path: root/backend/PPC.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /backend/PPC.v
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/PPC.v')
1 files changed, 775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/PPC.v b/backend/PPC.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64bd90a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/PPC.v
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+(** Abstract syntax and semantics for PowerPC assembly language *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+(** * Abstract syntax *)
+(** Integer registers, floating-point registers. *)
+Inductive ireg: Set :=
+ | GPR0: ireg | GPR1: ireg | GPR2: ireg | GPR3: ireg
+ | GPR4: ireg | GPR5: ireg | GPR6: ireg | GPR7: ireg
+ | GPR8: ireg | GPR9: ireg | GPR10: ireg | GPR11: ireg
+ | GPR12: ireg | GPR13: ireg | GPR14: ireg | GPR15: ireg
+ | GPR16: ireg | GPR17: ireg | GPR18: ireg | GPR19: ireg
+ | GPR20: ireg | GPR21: ireg | GPR22: ireg | GPR23: ireg
+ | GPR24: ireg | GPR25: ireg | GPR26: ireg | GPR27: ireg
+ | GPR28: ireg | GPR29: ireg | GPR30: ireg | GPR31: ireg.
+Inductive freg: Set :=
+ | FPR0: freg | FPR1: freg | FPR2: freg | FPR3: freg
+ | FPR4: freg | FPR5: freg | FPR6: freg | FPR7: freg
+ | FPR8: freg | FPR9: freg | FPR10: freg | FPR11: freg
+ | FPR12: freg | FPR13: freg | FPR14: freg | FPR15: freg
+ | FPR16: freg | FPR17: freg | FPR18: freg | FPR19: freg
+ | FPR20: freg | FPR21: freg | FPR22: freg | FPR23: freg
+ | FPR24: freg | FPR25: freg | FPR26: freg | FPR27: freg
+ | FPR28: freg | FPR29: freg | FPR30: freg | FPR31: freg.
+Lemma ireg_eq: forall (x y: ireg), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Proof. decide equality. Defined.
+Lemma freg_eq: forall (x y: freg), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Proof. decide equality. Defined.
+(** Symbolic constants. Immediate operands to an arithmetic instruction
+ or an indexed memory access can be either integer literals
+ or the low or high 16 bits of a symbolic reference (the address
+ of a symbol plus a displacement). These symbolic references are
+ resolved later by the linker.
+Inductive constant: Set :=
+ | Cint: int -> constant
+ | Csymbol_low_signed: ident -> int -> constant
+ | Csymbol_high_signed: ident -> int -> constant
+ | Csymbol_low_unsigned: ident -> int -> constant
+ | Csymbol_high_unsigned: ident -> int -> constant.
+(** A note on constants: while immediate operands to PowerPC
+ instructions must be representable in 16 bits (with
+ sign extension or left shift by 16 positions for some instructions),
+ we do not attempt to capture these restrictions in the
+ abstract syntax nor in the semantics. The assembler will
+ emit an error if immediate operands exceed the representable
+ range. Of course, our PPC generator (file [PPCgen]) is
+ careful to respect this range. *)
+(** Bits in the condition register. We are only interested in the
+ first 4 bits. *)
+Inductive crbit: Set :=
+ | CRbit_0: crbit
+ | CRbit_1: crbit
+ | CRbit_2: crbit
+ | CRbit_3: crbit.
+(** The instruction set. Most instructions correspond exactly to
+ actual instructions of the PowerPC processor. See the PowerPC
+ reference manuals for more details. Some instructions,
+ described below, are pseudo-instructions: they expand to
+ canned instruction sequences during the printing of the assembly
+ code. *)
+Definition label := positive.
