path: root/backend/Stackingproof.v
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /backend/Stackingproof.v
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Stackingproof.v')
1 files changed, 1610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Stackingproof.v b/backend/Stackingproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..002ca8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Stackingproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1610 @@
+(** Correctness proof for the translation from Linear to Mach. *)
+(** This file proves semantic preservation for the [Stacking] pass.
+ For the target language Mach, we use the alternate semantics
+ given in file [Machabstr], where a part of the activation record
+ is not resident in memory. Combined with the semantic equivalence
+ result between the two Mach semantics (see file [Machabstr2mach]),
+ the proof in this file also shows semantic preservation with
+ respect to the standard Mach semantics. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Machabstr.
+Require Import Linear.
+Require Import Lineartyping.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Import Stacking.
+(** * Properties of frames and frame accesses *)
+(** ``Good variable'' properties for frame accesses. *)
+Lemma get_slot_ok:
+ forall fr ty ofs,
+ 0 <= ofs -> fr.(low) + ofs + 4 * typesize ty <= 0 ->
+ exists v, get_slot fr ty ofs v.
+ intros. exists (load_contents (mem_type ty) fr.(contents) (fr.(low) + ofs)).
+ constructor; auto.
+Lemma set_slot_ok:
+ forall fr ty ofs v,
+ fr.(high) = 0 -> 0 <= ofs -> fr.(low) + ofs + 4 * typesize ty <= 0 ->
+ exists fr', set_slot fr ty ofs v fr'.
+ intros.
+ exists (mkblock fr.(low) fr.(high)
+ (store_contents (mem_type ty) fr.(contents) (fr.(low) + ofs) v)
+ (set_slot_undef_outside fr ty ofs v H H0 H1 fr.(undef_outside))).
+ constructor; auto.
+Lemma slot_gss:
+ forall fr1 ty ofs v fr2,
+ set_slot fr1 ty ofs v fr2 ->
+ get_slot fr2 ty ofs v.
+ intros. induction H.
+ constructor.
+ auto. simpl. auto.
+ simpl. symmetry. apply load_store_contents_same.
+Lemma slot_gso:
+ forall fr1 ty ofs v fr2 ty' ofs' v',
+ set_slot fr1 ty ofs v fr2 ->
+ get_slot fr1 ty' ofs' v' ->
+ ofs' + 4 * typesize ty' <= ofs \/ ofs + 4 * typesize ty <= ofs' ->
+ get_slot fr2 ty' ofs' v'.
+ intros. induction H; inversion H0.
+ constructor.
+ auto. simpl low. auto.
+ simpl. rewrite H3. symmetry. apply load_store_contents_other.
+ repeat (rewrite size_mem_type). omega.
+Lemma slot_gi:
+ forall f ofs ty,
+ 0 <= ofs -> (init_frame f).(low) + ofs + 4 * typesize ty <= 0 ->
+ get_slot (init_frame f) ty ofs Vundef.
+ intros. constructor.
+ auto. auto.
+ symmetry. apply load_contents_init.
+Variable prog: Linear.program.
+Variable tprog: Mach.program.
+Hypothesis TRANSF: transf_program prog = Some tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Variable f: Linear.function.
+Let b := function_bounds f.
+Let fe := make_env b.
+Variable tf: Mach.function.
+Hypothesis TRANSF_F: transf_function f = Some tf.
+Lemma unfold_transf_function:
+ tf = Mach.mkfunction
+ f.(Linear.fn_sig)
+ (transl_body f fe)
+ f.(Linear.fn_stacksize)
+ fe.(fe_size).
+ generalize TRANSF_F. unfold transf_function.
+ case (zlt (fn_stacksize f) 0). intros; discriminate.
+ case (zlt (- Int.min_signed) (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))).
+ intros; discriminate.
+ intros. unfold fe. unfold b. congruence.
+Lemma size_no_overflow: fe.(fe_size) <= -Int.min_signed.
+ generalize TRANSF_F. unfold transf_function.
+ case (zlt (fn_stacksize f) 0). intros; discriminate.
+ case (zlt (- Int.min_signed) (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))).
+ intros; discriminate.
+ intros. unfold fe, b. omega.
+(** A frame index is valid if it lies within the resource bounds
+ of the current function. *)
+Definition index_valid (idx: frame_index) :=
+ match idx with
+ | FI_local x Tint => 0 <= x < b.(bound_int_local)
+ | FI_local x Tfloat => 0 <= x < b.(bound_float_local)
+ | FI_arg x ty => 6 <= x /\ x + typesize ty <= b.(bound_outgoing)
+ | FI_saved_int x => 0 <= x < b.(bound_int_callee_save)
+ | FI_saved_float x => 0 <= x < b.(bound_float_callee_save)
+ end.
+Definition type_of_index (idx: frame_index) :=
+ match idx with
+ | FI_local x ty => ty
+ | FI_arg x ty => ty
+ | FI_saved_int x => Tint
+ | FI_saved_float x => Tfloat
+ end.
+(** Non-overlap between the memory areas corresponding to two
+ frame indices. *)
+Definition index_diff (idx1 idx2: frame_index) : Prop :=
+ match idx1, idx2 with
+ | FI_local x1 ty1, FI_local x2 ty2 =>
+ x1 <> x2 \/ ty1 <> ty2
+ | FI_arg x1 ty1, FI_arg x2 ty2 =>
+ x1 + typesize ty1 <= x2 \/ x2 + typesize ty2 <= x1
+ | FI_saved_int x1, FI_saved_int x2 => x1 <> x2
+ | FI_saved_float x1, FI_saved_float x2 => x1 <> x2
+ | _, _ => True
+ end.
+Remark align_float_part:
+ 4 * bound_outgoing b + 4 * bound_int_local b + 4 * bound_int_callee_save b <=
+ align (4 * bound_outgoing b + 4 * bound_int_local b + 4 * bound_int_callee_save b) 8.
+ apply align_le. omega.
+Ltac AddPosProps :=
+ assert (bound_int_local b >= 0);
+ [unfold b; apply bound_int_local_pos |
+ assert (bound_float_local b >= 0);
+ [unfold b; apply bound_float_local_pos |
+ assert (bound_int_callee_save b >= 0);
+ [unfold b; apply bound_int_callee_save_pos |
+ assert (bound_float_callee_save b >= 0);
+ [unfold b; apply bound_float_callee_save_pos |
+ assert (bound_outgoing b >= 6);
+ [unfold b; apply bound_outgoing_pos |
+ generalize align_float_part; intro]]]]].
+Lemma size_pos: fe.(fe_size) >= 24.
+ AddPosProps.
+ unfold fe, make_env, fe_size. omega.
+Opaque function_bounds.
+Lemma offset_of_index_disj:
+ forall idx1 idx2,
+ index_valid idx1 -> index_valid idx2 ->
+ index_diff idx1 idx2 ->
+ offset_of_index fe idx1 + 4 * typesize (type_of_index idx1) <= offset_of_index fe idx2 \/
+ offset_of_index fe idx2 + 4 * typesize (type_of_index idx2) <= offset_of_index fe idx1.
+ AddPosProps.
+ intros.
+ destruct idx1; destruct idx2;
+ try (destruct t); try (destruct t0);
+ unfold offset_of_index, fe, make_env,
+ fe_size, fe_ofs_int_local, fe_ofs_int_callee_save,
+ fe_ofs_float_local, fe_ofs_float_callee_save,
+ type_of_index, typesize;
+ simpl in H5; simpl in H6; simpl in H7;
+ try omega.
+ assert (z <> z0). intuition auto. omega.
+ assert (z <> z0). intuition auto. omega.
+(** The following lemmas give sufficient conditions for indices
+ of various kinds to be valid. *)
+Lemma index_local_valid:
+ forall ofs ty,
+ slot_bounded f (Local ofs ty) ->
+ index_valid (FI_local ofs ty).
