path: root/backend
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authorPierre Goutagny <pierre.goutagny@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-10 18:22:02 +0200
committerPierre Goutagny <pierre.goutagny@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-10 18:22:02 +0200
commite46b3e49b2a34c27f5703327c884cf3bcd0c6a49 (patch)
tree57311273e959cd8098f877beb5afa721428aba26 /backend
parent587f0505f2331b8edc94a187575a8f124c3cb4ef (diff)
Complete `tunnel_step_correct` proof up to Ijumptable
Excluding Icond
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/backend/RTLTunnelingproof.v b/backend/RTLTunnelingproof.v
index c54667a4..53f8bbf7 100644
--- a/backend/RTLTunnelingproof.v
+++ b/backend/RTLTunnelingproof.v
@@ -344,6 +344,118 @@ Proof.
apply H. apply IHargs.
+Lemma instruction_type_preserved:
+ forall (f tf:function) (pc:node) (i ti:instruction)
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf)
+ (FATPC: (fn_code f) ! pc = Some i)
+ (NOTINOP: forall s, i <> Inop s)
+ (NOTICOND: forall cond args ifso ifnot info, i <> Icond cond args ifso ifnot info)
+ (TI: ti = tunnel_instr (branch_target f) i),
+ (fn_code tf) ! (branch_target f pc) = Some ti.
+ intros.
+ assert ((fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (tunnel_instr (branch_target f) i)) as TFATPC.
+ rewrite (tunnel_function_unfold f tf pc); eauto.
+ rewrite FATPC; eauto.
+ exploit branch_target_bounds; eauto.
+ intro TB. inversion TB as [BT|s|cond args ifso ifnot info]; try (rewrite FATPC in H; congruence).
+(* rq: utilisée pour `tunnel_step_correct` mais je ne comprends pas tout *)
+(**) Lemma find_function_translated:
+ forall ros rs trs fd,
+ regs_lessdef rs trs ->
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ exists tfd, tunnel_fundef fd = OK tfd /\ find_function tge ros trs = Some tfd.
+ intros. destruct ros; simpl in *.
+ - (* reg *)
+ assert (E: trs # r = rs # r).
+ { exploit Genv.find_funct_inv. apply H0. intros (b & EQ).
+ generalize (H r) . rewrite EQ. intro LD. inv LD. auto. }
+ rewrite E. exploit functions_translated; eauto.
+ - (* ident *)
+ rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); inv H0.
+ exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+ intros (tf & X1 & X2). exists tf; intuition.
+Lemma list_forall2_lessdef_rs:
+ forall rs trs args,
+ regs_lessdef rs trs ->
+ list_forall2 Val.lessdef rs ## args trs ## args.
+ intros rs trs args LD.
+ exploit (reglist_lessdef rs trs args). apply LD.
+ induction args; simpl; intros H; try constructor; inv H.
+ apply H3. apply IHargs. apply H5.
+Lemma fn_stacksize_preserved:
+ forall f tf
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
+ fn_stacksize f = fn_stacksize tf.
+ intros f tf. unfold tunnel_function.
+ destruct (check_included _ _); try congruence.
+ intro H. monadInv H. simpl. reflexivity.
+Lemma regs_setres_lessdef:
+ forall res vres tvres rs trs,
+ regs_lessdef rs trs -> Val.lessdef vres tvres ->
+ regs_lessdef (regmap_setres res vres rs) (regmap_setres res tvres trs).
+ induction res; intros; simpl; try auto using set_reg_lessdef.
+Lemma regmap_optget_lessdef:
+ forall or rs trs,
+ regs_lessdef rs trs -> Val.lessdef (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) (regmap_optget or Vundef trs).
+ intros or rs trs RS.
+ induction or; simpl; auto using set_reg_lessdef.
+Lemma tunnel_fundef_Internal:
+ forall (f:function) (tf:fundef)
+ (TF: tunnel_fundef (Internal f) = OK tf),
+ exists (tf':function), tf = (Internal tf') /\ tunnel_function f = OK tf'.
+ intros f tf.
+ unfold tunnel_fundef. simpl. intro H. monadInv H. exists x.
+ split. reflexivity. apply EQ.
+Lemma fn_entrypoint_preserved:
+ forall f tf
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
+ fn_entrypoint tf = branch_target f (fn_entrypoint f).
+ intros f tf.
+ unfold tunnel_function. destruct (check_included _ _); try congruence.
+ intro TF. monadInv TF. simpl. reflexivity.
+Lemma init_regs_lessdef:
+ forall f tf args targs
+ (ARGS: list_forall2 Val.lessdef args targs)
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
+ regs_lessdef (init_regs args (fn_params f)) (init_regs targs (fn_params tf)).
+ assert (regs_lessdef (Regmap.init Vundef) (Regmap.init Vundef)) as Hundef.
+ { unfold Regmap.init. unfold regs_lessdef. intro. unfold Regmap.get. rewrite PTree.gempty. apply Val.lessdef_undef. }
+ intros f tf args targs ARGS.
+ unfold tunnel_function. destruct (check_included _ _) eqn:EQinc; try congruence.
+ intro TF. monadInv TF. simpl. destruct (fn_params f) eqn:EQP; simpl.
+ - apply Hundef.
+ - induction ARGS.
+ + apply Hundef.
+ + apply set_reg_lessdef; try assumption.
(* `Lemma tunnel_step_correct` correspond au diagramme "option simulation" *)
Lemma tunnel_step_correct:
forall st1 t st2, step ge st1 t st2 ->
@@ -368,18 +480,124 @@ Proof.
intros (tv & EVAL & LD).
left; eexists; split.
+ eapply exec_Iop with (v:=tv).