+Inductive instruction : Set :=
+ | Padd: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r integer addition *)
+ | Paddi: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r add immediate *)
+ | Paddis: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r add immediate high *)
+ | Paddze: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r add Carry bit *)
+ | Pallocframe: Z -> Z -> instruction (**r allocate new stack frame *)
+ | Pand_: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise and *)
+ | Pandc: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise and-complement *)
+ | Pandi_: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r and immediate and set conditions *)
+ | Pandis_: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r and immediate high and set conditions *)
+ | Pb: label -> instruction (**r unconditional branch *)
+ | Pbctr: instruction (**r branch to contents of register CTR *)
+ | Pbctrl: instruction (**r branch to contents of CTR and link *)
+ | Pbf: crbit -> label -> instruction (**r branch if false *)
+ | Pbl: ident -> instruction (**r branch and link *)
+ | Pblr: instruction (**r branch to contents: register LR *)
+ | Pbt: crbit -> label -> instruction (**r branch if true *)
+ | Pcmplw: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r unsigned integer comparison *)
+ | Pcmplwi: ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r same, with immediate argument *)
+ | Pcmpw: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r signed integer comparison *)
+ | Pcmpwi: ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r same, with immediate argument *)
+ | Pcror: crbit -> crbit -> crbit -> instruction (**r or between condition bits *)
+ | Pdivw: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r signed division *)
+ | Pdivwu: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r unsigned division *)
+ | Peqv: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise not-xor *)
+ | Pextsb: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r 8-bit sign extension *)
+ | Pextsh: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r 16-bit sign extension *)
+ | Pfreeframe: instruction (**r deallocate stack frame and restore previous frame *)
+ | Pfabs: freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float absolute value *)
+ | Pfadd: freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float addition *)
+ | Pfcmpu: freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float comparison *)
+ | Pfcti: ireg -> freg -> instruction (**r float-to-int conversion *)
+ | Pfdiv: freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float division *)
+ | Pfmadd: freg -> freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float multiply-add *)
+ | Pfmr: freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float move *)
+ | Pfmsub: freg -> freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float multiply-sub *)
+ | Pfmul: freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float multiply *)
+ | Pfneg: freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float negation *)
+ | Pfrsp: freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float round to single precision *)
+ | Pfsub: freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction (**r float subtraction *)
+ | Pictf: freg -> ireg -> instruction (**r int-to-float conversion *)
+ | Piuctf: freg -> ireg -> instruction (**r unsigned int-to-float conversion *)
+ | Plbz: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 8-bit unsigned int *)
+ | Plbzx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Plfd: freg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 64-bit float *)
+ | Plfdx: freg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Plfs: freg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 32-bit float *)
+ | Plfsx: freg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Plha: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 16-bit signed int *)
+ | Plhax: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Plhz: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 16-bit unsigned int *)
+ | Plhzx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Plfi: freg -> float -> instruction (**r load float constant *)
+ | Plwz: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r load 32-bit int *)
+ | Plwzx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Pmfcrbit: ireg -> crbit -> instruction (**r move condition bit to reg *)
+ | Pmflr: ireg -> instruction (**r move LR to reg *)
+ | Pmr: ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r integer move *)
+ | Pmtctr: ireg -> instruction (**r move ireg to CTR *)
+ | Pmtlr: ireg -> instruction (**r move ireg to LR *)
+ | Pmulli: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r integer multiply immediate *)
+ | Pmullw: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r integer multiply *)
+ | Pnand: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise not-and *)
+ | Pnor: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise not-or *)
+ | Por: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise or *)
+ | Porc: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise or-complement *)
+ | Pori: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r or with immediate *)
+ | Poris: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r or with immediate high *)
+ | Prlwinm: ireg -> ireg -> int -> int -> instruction (**r rotate and mask *)
+ | Pslw: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r shift left *)
+ | Psraw: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r shift right signed *)
+ | Psrawi: ireg -> ireg -> int -> instruction (**r shift right signed immediate *)
+ | Psrw: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r shift right unsigned *)
+ | Pstb: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r store 8-bit int *)
+ | Pstbx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Pstfd: freg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r store 64-bit float *)
+ | Pstfdx: freg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Pstfs: freg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r store 32-bit float *)
+ | Pstfsx: freg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Psth: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r store 16-bit int *)
+ | Psthx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Pstw: ireg -> constant -> ireg -> instruction (**r store 32-bit int *)
+ | Pstwx: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r same, with 2 index regs *)
+ | Psubfc: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r reversed integer subtraction *)
+ | Psubfic: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r integer subtraction from immediate *)
+ | Pxor: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction (**r bitwise xor *)
+ | Pxori: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r bitwise xor with immediate *)
+ | Pxoris: ireg -> ireg -> constant -> instruction (**r bitwise xor with immediate high *)
+ | Piundef: ireg -> instruction (**r set int reg to [Vundef] *)
+ | Pfundef: freg -> instruction (**r set float reg to [Vundef] *)
+ | Plabel: label -> instruction. (**r define a code label *)
+(** The pseudo-instructions are the following:
+- [Plabel]: define a code label at the current program point
+- [Plfi]: load a floating-point constant in a float register.