+ unfold slot_bounded, index_valid. auto.
+Lemma index_arg_valid:
+ forall ofs ty,
+ slot_bounded f (Outgoing ofs ty) ->
+ index_valid (FI_arg ofs ty).
+ unfold slot_bounded, index_valid, b. auto.
+Lemma index_saved_int_valid:
+ forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_int_callee_save r < b.(bound_int_callee_save) ->
+ index_valid (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)).
+ intros. red. split.
+ apply Zge_le. apply index_int_callee_save_pos; auto.
+ auto.
+Lemma index_saved_float_valid:
+ forall r,
+ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_float_callee_save r < b.(bound_float_callee_save) ->
+ index_valid (FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save r)).
+ intros. red. split.
+ apply Zge_le. apply index_float_callee_save_pos; auto.
+ auto.
+Hint Resolve index_local_valid index_arg_valid
+ index_saved_int_valid index_saved_float_valid: stacking.
+(** The offset of a valid index lies within the bounds of the frame. *)
+Lemma offset_of_index_valid:
+ forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ 24 <= offset_of_index fe idx /\
+ offset_of_index fe idx + 4 * typesize (type_of_index idx) <= fe.(fe_size).
+ AddPosProps.
+ intros.
+ destruct idx; try destruct t;
+ unfold offset_of_index, fe, make_env,
+ fe_size, fe_ofs_int_local, fe_ofs_int_callee_save,
+ fe_ofs_float_local, fe_ofs_float_callee_save,
+ type_of_index, typesize;
+ simpl in H5;
+ omega.
+(** Offsets for valid index are representable as signed machine integers
+ without loss of precision. *)
+Lemma offset_of_index_no_overflow:
+ forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ Int.signed (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe idx)) = offset_of_index fe idx.
+ intros.
+ generalize (offset_of_index_valid idx H). intros [A B].
+(* omega falls flat on its face... *)
+ apply Int.signed_repr.
+ split. apply Zle_trans with 24. compute; intro; discriminate.
+ auto.
+ assert (offset_of_index fe idx < fe_size fe).
+ generalize (typesize_pos (type_of_index idx)); intro. omega.
+ apply Zlt_succ_le.
+ change (Zsucc Int.max_signed) with (- Int.min_signed).
+ generalize size_no_overflow. omega.
+(** Admissible evaluation rules for the [Mgetstack] and [Msetstack]
+ instructions, in case the offset is computed with [offset_of_index]. *)
+Lemma exec_Mgetstack':
+ forall sp parent idx ty c rs fr dst m v,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ get_slot fr ty (offset_of_index fe idx) v ->
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (Mgetstack (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe idx)) ty dst :: c) rs fr m
+ c (rs#dst <- v) fr m.
+ intros. apply Machabstr.exec_one. apply Machabstr.exec_Mgetstack.
+ rewrite offset_of_index_no_overflow. auto. auto.
+Lemma exec_Msetstack':
+ forall sp parent idx ty c rs fr src m fr',
+ index_valid idx ->
+ set_slot fr ty (offset_of_index fe idx) (rs src) fr' ->
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (Msetstack src (Int.repr (offset_of_index fe idx)) ty :: c) rs fr m
+ c rs fr' m.
+ intros. apply Machabstr.exec_one. apply Machabstr.exec_Msetstack.
+ rewrite offset_of_index_no_overflow. auto. auto.
+(** An alternate characterization of the [get_slot] and [set_slot]
+ operations in terms of the following [index_val] frame access
+ function. *)
+Definition index_val (idx: frame_index) (fr: frame) :=
+ load_contents (mem_type (type_of_index idx))
+ fr.(contents)
+ (fr.(low) + offset_of_index fe idx).
+Lemma get_slot_index:
+ forall fr idx ty v,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ fr.(low) = - fe.(fe_size) ->
+ ty = type_of_index idx ->
+ v = index_val idx fr ->
+ get_slot fr ty (offset_of_index fe idx) v.
+ intros. subst v; subst ty.
+ generalize (offset_of_index_valid idx H); intros [A B].
+ unfold index_val. apply get_slot_intro. omega.
+ rewrite H0. omega. auto.
+Lemma set_slot_index:
+ forall fr idx v,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ fr.(high) = 0 ->
+ fr.(low) = - fe.(fe_size) ->
+ exists fr', set_slot fr (type_of_index idx) (offset_of_index fe idx) v fr'.
+ intros.
+ generalize (offset_of_index_valid idx H); intros [A B].
+ apply set_slot_ok. auto. omega. rewrite H1; omega.
+(** Alternate ``good variable'' properties for [get_slot] and [set_slot]. *)
+Lemma slot_iss:
+ forall fr idx v fr',
+ set_slot fr (type_of_index idx) (offset_of_index fe idx) v fr' ->
+ index_val idx fr' = v.
+ intros. inversion H. subst ofs ty.
+ unfold index_val; simpl. apply load_store_contents_same.
+Lemma slot_iso:
+ forall fr idx v fr' idx',
+ set_slot fr (type_of_index idx) (offset_of_index fe idx) v fr' ->
+ index_diff idx idx' ->
+ index_valid idx -> index_valid idx' ->
+ index_val idx' fr' = index_val idx' fr.
+ intros. generalize (offset_of_index_disj idx idx' H1 H2 H0). intro.
+ unfold index_val. inversion H. subst ofs ty. simpl.
+ apply load_store_contents_other.
+ repeat rewrite size_mem_type. omega.
+(** * Agreement between location sets and Mach environments *)
+(** The following [agree] predicate expresses semantic agreement between
+ a location set on the Linear side and, on the Mach side,
+ a register set, plus the current and parent frames, plus the register
+ set [rs0] at function entry. *)
+Record agree (ls: locset) (rs: regset) (fr parent: frame) (rs0: regset) : Prop :=
+ mk_agree {
+ (** Machine registers have the same values on the Linear and Mach sides. *)
+ agree_reg:
+ forall r, ls (R r) = rs r;
+ (** Machine registers outside the bounds of the current function
+ have the same values they had at function entry. In other terms,
+ these registers are never assigned. *)
+ agree_unused_reg:
+ forall r, ~(mreg_bounded f r) -> rs r = rs0 r;
+ (** The bounds of the current frame are [[- fe.(fe_size), 0]]. *)
+ agree_high:
+ fr.(high) = 0;
+ agree_size:
+ fr.(low) = - fe.(fe_size);
+ (** Local and outgoing stack slots (on the Linear side) have
+ the same values as the one loaded from the current Mach frame
+ at the corresponding offsets. *)
+ agree_locals:
+ forall ofs ty,
+ slot_bounded f (Local ofs ty) ->
+ ls (S (Local ofs ty)) = index_val (FI_local ofs ty) fr;
+ agree_outgoing:
+ forall ofs ty,
+ slot_bounded f (Outgoing ofs ty) ->
+ ls (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) = index_val (FI_arg ofs ty) fr;
+ (** Incoming stack slots (on the Linear side) have
+ the same values as the one loaded from the parent Mach frame
+ at the corresponding offsets. *)
+ agree_incoming:
+ forall ofs ty,
+ slot_bounded f (Incoming ofs ty) ->
+ get_slot parent ty (Int.signed (Int.repr (4 * ofs))) (ls (S (Incoming ofs ty)));
+ (** The areas of the frame reserved for saving used callee-save
+ registers always contain the values that those registers had
+ on function entry. *)
+ agree_saved_int:
+ forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_int_callee_save r < b.(bound_int_callee_save) ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)) fr = rs0 r;
+ agree_saved_float:
+ forall r,
+ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_float_callee_save r < b.(bound_float_callee_save) ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save r)) fr = rs0 r
+ }.
