path: root/backend
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-01-22 16:07:28 +0100
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-01-22 16:07:28 +0100
commitd3cd82c2c82727e7fb76e95e5dcce6cfa9055015 (patch)
treeb5bd2df771cf2347e7c1b2bab11ee843a38fff10 /backend
parentf34d5cca62ba2f7d6f7d01645092e52061812f84 (diff)
Branch duplication implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
index 54929251..3dfc7969 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
@@ -438,23 +438,105 @@ let rec make_identity_ptree_rec = function
| [] -> PTree.empty
| m::lm -> let (n, _) = m in PTree.set n n (make_identity_ptree_rec lm)
-let make_identity_ptree f = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements f.fn_code)
-(* FIXME - For now, identity *)
-let tail_duplicate code ptree trace = (code, ptree)
+let make_identity_ptree code = make_identity_ptree_rec (PTree.elements code)
+let optbool o = match o with Some _ -> true | None -> false
+(* Change the pointers of preds nodes to point to n' instead of n *)
+let rec change_pointers code n n' = function
+ | [] -> code
+ | pred :: preds ->
+ let new_pred_inst = match ptree_get_some pred code with
+ | Icall(a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Icall(a, b, c, d, n')
+ | Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Ibuiltin(a, b, c, n')
+ | Ijumptable(a, ln) -> assert (optbool @@ List.find_opt (fun e -> e == n) ln);
+ Ijumptable(a, List.map (fun e -> if (e == n) then n' else e) ln)
+ | Icond(a, b, n1, n2) -> assert (n1 == n || n2 == n);
+ let n1' = if (n1 == n) then n' else n1
+ in let n2' = if (n2 == n) then n' else n2
+ in Icond(a, b, n1', n2')
+ | Inop n0 -> assert (n0 == n); Inop n'
+ | Iop (a, b, c, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iop (a, b, c, n')
+ | Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Iload (a, b, c, d, e, n')
+ | Istore (a, b, c, d, n0) -> assert (n0 == n); Istore (a, b, c, d, n')
+ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> failwith "That instruction cannot be a predecessor"
+ in let new_code = PTree.set pred new_pred_inst code
+ in change_pointers new_code n n' preds
+(* parent: parent of n to keep as parent
+ * preds: all the other parents of n
+ * n': the integer which should contain the duplicate of n
+ * returns: new code, new ptree *)
+let duplicate code ptree parent n preds n' =
+ match PTree.get n' code with
+ | Some _ -> failwith "The PTree already has a node n'"
+ | None ->
+ let c' = change_pointers code n n' preds
+ in let new_code = PTree.set n' (ptree_get_some n code) c'
+ and new_ptree = PTree.set n' n ptree
+ in (new_code, new_ptree)
+let rec maxint = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | i :: l -> assert (i >= 0); let m = maxint l in if i > m then i else m
+let is_empty = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ -> true
+(* code: RTL code
+ * preds: mapping node -> predecessors
+ * ptree: the revmap
+ * trace: the trace to follow tail duplication on *)
+let tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace =
+ (* next_int: unused integer that can be used for the next duplication *)
+ let next_int = ref (maxint (List.map (fun e -> let (n, _) = e in P.to_int n) (PTree.elements code)) + 1)
+ (* last_node and last_duplicate store resp. the last processed node of the trace, and its duplication *)
+ in let last_node = ref None
+ in let last_duplicate = ref None
+ (* recursive function on a trace *)
+ in let rec f code ptree is_first = function
+ | [] -> (code, ptree)
+ | n :: t ->
+ let (new_code, new_ptree) =
+ if is_first then (code, ptree) (* first node is never duplicated regardless of its inputs *)
+ else
+ let node_preds = ptree_get_some n preds
+ in let node_preds_nolast = List.filter (fun e -> e != get_some !last_node) node_preds
+ in let final_node_preds = match !last_duplicate with
+ | None -> node_preds_nolast
+ | Some n' -> n' :: node_preds_nolast
+ in if is_empty final_node_preds then
+ let n' = !next_int
+ in let (newc, newp) = duplicate code ptree !last_node n final_node_preds (P.of_int n')
+ in begin
+ next_int := !next_int + 1;
+ last_duplicate := Some (P.of_int n');
+ (newc, newp)
+ end
+ else (code, ptree)
+ in begin
+ last_node := Some n;
+ f new_code new_ptree false t
+ end
+ in f code ptree true trace
-let rec superblockify_traces code ptree = function
- | [] -> (code, ptree)
- | trace :: traces ->
- let new_code, new_ptree = tail_duplicate code ptree trace
- in superblockify_traces new_code new_ptree traces
+let superblockify_traces code preds traces =
+ let ptree = make_identity_ptree code
+ in let rec f code ptree = function
+ | [] -> (code, ptree)
+ | trace :: traces ->
+ let new_code, new_ptree = tail_duplicate code preds ptree trace
+ in f new_code new_ptree traces
+ in f code ptree traces
(* For now, identity function *)
let duplicate_aux f =
let entrypoint = fn_entrypoint f in
- let traces = select_traces (to_ttl_code (fn_code f) entrypoint) entrypoint in
- let pTreeId = make_identity_ptree f in
- let (new_code, pTreeId) = superblockify_traces (fn_code f) pTreeId traces in
+ let code = fn_code f in
+ let traces = select_traces (to_ttl_code code entrypoint) entrypoint in
+ let preds = get_predecessors_rtl code in
+ let (new_code, pTreeId) = superblockify_traces code preds traces in
print_traces traces;
((new_code, (fn_entrypoint f)), pTreeId)