path: root/backend
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-01-22 16:42:23 +0100
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-01-22 16:42:23 +0100
commit89e029310d175ee7ddbb157494bac46a08304b19 (patch)
treebd516047d1cea2be0141d00c1a18e440f4f368aa /backend
parent60c15c9d1105dc2e53c17b3fb28ee9cc4716cbc6 (diff)
parentfd2181ce5f6a3a5ba27349d1642ee4c59a6d9b34 (diff)
Merge branch 'mppa-work' into mppa-duplicate-oracle
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
2 files changed, 1134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/ForwardMoves.v b/backend/ForwardMoves.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c73b0213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/ForwardMoves.v
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
+Require Import AST Linking.
+Require Import Memory Registers Op RTL Maps.
+(* Static analysis *)
+Definition t := (PTree.t reg).
+Definition eq (r1 r2 : t) :=
+ forall x, (PTree.get x r1) = (PTree.get x r2).
+Definition top : t := PTree.empty reg.
+Lemma eq_refl: forall x, eq x x.
+ unfold eq.
+ intros; reflexivity.
+Lemma eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ unfold eq.
+ intros; eauto.
+Lemma eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ unfold eq.
+ intros; congruence.
+Definition reg_beq (x y : reg) :=
+ if Pos.eq_dec x y then true else false.
+Definition beq (r1 r2 : t) := PTree.beq reg_beq r1 r2.
+Lemma beq_correct: forall r1 r2, beq r1 r2 = true -> eq r1 r2.
+ unfold beq, eq. intros r1 r2 EQ x.
+ pose proof (PTree.beq_correct reg_beq r1 r2) as CORRECT.
+ pose proof (CORRECTF EQ x) as EQx.
+ unfold reg_beq in *.
+ destruct (r1 ! x) as [R1x | ] in *;
+ destruct (r2 ! x) as [R2x | ] in *;
+ trivial; try contradiction.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec R1x R2x) in *; congruence.
+Definition ge (r1 r2 : t) :=
+ forall x,
+ match PTree.get x r1 with
+ | None => True
+ | Some v => (PTree.get x r2) = Some v
+ end.
+Lemma ge_refl: forall r1 r2, eq r1 r2 -> ge r1 r2.
+ unfold eq, ge.
+ intros r1 r2 EQ x.
+ pose proof (EQ x) as EQx.
+ clear EQ.
+ destruct (r1 ! x).
+ - congruence.
+ - trivial.
+Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ unfold ge.
+ intros r1 r2 r3 GE12 GE23 x.
+ pose proof (GE12 x) as GE12x; clear GE12.
+ pose proof (GE23 x) as GE23x; clear GE23.
+ destruct (r1 ! x); trivial.
+ destruct (r2 ! x); congruence.
+Definition lub (r1 r2 : t) :=
+ PTree.combine
+ (fun ov1 ov2 =>
+ match ov1, ov2 with
+ | (Some v1), (Some v2) =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec v1 v2
+ then ov1
+ else None
+ | None, _
+ | _, None => None
+ end)
+ r1 r2.
+Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ intros r1 r2 x.
+ rewrite PTree.gcombine by reflexivity.
+ destruct (_ ! _); trivial.
+ destruct (_ ! _); trivial.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); trivial.
+Lemma ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ intros r1 r2 x.
+ rewrite PTree.gcombine by reflexivity.
+ destruct (_ ! _); trivial.
+ destruct (_ ! _); trivial.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec _ _); trivial.
+ congruence.
+ Parameter t: Type.
+ Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+ Axiom eq_refl: forall x, eq x x.
+ Axiom eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Axiom eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Parameter beq: t -> t -> bool.
+ Axiom beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> eq x y.
+ Parameter ge: t -> t -> Prop.
+ Axiom ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Axiom ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Parameter lub: t -> t -> t.
+ Axiom ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Axiom ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ Definition t := option L.t.
+ Definition eq (a b : t) :=
+ match a, b with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some x, Some y => L.eq x y
+ | Some _, None | None, Some _ => False
+ end.
+ Lemma eq_refl: forall x, eq x x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; destruct x; trivial.
+ apply L.eq_refl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; destruct x; destruct y; trivial.
+ apply L.eq_sym.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_trans: forall x y z, eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; trivial.
+ - apply L.eq_trans.
+ - contradiction.
+ Qed.