+Hint Resolve agree_reg agree_unused_reg agree_size agree_high
+ agree_locals agree_outgoing agree_incoming
+ agree_saved_int agree_saved_float: stacking.
+(** Values of registers and register lists. *)
+Lemma agree_eval_reg:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 r,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 -> rs r = ls (R r).
+ intros. symmetry. eauto with stacking.
+Lemma agree_eval_regs:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 rl,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 -> rs##rl = LTL.reglist rl ls.
+ induction rl; simpl; intros.
+ auto. apply (f_equal2 (@cons val)).
+ eapply agree_eval_reg; eauto.
+ auto.
+Hint Resolve agree_eval_reg agree_eval_regs: stacking.
+(** Preservation of agreement under various assignments:
+ of machine registers, of local slots, of outgoing slots. *)
+Lemma agree_set_reg:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 r v,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ mreg_bounded f r ->
+ agree (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) (Regmap.set r v rs) fr parent rs0.
+ intros. constructor; eauto with stacking.
+ intros. case (mreg_eq r r0); intro.
+ subst r0. rewrite Locmap.gss; rewrite Regmap.gss; auto.
+ rewrite Locmap.gso. rewrite Regmap.gso. eauto with stacking.
+ auto. red. auto.
+ intros. rewrite Regmap.gso. eauto with stacking.
+ red; intro; subst r0. contradiction.
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red. auto.
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red. auto.
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red. auto.
+Lemma agree_set_local:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 v ofs ty,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ slot_bounded f (Local ofs ty) ->
+ exists fr',
+ set_slot fr ty (offset_of_index fe (FI_local ofs ty)) v fr' /\
+ agree (Locmap.set (S (Local ofs ty)) v ls) rs fr' parent rs0.
+ intros.
+ generalize (set_slot_index fr _ v (index_local_valid _ _ H0)
+ (agree_high _ _ _ _ _ H)
+ (agree_size _ _ _ _ _ H)).
+ intros [fr' SET].
+ exists fr'. split. auto. constructor; eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_reg *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+ (* agree_high *)
+ inversion SET. simpl high. eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_size *)
+ inversion SET. simpl low. eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_local *)
+ intros. case (slot_eq (Local ofs ty) (Local ofs0 ty0)); intro.
+ rewrite <- e. rewrite Locmap.gss.
+ replace (FI_local ofs0 ty0) with (FI_local ofs ty).
+ symmetry. eapply slot_iss; eauto. congruence.
+ assert (ofs <> ofs0 \/ ty <> ty0).
+ case (zeq ofs ofs0); intro. compare ty ty0; intro.
+ congruence. tauto. tauto.
+ rewrite Locmap.gso. transitivity (index_val (FI_local ofs0 ty0) fr).
+ eauto with stacking. symmetry. eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ simpl. auto.
+ (* agree_outgoing *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. transitivity (index_val (FI_arg ofs0 ty0) fr).
+ eauto with stacking. symmetry. eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ red; auto. red; auto.
+ (* agree_incoming *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red. auto.
+ (* agree_saved_int *)
+ intros. rewrite <- (agree_saved_int _ _ _ _ _ H r H1 H2).
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+ (* agree_saved_float *)
+ intros. rewrite <- (agree_saved_float _ _ _ _ _ H r H1 H2).
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+Lemma agree_set_outgoing:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 v ofs ty,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ slot_bounded f (Outgoing ofs ty) ->
+ exists fr',
+ set_slot fr ty (offset_of_index fe (FI_arg ofs ty)) v fr' /\
+ agree (Locmap.set (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) v ls) rs fr' parent rs0.
+ intros.
+ generalize (set_slot_index fr _ v (index_arg_valid _ _ H0)
+ (agree_high _ _ _ _ _ H)
+ (agree_size _ _ _ _ _ H)).
+ intros [fr' SET].
+ exists fr'. split. exact SET. constructor; eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_reg *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+ (* agree_high *)
+ inversion SET. simpl high. eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_size *)
+ inversion SET. simpl low. eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_local *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso.
+ transitivity (index_val (FI_local ofs0 ty0) fr).
+ eauto with stacking. symmetry. eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ red; auto. red; auto.
+ (* agree_outgoing *)
+ intros. unfold Locmap.set.
+ case (Loc.eq (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) (S (Outgoing ofs0 ty0))); intro.
+ (* same location *)
+ replace ofs0 with ofs. replace ty0 with ty.
+ symmetry. eapply slot_iss; eauto.
+ congruence. congruence.
+ (* overlapping locations *)
+ caseEq (Loc.overlap (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) (S (Outgoing ofs0 ty0))); intros.
+ inversion SET. subst ofs1 ty1.
+ unfold index_val, type_of_index, offset_of_index.
+ set (ofs4 := 4 * ofs). set (ofs04 := 4 * ofs0). simpl.
+ unfold ofs4, ofs04. symmetry.
+ case (zeq ofs ofs0); intro.
+ subst ofs0. apply load_store_contents_mismatch.
+ destruct ty; destruct ty0; simpl; congruence.
+ generalize (Loc.overlap_not_diff _ _ H2). intro. simpl in H4.
+ apply load_store_contents_overlap.
+ omega.
+ rewrite size_mem_type. omega.
+ rewrite size_mem_type. omega.
+ (* different locations *)
+ transitivity (index_val (FI_arg ofs0 ty0) fr).
+ eauto with stacking.
+ symmetry. eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ simpl. eapply Loc.overlap_aux_false_1; eauto.
+ (* agree_incoming *)
+ intros. rewrite Locmap.gso. eauto with stacking. red. auto.
+ (* saved ints *)
+ intros. rewrite <- (agree_saved_int _ _ _ _ _ H r H1 H2).
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+ (* saved floats *)
+ intros. rewrite <- (agree_saved_float _ _ _ _ _ H r H1 H2).
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
+Lemma agree_return_regs:
+ forall ls rs fr parent rs0 ls' rs',
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ (forall r,
+ In (R r) temporaries \/ In (R r) destroyed_at_call ->
+ rs' r = ls' (R r)) ->
+ (forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs \/ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ rs' r = rs r) ->
+ agree (LTL.return_regs ls ls') rs' fr parent rs0.
+ intros. constructor; unfold LTL.return_regs; eauto with stacking.
+ (* agree_reg *)
+ intros. case (In_dec Loc.eq (R r) temporaries); intro.
+ symmetry. apply H0. tauto.
+ case (In_dec Loc.eq (R r) destroyed_at_call); intro.
+ symmetry. apply H0. tauto.
+ rewrite H1. eauto with stacking.
+ generalize (register_classification r); tauto.
+ (* agree_unused_reg *)
+ intros. rewrite H1. eauto with stacking.
+ generalize H2; unfold mreg_bounded; case (mreg_type r); intro.
+ left. apply index_int_callee_save_pos2.
+ generalize (bound_int_callee_save_pos f); intro. omega.
+ right. apply index_float_callee_save_pos2.
+ generalize (bound_float_callee_save_pos f); intro. omega.
+(** * Correctness of saving and restoring of callee-save registers *)
+(** The following lemmas show the correctness of the register saving
+ code generated by [save_callee_save]: after this code has executed,
+ the register save areas of the current frame do contain the
+ values of the callee-save registers used by the function. *)
+Lemma save_int_callee_save_correct_rec:
+ forall l k sp parent rs fr m,
+ incl l int_callee_save_regs ->
+ list_norepet l ->
+ fr.(high) = 0 ->
+ fr.(low) = -fe.(fe_size) ->
+ exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (save_int_callee_save fe) k l) rs fr m
+ k rs fr' m
+ /\ fr'.(high) = 0
+ /\ fr'.(low) = -fe.(fe_size)
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r l -> index_int_callee_save r < bound_int_callee_save b ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)) fr' = rs r)
+ /\ (forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ (forall r,
+ In r l -> index_int_callee_save r < bound_int_callee_save b ->
+ idx <> FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)) ->
+ index_val idx fr' = index_val idx fr).
