path: root/backend/Csharpminor.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-09-04 15:33:05 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-09-04 15:33:05 +0000
commita7c6cf8d4d59e29ed73f9eb8bfc015b0384672a1 (patch)
tree3abfe8b71f399e1f73cd33fd618100f5a421351c /backend/Csharpminor.v
parent73729d23ac13275c0d28d23bc1b1f6056104e5d9 (diff)
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git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@73 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Csharpminor.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 563 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Csharpminor.v b/backend/Csharpminor.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 246ebf53..00000000
--- a/backend/Csharpminor.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-(** Abstract syntax and semantics for the Csharpminor language. *)
-Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import Maps.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Integers.
-Require Import Floats.
-Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
-Require Import Events.
-Require Import Globalenvs.
-(** Abstract syntax *)
-(** Csharpminor is a low-level imperative language structured in expressions,
- statements, functions and programs. Expressions include
- reading global or local variables, reading store locations,
- arithmetic operations, function calls, and conditional expressions
- (similar to [e1 ? e2 : e3] in C). The [Elet] and [Eletvar] constructs
- enable sharing the computations of subexpressions. De Bruijn notation
- is used: [Eletvar n] refers to the value bound by then [n+1]-th enclosing
- [Elet] construct.
- Unlike in Cminor (the next intermediate language of the back-end),
- Csharpminor local variables reside in memory, and their address can
- be taken using [Eaddrof] expressions.
- Another difference with Cminor is that Csharpminor is entirely
- processor-neutral. In particular, Csharpminor uses a standard set of
- operations: it does not reflect processor-specific operations nor
- addressing modes. *)
-Inductive operation : Set :=
- | Ointconst: int -> operation (**r integer constant *)
- | Ofloatconst: float -> operation (**r floating-point constant *)
- | Ocast8unsigned: operation (**r 8-bit zero extension *)
- | Ocast8signed: operation (**r 8-bit sign extension *)
- | Ocast16unsigned: operation (**r 16-bit zero extension *)
- | Ocast16signed: operation (**r 16-bit sign extension *)
- | Onotint: operation (**r bitwise complement *)
- | Oadd: operation (**r integer addition *)
- | Osub: operation (**r integer subtraction *)
- | Omul: operation (**r integer multiplication *)
- | Odiv: operation (**r integer signed division *)
- | Odivu: operation (**r integer unsigned division *)
- | Omod: operation (**r integer signed modulus *)
- | Omodu: operation (**r integer unsigned modulus *)
- | Oand: operation (**r bitwise ``and'' *)
- | Oor: operation (**r bitwise ``or'' *)
- | Oxor: operation (**r bitwise ``xor'' *)
- | Oshl: operation (**r left shift *)
- | Oshr: operation (**r right signed shift *)
- | Oshru: operation (**r right unsigned shift *)
- | Onegf: operation (**r float opposite *)
- | Oabsf: operation (**r float absolute value *)
- | Oaddf: operation (**r float addition *)
- | Osubf: operation (**r float subtraction *)
- | Omulf: operation (**r float multiplication *)
- | Odivf: operation (**r float division *)
- | Osingleoffloat: operation (**r float truncation *)
- | Ointoffloat: operation (**r integer to float *)
- | Ofloatofint: operation (**r float to signed integer *)
- | Ofloatofintu: operation (**r float to unsigned integer *)
- | Ocmp: comparison -> operation (**r integer signed comparison *)
- | Ocmpu: comparison -> operation (**r integer unsigned comparison *)
- | Ocmpf: comparison -> operation. (**r float comparison *)
-Inductive expr : Set :=
- | Evar : ident -> expr (**r reading a scalar variable *)
- | Eaddrof : ident -> expr (**r taking the address of a variable *)
- | Eop : operation -> exprlist -> expr (**r arithmetic operation *)
- | Eload : memory_chunk -> expr -> expr (**r memory read *)
- | Ecall : signature -> expr -> exprlist -> expr (**r function call *)
- | Econdition : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr (**r conditional expression *)
- | Elet : expr -> expr -> expr (**r let binding *)
- | Eletvar : nat -> expr (**r reference to a let-bound variable *)
- | Ealloc : expr -> expr (**r memory allocation *)
-with exprlist : Set :=
- | Enil: exprlist
- | Econs: expr -> exprlist -> exprlist.
