path: root/backend
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-03-22 10:10:13 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-03-22 10:10:13 +0000
commite57315d524658bcde314785bcf30780f2361e359 (patch)
tree1d8975d92d91019be560dc0c1cb2c5a1765d107d /backend
parent19312255445aa74672b2bd1c07f0be7372606be2 (diff)
RTLtyping: now performed entirely in Coq, no need for an external Caml oracle + a validator.
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2157 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend')
2 files changed, 713 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/backend/RTLtyping.v b/backend/RTLtyping.v
index f8dbfe49..a1f95184 100644
--- a/backend/RTLtyping.v
+++ b/backend/RTLtyping.v
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
(** Typing rules and a type inference algorithm for RTL. *)
+Require Import Recdef.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import Maps.
@@ -160,266 +161,777 @@ Definition wt_program (p: program): Prop :=
(** * Type inference *)
-(** There are several ways to ensure that RTL code is well-typed and
- to obtain the typing environment (type assignment for pseudo-registers)
- needed for register allocation. One is to start with well-typed Cminor
- code and show type preservation for RTL generation and RTL optimizations.
- Another is to start with untyped RTL and run a type inference algorithm
- that reconstructs the typing environment, determining the type of
- each pseudo-register from its uses in the code. We follow the second
- approach.
- We delegate the task of determining the type of each pseudo-register
- to an external ``oracle'': a function written in Caml and not
- proved correct. We verify the returned type environment using
- the following Coq code, which we will prove correct. *)
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-Parameter infer_type_environment:
- function -> list (node * instruction) -> option regenv.
+Variable f: function.
-(** ** Algorithm to check the correctness of a type environment *)
+(** The type inference engine operates over a state that has two components:
+- [te_typ]: a partial map from pseudoregisters to types, for
+ pseudoregs whose types are already determined from their uses;
+- [te_eqs]: a list of pairs [(r1,r2)] of pseudoregisters, indicating that
+ [r1] and [r2] must have the same type because they are involved in a move
+ [r1 := r2] or [r2 := r1], but this type is not yet determined.
+Record typenv : Type := Typenv {
+ te_typ: PTree.t typ; (**r mapping reg -> known type *)
+ te_eqs: list (reg * reg) (**r pairs of regs that must have same type *)
-Variable funct: function.
-Variable env: regenv.
+(** Determine that [r] must have type [ty]. *)
-Definition check_reg (r: reg) (ty: typ): bool :=
- if typ_eq (env r) ty then true else false.
+Definition type_reg (e: typenv) (r: reg) (ty: typ) : res typenv :=
+ match e.(te_typ)!r with
+ | None => OK {| te_typ := PTree.set r ty e.(te_typ); te_eqs := e.(te_eqs) |}
+ | Some ty' => if typ_eq ty ty' then OK e else Error (MSG "bad type for variable " :: POS r :: nil)
+ end.
-Fixpoint check_regs (rl: list reg) (tyl: list typ) {struct rl}: bool :=
+Fixpoint type_regs (e: typenv) (rl: list reg) (tyl: list typ) {struct rl}: res typenv :=
match rl, tyl with
- | nil, nil => true
- | r1::rs, ty::tys => check_reg r1 ty && check_regs rs tys
- | _, _ => false
+ | nil, nil => OK e
+ | r1::rs, ty1::tys => do e1 <- type_reg e r1 ty1; type_regs e1 rs tys
+ | _, _ => Error (msg "arity mismatch")
+ end.
+Definition type_ros (e: typenv) (ros: reg + ident) : res typenv :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r => type_reg e r Tint
+ | inr s => OK e
+ end.
+(** Determine that [r1] and [r2] must have the same type. If none of
+ [r1] and [r2] has known type, just record an equality constraint.
+ The boolean result is [true] if one of the types of [r1] and [r2]
+ was previously unknown and could be determined because the other type is
+ known. Otherwise, [te_typ] does not change and [false] is returned. *)
+Function type_move (e: typenv) (r1 r2: reg) : res (bool * typenv) :=
+ match e.(te_typ)!r1, e.(te_typ)!r2 with
+ | None, None =>
+ OK (false, {| te_typ := e.(te_typ); te_eqs := (r1, r2) :: e.(te_eqs) |})
+ | Some ty1, None =>
+ OK (true, {| te_typ := PTree.set r2 ty1 e.(te_typ); te_eqs := e.(te_eqs) |})
+ | None, Some ty2 =>
+ OK (true, {| te_typ := PTree.set r1 ty2 e.(te_typ); te_eqs := e.(te_eqs) |})
+ | Some ty1, Some ty2 =>
+ if typ_eq ty1 ty2
+ then OK (false, e)
+ else Error(MSG "ill-typed move between " :: POS r1 :: MSG " and " :: POS r2 :: nil)
+ end.
+(** Checking the validity of successor nodes. *)
+Definition check_successor (s: node): res unit :=
+ match f.(fn_code)!s with
+ | None => Error (MSG "bad successor " :: POS s :: nil)
+ | Some i => OK tt
+ end.
+Fixpoint check_successors (sl: list node): res unit :=
+ match sl with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | s1 :: sl' => do x <- check_successor s1; check_successors sl'
-Definition check_op (op: operation) (args: list reg) (res: reg): bool :=
- let (targs, tres) := type_of_operation op in
- check_regs args targs && check_reg res tres.