+ induction l.
+ (* base case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right. exists fr.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_refl. split. auto. split. auto.
+ split. intros. elim H3. auto.
+ (* inductive case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right.
+ set (k1 := fold_right (save_int_callee_save fe) k l) in *.
+ assert (R1: incl l int_callee_save_regs). eauto with coqlib.
+ assert (R2: list_norepet l). inversion H0; auto.
+ unfold save_int_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_int_callee_save a) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe));
+ intro;
+ unfold fe_num_int_callee_save, fe, make_env in z.
+ (* a store takes place *)
+ assert (IDX: index_valid (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save a))).
+ apply index_saved_int_valid. eauto with coqlib. auto.
+ generalize (set_slot_index _ _ (rs a) IDX H1 H2).
+ intros [fr1 SET].
+ assert (R3: high fr1 = 0). inversion SET. simpl high. auto.
+ assert (R4: low fr1 = -fe_size fe). inversion SET. simpl low. auto.
+ generalize (IHl k sp parent rs fr1 m R1 R2 R3 R4).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'.
+ split. eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. apply exec_Msetstack'; eauto with stacking.
+ exact A.
+ split. auto.
+ split. auto.
+ split. intros. elim H3; intros. subst r.
+ rewrite E. eapply slot_iss; eauto. auto.
+ intros. decEq. apply index_int_callee_save_inj; auto with coqlib.
+ inversion H0. red; intro; subst r; contradiction.
+ apply D; auto.
+ intros. transitivity (index_val idx fr1).
+ apply E; auto.
+ intros. apply H4; eauto with coqlib.
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ destruct idx; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (H4 a (in_eq _ _) z). congruence.
+ (* no store takes place *)
+ generalize (IHl k sp parent rs fr m R1 R2 H1 H2).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'. split. exact A. split. exact B. split. exact C.
+ split. intros. elim H3; intros. subst r. omegaContradiction.
+ apply D; auto.
+ intros. apply E; auto.
+ intros. apply H4; auto with coqlib.
+Lemma save_int_callee_save_correct:
+ forall k sp parent rs fr m,
+ fr.(high) = 0 ->
+ fr.(low) = -fe.(fe_size) ->
+ exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (save_int_callee_save fe) k int_callee_save_regs) rs fr m
+ k rs fr' m
+ /\ fr'.(high) = 0
+ /\ fr'.(low) = -fe.(fe_size)
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_int_callee_save r < bound_int_callee_save b ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)) fr' = rs r)
+ /\ (forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ match idx with FI_saved_int _ => False | _ => True end ->
+ index_val idx fr' = index_val idx fr).
+ intros.
+ generalize (save_int_callee_save_correct_rec
+ int_callee_save_regs k sp parent rs fr m
+ (incl_refl _) int_callee_save_norepet H H0).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'.
+ split. assumption. split. assumption. split. assumption.
+ split. apply D. intros. apply E. auto.
+ intros. red; intros; subst idx. contradiction.
+Lemma save_float_callee_save_correct_rec:
+ forall l k sp parent rs fr m,
+ incl l float_callee_save_regs ->
+ list_norepet l ->
+ fr.(high) = 0 ->
+ fr.(low) = -fe.(fe_size) ->
+ exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (save_float_callee_save fe) k l) rs fr m
+ k rs fr' m
+ /\ fr'.(high) = 0
+ /\ fr'.(low) = -fe.(fe_size)
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r l -> index_float_callee_save r < bound_float_callee_save b ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save r)) fr' = rs r)
+ /\ (forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ (forall r,
+ In r l -> index_float_callee_save r < bound_float_callee_save b ->
+ idx <> FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save r)) ->
+ index_val idx fr' = index_val idx fr).
+ induction l.
+ (* base case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right. exists fr.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_refl. split. auto. split. auto.
+ split. intros. elim H3. auto.
+ (* inductive case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right.
+ set (k1 := fold_right (save_float_callee_save fe) k l) in *.
+ assert (R1: incl l float_callee_save_regs). eauto with coqlib.
+ assert (R2: list_norepet l). inversion H0; auto.
+ unfold save_float_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_float_callee_save a) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe));
+ intro;
+ unfold fe_num_float_callee_save, fe, make_env in z.
+ (* a store takes place *)
+ assert (IDX: index_valid (FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save a))).
+ apply index_saved_float_valid. eauto with coqlib. auto.
+ generalize (set_slot_index _ _ (rs a) IDX H1 H2).
+ intros [fr1 SET].
+ assert (R3: high fr1 = 0). inversion SET. simpl high. auto.
+ assert (R4: low fr1 = -fe_size fe). inversion SET. simpl low. auto.
+ generalize (IHl k sp parent rs fr1 m R1 R2 R3 R4).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'.
+ split. eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. apply exec_Msetstack'; eauto with stacking.
+ exact A.
+ split. auto.
+ split. auto.
+ split. intros. elim H3; intros. subst r.
+ rewrite E. eapply slot_iss; eauto. auto.
+ intros. decEq. apply index_float_callee_save_inj; auto with coqlib.
+ inversion H0. red; intro; subst r; contradiction.
+ apply D; auto.
+ intros. transitivity (index_val idx fr1).
+ apply E; auto.
+ intros. apply H4; eauto with coqlib.
+ eapply slot_iso; eauto.
+ destruct idx; simpl; auto.
+ generalize (H4 a (in_eq _ _) z). congruence.
+ (* no store takes place *)
+ generalize (IHl k sp parent rs fr m R1 R2 H1 H2).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'. split. exact A. split. exact B. split. exact C.
+ split. intros. elim H3; intros. subst r. omegaContradiction.
+ apply D; auto.
+ intros. apply E; auto.
+ intros. apply H4; auto with coqlib.
+Lemma save_float_callee_save_correct:
+ forall k sp parent rs fr m,
+ fr.(high) = 0 ->
+ fr.(low) = -fe.(fe_size) ->
+ exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (save_float_callee_save fe) k float_callee_save_regs) rs fr m
+ k rs fr' m
+ /\ fr'.(high) = 0
+ /\ fr'.(low) = -fe.(fe_size)
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ index_float_callee_save r < bound_float_callee_save b ->
+ index_val (FI_saved_float (index_float_callee_save r)) fr' = rs r)
+ /\ (forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ match idx with FI_saved_float _ => False | _ => True end ->
+ index_val idx fr' = index_val idx fr).
+ intros.
+ generalize (save_float_callee_save_correct_rec
+ float_callee_save_regs k sp parent rs fr m
+ (incl_refl _) float_callee_save_norepet H H0).
+ intros [fr' [A [B [C [D E]]]]].
+ exists fr'. split. assumption. split. assumption. split. assumption.
+ split. apply D. intros. apply E. auto.
+ intros. red; intros; subst idx. contradiction.
+Lemma index_val_init_frame:
+ forall idx,
+ index_valid idx ->
+ index_val idx (init_frame tf) = Vundef.
+ intros. unfold index_val, init_frame. simpl contents.
+ apply load_contents_init.
+Lemma save_callee_save_correct:
+ forall sp parent k rs fr m ls,
+ (forall r, rs r = ls (R r)) ->
+ (forall ofs ty,
+ 6 <= ofs ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= size_arguments f.(fn_sig) ->
+ get_slot parent ty (Int.signed (Int.repr (4 * ofs))) (ls (S (Outgoing ofs ty)))) ->
+ high fr = 0 ->
+ low fr = -fe.(fe_size) ->
+ (forall idx, index_valid idx -> index_val idx fr = Vundef) ->
+ exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (save_callee_save fe k) rs fr m
+ k rs fr' m
+ /\ agree (LTL.call_regs ls) rs fr' parent rs.
