path: root/backend/MyAllocation.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-13 09:53:07 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-13 09:53:07 +0000
commit307da4d1fb744bb3c66e5a43acd7702f0ce1b7ac (patch)
tree1f8ce41f366bf19b777a1934ae0b1eb09be0a9f3 /backend/MyAllocation.v
parent33a4bcf3695d0ee2793b3bdd12f6ee787d152f36 (diff)
Backtracking on commit 1220v1.6
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1228 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/MyAllocation.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1434 deletions
diff --git a/backend/MyAllocation.v b/backend/MyAllocation.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5f3e3d..00000000
--- a/backend/MyAllocation.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1434 +0,0 @@
-Require Import IRC.
-Require Import IRCColoring.
-Require Import Graph_translation.
-Require Import MyRegisters.
-Require Import Locations.
-Require Import RTLtyping.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Typed_interfgraphs.
-Require Import Edges.
-Require Import Graph_Facts.
-Require Import Interference_adjacency.
-Require Import InterfGraph.
-Require Import Conventions.
-Require Import Palettes.
-Require Import InterfGraph_Construction.
-Require Import WS.
-Require Import Conservative_criteria.
-Require Import IRC_graph.
-Require Import IRC_Graph_Functions.
-Require Import InterfGraphMapImp.
-Require Import Registers.
-Import Props Edge RegFacts.
-Module ColFacts := FMapFacts.Facts ColorMap.
-Definition graph_coloring_aux x int_map float_map env :=
-match (Regs.get_type (Regs.P x) env) with
-| Tint => match (map_to_coloring int_map (Regs.P x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P z) => S (Local Z0 Tint)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos x) Tint)
- end
-| Tfloat => match (map_to_coloring float_map (Regs.P x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P z) => S (Local Z0 Tfloat)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos x) Tfloat)
- end
-Definition reg_translation s :=
-Regset.fold (fun v s => VertexSet.add (Regs.reg_to_Reg v) s) s VertexSet.empty.
-Definition mreg_translation s :=
-MRegset.fold (fun v s => VertexSet.add (Regs.mreg_to_Reg v) s) s VertexSet.empty.
-Definition Typed_interfgraphs g env :=
-let regreg_interf_partition :=
-regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env in
-let int_regreg_interf_edge := rr1 regreg_interf_partition in
-let float_regreg_interf_edge := rr2 regreg_interf_partition in
-let int_regreg_interf_reg := rr3 regreg_interf_partition in
-let float_regreg_interf_reg := rr4 regreg_interf_partition in
-let regmreg_interf_partition :=
-regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env in
-let int_regmreg_interf_edge := rm1 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let float_regmreg_interf_edge := rm2 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let int_regmreg_interf_reg := rm3 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let float_regmreg_interf_reg := rm4 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let int_regmreg_interf_mreg := rm5 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let float_regmreg_interf_mreg := rm6 regmreg_interf_partition in
-let regreg_pref_partition :=
-regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env in
-let int_regreg_pref_edge := rr1 regreg_pref_partition in
-let float_regreg_pref_edge := rr2 regreg_pref_partition in
-let int_regreg_pref_reg := rr3 regreg_pref_partition in
-let float_regreg_pref_reg := rr4 regreg_pref_partition in
-let regmreg_pref_partition :=
-regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env in
-let int_regmreg_pref_edge := rm1 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let float_regmreg_pref_edge := rm2 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let int_regmreg_pref_reg := rm3 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let float_regmreg_pref_reg := rm4 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let int_regmreg_pref_mreg := rm5 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let float_regmreg_pref_mreg := rm6 regmreg_pref_partition in
-let int_regs := Regset.union int_regreg_interf_reg
- (Regset.union int_regmreg_interf_reg
- (Regset.union int_regreg_pref_reg int_regmreg_pref_reg)) in
-let float_regs := Regset.union float_regreg_interf_reg
- (Regset.union float_regmreg_interf_reg
- (Regset.union float_regreg_pref_reg float_regmreg_pref_reg)) in
-let int_mregs := MRegset.union int_regmreg_interf_mreg int_regmreg_pref_mreg in
-let float_mregs := MRegset.union float_regmreg_interf_mreg float_regmreg_pref_mreg in
-let int_Regs := VertexSet.union (reg_translation int_regs) (mreg_translation int_mregs) in
-let float_Regs := VertexSet.union (reg_translation float_regs) (mreg_translation float_mregs) in
-mkgraph int_regreg_interf_edge int_regmreg_interf_edge int_regreg_pref_edge int_regmreg_pref_edge,
-mkgraph float_regreg_interf_edge float_regmreg_interf_edge float_regreg_pref_edge float_regmreg_pref_edge).
-Lemma extremities_int_interf_graph : forall g env,
-forall e, EdgeSet.In e (interfgraph_affinity_edges (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))))) \/
- EdgeSet.In e (interfgraph_interference_edges (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))))) ->
- VertexSet.In (fst_ext e) (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) /\
- VertexSet.In (snd_ext e) (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))).
-Lemma extremities_float_interf_graph : forall g env,
-forall e, EdgeSet.In e (interfgraph_affinity_edges (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) \/
- EdgeSet.In e (interfgraph_interference_edges (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) ->
- VertexSet.In (fst_ext e) (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) /\
- VertexSet.In (snd_ext e) (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))).
-Definition my_graph_coloring g env :=
-let typed_graphs := Typed_interfgraphs g env in
-let intR := fst (fst (fst typed_graphs)) in
-let intG := snd (fst (fst typed_graphs)) in
-let floatR := snd (fst typed_graphs) in
-let floatG := snd typed_graphs in
-let int_graph := graph_translation intG intR (extremities_int_interf_graph g env) in
-let float_graph := graph_translation floatG floatR (extremities_float_interf_graph g env) in
-let int_map := (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette)) in
-let float_map := (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette)) in
-fun x => graph_coloring_aux x int_map float_map env.
-Section Coloring_to_allocation.
-Variable g : graph.
-Variable env : regenv.
-Definition typed_graphs := Typed_interfgraphs g env.