+ Definition beq (x y : t) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | None, None => true
+ | Some x, Some y => L.beq x y
+ | Some _, None | None, Some _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma beq_correct: forall x y, beq x y = true -> eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold beq, eq.
+ destruct x; destruct y; trivial; try congruence.
+ apply L.beq_correct.
+ Qed.
+ Definition ge (x y : t) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | None, Some _ => False
+ | _, None => True
+ | Some a, Some b => L.ge a b
+ end.
+ Lemma ge_refl: forall x y, eq x y -> ge x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq, ge.
+ destruct x; destruct y; trivial.
+ apply L.ge_refl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_trans: forall x y z, ge x y -> ge y z -> ge x z.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge.
+ destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; trivial; try contradiction.
+ apply L.ge_trans.
+ Qed.
+ Definition bot: t := None.
+ Lemma ge_bot: forall x, ge x bot.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, bot.
+ destruct x; trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Definition lub (a b : t) :=
+ match a, b with
+ | None, _ => b
+ | _, None => a
+ | (Some x), (Some y) => Some (L.lub x y)
+ end.
+ Lemma ge_lub_left: forall x y, ge (lub x y) x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ destruct x; destruct y; trivial.
+ - apply L.ge_lub_left.
+ - apply L.ge_refl.
+ apply L.eq_refl.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ge_lub_right: forall x y, ge (lub x y) y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ge, lub.
+ destruct x; destruct y; trivial.
+ - apply L.ge_lub_right.
+ - apply L.ge_refl.
+ apply L.eq_refl.
+ Qed.
+Module DS := Dataflow_Solver(RB)(NodeSetForward).
+Definition kill (dst : reg) (rel : RELATION.t) :=
+ PTree.filter1 (fun x => if Pos.eq_dec dst x then false else true)
+ (PTree.remove dst rel).
+Definition move (src dst : reg) (rel : RELATION.t) :=
+ PTree.set dst (match PTree.get src rel with
+ | Some src' => src'
+ | None => src
+ end) (kill dst rel).
+Fixpoint kill_builtin_res (res : builtin_res reg) (rel : RELATION.t) :=
+ match res with
+ | BR z => kill z rel
+ | BR_none => rel
+ | BR_splitlong hi lo => kill_builtin_res hi (kill_builtin_res lo rel)
+ end.
+Definition apply_instr instr x :=
+ match instr with
+ | Inop _
+ | Icond _ _ _ _
+ | Ijumptable _ _
+ | Istore _ _ _ _ _ => Some x
+ | Iop Omove (src :: nil) dst _ => Some (move src dst x)
+ | Iop _ _ dst _
+ | Iload _ _ _ _ dst _
+ | Icall _ _ _ dst _ => Some (kill dst x)
+ | Ibuiltin _ _ res _ => Some (RELATION.top) (* TODO (kill_builtin_res res x) *)
+ | Itailcall _ _ _ | Ireturn _ => RB.bot
+ end.
+Definition apply_instr' code (pc : node) (ro : RB.t) : RB.t :=
+ match ro with
+ | None => None
+ | Some x =>
+ match code ! pc with
+ | None => RB.bot
+ | Some instr => apply_instr instr x
+ end
+ end.
+Definition forward_map (f : RTL.function) := DS.fixpoint
+ (RTL.fn_code f) RTL.successors_instr
+ (apply_instr' (RTL.fn_code f)) (RTL.fn_entrypoint f) (Some RELATION.top).
+Definition get_r (rel : RELATION.t) (x : reg) :=
+ match PTree.get x rel with
+ | None => x
+ | Some src => src
+ end.
+Definition get_rb (rb : RB.t) (x : reg) :=
+ match rb with
+ | None => x
+ | Some rel => get_r rel x
+ end.
+Definition subst_arg (fmap : option (PMap.t RB.t)) (pc : node) (x : reg) : reg :=
+ match fmap with
+ | None => x
+ | Some inv => get_rb (PMap.get pc inv) x
+ end.
+Definition subst_args fmap pc := List.map (subst_arg fmap pc).
