path: root/cfrontend/Cexec.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2011-07-28 12:51:16 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2011-07-28 12:51:16 +0000
commit4af1682d04244bab9f793e00eb24090153a36a0f (patch)
treea9a70d236c06a78aa9b607c6a41e09b80651aa51 /cfrontend/Cexec.v
parentd8d1bf1aa09373f64aa1b1e6cdfb914c23a910be (diff)
Added animation of the CompCert C semantics (ccomp -interp)
test/regression: int main() so that interpretation works Revised once more implementation of __builtin_memcpy (to check for PPC & ARM) git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1688 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend/Cexec.v')
1 files changed, 1814 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cexec.v b/cfrontend/Cexec.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dd34c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfrontend/Cexec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1814 @@
+Require Import Axioms.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Errors.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Determinism.
+Require Import Csyntax.
+Require Import Csem.
+Require Cstrategy.
+(** Animating the CompCert C semantics *)
+Lemma type_eq: forall (ty1 ty2: type), {ty1=ty2} + {ty1<>ty2}
+with typelist_eq: forall (tyl1 tyl2: typelist), {tyl1=tyl2} + {tyl1<>tyl2}
+with fieldlist_eq: forall (fld1 fld2: fieldlist), {fld1=fld2} + {fld1<>fld2}.
+ assert (forall (x y: intsize), {x=y} + {x<>y}). decide equality.
+ assert (forall (x y: signedness), {x=y} + {x<>y}). decide equality.
+ assert (forall (x y: floatsize), {x=y} + {x<>y}). decide equality.
+ generalize ident_eq zeq. intros E1 E2.
+ decide equality.
+ decide equality.
+ generalize ident_eq. intros E1.
+ decide equality.
+Opaque type_eq.
+(** Error monad with options or lists *)
+Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (match A with Some X => B | None => None end)
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : option_monad_scope.
+Notation " 'check' A ; B" := (if A then B else None)
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : option_monad_scope.
+Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (match A with Some X => B | None => nil end)
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : list_monad_scope.
+Notation " 'check' A ; B" := (if A then B else nil)
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : list_monad_scope.
+Definition is_val (a: expr) : option (val * type) :=
+ match a with
+ | Eval v ty => Some(v, ty)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Lemma is_val_inv:
+ forall a v ty, is_val a = Some(v, ty) -> a = Eval v ty.
+ intros until ty. destruct a; simpl; congruence.
+Definition is_loc (a: expr) : option (block * int * type) :=
+ match a with
+ | Eloc b ofs ty => Some(b, ofs, ty)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Lemma is_loc_inv:
+ forall a b ofs ty, is_loc a = Some(b, ofs, ty) -> a = Eloc b ofs ty.
+ intros until ty. destruct a; simpl; congruence.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Fixpoint is_val_list (al: exprlist) : option (list (val * type)) :=
+ match al with
+ | Enil => Some nil
+ | Econs a1 al => do vt1 <- is_val a1; do vtl <- is_val_list al; Some(vt1::vtl)
+ end.
+Definition is_skip (s: statement) : {s = Sskip} + {s <> Sskip}.
+ destruct s; (left; congruence) || (right; congruence).
+(** * Reduction of expressions *)
+Section EXEC.
+Variable ge: genv.
+Inductive reduction: Type :=
+ | Lred (l': expr) (m': mem)
+ | Rred (r': expr) (m': mem)
+ | Callred (fd: fundef) (args: list val) (tyres: type) (m': mem).
+Section EXPRS.
+Variable e: env.
+Fixpoint sem_cast_arguments (vtl: list (val * type)) (tl: typelist) : option (list val) :=
+ match vtl, tl with
+ | nil, Tnil => Some nil
+ | (v1,t1)::vtl, Tcons t1' tl =>
+ do v <- sem_cast v1 t1 t1'; do vl <- sem_cast_arguments vtl tl; Some(v::vl)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+(** The result of stepping an expression can be
+- [None] denoting that the expression is stuck;
+- [Some nil] meaning that the expression is fully reduced
+ (it's [Eval] for a r-value and [Eloc] for a l-value);
+- [Some ll] meaning that the expression can reduce to any of
+ the elements of [ll]. Each element is a pair of a context
+ and a reduction inside this context (see type [reduction] above).
+Definition reducts (A: Type): Type := option (list ((expr -> A) * reduction)).
+Definition topred (r: reduction) : reducts expr :=
+ Some (((fun (x: expr) => x), r) :: nil).
+Definition incontext {A B: Type} (ctx: A -> B) (r: reducts A) : reducts B :=
+ match r with
+ | None => None
+ | Some l => Some (map (fun z => ((fun (x: expr) => ctx(fst z x)), snd z)) l)
+ end.
+Definition incontext2 {A1 A2 B: Type}
+ (ctx1: A1 -> B) (r1: reducts A1)
+ (ctx2: A2 -> B) (r2: reducts A2) : reducts B :=
+ match r1, r2 with
+ | None, _ => None
+ | _, None => None
+ | Some l1, Some l2 =>
+ Some (map (fun z => ((fun (x: expr) => ctx1(fst z x)), snd z)) l1
+ ++ map (fun z => ((fun (x: expr) => ctx2(fst z x)), snd z)) l2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint step_expr (k: kind) (a: expr) (m: mem): reducts expr :=
+ match k, a with
+ | LV, Eloc b ofs ty =>
+ Some nil
+ | LV, Evar x ty =>
+ match e!x with
+ | Some(b, ty') =>
+ check type_eq ty ty';
+ topred (Lred (Eloc b Int.zero ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ do b <- Genv.find_symbol ge x;
+ do ty' <- type_of_global ge b;
+ check type_eq ty ty';
+ topred (Lred (Eloc b Int.zero ty) m)
+ end
+ | LV, Ederef r ty =>
+ match is_val r with
+ | Some(Vptr b ofs, ty') =>
+ topred (Lred (Eloc b ofs ty) m)
+ | Some _ =>
+ None
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Ederef x ty) (step_expr RV r m)
+ end
+ | LV, Efield l f ty =>
+ match is_loc l with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty') =>
+ match ty' with
+ | Tstruct id fList =>
+ match field_offset f fList with
+ | Error _ => None
+ | OK delta => topred (Lred (Eloc b (Int.add ofs (Int.repr delta)) ty) m)
+ end
+ | Tunion id fList =>
+ topred (Lred (Eloc b ofs ty) m)
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Efield x f ty) (step_expr LV l m)
+ end
+ | RV, Eval v ty =>
+ Some nil
+ | RV, Evalof l ty =>
+ match is_loc l with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty') =>
+ check type_eq ty ty';
+ do v <- load_value_of_type ty m b ofs;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Evalof x ty) (step_expr LV l m)
+ end
+ | RV, Eaddrof l ty =>
+ match is_loc l with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty') => topred (Rred (Eval (Vptr b ofs) ty) m)
+ | None => incontext (fun x => Eaddrof x ty) (step_expr LV l m)
+ end
+ | RV, Eunop op r1 ty =>
+ match is_val r1 with
+ | Some(v1, ty1) =>
+ do v <- sem_unary_operation op v1 ty1;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Eunop op x ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Ebinop op r1 r2 ty =>
+ match is_val r1, is_val r2 with
+ | Some(v1, ty1), Some(v2, ty2) =>
+ do v <- sem_binary_operation op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m)
+ | _, _ =>