-Definition intR := fst (fst (fst typed_graphs)).
-Definition intG := snd (fst (fst typed_graphs)).
-Definition floatR := snd (fst typed_graphs).
-Definition floatG := snd typed_graphs.
-Definition int_graph := graph_translation intG intR (extremities_int_interf_graph g env).
-Definition float_graph := graph_translation floatG floatR (extremities_float_interf_graph g env).
-Definition int_map := (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette)).
-Definition float_map := (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette)).
-Definition int_coloring := map_to_coloring int_map.
-Definition float_coloring := map_to_coloring float_map.
-Hypothesis temporaries_out : forall x,
-In_graph (Regs.M x) int_graph -> ~List.In (R x) temporaries.
-Hypothesis correct_palette_int : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored int_graph) -> VertexSet.In x int_palette.
-Hypothesis correct_palette_float : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored float_graph) -> VertexSet.In x float_palette.
-Lemma proper_coloring_int : proper_coloring int_coloring int_graph int_palette.
-intros. apply proper_coloring_IRC_aux.
-intro. apply correct_palette_int.
-Lemma proper_coloring_float : proper_coloring float_coloring float_graph float_palette.
-intros. apply proper_coloring_IRC_aux.
-intro. apply correct_palette_float.
-Import SetoidList.
-Lemma exists_refl : forall x,
-exists y, Regs.M x = Regs.M y.
-intro x. exists x. auto.
-Lemma mreg_int_palette : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x int_palette ->
-exists y, x = Regs.M y.
-unfold int_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);
- [inversion H0;subst; apply exists_refl|generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma mreg_float_palette : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x float_palette ->
-exists y, x = Regs.M y.
-unfold float_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);
- [inversion H0;subst; apply exists_refl|generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma register_heuristic_mreg : forall x r,
-(IRC int_graph int_palette) x = Some r ->
-exists y, r = Regs.M y.
-intros x r H.
-apply mreg_int_palette.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette correct_palette_int).
-intro H0.
-unfold proper_coloring in H0.
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H0.
-do 2 destruct H0 as [_ H0].
-apply H0 with (x := x).
-rewrite H. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-Lemma register_heuristic_mreg_float : forall x r,
-(IRC float_graph float_palette) x = Some r ->
-exists y, r = Regs.M y.
-intros x r H.
-apply mreg_float_palette.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette correct_palette_float).
-intro H0.
-unfold proper_coloring in H0.
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H0.
-do 2 destruct H0 as [_ H0].
-apply H0 with (x := x).
-rewrite H. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-Lemma int_palette_type : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x int_palette ->
-Regs.get_type x env = Tint.
-unfold int_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);
- [inversion H0;subst; auto|generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma float_palette_type : forall x,
-VertexSet.In x float_palette ->
-Regs.get_type x env = Tfloat.
-unfold float_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);
- [inversion H0;subst; auto|generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma register_heuristic_type_int : forall x r,
-IRC int_graph int_palette x = Some r ->
-Regs.get_type r env = Tint.
-intros x r H.
-apply int_palette_type.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette (correct_palette_int)).
-intro H0.
-unfold proper_coloring in H0. do 2 destruct H0 as [_ H0].
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H0.
-apply (H0 x r).
-rewrite H. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-Lemma register_heuristic_type_float : forall x r,
-IRC float_graph float_palette x = Some r ->
-Regs.get_type r env = Tfloat.
-intros x r H.
-apply float_palette_type.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette correct_palette_float).
-intro H0.
-unfold proper_coloring in H0. do 2 destruct H0 as [_ H0].
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H0.
-apply (H0 x r).
-rewrite H. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-Lemma Loc_reg_eq_type : forall x,
-Regs.get_type (Regs.P x) env = Loc.type (my_graph_coloring g env x).
-intro x.
-unfold my_graph_coloring.
-change (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intG.
-change (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intR.
-change (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) with floatR.
-change (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) with floatG.
-fold int_graph; fold float_graph.
-unfold graph_coloring_aux.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P x) env); intros HH.
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette))) with
- (IRC int_graph int_palette).
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P x)); intros.
-generalize (register_heuristic_mreg _ _ H). intro. destruct H0. rewrite H0.
-generalize (register_heuristic_type_int _ _ H).
-unfold Regs.get_type. rewrite H0. simpl. auto.
-simpl. auto.
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette))) with
- (IRC float_graph float_palette).
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P x)); intros.
-generalize (register_heuristic_mreg_float _ _ H). intro. destruct H0. rewrite H0.
-generalize (register_heuristic_type_float _ _ H).
-unfold Regs.get_type. rewrite H0. simpl. auto.
-simpl. auto.
-Lemma regreg_in_fst_partition : forall e s,
-SetRegReg.In e s ->
-env (fst e) = Tint ->
-env (snd e) = Tint ->
-SetRegReg.In e (rr1 (regreg_edge_type_partition s env)).
-unfold regreg_edge_type_partition.
-set (f:=(fun (e0 : SetRegReg.elt) (s0 : regregpartition) =>
- match env (fst e0) with
- | Tint =>
- match env (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (SetRegReg.add e0 (rr1 s0), rr2 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (Regset.add (snd e0) (rr3 s0)),
- rr4 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rr1 s0, rr2 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rr3 s0),
- Regset.add (snd e0) (rr4 s0))
- end
- | Tfloat =>
- match env (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (rr1 s0, rr2 s0, Regset.add (snd e0) (rr3 s0),
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rr4 s0))
- | Tfloat =>
- (rr1 s0, SetRegReg.add e0 (rr2 s0), rr3 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (Regset.add (snd e0) (rr4 s0)))
- end
- end)).
-unfold regregpartition in *. fold f.
-generalize (SetRegReg.empty,SetRegReg.empty, Regset.empty, Regset.empty).
-generalize SetRegReg.elements_1. intro HH.
-generalize (HH s e H). clear H HH. intro HH.
-intro p. rewrite SetRegReg.fold_1. generalize p. clear p.
-induction (SetRegReg.elements s).