+ Expands to a float load [lfd] from an address in the constant data section
+ initialized with the floating-point constant:
+ addis r2, 0, ha16(lbl)
+ lfd rdst, lo16(lbl)(r2)
+ .const_data
+lbl: .double floatcst
+ .text
+ Initialized data in the constant data section are not modeled here,
+ which is why we use a pseudo-instruction for this purpose.
+- [Pfcti]: convert a float to an integer. This requires a transfer
+ via memory of a 32-bit integer from a float register to an int register,
+ which our memory model cannot express. Expands to:
+ fctiwz f13, rsrc
+ stfdu f13, -8(r1)
+ lwz rdst, 4(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 8
+- [Pictf]: convert a signed integer to a float. This requires complicated
+ bit-level manipulations of IEEE floats through mixed float and integer
+ arithmetic over a memory word, which our memory model and axiomatization
+ of floats cannot express. Expands to:
+ addis r2, 0, 0x4330
+ stwu r2, -8(r1)
+ addis r2, rsrc, 0x8000
+ stw r2, 4(r1)
+ addis r2, 0, ha16(lbl)
+ lfd f13, lo16(lbl)(r2)
+ lfd rdst, 0(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 8
+ fsub rdst, rdst, f13
+ .const_data
+lbl: .long 0x43300000, 0x80000000
+ .text
+ (Don't worry if you do not understand this instruction sequence: intimate
+ knowledge of IEEE float arithmetic is necessary.)
+- [Piuctf]: convert an unsigned integer to a float. The expansion is close
+ to that [Pictf], and equally obscure.
+ addis r2, 0, 0x4330
+ stwu r2, -8(r1)
+ stw rsrc, 4(r1)
+ addis r2, 0, ha16(lbl)
+ lfd f13, lo16(lbl)(r2)
+ lfd rdst, 0(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 8
+ fsub rdst, rdst, f13
+ .const_data
+lbl: .long 0x43300000, 0x00000000
+ .text
+- [Pallocframe lo hi]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
+ allocates a memory block with bounds [lo] and [hi], stores the value
+ of register [r1] (the stack pointer, by convention) at the bottom
+ of this block, and sets [r1] to a pointer to the bottom of this
+ block. In the printed PowerPC assembly code, this allocation
+ is just a store-decrement of register [r1]:
+ stwu r1, (lo - hi)(r1)
+ This cannot be expressed in our memory model, which does not reflect
+ the fact that stack frames are adjacent and allocated/freed
+ following a stack discipline.
+- [Pfreeframe]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
+ reads the bottom word of the block pointed by [r1] (the stack pointer),
+ frees this block, and sets [r1] to the value of the bottom word.
+ In the printed PowerPC assembly code, this freeing
+ is just a load of register [r1] relative to [r1] itself:
+ lwz r1, 0(r1)
+ Again, our memory model cannot comprehend that this operation
+ frees (logically) the current stack frame.