+(* Transform *)
+Definition transf_instr (fmap : option (PMap.t RB.t))
+ (pc: node) (instr: instruction) :=
+ match instr with
+ | Iop op args dst s =>
+ Iop op (subst_args fmap pc args) dst s
+ | Iload trap chunk addr args dst s =>
+ Iload trap chunk addr (subst_args fmap pc args) dst s
+ | Istore chunk addr args src s =>
+ Istore chunk addr (subst_args fmap pc args) src s
+ | Icall sig ros args dst s =>
+ Icall sig ros (subst_args fmap pc args) dst s
+ | Itailcall sig ros args =>
+ Itailcall sig ros (subst_args fmap pc args)
+ | Icond cond args s1 s2 =>
+ Icond cond (subst_args fmap pc args) s1 s2
+ | Ijumptable arg tbl =>
+ Ijumptable (subst_arg fmap pc arg) tbl
+ | Ireturn (Some arg) =>
+ Ireturn (Some (subst_arg fmap pc arg))
+ | _ => instr
+ end.
+Definition transf_function (f: function) : function :=
+ {| fn_sig := f.(fn_sig);
+ fn_params := f.(fn_params);
+ fn_stacksize := f.(fn_stacksize);
+ fn_code := PTree.map (transf_instr (forward_map f)) f.(fn_code);
+ fn_entrypoint := f.(fn_entrypoint) |}.
+Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : fundef :=
+ AST.transf_fundef transf_function fd.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : program :=
+ transform_program transf_fundef p.
diff --git a/backend/ForwardMovesproof.v b/backend/ForwardMovesproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826d4250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/ForwardMovesproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+Require Import FunInd.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors Integers Floats Lattice Kildall.
+Require Import AST Linking.
+Require Import Values Memory Globalenvs Events Smallstep.
+Require Import Registers Op RTL.
+Require Import ForwardMoves.
+Definition match_prog (p tp: RTL.program) :=
+ match_program (fun ctx f tf => tf = transf_fundef f) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall p, match_prog p (transf_program p).
+ intros. eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+Variables prog tprog: program.
+Hypothesis TRANSL: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Lemma functions_translated:
+ forall v f,
+ Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (transf_fundef f).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma function_ptr_translated:
+ forall v f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some (transf_fundef f).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma symbols_preserved:
+ forall id,
+ Genv.find_symbol tge id = Genv.find_symbol ge id.
+Proof (Genv.find_symbol_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma senv_preserved:
+ Senv.equiv ge tge.
+Proof (Genv.senv_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma sig_preserved:
+ forall f, funsig (transf_fundef f) = funsig f.
+ destruct f; trivial.
+Lemma find_function_translated:
+ forall ros rs fd,
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ find_function tge ros rs = Some (transf_fundef fd).
+ unfold find_function; intros. destruct ros as [r|id].
+ eapply functions_translated; eauto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); try congruence.
+ eapply function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+Lemma transf_function_at:
+ forall f pc i,
+ f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i ->
+ (transf_function f).(fn_code)!pc =
+ Some(transf_instr (forward_map f) pc i).
+ intros until i. intro CODE.
+ unfold transf_function; simpl.
+ rewrite PTree.gmap.
+ unfold option_map.
+ rewrite CODE.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition fmap_sem (fmap : option (PMap.t RB.t)) (pc : node) (rs : regset) :=
+ forall x : reg,
+ (rs # (subst_arg fmap pc x)) = (rs # x).
+ *)
+Lemma apply_instr'_bot :
+ forall code,
+ forall pc,
+ RB.eq (apply_instr' code pc RB.bot) RB.bot.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition get_rb_sem (rb : RB.t) (rs : regset) :=
+ match rb with
+ | None => False
+ | Some rel =>
+ forall x : reg,
+ (rs # (get_r rel x)) = (rs # x)
+ end.
+Lemma get_rb_sem_ge:
+ forall rb1 rb2 : RB.t,
+ (RB.ge rb1 rb2) ->
+ forall rs : regset,
+ (get_rb_sem rb2 rs) -> (get_rb_sem rb1 rs).
+ destruct rb1 as [r1 | ];
+ destruct rb2 as [r2 | ];
+ unfold get_rb_sem;
+ simpl;
+ intros GE rs RB2RS;
+ try contradiction.
+ unfold RELATION.ge in GE.
+ unfold get_r in *.
+ intro x.
+ pose proof (GE x) as GEx.
+ pose proof (RB2RS x) as RB2RSx.
+ destruct (r1 ! x) as [r1x | ] in *;
+ destruct (r2 ! x) as [r2x | ] in *;
+ congruence.
+Definition fmap_sem (fmap : option (PMap.t RB.t))
+ (pc : node) (rs : regset) :=
+ match fmap with
+ | None => True
+ | Some m => get_rb_sem (PMap.get pc m) rs
+ end.