-(** Statements include expression evaluation, variable assignment,
- memory stores, an if/then/else conditional,
- infinite loops, blocks and early block exits, and early function returns.
- [Sexit n] terminates prematurely the execution of the [n+1] enclosing
- [Sblock] statements. *)
-Inductive stmt : Set :=
- | Sskip: stmt
- | Sexpr: expr -> stmt
- | Sassign : ident -> expr -> stmt
- | Sstore : memory_chunk -> expr -> expr -> stmt
- | Sseq: stmt -> stmt -> stmt
- | Sifthenelse: expr -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt
- | Sloop: stmt -> stmt
- | Sblock: stmt -> stmt
- | Sexit: nat -> stmt
- | Sswitch: expr -> list (int * nat) -> nat -> stmt
- | Sreturn: option expr -> stmt.
-(** The variables can be either scalar variables
- (whose type, size and signedness are given by a [memory_chunk]
- or array variables (of the indicated sizes). The only operation
- permitted on an array variable is taking its address. *)
-Inductive var_kind : Set :=
- | Vscalar: memory_chunk -> var_kind
- | Varray: Z -> var_kind.
-(** Functions are composed of a signature, a list of parameter names
- with associated memory chunks (parameters must be scalar), a list of
- local variables with associated [var_kind] description, and a
- statement representing the function body. *)
-Record function : Set := mkfunction {
- fn_sig: signature;
- fn_params: list (ident * memory_chunk);
- fn_vars: list (ident * var_kind);
- fn_body: stmt
-Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
-Record program : Set := mkprogram {
- prog_funct: list (ident * fundef);
- prog_main: ident;
- prog_vars: list (ident * var_kind * list init_data)
-Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
- match fd with
- | Internal f => f.(fn_sig)
- | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
- end.
-(** * Operational semantics *)
-(** The operational semantics for Csharpminor is given in big-step operational
- style. Expressions evaluate to values, and statements evaluate to
- ``outcomes'' indicating how execution should proceed afterwards. *)
-Inductive outcome: Set :=
- | Out_normal: outcome (**r continue in sequence *)
- | Out_exit: nat -> outcome (**r terminate [n+1] enclosing blocks *)
- | Out_return: option val -> outcome. (**r return immediately to caller *)
-Definition outcome_result_value
- (out: outcome) (ot: option typ) (v: val) : Prop :=
- match out, ot with
- | Out_normal, None => v = Vundef
- | Out_return None, None => v = Vundef
- | Out_return (Some v'), Some ty => v = v'
- | _, _ => False
- end.
-Definition outcome_block (out: outcome) : outcome :=
- match out with
- | Out_normal => Out_normal
- | Out_exit O => Out_normal
- | Out_exit (S n) => Out_exit n
- | Out_return optv => Out_return optv
- end.
-Fixpoint switch_target (n: int) (dfl: nat) (cases: list (int * nat))
- {struct cases} : nat :=
- match cases with
- | nil => dfl
- | (n1, lbl1) :: rem => if Int.eq n n1 then lbl1 else switch_target n dfl rem
- end.
-(** Four kinds of evaluation environments are involved:
-- [genv]: global environments, define symbols and functions;
-- [gvarenv]: map global variables to var info;
-- [env]: local environments, map local variables to memory blocks + var info;
-- [lenv]: let environments, map de Bruijn indices to values.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
-Definition gvarenv := PTree.t var_kind.
-Definition env := PTree.t (block * var_kind).
-Definition empty_env : env := PTree.empty (block * var_kind).
-Definition letenv := list val.
