path: root/backend
diff options
authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-02-06 11:00:51 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-02-06 11:00:51 +0100
commit90e7548f0dae5be1c896fcb964a21fe70b514e0d (patch)
tree9f3886dc181105993d9da8a2832660c5b123c6ce /backend
parent1cd3c4c9b7372ca8de128a9ce60ed00210fd0e28 (diff)
parent7dca7590aa212806ee939244b253a6a067f34bfc (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mppa-work' into mppa-cse2
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
3 files changed, 593 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Duplicate.v b/backend/Duplicate.v
index 46f0855d..82c17367 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicate.v
+++ b/backend/Duplicate.v
@@ -136,12 +136,15 @@ Definition verify_match_inst dupmap inst tinst :=
| Icond cond lr n1 n2 => match tinst with
| Icond cond' lr' n1' n2' =>
- do u1 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n1 n1';
- do u2 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n2 n2';
- if (eq_condition cond cond') then
- if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then OK tt
- else Error (msg "Different lr in Icond")
- else Error (msg "Different cond in Icond")
+ if (list_eq_dec Pos.eq_dec lr lr') then
+ if (eq_condition cond cond') then
+ do u1 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n1 n1';
+ do u2 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n2 n2'; OK tt
+ else if (eq_condition (negate_condition cond) cond') then
+ do u1 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n1 n2';
+ do u2 <- verify_is_copy dupmap n2 n1'; OK tt
+ else Error (msg "Incompatible conditions in Icond")
+ else Error (msg "Different lr in Icond")
| _ => Error (msg "verify_match_inst Icond") end
| Ijumptable r ln => match tinst with
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
index a64f4862..84daa329 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
@@ -1,13 +1,572 @@
open RTL
open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+(* TTL : IR emphasizing the preferred next node *)
+module TTL = struct
+ type instruction =
+ | Tleaf of RTL.instruction
+ | Tnext of node * RTL.instruction
+ type code = instruction PTree.t
+open TTL
+(** RTL to TTL *)
+let get_some = function
+| None -> failwith "Did not get some"
+| Some thing -> thing
+let bfs code entrypoint =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code)
+ and bfs_list = ref []
+ and to_visit = Queue.create ()
+ and node = ref entrypoint
+ in begin
+ Queue.add entrypoint to_visit;
+ while not (Queue.is_empty to_visit) do
+ node := Queue.pop to_visit;
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get !node !visited) then begin
+ visited := PTree.set !node true !visited;
+ match PTree.get !node code with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node"
+ | Some i ->
+ bfs_list := !bfs_list @ [!node];
+ match i with
+ | Icall(_, _, _, _, n) -> Queue.add n to_visit
+ | Ibuiltin(_, _, _, n) -> Queue.add n to_visit
+ | Ijumptable(_, ln) -> List.iter (fun n -> Queue.add n to_visit) ln
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> ()
+ | Icond (_, _, n1, n2) -> Queue.add n1 to_visit; Queue.add n2 to_visit
+ | Inop n | Iop (_, _, _, n) | Iload (_, _, _, _, _, n) | Istore (_, _, _, _, n) -> Queue.add n to_visit
+ end
+ done;
+ !bfs_list
+ end
+let optbool o = match o with Some _ -> true | None -> false
+let ptree_get_some n ptree = get_some @@ PTree.get n ptree
+let get_predecessors_rtl code =
+ let preds = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> []) code) in
+ let process_inst (node, i) =
+ let succ = match i with
+ | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_, _,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n)
+ | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) -> [n]
+ | Icond (_,_,n1,n2) -> [n1;n2]
+ | Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+ in List.iter (fun s ->
+ let previous_preds = ptree_get_some s !preds in
+ if optbool @@ List.find_opt (fun e -> e == node) previous_preds then ()
+ else preds := PTree.set s (node::previous_preds) !preds) succ
+ in begin
+ List.iter process_inst (PTree.elements code);
+ !preds
+ end
+module PInt = struct
+ type t = P.t
+ let compare x y = compare (P.to_int x) (P.to_int y)
+module PSet = Set.Make(PInt)
+let print_intlist l =
+ let rec f = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | n::ln -> (Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int n); f ln)