+ intros. unfold save_callee_save.
+ generalize (save_int_callee_save_correct
+ (fold_right (save_float_callee_save fe) k float_callee_save_regs)
+ sp parent rs fr m H1 H2).
+ intros [fr1 [A1 [B1 [C1 [D1 E1]]]]].
+ generalize (save_float_callee_save_correct k sp parent rs fr1 m B1 C1).
+ intros [fr2 [A2 [B2 [C2 [D2 E2]]]]].
+ exists fr2.
+ split. eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. eexact A1. eexact A2.
+ constructor; unfold LTL.call_regs; auto.
+ (* agree_local *)
+ intros. rewrite E2; auto with stacking.
+ rewrite E1; auto with stacking.
+ symmetry. auto with stacking.
+ (* agree_outgoing *)
+ intros. rewrite E2; auto with stacking.
+ rewrite E1; auto with stacking.
+ symmetry. auto with stacking.
+ (* agree_incoming *)
+ intros. simpl in H4. apply H0. tauto. tauto.
+ (* agree_saved_int *)
+ intros. rewrite E2; auto with stacking.
+(** The following lemmas show the correctness of the register reloading
+ code generated by [reload_callee_save]: after this code has executed,
+ all callee-save registers contain the same values they had at
+ function entry. *)
+Lemma restore_int_callee_save_correct_rec:
+ forall sp parent k fr m rs0 l ls rs,
+ incl l int_callee_save_regs ->
+ list_norepet l ->
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ exists ls', exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (restore_int_callee_save fe) k l) rs fr m
+ k rs' fr m
+ /\ (forall r, In r l -> rs' r = rs0 r)
+ /\ (forall r, ~(In r l) -> rs' r = rs r)
+ /\ agree ls' rs' fr parent rs0.
+ induction l.
+ (* base case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right. exists ls. exists rs.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_refl.
+ split. intros. elim H2.
+ split. auto. auto.
+ (* inductive case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right.
+ set (k1 := fold_right (restore_int_callee_save fe) k l) in *.
+ assert (R0: In a int_callee_save_regs). apply H; auto with coqlib.
+ assert (R1: incl l int_callee_save_regs). eauto with coqlib.
+ assert (R2: list_norepet l). inversion H0; auto.
+ unfold restore_int_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_int_callee_save a) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe));
+ intro;
+ unfold fe_num_int_callee_save, fe, make_env in z.
+ set (ls1 := Locmap.set (R a) (rs0 a) ls).
+ set (rs1 := Regmap.set a (rs0 a) rs).
+ assert (R3: agree ls1 rs1 fr parent rs0).
+ unfold ls1, rs1. apply agree_set_reg. auto.
+ red. rewrite int_callee_save_type. exact z.
+ apply H. auto with coqlib.
+ generalize (IHl ls1 rs1 R1 R2 R3).
+ intros [ls' [rs' [A [B [C D]]]]].
+ exists ls'. exists rs'.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_trans with k1 rs1 fr m.
+ unfold rs1; apply exec_Mgetstack'; eauto with stacking.
+ apply get_slot_index; eauto with stacking.
+ symmetry. eauto with stacking.
+ eauto with stacking.
+ split. intros. elim H2; intros.
+ subst r. rewrite C. unfold rs1. apply Regmap.gss. inversion H0; auto.
+ auto.
+ split. intros. simpl in H2. rewrite C. unfold rs1. apply Regmap.gso.
+ apply sym_not_eq; tauto. tauto.
+ assumption.
+ (* no load takes place *)
+ generalize (IHl ls rs R1 R2 H1).
+ intros [ls' [rs' [A [B [C D]]]]].
+ exists ls'; exists rs'. split. assumption.
+ split. intros. elim H2; intros.
+ subst r. apply (agree_unused_reg _ _ _ _ _ D).
+ unfold mreg_bounded. rewrite int_callee_save_type; auto.
+ auto.
+ split. intros. simpl in H2. apply C. tauto.
+ assumption.
+Lemma restore_int_callee_save_correct:
+ forall sp parent k fr m rs0 ls rs,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ exists ls', exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (restore_int_callee_save fe) k int_callee_save_regs) rs fr m
+ k rs' fr m
+ /\ (forall r, In r int_callee_save_regs -> rs' r = rs0 r)
+ /\ (forall r, ~(In r int_callee_save_regs) -> rs' r = rs r)
+ /\ agree ls' rs' fr parent rs0.
+ intros. apply restore_int_callee_save_correct_rec with ls.
+ apply incl_refl. apply int_callee_save_norepet. auto.
+Lemma restore_float_callee_save_correct_rec:
+ forall sp parent k fr m rs0 l ls rs,
+ incl l float_callee_save_regs ->
+ list_norepet l ->
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ exists ls', exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (restore_float_callee_save fe) k l) rs fr m
+ k rs' fr m
+ /\ (forall r, In r l -> rs' r = rs0 r)
+ /\ (forall r, ~(In r l) -> rs' r = rs r)
+ /\ agree ls' rs' fr parent rs0.
+ induction l.
+ (* base case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right. exists ls. exists rs.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_refl.
+ split. intros. elim H2.
+ split. auto. auto.
+ (* inductive case *)
+ intros. simpl fold_right.
+ set (k1 := fold_right (restore_float_callee_save fe) k l) in *.
+ assert (R0: In a float_callee_save_regs). apply H; auto with coqlib.
+ assert (R1: incl l float_callee_save_regs). eauto with coqlib.
+ assert (R2: list_norepet l). inversion H0; auto.
+ unfold restore_float_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_float_callee_save a) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe));
+ intro;
+ unfold fe_num_float_callee_save, fe, make_env in z.
+ set (ls1 := Locmap.set (R a) (rs0 a) ls).
+ set (rs1 := Regmap.set a (rs0 a) rs).
+ assert (R3: agree ls1 rs1 fr parent rs0).
+ unfold ls1, rs1. apply agree_set_reg. auto.
+ red. rewrite float_callee_save_type. exact z.
+ apply H. auto with coqlib.
+ generalize (IHl ls1 rs1 R1 R2 R3).
+ intros [ls' [rs' [A [B [C D]]]]].
+ exists ls'. exists rs'.
+ split. apply Machabstr.exec_trans with k1 rs1 fr m.
+ unfold rs1; apply exec_Mgetstack'; eauto with stacking.
+ apply get_slot_index; eauto with stacking.
+ symmetry. eauto with stacking.
+ exact A.
+ split. intros. elim H2; intros.
+ subst r. rewrite C. unfold rs1. apply Regmap.gss. inversion H0; auto.
+ auto.
+ split. intros. simpl in H2. rewrite C. unfold rs1. apply Regmap.gso.
+ apply sym_not_eq; tauto. tauto.
+ assumption.
+ (* no load takes place *)
+ generalize (IHl ls rs R1 R2 H1).
+ intros [ls' [rs' [A [B [C D]]]]].
+ exists ls'; exists rs'. split. assumption.
+ split. intros. elim H2; intros.
+ subst r. apply (agree_unused_reg _ _ _ _ _ D).
+ unfold mreg_bounded. rewrite float_callee_save_type; auto.
+ auto.
+ split. intros. simpl in H2. apply C. tauto.
+ assumption.
+Lemma restore_float_callee_save_correct:
+ forall sp parent k fr m rs0 ls rs,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ exists ls', exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (List.fold_right (restore_float_callee_save fe) k float_callee_save_regs) rs fr m
+ k rs' fr m
+ /\ (forall r, In r float_callee_save_regs -> rs' r = rs0 r)
+ /\ (forall r, ~(In r float_callee_save_regs) -> rs' r = rs r)
+ /\ agree ls' rs' fr parent rs0.
+ intros. apply restore_float_callee_save_correct_rec with ls.
+ apply incl_refl. apply float_callee_save_norepet. auto.