-inversion HH.
-inversion HH.
- subst. intro p. do 3 destruct p. simpl.
-assert (f a (t2,t3,t1,t0) = (SetRegReg.add a t2, t3, Regset.add (fst a) (Regset.add (snd a) t1),t0)).
-unfold f.
-destruct H2. rewrite H in *. rewrite H2 in *. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
-rewrite H.
-destruct H2.
-assert (forall x s1 s2 s3 s4, SetRegReg.In x s1 ->
- SetRegReg.In x (rr1 (fold_left
- (fun (a0 : SetRegReg.t*SetRegReg.t*Regset.t*Regset.t) (e0 : SetRegReg.elt) => f e0 a0)
- l (s1, s2, s3, s4)))).
-clear H H0 H1 H2 HH IHl.
-induction l.
-simpl. auto.
-intros x s1 s2 s3 s4 H2.
-assert (f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (SetRegReg.add a0 s1, s2,Regset.add (fst a0) (Regset.add (snd a0) s3), s4) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1, SetRegReg.add a0 s2, s3, Regset.add (fst a0)(Regset.add (snd a0) s4)) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (fst a0) s3, Regset.add (snd a0) s4)\/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (snd a0) s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4)).
-unfold f.
-destruct (env (fst a0)); destruct (env (snd a0));
-unfold rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; simpl; auto.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H. apply IHl. apply SetRegReg.add_2. assumption.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-destruct H; rewrite H.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-apply H4. apply SetRegReg.add_1. intuition.
-subst. simpl. intro p. apply IHl. assumption.
-Lemma regreg_in_snd_partition : forall e s,
-SetRegReg.In e s ->
-env (fst e) = Tfloat ->
-env (snd e) = Tfloat ->
-SetRegReg.In e (rr2 (regreg_edge_type_partition s env)).
-unfold regreg_edge_type_partition.
-set (f:=(fun (e0 : SetRegReg.elt) (s0 : regregpartition) =>
- match env (fst e0) with
- | Tint =>
- match env (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (SetRegReg.add e0 (rr1 s0), rr2 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (Regset.add (snd e0) (rr3 s0)),
- rr4 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rr1 s0, rr2 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rr3 s0),
- Regset.add (snd e0) (rr4 s0))
- end
- | Tfloat =>
- match env (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (rr1 s0, rr2 s0, Regset.add (snd e0) (rr3 s0),
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rr4 s0))
- | Tfloat =>
- (rr1 s0, SetRegReg.add e0 (rr2 s0), rr3 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (Regset.add (snd e0) (rr4 s0)))
- end
- end)).
-unfold regregpartition in *. fold f.
-generalize (SetRegReg.empty,SetRegReg.empty, Regset.empty, Regset.empty).
-generalize SetRegReg.elements_1. intro HH.
-generalize (HH s e H). clear H HH. intro HH.
-intro p. rewrite SetRegReg.fold_1. generalize p. clear p.
-induction (SetRegReg.elements s).
-inversion HH.
-inversion HH.
- subst. intro p. do 3 destruct p. simpl.
-assert (f a (t2,t3,t1,t0) = (t2, SetRegReg.add a t3, t1, Regset.add (fst a) (Regset.add (snd a) t0))).
-unfold f.
-destruct H2. rewrite H in *. rewrite H2 in *. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
-rewrite H.
-destruct H2.
-assert (forall x s1 s2 s3 s4, SetRegReg.In x s2 ->
- SetRegReg.In x (rr2 (fold_left
- (fun (a0 : SetRegReg.t*SetRegReg.t*Regset.t*Regset.t) (e0 : SetRegReg.elt) => f e0 a0)
- l (s1, s2, s3, s4)))).
-clear H H0 H1 H2 HH IHl.
-induction l.
-simpl. auto.
-intros x s1 s2 s3 s4 H2.
-assert (f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (SetRegReg.add a0 s1, s2,Regset.add (fst a0) (Regset.add (snd a0) s3), s4) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1, SetRegReg.add a0 s2, s3, Regset.add (fst a0)(Regset.add (snd a0) s4)) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (fst a0) s3, Regset.add (snd a0) s4)\/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (snd a0) s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4)).
-unfold f.
-destruct (env (fst a0)); destruct (env (snd a0));
-unfold rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4; simpl; auto.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H. apply IHl. assumption.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H.
-apply IHl. apply SetRegReg.add_2. assumption.
-destruct H; rewrite H.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-apply H4. apply SetRegReg.add_1. intuition.
-subst. simpl. intro p. apply IHl. assumption.
-Lemma interf_int_regreg_translation :
- interf_reg_reg (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) =
- rr1 (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env).
-unfold Typed_interfgraphs.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-simpl. reflexivity.
-Lemma interf_float_regreg_translation :
- interf_reg_reg (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) =
- rr2 (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env).
-unfold Typed_interfgraphs.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-simpl. reflexivity.
-Lemma correct_alloc_1 : check_coloring_1 g (my_graph_coloring g env) = true.
-unfold check_coloring_1.
-apply SetRegReg.for_all_1.
-unfold compat_bool.
-intros x y H. destruct H as [H H0].
-rewrite H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
-unfold SetRegReg.For_all.
-intros x H.
-generalize (Loc_reg_eq_type (fst x)). generalize (Loc_reg_eq_type (snd x)).
-unfold my_graph_coloring in *.
-change (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intG.
-change (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intR.
-change (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) with floatR.
-change (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) with floatG.
-fold int_graph; fold float_graph.
-unfold graph_coloring_aux.
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette))) with
- (IRC int_graph int_palette).
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette))) with
- (IRC float_graph float_palette).
-intros Locty1 Locty2.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P (fst x)) env); intros HH.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P (snd x)) env); intros HH0.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg (Regs.P (fst x)) t0 H0). rewrite H1. simpl.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg (Regs.P (snd x)) t1 H2). rewrite H3.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette (correct_palette_int)).
-intro H4. unfold proper_coloring in H4.
-destruct H4 as [H4 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H4.