- assert ((fn_code tf) ! pc = Some (Iop op args res (branch_target f pc'))).
- rewrite (tunnel_function_unfold f tf pc); eauto.
- rewrite H. simpl. reflexivity.
- (* TODO: refaire ça joliment *)
- assert (target_bounds (branch_target f) (bound (branch_target f)) pc (fn_code f)! pc).
- apply (branch_target_bounds) with tf. apply TF.
- inv H2. rewrite TB. apply H1. rewrite H in H4. congruence.
- rewrite H in H4. congruence.
+ apply instruction_type_preserved with (Iop op args res pc'); (simpl; auto)||congruence.
rewrite <- EVAL. apply eval_operation_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ apply match_states_intro; eauto. apply set_reg_lessdef. apply LD. apply RS.
- (* Iload *)
+ exploit eval_addressing_lessdef; try eassumption.
+ apply reglist_lessdef. apply RS.
+ intros (ta & EVAL & LD).
+ exploit Mem.loadv_extends; try eassumption.
+ intros (tv & LOAD & LD').
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Iload.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * rewrite <- EVAL. apply eval_addressing_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ * apply LOAD.
+ + apply match_states_intro; try assumption. apply set_reg_lessdef. apply LD'. apply RS.
+ - (* Iload NOTRAP1 *)
+ exploit eval_addressing_lessdef_none; try eassumption.
+ apply reglist_lessdef; apply RS.
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Iload_notrap1.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * rewrite <- H1. apply eval_addressing_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ + apply match_states_intro; try assumption. apply set_reg_lessdef. unfold default_notrap_load_value. apply Val.lessdef_undef. apply RS.
+ - (* Iload NOTRAP2 *)
+ exploit eval_addressing_lessdef; try eassumption.
+ apply reglist_lessdef; apply RS.
+ intros (ta & EVAL & LD).
+ (* TODO: on peut sans doute factoriser ça *)
+ destruct (Mem.loadv chunk tm ta) eqn:Htload.
+ + left; eexists; split.
+ eapply exec_Iload.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * rewrite <- EVAL. apply eval_addressing_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ * apply Htload.
+ * apply match_states_intro; try assumption. apply set_reg_lessdef; eauto.
+ + left; eexists; split.
+ eapply exec_Iload_notrap2.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * rewrite <- EVAL. apply eval_addressing_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ * apply Htload.
+ * apply match_states_intro; try assumption. apply set_reg_lessdef; eauto.
+ - (* Lstore *)
+ exploit eval_addressing_lessdef; try eassumption.
+ apply reglist_lessdef; apply RS.
+ intros (ta & EVAL & LD).
+ exploit Mem.storev_extends; try eassumption. apply RS.
+ intros (tm' & STORE & MEM').
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Istore.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * rewrite <- EVAL. apply eval_addressing_preserved. apply symbols_preserved.
+ * rewrite STORE. reflexivity.
+ + apply match_states_intro; try eassumption.
+ - (* Icall *)
+ left.
+ exploit find_function_translated; try eassumption.
+ intros (tfd & TFD & FIND).
+ eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Icall.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * apply FIND.
+ * apply sig_preserved. apply TFD.
+ + apply match_states_call; try assumption.
+ * apply list_forall2_cons; try assumption. apply match_stackframes_intro; try assumption.
+ * apply list_forall2_lessdef_rs. apply RS.
+ - (* Itailcall *)
+ exploit find_function_translated; try eassumption.
+ intros (tfd & TFD & FIND).
+ exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; try eassumption.
+ intros (tm' & FREE & MEM').
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Itailcall.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * apply FIND.
+ * apply sig_preserved. apply TFD.
+ * erewrite <- fn_stacksize_preserved; try eassumption.
+ + apply match_states_call; try assumption.
+ apply list_forall2_lessdef_rs. apply RS.
+ - (* Ibuiltin *)
+ exploit eval_builtin_args_lessdef; try eassumption. apply RS.
+ intros (vl2 & EVAL & LD).
+ exploit external_call_mem_extends; try eassumption.
+ intros (tvres & tm' & EXT & LDRES & MEM' & UNCHGD).
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Ibuiltin.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * eapply eval_builtin_args_preserved. eapply symbols_preserved. eapply EVAL.
+ * eapply external_call_symbols_preserved. eapply senv_preserved. eapply EXT.
+ + apply match_states_intro; try assumption. apply regs_setres_lessdef; try assumption.
+ - (* Icond *)
+ admit.
+ - (* Ijumptable *)
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Ijumptable.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * generalize (RS arg). rewrite H0. intro. inv H2. reflexivity.
+ * rewrite list_nth_z_map. rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
+ + apply match_states_intro; try eassumption.
+ - (* Ireturn *)
+ exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; try eassumption.
+ intros (tm' & FREE & MEM').
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_Ireturn.
+ * exploit instruction_type_preserved; (simpl; eauto)||congruence.
+ * erewrite <- fn_stacksize_preserved. eapply FREE. eapply TF.
+ + apply match_states_return; try eassumption.
+ apply regmap_optget_lessdef. apply RS.
+ - (* internal function *)
+ exploit tunnel_fundef_Internal; try eassumption.
+ intros (tf' & EQ & TF'). subst.
+ exploit Mem.alloc_extends; try eassumption. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+ intros (m2' & ALLOC & EXT).
+ left. eexists. split.
+ + eapply exec_function_internal.
+ rewrite <- (fn_stacksize_preserved f tf'). eapply ALLOC. eapply TF'.
+ + rewrite (fn_entrypoint_preserved f tf'); try eassumption. apply match_states_intro; try eassumption.
+ apply init_regs_lessdef.