-Definition sizeof (lv: var_kind) : Z :=
- match lv with
- | Vscalar chunk => size_chunk chunk
- | Varray sz => Zmax 0 sz
- end.
-Definition program_of_program (p: program): AST.program fundef :=
- AST.mkprogram
- p.(prog_funct)
- p.(prog_main)
- (List.map (fun x => match x with (id, k, init) => (id, init) end) p.(prog_vars)).
-Definition fn_variables (f: function) :=
- List.map
- (fun id_chunk => (fst id_chunk, Vscalar (snd id_chunk))) f.(fn_params)
- ++ f.(fn_vars).
-Definition fn_params_names (f: function) :=
- List.map (@fst ident memory_chunk) f.(fn_params).
-Definition fn_vars_names (f: function) :=
- List.map (@fst ident var_kind) f.(fn_vars).
-Definition global_var_env (p: program): gvarenv :=
- List.fold_left
- (fun gve x => match x with (id, k, init) => PTree.set id k gve end)
- p.(prog_vars) (PTree.empty var_kind).
-(** Evaluation of operator applications. *)
-Definition eval_compare_null (c: comparison) (n: int) : option val :=
- if Int.eq n Int.zero
- then match c with Ceq => Some Vfalse | Cne => Some Vtrue | _ => None end
- else None.
-Definition eval_operation (op: operation) (vl: list val) (m: mem): option val :=
- match op, vl with
- | Ointconst n, nil => Some (Vint n)
- | Ofloatconst n, nil => Some (Vfloat n)
- | Ocast8unsigned, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.cast8unsigned n1))
- | Ocast8signed, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.cast8signed n1))
- | Ocast16unsigned, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.cast16unsigned n1))
- | Ocast16signed, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.cast16signed n1))
- | Onotint, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.not n1))
- | Oadd, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.add n1 n2))
- | Oadd, Vint n1 :: Vptr b2 n2 :: nil => Some (Vptr b2 (Int.add n2 n1))
- | Oadd, Vptr b1 n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vptr b1 (Int.add n1 n2))
- | Osub, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2))
- | Osub, Vptr b1 n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vptr b1 (Int.sub n1 n2))
- | Osub, Vptr b1 n1 :: Vptr b2 n2 :: nil =>
- if eq_block b1 b2 then Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2)) else None
- | Omul, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.mul n1 n2))
- | Odiv, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.divs n1 n2))
- | Odivu, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.divu n1 n2))
- | Omod, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.mods n1 n2))
- | Omodu, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.eq n2 Int.zero then None else Some (Vint (Int.modu n1 n2))
- | Oand, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.and n1 n2))
- | Oor, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.or n1 n2))
- | Oxor, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.xor n1 n2))
- | Oshl, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shl n1 n2)) else None
- | Oshr, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shr n1 n2)) else None
- | Oshru, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shru n1 n2)) else None
- | Onegf, Vfloat f1 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.neg f1))
- | Oabsf, Vfloat f1 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.abs f1))
- | Oaddf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.add f1 f2))
- | Osubf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.sub f1 f2))
- | Omulf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.mul f1 f2))
- | Odivf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.div f1 f2))
- | Osingleoffloat, Vfloat f1 :: nil =>
- Some (Vfloat (Float.singleoffloat f1))
- | Ointoffloat, Vfloat f1 :: nil =>
- Some (Vint (Float.intoffloat f1))
- | Ofloatofint, Vint n1 :: nil =>
- Some (Vfloat (Float.floatofint n1))
- | Ofloatofintu, Vint n1 :: nil =>
- Some (Vfloat (Float.floatofintu n1))
- | Ocmp c, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- Some (Val.of_bool(Int.cmp c n1 n2))
- | Ocmp c, Vptr b1 n1 :: Vptr b2 n2 :: nil =>
- if valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed n1)
- && valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed n2) then
- if eq_block b1 b2 then Some(Val.of_bool(Int.cmp c n1 n2)) else None
- else
- None
- | Ocmp c, Vptr b1 n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => eval_compare_null c n2
- | Ocmp c, Vint n1 :: Vptr b2 n2 :: nil => eval_compare_null c n1
- | Ocmpu c, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
- Some (Val.of_bool(Int.cmpu c n1 n2))
- | Ocmpf c, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil =>
- Some (Val.of_bool (Float.cmp c f1 f2))
- | _, _ => None
- end.