+- [Piundef] and [Pfundef]: set an integer or float register (respectively)
+ to the [Vundef] value. Expand to nothing, as the PowerPC processor has
+ no notion of ``undefined value''. These two pseudo-instructions are used
+ to ensure that the generated PowerPC code computes exactly the same values
+ as predicted by the semantics of Cminor, which explicitly set uninitialized
+ local variables to the [Vundef] value. A general property of our semantics,
+ not yet formally proved, is that they are monotone with respect to the
+ partial ordering [Vundef <= v] over values. Consequently, if a program
+ evaluates to a non-[Vundef] result [r] from an initial state that contains
+ [Vundef] values, it will also evaluate to [r] if arbitrary values are put
+ in the initial state instead of the [Vundef] values. This justifies
+ treating [Piundef] and [Pfundef] as no-operations, leaving in the target
+ register whatever value was already there instead of setting it to [Vundef].
+ The formal proof of this result remains to be done, however.
+Definition code := list instruction.
+Definition program := AST.program code.
+(** * Operational semantics *)
+(** The PowerPC has a great many registers, some general-purpose, some very
+ specific. We model only the following registers: *)
+Inductive preg: Set :=
+ | IR: ireg -> preg (**r integer registers *)
+ | FR: freg -> preg (**r float registers *)
+ | PC: preg (**r program counter *)
+ | LR: preg (**r link register (return address) *)
+ | CTR: preg (**r count register, used for some branches *)
+ | CARRY: preg (**r carry bit of the status register *)
+ | CR0_0: preg (**r bit 0 of the condition register *)
+ | CR0_1: preg (**r bit 1 of the condition register *)
+ | CR0_2: preg (**r bit 2 of the condition register *)
+ | CR0_3: preg. (**r bit 3 of the condition register *)
+Coercion IR: ireg >-> preg.
+Coercion FR: freg >-> preg.
+Lemma preg_eq: forall (x y: preg), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
+Proof. decide equality. apply ireg_eq. apply freg_eq. Defined.
+Module PregEq.
+ Definition t := preg.
+ Definition eq := preg_eq.
+End PregEq.
+Module Pregmap := EMap(PregEq).
+(** The semantics operates over a single mapping from registers
+ (type [preg]) to values. We maintain (but do not enforce)
+ the convention that integer registers are mapped to values of
+ type [Tint], float registers to values of type [Tfloat],
+ and boolean registers ([CARRY], [CR0_0], etc) to either
+ [Vzero] or [Vone]. *)
+Definition regset := Pregmap.t val.
+Definition genv := Genv.t code.
+Notation "a # b" := (a b) (at level 1, only parsing).
+Notation "a # b <- c" := (Pregmap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level).
+Section RELSEM.
+(** Looking up instructions in a code sequence by position. *)
+Fixpoint find_instr (pos: Z) (c: code) {struct c} : option instruction :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => None
+ | i :: il => if zeq pos 0 then Some i else find_instr (pos - 1) il
+ end.
+(** Position corresponding to a label *)
+Definition is_label (lbl: label) (instr: instruction) : bool :=
+ match instr with
+ | Plabel lbl' => if peq lbl lbl' then true else false
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma is_label_correct:
+ forall lbl instr,
+ if is_label lbl instr then instr = Plabel lbl else instr <> Plabel lbl.
+ intros. destruct instr; simpl; try discriminate.
+ case (peq lbl l); intro; congruence.
+Fixpoint label_pos (lbl: label) (pos: Z) (c: code) {struct c} : option Z :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => None
+ | instr :: c' =>
+ if is_label lbl instr then Some (pos + 1) else label_pos lbl (pos + 1) c'
+ end.
+(** Some PowerPC instructions treat register GPR0 as the integer literal 0
+ when that register is used in argument position. *)
+Definition gpr_or_zero (rs: regset) (r: ireg) :=
+ if ireg_eq r GPR0 then Vzero else rs#r.
+Variable ge: genv.
+(** The four functions below axiomatize how the linker processes
+ symbolic references [symbol + offset] and splits their
+ actual values into two 16-bit halves, the lower half
+ being either signed or unsigned. *)
+Parameter low_half_signed: val -> val.
