path: root/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-10-09 17:11:03 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-10-09 17:11:03 +0200
commit284318e533d3f2a659b65722f7d354f59396ab06 (patch)
treeda1e4059c8550dd5e679644ab417346d623193a0 /backend/Duplicateaux.ml
parent45e689e558d839b512d39b0e25083b5928f5dd58 (diff)
[BROKEN] Implementing trace selection from Chang & Hwu 1988, to be debugged
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Duplicateaux.ml')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
index 9ff2ae55..d0df9b23 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,162 @@
open RTL
open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+(* TTL : IR emphasizing the preferred next node *)
+module TTL = struct
+ type instruction =
+ | Tleaf of RTL.instruction
+ | Tnext of node * RTL.instruction
+ type code = instruction PTree.t
+open TTL
+(** RTL to TTL *)
+(* FIXME - for now, random choice *)
+let select_one n n' = if Random.bool () then n else n'
+let to_ttl_inst = function
+| Ireturn o -> Tleaf (Ireturn o)
+| Inop n -> Tnext (n, Inop n)
+| Iop (op, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Iop(op, lr, r, n))
+| Iload (m, a, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Iload(m, a, lr, r, n))
+| Istore (m, a, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Istore(m, a, lr, r, n))
+| Icall (s, ri, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Icall(s, ri, lr, r, n))
+| Itailcall (s, ri, lr) -> Tleaf (Itailcall(s, ri, lr))
+| Ibuiltin (ef, lbr, br, n) -> Tnext (n, Ibuiltin(ef, lbr, br, n))
+| Icond (cond, lr, n, n') -> Tnext (select_one n n', Icond(cond, lr, n, n'))
+| Ijumptable (r, ln) -> Tnext (List.hd ln, Ijumptable(r, ln))
+let rec to_ttl_code_rec = function
+| [] -> PTree.empty
+| m::lm -> let (n, i) = m in PTree.set n (to_ttl_inst i) (to_ttl_code_rec lm)
+let to_ttl_code code = begin
+ Random.init(0); (* using same seed to make it deterministic *)
+ to_ttl_code_rec (PTree.elements code)
+(** Trace selection on TTL *)
+let rec exists_false_rec = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | m::lm -> let (_, b) = m in if b then exists_false_rec lm else true
+let exists_false boolmap = exists_false_rec (PTree.elements boolmap)
+let get_some = function
+| None -> failwith "Did not get some"
+| Some thing -> thing
+(* FIXME - heuristic : starting from entrypoint, then going downward *)
+let bfs code entrypoint =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let rec bfs_list code = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | node :: ln ->
+ let node_bfs =
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) then begin
+ visited := PTree.set node true !visited;
+ match PTree.get node code with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node"
+ | Some ti -> [node] @ match ti with
+ | Tleaf i -> []
+ | Tnext (n,i) -> (bfs_list code [n]) @ match i with
+ | Icond (_, _, n1, n2) -> bfs_list code [n1; n2]
+ | Ijumptable (_, ln) -> bfs_list code ln
+ | _ -> []
+ end
+ else []
+ in node_bfs @ (bfs_list code ln)
+ in bfs_list code [entrypoint]
+let rec select_unvisited_node is_visited = function
+| [] -> failwith "Empty list"
+| n :: ln -> if (get_some @@ PTree.get n is_visited) then n else select_unvisited_node is_visited ln
+let best_successor_of node code =
+ match (PTree.get node code) with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node in the code"
+ | Some ti -> match ti with
+ | Tleaf _ -> None
+ | Tnext (n,_) -> Some n
+let best_predecessor_of node predecessors order =
+ match (PTree.get node predecessors) with
+ | None -> failwith "No predecessor list found"
+ | Some lp -> try Some (List.find (fun n -> List.mem n lp) order)
+ with Not_found -> None
+let get_predecessors code =
+ let preds = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> []) code) in
+ let process_inst (node, ti) = match ti with
+ | Tleaf _ -> ()
+ | Tnext (_, i) -> let succ = match i with
+ | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n)
+ | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) -> [n]
+ | Icond (_,_,n1,n2) -> [n1;n2]
+ | Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln
+ | _ -> []
+ in List.iter (fun s -> preds := PTree.set s (node::(get_some @@ PTree.get s !preds)) !preds) succ
+ in begin
+ List.iter process_inst (PTree.elements code);
+ !preds
+ end
+(* Algorithm from Chang and Hwu 1988
+ * "Trace Selection for Compiling Large C Application Programs to Microcode" *)
+let select_trace code entrypoint =
+ let order = bfs code entrypoint in
+ let predecessors = get_predecessors code in
+ let trace = ref [] in
+ let is_visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in begin (* mark all nodes visited *)
+ while exists_false !is_visited do (* while (there are unvisited nodes) *)
+ let seed = select_unvisited_node !is_visited order in
+ let current = ref seed in begin
+ is_visited := PTree.set seed true !is_visited; (* mark seed visited *)
+ let quit_loop = ref false in begin
+ while not !quit_loop do
+ let s = best_successor_of !current code in
+ match s with
+ | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *)
+ | Some succ -> begin
+ trace := succ :: !trace; (* FIXME - reverse append *)
+ is_visited := PTree.set succ true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *)
+ current := succ
+ end
+ done;
+ current := seed;
+ quit_loop := false;
+ while not !quit_loop do
+ let s = best_predecessor_of !current predecessors order in
+ match s with
+ | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *)
+ | Some pred -> begin
+ trace := pred :: !trace;
+ is_visited := PTree.set pred true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *)
+ current := pred
+ end
+ done
+ end
+ end
+ done;
+ !trace
+ end
+(* for debugging *)
+let print_trace trace =
+ let rec f = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | n::ln -> (Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int n); f ln)
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "Trace: [";
+ f trace;
+ Printf.printf "]\n"
+ end
let rec make_identity_ptree_rec = function
| [] -> PTree.empty
@@ -9,5 +166,9 @@ let make_identity_ptree f = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements (fn_code f))
(* For now, identity function *)
let duplicate_aux f =
- let pTreeId = make_identity_ptree f
- in (((fn_code f), (fn_entrypoint f)), pTreeId)
+ let pTreeId = make_identity_ptree f in
+ let trace = select_trace (to_ttl_code @@ fn_code f) (fn_entrypoint f)
+ in begin
+ print_trace trace;
+ (((fn_code f), (fn_entrypoint f)), pTreeId)
+ end