path: root/backend/RTLtyping.v
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authorMichael Schmidt <github@mschmidt.me>2015-10-14 15:26:56 +0200
committerMichael Schmidt <github@mschmidt.me>2015-10-14 15:26:56 +0200
commitf5bb397acd12292f6b41438778f2df7391d6f2fe (patch)
treeb5964ca4c395b0db639565d0d0fddc9c44e34cf1 /backend/RTLtyping.v
parentfd83d08d27057754202c575ed8a42d01b1af54c5 (diff)
bug 17392: remove trailing whitespace in source files
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/RTLtyping.v')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/backend/RTLtyping.v b/backend/RTLtyping.v
index effb0c7d..57fc8b86 100644
--- a/backend/RTLtyping.v
+++ b/backend/RTLtyping.v
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Record wt_function (f: function) (env: regenv): Prop :=
list_norepet f.(fn_params);
- forall pc instr,
+ forall pc instr,
f.(fn_code)!pc = Some instr -> wt_instr f env instr;
valid_successor f f.(fn_entrypoint)
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Definition type_instr (e: S.typenv) (i: instruction) : res S.typenv :=
| Ibuiltin ef args res s =>
let sig := ef_sig ef in
do x <- check_successor s;
- do e1 <-
+ do e1 <-
match ef with
| EF_annot _ _ | EF_debug _ _ _ => OK e
| _ => type_builtin_args e args sig.(sig_args)
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Definition type_code (e: S.typenv): res S.typenv :=
(** Solve remaining constraints *)
-Definition check_params_norepet (params: list reg): res unit :=
+Definition check_params_norepet (params: list reg): res unit :=
if list_norepet_dec Reg.eq params
then OK tt
else Error(msg "duplicate parameters").
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Lemma type_ros_sound:
forall e ros e' te, type_ros e ros = OK e' -> S.satisf te e' ->
match ros with inl r => te r = Tint | inr s => True end.
- unfold type_ros; intros. destruct ros.
+ unfold type_ros; intros. destruct ros.
eapply S.set_sound; eauto.
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma check_successor_sound:
forall s x, check_successor s = OK x -> valid_successor f s.
- unfold check_successor, valid_successor; intros.
+ unfold check_successor, valid_successor; intros.
destruct (fn_code f)!s; inv H. exists i; auto.
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ Hint Resolve check_successor_sound: ty.
Lemma check_successors_sound:
forall sl x, check_successors sl = OK x -> forall s, In s sl -> valid_successor f s.
- induction sl; simpl; intros.
+ induction sl; simpl; intros.
- monadInv H. destruct H0. subst a; eauto with ty. eauto.
+ monadInv H. destruct H0. subst a; eauto with ty. eauto.
Remark type_expect_incr:
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ Lemma type_builtin_args_incr:
induction a; destruct ty; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
inv H; auto.
- monadInv H. eapply type_builtin_arg_incr; eauto.
+ monadInv H. eapply type_builtin_arg_incr; eauto.
Lemma type_builtin_res_incr:
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ Lemma type_builtin_res_sound:
forall e a ty e' te,
type_builtin_res e a ty = OK e' -> S.satisf te e' -> type_of_builtin_res te a = ty.
- intros. destruct a; simpl in *.
+ intros. destruct a; simpl in *.
eapply S.set_sound; eauto.
symmetry; eapply type_expect_sound; eauto.
symmetry; eapply type_expect_sound; eauto.
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Proof.
destruct l; try discriminate. destruct l; monadInv EQ0.
constructor. eapply S.move_sound; eauto. eauto with ty.
+ destruct (type_of_operation o) as [targs tres] eqn:TYOP. monadInv EQ0.
- apply wt_Iop.
+ apply wt_Iop.
unfold is_move in ISMOVE; destruct o; congruence.
rewrite TYOP. eapply S.set_list_sound; eauto with ty.
rewrite TYOP. eapply S.set_sound; eauto with ty.
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Proof.
eapply S.set_sound; eauto with ty.
eauto with ty.
- (* call *)
- constructor.
+ constructor.
eapply type_ros_sound; eauto with ty.
eapply S.set_list_sound; eauto with ty.
eapply S.set_sound; eauto with ty.
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ Proof.
destruct (opt_typ_eq (sig_res s) (sig_res (fn_sig f))); try discriminate.
destruct (tailcall_is_possible s) eqn:TCIP; inv EQ2.
- eapply type_ros_sound; eauto with ty.