-assert (~Regs.eq (Regs.M x0) (Regs.M x1)).
-apply (H4 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.P (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold int_graph.
-right. simpl.
-apply regreg_IE_translation. unfold intG, typed_graphs.
-rewrite interf_int_regreg_translation.
-apply regreg_in_fst_partition. destruct x. auto. auto. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R x1)). subst.
-elim H5. inversion e. auto.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tint))).
-inversion e.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg (Regs.P (snd x)) t0 H1). rewrite H2.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tint)) (R x0)).
-inversion e.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tint)) (S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tint))).
-inversion e.
-elim (set_reg_reg_diff_ext _ _ (or_introl _ H) H3).
-rewrite HH in *. rewrite HH0 in *.
-set (l1 := match IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (fst x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P _) => S (Local 0 Tint)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tint)
- end) in *.
-set (l2 := match IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (snd x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P _) => S (Local 0 Tfloat)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tfloat)
- end) in *.
-destruct (Loc.eq l1 l2). rewrite e in Locty2. rewrite <-Locty1 in Locty2. congruence.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P (snd x)) env); intros HH0.
-rewrite HH in *. rewrite HH0 in *.
-set (l1 :=match IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (fst x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P _) => S (Local 0 Tfloat)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tfloat)
- end ) in *.
-set (l2 := match IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (snd x)) with
- | Some (Regs.P _) => S (Local 0 Tint)
- | Some (Regs.M z) => R z
- | None => S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tint)
- end) in *.
-destruct (Loc.eq l1 l2). rewrite e in Locty2. rewrite <-Locty1 in Locty2. congruence.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg_float (Regs.P (fst x)) t0 H0). rewrite H1. simpl.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg_float (Regs.P (snd x)) t1 H2). rewrite H3.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette (correct_palette_float)).
-intro H4. unfold proper_coloring in H4.
-destruct H4 as [H4 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H4.
-assert (~Regs.eq (Regs.M x0) (Regs.M x1)).
-apply (H4 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.P (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold float_graph.
-right. simpl.
-apply regreg_IE_translation. unfold floatG, typed_graphs.
-rewrite interf_float_regreg_translation.
-apply regreg_in_snd_partition. destruct x. auto. auto. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R x1)). subst.
-elim H5. inversion e. auto.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tfloat))).
-inversion e.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg_float (Regs.P (snd x)) t0 H1). rewrite H2.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tfloat)) (R x0)).
-inversion e.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tfloat)) (S (Local (Zpos (snd x)) Tfloat))).
-inversion e.
-elim (set_reg_reg_diff_ext _ _ (or_introl _ H) H3).
-Lemma interf_int_regmreg_translation :
- interf_reg_mreg (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) =
- rm1 (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env).
-unfold Typed_interfgraphs.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-simpl. reflexivity.
-Lemma interf_float_regmreg_translation :
- interf_reg_mreg (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) =
- rm2 (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env).
-unfold Typed_interfgraphs.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-simpl. reflexivity.
-Lemma regmreg_in_fst_partition : forall e s,
-SetRegMreg.In e s ->
-env (fst e) = Tint ->
-mreg_type (snd e) = Tint ->
-SetRegMreg.In e (rm1 (regmreg_edge_type_partition s env)).
-unfold regmreg_edge_type_partition.
-set (f := (fun (e0 : SetRegMreg.elt) (s0 : regmregpartition) =>
- match env (fst e0) with
- | Tint =>
- match mreg_type (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (SetRegMreg.add e0 (rm1 s0), rm2 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rm3 s0), rm4 s0,
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm5 s0), rm6 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rm1 s0, rm2 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rm3 s0), rm4 s0,
- rm5 s0, MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm6 s0))
- end
- | Tfloat =>
- match mreg_type (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (rm1 s0, rm2 s0, rm3 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rm4 s0),
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm5 s0), rm6 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rm1 s0, SetRegMreg.add e0 (rm2 s0), rm3 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rm4 s0), rm5 s0,
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm6 s0))
- end
- end)).
-unfold regmregpartition in *. fold f.
-generalize (SetRegMreg.empty, SetRegMreg.empty, Regset.empty, Regset.empty, MRegset.empty, MRegset.empty).
-generalize SetRegMreg.elements_1. intro HH.
-generalize (HH s e H). clear H HH. intro HH.
-intro p. rewrite SetRegMreg.fold_1. generalize p. clear p.
-induction (SetRegMreg.elements s).
-inversion HH.
-inversion HH.
- subst. intro p. do 5 destruct p. simpl.
-assert (f a (t4,t5,t3,t2,t1,t0) = (SetRegMreg.add a t4, t5, Regset.add (fst a) t3, t2, MRegset.add (snd a) t1, t0)).
-unfold f.
-destruct H2. rewrite H in *. rewrite H2 in *. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
-rewrite H.
-destruct H2.
-assert (forall x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6, SetRegMreg.In x s1 ->
- SetRegMreg.In x (rm1 (fold_left
- (fun (a0 : SetRegMreg.t * SetRegMreg.t * Regset.t * Regset.t *MRegset.t * MRegset.t)
- (e0 : SetRegMreg.elt) => f e0 a0)
- l (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6)))).
-clear H H0 H1 H2 HH IHl.
-induction l.
-simpl. auto.
-intros x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 H2.
-assert (f a0 (s1,s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) = (SetRegMreg.add a0 s1, s2, Regset.add (fst a0) s3, s4, MRegset.add (snd a0) s5, s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1, SetRegMreg.add a0 s2, s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4, s5, MRegset.add (snd a0) s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (fst a0) s3, s4,s5,MRegset.add (snd a0) s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1,s2,s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4, MRegset.add (snd a0) s5, s6)).
-unfold f.
-destruct (env (fst a0)); destruct (mreg_type (snd a0)); auto.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H. apply IHl. apply SetRegMreg.add_2. assumption.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H.
-apply IHl. assumption.
-destruct H; rewrite H; apply IHl; assumption.
-apply H4. apply SetRegMreg.add_1. intuition.
-subst. simpl. intro p. apply IHl. assumption.