+Parameter high_half_signed: val -> val.
+Parameter low_half_unsigned: val -> val.
+Parameter high_half_unsigned: val -> val.
+(** The fundamental property of these operations is that their
+ results can be recombined by addition or logical ``or'',
+ and this recombination rebuilds the original value. *)
+Axiom low_high_half_signed:
+ forall v, Val.add (low_half_signed v) (high_half_signed v) = v.
+Axiom low_high_half_unsigned:
+ forall v, Val.or (low_half_unsigned v) (high_half_unsigned v) = v.
+(** The other axioms we take is that the results of
+ the [low_half] and [high_half] functions are of type [Tint],
+ i.e. either integers, pointers or undefined values. *)
+Axiom low_half_signed_type:
+ forall v, Val.has_type (low_half_signed v) Tint.
+Axiom high_half_signed_type:
+ forall v, Val.has_type (high_half_signed v) Tint.
+Axiom low_half_unsigned_type:
+ forall v, Val.has_type (low_half_unsigned v) Tint.
+Axiom high_half_unsigned_type:
+ forall v, Val.has_type (high_half_unsigned v) Tint.
+(** Armed with the [low_half] and [high_half] functions,
+ we can define the evaluation of a symbolic constant.
+ Note that for [const_high], integer constants
+ are shifted left by 16 bits, but not symbol addresses:
+ we assume (as in the [low_high_half] axioms above)
+ that the results of [high_half] are already shifted
+ (their 16 low bits are equal to 0). *)
+Definition symbol_offset (id: ident) (ofs: int) : val :=
+ match Genv.find_symbol ge id with
+ | Some b => Vptr b ofs
+ | None => Vundef
+ end.
+Definition const_low (c: constant) :=
+ match c with
+ | Cint n => Vint n
+ | Csymbol_low_signed id ofs => low_half_signed (symbol_offset id ofs)
+ | Csymbol_high_signed id ofs => Vundef
+ | Csymbol_low_unsigned id ofs => low_half_unsigned (symbol_offset id ofs)
+ | Csymbol_high_unsigned id ofs => Vundef
+ end.
+Definition const_high (c: constant) :=
+ match c with
+ | Cint n => Vint (Int.shl n (Int.repr 16))
+ | Csymbol_low_signed id ofs => Vundef
+ | Csymbol_high_signed id ofs => high_half_signed (symbol_offset id ofs)
+ | Csymbol_low_unsigned id ofs => Vundef
+ | Csymbol_high_unsigned id ofs => high_half_unsigned (symbol_offset id ofs)
+ end.
+(** The semantics is purely small-step and defined as a function
+ from the current state (a register set + a memory state)
+ to either [OK rs' m'] where [rs'] and [m'] are the updated register
+ set and memory state after execution of the instruction at [rs#PC],
+ or [Error] if the processor is stuck. *)
+Inductive outcome: Set :=
+ | OK: regset -> mem -> outcome
+ | Error: outcome.
+(** Manipulations over the [PC] register: continuing with the next
+ instruction ([nextinstr]) or branching to a label ([goto_label]). *)
+Definition nextinstr (rs: regset) :=
+ rs#PC <- (Val.add rs#PC Vone).
+Definition goto_label (c: code) (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (m: mem) :=
+ match label_pos lbl 0 c with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some pos =>
+ match rs#PC with
+ | Vptr b ofs => OK (rs#PC <- (Vptr b (Int.repr pos))) m
+ | _ => Error
+ end
+ end.
+(** Auxiliaries for memory accesses, in two forms: one operand
+ (plus constant offset) or two operands. *)
+Definition load1 (chunk: memory_chunk) (rd: preg)
+ (cst: constant) (r1: ireg) (rs: regset) (m: mem) :=
+ match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.add (gpr_or_zero rs r1) (const_low cst)) with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some v => OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- v)) m
+ end.
+Definition load2 (chunk: memory_chunk) (rd: preg) (r1 r2: ireg)
+ (rs: regset) (m: mem) :=
+ match Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.add rs#r1 rs#r2) with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some v => OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- v)) m
+ end.