+Lemma subst_arg_ok:
+ forall f,
+ forall pc,
+ forall rs,
+ forall arg,
+ fmap_sem (forward_map f) pc rs ->
+ rs # (subst_arg (forward_map f) pc arg) = rs # arg.
+ intros until arg.
+ intro SEM.
+ unfold fmap_sem in SEM.
+ destruct (forward_map f) as [map |]in *; trivial.
+ simpl.
+ unfold get_rb_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc).
+ 2: contradiction.
+ apply SEM.
+Lemma subst_args_ok:
+ forall f,
+ forall pc,
+ forall rs,
+ fmap_sem (forward_map f) pc rs ->
+ forall args,
+ rs ## (subst_args (forward_map f) pc args) = rs ## args.
+ induction args; trivial.
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ apply subst_arg_ok; assumption.
+ assumption.
+Lemma kill_ok:
+ forall dst,
+ forall mpc,
+ forall rs,
+ forall v,
+ get_rb_sem (Some mpc) rs ->
+ get_rb_sem (Some (kill dst mpc)) rs # dst <- v.
+ unfold get_rb_sem.
+ intros until v.
+ intros SEM x.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec x dst) as [EQ | NEQ].
+ {
+ subst dst.
+ rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ unfold kill, get_r.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.grs.
+ apply Regmap.gss.
+ }
+ rewrite (Regmap.gso v rs NEQ).
+ unfold kill, get_r in *.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by assumption.
+ pose proof (SEM x) as SEMx.
+ destruct (mpc ! x).
+ {
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec dst r).
+ {
+ subst dst.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by assumption.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by assumption.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma kill_weaken:
+ forall dst,
+ forall mpc,
+ forall rs,
+ get_rb_sem (Some mpc) rs ->
+ get_rb_sem (Some (kill dst mpc)) rs.
+ unfold get_rb_sem.
+ intros until rs.
+ intros SEM x.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec x dst) as [EQ | NEQ].
+ {
+ subst dst.
+ unfold kill, get_r.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.grs.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ unfold kill, get_r in *.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by assumption.
+ pose proof (SEM x) as SEMx.
+ destruct (mpc ! x).
+ {
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec dst r).
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ assumption.
+ }
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma top_ok :
+ forall rs, get_rb_sem (Some RELATION.top) rs.
+ unfold get_rb_sem, RELATION.top.
+ intros.
+ unfold get_r.
+ rewrite PTree.gempty.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma move_ok:
+ forall mpc : RELATION.t,
+ forall src res : reg,
+ forall rs : regset,
+ get_rb_sem (Some mpc) rs ->
+ get_rb_sem (Some (move src res mpc)) (rs # res <- (rs # src)).
+ unfold get_rb_sem, move.
+ intros until rs.
+ intros SEM x.
+ unfold get_r in *.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res x).
+ {
+ subst res.
+ rewrite PTree.gss.
+ rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ pose proof (SEM src) as SEMsrc.
+ destruct (mpc ! src) as [mpcsrc | ] in *.
+ {
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec x mpcsrc).
+ {
+ subst mpcsrc.
+ rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec x src).
+ {
+ subst src.
+ rewrite Regmap.gss.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite PTree.gso by congruence.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso with (i := x) by congruence.
+ unfold kill.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ pose proof (SEM x) as SEMx.
+ destruct (mpc ! x) as [ r |].
+ {
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res r).
+ {
+ subst r.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ trivial.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ reflexivity.
+Ltac TR_AT :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ A: (fn_code _)!_ = Some _ |- _ ] =>
+ generalize (transf_function_at _ _ _ A); intros
+ end.
+Definition is_killed_in_map (map : PMap.t RB.t) pc res :=
+ match PMap.get pc map with
+ | None => True
+ | Some rel => exists rel', RELATION.ge rel (kill res rel')
+ end.
+Definition is_killed_in_fmap fmap pc res :=
+ match fmap with
+ | None => True
+ | Some map => is_killed_in_map map pc res
+ end.
+Definition killed_twice:
+ forall rel : RELATION.t,
+ forall res,
+ RELATION.eq (kill res rel) (kill res (kill res rel)).
+ unfold kill, RELATION.eq.
+ intros.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res x).
+ {
+ subst res.
+ rewrite PTree.grs.