-Lemma regmreg_in_snd_partition : forall e s,
-SetRegMreg.In e s ->
-env (fst e) = Tfloat ->
-mreg_type (snd e) = Tfloat ->
-SetRegMreg.In e (rm2 (regmreg_edge_type_partition s env)).
-unfold regmreg_edge_type_partition.
-set (f := (fun (e0 : SetRegMreg.elt) (s0 : regmregpartition) =>
- match env (fst e0) with
- | Tint =>
- match mreg_type (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (SetRegMreg.add e0 (rm1 s0), rm2 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rm3 s0), rm4 s0,
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm5 s0), rm6 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rm1 s0, rm2 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rm3 s0), rm4 s0,
- rm5 s0, MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm6 s0))
- end
- | Tfloat =>
- match mreg_type (snd e0) with
- | Tint =>
- (rm1 s0, rm2 s0, rm3 s0, Regset.add (fst e0) (rm4 s0),
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm5 s0), rm6 s0)
- | Tfloat =>
- (rm1 s0, SetRegMreg.add e0 (rm2 s0), rm3 s0,
- Regset.add (fst e0) (rm4 s0), rm5 s0,
- MRegset.add (snd e0) (rm6 s0))
- end
- end)).
-unfold regmregpartition in *. fold f.
-generalize (SetRegMreg.empty, SetRegMreg.empty, Regset.empty, Regset.empty, MRegset.empty, MRegset.empty).
-generalize SetRegMreg.elements_1. intro HH.
-generalize (HH s e H). clear H HH. intro HH.
-intro p. rewrite SetRegMreg.fold_1. generalize p. clear p.
-induction (SetRegMreg.elements s).
-inversion HH.
-inversion HH.
- subst. intro p. do 5 destruct p. simpl.
-assert (f a (t4,t5,t3,t2,t1,t0) = (t4, SetRegMreg.add a t5, t3, Regset.add (fst a) t2, t1, MRegset.add (snd a) t0)).
-unfold f.
-destruct H2. rewrite H in *. rewrite H2 in *. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
-rewrite H.
-destruct H2.
-assert (forall x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6, SetRegMreg.In x s2 ->
- SetRegMreg.In x (rm2 (fold_left
- (fun (a0 : SetRegMreg.t * SetRegMreg.t * Regset.t * Regset.t *MRegset.t * MRegset.t)
- (e0 : SetRegMreg.elt) => f e0 a0)
- l (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6)))).
-clear H H0 H1 H2 HH IHl.
-induction l.
-simpl. auto.
-intros x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 H2.
-assert (f a0 (s1,s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) = (SetRegMreg.add a0 s1, s2, Regset.add (fst a0) s3, s4, MRegset.add (snd a0) s5, s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1, SetRegMreg.add a0 s2, s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4, s5, MRegset.add (snd a0) s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1,s2,Regset.add (fst a0) s3, s4,s5,MRegset.add (snd a0) s6) \/
- f a0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6) = (s1,s2,s3, Regset.add (fst a0) s4, MRegset.add (snd a0) s5, s6)).
-unfold f.
-destruct (env (fst a0)); destruct (mreg_type (snd a0)); auto.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H. apply IHl. assumption.
-destruct H.
-rewrite H.
-apply IHl. apply SetRegMreg.add_2. assumption.
-destruct H; rewrite H; apply IHl; assumption.
-apply H4. apply SetRegMreg.add_1. intuition.
-subst. simpl. intro p. apply IHl. assumption.
-Section fold_assoc_map.
-Variable A : Type.
-Lemma fold_left_compat_map : forall (f : ColorMap.t Regs.t -> A -> ColorMap.t Regs.t) l e e',
-ColorMap.Equal e e' ->
-(forall e1 e2 a, ColorMap.Equal e1 e2 -> ColorMap.Equal (f e1 a) (f e2 a)) ->
-ColorMap.Equal (fold_left f l e) (fold_left f l e').
-intro f;induction l;simpl.
-intros e e' H H0 H1.
-apply (IHl (f e a) (f e' a)).
-apply H0;assumption.
-Lemma fold_left_assoc_map : forall l (f : ColorMap.t Regs.t -> A -> ColorMap.t Regs.t) x h,
-(forall (y z : A) s, ColorMap.Equal (f (f s y) z) (f (f s z) y)) ->
-(forall e1 e2 a, ColorMap.Equal e1 e2 -> ColorMap.Equal (f e1 a) (f e2 a)) ->
-ColorMap.Equal (fold_left f (h :: l) x) (f (fold_left f l x) h).
-induction l;simpl;intros f x h H H0.
-rewrite <-IHl;simpl;try assumption.
-apply fold_left_compat_map;[apply H|];auto.
-End fold_assoc_map.
-Lemma mreg_refl_coloring_aux : forall x gpalette,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored (irc_g gpalette)) ->
-VertexSet.Subset (precolored (irc_g gpalette)) (pal gpalette) ->
-OptionReg.eq (map_to_coloring (IRC_map gpalette) x) (Some x).
-intros. functional induction IRC_map gpalette; simpl in *.
-(* simplify *)
-generalize (simplify_inv _ _ e). intro.
-generalize (simplify_inv2 _ _ e). intro. destruct H2. simpl in *. clear e.
-rewrite H2 in *. clear H2. unfold available_coloring.
-set (palette := pal g0) in *. set (wl := irc_wl g0) in *. set (g1 := irc_g g0) in *.
-case_eq ( VertexSet.choose
- (VertexSet.diff palette
- (forbidden_colors r
- (IRC_map
- (simplify_irc r g0
- (VertexSet.choose_1 (s:=get_simplifyWL wl) x0))) g1))).
-intros. unfold map_to_coloring.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-apply IHt0. unfold simplify_irc. simpl.
-rewrite precolored_remove_vertex. apply VertexSet.remove_2.
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (VertexSet.choose_1 H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. destruct H6. elim H7. auto. auto.
-unfold simplify_irc. simpl. rewrite precolored_remove_vertex.
-intro. intro. apply H0. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H3).