+Lemma restore_callee_save_correct:
+ forall sp parent k fr m rs0 ls rs,
+ agree ls rs fr parent rs0 ->
+ exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf sp parent
+ (restore_callee_save fe k) rs fr m
+ k rs' fr m
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs \/ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ rs' r = rs0 r)
+ /\ (forall r,
+ ~(In r int_callee_save_regs) ->
+ ~(In r float_callee_save_regs) ->
+ rs' r = rs r).
+ intros. unfold restore_callee_save.
+ generalize (restore_int_callee_save_correct sp parent
+ (fold_right (restore_float_callee_save fe) k float_callee_save_regs)
+ fr m rs0 ls rs H).
+ intros [ls1 [rs1 [A [B [C D]]]]].
+ generalize (restore_float_callee_save_correct sp parent
+ k fr m rs0 ls1 rs1 D).
+ intros [ls2 [rs2 [P [Q [R S]]]]].
+ exists rs2. split. eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. eexact A. exact P.
+ split. intros. elim H0; intros.
+ rewrite R. apply B. auto. apply list_disjoint_notin with int_callee_save_regs.
+ apply int_float_callee_save_disjoint. auto.
+ apply Q. auto.
+ intros. rewrite R. apply C. auto. auto.
+(** * Semantic preservation *)
+(** Preservation of code labels through the translation. *)
+Section LABELS.
+Remark find_label_fold_right:
+ forall (A: Set) (fn: A -> Mach.code -> Mach.code) lbl,
+ (forall x k, Mach.find_label lbl (fn x k) = Mach.find_label lbl k) -> forall (args: list A) k,
+ Mach.find_label lbl (List.fold_right fn k args) = Mach.find_label lbl k.
+ induction args; simpl. auto.
+ intros. rewrite H. auto.
+Remark find_label_save_callee_save:
+ forall fe lbl k,
+ Mach.find_label lbl (save_callee_save fe k) = Mach.find_label lbl k.
+ intros. unfold save_callee_save.
+ repeat rewrite find_label_fold_right. reflexivity.
+ intros. unfold save_float_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_float_callee_save x) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe));
+ intro; reflexivity.
+ intros. unfold save_int_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_int_callee_save x) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe));
+ intro; reflexivity.
+Remark find_label_restore_callee_save:
+ forall fe lbl k,
+ Mach.find_label lbl (restore_callee_save fe k) = Mach.find_label lbl k.
+ intros. unfold restore_callee_save.
+ repeat rewrite find_label_fold_right. reflexivity.
+ intros. unfold restore_float_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_float_callee_save x) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe));
+ intro; reflexivity.
+ intros. unfold restore_int_callee_save.
+ case (zlt (index_int_callee_save x) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe));
+ intro; reflexivity.
+Lemma find_label_transl_code:
+ forall fe lbl c,
+ Mach.find_label lbl (transl_code fe c) =
+ option_map (transl_code fe) (Linear.find_label lbl c).
+ induction c; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ destruct a; unfold transl_instr; auto.
+ destruct s; simpl; auto.
+ destruct s; simpl; auto.
+ simpl. case (peq lbl l); intro. reflexivity. auto.
+ rewrite find_label_restore_callee_save. auto.
+Lemma transl_find_label:
+ forall f tf lbl c,
+ transf_function f = Some tf ->
+ Linear.find_label lbl f.(Linear.fn_code) = Some c ->
+ Mach.find_label lbl tf.(Mach.fn_code) =
+ Some (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c).
+ intros. rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ H). simpl.
+ unfold transl_body. rewrite find_label_save_callee_save.
+ rewrite find_label_transl_code. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+(** Code inclusion property for Linear executions. *)
+Lemma find_label_incl:
+ forall lbl c c',
+ Linear.find_label lbl c = Some c' -> incl c' c.
+ induction c; simpl.
+ intros; discriminate.
+ intro c'. case (is_label lbl a); intros.
+ injection H; intro; subst c'. red; intros; auto with coqlib.
+ apply incl_tl. auto.
+Lemma exec_instr_incl:
+ forall f sp c1 ls1 m1 c2 ls2 m2,
+ Linear.exec_instr ge f sp c1 ls1 m1 c2 ls2 m2 ->
+ incl c1 f.(fn_code) ->
+ incl c2 f.(fn_code).
+ induction 1; intros; eauto with coqlib.
+ eapply find_label_incl; eauto.
+ eapply find_label_incl; eauto.
+Lemma exec_instrs_incl:
+ forall f sp c1 ls1 m1 c2 ls2 m2,
+ Linear.exec_instrs ge f sp c1 ls1 m1 c2 ls2 m2 ->
+ incl c1 f.(fn_code) ->
+ incl c2 f.(fn_code).
+ induction 1; intros; auto.
+ eapply exec_instr_incl; eauto.
+(** Preservation / translation of global symbols and functions. *)
+Lemma symbols_preserved:
+ forall id, Genv.find_symbol tge id = Genv.find_symbol ge id.
+ intros. unfold ge, tge.
+ apply Genv.find_symbol_transf_partial with transf_function.
+ exact TRANSF.
+Lemma functions_translated:
+ forall f v,
+ Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
+ exists tf,
+ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_function f = Some tf.
+ intros.
+ generalize (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_function TRANSF H).
+ case (transf_function f).
+ intros tf [A B]. exists tf. tauto.
+ intros. tauto.
+Lemma function_ptr_translated:
+ forall f v,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
+ exists tf,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some tf /\ transf_function f = Some tf.
+ intros.
+ generalize (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_function TRANSF H).
+ case (transf_function f).
+ intros tf [A B]. exists tf. tauto.
+ intros. tauto.
+(** Correctness of stack pointer relocation in operations and
+ addressing modes. *)
+Definition shift_sp (tf: Mach.function) (sp: val) :=
+ Val.add sp (Vint (Int.repr (-tf.(fn_framesize)))).
+Remark shift_offset_sp:
+ forall f tf sp n v,
+ transf_function f = Some tf ->
+ offset_sp sp n = Some v ->
+ offset_sp (shift_sp tf sp)
+ (Int.add (Int.repr (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))) n) = Some v.
+ intros. destruct sp; try discriminate.
+ unfold offset_sp in *.
+ unfold shift_sp.
+ rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ H). unfold fn_framesize.
+ unfold Val.add. rewrite <- Int.neg_repr.
+ set (p := Int.repr (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))).
+ inversion H0. decEq. decEq.
+ rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq.
+ rewrite <- Int.add_assoc.
+ rewrite (Int.add_commut (Int.neg p) p). rewrite Int.add_neg_zero.
+ rewrite Int.add_commut. apply Int.add_zero.
+Lemma shift_eval_operation:
+ forall f tf sp op args v,
+ transf_function f = Some tf ->
+ eval_operation ge sp op args = Some v ->
+ eval_operation tge (shift_sp tf sp)
+ (transl_op (make_env (function_bounds f)) op) args =
+ Some v.
+ intros until v. destruct op; intros; auto.
+ simpl in *. rewrite symbols_preserved. auto.
+ destruct args; auto. unfold eval_operation in *. unfold transl_op.
+ apply shift_offset_sp; auto.
+Lemma shift_eval_addressing:
+ forall f tf sp addr args v,
+ transf_function f = Some tf ->
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr args = Some v ->
+ eval_addressing tge (shift_sp tf sp)
+ (transl_addr (make_env (function_bounds f)) addr) args =
+ Some v.
+ intros. destruct addr; auto.
+ simpl. rewrite symbols_preserved. auto.
+ simpl. rewrite symbols_preserved. auto.
+ unfold transl_addr, eval_addressing in *.
+ destruct args; try discriminate.
+ apply shift_offset_sp; auto.