+Definition is_move (op: operation) : bool :=
+ match op with Omove => true | _ => false end.
-Definition check_successor (s: node) : bool :=
- match funct.(fn_code)!s with None => false | Some i => true end.
+(** First pass: check structural constraints and process all type constraints
+ of the form [typeof(r) = ty] arising from the RTL instructions.
+ Simultaneously, record equations [typeof(r1) = typeof(r2)] arising
+ from move instructions that cannot be immediately resolved. *)
-Definition check_instr (i: instruction) : bool :=
+Definition type_instr (e: typenv) (i: instruction) : res typenv :=
match i with
| Inop s =>
- check_successor s
- | Iop Omove (arg::nil) res s =>
- if typ_eq (env arg) (env res)
- then check_successor s
- else false
- | Iop Omove args res s =>
- false
+ do x <- check_successor s; OK e
| Iop op args res s =>
- check_op op args res && check_successor s
+ do x <- check_successor s;
+ if is_move op then
+ match args with
+ | arg :: nil => do (changed, e') <- type_move e arg res; OK e'
+ | _ => Error (msg "ill-formed move")
+ end
+ else
+ (let (targs, tres) := type_of_operation op in
+ do e1 <- type_regs e args targs; type_reg e1 res tres)
| Iload chunk addr args dst s =>
- check_regs args (type_of_addressing addr)
- && check_reg dst (type_of_chunk chunk)
- && check_successor s
+ do x <- check_successor s;
+ do e1 <- type_regs e args (type_of_addressing addr);
+ type_reg e1 dst (type_of_chunk chunk)
| Istore chunk addr args src s =>
- check_regs args (type_of_addressing addr)
- && check_reg src (type_of_chunk chunk)
- && check_successor s
+ do x <- check_successor s;
+ do e1 <- type_regs e args (type_of_addressing addr);
+ type_reg e1 src (type_of_chunk chunk)
| Icall sig ros args res s =>
- match ros with inl r => check_reg r Tint | inr s => true end
- && check_regs args sig.(sig_args)
- && check_reg res (proj_sig_res sig)
- && check_successor s
+ do x <- check_successor s;
+ do e1 <- type_ros e ros;
+ do e2 <- type_regs e1 args sig.(sig_args);
+ type_reg e2 res (proj_sig_res sig)
| Itailcall sig ros args =>
- match ros with inl r => check_reg r Tint | inr s => true end
- && check_regs args sig.(sig_args)
- && opt_typ_eq sig.(sig_res) funct.(fn_sig).(sig_res)
- && tailcall_is_possible sig
+ do e1 <- type_ros e ros;
+ do e2 <- type_regs e1 args sig.(sig_args);
+ if opt_typ_eq sig.(sig_res) f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) then
+ if tailcall_is_possible sig
+ then OK e2
+ else Error(msg "tailcall not possible")
+ else Error(msg "bad return type in tailcall")
| Ibuiltin ef args res s =>
- check_regs args (ef_sig ef).(sig_args)
- && check_reg res (proj_sig_res (ef_sig ef))
- && (if ef_reloads ef then arity_ok (ef_sig ef).(sig_args) else true)
- && check_successor s
+ let sig := ef_sig ef in
+ do x <- check_successor s;
+ do e1 <- type_regs e args sig.(sig_args);
+ do e2 <- type_reg e1 res (proj_sig_res sig);
+ if (negb (ef_reloads ef)) || arity_ok sig.(sig_args)
+ then OK e2
+ else Error(msg "cannot reload builtin")
| Icond cond args s1 s2 =>
- check_regs args (type_of_condition cond)
- && check_successor s1
- && check_successor s2
+ do x1 <- check_successor s1;
+ do x2 <- check_successor s2;
+ type_regs e args (type_of_condition cond)
| Ijumptable arg tbl =>
- check_reg arg Tint
- && List.forallb check_successor tbl
- && zle (list_length_z tbl * 4) Int.max_unsigned
+ do x <- check_successors tbl;
+ do e1 <- type_reg e arg Tint;
+ if zle (list_length_z tbl * 4) Int.max_unsigned then OK e1 else Error(msg "jumptable too big")
| Ireturn optres =>
- match optres, funct.(fn_sig).(sig_res) with
- | None, None => true
- | Some r, Some t => check_reg r t
- | _, _ => false
+ match optres, f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) with
+ | None, None => OK e
+ | Some r, Some t => type_reg e r t
+ | _, _ => Error(msg "bad return")
-Definition check_params_norepet (params: list reg): bool :=
- if list_norepet_dec Reg.eq params then true else false.
+Definition type_code (e: typenv): res typenv :=
+ PTree.fold
+ (fun re pc i =>
+ match re with
+ | Error _ => re
+ | OK e =>
+ match type_instr e i with
+ | Error msg => Error(MSG "At PC " :: POS pc :: MSG ": " :: msg)
+ | OK e' => OK e'
+ end
+ end)
+ f.(fn_code) (OK e).
+(** Second pass: iteratively process the remaining equality constraints
+ arising out of "move" instructions *)
-Fixpoint check_instrs (instrs: list (node * instruction)) : bool :=
- match instrs with
- | nil => true
- | (pc, i) :: rem => check_instr i && check_instrs rem
+Definition equations := list (reg * reg).