+ incontext2 (fun x => Ebinop op x r2 ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ (fun x => Ebinop op r1 x ty) (step_expr RV r2 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Ecast r1 ty =>
+ match is_val r1 with
+ | Some(v1, ty1) =>
+ do v <- sem_cast v1 ty1 ty;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Ecast x ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Econdition r1 r2 r3 ty =>
+ match is_val r1 with
+ | Some(v1, ty1) =>
+ do b <- bool_val v1 ty1;
+ topred (Rred (Eparen (if b then r2 else r3) ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Econdition x r2 r3 ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Esizeof ty' ty =>
+ topred (Rred (Eval (Vint (Int.repr (sizeof ty'))) ty) m)
+ | RV, Eassign l1 r2 ty =>
+ match is_loc l1, is_val r2 with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty1), Some(v2, ty2) =>
+ check type_eq ty1 ty;
+ do v <- sem_cast v2 ty2 ty1;
+ do m' <- store_value_of_type ty1 m b ofs v;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m')
+ | _, _ =>
+ incontext2 (fun x => Eassign x r2 ty) (step_expr LV l1 m)
+ (fun x => Eassign l1 x ty) (step_expr RV r2 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Eassignop op l1 r2 tyres ty =>
+ match is_loc l1, is_val r2 with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty1), Some(v2, ty2) =>
+ check type_eq ty1 ty;
+ do v1 <- load_value_of_type ty1 m b ofs;
+ do v <- sem_binary_operation op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m;
+ do v' <- sem_cast v tyres ty1;
+ do m' <- store_value_of_type ty1 m b ofs v';
+ topred (Rred (Eval v' ty) m')
+ | _, _ =>
+ incontext2 (fun x => Eassignop op x r2 tyres ty) (step_expr LV l1 m)
+ (fun x => Eassignop op l1 x tyres ty) (step_expr RV r2 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Epostincr id l ty =>
+ match is_loc l with
+ | Some(b, ofs, ty1) =>
+ check type_eq ty1 ty;
+ do v1 <- load_value_of_type ty m b ofs;
+ do v2 <- sem_incrdecr id v1 ty;
+ do v3 <- sem_cast v2 (typeconv ty) ty;
+ do m' <- store_value_of_type ty m b ofs v3;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v1 ty) m')
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Epostincr id x ty) (step_expr LV l m)
+ end
+ | RV, Ecomma r1 r2 ty =>
+ match is_val r1 with
+ | Some _ =>
+ check type_eq (typeof r2) ty;
+ topred (Rred r2 m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Ecomma x r2 ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Eparen r1 ty =>
+ match is_val r1 with
+ | Some (v1, ty1) =>
+ do v <- sem_cast v1 ty1 ty;
+ topred (Rred (Eval v ty) m)
+ | None =>
+ incontext (fun x => Eparen x ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ end
+ | RV, Ecall r1 rargs ty =>
+ match is_val r1, is_val_list rargs with
+ | Some(vf, tyf), Some vtl =>
+ match classify_fun tyf with
+ | fun_case_f tyargs tyres =>
+ do fd <- Genv.find_funct ge vf;
+ do vargs <- sem_cast_arguments vtl tyargs;
+ check type_eq (type_of_fundef fd) (Tfunction tyargs tyres);
+ topred (Callred fd vargs ty m)
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | _, _ =>
+ incontext2 (fun x => Ecall x rargs ty) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ (fun x => Ecall r1 x ty) (step_exprlist rargs m)
+ end
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+with step_exprlist (rl: exprlist) (m: mem): reducts exprlist :=
+ match rl with
+ | Enil =>
+ Some nil
+ | Econs r1 rs =>
+ incontext2 (fun x => Econs x rs) (step_expr RV r1 m)
+ (fun x => Econs r1 x) (step_exprlist rs m)
+ end.
+(** Soundness: if [step_expr] returns [Some ll], then every element
+ of [ll] is a reduct. *)
+Lemma context_compose:
+ forall k2 k3 C2, context k2 k3 C2 ->
+ forall k1 C1, context k1 k2 C1 ->
+ context k1 k3 (fun x => C2(C1 x))
+with contextlist_compose:
+ forall k2 C2, contextlist k2 C2 ->
+ forall k1 C1, context k1 k2 C1 ->
+ contextlist k1 (fun x => C2(C1 x)).
+ induction 1; intros; try (constructor; eauto).
+ replace (fun x => C1 x) with C1. auto. apply extensionality; auto.
+ induction 1; intros; constructor; eauto.
+Hint Constructors context contextlist.
+Hint Resolve context_compose contextlist_compose.
+Definition reduction_ok (a: expr) (m: mem) (rd: reduction) : Prop :=
+ match rd with
+ | Lred l' m' => lred ge e a m l' m'
+ | Rred r' m' => rred a m r' m'
+ | Callred fd args tyres m' => callred ge a fd args tyres /\ m' = m
+ end.
+Definition reduction_kind (rd: reduction): kind :=
+ match rd with
+ | Lred l' m' => LV
+ | Rred r' m' => RV
+ | Callred fd args tyres m' => RV
+ end.
+Ltac monadInv :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => None end = Some ?y |- _ ] =>
+ destruct x as []_eqn; [monadInv|discriminate]
+ | [ H: match ?x with left _ => _ | right _ => None end = Some ?y |- _ ] =>
+ destruct x; [monadInv|discriminate]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Lemma sem_cast_arguments_sound:
+ forall rargs vtl tyargs vargs,
+ is_val_list rargs = Some vtl ->
+ sem_cast_arguments vtl tyargs = Some vargs ->
+ cast_arguments rargs tyargs vargs.
+ induction rargs; simpl; intros.
+ inv H. destruct tyargs; simpl in H0; inv H0. constructor.
+ monadInv. inv H. simpl in H0. destruct p as [v1 t1]. destruct tyargs; try congruence. monadInv.
+ inv H0. rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). constructor. auto. eauto.
+Definition reducts_ok (k: kind) (a: expr) (m: mem) (res: reducts expr) : Prop :=
+ match res with
+ | None => True
+ | Some nil => match k with LV => is_loc a <> None | RV => is_val a <> None end
+ | Some ll =>
+ forall C rd,
+ In (C, rd) ll ->
+ context (reduction_kind rd) k C /\ exists a', a = C a' /\ reduction_ok a' m rd
+ end.
+Definition list_reducts_ok (al: exprlist) (m: mem) (res: reducts exprlist) : Prop :=
+ match res with
+ | None => True
+ | Some nil => is_val_list al <> None
+ | Some ll =>
+ forall C rd,
+ In (C, rd) ll ->
+ contextlist (reduction_kind rd) C /\ exists a', al = C a' /\ reduction_ok a' m rd
+ end.
+Lemma topred_ok:
+ forall k a m rd,
+ reduction_ok a m rd ->
+ k = reduction_kind rd ->
+ reducts_ok k a m (topred rd).
+ intros. unfold topred; red. simpl; intros. destruct H1; try contradiction.
+ inv H1. split. auto. exists a; auto.
+Lemma incontext_ok:
+ forall k a m C res k' a',
+ reducts_ok k' a' m res ->
+ a = C a' ->
+ context k' k C ->
+ match k' with LV => is_loc a' = None | RV => is_val a' = None end ->
+ reducts_ok k a m (incontext C res).
+ unfold reducts_ok; intros. destruct res; simpl. destruct l.
+(* res = Some nil *)
+ destruct k'; congruence.
+(* res = Some nonempty-list *)
+ simpl map at 1. hnf. intros.
+ exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[C1 rd1] [P Q]]. inv P.
+ exploit H; eauto. intros [U [a'' [V W]]].
+ split. eapply context_compose; eauto. exists a''; split; auto. congruence.
+(* res = None *)
+ auto.
+Remark incontext2_inv:
+ forall {A1 A2 B: Type} (C1: A1 -> B) res1 (C2: A2 -> B) res2,
+ match incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2 with
+ | None => res1 = None \/ res2 = None
+ | Some nil => res1 = Some nil /\ res2 = Some nil
+ | Some ll =>
+ exists ll1, exists ll2,
+ res1 = Some ll1 /\ res2 = Some ll2 /\
+ forall C rd, In (C, rd) ll ->
+ (exists C', C = (fun x => C1(C' x)) /\ In (C', rd) ll1)
+ \/ (exists C', C = (fun x => C2(C' x)) /\ In (C', rd) ll2)
+ end.
