path: root/backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v
diff options
authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-10-21 09:15:40 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-10-21 09:15:40 +0200
commit0f47c1dbf3cee6845df9c4c3da0924ed4e10a9c4 (patch)
treeb0799e5d8e4ae62a9ae47c5358a62630c7a4efc3 /backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v
parent647471e5b084703d1c817c02ef4298c474d3d571 (diff)
parent3f99a42035389b1953030af8490a5ec18a64394f (diff)
Merge branch 'kvx-work' into aarch64_block_bodystar
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v b/backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..629aa6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/KillUselessMovesproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+Require Import Axioms.
+Require Import FunInd.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
+Require Import AST Linking.
+Require Import Values Memory Globalenvs Events Smallstep.
+Require Import Registers Op RTL.
+Require Import KillUselessMoves.
+Definition match_prog (p tp: RTL.program) :=
+ match_program (fun ctx f tf => tf = transf_fundef f) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall p, match_prog p (transf_program p).
+ intros. eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+Variables prog tprog: program.
+Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Lemma functions_translated:
+ forall v f,
+ Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (transf_fundef f).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma function_ptr_translated:
+ forall v f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some (transf_fundef f).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma symbols_preserved:
+ forall id,
+ Genv.find_symbol tge id = Genv.find_symbol ge id.
+Proof (Genv.find_symbol_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma senv_preserved:
+ Senv.equiv ge tge.
+Proof (Genv.senv_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma sig_preserved:
+ forall f, funsig (transf_fundef f) = funsig f.
+ destruct f; reflexivity.
+Lemma find_function_translated:
+ forall ros rs fd,
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ find_function tge ros rs = Some (transf_fundef fd).
+ unfold find_function; intros. destruct ros as [r|id].
+ eapply functions_translated; eauto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); try congruence.
+ eapply function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+Lemma transf_function_at:
+ forall f pc i,
+ f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i ->
+ (transf_function f).(fn_code)!pc = Some(transf_instr pc i).
+ intros until i. intro Hcode.
+ unfold transf_function; simpl.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap.
+ unfold option_map.
+ rewrite Hcode.
+ reflexivity.
+Ltac TR_AT :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ A: (fn_code _)!_ = Some _ |- _ ] =>
+ generalize (transf_function_at _ _ _ A); intros
+ end.
+Section SAME_RS.
+ Context {A : Type}.
+ Definition same_rs (rs rs' : Regmap.t A) :=
+ forall x, rs # x = rs' # x.
+ Lemma same_rs_refl : forall rs, same_rs rs rs.
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_comm : forall rs rs', (same_rs rs rs') -> (same_rs rs' rs).
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_trans : forall rs1 rs2 rs3,
+ (same_rs rs1 rs2) -> (same_rs rs2 rs3) -> (same_rs rs1 rs3).
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_idem_write : forall rs r,
+ (same_rs rs (rs # r <- (rs # r))).
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Regmap.gsident.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_read:
+ forall rs rs' r, (same_rs rs rs') -> rs # r = rs' # r.
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_subst:
+ forall rs rs' l, (same_rs rs rs') -> rs ## l = rs' ## l.
+ Proof.
+ induction l; cbn; intuition congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_write: forall rs rs' r x,
+ (same_rs rs rs') -> (same_rs (rs # r <- x) (rs' # r <- x)).
+ Proof.
+ unfold same_rs.
+ intros.
+ destruct (peq r x0).
+ { subst x0.
+ rewrite Regmap.gss. rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma same_rs_setres:
+ forall rs rs' (SAME: same_rs rs rs') res vres,
+ same_rs (regmap_setres res vres rs) (regmap_setres res vres rs').
+ Proof.
+ induction res; cbn; auto using same_rs_write.
+ Qed.
+Lemma same_find_function: forall tge rs rs' (SAME: same_rs rs rs') ros,
+ find_function tge ros rs = find_function tge ros rs'.
+ destruct ros; cbn.
+ { rewrite (same_rs_read rs rs' r SAME).
+ reflexivity. }
+ reflexivity.
+Inductive match_frames: RTL.stackframe -> RTL.stackframe -> Prop :=
+| match_frames_intro: forall res f sp pc rs rs' (SAME : same_rs rs rs'),
+ match_frames (Stackframe res f sp pc rs)
+ (Stackframe res (transf_function f) sp pc rs').