+(** The proof of semantic preservation relies on simulation diagrams
+ of the following form:
+ c, ls, m ------------------- T(c), rs, fr, m
+ | |
+ | |
+ v v
+ c', ls', m' ---------------- T(c'), rs', fr', m'
+ The left vertical arrow represents a transition in the
+ original Linear code. The top horizontal bar captures three preconditions:
+- Agreement between [ls] on the Linear side and [rs], [fr], [rs0]
+ on the Mach side.
+- Inclusion between [c] and the code of the function [f] being
+ translated.
+- Well-typedness of [f].
+ In conclusion, we want to prove the existence of [rs'], [fr'], [m']
+ that satisfies the right arrow (zero, one or several transitions in
+ the generated Mach code) and the postcondition (agreement between
+ [ls'] and [rs'], [fr'], [rs0]).
+ As usual, we capture these diagrams as predicates parameterized
+ by the transition in the original Linear code. *)
+Definition exec_instr_prop
+ (f: function) (sp: val)
+ (c: code) (ls: locset) (m: mem)
+ (c': code) (ls': locset) (m': mem) :=
+ forall tf rs fr parent rs0
+ (TRANSL: transf_function f = Some tf)
+ (WTF: wt_function f)
+ (AG: agree f ls rs fr parent rs0)
+ (INCL: incl c f.(fn_code)),
+ exists rs', exists fr',
+ Machabstr.exec_instrs tge tf (shift_sp tf sp) parent
+ (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c) rs fr m
+ (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c') rs' fr' m'
+ /\ agree f ls' rs' fr' parent rs0.
+(** The simulation property for function calls has different preconditions
+ (a slightly weaker notion of agreement between [ls] and the initial
+ register values [rs] and caller's frame [parent]) and different
+ postconditions (preservation of callee-save registers). *)
+Definition exec_function_prop
+ (f: function)
+ (ls: locset) (m: mem)
+ (ls': locset) (m': mem) :=
+ forall tf rs parent
+ (TRANSL: transf_function f = Some tf)
+ (WTF: wt_function f)
+ (AG1: forall r, rs r = ls (R r))
+ (AG2: forall ofs ty,
+ 6 <= ofs ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= size_arguments f.(fn_sig) ->
+ get_slot parent ty (Int.signed (Int.repr (4 * ofs))) (ls (S (Outgoing ofs ty)))),
+ exists rs',
+ Machabstr.exec_function tge tf parent rs m rs' m'
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In (R r) temporaries \/ In (R r) destroyed_at_call ->
+ rs' r = ls' (R r))
+ /\ (forall r,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs \/ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
+ rs' r = rs r).
+Hypothesis wt_prog: wt_program prog.
+Lemma transf_function_correct:
+ forall f ls m ls' m',
+ Linear.exec_function ge f ls m ls' m' ->
+ exec_function_prop f ls m ls' m'.
+ assert (RED: forall f i c,
+ transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) (i :: c) =
+ transl_instr (make_env (function_bounds f)) i
+ (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c)).
+ intros. reflexivity.
+ apply (Linear.exec_function_ind3 ge exec_instr_prop
+ exec_instr_prop exec_function_prop);
+ intros; red; intros;
+ try rewrite RED;
+ try (generalize (WTF _ (INCL _ (in_eq _ _))); intro WTI);
+ unfold transl_instr.
+ (* Lgetstack *)
+ inversion WTI. exists (rs0#r <- (rs (S sl))); exists fr.
+ split. destruct sl.
+ (* Lgetstack, local *)
+ apply exec_Mgetstack'; auto.
+ apply get_slot_index. apply index_local_valid. auto.
+ eapply agree_size; eauto. reflexivity.
+ eapply agree_locals; eauto.
+ (* Lgetstack, incoming *)
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; constructor.
+ unfold offset_of_index. eapply agree_incoming; eauto.
+ (* Lgetstack, outgoing *)
+ apply exec_Mgetstack'; auto.
+ apply get_slot_index. apply index_arg_valid. auto.
+ eapply agree_size; eauto. reflexivity.
+ eapply agree_outgoing; eauto.
+ (* Lgetstack, common *)
+ apply agree_set_reg; auto.
+ (* Lsetstack *)
+ inversion WTI. destruct sl.
+ (* Lsetstack, local *)
+ generalize (agree_set_local _ _ _ _ _ _ (rs0 r) _ _ AG H3).
+ intros [fr' [SET AG']].
+ exists rs0; exists fr'. split.
+ apply exec_Msetstack'; auto.
+ replace (rs (R r)) with (rs0 r). auto.
+ symmetry. eapply agree_reg; eauto.
+ (* Lsetstack, incoming *)
+ contradiction.
+ (* Lsetstack, outgoing *)
+ generalize (agree_set_outgoing _ _ _ _ _ _ (rs0 r) _ _ AG H3).
+ intros [fr' [SET AG']].
+ exists rs0; exists fr'. split.
+ apply exec_Msetstack'; auto.
+ replace (rs (R r)) with (rs0 r). auto.
+ symmetry. eapply agree_reg; eauto.
+ (* Lop *)
+ assert (mreg_bounded f res). inversion WTI; auto.
+ exists (rs0#res <- v); exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one. constructor.
+ apply shift_eval_operation. auto.
+ change mreg with RegEq.t.
+ rewrite (agree_eval_regs _ _ _ _ _ _ args AG). auto.
+ apply agree_set_reg; auto.
+ (* Lload *)
+ inversion WTI. exists (rs0#dst <- v); exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; econstructor.
+ apply shift_eval_addressing; auto.
+ change mreg with RegEq.t.
+ rewrite (agree_eval_regs _ _ _ _ _ _ args AG). eauto.
+ auto.
+ apply agree_set_reg; auto.
+ (* Lstore *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; econstructor.
+ apply shift_eval_addressing; auto.
+ change mreg with RegEq.t.
+ rewrite (agree_eval_regs _ _ _ _ _ _ args AG). eauto.
+ rewrite (agree_eval_reg _ _ _ _ _ _ src AG). auto.
+ auto.
+ (* Lcall *)
+ inversion WTI.
+ assert (WTF': wt_function f').
+ destruct ros; simpl in H.
+ apply (Genv.find_funct_prop wt_function wt_prog H).
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); try discriminate.
+ apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_function wt_prog H).
+ assert (TR: exists tf', Mach.find_function tge ros rs0 = Some tf'
+ /\ transf_function f' = Some tf').
+ destruct ros; simpl in H; simpl.
+ eapply functions_translated.
+ rewrite (agree_eval_reg _ _ _ _ _ _ m0 AG). auto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved.
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); try discriminate.
+ apply function_ptr_translated; auto.
+ elim TR; intros tf' [FIND' TRANSL']; clear TR.
+ assert (AG1: forall r, rs0 r = rs (R r)).
+ intro. symmetry. eapply agree_reg; eauto.
+ assert (AG2: forall ofs ty,
+ 6 <= ofs ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= size_arguments f'.(fn_sig) ->
+ get_slot fr ty (Int.signed (Int.repr (4 * ofs))) (rs (S (Outgoing ofs ty)))).
+ intros.
+ assert (slot_bounded f (Outgoing ofs ty)).
+ red. rewrite <- H0 in H8. omega.
+ change (4 * ofs) with (offset_of_index (make_env (function_bounds f)) (FI_arg ofs ty)).
+ rewrite (offset_of_index_no_overflow f tf); auto.
+ apply get_slot_index. apply index_arg_valid. auto.
+ eapply agree_size; eauto. reflexivity.
+ eapply agree_outgoing; eauto.
+ generalize (H2 tf' rs0 fr TRANSL' WTF' AG1 AG2).
+ intros [rs2 [EXF [REGS1 REGS2]]].
+ exists rs2; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; apply Machabstr.exec_Mcall with tf'; auto.
+ apply agree_return_regs with rs0; auto.