+ intros. unfold incontext2. destruct res1 as [ll1|]; auto. destruct res2 as [ll2|]; auto.
+ set (ll := map
+ (fun z : (expr -> A1) * reduction =>
+ (fun x : expr => C1 (fst z x), snd z)) ll1 ++
+ map
+ (fun z : (expr -> A2) * reduction =>
+ (fun x : expr => C2 (fst z x), snd z)) ll2).
+ destruct ll as []_eqn.
+ destruct (app_eq_nil _ _ Heql).
+ split. destruct ll1; auto || discriminate. destruct ll2; auto || discriminate.
+ rewrite <- Heql. exists ll1; exists ll2. split. auto. split. auto.
+ unfold ll; intros.
+ rewrite in_app in H. destruct H.
+ exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[C' rd'] [P Q]]. inv P.
+ left; exists C'; auto.
+ exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[C' rd'] [P Q]]. inv P.
+ right; exists C'; auto.
+Lemma incontext2_ok:
+ forall k a m k1 a1 res1 k2 a2 res2 C1 C2,
+ reducts_ok k1 a1 m res1 ->
+ reducts_ok k2 a2 m res2 ->
+ a = C1 a1 -> a = C2 a2 ->
+ context k1 k C1 -> context k2 k C2 ->
+ match k1 with LV => is_loc a1 = None | RV => is_val a1 = None end
+ \/ match k2 with LV => is_loc a2 = None | RV => is_val a2 = None end ->
+ reducts_ok k a m (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ unfold reducts_ok; intros.
+ generalize (incontext2_inv C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ destruct (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2) as [ll|]; auto.
+ destruct ll.
+ intros [EQ1 EQ2]. subst. destruct H5. destruct k1; congruence. destruct k2; congruence.
+ intros [ll1 [ll2 [EQ1 [EQ2 IN]]]]. subst. intros.
+ exploit IN; eauto. intros [[C' [P Q]] | [C' [P Q]]]; subst.
+ destruct ll1; try contradiction. exploit H; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. eauto. exists a'; split. congruence. auto.
+ destruct ll2; try contradiction. exploit H0; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. eauto. exists a'; split. congruence. auto.
+Lemma incontext2_list_ok:
+ forall a1 a2 ty m res1 res2,
+ reducts_ok RV a1 m res1 ->
+ list_reducts_ok a2 m res2 ->
+ is_val a1 = None \/ is_val_list a2 = None ->
+ reducts_ok RV (Ecall a1 a2 ty) m
+ (incontext2 (fun x => Ecall x a2 ty) res1
+ (fun x => Ecall a1 x ty) res2).
+ unfold reducts_ok, list_reducts_ok; intros.
+ set (C1 := fun x => Ecall x a2 ty). set (C2 := fun x => Ecall a1 x ty).
+ generalize (incontext2_inv C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ destruct (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2) as [ll|]; auto.
+ destruct ll.
+ intros [EQ1 EQ2]. subst. intuition congruence.
+ intros [ll1 [ll2 [EQ1 [EQ2 IN]]]]. subst. intros.
+ exploit IN; eauto. intros [[C' [P Q]] | [C' [P Q]]]; subst.
+ destruct ll1; try contradiction. exploit H; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. unfold C1. auto. exists a'; split. unfold C1; congruence. auto.
+ destruct ll2; try contradiction. exploit H0; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. unfold C2. auto. exists a'; split. unfold C2; congruence. auto.
+Lemma incontext2_list_ok':
+ forall a1 a2 m res1 res2,
+ reducts_ok RV a1 m res1 ->
+ list_reducts_ok a2 m res2 ->
+ list_reducts_ok (Econs a1 a2) m
+ (incontext2 (fun x => Econs x a2) res1
+ (fun x => Econs a1 x) res2).
+ unfold reducts_ok, list_reducts_ok; intros.
+ set (C1 := fun x => Econs x a2). set (C2 := fun x => Econs a1 x).
+ generalize (incontext2_inv C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ destruct (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2) as [ll|]; auto.
+ destruct ll.
+ intros [EQ1 EQ2]. subst.
+ simpl. destruct (is_val a1); try congruence. destruct (is_val_list a2); congruence.
+ intros [ll1 [ll2 [EQ1 [EQ2 IN]]]]. subst. intros.
+ exploit IN; eauto. intros [[C' [P Q]] | [C' [P Q]]]; subst.
+ destruct ll1; try contradiction. exploit H; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. unfold C1. auto. exists a'; split. unfold C1; congruence. auto.
+ destruct ll2; try contradiction. exploit H0; eauto.
+ intros [U [a' [V W]]]. split. unfold C2. auto. exists a'; split. unfold C2; congruence. auto.
+Ltac mysimpl :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- reducts_ok _ _ _ (match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => None end) ] =>
+ destruct x as []_eqn; [mysimpl|exact I]
+ | [ |- reducts_ok _ _ _ (match ?x with left _ => _ | right _ => None end) ] =>
+ destruct x as []_eqn; [subst;mysimpl|exact I]
+ | _ =>
+ idtac
+ end.
+Theorem step_expr_sound:
+ forall a k m, reducts_ok k a m (step_expr k a m)
+with step_exprlist_sound:
+ forall al m, list_reducts_ok al m (step_exprlist al m).
+Proof with try (exact I).
+ induction a; destruct k; intros; simpl...
+(* Eval *)
+ congruence.
+(* Evar *)
+ destruct (e!x) as [[b ty'] | ]_eqn; mysimpl.
+ apply topred_ok; auto. apply red_var_local; auto.
+ apply topred_ok; auto. apply red_var_global; auto.
+(* Efield *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ destruct ty'...
+ (* top struct *)
+ destruct (field_offset f f0) as [delta|]_eqn...
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). apply topred_ok; auto. apply red_field_struct; auto.
+ (* top union *)
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). apply topred_ok; auto. apply red_field_union; auto.
+ (* in depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* Evalof *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto. rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_rvalof; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* Ederef *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ destruct v... mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto. rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_deref; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* Eaddrof *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ apply topred_ok; auto. rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_addrof; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* unop *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto. rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_unop; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* binop *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v1 ty1] | ]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0). apply red_binop; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+(* cast *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_cast; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* condition *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). eapply red_condition; eauto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* sizeof *)
+ apply topred_ok; auto. apply red_sizeof.
+(* assign *)
+ destruct (is_loc a1) as [[[b ofs] ty1] | ]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0). apply red_assign; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+(* assignop *)
+ destruct (is_loc a1) as [[[b ofs] ty1] | ]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0). eapply red_assignop; eauto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+ eapply incontext2_ok; eauto.
+(* postincr *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo). eapply red_postincr; eauto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* comma *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_comma; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+(* call *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[vf tyf] | ]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val_list rargs) as [vtl | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ destruct (classify_fun tyf) as [tyargs tyres|]_eqn...
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). red. split; auto. eapply red_Ecall; eauto.
+ eapply sem_cast_arguments_sound; eauto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext2_list_ok; eauto.
+ eapply incontext2_list_ok; eauto.
+(* loc *)
+ congruence.
+(* paren *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v ty'] | ]_eqn.
+ (* top *)
+ mysimpl. apply topred_ok; auto.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). apply red_paren; auto.
+ (* depth *)
+ eapply incontext_ok; eauto.
+ induction al; simpl; intros.
+(* nil *)
+ congruence.
+(* cons *)
+ eapply incontext2_list_ok'; eauto.
+Lemma step_exprlist_val_list:
+ forall m al, is_val_list al <> None -> step_exprlist al m = Some nil.
+ induction al; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ destruct (is_val r1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn; try congruence.
+ destruct (is_val_list al) as []_eqn; try congruence.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo).
