path: root/backend
diff options
authorPierre Goutagny <pierre.goutagny@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-16 16:23:52 +0200
committerPierre Goutagny <pierre.goutagny@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-16 16:23:52 +0200
commit3408be46000279a5282658375053f9a83a88cf58 (patch)
treef823225ba8a099c6be11f66bd2e5f44d32879df2 /backend
parent35b163f1c0bf1a4d09bfd0faa9ffed4b909fc8ea (diff)
Add Tunneling factorisation module
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelinglibs.ml b/backend/Tunnelinglibs.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce384dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Tunnelinglibs.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
+(* TODO: Proper author information *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+This file implements the core functions of the tunneling passes, for both RTL
+and LTL, by using a simplified CFG as a transparent interface
+See [Tunneling.v] and [RTLTunneling.v]
+open Coqlib
+open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+(* type of labels in the cfg *)
+type label = int * P.t
+(* instructions under analyzis *)
+type simple_inst = (* a simplified view of instructions *)
+ BRANCH of node
+| COND of node * node
+and node = {
+ lab: label;
+ mutable inst: simple_inst;
+ mutable link: node; (* link in the union-find: itself for non "nop"-nodes, target of the "nop" otherwise *)
+ mutable dist: int;
+ mutable tag: int
+ }
+type cfg_node = (int, node) Hashtbl.t
+type lnode = P.t
+(* type of the (simplified) CFG *)
+type cfg = {
+ nodes: cfg_node;
+ mutable rems: node list; (* remaining conditions that may become lbranch or not *)
+ mutable num_rems: int;
+ mutable iter_num: int (* number of iterations in elimination of conditions *)
+ }
+module Tunneling = functor
+ (LANG: sig
+ type code_unit (* the type of a node of the code cfg (an instruction or a bblock *)
+ type funct
+ end)
+ (OPT: sig
+ val langname: string
+ val limit_tunneling: int option (* for debugging: [Some x] limit the number of iterations *)
+ val debug_flag: bool ref
+ val final_dump: bool (* set to true to have a more verbose debugging *)
+ end)
+ (FUNS: sig
+ type lang
+ type code_type
+ (* build [c.nodes] and accumulate in [acc] conditions at beginning of LTL basic-blocks *)
+ val build_simplified_cfg: cfg -> cfg_node list -> lnode ->
+ LANG.code_unit -> cfg_node list
+ val print_code_unit: cfg -> bool -> (int * LANG.code_unit) -> bool
+ val fn_code: LANG.funct -> LANG.code_unit PTree.t
+ val fn_entrypoint: LANG.funct -> lnode
+ val check_code_unit: LANG.code_unit PTree.t -> lnode -> LANG.code_unit -> unit
+ end)
+-> struct
+let debug fmt =
+ if !OPT.debug_flag then Printf.eprintf fmt
+ else Printf.ifprintf stderr fmt
+exception BugOnPC of int
+let lab_i (n: node): int = fst n.lab
+let lab_p (n: node): P.t = snd n.lab
+let rec target c n = (* inspired from the "find" of union-find algorithm *)
+ match n.inst with
+ | COND(s1,s2) ->
+ if n.link != n
+ then update c n
+ else if n.tag < c.iter_num then (
+ (* we try to change the condition ... *)
+ n.tag <- c.iter_num; (* ... but at most once by iteration *)
+ let ts1 = target c s1 in
+ let ts2 = target c s2 in
+ if ts1 == ts2 then (n.link <- ts1; ts1) else n
+ ) else n
+ | _ ->
+ if n.link != n
+ then update c n
+ else n
+and update c n =
+ let t = target c n.link in
+ n.link <- t; t
+let get_node c p =
+ let li = P.to_int p in
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find c.nodes li
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let rec n = { lab = (li, p); inst = OTHER; link = n ; dist = 0; tag = 0 } in