+Fixpoint solve_rec (e: typenv) (changed: bool) (q: equations) : res (typenv * bool) :=
+ match q with
+ | nil =>
+ OK (e, changed)
+ | (r1, r2) :: q' =>
+ do (changed1, e1) <- type_move e r1 r2; solve_rec e1 (changed || changed1) q'
-(** ** Correctness of the type-checking algorithm *)
+Lemma type_move_length:
+ forall e r1 r2 changed e',
+ type_move e r1 r2 = OK (changed, e') ->
+ if changed
+ then List.length e'.(te_eqs) = List.length e.(te_eqs)
+ else (List.length e'.(te_eqs) <= S (List.length e.(te_eqs)))%nat.
+ intros. functional inversion H; subst; simpl; omega.
+Lemma solve_rec_length:
+ forall q e changed e' changed',
+ solve_rec e changed q = OK (e', changed') ->
+ (List.length e'.(te_eqs) <= List.length e.(te_eqs) + List.length q)%nat.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- inv H. omega.
+- destruct a as [r1 r2]. monadInv H.
+ assert (length (te_eqs x0) <= S (length (te_eqs e)))%nat.
+ {
+ exploit type_move_length; eauto. destruct x; omega.
+ }
+ exploit IHq; eauto.
+ omega.
-Ltac elimAndb :=
- match goal with
- | [ H: _ && _ = true |- _ ] =>
- elim (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H; intros; elimAndb
- | _ =>
- idtac
+Lemma solve_rec_shorter:
+ forall q e e',
+ solve_rec e false q = OK (e', true) ->
+ (List.length e'.(te_eqs) < List.length e.(te_eqs) + List.length q)%nat.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- discriminate.
+- destruct a as [r1 r2]; monadInv H.
+ exploit type_move_length; eauto. destruct x; intros.
+ exploit solve_rec_length; eauto. omega.
+ exploit IHq; eauto. omega.
+Definition length_typenv (e: typenv) := length e.(te_eqs).
+Function solve_equations (e: typenv) {measure length_typenv e} : res typenv :=
+ match solve_rec {| te_typ := e.(te_typ); te_eqs := nil |} false e.(te_eqs) with
+ | OK (e', false) => OK e (**r no progress made: terminate *)
+ | OK (e', true) => solve_equations e' (**r at least one type changed: iterate *)
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ intros. exploit solve_rec_shorter; eauto.
+(** The final type assignment aribtrarily gives type [Tint] to the
+ pseudoregs that are still unconstrained at the end of type inference. *)
+Definition make_regenv (e: typenv) : regenv :=
+ fun r => match e.(te_typ)!r with Some ty => ty | None => Tint end.
+Definition check_params_norepet (params: list reg): res unit :=
+ if list_norepet_dec Reg.eq params then OK tt else Error(msg "duplicate parameters").
-Lemma check_reg_correct:
- forall r ty, check_reg r ty = true -> env r = ty.
+Definition type_function : res regenv :=
+ do e1 <- type_code {| te_typ := PTree.empty typ; te_eqs := nil |};
+ do e2 <- type_regs e1 f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args);
+ do e3 <- solve_equations e2;
+ do x1 <- check_params_norepet f.(fn_params);
+ do x2 <- check_successor f.(fn_entrypoint);
+ OK (make_regenv e3).
+(** ** Soundness proof *)
+(** What it means for a final type assignment [te] to satisfy the constraints
+ collected so far in the [e] state. *)
+Definition satisf (te: regenv) (e: typenv) : Prop :=
+ (forall r ty, e.(te_typ)!r = Some ty -> te r = ty)
+ /\ (forall r1 r2, In (r1, r2) e.(te_eqs) -> te r1 = te r2).
+Remark type_reg_incr:
+ forall e r ty e' te, type_reg e r ty = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
+ unfold type_reg; intros; destruct (e.(te_typ)!r) eqn:E.
+ destruct (typ_eq ty t); inv H. auto.
+ inv H. destruct H0 as [A B]. split; intros.
+ apply A. simpl. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence.
+ apply B. simpl; auto.
+Hint Resolve type_reg_incr: ty.
+Remark type_regs_incr:
+ forall rl tyl e e' te, type_regs e rl tyl = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
- unfold check_reg; intros.
- destruct (typ_eq (env r) ty). auto. discriminate.
+ induction rl; simpl; intros; destruct tyl; try discriminate.
+ inv H; eauto with ty.
+ monadInv H. eauto with ty.
-Lemma check_regs_correct:
- forall rl tyl, check_regs rl tyl = true -> List.map env rl = tyl.
+Hint Resolve type_regs_incr: ty.
+Remark type_ros_incr:
+ forall e ros e' te, type_ros e ros = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
+ unfold type_ros; intros. destruct ros. eauto with ty. inv H; auto with ty.
+Hint Resolve type_ros_incr: ty.
+Remark type_move_incr:
+ forall e r1 r2 changed e' te,
+ type_move e r1 r2 = OK (changed, e') ->
+ satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
- induction rl; destruct tyl; simpl; intros.
- auto. discriminate. discriminate.
- elimAndb.
- rewrite (check_reg_correct _ _ H). rewrite (IHrl tyl H0). auto.
+ intros. destruct H0 as [A B]. functional inversion H; subst; simpl in *.
+- split; auto.
+- split; intros. apply A. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence. auto.
+- split; intros. apply A. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence. auto.
+- split; auto.