+Inductive match_states: RTL.state -> RTL.state -> Prop :=
+ | match_regular_states: forall stk f sp pc rs rs' m stk'
+ (SAME: same_rs rs rs')
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ match_states (State stk f sp pc rs m)
+ (State stk' (transf_function f) sp pc rs' m)
+ | match_callstates: forall stk f args m stk'
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ match_states (Callstate stk f args m)
+ (Callstate stk' (transf_fundef f) args m)
+ | match_returnstates: forall stk v m stk'
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ match_states (Returnstate stk v m)
+ (Returnstate stk' v m).
+Lemma step_simulation:
+ forall S1 t S2, RTL.step ge S1 t S2 ->
+ forall S1', match_states S1 S1' ->
+ exists S2', RTL.step tge S1' t S2' /\ match_states S2 S2'.
+ induction 1; intros S1' MS; inv MS; try TR_AT.
+- (* nop *)
+ econstructor; split. eapply exec_Inop; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+- (* op *)
+ cbn in H1.
+ destruct (_ && _) eqn:IS_MOVE in H1.
+ {
+ destruct eq_operation in IS_MOVE. 2: discriminate.
+ destruct list_eq_dec in IS_MOVE. 2: discriminate.
+ subst op. subst args.
+ clear IS_MOVE.
+ cbn in H0.
+ inv H0.
+ econstructor; split.
+ { eapply exec_Inop; eauto. }
+ constructor.
+ 2: assumption.
+ eapply same_rs_trans.
+ { apply same_rs_comm.
+ apply same_rs_idem_write.
+ }
+ assumption.
+ }
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Iop with (v := v); eauto.
+ rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ constructor; auto using same_rs_write.
+(* load *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs' ## args = Some a).
+ { rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ }
+ eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
+ constructor; auto using same_rs_write.
+- (* load notrap1 *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs' ## args = None).
+ { rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ }
+ eapply exec_Iload_notrap1; eauto.
+ constructor; auto using same_rs_write.
+- (* load notrap2 *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs' ## args = Some a).
+ { rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ }
+ eapply exec_Iload_notrap2; eauto.
+ constructor; auto using same_rs_write.
+- (* store *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs' ## args = Some a).
+ { rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ }
+ rewrite (same_rs_read rs rs' src SAME) in H1.
+ eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* call *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Icall with (fd := transf_fundef fd); eauto.
+ eapply find_function_translated; eauto.
+ { rewrite <- (same_find_function ge rs rs') by assumption.
+ assumption. }
+ apply sig_preserved.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ constructor. constructor; auto. constructor; auto.
+(* tailcall *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Itailcall with (fd := transf_fundef fd); eauto.
+ eapply find_function_translated; eauto.
+ { rewrite <- (same_find_function ge rs rs') by assumption.
+ assumption. }
+ apply sig_preserved.
+ rewrite (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME).
+ constructor. auto.
+(* builtin *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply eval_builtin_args_preserved with (ge1 := ge); eauto. exact symbols_preserved.
+ {
+ replace (fun r : positive => rs' # r) with (fun r : positive => rs # r).
+ eassumption.
+ apply functional_extensionality.
+ auto using same_rs_read.
+ }
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
+ constructor; auto.
+ auto using same_rs_setres.
+(* cond *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (same_rs_subst rs rs' args SAME); eassumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* jumptbl *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (same_rs_read rs rs' arg SAME); eassumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* return *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ destruct or; cbn.
+ + rewrite <- (same_rs_read rs rs' r SAME) by auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ + constructor; auto.
+(* internal function *)
+- simpl. econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ cbn.
+ apply same_rs_refl.
+(* external function *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* return *)
+- inv STACKS. inv H1.
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_return; eauto.
+ constructor; auto using same_rs_write.
+Lemma transf_initial_states:
+ forall S1, RTL.initial_state prog S1 ->
+ exists S2, RTL.initial_state tprog S2 /\ match_states S1 S2.
+ intros. inv H. econstructor; split.
+ econstructor.
+ eapply (Genv.init_mem_transf TRANSL); eauto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. rewrite (match_program_main TRANSL). eauto.
+ eapply function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H3; apply sig_preserved.
+ constructor. constructor.
+Lemma transf_final_states:
+ forall S1 S2 r, match_states S1 S2 -> RTL.final_state S1 r -> RTL.final_state S2 r.
+ intros. inv H0. inv H. inv STACKS. constructor.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog).
+ eapply forward_simulation_step.
+ apply senv_preserved.
+ eexact transf_initial_states.
+ eexact transf_final_states.
+ exact step_simulation.