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "[";
+ f l;
+ Printf.printf "]"
+ end
+let print_intset s =
+ let seq = PSet.to_seq s
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "{";
+ Seq.iter (fun n ->
+ Printf.printf "%d " (P.to_int n)
+ ) seq;
+ Printf.printf "}"
+ end
+(* FIXME - dominators not working well because the order of dataflow update isn't right *)
+ (*
+let get_dominators code entrypoint =
+ let bfs_order = bfs code entrypoint
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors_rtl code
+ in let doms = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> PSet.of_list bfs_order) code)
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "BFS: ";
+ print_intlist bfs_order;
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ List.iter (fun n ->
+ let preds = get_some @@ PTree.get n predecessors
+ and single = PSet.singleton n
+ in match preds with
+ | [] -> doms := PTree.set n single !doms
+ | p::lp ->
+ let set_p = get_some @@ PTree.get p !doms
+ and set_lp = List.map (fun p -> get_some @@ PTree.get p !doms) lp
+ in let inter = List.fold_left PSet.inter set_p set_lp
+ in let union = PSet.union inter single
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "----------------------------------------\n";
+ Printf.printf "n = %d\n" (P.to_int n);
+ Printf.printf "set_p = "; print_intset set_p; Printf.printf "\n";
+ Printf.printf "set_lp = ["; List.iter (fun s -> print_intset s; Printf.printf ", ") set_lp; Printf.printf "]\n";
+ Printf.printf "=> inter = "; print_intset inter; Printf.printf "\n";
+ Printf.printf "=> union = "; print_intset union; Printf.printf "\n";
+ doms := PTree.set n union !doms
+ end
+ ) bfs_order;
+ !doms
+ end
+let print_dominators dominators =
+ let domlist = PTree.elements dominators
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "{\n";
+ List.iter (fun (n, doms) ->
+ Printf.printf "\t";
+ Printf.printf "%d:" (P.to_int n);
+ print_intset doms;
+ Printf.printf "\n"
+ ) domlist
+ end
+type vstate = Unvisited | Processed | Visited
+(** Getting loop branches with a DFS visit :
+ * Each node is either Unvisited, Visited, or Processed
+ * pre-order: node becomes Processed
+ * post-order: node becomes Visited
+ *
+ * If we come accross an edge to a Processed node, it's a loop!
+ *)
+let get_loop_headers code entrypoint =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> Unvisited) code)
+ and is_loop_header = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code)
+ in let rec dfs_visit code = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | node :: ln ->
+ match (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) with
+ | Visited -> ()
+ | Processed -> begin
+ is_loop_header := PTree.set node true !is_loop_header;
+ visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited
+ end
+ | Unvisited -> begin
+ visited := PTree.set node Processed !visited;
+ match PTree.get node code with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node"
+ | Some i -> let next_visits = (match i with
+ | Icall (_, _, _, _, n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) | Inop n | Iop (_, _, _, n)
+ | Iload (_, _, _, _, _, n) | Istore (_, _, _, _, n) -> [n]
+ | Icond (_, _, n1, n2) -> [n1; n2]
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+ | Ijumptable (_, ln) -> ln
+ ) in dfs_visit code next_visits;
+ visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited;
+ dfs_visit code ln
+ end
+ in begin
+ dfs_visit code [entrypoint];
+ !is_loop_header
+ end
+let ptree_printbool pt =
+ let elements = PTree.elements pt
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "[";
+ List.iter (fun (n, b) ->
+ if b then Printf.printf "%d, " (P.to_int n) else ()
+ ) elements;
+ Printf.printf "]"
+ end
+(* Looks ahead (until a branch) to see if a node further down verifies
+ * the given predicate *)
+let rec look_ahead code node is_loop_header predicate =
+ if (predicate node) then true
+ else match (get_some @@ PTree.get node code) with
+ | Ireturn _ | Itailcall _ | Icond _ | Ijumptable _ -> false
+ | Inop n | Iop (_, _, _, n) | Iload (_, _, _, _, _, n)
+ | Istore (_, _, _, _, n) | Icall (_, _, _, _, n)
+ | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) ->
+ if (predicate n) then true
+ else (
+ if (get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header) then false
+ else look_ahead code n is_loop_header predicate
+ )
