le"
let neg_condition_name = function
| TCeq -> "ne"
| TCne -> "eq"
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
| TClt -> "ge"
| TCgt -> "le"
| TCle -> "gt"
(* In Thumb2 mode, some arithmetic instructions have shorter encodings
if they carry the "S" flag (update condition flags):
add (but not sp + imm)
@@ -158,27 +158,27 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
| Section_debug_abbrev -> ".section .debug_abbrev,\"\",%progbits"
| Section_debug_line _ -> ".section .debug_line,\"\",%progbits"
| Section_debug_str -> ".section .debug_str,\"MS\",%progbits,1"
let section oc sec =
fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section sec)
(* Record current code position and latest position at which to
emit float and symbol constants. *)
let currpos = ref 0
let size_constants = ref 0
let max_pos_constants = ref max_int
let distance_to_emit_constants () =
if !literals_in_code
then !max_pos_constants - (!currpos + !size_constants)
else max_int
(* Associate labels to floating-point constants and to symbols *)
let float_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int64, int) Hashtbl.t)
let float32_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int32, int) Hashtbl.t)
let label_float bf =
Hashtbl.find float_labels bf
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
size_constants := !size_constants + 8;
max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
let label_float32 bf =
Hashtbl.find float32_labels bf
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
let symbol_labels =
(Hashtbl.create 39 : (ident * Integers.Int.int, int) Hashtbl.t)
let label_symbol id ofs =
Hashtbl.find symbol_labels (id, ofs)
@@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 4096);
let reset_constants () =
Hashtbl.clear float_labels;
Hashtbl.clear float32_labels;
Hashtbl.clear symbol_labels;
size_constants := 0;
max_pos_constants := max_int
let emit_constants oc =
fprintf oc " .balign 4\n";
@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
lbl symbol_offset (id, ofs))
reset_constants ()
(* Generate code to load the address of id + ofs in register r *)
let loadsymbol oc r id ofs =
if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
fprintf oc " movw %a, #:lower16:%a\n"
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
ireg r symbol_offset (id, ofs); 2
end else begin
let lbl = label_symbol id ofs in
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, .L%d @ %a\n"
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, .L%d @ %a\n"
ireg r lbl symbol_offset (id, ofs); 1
(* Emit instruction sequences that set or offset a register by a constant. *)
(* No S suffix because they are applied to SP most of the time. *)
let movimm oc dst n =
match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
| [] -> assert false
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
(fun n -> fprintf oc " orr %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
List.length l
let addimm oc dst src n =
match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
| [] -> assert false
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
(fun n -> fprintf oc " add %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
List.length l
let subimm oc dst src n =
match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
| [] -> assert false
@@ -285,27 +285,27 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
(fun n -> fprintf oc " sub %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
List.length l
(* Recognition of float constants appropriate for VMOV.
a normalized binary floating point encoding with 1 sign bit, 4
bits of fraction and a 3-bit exponent *)
let is_immediate_float64 bits =
let exp = (Int64.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 52)) land 0x7FF) - 1023 in
let mant = Int64.logand bits 0xF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL in
exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int64.logand mant 0xF_0000_0000_0000L = mant
let is_immediate_float32 bits =
let exp = (Int32.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 23)) land 0xFF) - 127 in
let mant = Int32.logand bits 0x7F_FFFFl in
exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int32.logand mant 0x78_0000l = mant
(* Emit .file / .loc debugging directives *)
let print_file_line oc file line =
print_file_line oc comment file line
let print_location oc loc =
if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
match Opt.float_abi with
| Soft -> (FixupEABI.fixup_arguments, FixupEABI.fixup_result)
| Hard -> (FixupHF.fixup_arguments, FixupHF.fixup_result)
(* Printing of instructions *)
let shift_op oc = function
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
fprintf oc " b %a\n" symbol id;
n + 1
| Pbreg(r, sg) ->
- let n =
+ let n =
if r = IR14
then fixup_result oc Outgoing sg
else fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
| Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
fprintf oc " .word %a\n" symbol_offset (symb, ofs)
let print_prologue oc =
fprintf oc " .syntax unified\n";
fprintf oc " .arch %s\n"
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
- let print_epilogue oc =
+ let print_epilogue oc =
if !Clflags.option_g then begin
let high_pc = new_label () in
Debug.add_compilation_section_end ".text" high_pc;
@@ -919,22 +919,22 @@ module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
let default_falignment = 4
let label = elf_label
let new_label = new_label
-let sel_target () =
+let sel_target () =
let module S : PRINTER_OPTIONS = struct
let vfpv3 = Configuration.model >= "armv7"
let float_abi = match Configuration.abi with
| "eabi" -> Soft
| "hardfloat" -> Hard
| _ -> assert false
let hardware_idiv =
match Configuration.model with
| "armv7r" | "armv7m" -> !Clflags.option_mthumb