+ (* Llabel *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; apply Machabstr.exec_Mlabel.
+ auto.
+ (* Lgoto *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; apply Machabstr.exec_Mgoto.
+ apply transl_find_label; auto.
+ auto.
+ (* Lcond, true *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; apply Machabstr.exec_Mcond_true.
+ rewrite <- (agree_eval_regs _ _ _ _ _ _ args AG) in H; auto.
+ apply transl_find_label; auto.
+ auto.
+ (* Lcond, false *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split.
+ apply Machabstr.exec_one; apply Machabstr.exec_Mcond_false.
+ rewrite <- (agree_eval_regs _ _ _ _ _ _ args AG) in H; auto.
+ auto.
+ (* refl *)
+ exists rs0; exists fr. split. apply Machabstr.exec_refl. auto.
+ (* one *)
+ apply H0; auto.
+ (* trans *)
+ generalize (H0 tf rs fr parent rs0 TRANSL WTF AG INCL).
+ intros [rs' [fr' [A B]]].
+ assert (INCL': incl b2 (fn_code f)). eapply exec_instrs_incl; eauto.
+ generalize (H2 tf rs' fr' parent rs0 TRANSL WTF B INCL').
+ intros [rs'' [fr'' [C D]]].
+ exists rs''; exists fr''. split.
+ eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. eexact A. eexact C.
+ auto.
+ (* function *)
+ assert (X: forall link ra,
+ exists rs' : regset,
+ Machabstr.exec_function_body tge tf parent link ra rs0 m rs' (free m2 stk) /\
+ (forall r : mreg,
+ In (R r) temporaries \/ In (R r) destroyed_at_call -> rs' r = rs2 (R r)) /\
+ (forall r : mreg,
+ In r int_callee_save_regs \/ In r float_callee_save_regs -> rs' r = rs0 r)).
+ intros.
+ set (sp := Vptr stk Int.zero) in *.
+ set (tsp := shift_sp tf sp).
+ set (fe := make_env (function_bounds f)).
+ assert (low (init_frame tf) = -fe.(fe_size)).
+ simpl low. rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL).
+ reflexivity.
+ assert (exists fr1, set_slot (init_frame tf) Tint 0 link fr1).
+ apply set_slot_ok. reflexivity. omega. rewrite H2. generalize (size_pos f).
+ unfold fe. simpl typesize. omega.
+ elim H3; intros fr1 SET1; clear H3.
+ assert (high fr1 = 0).
+ inversion SET1. reflexivity.
+ assert (low fr1 = -fe.(fe_size)).
+ inversion SET1. rewrite <- H2. reflexivity.
+ assert (exists fr2, set_slot fr1 Tint 4 ra fr2).
+ apply set_slot_ok. auto. omega. rewrite H4. generalize (size_pos f).
+ unfold fe. simpl typesize. omega.
+ elim H5; intros fr2 SET2; clear H5.
+ assert (high fr2 = 0).
+ inversion SET2. simpl. auto.
+ assert (low fr2 = -fe.(fe_size)).
+ inversion SET2. rewrite <- H4. reflexivity.
+ assert (UNDEF: forall idx, index_valid f idx -> index_val f idx fr2 = Vundef).
+ intros.
+ assert (get_slot fr2 (type_of_index idx) (offset_of_index fe idx) Vundef).
+ generalize (offset_of_index_valid _ _ H7). fold fe. intros [XX YY].
+ eapply slot_gso; eauto.
+ eapply slot_gso; eauto.
+ apply slot_gi. omega. omega.
+ simpl typesize. omega. simpl typesize. omega.
+ inversion H8. symmetry. exact H11.
+ generalize (save_callee_save_correct f tf TRANSL
+ tsp parent
+ (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) f.(fn_code))
+ rs0 fr2 m1 rs AG1 AG2 H5 H6 UNDEF).
+ intros [fr [EXP AG]].
+ generalize (H1 tf rs0 fr parent rs0 TRANSL WTF AG (incl_refl _)).
+ intros [rs' [fr' [EXB AG']]].
+ generalize (restore_callee_save_correct f tf TRANSL tsp parent
+ (Mreturn :: transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) b)
+ fr' m2 rs0 rs2 rs' AG').
+ intros [rs'' [EXX [REGS1 REGS2]]].
+ exists rs''. split. eapply Machabstr.exec_funct_body.
+ rewrite (unfold_transf_function f tf TRANSL); eexact H.
+ eexact SET1. eexact SET2.
+ replace (Mach.fn_code tf) with
+ (transl_body f (make_env (function_bounds f))).
+ replace (Vptr stk (Int.repr (- fn_framesize tf))) with tsp.
+ eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. eexact EXP.
+ eapply Machabstr.exec_trans. eexact EXB. eexact EXX.
+ unfold tsp, shift_sp, sp. unfold Val.add.
+ rewrite Int.add_commut. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.
+ rewrite (unfold_transf_function f tf TRANSL). simpl. auto.
+ split. intros. rewrite REGS2. symmetry; eapply agree_reg; eauto.
+ apply int_callee_save_not_destroyed; auto.
+ apply float_callee_save_not_destroyed; auto.
+ auto.
+ generalize (X Vzero Vzero). intros [rs' [EX [REGS1 REGS2]]].
+ exists rs'. split.
+ constructor. intros.
+ generalize (X link ra). intros [rs'' [EX' [REGS1' REGS2']]].
+ assert (rs' = rs'').
+ apply (@Regmap.exten val). intro r.
+ elim (register_classification r); intro.
+ rewrite REGS1'. apply REGS1. auto. auto.
+ rewrite REGS2'. apply REGS2. auto. auto.
+ rewrite H4. auto.
+ split; auto.
+Theorem transl_program_correct:
+ forall (p: Linear.program) (tp: Mach.program) (r: val),
+ wt_program p ->
+ transf_program p = Some tp ->
+ Linear.exec_program p r ->
+ Machabstr.exec_program tp r.
+ intros p tp r WTP TRANSF
+ [fptr [f [ls' [m [FINDSYMB [FINDFUNC [SIG [EXEC RES]]]]]]]].
+ assert (WTF: wt_function f).
+ apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_function WTP FINDFUNC).
+ set (ls := Locmap.init Vundef) in *.
+ set (rs := Regmap.init Vundef).
+ set (fr := empty_frame).
+ assert (AG1: forall r, rs r = ls (R r)).
+ intros; reflexivity.
+ assert (AG2: forall ofs ty,
+ 6 <= ofs ->
+ ofs + typesize ty <= size_arguments f.(fn_sig) ->
+ get_slot fr ty (Int.signed (Int.repr (4 * ofs))) (ls (S (Outgoing ofs ty)))).
+ rewrite SIG. unfold size_arguments, sig_args, size_arguments_rec.
+ intros. generalize (typesize_pos ty).
+ intro. omegaContradiction.
+ generalize (function_ptr_translated p tp TRANSF f _ FINDFUNC).
+ intros [tf [TFIND TRANSL]].
+ generalize (transf_function_correct p tp TRANSF WTP _ _ _ _ _ EXEC
+ tf rs fr TRANSL WTF AG1 AG2).
+ intros [rs' [A [B C]]].
+ red. exists fptr; exists tf; exists rs'; exists m.
+ split. rewrite (symbols_preserved p tp TRANSF).
+ rewrite (transform_partial_program_main transf_function p TRANSF).
+ assumption.
+ split. assumption.
+ split. rewrite (unfold_transf_function f tf TRANSL); simpl.
+ assumption.
+ split. replace (Genv.init_mem tp) with (Genv.init_mem p).
+ exact A. symmetry. apply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial with transf_function.
+ exact TRANSF.
+ rewrite <- RES. rewrite (unfold_transf_function f tf TRANSL); simpl.
+ apply B. right. apply loc_result_acceptable.