+ rewrite PTree.grs.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ destruct (rel ! x) as [relx | ]; trivial.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res relx); trivial.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res relx); congruence.
+Lemma get_rb_killed:
+ forall mpc,
+ forall rs,
+ forall rel,
+ forall res,
+ forall vres,
+ (get_rb_sem (Some mpc) rs) ->
+ (RELATION.ge mpc (kill res rel)) ->
+ (get_rb_sem (Some mpc) rs # res <- vres).
+ simpl.
+ intros until vres.
+ intros SEM GE x.
+ pose proof (GE x) as GEx.
+ pose proof (SEM x) as SEMx.
+ unfold get_r in *.
+ destruct (mpc ! x) as [mpcx | ] in *; trivial.
+ unfold kill in GEx.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1 in GEx.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res x) as [ | res_NE_x].
+ {
+ subst res.
+ rewrite PTree.grs in GEx.
+ discriminate.
+ }
+ rewrite PTree.gro in GEx by congruence.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso with (i := x) by congruence.
+ destruct (rel ! x) as [relx | ]; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec res relx) as [ res_EQ_relx | res_NE_relx] in *; try discriminate.
+ rewrite Regmap.gso by congruence.
+ congruence.
+Inductive match_frames: RTL.stackframe -> RTL.stackframe -> Prop :=
+| match_frames_intro: forall res f sp pc rs,
+ (fmap_sem (forward_map f) pc rs) ->
+ (is_killed_in_fmap (forward_map f) pc res) ->
+ match_frames (Stackframe res f sp pc rs)
+ (Stackframe res (transf_function f) sp pc rs).
+Inductive match_states: RTL.state -> RTL.state -> Prop :=
+ | match_regular_states: forall stk f sp pc rs m stk'
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ (fmap_sem (forward_map f) pc rs) ->
+ match_states (State stk f sp pc rs m)
+ (State stk' (transf_function f) sp pc rs m)
+ | match_callstates: forall stk f args m stk'
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ match_states (Callstate stk f args m)
+ (Callstate stk' (transf_fundef f) args m)
+ | match_returnstates: forall stk v m stk'
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_frames stk stk'),
+ match_states (Returnstate stk v m)
+ (Returnstate stk' v m).
+Lemma op_cases:
+ forall op,
+ forall args,
+ forall dst,
+ forall s,
+ forall x,
+ (exists src, op=Omove /\ args = src :: nil /\
+ (apply_instr (Iop op args dst s) x) = Some (move src dst x))
+ \/
+ (apply_instr (Iop op args dst s) x) = Some (kill dst x).
+ destruct op; try (right; simpl; reflexivity).
+ destruct args as [| arg0 args0t]; try (right; simpl; reflexivity).
+ destruct args0t as [| arg1 args1t]; try (right; simpl; reflexivity).
+ left.
+ eauto.
+Lemma step_simulation:
+ forall S1 t S2, RTL.step ge S1 t S2 ->
+ forall S1', match_states S1 S1' ->
+ exists S2', RTL.step tge S1' t S2' /\ match_states S2 S2'.
+ induction 1; intros S1' MS; inv MS; try TR_AT.
+- (* nop *)
+ econstructor; split. eapply exec_Inop; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := map # pc); trivial.
+ replace (map # pc) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ unfold get_rb_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc) in *; try contradiction.
+ rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+- (* op *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Iop with (v := v); eauto.
+ rewrite <- H0.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok by assumption.
+ apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ constructor; auto.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ assert (RB.ge (map # pc') (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc))) as GE.
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr' in GE.
+ rewrite MPC in GE.
+ rewrite H in GE.
+ destruct (op_cases op args res pc' mpc) as [[src [OP [ARGS MOVE]]] | KILL].
+ {
+ subst op.
+ subst args.
+ rewrite MOVE in GE.
+ simpl in H0.
+ simpl in GE.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (move src res mpc)).
+ assumption.
+ replace v with (rs # src) by congruence.
+ apply move_ok.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ rewrite KILL in GE.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (kill res mpc)).
+ assumption.
+ apply kill_ok.
+ assumption.
+(* load *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs ## args = Some a).
+ rewrite <- H0.
+ apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok; assumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (kill dst mpc)).
+ {
+ replace (Some (kill dst mpc)) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite MPC.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ apply kill_ok.
+ assumption.
+- (* load notrap1 *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs ## args = None).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ eapply exec_Iload_notrap1; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok; assumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (kill dst mpc)).