+exception HeuristicSucceeded
+let do_call_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred =
+ let predicate n = (function
+ | Icall _ -> true
+ | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code
+ in if (look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := false; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else if (look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := true; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else ()
+let do_opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot preferred = DuplicateOpcodeHeuristic.opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot preferred
+let do_return_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred =
+ let predicate n = (function
+ | Ireturn _ -> true
+ | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code
+ in if (look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := false; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else if (look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := true; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else ()
+let do_store_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred =
+ let predicate n = (function
+ | Istore _ -> true
+ | _ -> false) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code
+ in if (look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := false; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else if (look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := true; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else ()
+let do_loop_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred =
+ let predicate n = get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header
+ in if (look_ahead code ifso is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := true; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else if (look_ahead code ifnot is_loop_header predicate) then
+ (preferred := false; raise HeuristicSucceeded)
+ else ()
+let get_directions code entrypoint =
+ let bfs_order = bfs code entrypoint
+ and is_loop_header = get_loop_headers code entrypoint
+ and directions = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) (* false <=> fallthru *)
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "Loop headers: ";
+ ptree_printbool is_loop_header;
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ List.iter (fun n ->
+ match (get_some @@ PTree.get n code) with
+ | Icond (cond, lr, ifso, ifnot) ->
+ Printf.printf "Analyzing %d.." (P.to_int n);
+ let preferred = ref false
+ in (try
+ Printf.printf " call..";
+ do_call_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred;
+ Printf.printf " opcode..";
+ do_opcode_heuristic code cond ifso ifnot preferred;
+ Printf.printf " return..";
+ do_return_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred;
+ Printf.printf " store..";
+ do_store_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred;
+ Printf.printf " loop..";
+ do_loop_heuristic code ifso ifnot is_loop_header preferred;
+ Printf.printf "Random choice for %d\n" (P.to_int n);
+ preferred := Random.bool ()
+ with HeuristicSucceeded | DuplicateOpcodeHeuristic.HeuristicSucceeded
+ -> Printf.printf " %s\n" (match !preferred with true -> "BRANCH"
+ | false -> "FALLTHROUGH")
+ ); directions := PTree.set n !preferred !directions
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) bfs_order;
+ !directions
+ end
+let to_ttl_inst direction = function
+| Ireturn o -> Tleaf (Ireturn o)
+| Inop n -> Tnext (n, Inop n)
+| Iop (op, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Iop(op, lr, r, n))
+| Iload (tm, m, a, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Iload(tm, m, a, lr, r, n))
+| Istore (m, a, lr, r, n) -> Tnext (n, Istore(m, a, lr, r, n))
+| Icall (s, ri, lr, r, n) -> Tleaf (Icall(s, ri, lr, r, n))
+| Itailcall (s, ri, lr) -> Tleaf (Itailcall(s, ri, lr))
+| Ibuiltin (ef, lbr, br, n) -> Tleaf (Ibuiltin(ef, lbr, br, n))
+| Icond (cond, lr, n, n') -> (match direction with
+ | false -> Tnext (n', Icond(cond, lr, n, n'))
+ | true -> Tnext (n, Icond(cond, lr, n, n')))
+| Ijumptable (r, ln) -> Tleaf (Ijumptable(r, ln))
+let rec to_ttl_code_rec directions = function
+| [] -> PTree.empty
+| m::lm -> let (n, i) = m
+ in let direction = get_some @@ PTree.get n directions
+ in PTree.set n (to_ttl_inst direction i) (to_ttl_code_rec directions lm)
+let to_ttl_code code entrypoint =
+ let directions = get_directions code entrypoint