+ rewrite IHal. auto. congruence.
+(** Completeness, part 1: if [step_expr] returns [Some ll],
+ then [ll] contains all possible reducts. *)
+Lemma lred_topred:
+ forall l1 m1 l2 m2,
+ lred ge e l1 m1 l2 m2 ->
+ step_expr LV l1 m1 = topred (Lred l2 m2).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+(* var local *)
+ rewrite H. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+(* var global *)
+ rewrite H; rewrite H0; rewrite H1. rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+(* deref *)
+ auto.
+(* field struct *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+(* field union *)
+ auto.
+Lemma rred_topred:
+ forall r1 m1 r2 m2,
+ rred r1 m1 r2 m2 ->
+ step_expr RV r1 m1 = topred (Rred r2 m2).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+(* valof *)
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. rewrite H; auto.
+(* addrof *)
+ auto.
+(* unop *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+(* binop *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+(* cast *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+(* condition *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+(* sizeof *)
+ auto.
+(* assign *)
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. rewrite H; rewrite H0; auto.
+(* assignop *)
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. rewrite H; rewrite H0; rewrite H1; rewrite H2; auto.
+(* postincr *)
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; auto. rewrite H; rewrite H0; rewrite H1; rewrite H2; auto.
+(* comma *)
+ rewrite H; rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
+(* paren *)
+ rewrite H; auto.
+Lemma sem_cast_arguments_complete:
+ forall al tyl vl,
+ cast_arguments al tyl vl ->
+ exists vtl, is_val_list al = Some vtl /\ sem_cast_arguments vtl tyl = Some vl.
+ induction 1.
+ exists (@nil (val * type)); auto.
+ destruct IHcast_arguments as [vtl [A B]].
+ exists ((v, ty) :: vtl); simpl. rewrite A; rewrite B; rewrite H. auto.
+Lemma callred_topred:
+ forall a fd args ty m,
+ callred ge a fd args ty ->
+ step_expr RV a m = topred (Callred fd args ty m).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ rewrite H2. exploit sem_cast_arguments_complete; eauto. intros [vtl [A B]].
+ rewrite A; rewrite H; rewrite B; rewrite H1; rewrite dec_eq_true. auto.
+Definition reducts_incl {A B: Type} (C: A -> B) (res1: reducts A) (res2: reducts B) : Prop :=
+ match res1, res2 with
+ | Some ll1, Some ll2 =>
+ forall C1 rd, In (C1, rd) ll1 -> In ((fun x => C(C1 x)), rd) ll2
+ | None, Some ll2 => False
+ | _, None => True
+ end.
+Lemma reducts_incl_trans:
+ forall (A1 A2: Type) (C: A1 -> A2) res1 res2, reducts_incl C res1 res2 ->
+ forall (A3: Type) (C': A2 -> A3) res3,
+ reducts_incl C' res2 res3 ->
+ reducts_incl (fun x => C'(C x)) res1 res3.
+ unfold reducts_incl; intros. destruct res1; destruct res2; destruct res3; auto. contradiction.
+Lemma reducts_incl_nil:
+ forall (A B: Type) (C: A -> B) res,
+ reducts_incl C (Some nil) res.
+ intros; red. destruct res; auto. intros; contradiction.
+Lemma reducts_incl_val:
+ forall (A: Type) a m v ty (C: expr -> A) res,
+ is_val a = Some(v, ty) -> reducts_incl C (step_expr RV a m) res.
+ intros. rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ H). apply reducts_incl_nil.
+Lemma reducts_incl_loc:
+ forall (A: Type) a m b ofs ty (C: expr -> A) res,
+ is_loc a = Some(b, ofs, ty) -> reducts_incl C (step_expr LV a m) res.
+ intros. rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ H). apply reducts_incl_nil.
+Lemma reducts_incl_listval:
+ forall (A: Type) a m vtl (C: exprlist -> A) res,
+ is_val_list a = Some vtl -> reducts_incl C (step_exprlist a m) res.
+ intros. rewrite step_exprlist_val_list. apply reducts_incl_nil. congruence.
+Lemma reducts_incl_incontext:
+ forall (A B: Type) (C: A -> B) res,
+ reducts_incl C res (incontext C res).
+ intros; unfold reducts_incl. destruct res; simpl; auto.
+ intros. set (f := fun z : (expr -> A) * reduction => (fun x : expr => C (fst z x), snd z)).
+ change (In (f (C1, rd)) (map f l)). apply in_map. auto.
+Lemma reducts_incl_incontext2_left:
+ forall (A1 A2 B: Type) (C1: A1 -> B) res1 (C2: A2 -> B) res2,
+ reducts_incl C1 res1 (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ intros. destruct res1; simpl; auto. destruct res2; auto.
+ intros. rewrite in_app_iff. left.
+ set (f := fun z : (expr -> A1) * reduction => (fun x : expr => C1 (fst z x), snd z)).
+ change (In (f (C0, rd)) (map f l)). apply in_map; auto.
+Lemma reducts_incl_incontext2_right:
+ forall (A1 A2 B: Type) (C1: A1 -> B) res1 (C2: A2 -> B) res2,
+ reducts_incl C2 res2 (incontext2 C1 res1 C2 res2).
+ intros. destruct res1; destruct res2; simpl; auto.
+ intros. rewrite in_app_iff. right.
+ set (f := fun z : (expr -> A2) * reduction => (fun x : expr => C2 (fst z x), snd z)).
+ change (In (f (C0, rd)) (map f l0)). apply in_map; auto.
+Hint Resolve reducts_incl_val reducts_incl_loc reducts_incl_listval
+ reducts_incl_incontext reducts_incl_incontext2_left reducts_incl_incontext2_right.
+Lemma step_expr_context:
+ forall from to C, context from to C ->
+ forall a m, reducts_incl C (step_expr from a m) (step_expr to (C a) m)
+with step_exprlist_context:
+ forall from C, contextlist from C ->
+ forall a m, reducts_incl C (step_expr from a m) (step_exprlist (C a) m).
+ induction 1; simpl; intros.
+(* top *)
+ red. destruct (step_expr k a m); auto. intros.
+ replace (fun x => C1 x) with C1; auto. apply extensionality; auto.
+(* deref *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ederef x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* field *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Efield x f ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* valof *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Evalof x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* addrof *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eaddrof x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* unop *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eunop op x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* binop left *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ebinop op x e2 ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* binop right *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ebinop op e1 x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val e1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn; eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* cast *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ecast x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* condition *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Econdition x r2 r3 ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* assign left *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eassign x e2 ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* assign right *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eassign e1 x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc e1) as [[[b ofs] ty1]|]_eqn; eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* assignop left *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eassignop op x e2 tyres ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* assignop right *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eassignop op e1 x tyres ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc e1) as [[[b ofs] ty1]|]_eqn; eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* postincr *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Epostincr id x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_loc (C a)) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* call left *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ecall x el ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* call right *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ecall e1 x ty). apply step_exprlist_context. auto.
+ destruct (is_val e1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn; eauto.
+ destruct (is_val_list (C a)) as [vl|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* comma *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Ecomma x e2 ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+(* paren *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Eparen x ty); eauto.
+ destruct (is_val (C a)) as [[v ty']|]_eqn; eauto.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros.
+(* cons left *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Econs x el).
+ apply step_expr_context; eauto. eauto.
+(* binop right *)
+ eapply reducts_incl_trans with (C' := fun x => Econs e1 x).
+ apply step_exprlist_context; eauto. eauto.
+(** Completeness, part 2: given a safe expression, [step_expr] does not return [None]. *)
+Lemma topred_none:
+ forall rd, topred rd <> None.
+ intros; unfold topred; congruence.
+Lemma incontext_none:
+ forall (A B: Type) (C: A -> B) rds,
+ rds <> None -> incontext C rds <> None.