+ {
+ replace (Some (kill dst mpc)) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite MPC.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ apply kill_ok.
+ assumption.
+- (* load notrap2 *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs ## args = Some a).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ eapply exec_Iload_notrap2; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok; assumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (kill dst mpc)).
+ {
+ replace (Some (kill dst mpc)) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite MPC.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ apply kill_ok.
+ assumption.
+- (* store *)
+ econstructor; split.
+ assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs ## args = Some a).
+ rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+ eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok; assumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := map # pc); trivial.
+ replace (map # pc) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ unfold get_rb_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc) in *; try contradiction.
+ rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+(* call *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Icall with (fd := transf_fundef fd); eauto.
+ eapply find_function_translated; eauto.
+ apply sig_preserved.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok by assumption.
+ constructor. constructor; auto. constructor.
+ {
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some (kill res mpc)).
+ {
+ replace (Some (kill res mpc)) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite MPC.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ apply kill_weaken.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ assert (RB.ge (map # pc') (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc))) as GE.
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr' in GE.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] in *; try contradiction.
+ rewrite H in GE.
+ simpl in GE.
+ unfold is_killed_in_fmap, is_killed_in_map.
+ unfold RB.ge in GE.
+ destruct (map # pc') as [mpc'|] eqn:MPC' in *; trivial.
+ eauto.
+(* tailcall *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Itailcall with (fd := transf_fundef fd); eauto.
+ eapply find_function_translated; eauto.
+ apply sig_preserved.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok by assumption.
+ constructor. auto.
+(* builtin *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ibuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply eval_builtin_args_preserved with (ge1 := ge); eauto. exact symbols_preserved.
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] eqn:MPC in *; try contradiction.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some RELATION.top).
+ {
+ replace (Some RELATION.top) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl. tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite MPC.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ apply top_ok.
+(* cond *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_args_ok; eassumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := map # pc); trivial.
+ replace (map # pc) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl.
+ destruct b; tauto.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ unfold get_rb_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc) in *; try contradiction.
+ rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+(* jumptbl *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
+ rewrite subst_arg_ok; eassumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := map # pc); trivial.
+ replace (map # pc) with (apply_instr' (fn_code f) pc (map # pc)).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_solution with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ 2: apply apply_instr'_bot.
+ simpl.
+ apply list_nth_z_in with (n := Int.unsigned n).
+ assumption.
+ }
+ unfold apply_instr'.
+ unfold get_rb_sem in *.
+ destruct (map # pc) in *; try contradiction.
+ rewrite H.
+ reflexivity.
+(* return *)
+- destruct or as [arg | ].
+ {
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ unfold regmap_optget.
+ rewrite subst_arg_ok by eassumption.
+ constructor; auto.
+ }
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* internal function *)
+- simpl. econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ apply get_rb_sem_ge with (rb2 := Some RELATION.top).
+ {
+ eapply DS.fixpoint_entry with (code := fn_code f) (successors := successors_instr); try eassumption.
+ }
+ apply top_ok.
+(* external function *)
+- econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
+ constructor; auto.
+(* return *)
+- inv STACKS. inv H1.
+ econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_return; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
+ unfold fmap_sem in *.
+ destruct (forward_map _) as [map |] eqn:MAP in *; trivial.
+ unfold is_killed_in_fmap in H8.
+ unfold is_killed_in_map in H8.
+ destruct (map # pc) as [mpc |] in *; try contradiction.
+ destruct H8 as [rel' RGE].
+ eapply get_rb_killed; eauto.
+Lemma transf_initial_states:
+ forall S1, RTL.initial_state prog S1 ->
+ exists S2, RTL.initial_state tprog S2 /\ match_states S1 S2.
+ intros. inv H. econstructor; split.
+ econstructor.
+ eapply (Genv.init_mem_transf TRANSL); eauto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. rewrite (match_program_main TRANSL). eauto.
+ eapply function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H3; apply sig_preserved.
+ constructor. constructor.
+Lemma transf_final_states:
+ forall S1 S2 r, match_states S1 S2 -> RTL.final_state S1 r -> RTL.final_state S2 r.
+ intros. inv H0. inv H. inv STACKS. constructor.
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (RTL.semantics tprog).
+ eapply forward_simulation_step.
+ apply senv_preserved.
+ eexact transf_initial_states.
+ eexact transf_final_states.
+ exact step_simulation.