+Definition store1 (chunk: memory_chunk) (r: preg)
+ (cst: constant) (r1: ireg) (rs: regset) (m: mem) :=
+ match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.add (gpr_or_zero rs r1) (const_low cst)) (rs#r) with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some m' => OK (nextinstr rs) m'
+ end.
+Definition store2 (chunk: memory_chunk) (r: preg) (r1 r2: ireg)
+ (rs: regset) (m: mem) :=
+ match Mem.storev chunk m (Val.add rs#r1 rs#r2) (rs#r) with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some m' => OK (nextinstr rs) m'
+ end.
+(** Operations over condition bits. *)
+Definition reg_of_crbit (bit: crbit) :=
+ match bit with
+ | CRbit_0 => CR0_0
+ | CRbit_1 => CR0_1
+ | CRbit_2 => CR0_2
+ | CRbit_3 => CR0_3
+ end.
+Definition compare_sint (rs: regset) (v1 v2: val) :=
+ rs#CR0_0 <- (Val.cmp Clt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_1 <- (Val.cmp Cgt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_2 <- (Val.cmp Ceq v1 v2)
+ #CR0_3 <- Vundef.
+Definition compare_uint (rs: regset) (v1 v2: val) :=
+ rs#CR0_0 <- (Val.cmpu Clt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_1 <- (Val.cmpu Cgt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_2 <- (Val.cmpu Ceq v1 v2)
+ #CR0_3 <- Vundef.
+Definition compare_float (rs: regset) (v1 v2: val) :=
+ rs#CR0_0 <- (Val.cmpf Clt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_1 <- (Val.cmpf Cgt v1 v2)
+ #CR0_2 <- (Val.cmpf Ceq v1 v2)
+ #CR0_3 <- Vundef.
+Definition val_cond_reg (rs: regset) :=
+ Val.or (Val.shl rs#CR0_0 (Vint (Int.repr 31)))
+ (Val.or (Val.shl rs#CR0_1 (Vint (Int.repr 30)))
+ (Val.or (Val.shl rs#CR0_2 (Vint (Int.repr 29)))
+ (Val.shl rs#CR0_3 (Vint (Int.repr 28))))).
+(** Execution of a single instruction [i] in initial state
+ [rs] and [m]. Return updated state. For instructions
+ that correspond to actual PowerPC instructions, the cases are
+ straightforward transliterations of the informal descriptions
+ given in the PowerPC reference manuals. For pseudo-instructions,
+ refer to the informal descriptions given above. Note that
+ we set to [Vundef] the registers used as temporaries by the
+ expansions of the pseudo-instructions, so that the PPC code
+ we generate cannot use those registers to hold values that
+ must survive the execution of the pseudo-instruction.