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "Ifso directions: ";
+ ptree_printbool directions;
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ Random.init(0); (* using same seed to make it deterministic *)
+ to_ttl_code_rec directions (PTree.elements code)
+ end
+(** Trace selection on TTL *)
+let rec exists_false_rec = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | m::lm -> let (_, b) = m in if b then exists_false_rec lm else true
+let exists_false boolmap = exists_false_rec (PTree.elements boolmap)
+(* DFS on TTL to guide the exploration *)
+let dfs code entrypoint =
+ let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let rec dfs_list code = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | node :: ln ->
+ let node_dfs =
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) then begin
+ visited := PTree.set node true !visited;
+ match PTree.get node code with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node"
+ | Some ti -> [node] @ match ti with
+ | Tleaf i -> (match i with
+ | Icall(_, _, _, _, n) -> dfs_list code [n]
+ | Ibuiltin(_, _, _, n) -> dfs_list code [n]
+ | Ijumptable(_, ln) -> dfs_list code ln
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+ | _ -> failwith "Tleaf case not handled in dfs" )
+ | Tnext (n,i) -> (dfs_list code [n]) @ match i with
+ | Icond (_, _, n1, n2) -> dfs_list code [n1; n2]
+ | Inop _ | Iop _ | Iload _ | Istore _ -> []
+ | _ -> failwith "Tnext case not handled in dfs"
+ end
+ else []
+ in node_dfs @ (dfs_list code ln)
+ in dfs_list code [entrypoint]
+let get_predecessors_ttl code =
+ let preds = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> []) code) in
+ let process_inst (node, ti) = match ti with
+ | Tleaf _ -> ()
+ | Tnext (_, i) -> let succ = match i with
+ | Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_, _,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n)
+ | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_, _, _, n) -> [n]
+ | Icond (_,_,n1,n2) -> [n1;n2]
+ | Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln
+ | _ -> []
+ in List.iter (fun s -> preds := PTree.set s (node::(get_some @@ PTree.get s !preds)) !preds) succ
+ in begin
+ List.iter process_inst (PTree.elements code);
+ !preds
+ end
+let rtl_proj code = PTree.map (fun n ti -> match ti with Tleaf i | Tnext(_, i) -> i) code
+let rec select_unvisited_node is_visited = function
+| [] -> failwith "Empty list"
+| n :: ln -> if not (ptree_get_some n is_visited) then n else select_unvisited_node is_visited ln
+let best_successor_of node code is_visited =
+ match (PTree.get node code) with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node in the code"
+ | Some ti -> match ti with
+ | Tleaf _ -> None
+ | Tnext (n,_) -> if not (ptree_get_some n is_visited) then Some n
+ else None
+let best_predecessor_of node predecessors order is_visited =
+ match (PTree.get node predecessors) with
+ | None -> failwith "No predecessor list found"
+ | Some lp -> try Some (List.find (fun n -> (List.mem n lp) && (not (ptree_get_some n is_visited))) order)
+ with Not_found -> None
+(* Algorithm mostly inspired from Chang and Hwu 1988
+ * "Trace Selection for Compiling Large C Application Programs to Microcode" *)
+let select_traces code entrypoint =
+ let order = dfs code entrypoint in
+ let predecessors = get_predecessors_ttl code in
+ let traces = ref [] in
+ let is_visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in begin (* mark all nodes visited *)
+ while exists_false !is_visited do (* while (there are unvisited nodes) *)
+ let seed = select_unvisited_node !is_visited order in
+ let trace = ref [seed] in
+ let current = ref seed in begin
+ is_visited := PTree.set seed true !is_visited; (* mark seed visited *)
+ let quit_loop = ref false in begin
+ while not !quit_loop do
+ let s = best_successor_of !current code !is_visited in
+ match s with
+ | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *)
+ | Some succ -> begin
+ trace := !trace @ [succ];
+ is_visited := PTree.set succ true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *)
+ current := succ
+ end
+ done;
+ current := seed;
+ quit_loop := false;
+ while not !quit_loop do
+ let s = best_predecessor_of !current predecessors order !is_visited in
+ match s with
+ | None -> quit_loop := true (* if (s==0) exit loop *)
+ | Some pred -> begin
+ trace := pred :: !trace;
+ is_visited := PTree.set pred true !is_visited; (* mark s visited *)