-Lemma check_op_correct:
- forall op args res,
- check_op op args res = true ->
- (List.map env args, env res) = type_of_operation op.
+Hint Resolve type_move_incr: ty.
+Lemma type_reg_sound:
+ forall e r ty e' te, type_reg e r ty = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> te r = ty.
- unfold check_op; intros.
- destruct (type_of_operation op) as [targs tres].
- elimAndb.
- rewrite (check_regs_correct _ _ H).
- rewrite (check_reg_correct _ _ H0).
+ unfold type_reg; intros. destruct H0 as [A B].
+ destruct (e.(te_typ)!r) as [t|] eqn:E.
+ destruct (typ_eq ty t); inv H. apply A; auto.
+ inv H. apply A. simpl. apply PTree.gss.
+Lemma type_regs_sound:
+ forall rl tyl e e' te, type_regs e rl tyl = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> map te rl = tyl.
+ induction rl; simpl; intros; destruct tyl; try discriminate.
+- auto.
+- monadInv H. f_equal; eauto. eapply type_reg_sound. eauto. eauto with ty.
+Lemma type_ros_sound:
+ forall e ros e' te, type_ros e ros = OK e' -> satisf te e' ->
+ match ros with inl r => te r = Tint | inr s => True end.
+ unfold type_ros; intros. destruct ros.
+ eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
-Lemma check_successor_correct:
- forall s,
- check_successor s = true -> valid_successor funct s.
- intro; unfold check_successor, valid_successor.
- destruct (fn_code funct)!s; intro.
- exists i; auto.
- discriminate.
-Lemma check_instr_correct:
- forall i, check_instr i = true -> wt_instr env funct i.
- unfold check_instr; intros; destruct i; elimAndb.
- (* nop *)
- constructor. apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* op *)
- destruct o; elimAndb;
- try (apply wt_Iop; [ congruence
- | apply check_op_correct; auto
- | apply check_successor_correct; auto ]).
- destruct l; try discriminate. destruct l; try discriminate.
- destruct (typ_eq (env r0) (env r)); try discriminate.
- apply wt_Iopmove; auto. apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* load *)
- constructor. apply check_regs_correct; auto. apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* store *)
- constructor. apply check_regs_correct; auto. apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* call *)
+Lemma type_move_sound:
+ forall e r1 r2 changed e' te,
+ type_move e r1 r2 = OK (changed, e') -> satisf te e' -> te r1 = te r2.
+ intros. destruct H0 as [A B]. functional inversion H; subst; simpl in *.
+- apply B; auto.
+- rewrite (A r1 ty1). rewrite (A r2 ty1). auto.
+ apply PTree.gss. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence.
+- rewrite (A r1 ty2). rewrite (A r2 ty2). auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence. apply PTree.gss.
+- erewrite ! A; eauto.
+Lemma check_successor_sound:
+ forall s x, check_successor s = OK x -> valid_successor f s.
+ unfold check_successor, valid_successor; intros.
+ destruct (fn_code f)!s; inv H. exists i; auto.
+Hint Resolve check_successor_sound: ty.
+Lemma check_successors_sound:
+ forall sl x, check_successors sl = OK x -> forall s, In s sl -> valid_successor f s.
+ induction sl; simpl; intros.
+ contradiction.
+ monadInv H. destruct H0. subst a; eauto with ty. eauto.
+Lemma type_instr_incr:
+ forall e i e' te,
+ type_instr e i = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
+ intros; destruct i; try (monadInv H); eauto with ty.
+- (* op *)
+ destruct (is_move o) eqn:ISMOVE.
+ destruct l; try discriminate. destruct l; monadInv EQ0. eauto with ty.
+ destruct (type_of_operation o) as [targs tres] eqn:TYOP. monadInv EQ0. eauto with ty.
+- (* tailcall *)
+ destruct (opt_typ_eq (sig_res s) (sig_res (fn_sig f))); try discriminate.
+ destruct (tailcall_is_possible s) eqn:TCIP; inv EQ2.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* builtin *)
+ destruct (negb (ef_reloads e0) || arity_ok (sig_args (ef_sig e0))) eqn:E; inv EQ3.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* jumptable *)
+ destruct (zle (list_length_z l * 4) Int.max_unsigned); inv EQ2.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* return *)
+ simpl in H. destruct o as [r|] eqn: RET; destruct (sig_res (fn_sig f)) as [t|] eqn: RES; try discriminate.
+ eauto with ty.
+ inv H; auto with ty.
+Lemma type_instr_sound:
+ forall e i e' te,
+ type_instr e i = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> wt_instr te f i.
+ intros; destruct i; try (monadInv H); simpl.
+- (* nop *)
+ constructor; eauto with ty.
+- (* op *)
+ destruct (is_move o) eqn:ISMOVE.
+ (* move *)
+ + assert (o = Omove) by (unfold is_move in ISMOVE; destruct o; congruence).
+ subst o.
+ destruct l; try discriminate. destruct l; monadInv EQ0.
+ constructor. eapply type_move_sound; eauto. eauto with ty.
+ + destruct (type_of_operation o) as [targs tres] eqn:TYOP. monadInv EQ0.
+ apply wt_Iop.
+ unfold is_move in ISMOVE; destruct o; congruence.
+ rewrite TYOP. f_equal. eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty. eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* load *)
- destruct s0; auto. apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- apply check_regs_correct; auto.
- apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* tailcall *)
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty. eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* store *)
- destruct s0; auto. apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
- apply check_regs_correct; auto.
- apply tailcall_is_possible_correct; auto.
- (* builtin *)
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty. eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* call *)
+ constructor.
+ eapply type_ros_sound; eauto with ty.
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty.
+ eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* tailcall *)
+ destruct (opt_typ_eq (sig_res s) (sig_res (fn_sig f))); try discriminate.
+ destruct (tailcall_is_possible s) eqn:TCIP; inv EQ2.
- apply check_regs_correct; auto.
- apply check_reg_correct; auto.
+ eapply type_ros_sound; eauto with ty.
- destruct (ef_reloads e); auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* cond *)
- constructor. apply check_regs_correct; auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- (* jumptable *)
- constructor. apply check_reg_correct; auto.
- rewrite List.forallb_forall in H1. intros. apply check_successor_correct; auto.
- eapply proj_sumbool_true. eauto.
- (* return *)
- constructor.
- destruct o; simpl; destruct funct.(fn_sig).(sig_res); try discriminate.
- rewrite (check_reg_correct _ _ H); auto.
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty.
+ apply tailcall_is_possible_correct; auto.
+- (* builtin *)
+ destruct (negb (ef_reloads e0) || arity_ok (sig_args (ef_sig e0))) eqn:E; inv EQ3.
+ constructor.
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty.
+ eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ destruct (ef_reloads e0); auto.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* cond *)
+ constructor.
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
+ eauto with ty.
+- (* jumptable *)
+ destruct (zle (list_length_z l * 4) Int.max_unsigned); inv EQ2.
+ constructor.
+ eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ eapply check_successors_sound; eauto.
+- (* return *)
+ simpl in H. destruct o as [r|] eqn: RET; destruct (sig_res (fn_sig f)) as [t|] eqn: RES; try discriminate.
+ constructor. simpl. rewrite RES. f_equal. eapply type_reg_sound; eauto.
+ inv H. constructor. rewrite RES; auto.
-Lemma check_instrs_correct:
- forall instrs,
- check_instrs instrs = true ->
- forall pc i, In (pc, i) instrs -> wt_instr env funct i.
+Lemma type_code_sound:
+ forall e e' te,
+ type_code e = OK e' ->
+ forall pc i, f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i -> satisf te e' -> wt_instr te f i.
- induction instrs; simpl; intros.
- elim H0.
- destruct a as [pc' i']. elimAndb.
- elim H0; intro.
- inversion H2; subst pc' i'. apply check_instr_correct; auto.
- eauto.
+ intros e0 e1 te TCODE.
+ set (P := fun c opte =>
+ match opte with
+ | Error _ => True
+ | OK e' => forall pc i, c!pc = Some i -> satisf te e' -> wt_instr te f i
+ end).
+ assert (P f.(fn_code) (OK e1)).
+ {
+ rewrite <- TCODE. unfold type_code. apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold P; intros.
+ - (* extensionality *)
+ destruct a; auto. intros. rewrite <- H in H1. eapply H0; eauto.
+ - (* base case *)
+ rewrite PTree.gempty in H; discriminate.
+ - (* inductive case *)
+ destruct a as [e|?]; auto.
+ destruct (type_instr e v) as [e'|?] eqn:TYINSTR; auto.
+ intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2. destruct (peq pc k).
+ inv H2. eapply type_instr_sound; eauto.
+ eapply H1; eauto. eapply type_instr_incr; eauto.
+ }
+ intros; eapply H; eauto.
+Lemma solve_rec_incr:
+ forall te q e changed e' changed',
+ solve_rec e changed q = OK (e', changed') -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- inv H; auto.
+- destruct a as [r1 r2]; monadInv H. eauto with ty.
-(** ** The type inference function **)
+Lemma solve_rec_sound:
+ forall r1 r2 te q e changed e' changed',
+ solve_rec e changed q = OK (e', changed') -> satisf te e' -> In (r1, r2) q -> te r1 = te r2.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- contradiction.
+- destruct a as [r3 r4]; monadInv H. destruct H1 as [A|A].
+ inv A. eapply type_move_sound; eauto. eapply solve_rec_incr; eauto.
+ eapply IHq; eauto.
-Open Scope string_scope.
+Lemma solve_rec_false:
+ forall q e changed e',
+ solve_rec e changed q = OK (e', false) -> changed = false.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- inv H; auto.
+- destruct a as [r1 r2]; monadInv H. exploit IHq; eauto. rewrite orb_false_iff. tauto.
-Definition type_function (f: function): res regenv :=
- let instrs := PTree.elements f.(fn_code) in
- match infer_type_environment f instrs with
- | None => Error (msg "RTL type inference error")
- | Some env =>
- if check_regs env f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args)
- && check_params_norepet f.(fn_params)
- && check_instrs f env instrs
- && check_successor f f.(fn_entrypoint)
- then OK env
- else Error (msg "RTL type checking error")
- end.
+Lemma solve_rec_solved:
+ forall r1 r2 q e changed e',
+ solve_rec e changed q = OK (e', false) ->
+ In (r1, r2) q -> make_regenv e r1 = make_regenv e r2.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- contradiction.
+- destruct a as [r3 r4]; monadInv H.
+ assert (x = false).