+ unfold incontext; intros. destruct rds; congruence.
+Lemma incontext2_none:
+ forall (A1 A2 B: Type) (C1: A1 -> B) rds1 (C2: A2 -> B) rds2,
+ rds1 <> None -> rds2 <> None -> incontext2 C1 rds1 C2 rds2 <> None.
+ unfold incontext2; intros. destruct rds1; destruct rds2; congruence.
+Lemma safe_expr_kind:
+ forall k C a m,
+ context k RV C ->
+ not_stuck ge e (C a) m ->
+ k = Cstrategy.expr_kind a.
+ intros.
+ symmetry. eapply Cstrategy.not_imm_stuck_kind; eauto.
+Lemma safe_inversion:
+ forall k C a m,
+ context k RV C ->
+ not_stuck ge e (C a) m ->
+ match a with
+ | Eloc _ _ _ => True
+ | Eval _ _ => True
+ | _ => Cstrategy.invert_expr_prop ge e a m
+ end.
+ intros. eapply Cstrategy.not_imm_stuck_inv; eauto.
+Lemma is_val_list_all_values:
+ forall al vtl, is_val_list al = Some vtl -> Cstrategy.exprlist_all_values al.
+ induction al; simpl; intros. auto.
+ destruct (is_val r1) as [[v ty]|]_eqn; try discriminate.
+ destruct (is_val_list al) as [vtl'|]_eqn; try discriminate.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo). eauto.
+Theorem step_expr_defined:
+ forall a k m C,
+ context k RV C ->
+ not_stuck ge e (C a) m ->
+ step_expr k a m <> None
+with step_exprlist_defined:
+ forall al m C,
+ Cstrategy.contextlist' C ->
+ not_stuck ge e (C al) m ->
+ step_exprlist al m <> None.
+ induction a; intros k m C CTX NS;
+ rewrite (safe_expr_kind _ _ _ _ CTX NS);
+ rewrite (safe_expr_kind _ _ _ _ CTX NS) in CTX;
+ simpl in *;
+ generalize (safe_inversion _ _ _ _ CTX NS); intro INV.
+(* val *)
+ congruence.
+(* var *)
+ red in INV. destruct INV as [b [P | [P [Q R]]]].
+ rewrite P; rewrite dec_eq_true. apply topred_none.
+ rewrite P; rewrite Q; rewrite R; rewrite dec_eq_true. apply topred_none.
+(* field *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV.
+ destruct ty'; try contradiction. destruct INV as [delta EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply topred_none.
+ apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Efield x f ty)); eauto.
+(* valof *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [EQ [v LD]]. subst.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; rewrite LD; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Evalof x ty)); eauto.
+(* deref *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v ty']|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [b [ofs EQ]]. subst.
+ apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Ederef x ty)); eauto.
+(* addrof *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty']|]_eqn.
+ apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Eaddrof x ty)); eauto.
+(* unop *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [v EQ].
+ rewrite EQ; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Eunop op x ty)); eauto.
+(* binop *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [v EQ].
+ rewrite EQ; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Ebinop op x a2 ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Ebinop op a1 x ty)); eauto.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Ebinop op x a2 ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Ebinop op a1 x ty)); eauto.
+(* cast *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [v EQ].
+ rewrite EQ; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Ecast x ty)); eauto.
+(* condition *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [v EQ].
+ rewrite EQ; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Econdition x a2 a3 ty)); eauto.
+(* sizeof *)
+ apply topred_none.
+(* assign *)
+ destruct (is_loc a1) as [[[b ofs] ty1]|]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo) in INV.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0) in INV. red in INV.
+ destruct INV as [v [m' [P [Q R]]]].
+ subst. rewrite dec_eq_true; rewrite Q; rewrite R; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Eassign x a2 ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Eassign a1 x ty)); eauto.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Eassign x a2 ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Eassign a1 x ty)); eauto.
+(* assignop *)
+ destruct (is_loc a1) as [[[b ofs] ty1]|]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val a2) as [[v2 ty2]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo) in INV.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo0) in INV. red in INV.
+ destruct INV as [v1 [v [v' [m' [P [Q [R [S T]]]]]]]].
+ subst. rewrite dec_eq_true; rewrite Q; rewrite R; rewrite S; rewrite T; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Eassignop op x a2 tyres ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Eassignop op a1 x tyres ty)); eauto.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Eassignop op x a2 tyres ty)); eauto. apply IHa2 with (C := fun x => C(Eassignop op a1 x tyres ty)); eauto.
+(* postincr *)
+ destruct (is_loc a) as [[[b ofs] ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_loc_inv _ _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV.
+ destruct INV as [v1 [v2 [v3 [m' [P [Q [R [S T]]]]]]]].
+ subst. rewrite dec_eq_true; rewrite Q; rewrite R; rewrite S; rewrite T; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Epostincr id x ty)); eauto.
+(* comma *)
+ destruct (is_val a1) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. rewrite INV.
+ rewrite dec_eq_true; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa1 with (C := fun x => C(Ecomma x a2 ty)); eauto.
+(* call *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[vf tyf]|]_eqn.
+ destruct (is_val_list rargs) as [vtl|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV.
+ destruct INV as [tyargs [tyres [fd [vl [P [Q [R S]]]]]]].
+ eapply is_val_list_all_values; eauto.
+ rewrite P; rewrite Q.
+ exploit sem_cast_arguments_complete; eauto. intros [vtl' [U V]].
+ assert (vtl' = vtl) by congruence. subst. rewrite V. rewrite S. rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Ecall x rargs ty)); eauto.
+ apply step_exprlist_defined with (C := fun x => C(Ecall a x ty)); auto.
+ apply Cstrategy.contextlist'_intro with (rl0 := Enil). auto.
+ apply incontext2_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Ecall x rargs ty)); eauto.
+ apply step_exprlist_defined with (C := fun x => C(Ecall a x ty)); auto.
+ apply Cstrategy.contextlist'_intro with (rl0 := Enil). auto.
+(* loc *)
+ congruence.
+(* paren *)
+ destruct (is_val a) as [[v1 ty1]|]_eqn.
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo) in INV. red in INV. destruct INV as [v EQ].
+ rewrite EQ; apply topred_none.
+ apply incontext_none. apply IHa with (C := fun x => C(Eparen x ty)); eauto.
+ induction al; intros; simpl.
+(* nil *)
+ congruence.
+(* cons *)
+ apply incontext2_none.
+ apply step_expr_defined with (C := fun x => C(Econs x al)); eauto.
+ apply Cstrategy.contextlist'_head; auto.
+ apply IHal with (C := fun x => C(Econs r1 x)); auto.
+ apply Cstrategy.contextlist'_tail; auto.
+(** Connections between [not_stuck] and [step_expr]. *)
+Lemma step_expr_not_imm_stuck:
+ forall k a m,
+ step_expr k a m <> None ->
+ not_imm_stuck ge e k a m.
+ intros. generalize (step_expr_sound a k m). unfold reducts_ok.
+ destruct (step_expr k a m) as [ll|]. destruct ll.
+(* value or location *)
+ destruct k; destruct a; simpl; intros; try congruence.
+ apply not_stuck_loc.
+ apply Csem.not_stuck_val.
+(* reducible *)
+ intros R. destruct p as [C1 rd1]. destruct (R C1 rd1) as [P [a' [U V]]]; auto with coqlib.
+ subst a. red in V. destruct rd1.
+ eapply not_stuck_lred; eauto.
+ eapply not_stuck_rred; eauto.
+ destruct V. subst m'. eapply not_stuck_callred; eauto.
+(* stuck *)
+ congruence.
+Lemma step_expr_not_stuck:
+ forall a m,
+ step_expr RV a m <> None ->
+ not_stuck ge e a m.
+ intros; red; intros. subst a.
+ apply step_expr_not_imm_stuck.
+ generalize (step_expr_context _ _ C H0 e' m). unfold reducts_incl.