+ current := pred
+ end
+ done;
+ traces := !trace :: !traces;
+ end
+ end
+ done;
+ Printf.printf "DFS: \t"; print_intlist order; Printf.printf "\n";
+ !traces
+ end
+let print_trace t = print_intlist t
+let print_traces traces =
+ let rec f = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | t::lt -> Printf.printf "\n\t"; print_trace t; Printf.printf ",\n"; f lt
+ in begin
+ Printf.printf "Traces: {";
+ f traces;
+ Printf.printf "}\n";
+ end
let rec make_identity_ptree_rec = function
| [] -> PTree.empty
| m::lm -> let (n, _) = m in PTree.set n n (make_identity_ptree_rec lm)
-let make_identity_ptree f = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements f.fn_code)
+let make_identity_ptree code = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements code)
+(* Change the pointers of preds nodes to point to n' instead of n *)
+let rec change_pointers code n n' = function
+ | [] -> code
+ | pred :: preds ->
+ let new_pred_inst = match ptree_get_some pred code with
+ | Icall(a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Icall(a, b, c, d, n')
+ | Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n')
+ | Ijumptable(a, ln) -> assert (optbool @@ List.find_opt (fun e -> e == n) ln);
+ Ijumptable(a, List.map (fun e -> if (e == n) then n' else e) ln)
+ | Icond(a, b, n1, n2) -> assert (n1 == n || n2 == n);
+ let n1' = if (n1 == n) then n' else n1
+ in let n2' = if (n2 == n) then n' else n2
+ in Icond(a, b, n1', n2')
+ | Inop n0 -> assert (n0 == n); Inop n'
+ | Iop (a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iop (a, b, c, n')
+ | Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n')
+ | Istore (a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Istore (a, b, c, d, n')
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> failwith "That instruction cannot be a predecessor"
+ in let new_code = PTree.set pred new_pred_inst code
+ in change_pointers new_code n n' preds
+(* parent: parent of n to keep as parent
+ * preds: all the other parents of n
+ * n': the integer which should contain the duplicate of n
+ * returns: new code, new ptree *)
+let duplicate code ptree parent n preds n' =
+ Printf.printf "Duplicating node %d into %d..\n" (P.to_int n) (P.to_int n');
+ match PTree.get n' code with
+ | Some _ -> failwith "The PTree already has a node n'"
+ | None ->
+ let c' = change_pointers code n n' preds
+ in let new_code = PTree.set n' (ptree_get_some n code) c'
+ and new_ptree = PTree.set n' n ptree
+ in (new_code, new_ptree)
+let rec maxint = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | i :: l -> assert (i >= 0); let m = maxint l in if i > m then i else m
+let is_empty = function
+ | [] -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* code: RTL code
+ * preds: mapping node -> predecessors
+ * ptree: the revmap
+ * trace: the trace to follow tail duplication on *)
+let tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace =
+ (* next_int: unused integer that can be used for the next duplication *)
+ let next_int = ref (maxint (List.map (fun e -> let (n, _) = e in P.to_int n) (PTree.elements code)) + 1)
+ (* last_node and last_duplicate store resp. the last processed node of the trace, and its duplication *)
+ in let last_node = ref None
+ in let last_duplicate = ref None
+ in let nb_duplicated = ref 0
+ (* recursive function on a trace *)
+ in let rec f code ptree is_first = function
+ | [] -> (code, ptree)
+ | n :: t ->
+ let (new_code, new_ptree) =
+ if is_first then (code, ptree) (* first node is never duplicated regardless of its inputs *)
+ else
+ let node_preds = ptree_get_some n preds
+ in let node_preds_nolast = List.filter (fun e -> e <> get_some !last_node) node_preds
+ in let final_node_preds = match !last_duplicate with
+ | None -> node_preds_nolast
+ | Some n' -> n' :: node_preds_nolast
+ in if not (is_empty final_node_preds) then
+ let n' = !next_int
+ in let (newc, newp) = duplicate code ptree !last_node n final_node_preds (P.of_int n')
+ in begin
+ next_int := !next_int + 1;
+ nb_duplicated := !nb_duplicated + 1;
+ last_duplicate := Some (P.of_int n');
+ (newc, newp)
+ end
+ else (code, ptree)
+ in begin
+ last_node := Some n;
+ f new_code new_ptree false t
+ end
+ in let new_code, new_ptree = f code ptree true trace
+ in (new_code, new_ptree, !nb_duplicated)
+let superblockify_traces code preds traces =
+ let max_nb_duplicated = 2 (* FIXME - should be architecture dependent *)