+ { exploit solve_rec_false; eauto. rewrite orb_false_iff. tauto. }
+ subst x. functional inversion EQ.
+ + destruct H0 as [A|A].
+ inv A. unfold make_regenv. rewrite H1; rewrite H2; auto.
+ subst x0. exploit IHq; eauto.
+ + destruct H0 as [A|A].
+ inv A. unfold make_regenv. rewrite H1; rewrite H2; auto.
+ subst x0. exploit IHq; eauto.
-Lemma type_function_correct:
- forall f env,
- type_function f = OK env ->
- wt_function f env.
- unfold type_function; intros until env.
- set (instrs := PTree.elements f.(fn_code)).
- case (infer_type_environment f instrs).
- intro env'.
- caseEq (check_regs env' f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args)); intro; simpl; try congruence.
- caseEq (check_params_norepet f.(fn_params)); intro; simpl; try congruence.
- caseEq (check_instrs f env' instrs); intro; simpl; try congruence.
- caseEq (check_successor f (fn_entrypoint f)); intro; simpl; try congruence.
- intro EQ; inversion EQ; subst env'.
- constructor.
- apply check_regs_correct; auto.
- unfold check_params_norepet in H0.
- destruct (list_norepet_dec Reg.eq (fn_params f)). auto. discriminate.
- intros. eapply check_instrs_correct. eauto.
- unfold instrs. apply PTree.elements_correct. eauto.
- apply check_successor_correct. auto.
+Lemma solve_equations_incr:
+ forall te e e', solve_equations e = OK e' -> satisf te e' -> satisf te e.
+ intros te e0; functional induction (solve_equations e0); intros.
+- inv H. auto.
+- exploit solve_rec_incr; eauto. intros [A B]. split; intros.
+ apply A; auto.
+ eapply solve_rec_sound; eauto.
+- discriminate.
+Lemma solve_equations_sound:
+ forall e e', solve_equations e = OK e' -> satisf (make_regenv e') e'.
+ intros e0; functional induction (solve_equations e0); intros.
+- inv H. split; intros.
+ unfold make_regenv; rewrite H; auto.
+ exploit solve_rec_solved; eauto.
+- eauto.
+- discriminate.
+Theorem type_function_correct:
+ forall env, type_function = OK env -> wt_function f env.
+ unfold type_function; intros. monadInv H.
+ exploit solve_equations_sound; eauto. intros SAT1.
+ exploit solve_equations_incr; eauto. intros SAT0.
+ exploit type_regs_incr; eauto. intros SAT.
+ constructor.
+- (* type of parameters *)
+ eapply type_regs_sound; eauto.
+- (* parameters are unique *)
+ unfold check_params_norepet in EQ2.
+ destruct (list_norepet_dec Reg.eq (fn_params f)); inv EQ2; auto.
+- (* instructions are well typed *)
+ intros; eapply type_code_sound; eauto.
+- (* entry point is valid *)
+ eauto with ty.
+(** ** Completeness proof *)
+Lemma type_reg_complete:
+ forall te e r ty,
+ satisf te e -> te r = ty -> exists e', type_reg e r ty = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ intros. unfold type_reg.
+ destruct ((te_typ e)!r) as [ty'|] eqn: E.
+ exists e; split; auto. replace ty' with ty. apply dec_eq_true.
+ exploit (proj1 H); eauto. congruence.
+ econstructor; split. reflexivity.
+ destruct H as [A B]; split; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq r0 r); auto. congruence.
+Lemma type_regs_complete:
+ forall te rl tyl e,
+ satisf te e -> map te rl = tyl -> exists e', type_regs e rl tyl = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ induction rl; simpl; intros; subst tyl.
+ exists e; auto.
+ destruct (type_reg_complete te e a (te a)) as [e1 [A B]]; auto.
+ exploit IHrl; eauto. intros [e' [C D]].
+ exists e'; split; auto. rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
+Lemma type_ros_complete:
+ forall te ros e,
+ satisf te e ->
+ match ros with inl r => te r = Tint | inr s => True end ->
+ exists e', type_ros e ros = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ intros; destruct ros; simpl.
+ eapply type_reg_complete; eauto.
+ exists e; auto.
+Lemma type_move_complete:
+ forall te r1 r2 e,
+ satisf te e ->
+ te r1 = te r2 ->
+ exists changed e', type_move e r1 r2 = OK (changed, e') /\ satisf te e'.
+ intros. functional induction (type_move e r1 r2).
+- econstructor; econstructor; split; eauto.
+ destruct H as [A B]; split; simpl; intros; auto.
+ destruct H; auto. congruence.
+- econstructor; econstructor; split; eauto.
+ destruct H as [A B]; split; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq r r2); auto.
+ subst. exploit A; eauto. congruence.
+- econstructor; econstructor; split; eauto.
+ destruct H as [A B]; split; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq r r1); auto.
+ subst. exploit A; eauto. congruence.
+- econstructor; econstructor; split; eauto.
+- destruct H as [A B]. apply A in e0. apply A in e1. congruence.
+Lemma check_successor_complete:
+ forall s, valid_successor f s -> check_successor s = OK tt.
+ unfold valid_successor, check_successor; intros.
+ destruct H as [i EQ]; rewrite EQ; auto.
+Lemma type_instr_complete:
+ forall te e i,
+ satisf te e ->
+ wt_instr te f i ->
+ exists e', type_instr e i = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ induction 2; simpl.