+ destruct (step_expr k e' m). congruence.
+ destruct (step_expr RV (C e') m). tauto. congruence.
+Lemma not_stuck_step_expr:
+ forall a m,
+ not_stuck ge e a m ->
+ step_expr RV a m <> None.
+ intros. apply step_expr_defined with (C := fun x => x); auto.
+(** * External functions and events. *)
+Section EVENTS.
+Variable F V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
+Definition eventval_of_val (v: val) (t: typ) : option eventval :=
+ match v, t with
+ | Vint i, AST.Tint => Some (EVint i)
+ | Vfloat f, AST.Tfloat => Some (EVfloat f)
+ | Vptr b ofs, AST.Tint => do id <- Genv.invert_symbol genv b; Some (EVptr_global id ofs)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint list_eventval_of_val (vl: list val) (tl: list typ) : option (list eventval) :=
+ match vl, tl with
+ | nil, nil => Some nil
+ | v1::vl, t1::tl =>
+ do ev1 <- eventval_of_val v1 t1;
+ do evl <- list_eventval_of_val vl tl;
+ Some (ev1 :: evl)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Definition val_of_eventval (ev: eventval) (t: typ) : option val :=
+ match ev, t with
+ | EVint i, AST.Tint => Some (Vint i)
+ | EVfloat f, AST.Tfloat => Some (Vfloat f)
+ | EVptr_global id ofs, AST.Tint => do b <- Genv.find_symbol genv id; Some (Vptr b ofs)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Lemma eventval_of_val_sound:
+ forall v t ev, eventval_of_val v t = Some ev -> eventval_match genv ev t v.
+ intros. destruct v; destruct t; simpl in H; inv H.
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ destruct (Genv.invert_symbol genv b) as [id|]_eqn; inv H1.
+ constructor. apply Genv.invert_find_symbol; auto.
+Lemma eventval_of_val_complete:
+ forall ev t v, eventval_match genv ev t v -> eventval_of_val v t = Some ev.
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ H). auto.
+Lemma list_eventval_of_val_sound:
+ forall vl tl evl, list_eventval_of_val vl tl = Some evl -> eventval_list_match genv evl tl vl.
+Proof with try discriminate.
+ induction vl; destruct tl; simpl; intros; inv H.
+ constructor.
+ destruct (eventval_of_val a t) as [ev1|]_eqn...
+ destruct (list_eventval_of_val vl tl) as [evl'|]_eqn...
+ inv H1. constructor. apply eventval_of_val_sound; auto. eauto.
+Lemma list_eventval_of_val_complete:
+ forall evl tl vl, eventval_list_match genv evl tl vl -> list_eventval_of_val vl tl = Some evl.
+ induction 1; simpl. auto.
+ rewrite (eventval_of_val_complete _ _ _ H). rewrite IHeventval_list_match. auto.
+Lemma val_of_eventval_sound:
+ forall ev t v, val_of_eventval ev t = Some v -> eventval_match genv ev t v.
+ intros. destruct ev; destruct t; simpl in H; inv H.
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol genv i) as [b|]_eqn; inv H1.
+ constructor. auto.
+Lemma val_of_eventval_complete:
+ forall ev t v, eventval_match genv ev t v -> val_of_eventval ev t = Some v.
+ induction 1; simpl; auto. rewrite H; auto.
+(** System calls and library functions *)
+Definition do_ef_external (name: ident) (sg: signature)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ do args <- list_eventval_of_val vargs (sig_args sg);
+ match nextworld_io w name args with
+ | None => None
+ | Some(res, w') =>
+ do vres <- val_of_eventval res (proj_sig_res sg);
+ Some(w', Event_syscall name args res :: E0, vres, m)
+ end.
+Definition do_ef_volatile_load (chunk: memory_chunk)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | Vptr b ofs :: nil =>
+ if block_is_volatile genv b then
+ do id <- Genv.invert_symbol genv b;
+ match nextworld_vload w chunk id ofs with
+ | None => None
+ | Some(res, w') =>
+ do vres <- val_of_eventval res (type_of_chunk chunk);
+ Some(w', Event_vload chunk id ofs res :: nil, Val.load_result chunk vres, m)
+ end
+ else
+ do v <- Mem.load chunk m b (Int.unsigned ofs);
+ Some(w, E0, v, m)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition do_ef_volatile_store (chunk: memory_chunk)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | Vptr b ofs :: v :: nil =>
+ if block_is_volatile genv b then
+ do id <- Genv.invert_symbol genv b;
+ do ev <- eventval_of_val v (type_of_chunk chunk);
+ do w' <- nextworld_vstore w chunk id ofs ev;
+ Some(w', Event_vstore chunk id ofs ev :: nil, Vundef, m)
+ else
+ do m' <- Mem.store chunk m b (Int.unsigned ofs) v;
+ Some(w, E0, Vundef, m')
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition do_ef_malloc
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | Vint n :: nil =>
+ let (m', b) := Mem.alloc m (-4) (Int.unsigned n) in
+ do m'' <- Mem.store Mint32 m' b (-4) (Vint n);
+ Some(w, E0, Vptr b Int.zero, m'')
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition do_ef_free
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | Vptr b lo :: nil =>
+ do vsz <- Mem.load Mint32 m b (Int.unsigned lo - 4);
+ match vsz with
+ | Vint sz =>
+ check (zlt 0 (Int.unsigned sz));
+ do m' <- Mem.free m b (Int.unsigned lo - 4) (Int.unsigned lo + Int.unsigned sz);
+ Some(w, E0, Vundef, m')
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition memcpy_args_ok
+ (sz al: Z) (bdst: block) (odst: Z) (bsrc: block) (osrc: Z) : Prop :=
+ (al = 1 \/ al = 2 \/ al = 4)
+ /\ sz > 0
+ /\ (al | sz) /\ (al | osrc) /\ (al | odst)
+ /\ (bsrc <> bdst \/ osrc = odst \/ osrc + sz <= odst \/ odst + sz <= osrc).
+Remark memcpy_check_args:
+ forall sz al bdst odst bsrc osrc,
+ {memcpy_args_ok sz al bdst odst bsrc osrc} + {~memcpy_args_ok sz al bdst odst bsrc osrc}.
+Proof with try (right; intuition omega).
+ intros.
+ assert (X: {al = 1 \/ al = 2 \/ al = 4} + {~(al = 1 \/ al = 2 \/ al = 4)}).
+ destruct (zeq al 1); auto. destruct (zeq al 2); auto. destruct (zeq al 4); auto...
+ unfold memcpy_args_ok. destruct X...
+ assert (al > 0) by (intuition omega).
+ destruct (zlt 0 sz)...
+ destruct (Zdivide_dec al sz); auto...
+ destruct (Zdivide_dec al osrc); auto...
+ destruct (Zdivide_dec al odst); auto...
+ assert (Y: {bsrc <> bdst \/ osrc = odst \/ osrc + sz <= odst \/ odst + sz <= osrc}
+ +{~(bsrc <> bdst \/ osrc = odst \/ osrc + sz <= odst \/ odst + sz <= osrc)}).
+ destruct (eq_block bsrc bdst); auto.
+ destruct (zeq osrc odst); auto.
+ destruct (zle (osrc + sz) odst); auto.
+ destruct (zle (odst + sz) osrc); auto.
+ right; intuition omega.
+ destruct Y... left; intuition omega.
+Definition do_ef_memcpy (sz al: Z)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | Vptr bdst odst :: Vptr bsrc osrc :: nil =>
+ if memcpy_check_args sz al bdst (Int.unsigned odst) bsrc (Int.unsigned osrc) then
+ do bytes <- Mem.loadbytes m bsrc (Int.unsigned osrc) sz;
+ do m' <- Mem.storebytes m bdst (Int.unsigned odst) bytes;
+ Some(w, E0, Vundef, m')
+ else None
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition do_ef_annot (text: ident) (targs: list typ)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ do args <- list_eventval_of_val vargs targs;
+ Some(w, Event_annot text args :: E0, Vundef, m).