+ in let ptree = make_identity_ptree code
+ in let rec f code ptree = function
+ | [] -> (code, ptree, 0)
+ | trace :: traces ->
+ let new_code, new_ptree, nb_duplicated = tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace
+ in if (nb_duplicated < max_nb_duplicated) then f new_code new_ptree traces
+ else (Printf.printf "Too many duplicated nodes, aborting tail duplication\n"; (code, ptree, 0))
+ in let new_code, new_ptree, _ = f code ptree traces
+ in (new_code, new_ptree)
+let rec invert_iconds_trace code = function
+ | [] -> code
+ | n::[] -> code
+ | n :: n' :: t ->
+ let code' = match ptree_get_some n code with
+ | Icond (c, lr, ifso, ifnot) ->
+ assert (n' == ifso || n' == ifnot);
+ if (n' == ifso) then (
+ Printf.printf "Reversing ifso/ifnot for node %d\n" (P.to_int n);
+ PTree.set n (Icond (Op.negate_condition c, lr, ifnot, ifso)) code )
+ else code
+ | _ -> code
+ in invert_iconds_trace code' (n'::t)
+let rec invert_iconds code = function
+ | [] -> code
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let code' = if !Clflags.option_finvertcond then invert_iconds_trace code t
+ else code
+ in invert_iconds code' ts
(* For now, identity function *)
let duplicate_aux f =
- let pTreeId = make_identity_ptree f
- in ((f.fn_code, f.fn_entrypoint), pTreeId)
+ let entrypoint = fn_entrypoint f in
+ let code = fn_code f in
+ let traces = select_traces (to_ttl_code code entrypoint) entrypoint in
+ let icond_code = invert_iconds code traces in
+ let preds = get_predecessors_rtl icond_code in
+ let (new_code, pTreeId) = (print_traces traces; superblockify_traces icond_code preds traces) in
+ ((new_code, (fn_entrypoint f)), pTreeId)
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateproof.v b/backend/Duplicateproof.v
index ebb17774..a8e9b16b 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateproof.v
+++ b/backend/Duplicateproof.v
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ Inductive match_inst (dupmap: PTree.t node): instruction -> instruction -> Prop
| match_inst_cond: forall ifso ifso' ifnot ifnot' c lr,
dupmap!ifso' = (Some ifso) -> dupmap!ifnot' = (Some ifnot) ->
match_inst dupmap (Icond c lr ifso ifnot) (Icond c lr ifso' ifnot')
+ | match_inst_revcond: forall ifso ifso' ifnot ifnot' c lr,
+ dupmap!ifso' = (Some ifso) -> dupmap!ifnot' = (Some ifnot) ->
+ match_inst dupmap (Icond c lr ifso ifnot) (Icond (negate_condition c) lr ifnot' ifso')
| match_inst_jumptable: forall ln ln' r,
list_forall2 (fun n n' => (dupmap!n' = (Some n))) ln ln' ->
match_inst dupmap (Ijumptable r ln) (Ijumptable r ln')
@@ -173,12 +176,16 @@ Proof.
destruct (builtin_res_eq_pos _ _); try discriminate. subst.
constructor. assumption.
(* Icond *)
- - destruct i'; try (inversion H; fail). monadInv H.
- destruct x. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ.
- destruct x0. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ1.
- destruct (eq_condition _ _); try discriminate.
+ - destruct i'; try (inversion H; fail).
destruct (list_eq_dec _ _ _); try discriminate. subst.
- constructor; assumption.
+ destruct (eq_condition _ _); try discriminate.
+ + monadInv H. destruct x. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ.
+ destruct x0. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ1.
+ constructor; assumption.
+ + destruct (eq_condition _ _); try discriminate.
+ monadInv H. destruct x. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ.
+ destruct x0. eapply verify_is_copy_correct in EQ1.
+ constructor; assumption.
(* Ijumptable *)
- destruct i'; try (inversion H; fail). monadInv H.
destruct x. eapply verify_is_copy_list_correct in EQ.
@@ -463,10 +470,16 @@ Proof.
(* Icond *)
- eapply dupmap_correct in DUPLIC; eauto.
destruct DUPLIC as (i' & H2 & H3). inv H3.
- pose symbols_preserved as SYMPRES.
- eexists. split.
- + eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
- + econstructor; eauto. destruct b; auto.
+ * (* match_inst_cond *)
+ pose symbols_preserved as SYMPRES.
+ eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Icond; eauto.
+ + econstructor; eauto. destruct b; auto.
+ * (* match_inst_revcond *)
+ pose symbols_preserved as SYMPRES.
+ eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Icond; eauto. rewrite eval_negate_condition. rewrite H0. simpl. eauto.
+ + econstructor; eauto. destruct b; auto.
(* Ijumptable *)
- eapply dupmap_correct in DUPLIC; eauto.
destruct DUPLIC as (i' & H2 & H3). inv H3.