+ eapply type_ros_sound; eauto with ty.
eapply S.set_list_sound; eauto with ty.
apply tailcall_is_possible_correct; auto.
@@ -538,12 +538,12 @@ Proof.
destruct (zle (list_length_z l * 4) Int.max_unsigned); inv EQ2.
eapply S.set_sound; eauto.
- eapply check_successors_sound; eauto.
+ eapply check_successors_sound; eauto.
- (* return *)
simpl in H. destruct o as [r|] eqn: RET; destruct (sig_res (fn_sig f)) as [t|] eqn: RES; try discriminate.
econstructor. eauto. eapply S.set_sound; eauto with ty.
- inv H. constructor. auto.
+ inv H. constructor. auto.
Lemma type_code_sound:
@@ -558,16 +558,16 @@ Proof.
| OK e' => c!pc = Some i -> S.satisf te e' -> wt_instr f te i
change (P f.(fn_code) (OK e1)).
- rewrite <- TCODE. unfold type_code. apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold P; intros.
+ rewrite <- TCODE. unfold type_code. apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold P; intros.
- (* extensionality *)
- destruct a; auto; intros. rewrite <- H in H1. eapply H0; eauto.
+ destruct a; auto; intros. rewrite <- H in H1. eapply H0; eauto.
- (* base case *)
rewrite PTree.gempty in H; discriminate.
- (* inductive case *)
- destruct a as [e|?]; auto.
+ destruct a as [e|?]; auto.
destruct (type_instr e v) as [e'|?] eqn:TYINSTR; auto.
- intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq pc k).
- inv H2. eapply type_instr_sound; eauto.
+ intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq pc k).
+ inv H2. eapply type_instr_sound; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto. eapply type_instr_incr; eauto.
@@ -581,12 +581,12 @@ Proof.
- (* type of parameters *)
eapply S.set_list_sound; eauto.
- (* parameters are unique *)
- unfold check_params_norepet in EQ2.
- destruct (list_norepet_dec Reg.eq (fn_params f)); inv EQ2; auto.
+ unfold check_params_norepet in EQ2.
+ destruct (list_norepet_dec Reg.eq (fn_params f)); inv EQ2; auto.
- (* instructions are well typed *)
- intros. eapply type_code_sound; eauto.
+ intros. eapply type_code_sound; eauto.
- (* entry point is valid *)
- eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
(** ** Completeness proof *)
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ Lemma type_ros_complete:
match ros with inl r => te r = Tint | inr s => True end ->
exists e', type_ros e ros = OK e' /\ S.satisf te e'.
- intros; destruct ros; simpl.
+ intros; destruct ros; simpl.
eapply S.set_complete; eauto.
exists e; auto.
@@ -605,14 +605,14 @@ Qed.
Lemma check_successor_complete:
forall s, valid_successor f s -> check_successor s = OK tt.
- unfold valid_successor, check_successor; intros.
+ unfold valid_successor, check_successor; intros.
destruct H as [i EQ]; rewrite EQ; auto.
Lemma type_expect_complete:
forall e ty, type_expect e ty ty = OK e.
- unfold type_expect; intros. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+ unfold type_expect; intros. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
Lemma type_builtin_arg_complete:
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ Lemma type_builtin_arg_complete:
S.satisf te e ->
exists e', type_builtin_arg e a (type_of_builtin_arg te a) = OK e' /\ S.satisf te e'.
- intros. destruct a; simpl; try (exists e; split; [apply type_expect_complete|assumption]).
+ intros. destruct a; simpl; try (exists e; split; [apply type_expect_complete|assumption]).
apply S.set_complete; auto.
@@ -629,11 +629,11 @@ Lemma type_builtin_args_complete:
S.satisf te e ->
exists e', type_builtin_args e al (List.map (type_of_builtin_arg te) al) = OK e' /\ S.satisf te e'.
- induction al; simpl; intros.
+ induction al; simpl; intros.
- exists e; auto.
-- destruct (type_builtin_arg_complete te a e) as (e1 & A & B); auto.
+- destruct (type_builtin_arg_complete te a e) as (e1 & A & B); auto.
destruct (IHal e1) as (e2 & C & D); auto.
- exists e2; split; auto. rewrite A. auto.
+ exists e2; split; auto. rewrite A. auto.
Lemma type_builtin_res_complete:
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ Lemma type_builtin_res_complete:
S.satisf te e ->
exists e', type_builtin_res e a (type_of_builtin_res te a) = OK e' /\ S.satisf te e'.