+Definition do_ef_annot_val (text: ident) (targ: typ)
+ (w: world) (vargs: list val) (m: mem) : option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match vargs with
+ | varg :: nil =>
+ do arg <- eventval_of_val varg targ;
+ Some(w, Event_annot text (arg :: nil) :: E0, varg, m)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition do_external (ef: external_function):
+ world -> list val -> mem -> option (world * trace * val * mem) :=
+ match ef with
+ | EF_external name sg => do_ef_external name sg
+ | EF_builtin name sg => do_ef_external name sg
+ | EF_vload chunk => do_ef_volatile_load chunk
+ | EF_vstore chunk => do_ef_volatile_store chunk
+ | EF_malloc => do_ef_malloc
+ | EF_free => do_ef_free
+ | EF_memcpy sz al => do_ef_memcpy sz al
+ | EF_annot text targs => do_ef_annot text targs
+ | EF_annot_val text targ => do_ef_annot_val text targ
+ end.
+Ltac mydestr :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- None = Some _ -> _ ] => intro X; discriminate
+ | [ |- Some _ = Some _ -> _ ] => intro X; inv X
+ | [ |- match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => _ end = Some _ -> _ ] => destruct x as []_eqn; mydestr
+ | [ |- match ?x with true => _ | false => _ end = Some _ -> _ ] => destruct x as []_eqn; mydestr
+ | [ |- match ?x with left _ => _ | right _ => _ end = Some _ -> _ ] => destruct x; mydestr
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Lemma do_ef_external_sound:
+ forall ef w vargs m w' t vres m',
+ do_external ef w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m') ->
+ external_call ef genv vargs m t vres m' /\ possible_trace w t w'.
+Proof with try congruence.
+ intros until m'.
+ assert (IO: forall name sg,
+ do_ef_external name sg w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m') ->
+ extcall_io_sem name sg genv vargs m t vres m' /\ possible_trace w t w').
+ intros until sg. unfold do_ef_external. mydestr. destruct p as [res w'']; mydestr.
+ split. econstructor. apply list_eventval_of_val_sound; auto.
+ apply val_of_eventval_sound; auto.
+ econstructor. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ destruct ef; simpl.
+(* EF_external *)
+ auto.
+(* EF_builtin *)
+ auto.
+(* EF_vload *)
+ unfold do_ef_volatile_load. destruct vargs... destruct v... destruct vargs...
+ mydestr. destruct p as [res w'']; mydestr.
+ split. constructor. apply Genv.invert_find_symbol; auto. auto.
+ apply val_of_eventval_sound; auto.
+ econstructor. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ split. constructor; auto. constructor.
+(* EF_vstore *)
+ unfold do_ef_volatile_store. destruct vargs... destruct v... destruct vargs... destruct vargs...
+ mydestr.
+ split. constructor. apply Genv.invert_find_symbol; auto. auto.
+ apply eventval_of_val_sound; auto.
+ econstructor. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ split. constructor; auto. constructor.
+(* EF_malloc *)
+ unfold do_ef_malloc. destruct vargs... destruct v... destruct vargs...
+ destruct (Mem.alloc m (-4) (Int.unsigned i)) as [m1 b]_eqn. mydestr.
+ split. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
+(* EF_free *)
+ unfold do_ef_free. destruct vargs... destruct v... destruct vargs...
+ mydestr. destruct v... mydestr.
+ split. econstructor; eauto. omega. constructor.
+(* EF_memcpy *)
+ unfold do_ef_memcpy. destruct vargs... destruct v... destruct vargs...
+ destruct v... destruct vargs... mydestr. red in m0.
+ split. econstructor; eauto; tauto. constructor.
+(* EF_annot *)
+ unfold do_ef_annot. mydestr.
+ split. constructor. apply list_eventval_of_val_sound; auto.
+ econstructor. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+(* EF_annot_val *)
+ unfold do_ef_annot_val. destruct vargs... destruct vargs... mydestr.
+ split. constructor. apply eventval_of_val_sound; auto.
+ econstructor. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+Lemma do_ef_external_complete:
+ forall ef w vargs m w' t vres m',
+ external_call ef genv vargs m t vres m' -> possible_trace w t w' ->
+ do_external ef w vargs m = Some(w', t, vres, m').
+ intros.
+ assert (IO: forall name sg,
+ extcall_io_sem name sg genv vargs m t vres m' ->
+ do_ef_external name sg w vargs m = Some (w', t, vres, m')).
+ intros. inv H1. inv H0. inv H8. inv H6.
+ unfold do_ef_external. rewrite (list_eventval_of_val_complete _ _ _ H2). rewrite H8.
+ rewrite (val_of_eventval_complete _ _ _ H3). auto.
+ destruct ef; simpl in *.
+(* EF_external *)
+ auto.
+(* EF_builtin *)
+ auto.
+(* EF_vload *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_volatile_load.
+ inv H0. inv H8. inv H6.
+ rewrite H2. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ H1). rewrite H9.
+ rewrite (val_of_eventval_complete _ _ _ H3). auto.
+ inv H0. rewrite H1. rewrite H2. auto.
+(* EF_vstore *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_volatile_store.
+ inv H0. inv H8. inv H6.
+ rewrite H2. rewrite (Genv.find_invert_symbol _ _ H1).
+ rewrite (eventval_of_val_complete _ _ _ H3). rewrite H9. auto.
+ inv H0. rewrite H1. rewrite H2. auto.
+(* EF_malloc *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_malloc.
+ inv H0. rewrite H1. rewrite H2. auto.
+(* EF_free *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_free.
+ inv H0. rewrite H1. rewrite zlt_true. rewrite H3. auto. omega.
+(* EF_memcpy *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_memcpy.
+ inv H0. rewrite pred_dec_true. rewrite H7; rewrite H8; auto.
+ red. tauto.
+(* EF_annot *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_annot. inv H0. inv H6. inv H4.
+ rewrite (list_eventval_of_val_complete _ _ _ H1). auto.
+(* EF_annot_val *)
+ inv H; unfold do_ef_annot_val. inv H0. inv H6. inv H4.
+ rewrite (eventval_of_val_complete _ _ _ H1). auto.
+(** * Transitions over states. *)
+Fixpoint do_alloc_variables (e: env) (m: mem) (l: list (ident * type)) {struct l} : env * mem :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => (e,m)
+ | (id, ty) :: l' =>
+ let (m1,b1) := Mem.alloc m 0 (sizeof ty) in
+ do_alloc_variables (PTree.set id (b1, ty) e) m1 l'
+Lemma do_alloc_variables_sound:
+ forall l e m, alloc_variables e m l (fst (do_alloc_variables e m l)) (snd (do_alloc_variables e m l)).
+ induction l; intros; simpl.
+ constructor.
+ destruct a as [id ty]. destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 (sizeof ty)) as [m1 b1]_eqn; simpl.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma do_alloc_variables_complete:
+ forall e1 m1 l e2 m2, alloc_variables e1 m1 l e2 m2 ->
+ do_alloc_variables e1 m1 l = (e2, m2).
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ auto.
+ rewrite H; rewrite IHalloc_variables; auto.
+Function sem_bind_parameters (e: env) (m: mem) (l: list (ident * type)) (lv: list val)
+ {struct l} : option mem :=
+ match l, lv with
+ | nil, nil => Some m
+ | (id, ty) :: params, v1::lv =>
+ match PTree.get id e with
+ | Some (b, ty') =>
+ check (type_eq ty ty');
+ do m1 <- store_value_of_type ty m b Int.zero v1;
+ sem_bind_parameters e m1 params lv
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _, _ => None
+Lemma sem_bind_parameters_sound : forall e m l lv m',
+ sem_bind_parameters e m l lv = Some m' ->
+ bind_parameters e m l lv m'.