+- (* nop *)
+ econstructor; split. rewrite check_successor_complete; simpl; eauto. auto.
+- (* move *)
+ exploit type_move_complete; eauto. intros (changed & e' & A & B).
+ exists e'; split. rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl. rewrite A; auto. auto.
+- (* other op *)
+ destruct (type_of_operation op) as [targ tres]. injection H1; clear H1; intros.
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ replace (is_move op) with false. rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
+ destruct op; reflexivity || congruence.
+- (* load *)
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
+- (* store *)
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
+- (* call *)
+ exploit type_ros_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eexact D. eauto. intros [e3 [E F]].
+ exists e3; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl; rewrite E; auto.
+- (* tailcall *)
+ exploit type_ros_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl.
+ rewrite H1; rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ replace (tailcall_is_possible sig) with true; auto.
+ revert H3. unfold tailcall_possible, tailcall_is_possible. generalize (loc_arguments sig).
+ induction l; simpl; intros. auto.
+ exploit (H3 a); auto. intros. destruct a; try contradiction. apply IHl.
+ intros; apply H3; auto.
+- (* builtin *)
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eexact B. eauto. intros [e2 [C D]].
+ exists e2; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; simpl.
+ destruct H2; rewrite H2.
+ rewrite orb_true_r. auto.
+ auto.
+- (* cond *)
+ exploit type_regs_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exists e1; split; auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ auto.
+- (* jumptbl *)
+ exploit type_reg_complete. eauto. eauto. intros [e1 [A B]].
+ exists e1; split; auto.
+ replace (check_successors tbl) with (OK tt). simpl.
+ rewrite A; simpl. apply zle_true; auto.
+ revert H1. generalize tbl. induction tbl0; simpl; intros. auto.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto; simpl.
+ apply IHtbl0; intros; auto.
+- (* return *)
+ rewrite <- H0. destruct optres; simpl.
+ apply type_reg_complete; auto.
+ exists e; auto.
+Lemma type_code_complete:
+ forall te e,
+ (forall pc instr, f.(fn_code)!pc = Some instr -> wt_instr te f instr) ->
+ satisf te e ->
+ exists e', type_code e = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ intros te e0 WTC SAT0.
+ set (P := fun c res =>
+ (forall pc i, c!pc = Some i -> wt_instr te f i) ->
+ exists e', res = OK e' /\ satisf te e').
+ assert (P f.(fn_code) (type_code e0)).
+ {
+ unfold type_code. apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold P; intros.
+ - apply H0. intros. apply H1 with pc. rewrite <- H; auto.
+ - exists e0; auto.
+ - destruct H1 as [e [A B]].
+ intros. apply H2 with pc. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence.
+ subst a.
+ destruct (type_instr_complete te e v) as [e' [C D]].
+ auto. apply H2 with k. apply PTree.gss.
+ exists e'; split; auto. rewrite C; auto.
+ }
+ apply H; auto.
+Lemma solve_rec_complete:
+ forall te q e changed,
+ satisf te e ->
+ (forall r1 r2, In (r1, r2) q -> te r1 = te r2) ->
+ exists e' changed', solve_rec e changed q = OK(e', changed') /\ satisf te e'.
+ induction q; simpl; intros.
+- exists e; exists changed; auto.
+- destruct a as [r3 r4].
+ exploit type_move_complete. eauto. apply H0. left; eauto.
+ intros (changed1 & e1 & A & B).
+ destruct (IHq e1 (changed || changed1)) as (e2 & changed2 & C & D); auto.
+ exists e2; exists changed2; split; auto. rewrite A; simpl; rewrite C; auto.
+Lemma solve_equations_complete:
+ forall te e,
+ satisf te e ->
+ exists e', solve_equations e = OK e' /\ satisf te e'.
+ intros te e0. functional induction (solve_equations e0); intros.
+- exists e; auto.
+- destruct (solve_rec_complete te (te_eqs e) {| te_typ := te_typ e; te_eqs := nil |} false)
+ as (e1 & changed1 & A & B).
+ destruct H; split; intros. apply H; auto. contradiction.
+ exact (proj2 H).
+ rewrite e0 in A. inv A. auto.
+- destruct (solve_rec_complete te (te_eqs e) {| te_typ := te_typ e; te_eqs := nil |} false)
+ as (e1 & changed1 & A & B).
+ destruct H; split; intros. apply H; auto. contradiction.
+ exact (proj2 H).
+Theorem type_function_complete:
+ forall te, wt_function f te -> exists te, type_function = OK te.
+ intros. destruct H.
+ destruct (type_code_complete te {| te_typ := PTree.empty typ; te_eqs := nil |}) as (e1 & A & B).
+ auto. split; simpl; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H; congruence. contradiction.
+ destruct (type_regs_complete te f.(fn_params) f.(fn_sig).(sig_args) e1) as (e2 & C & D); auto.
+ destruct (solve_equations_complete te e2) as (e3 & E & F); auto.
+ exists (make_regenv e3); unfold type_function.
+ rewrite A; simpl. rewrite C; simpl. rewrite E; simpl.
+ unfold check_params_norepet. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. simpl.
+ rewrite check_successor_complete by auto. auto.