+Definition exec_instr (c: code) (i: instruction) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome :=
+ match i with
+ | Padd rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.add rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Paddi rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.add (gpr_or_zero rs r1) (const_low cst)))) m
+ | Paddis rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.add (gpr_or_zero rs r1) (const_high cst)))) m
+ | Paddze rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.add rs#r1 rs#CARRY))) m
+ | Pallocframe lo hi =>
+ let (m1, stk) := Mem.alloc m lo hi in
+ let sp := Vptr stk (Int.repr lo) in
+ match Mem.storev Mint32 m1 sp rs#GPR1 with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some m2 => OK (nextinstr (rs#GPR1 <- sp #GPR2 <- Vundef)) m2
+ end
+ | Pand_ rd r1 r2 =>
+ let v := Val.and rs#r1 rs#r2 in
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_sint (rs#rd <- v) v Vzero)) m
+ | Pandc rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.and rs#r1 (Val.notint rs#r2)))) m
+ | Pandi_ rd r1 cst =>
+ let v := Val.and rs#r1 (const_low cst) in
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_sint (rs#rd <- v) v Vzero)) m
+ | Pandis_ rd r1 cst =>
+ let v := Val.and rs#r1 (const_high cst) in
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_sint (rs#rd <- v) v Vzero)) m
+ | Pb lbl =>
+ goto_label c lbl rs m
+ | Pbctr =>
+ OK (rs#PC <- (rs#CTR)) m
+ | Pbctrl =>
+ OK (rs#LR <- (Val.add rs#PC Vone) #PC <- (rs#CTR)) m
+ | Pbf bit lbl =>
+ match rs#(reg_of_crbit bit) with
+ | Vint n => if Int.eq n Int.zero then goto_label c lbl rs m else OK (nextinstr rs) m
+ | _ => Error
+ end
+ | Pbl ident =>
+ OK (rs#LR <- (Val.add rs#PC Vone) #PC <- (symbol_offset ident Int.zero)) m
+ | Pblr =>
+ OK (rs#PC <- (rs#LR)) m
+ | Pbt bit lbl =>
+ match rs#(reg_of_crbit bit) with
+ | Vint n => if Int.eq n Int.zero then OK (nextinstr rs) m else goto_label c lbl rs m
+ | _ => Error
+ end
+ | Pcmplw r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_uint rs rs#r1 rs#r2)) m
+ | Pcmplwi r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_uint rs rs#r1 (const_low cst))) m
+ | Pcmpw r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_sint rs rs#r1 rs#r2)) m
+ | Pcmpwi r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_sint rs rs#r1 (const_low cst))) m
+ | Pcror bd b1 b2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#(reg_of_crbit bd) <- (Val.or rs#(reg_of_crbit b1) rs#(reg_of_crbit b2)))) m
+ | Pdivw rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.divs rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pdivwu rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.divu rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Peqv rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.notint (Val.xor rs#r1 rs#r2)))) m
+ | Pextsb rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.cast8signed rs#r1))) m
+ | Pextsh rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.cast16signed rs#r1))) m
+ | Pfreeframe =>
+ match Mem.loadv Mint32 m rs#GPR1 with
+ | None => Error
+ | Some v =>
+ match rs#GPR1 with
+ | Vptr stk ofs => OK (nextinstr (rs#GPR1 <- v)) (Mem.free m stk)
+ | _ => Error
+ end
+ end
+ | Pfabs rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.absf rs#r1))) m
+ | Pfadd rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.addf rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pfcmpu r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (compare_float rs rs#r1 rs#r2)) m
+ | Pfcti rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.intoffloat rs#r1) #FPR13 <- Vundef)) m
+ | Pfdiv rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.divf rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pfmadd rd r1 r2 r3 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.addf (Val.mulf rs#r1 rs#r2) rs#r3))) m
+ | Pfmr rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (rs#r1))) m
+ | Pfmsub rd r1 r2 r3 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.subf (Val.mulf rs#r1 rs#r2) rs#r3))) m
+ | Pfmul rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.mulf rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pfneg rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.negf rs#r1))) m
+ | Pfrsp rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.singleoffloat rs#r1))) m
+ | Pfsub rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.subf rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pictf rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.floatofint rs#r1) #GPR2 <- Vundef #FPR13 <- Vundef)) m
+ | Piuctf rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.floatofintu rs#r1) #GPR2 <- Vundef #FPR13 <- Vundef)) m
+ | Plbz rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mint8unsigned rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plbzx rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mint8unsigned rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Plfd rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mfloat64 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plfdx rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mfloat64 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Plfs rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mfloat32 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plfsx rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mfloat32 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Plha rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mint16signed rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plhax rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mint16signed rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Plhz rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mint16unsigned rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plhzx rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mint16unsigned rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Plfi rd f =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Vfloat f) #GPR2 <- Vundef)) m