-(** Allocation of local variables at function entry. Each variable is
- bound to the reference to a fresh block of the appropriate size. *)
-Inductive alloc_variables: env -> mem ->
- list (ident * var_kind) ->
- env -> mem -> list block -> Prop :=
- | alloc_variables_nil:
- forall e m,
- alloc_variables e m nil e m nil
- | alloc_variables_cons:
- forall e m id lv vars m1 b1 m2 e2 lb,
- Mem.alloc m 0 (sizeof lv) = (m1, b1) ->
- alloc_variables (PTree.set id (b1, lv) e) m1 vars e2 m2 lb ->
- alloc_variables e m ((id, lv) :: vars) e2 m2 (b1 :: lb).
-(** Initialization of local variables that are parameters. The value
- of the corresponding argument is stored into the memory block
- bound to the parameter. *)
-Inductive bind_parameters: env ->
- mem -> list (ident * memory_chunk) -> list val ->
- mem -> Prop :=
- | bind_parameters_nil:
- forall e m,
- bind_parameters e m nil nil m
- | bind_parameters_cons:
- forall e m id chunk params v1 vl b m1 m2,
- PTree.get id e = Some (b, Vscalar chunk) ->
- Mem.store chunk m b 0 v1 = Some m1 ->
- bind_parameters e m1 params vl m2 ->
- bind_parameters e m ((id, chunk) :: params) (v1 :: vl) m2.
-Section RELSEM.
-Variable prg: program.
-Let ge := Genv.globalenv (program_of_program prg).
-(* Evaluation of the address of a variable:
- [eval_var_addr prg ge e id b] states that variable [id]
- in environment [e] evaluates to block [b]. *)
-Inductive eval_var_addr: env -> ident -> block -> Prop :=
- | eval_var_addr_local:
- forall e id b vi,
- PTree.get id e = Some (b, vi) ->
- eval_var_addr e id b
- | eval_var_addr_global:
- forall e id b,
- PTree.get id e = None ->
- Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b ->
- eval_var_addr e id b.
-(* Evaluation of a reference to a scalar variable:
- [eval_var_ref prg ge e id b chunk] states
- that variable [id] in environment [e] evaluates to block [b]
- and is associated with the memory chunk [chunk]. *)
-Inductive eval_var_ref: env -> ident -> block -> memory_chunk -> Prop :=
- | eval_var_ref_local:
- forall e id b chunk,
- PTree.get id e = Some (b, Vscalar chunk) ->
- eval_var_ref e id b chunk
- | eval_var_ref_global:
- forall e id b chunk,
- PTree.get id e = None ->
- Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b ->
- PTree.get id (global_var_env prg) = Some (Vscalar chunk) ->
- eval_var_ref e id b chunk.