(** * Type preservation during evaluation *)
(** The type system for RTL is not sound in that it does not guarantee
diff --git a/backend/RTLtypingaux.ml b/backend/RTLtypingaux.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59356056..00000000
--- a/backend/RTLtypingaux.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Type inference for RTL *)
-open Datatypes
-open Camlcoq
-open Maps
-open AST
-open Memdata
-open Op
-open Registers
-open RTL
-open PrintAST
-exception Type_error of string
-let env = ref (PTree.empty : typ PTree.t)
-let set_type r ty =
- match PTree.get r !env with
- | None -> env := PTree.set r ty !env
- | Some ty' -> if ty <> ty' then raise (Type_error "type mismatch")
-let rec set_types rl tyl =
- match rl, tyl with
- | [], [] -> ()
- | r1 :: rs, ty1 :: tys -> set_type r1 ty1; set_types rs tys
- | _, _ -> raise (Type_error "arity mismatch")
-(* First pass: process constraints of the form typeof(r) = ty *)
-let type_instr retty (pc, i) =
- match i with
- | Inop(_) ->
- ()
- | Iop(Omove, _, _, _) ->
- ()
- | Iop(op, args, res, _) ->
- if two_address_op op && List.length args >= 1 && List.hd args <> res
- then raise (Type_error "two-address constraint violation");
- let (targs, tres) = type_of_operation op in
- set_types args targs; set_type res tres
- | Iload(chunk, addr, args, dst, _) ->
- set_types args (type_of_addressing addr);
- set_type dst (type_of_chunk chunk)
- | Istore(chunk, addr, args, src, _) ->
- set_types args (type_of_addressing addr);
- set_type src (type_of_chunk chunk)
- | Icall(sg, ros, args, res, _) ->
- begin try
- begin match ros with
- | Coq_inl r -> set_type r Tint
- | Coq_inr _ -> ()
- end;
- set_types args sg.sig_args;
- set_type res (match sg.sig_res with None -> Tint | Some ty -> ty)
- with Type_error msg ->
- let name =
- match ros with
- | Coq_inl _ -> "<reg>"
- | Coq_inr id -> extern_atom id in
- raise(Type_error (Printf.sprintf "type mismatch in Icall(%s): %s"
- name msg))
- end
- | Itailcall(sg, ros, args) ->
- begin try
- begin match ros with
- | Coq_inl r -> set_type r Tint
- | Coq_inr _ -> ()
- end;
- set_types args sg.sig_args;
- if sg.sig_res <> retty then
- raise (Type_error "mismatch on return type")
- with Type_error msg ->
- let name =
- match ros with
- | Coq_inl _ -> "<reg>"
- | Coq_inr id -> extern_atom id in
- raise(Type_error (Printf.sprintf "type mismatch in Itailcall(%s): %s"
- name msg))
- end
- | Ibuiltin(ef, args, res, _) ->
- begin try
- let sg = ef_sig ef in
- set_types args sg.sig_args;
- set_type res (match sg.sig_res with None -> Tint | Some ty -> ty);
- if ef_reloads ef && not (Conventions.arity_ok sg.sig_args) then
- raise(Type_error "wrong arity")
- with Type_error msg ->
- raise(Type_error (Printf.sprintf "type mismatch in Ibuiltin(%s): %s"
- (name_of_external ef) msg))
- end
- | Icond(cond, args, _, _) ->
- set_types args (type_of_condition cond)
- | Ijumptable(arg, _) ->
- set_type arg Tint
- | Ireturn(optres) ->
- begin match optres, retty with
- | None, None -> ()
- | Some r, Some ty -> set_type r ty
- | _, _ -> raise (Type_error "type mismatch in Ireturn")
- end
-let type_pass1 retty instrs =
- List.iter (type_instr retty) instrs
-(* Second pass: extract move constraints typeof(r1) = typeof(r2)
- and solve them iteratively *)
-let rec extract_moves = function
- | [] -> []
- | (pc, i) :: rem ->
- match i with
- | Iop(Omove, [r1], r2, _) ->
- (r1, r2) :: extract_moves rem
- | Iop(Omove, _, _, _) ->
- raise (Type_error "wrong Omove")
- | _ ->
- extract_moves rem
-let changed = ref false
-let rec solve_moves = function
- | [] -> []
- | (r1, r2) :: rem ->
- match (PTree.get r1 !env, PTree.get r2 !env) with
- | Some ty1, Some ty2 ->
- if ty1 = ty2
- then (changed := true; solve_moves rem)
- else raise (Type_error "type mismatch in Omove")
- | Some ty1, None ->
- env := PTree.set r2 ty1 !env; changed := true; solve_moves rem
- | None, Some ty2 ->
- env := PTree.set r1 ty2 !env; changed := true; solve_moves rem
- | None, None ->
- (r1, r2) :: solve_moves rem
-let rec iter_solve_moves mvs =
- changed := false;
- let mvs' = solve_moves mvs in
- if !changed then iter_solve_moves mvs'
-let type_pass2 instrs =
- iter_solve_moves (extract_moves instrs)
-let typeof e r =
- match PTree.get r e with Some ty -> ty | None -> Tint
-let infer_type_environment f instrs =
- try
- env := PTree.empty;
- set_types f.fn_params f.fn_sig.sig_args;
- type_pass1 f.fn_sig.sig_res instrs;
- type_pass2 instrs;
- let e = !env in
- env := PTree.empty;
- Some(typeof e)
- with Type_error msg ->
- Printf.eprintf "Error during RTL type inference: %s\n" msg;
- None