+ | Plwz rd cst r1 =>
+ load1 Mint32 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Plwzx rd r1 r2 =>
+ load2 Mint32 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Pmfcrbit rd bit =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (rs#(reg_of_crbit bit)))) m
+ | Pmflr rd =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (rs#LR))) m
+ | Pmr rd r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (rs#r1))) m
+ | Pmtctr r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#CTR <- (rs#r1))) m
+ | Pmtlr r1 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#LR <- (rs#r1))) m
+ | Pmulli rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.mul rs#r1 (const_low cst)))) m
+ | Pmullw rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.mul rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pnand rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.notint (Val.and rs#r1 rs#r2)))) m
+ | Pnor rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.notint (Val.or rs#r1 rs#r2)))) m
+ | Por rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.or rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Porc rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.or rs#r1 (Val.notint rs#r2)))) m
+ | Pori rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.or rs#r1 (const_low cst)))) m
+ | Poris rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.or rs#r1 (const_high cst)))) m
+ | Prlwinm rd r1 amount mask =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.rolm rs#r1 amount mask))) m
+ | Pslw rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.shl rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Psraw rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.shr rs#r1 rs#r2) #CARRY <- (Val.shr_carry rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Psrawi rd r1 n =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.shr rs#r1 (Vint n)) #CARRY <- (Val.shr_carry rs#r1 (Vint n)))) m
+ | Psrw rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.shru rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pstb rd cst r1 =>
+ store1 Mint8unsigned rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Pstbx rd r1 r2 =>
+ store2 Mint8unsigned rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Pstfd rd cst r1 =>
+ store1 Mfloat64 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Pstfdx rd r1 r2 =>
+ store2 Mfloat64 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Pstfs rd cst r1 =>
+ store1 Mfloat32 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Pstfsx rd r1 r2 =>
+ store2 Mfloat32 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Psth rd cst r1 =>
+ store1 Mint16unsigned rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Psthx rd r1 r2 =>
+ store2 Mint16unsigned rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Pstw rd cst r1 =>
+ store1 Mint32 rd cst r1 rs m
+ | Pstwx rd r1 r2 =>
+ store2 Mint32 rd r1 r2 rs m
+ | Psubfc rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.sub rs#r2 rs#r1) #CARRY <- Vundef)) m
+ | Psubfic rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.sub (const_low cst) rs#r1) #CARRY <- Vundef)) m
+ | Pxor rd r1 r2 =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.xor rs#r1 rs#r2))) m
+ | Pxori rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.xor rs#r1 (const_low cst)))) m
+ | Pxoris rd r1 cst =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.xor rs#r1 (const_high cst)))) m
+ | Piundef rd =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- Vundef)) m
+ | Pfundef rd =>
+ OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- Vundef)) m
+ | Plabel lbl =>
+ OK (nextinstr rs) m
+ end.
+(** Execution of the instruction at [rs#PC]. *)
+Inductive exec_step: regset -> mem -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
+ | exec_step_intro:
+ forall b ofs c i rs m rs' m',
+ rs PC = Vptr b ofs ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some c ->
+ find_instr (Int.unsigned ofs) c = Some i ->
+ exec_instr c i rs m = OK rs' m' ->
+ exec_step rs m rs' m'.
+(** Execution of zero, one or several instructions starting at [rs#PC]. *)
+Inductive exec_steps: regset -> mem -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
+ | exec_refl:
+ forall rs m,
+ exec_steps rs m rs m
+ | exec_one:
+ forall rs m rs' m',
+ exec_step rs m rs' m' ->
+ exec_steps rs m rs' m'
+ | exec_trans:
+ forall rs1 m1 rs2 m2 rs3 m3,
+ exec_steps rs1 m1 rs2 m2 ->
+ exec_steps rs2 m2 rs3 m3 ->
+ exec_steps rs1 m1 rs3 m3.
+Definition exec_program (p: program) (r: val) : Prop :=
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+ let rs0 :=
+ (Pregmap.init Vundef) # PC <- (symbol_offset ge p.(prog_main) Int.zero)
+ # LR <- Vzero
+ # GPR1 <- (Vptr Mem.nullptr Int.zero) in
+ exists rs, exists m,
+ exec_steps ge rs0 m0 rs m /\ rs#PC = Vzero /\ rs#GPR3 = r.