+ Hashtbl.add c.nodes li n;
+ n
+let set_branch c p s =
+ let li = P.to_int p in
+ try
+ let n = Hashtbl.find c.nodes li in
+ n.inst <- BRANCH s;
+ n.link <- target c s
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let n = { lab = (li,p); inst = BRANCH s; link = target c s; dist = 0; tag = 0 } in
+ Hashtbl.add c.nodes li n
+(* try to change a condition into a branch
+[acc] is the current accumulator of conditions to consider in the next iteration of repeat_change_cond
+let try_change_cond c acc pc =
+ match pc.inst with
+ | COND(s1,s2) ->
+ let ts1 = target c s1 in
+ let ts2 = target c s2 in
+ if ts1 == ts2 then (
+ pc.link <- ts1;
+ c.num_rems <- c.num_rems - 1;
+ acc
+ ) else
+ pc::acc
+ | _ -> raise (BugOnPC (lab_i pc)) (* COND expected *)
+(* repeat [try_change_cond] until no condition is changed into a branch *)
+let rec repeat_change_cond c =
+ c.iter_num <- c.iter_num + 1;
+ debug "++ %sTunneling.branch_target %d: remaining number of conds to consider
+ = %d\n" OPT.langname (c.iter_num) (c.num_rems);
+ let old = c.num_rems in
+ c.rems <- List.fold_left (try_change_cond c) [] c.rems;
+ let curr = c.num_rems in
+ let continue =
+ match OPT.limit_tunneling with
+ | Some n -> curr < old && c.iter_num < n
+ | None -> curr < old
+ in
+ if continue
+ then repeat_change_cond c
+(* compute the final distance of each nop nodes to its target *)
+let undef_dist = -1
+let self_dist = undef_dist-1
+let rec dist n =
+ if n.dist = undef_dist
+ then (
+ n.dist <- self_dist; (* protection against an unexpected loop in the data-structure *)
+ n.dist <-
+ (match n.inst with
+ | OTHER -> 0
+ | BRANCH p -> 1 + dist p
+ | COND (p1,p2) -> 1 + (max (dist p1) (dist p2)));
+ n.dist
+ ) else if n.dist=self_dist then raise (BugOnPC (lab_i n))
+ else n.dist
+let final_export f c =
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ let filter_nops_init_dist _ n acc =
+ let tn = target c n in
+ if tn == n
+ then (
+ n.dist <- 0; (* force [n] to be a base case in the recursion of [dist] *)
+ acc
+ ) else (
+ n.dist <- undef_dist; (* force [dist] to compute the actual [n.dist] *)
+ count := !count+1;
+ n::acc
+ )
+ in
+ let nops = Hashtbl.fold filter_nops_init_dist c.nodes [] in
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun acc n -> PTree.set (lab_p n) (lab_p n.link, Z.of_uint (dist n)) acc) PTree.empty nops in
+ debug "* %sTunneling.branch_target: final number of eliminated nops = %d\n"
+ OPT.langname !count;
+ res
+(*** START: printing and debugging functions *)
+let string_of_labeli nodes ipc =
+ try
+ let pc = Hashtbl.find nodes ipc in
+ if pc.link == pc
+ then Printf.sprintf "(Target@%d)" (dist pc)
+ else Printf.sprintf "(Nop %d @%d)" (lab_i pc.link) (dist pc)
+ with
+ Not_found -> ""
+let print_cfg (f: LANG.funct) c =
+ let a = Array.of_list (PTree.fold (fun acc pc cu -> (P.to_int pc,cu)::acc) (FUNS.fn_code f) []) in
+ Array.fast_sort (fun (i1,_) (i2,_) -> i2 - i1) a;
+ let ep = P.to_int (FUNS.fn_entrypoint f) in
+ debug "entrypoint: %d %s\n" ep (string_of_labeli c.nodes ep);
+ let println = Array.fold_left (FUNS.print_code_unit c) false a in
+ (if println then debug "\n");debug "remaining cond:";
+ List.iter (fun n -> debug "%d " (lab_i n)) c.rems;
+ debug "\n"
+(* Copy-paste of the extracted code of the verifier *)
+(* with [raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))] instead of [Error.*] *)
+(** val check_code : coq_UF -> code -> unit res **)
+let check_code td c =
+ PTree.fold (fun _ pc cu -> FUNS.check_code_unit td pc cu) c (())
+(*** END: copy-paste & debugging functions *******)