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (VertexSet.choose_1 H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. destruct H6. elim H7. auto. intro.
-apply IHt0. unfold simplify_irc. simpl.
-rewrite precolored_remove_vertex. apply VertexSet.remove_2.
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (VertexSet.choose_1 H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. destruct H6. elim H7. auto. auto.
-unfold simplify_irc. simpl. rewrite precolored_remove_vertex.
-intro. intro. apply H0. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H3).
-(* coalesce *)
-assert (forall e', EdgeSet.In e' (get_movesWL (irc_wl g0)) -> In_graph_edge e' (irc_g g0)).
-generalize (In_move_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)).
-generalize (coalesce_inv _ _ e0). simpl. intro.
-generalize (coalesce_inv_2 _ _ e0). intro. destruct H3. destruct H3. simpl in H3. rewrite H3 in *. clear H3.
-generalize (any_coalescible_edge_1 _ _ _ _ H1 H2).
-intro. destruct H3.
-rewrite <-(moves_AE _ _ _ (HWS_irc g0)) in H4.
-generalize (proj2 (proj1 (In_graph_aff_edge_in_AE _ _) H4)). intro.
-generalize (any_coalescible_edge_2 _ _ _ _ H1 H2). intro.
-unfold complete_coloring.
-case_eq (ColorMap.find (elt:=Regs.t) (fst_ext e1)
- (IRC_map (merge_irc e1 g0 x0 x1))).
-unfold map_to_coloring.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-apply IHt0.
-assert (Edge.aff_edge e1).
-rewrite (moves_AE _ _ _ (HWS_irc g0)) in H4.
-generalize (In_move_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H4 (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)).
-unfold merge_irc. simpl.
-rewrite (precolored_merge _ _ H5 H8 _).
-apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. rewrite H9 in H6. elim H6. auto. auto.
-unfold VertexSet.Subset in *.
-intros. unfold merge_irc in *. simpl in *.
-apply H0. rewrite precolored_merge in H8. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H8).
-intro. rewrite H8 in H6. elim H6. auto.
-apply IHt0.
-assert (Edge.aff_edge e1).
-rewrite (moves_AE _ _ _ (HWS_irc g0)) in H4.
-generalize (In_move_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H4 (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)).
-unfold merge_irc. simpl.
-rewrite (precolored_merge _ _ H5 H8 _).
-apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. rewrite H9 in H6. elim H6. auto. auto.
-unfold VertexSet.Subset in *.
-intros. unfold merge_irc in *. simpl in *.
-apply H0. rewrite precolored_merge in H8. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H8).
-(* freeze *)
-generalize (freeze_inv _ _ e1). intro.
-generalize (freeze_inv2 _ _ e1). intro. destruct H2. destruct H2. simpl in *. clear e1.
-rewrite H2 in *. clear H2. unfold delete_preference_edges_irc2 in *. simpl in *.
-apply IHt0.
-rewrite precolored_delete_preference_edges. assumption.
-unfold VertexSet.Subset in *.
-intros. rewrite precolored_delete_preference_edges in H2. auto.
-(* spill *)
-generalize e2. clear e e0 e1 e2. intro e.
-generalize (spill_inv _ _ e). intro.
-generalize (spill_inv2 _ _ e). intro. destruct H2. simpl in *. clear e.
-rewrite H2 in *. clear H2. unfold available_coloring.
-set (palette := pal g0) in *. set (wl := irc_wl g0) in *. set (g1 := irc_g g0) in *.
-case_eq ( VertexSet.choose
- (VertexSet.diff palette
- (forbidden_colors r
- (IRC_map
- (spill_irc r g0
- (lowest_cost_in r (get_spillWL wl) g1 x0))) g1))).
-intros. unfold map_to_coloring.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-apply IHt0. unfold spill_irc. simpl.
-rewrite precolored_remove_vertex. apply VertexSet.remove_2.
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_spill_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lowest_cost_in _ _ _ H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. elim H6. auto. auto.
-unfold spill_irc. simpl. rewrite precolored_remove_vertex.
-intro. intro. apply H0. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H3).
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_spill_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lowest_cost_in _ _ _ H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. elim H6. auto. intro.
-apply IHt0. unfold spill_irc. simpl.
-rewrite precolored_remove_vertex. apply VertexSet.remove_2.
-intro. rewrite <-H3 in H.
-generalize (In_spill_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lowest_cost_in _ _ _ H1) (refl_equal _) (HWS_irc g0)). intro.
-destruct H4. destruct H5. elim H6. auto. auto.
-unfold simplify_irc. simpl. rewrite precolored_remove_vertex.
-intro. intro. apply H0. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H3).
-(* ending case *)
-set (palette := pal g0) in *.
-set (g1 := irc_g g0) in *.
-assert (map_to_coloring (precoloring_map g1) x = Some x).
-unfold precoloring_map.
-rewrite VertexSet.fold_1.
-generalize VertexSet.elements_1. intro HH.
-generalize (HH (precolored g1) x H). clear HH. intro HH.
-generalize (NoDupA_elements (precolored g1)). intro HHH.
-induction (VertexSet.elements (precolored g1)).
-simpl. inversion HH.
-unfold map_to_coloring.
-rewrite fold_left_assoc_map.
-inversion HH. subst.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-inversion H2; subst; auto.
-apply Regs.eq_sym. auto.
-unfold map_to_coloring in IHl. unfold Regs.t.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-apply IHl. assumption. inversion HHH. assumption.
-inversion HHH. subst. intro H6.
-elim H4.
-inversion H6; subst; auto.
-unfold ColorMap.Equal.
-destruct (Regs.eq_dec z y0).
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-destruct (Regs.eq_dec y y0).
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-inversion e3; inversion e4; subst; rewrite H6; auto.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-destruct (Regs.eq_dec y y0).
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_eq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-rewrite ColFacts.add_neq_o.
-apply ColFacts.add_m.
-apply Regs.eq_refl.
-rewrite H1. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-Lemma mreg_refl_coloring : forall x g palette,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored g) ->
-VertexSet.Subset (precolored g) palette ->
-OptionReg.eq (IRC g palette x) (Some x).