-(** Evaluation of an expression: [eval_expr prg le e m a m' v] states
- that expression [a], in initial memory state [m], evaluates to value
- [v]. [m'] is the final memory state, respectively, reflecting
- memory stores possibly performed by [a]. [e] and [le] are the
- local environment and let environment respectively. *)
-Inductive eval_expr:
- letenv -> env ->
- mem -> expr -> trace -> mem -> val -> Prop :=
- | eval_Evar:
- forall le e m id b chunk v,
- eval_var_ref e id b chunk ->
- Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v ->
- eval_expr le e m (Evar id) E0 m v
- | eval_Eaddrof:
- forall le e m id b,
- eval_var_addr e id b ->
- eval_expr le e m (Eaddrof id) E0 m (Vptr b Int.zero)
- | eval_Eop:
- forall le e m op al t m1 vl v,
- eval_exprlist le e m al t m1 vl ->
- eval_operation op vl m1 = Some v ->
- eval_expr le e m (Eop op al) t m1 v
- | eval_Eload:
- forall le e m chunk a t m1 v1 v,
- eval_expr le e m a t m1 v1 ->
- Mem.loadv chunk m1 v1 = Some v ->
- eval_expr le e m (Eload chunk a) t m1 v
- | eval_Ecall:
- forall le e m sig a bl t1 m1 t2 m2 t3 m3 vf vargs vres f t,
- eval_expr le e m a t1 m1 vf ->
- eval_exprlist le e m1 bl t2 m2 vargs ->
- Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some f ->
- funsig f = sig ->
- eval_funcall m2 f vargs t3 m3 vres ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ** t3 ->
- eval_expr le e m (Ecall sig a bl) t m3 vres
- | eval_Econdition_true:
- forall le e m a b c t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 v2 t,
- eval_expr le e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- Val.is_true v1 ->
- eval_expr le e m1 b t2 m2 v2 ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- eval_expr le e m (Econdition a b c) t m2 v2
- | eval_Econdition_false:
- forall le e m a b c t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 v2 t,
- eval_expr le e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- Val.is_false v1 ->
- eval_expr le e m1 c t2 m2 v2 ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- eval_expr le e m (Econdition a b c) t m2 v2
- | eval_Elet:
- forall le e m a b t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 v2 t,
- eval_expr le e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- eval_expr (v1::le) e m1 b t2 m2 v2 ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- eval_expr le e m (Elet a b) t m2 v2
- | eval_Eletvar:
- forall le e m n v,
- nth_error le n = Some v ->
- eval_expr le e m (Eletvar n) E0 m v
- | eval_Ealloc:
- forall le e m a t m1 n m2 b,
- eval_expr le e m a t m1 (Vint n) ->
- Mem.alloc m1 0 (Int.signed n) = (m2, b) ->
- eval_expr le e m (Ealloc a) t m2 (Vptr b Int.zero)
-(** Evaluation of a list of expressions:
- [eval_exprlist prg le al m a m' vl]
- states that the list [al] of expressions evaluate
- to the list [vl] of values.
- The other parameters are as in [eval_expr].
-with eval_exprlist:
- letenv -> env ->
- mem -> exprlist -> trace ->
- mem -> list val -> Prop :=
- | eval_Enil:
- forall le e m,
- eval_exprlist le e m Enil E0 m nil
- | eval_Econs:
- forall le e m a bl t1 m1 v t2 m2 vl t,
- eval_expr le e m a t1 m1 v ->
- eval_exprlist le e m1 bl t2 m2 vl ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- eval_exprlist le e m (Econs a bl) t m2 (v :: vl)
-(** Evaluation of a function invocation: [eval_funcall prg m f args m' res]
- means that the function [f], applied to the arguments [args] in
- memory state [m], returns the value [res] in modified memory state [m'].
-with eval_funcall:
- mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace ->
- mem -> val -> Prop :=
- | eval_funcall_internal:
- forall m f vargs e m1 lb m2 t m3 out vres,
- list_norepet (fn_params_names f ++ fn_vars_names f) ->
- alloc_variables empty_env m (fn_variables f) e m1 lb ->
- bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
- exec_stmt e m2 f.(fn_body) t m3 out ->
- outcome_result_value out f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) vres ->
- eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t (Mem.free_list m3 lb) vres
- | eval_funcall_external:
- forall m ef vargs t vres,
- event_match ef vargs t vres ->
- eval_funcall m (External ef) vargs t m vres
-(** Execution of a statement: [exec_stmt prg e m s m' out]
- means that statement [s] executes with outcome [out].
