path: root/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-10-29 16:07:38 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-10-29 16:07:38 +0100
commita1fd37090f00d76326042e8d3c34957a3da87ac0 (patch)
tree21400080e8bd26a9ba37eb313507015e5a72f594 /backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
parentd7cd8a4fbbe00cb6216b1571d747ee62dc44856f (diff)
parent92bb12b37533b7e70fd619edd23fd9a3ee4c247c (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kvx-work' into kvx-test-prepass
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/CSE3analysisproof.v')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v b/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
index ea4d37ca..12048010 100644
--- a/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
+++ b/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
@@ -478,6 +478,27 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
rewrite negb_true_iff in H.
+ Lemma reg_min_sound:
+ forall x y, (reg_min x y) = x \/ (reg_min x y) = y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold reg_min.
+ destruct plt; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma reg_min_rec_sound :
+ forall (l : list reg) (before : reg),
+ In (reg_min_rec l before) l \/
+ reg_min_rec l before = before.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; cbn.
+ { auto. }
+ intro bef.
+ destruct (IHl (reg_min bef a)).
+ { auto. }
+ rewrite H.
+ destruct (reg_min_sound bef a); auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma pick_source_sound :
forall (l : list reg),
@@ -486,47 +507,71 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
| None => True
- unfold pick_source.
- destruct l; simpl; trivial.
- left; trivial.
+ destruct l; cbn; trivial.
+ destruct (reg_min_rec_sound l r); auto.
Hint Resolve pick_source_sound : cse3.
+ Theorem get_sources_sound :
+ forall l src rs m x,
+ (forall i eq,
+ In i l ->
+ eq_catalog ctx i = Some eq ->
+ sem_eq eq rs m) ->
+ (In src (get_sources (ctx := ctx) x l)) ->
+ rs # src = rs # x.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; cbn; intros until x; intros SEM IN.
+ contradiction.
+ destruct (eq_catalog ctx a) eqn:CATALOG.
+ 2: eauto using IHl; fail.
+ pose proof (SEM a e) as SEMeq.
+ destruct e; cbn in *.
+ destruct (is_smove eq_op && peq x eq_lhs) eqn:CORRECT.
+ 2: eauto using IHl; fail.
+ destruct eq_args.
+ eauto using IHl; fail.
+ destruct eq_args.
+ 2: eauto using IHl; fail.
+ cbn in IN.
+ destruct IN.
+ 2: eauto using IHl; fail.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff in CORRECT.
+ intuition.
+ destruct (peq x eq_lhs).
+ 2: discriminate.
+ subst eq_lhs.
+ destruct (is_smove eq_op).
+ 2: discriminate.
+ subst eq_op.
+ subst src.
+ cbn in H2.
+ symmetry.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
Theorem forward_move_sound :
forall rel rs m x,
(sem_rel rel rs m) ->
rs # (forward_move (ctx := ctx) rel x) = rs # x.
- unfold sem_rel, forward_move.
- intros until x.
- intro REL.
- pose proof (pick_source_sound (PSet.elements (PSet.inter rel (eq_moves ctx x)))) as ELEMENT.
- destruct (pick_source (PSet.elements (PSet.inter rel (eq_moves ctx x)))).
- 2: reflexivity.
- destruct (eq_catalog ctx r) as [eq | ] eqn:CATALOG.
- 2: reflexivity.
- specialize REL with (i := r) (eq0 := eq).
- destruct (is_smove (eq_op eq)) as [MOVE | ].
- 2: reflexivity.
- destruct (peq x (eq_lhs eq)).
+ unfold forward_move.
+ intros until x; intros REL.
+ pose proof (pick_source_sound (get_sources (ctx := ctx) x (PSet.elements (PSet.inter rel (eq_moves ctx x))))) as PICK.
+ destruct pick_source.
2: reflexivity.
- simpl.
- subst x.
- rewrite PSet.elements_spec in ELEMENT.
- rewrite PSet.ginter in ELEMENT.
- rewrite andb_true_iff in ELEMENT.
- unfold sem_eq in REL.
- rewrite MOVE in REL.
- simpl in REL.
- destruct (eq_args eq) as [ | h t].
- reflexivity.
- destruct t.
- 2: reflexivity.
- simpl in REL.
- intuition congruence.
+ apply get_sources_sound with (l := (PSet.elements (PSet.inter rel (eq_moves ctx x)))) (m:=m).
+ 2: assumption.
+ intros i eq IN CATALOG.
+ rewrite PSet.elements_spec in IN.
+ rewrite PSet.ginter in IN.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff in IN.
+ destruct IN.
+ unfold sem_rel in REL.
+ apply REL with (i:=i); assumption.
Hint Resolve forward_move_sound : cse3.
Theorem forward_move_l_sound :