-apply mreg_refl_coloring_aux;
-unfold graph_to_IRC_graph; simpl; auto.
-Lemma loc_type_reg_type_equiv : forall x,
-Loc.type (R x) = Regs.get_type (Regs.M x) env.
-intro x.
-unfold Loc.type. unfold Regs.get_type. reflexivity.
-Lemma correct_alloc_2 : check_coloring_2 g (my_graph_coloring g env) = true.
-unfold check_coloring_2.
-apply SetRegMreg.for_all_1.
-unfold compat_bool.
-intros x y H. destruct H as [H H0].
-rewrite H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
-unfold SetRegMreg.For_all.
-intros x H.
-generalize (Loc_reg_eq_type (fst x)). generalize (loc_type_reg_type_equiv (snd x)).
-unfold my_graph_coloring in *.
-change (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intG.
-change (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intR.
-change (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) with floatR.
-change (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) with floatG.
-fold int_graph; fold float_graph.
-unfold graph_coloring_aux.
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette))) with
- (IRC int_graph int_palette).
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette))) with
- (IRC float_graph float_palette).
-intros Locty1 Locty2.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P (fst x)) env); intros HH. rewrite HH in *.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.M (snd x)) env); intros HH0.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros. rewrite H0 in *.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg (Regs.P (fst x)) t0 H0). rewrite H1 in *. simpl.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.M (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg (Regs.M (snd x)) t1 H2).
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette (correct_palette_int)).
-intro H4. unfold proper_coloring in H4.
-destruct H4 as [H4 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H4.
-assert (~Regs.eq (Regs.M x0) (Regs.M x1)).
-apply (H4 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold int_graph.
-right. simpl.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. unfold intG, typed_graphs.
-rewrite interf_int_regmreg_translation.
-apply regmreg_in_fst_partition. destruct x. auto. auto. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R x1)). subst.
-elim H5. inversion e. auto.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R (snd x))). inversion e. clear e.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette correct_palette_int).
-intro H6. unfold proper_coloring in H6.
-destruct H6 as [H6 HH5]. destruct HH5 as [HH5 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H6.
-assert (~Regs.req t0 (Regs.M (snd x))).
-apply (H6 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold int_graph. unfold intG, typed_graphs.
-right. simpl.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. simpl.
-apply regmreg_in_fst_partition. destruct x. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. apply mreg_refl_coloring. subst.
-apply (proj2 (precolored_equiv _ _)).
-unfold is_precolored. simpl.
-split. auto.
-assert (EdgeSet.In (Regs.reg_to_Reg (fst x), Regs.mreg_to_Reg (snd x), None)
- (IE int_graph)).
-unfold int_graph.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. destruct x. simpl.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-replace p2 with (fst (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env)).
-apply regmreg_in_fst_partition. auto.
-rewrite H7. auto.
-apply (proj2 (In_graph_edge_in_ext (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)
- _ (or_intror _ H1))).
-subst. elim H8. apply Regs.eq_refl. reflexivity.
-assert (OptionReg.eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.M (snd x))) (Some (Regs.M (snd x)))) as Hsnd.
-apply mreg_refl_coloring. subst.
-apply (proj2 (precolored_equiv _ _)).
-unfold is_precolored. simpl.
-split. auto.
-assert (EdgeSet.In (Regs.reg_to_Reg (fst x), Regs.mreg_to_Reg (snd x), None)
- (IE int_graph)).
-unfold int_graph.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. destruct x. simpl.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-replace p2 with (fst (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env)).
-apply regmreg_in_fst_partition. auto.
-rewrite H4. auto.
-apply (proj2 (In_graph_edge_in_ext (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)
- _ (or_intror _ H1))).
-rewrite H2 in Hsnd. inversion Hsnd.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tint)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros. rewrite H0 in Locty2.
-case_eq t0; intros; rewrite H1 in *.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local 0 Tint)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R m) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. subst. unfold Regs.get_type in HH0. unfold Loc.type in Locty2. congruence.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tint)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.M (snd x)) env); intros HH0.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros. rewrite H0 in Locty2.
-case_eq t0; intros; rewrite H1 in *.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local 0 Tfloat)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R m) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. subst. rewrite HH in Locty2. unfold Regs.get_type in HH0. unfold Loc.type in Locty2. congruence.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tfloat)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P (fst x))); intros. rewrite H0 in *.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg_float (Regs.P (fst x)) t0 H0). rewrite H1 in *. simpl.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.M (snd x))); intros.
-destruct (register_heuristic_mreg_float (Regs.M (snd x)) t1 H2).
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette (correct_palette_float)).
-intro H4. unfold proper_coloring in H4.
-destruct H4 as [H4 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H4.
-assert (~Regs.eq (Regs.M x0) (Regs.M x1)).
-apply (H4 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold float_graph.
-right. simpl.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. unfold floatG, typed_graphs.
-rewrite interf_float_regmreg_translation.
-apply regmreg_in_snd_partition. destruct x. auto. auto. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R x1)). subst.
-elim H5. inversion e. auto.
-destruct (Loc.eq (R x0) (R (snd x))). inversion e. clear e.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette correct_palette_float).
-intro H6. unfold proper_coloring in H6.
-destruct H6 as [H6 HH5]. destruct HH5 as [HH5 _].
-unfold proper_coloring_1 in H6.
-assert (~Regs.req t0 (Regs.M (snd x))).
-apply (H6 (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)).
-unfold Edge.interf_edge. auto.
-unfold int_graph. unfold floatG, typed_graphs.
-right. simpl.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. simpl.
-apply regmreg_in_snd_partition. destruct x. auto.
-change_rewrite. rewrite H0. rewrite H1. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-change_rewrite. apply mreg_refl_coloring. subst.
-apply (proj2 (precolored_equiv _ _)).
-unfold is_precolored. simpl.
-split. auto.
-assert (EdgeSet.In (Regs.reg_to_Reg (fst x), Regs.mreg_to_Reg (snd x), None)
- (IE float_graph)).