- intros. destruct a; simpl.
+ intros. destruct a; simpl.
apply S.set_complete; auto.
exists e; auto.
exists e; auto.
@@ -664,60 +664,60 @@ Proof.
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit S.set_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
exists e2; split; auto.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
replace (is_move op) with false. rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
destruct op; reflexivity || congruence.
- (* load *)
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit S.set_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
exists e2; split; auto.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
- (* store *)
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit S.set_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
exists e2; split; auto.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
- (* call *)
exploit type_ros_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
exploit S.set_complete. eexact D. eauto. intros [e3 [E F]].
- exists e3; split; auto.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ exists e3; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl; rewrite E; auto.
- (* tailcall *)
exploit type_ros_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
- exists e2; split; auto.
- rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl.
- rewrite H2; rewrite dec_eq_true.
- replace (tailcall_is_possible sig) with true; auto.
- revert H3. unfold tailcall_possible, tailcall_is_possible. generalize (loc_arguments sig).
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl.
+ rewrite H2; rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ replace (tailcall_is_possible sig) with true; auto.
+ revert H3. unfold tailcall_possible, tailcall_is_possible. generalize (loc_arguments sig).
induction l; simpl; intros. auto.
exploit (H3 a); auto. intros. destruct a; try contradiction. apply IHl.
- intros; apply H3; auto.
+ intros; apply H3; auto.
- (* builtin *)
exploit type_builtin_args_complete; eauto. instantiate (1 := args). intros [e1 [A B]].
exploit type_builtin_res_complete; eauto. instantiate (1 := res). intros [e2 [C D]].
exploit type_builtin_res_complete. eexact H. instantiate (1 := res). intros [e3 [E F]].
rewrite check_successor_complete by auto. simpl.
exists (match ef with EF_annot _ _ | EF_debug _ _ _ => e3 | _ => e2 end); split.
- rewrite H1 in C, E.
+ rewrite H1 in C, E.
destruct ef; try (rewrite <- H0; rewrite A); simpl; auto.
destruct ef; auto.
- (* cond *)
exploit S.set_list_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exists e1; split; auto.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
- (* jumptbl *)
exploit S.set_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
exists e1; split; auto.
- replace (check_successors tbl) with (OK tt). simpl.
- rewrite A; simpl. apply zle_true; auto.
- revert H1. generalize tbl. induction tbl0; simpl; intros. auto.
+ replace (check_successors tbl) with (OK tt). simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl. apply zle_true; auto.
+ revert H1. generalize tbl. induction tbl0; simpl; intros. auto.
rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
apply IHtbl0; intros; auto.
- (* return none *)
@@ -739,14 +739,14 @@ Proof.
assert (P f.(fn_code) (type_code e0)).
unfold type_code. apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold P; intros.
- - apply H0. intros. apply H1 with pc. rewrite <- H; auto.
- - exists e0; auto.
- - destruct H1 as [e [A B]].
+ - apply H0. intros. apply H1 with pc. rewrite <- H; auto.
+ - exists e0; auto.
+ - destruct H1 as [e [A B]].
intros. apply H2 with pc. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence.
- subst a.
+ subst a.
destruct (type_instr_complete te e v) as [e' [C D]].
- auto. apply H2 with k. apply PTree.gss.
- exists e'; split; auto. rewrite C; auto.
+ auto. apply H2 with k. apply PTree.gss.
+ exists e'; split; auto. rewrite C; auto.
apply H; auto.
@@ -754,15 +754,15 @@ Qed.
Theorem type_function_complete:
forall te, wt_function f te -> exists te, type_function = OK te.
- intros. destruct H.
+ intros. destruct H.
destruct (type_code_complete te S.initial) as (e1 & A & B).
- auto. apply S.satisf_initial.
+ auto. apply S.satisf_initial.
destruct (S.set_list_complete te f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args) e1) as (e2 & C & D); auto.
destruct (S.solve_complete te e2) as (te' & E); auto.
exists te'; unfold type_function.
- rewrite A; simpl. rewrite C; simpl. rewrite E; simpl.
- unfold check_params_norepet. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. simpl.
- rewrite check_successor_complete by auto. auto.
+ rewrite A; simpl. rewrite C; simpl. rewrite E; simpl.
+ unfold check_params_norepet. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto. auto.
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ Lemma wt_regset_assign:
Val.has_type v (env r) ->
wt_regset env (rs#r <- v).