- The other parameters are as in [eval_expr]. *)
-with exec_stmt:
- env ->
- mem -> stmt -> trace ->
- mem -> outcome -> Prop :=
- | exec_Sskip:
- forall e m,
- exec_stmt e m Sskip E0 m Out_normal
- | exec_Sexpr:
- forall e m a t m1 v,
- eval_expr nil e m a t m1 v ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sexpr a) t m1 Out_normal
- | eval_Sassign:
- forall e m id a t m1 b chunk v m2,
- eval_expr nil e m a t m1 v ->
- eval_var_ref e id b chunk ->
- Mem.store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sassign id a) t m2 Out_normal
- | eval_Sstore:
- forall e m chunk a b t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 v2 t3 m3,
- eval_expr nil e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- eval_expr nil e m1 b t2 m2 v2 ->
- Mem.storev chunk m2 v1 v2 = Some m3 ->
- t3 = t1 ** t2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sstore chunk a b) t3 m3 Out_normal
- | exec_Sseq_continue:
- forall e m s1 s2 t1 t2 m1 m2 t out,
- exec_stmt e m s1 t1 m1 Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e m1 s2 t2 m2 out ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sseq s1 s2) t m2 out
- | exec_Sseq_stop:
- forall e m s1 s2 t1 m1 out,
- exec_stmt e m s1 t1 m1 out ->
- out <> Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sseq s1 s2) t1 m1 out
- | exec_Sifthenelse_true:
- forall e m a sl1 sl2 t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 out t,
- eval_expr nil e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- Val.is_true v1 ->
- exec_stmt e m1 sl1 t2 m2 out ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sifthenelse a sl1 sl2) t m2 out
- | exec_Sifthenelse_false:
- forall e m a sl1 sl2 t1 m1 v1 t2 m2 out t,
- eval_expr nil e m a t1 m1 v1 ->
- Val.is_false v1 ->
- exec_stmt e m1 sl2 t2 m2 out ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sifthenelse a sl1 sl2) t m2 out
- | exec_Sloop_loop:
- forall e m sl t1 m1 t2 m2 out t,
- exec_stmt e m sl t1 m1 Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e m1 (Sloop sl) t2 m2 out ->
- t = t1 ** t2 ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sloop sl) t m2 out
- | exec_Sloop_stop:
- forall e m sl t1 m1 out,
- exec_stmt e m sl t1 m1 out ->
- out <> Out_normal ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sloop sl) t1 m1 out
- | exec_Sblock:
- forall e m sl t1 m1 out,
- exec_stmt e m sl t1 m1 out ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sblock sl) t1 m1 (outcome_block out)
- | exec_Sexit:
- forall e m n,
- exec_stmt e m (Sexit n) E0 m (Out_exit n)
- | exec_Sswitch:
- forall e m a cases default t1 m1 n,
- eval_expr nil e m a t1 m1 (Vint n) ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sswitch a cases default)
- t1 m1 (Out_exit (switch_target n default cases))
- | exec_Sreturn_none:
- forall e m,
- exec_stmt e m (Sreturn None) E0 m (Out_return None)
- | exec_Sreturn_some:
- forall e m a t1 m1 v,
- eval_expr nil e m a t1 m1 v ->
- exec_stmt e m (Sreturn (Some a)) t1 m1 (Out_return (Some v)).
-Scheme eval_expr_ind4 := Minimality for eval_expr Sort Prop
- with eval_exprlist_ind4 := Minimality for eval_exprlist Sort Prop
- with eval_funcall_ind4 := Minimality for eval_funcall Sort Prop
- with exec_stmt_ind4 := Minimality for exec_stmt Sort Prop.
-(** Execution of a whole program: [exec_program p r]
- holds if the application of [p]'s main function to no arguments
- in the initial memory state for [p] eventually returns value [r]. *)
-Definition exec_program (p: program) (t: trace) (r: val) : Prop :=
- let ge := Genv.globalenv (program_of_program p) in
- let m0 := Genv.init_mem (program_of_program p) in
- exists b, exists f, exists m,
- Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b /\
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f /\
- funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) /\
- eval_funcall p m0 f nil t m r.