-unfold int_graph.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. destruct x. simpl.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-replace p2 with (fst (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env)).
-apply regmreg_in_snd_partition. auto.
-rewrite H7. auto.
-apply (proj2 (In_graph_edge_in_ext (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)
- _ (or_intror _ H1))).
-subst. elim H8. apply Regs.eq_refl. reflexivity.
-assert (OptionReg.eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.M (snd x))) (Some (Regs.M (snd x)))) as Hsnd.
-apply mreg_refl_coloring. subst.
-apply (proj2 (precolored_equiv _ _)).
-unfold is_precolored. simpl.
-split. auto.
-assert (EdgeSet.In (Regs.reg_to_Reg (fst x), Regs.mreg_to_Reg (snd x), None)
- (IE float_graph)).
-unfold int_graph.
-apply regmreg_IE_translation. destruct x. simpl.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_reg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-case_eq (regmreg_edge_type_partition (pref_reg_mreg g) env); intros.
-replace p2 with (fst (regmreg_edge_type_partition (interf_reg_mreg g) env)).
-apply regmreg_in_snd_partition. auto.
-rewrite H4. auto.
-apply (proj2 (In_graph_edge_in_ext (Regs.P (fst x), Regs.M (snd x), None)
- _ (or_intror _ H1))).
-rewrite H2 in Hsnd. inversion Hsnd.
-destruct (Loc.eq (S (Local (Zpos (fst x)) Tfloat)) (R (snd x))).
-inversion e. reflexivity.
-Import Registers.
-Lemma in_palette_not_in_temporaries : forall x,
-VertexSet.In (Regs.M x) int_palette ->
-~In (R x) temporaries.
-unfold int_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);[
- inversion H0; subst; intro H1; inversion H1;
- [inversion H2| repeat (destruct H2 as [H2|H2];[inversion H2|])];
- assumption
- | generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma in_palette_not_in_temporaries_float : forall x,
-VertexSet.In (Regs.M x) float_palette ->
-~In (R x) temporaries.
-unfold int_palette. intros x H.
-repeat (destruct (proj1 (Props.Dec.F.add_iff _ _ _) H);[
- inversion H0; subst; intro H1; inversion H1;
- [inversion H2| repeat (destruct H2 as [H2|H2];[inversion H2|])];
- assumption
- | generalize H0; clear H H0; intro H]).
-elim (VertexSet.empty_1 H).
-Lemma coloring_acceptable_loc : forall x,
-loc_is_acceptable (my_graph_coloring g env x) = true.
-intro x.
-unfold loc_is_acceptable.
-unfold my_graph_coloring in *.
-change (snd (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intG.
-change (fst (fst (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env)))) with intR.
-change (snd (fst (Typed_interfgraphs g env))) with floatR.
-change (snd (Typed_interfgraphs g env)) with floatG.
-fold int_graph; fold float_graph.
-unfold graph_coloring_aux.
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph int_graph int_palette))) with
- (IRC int_graph int_palette).
-change (map_to_coloring (IRC_map (graph_to_IRC_graph float_graph float_palette))) with
- (IRC float_graph float_palette).
-case_eq (Regs.get_type (Regs.P x) env); intros.
-case_eq (IRC int_graph int_palette (Regs.P x)); intros.
-unfold IRC in *.
-generalize (register_heuristic_mreg _ _ H0). intro H2.
-destruct H2. rewrite H1.
-destruct (List.In_dec Loc.eq (R x0) temporaries).
-assert (~In (R x0) temporaries).
-apply in_palette_not_in_temporaries.
-rewrite <-H1.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux int_graph int_palette
- (correct_palette_int)). intro H3.
-unfold proper_coloring in H3.
-do 2 destruct H3 as [_ H3].
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H3.
-apply (H3 (Regs.P x) t0).
-unfold IRC in *. rewrite H0. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-elim (H2 i).
-unfold IRC in *. auto.
-case_eq (IRC float_graph float_palette (Regs.P x)); intros.
-unfold IRC in *.
-generalize (register_heuristic_mreg_float _ _ H0). intro H2.
-destruct H2. rewrite H1.
-destruct (List.In_dec Loc.eq (R x0) temporaries).
-assert (~In (R x0) temporaries).
-apply in_palette_not_in_temporaries_float.
-rewrite <-H1.
-generalize (proper_coloring_IRC_aux float_graph float_palette
- correct_palette_float). intro H3.
-unfold proper_coloring in H3.
-do 2 destruct H3 as [_ H3].
-unfold proper_coloring_3 in H3.
-apply (H3 (Regs.P x) t0).
-unfold IRC in *. rewrite H0 in *. apply OptionReg.eq_refl.
-elim (H2 i).
-unfold IRC in *. auto.
-Lemma correct_alloc_3 : check_coloring_3 (all_interf_regs g) env (my_graph_coloring g env) = true.
-unfold check_coloring_3.
-apply Regset.for_all_1.
-unfold compat_bool.
-intros. subst. reflexivity.
-unfold Regset.For_all.
-intros x H.
-rewrite coloring_acceptable_loc. simpl.
-unfold same_typ.
-rewrite <-Loc_reg_eq_type.
-simpl. destruct (env x); reflexivity.
-Theorem correct_alloc : check_coloring g env (all_interf_regs g) (my_graph_coloring g env) = true.
-unfold check_coloring.
-rewrite correct_alloc_1.
-rewrite correct_alloc_2.
-rewrite correct_alloc_3.
-End Coloring_to_allocation.
-Lemma precolored_sub_int_palette : forall x g env,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored (int_graph g env)) -> VertexSet.In x int_palette.
-Lemma precolored_sub_float_palette : forall x g env,
-VertexSet.In x (precolored (float_graph g env)) -> VertexSet.In x float_palette.
-Theorem allocation_correct : forall g env,
-check_coloring g env (all_interf_regs g) (my_graph_coloring g env) = true.
-intros. apply correct_alloc.
-intros. apply (precolored_sub_int_palette x g env). assumption.
-intros. apply (precolored_sub_float_palette x g env). assumption.