- intros; red; intros.
+ intros; red; intros.
rewrite Regmap.gsspec.
case (peq r0 r); intro.
subst r0. assumption.
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ Proof.
induction rl; simpl.
split. apply H. apply IHrl.
Lemma wt_regset_setres:
forall env rs v res,
@@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ Lemma wt_regset_setres:
Val.has_type v (type_of_builtin_res env res) ->
wt_regset env (regmap_setres res v rs).
- intros. destruct res; simpl in *; auto. apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
+ intros. destruct res; simpl in *; auto. apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
Lemma wt_init_regs:
forall env rl args,
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ Lemma wt_init_regs:
wt_regset env (init_regs args rl).
induction rl; destruct args; simpl; intuition.
- red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gi. simpl; auto.
+ red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gi. simpl; auto.
apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ Lemma wt_exec_Iop:
wt_regset env rs ->
wt_regset env (rs#res <- v).
- intros. inv H.
+ intros. inv H.
simpl in H0. inv H0. apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
rewrite H4; auto.
eapply wt_regset_assign; auto.
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ Lemma wt_exec_Ibuiltin:
wt_regset env rs ->
wt_regset env (regmap_setres res vres rs).
- intros. inv H.
+ intros. inv H.
eapply wt_regset_setres; eauto.
rewrite H7. eapply external_call_well_typed; eauto.
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ Lemma wt_instr_at:
forall f env pc i,
wt_function f env -> f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i -> wt_instr f env i.
- intros. inv H. eauto.
+ intros. inv H. eauto.
Inductive wt_stackframes: list stackframe -> signature -> Prop :=
@@ -905,9 +905,9 @@ Remark wt_stackframes_change_sig:
forall s sg1 sg2,
sg1.(sig_res) = sg2.(sig_res) -> wt_stackframes s sg1 -> wt_stackframes s sg2.
- intros. inv H0.
+ intros. inv H0.
- constructor; congruence.
-- econstructor; eauto. rewrite H3. unfold proj_sig_res. rewrite H. auto.
+- econstructor; eauto. rewrite H3. unfold proj_sig_res. rewrite H. auto.
@@ -936,19 +936,19 @@ Proof.
assert (wt_fundef fd).
destruct ros; simpl in H0.
pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
- exact wt_p. exact H0.
+ exact wt_p. exact H0.
caseEq (Genv.find_symbol ge i); intros; rewrite H1 in H0.
pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
exact wt_p. exact H0.
econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto. inv WTI; auto.
+ econstructor; eauto. inv WTI; auto.
inv WTI. rewrite <- H8. apply wt_regset_list. auto.
(* Itailcall *)
assert (wt_fundef fd).
destruct ros; simpl in H0.
pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
- exact wt_p. exact H0.
+ exact wt_p. exact H0.
caseEq (Genv.find_symbol ge i); intros; rewrite H1 in H0.
pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
exact wt_p. exact H0.
@@ -963,24 +963,24 @@ Proof.
(* Ijumptable *)
econstructor; eauto.
(* Ireturn *)
- econstructor; eauto.
- inv WTI; simpl. auto. unfold proj_sig_res; rewrite H2. auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ inv WTI; simpl. auto. unfold proj_sig_res; rewrite H2. auto.
(* internal function *)
simpl in *. inv H5.
econstructor; eauto.
- inv H1. apply wt_init_regs; auto. rewrite wt_params0. auto.
+ inv H1. apply wt_init_regs; auto. rewrite wt_params0. auto.
(* external function *)
- econstructor; eauto. simpl.
+ econstructor; eauto. simpl.
eapply external_call_well_typed; eauto.
(* return *)
inv H1. econstructor; eauto.
- apply wt_regset_assign; auto. rewrite H10; auto.
+ apply wt_regset_assign; auto. rewrite H10; auto.
Lemma wt_initial_state:
forall S, initial_state p S -> wt_state S.
- intros. inv H. constructor. constructor. rewrite H3; auto.
+ intros. inv H. constructor. constructor. rewrite H3; auto.
pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
exact wt_p. exact H2.
rewrite H3. constructor.
@@ -992,10 +992,10 @@ Lemma wt_instr_inv:
f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i ->
exists env, wt_instr f env i /\ wt_regset env rs.
- intros. inv H. exists env; split; auto.
- inv WT_FN. eauto.
+ intros. inv H. exists env; split; auto.
+ inv WT_FN. eauto.