+ intros; functional induction (sem_bind_parameters e m l lv); try discriminate.
+ inversion H; constructor; auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma sem_bind_parameters_complete : forall e m l lv m',
+ bind_parameters e m l lv m' ->
+ sem_bind_parameters e m l lv = Some m'.
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite H. rewrite dec_eq_true.
+ destruct (store_value_of_type ty m b Int.zero v1); try discriminate.
+ inv H0; auto.
+Definition expr_final_state (f: function) (k: cont) (e: env) (C_rd: (expr -> expr) * reduction) :=
+ match snd C_rd with
+ | Lred a m => (E0, ExprState f (fst C_rd a) k e m)
+ | Rred a m => (E0, ExprState f (fst C_rd a) k e m)
+ | Callred fd vargs ty m => (E0, Callstate fd vargs (Kcall f e (fst C_rd) ty k) m)
+ end.
+Local Open Scope list_monad_scope.
+Definition ret (S: state) : list (trace * state) := (E0, S) :: nil.
+Definition do_step (w: world) (s: state) : list (trace * state) :=
+ match s with
+ | ExprState f a k e m =>
+ match is_val a with
+ | Some(v, ty) =>
+ match k with
+ | Kdo k => ret (State f Sskip k e m )
+ | Kifthenelse s1 s2 k =>
+ do b <- bool_val v ty; ret (State f (if b then s1 else s2) k e m)
+ | Kwhile1 x s k =>
+ do b <- bool_val v ty;
+ if b then ret (State f s (Kwhile2 x s k) e m) else ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | Kdowhile2 x s k =>
+ do b <- bool_val v ty;
+ if b then ret (State f (Sdowhile x s) k e m) else ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | Kfor2 a2 a3 s k =>
+ do b <- bool_val v ty;
+ if b then ret (State f s (Kfor3 a2 a3 s k) e m) else ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | Kreturn k =>
+ do v' <- sem_cast v ty f.(fn_return);
+ do m' <- Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e);
+ ret (Returnstate v' (call_cont k) m')
+ | Kswitch1 sl k =>
+ match v with
+ | Vint n => ret (State f (seq_of_labeled_statement (select_switch n sl)) (Kswitch2 k) e m)
+ | _ => nil
+ end
+ | _ => nil
+ end
+ | None =>
+ match step_expr e RV a m with
+ | None => nil
+ | Some ll => map (expr_final_state f k e) ll
+ end
+ end
+ | State f (Sdo x) k e m => ret(ExprState f x (Kdo k) e m)
+ | State f (Ssequence s1 s2) k e m => ret(State f s1 (Kseq s2 k) e m)
+ | State f Sskip (Kseq s k) e m => ret (State f s k e m)
+ | State f Scontinue (Kseq s k) e m => ret (State f Scontinue k e m)
+ | State f Sbreak (Kseq s k) e m => ret (State f Sbreak k e m)
+ | State f (Sifthenelse a s1 s2) k e m => ret (ExprState f a (Kifthenelse s1 s2 k) e m)
+ | State f (Swhile x s) k e m => ret (ExprState f x (Kwhile1 x s k) e m)
+ | State f (Sskip|Scontinue) (Kwhile2 x s k) e m => ret (State f (Swhile x s) k e m)
+ | State f Sbreak (Kwhile2 x s k) e m => ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | State f (Sdowhile a s) k e m => ret (State f s (Kdowhile1 a s k) e m)
+ | State f (Sskip|Scontinue) (Kdowhile1 x s k) e m => ret (ExprState f x (Kdowhile2 x s k) e m)
+ | State f Sbreak (Kdowhile1 x s k) e m => ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | State f (Sfor a1 a2 a3 s) k e m =>
+ if is_skip a1
+ then ret (ExprState f a2 (Kfor2 a2 a3 s k) e m)
+ else ret (State f a1 (Kseq (Sfor Sskip a2 a3 s) k) e m)
+ | State f Sskip (Kfor3 a2 a3 s k) e m => ret (State f a3 (Kfor4 a2 a3 s k) e m)
+ | State f Scontinue (Kfor3 a2 a3 s k) e m => ret (State f a3 (Kfor4 a2 a3 s k) e m)
+ | State f Sbreak (Kfor3 a2 a3 s k) e m => ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | State f Sskip (Kfor4 a2 a3 s k) e m => ret (State f (Sfor Sskip a2 a3 s) k e m)
+ | State f (Sreturn None) k e m =>
+ do m' <- Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e);
+ ret (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) m')
+ | State f (Sreturn (Some x)) k e m => ret (ExprState f x (Kreturn k) e m)
+ | State f Sskip ((Kstop | Kcall _ _ _ _ _) as k) e m =>
+ check (type_eq f.(fn_return) Tvoid);
+ do m' <- Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e);
+ ret (Returnstate Vundef k m')
+ | State f (Sswitch x sl) k e m => ret (ExprState f x (Kswitch1 sl k) e m)
+ | State f (Sskip|Sbreak) (Kswitch2 k) e m => ret (State f Sskip k e m)
+ | State f Scontinue (Kswitch2 k) e m => ret (State f Scontinue k e m)
+ | State f (Slabel lbl s) k e m => ret (State f s k e m)
+ | State f (Sgoto lbl) k e m =>
+ match find_label lbl f.(fn_body) (call_cont k) with
+ | Some(s', k') => ret (State f s' k' e m)
+ | None => nil
+ end
+ | Callstate (Internal f) vargs k m =>
+ check (list_norepet_dec ident_eq (var_names (fn_params f) ++ var_names (fn_vars f)));
+ let (e,m1) := do_alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) in
+ do m2 <- sem_bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs;
+ ret (State f f.(fn_body) k e m2)
+ | Callstate (External ef _ _) vargs k m =>
+ match do_external _ _ ge ef w vargs m with
+ | None => nil
+ | Some(w',t,v,m') => (t, Returnstate v k m') :: nil
+ end
+ | Returnstate v (Kcall f e C ty k) m => ret (ExprState f (C (Eval v ty)) k e m)
+ | _ => nil
+ end.
+Definition at_external (S: state): option (external_function * list val * mem) :=
+ match S with
+ | Callstate (External ef _ _) vargs k m => Some (ef, vargs, m)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition after_external (S: state) (v: val) (m: mem): option state :=
+ match S with
+ | Callstate _ _ k _ => Some (Returnstate v k m)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Ltac myinv :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- In _ nil -> _ ] => intro X; elim X
+ | [ |- In _ (ret _) -> _ ] =>
+ intro X; elim X; clear X;
+ [intro EQ; unfold ret in EQ; inv EQ; myinv | myinv]
+ | [ |- In _ (_ :: nil) -> _ ] =>
+ intro X; elim X; clear X; [intro EQ; inv EQ; myinv | myinv]
+ | [ |- In _ (match ?x with Some _ => _ | None => _ end) -> _ ] => destruct x as []_eqn; myinv
+ | [ |- In _ (match ?x with false => _ | true => _ end) -> _ ] => destruct x as []_eqn; myinv
+ | [ |- In _ (match ?x with left _ => _ | right _ => _ end) -> _ ] => destruct x; myinv
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Hint Extern 3 => exact I.
+Lemma do_step_sound:
+ forall w S t S', In (t, S') (do_step w S) -> Csem.step ge S t S'.
+Proof with try (right; econstructor; eauto; fail).
+ intros until S'. destruct S; simpl.
+(* State *)
+ destruct s; myinv...
+ (* skip *)
+ destruct k; myinv...
+ (* break *)
+ destruct k; myinv...
+ (* continue *)
+ destruct k; myinv...
+ (* goto *)
+ destruct p as [s' k']. myinv...
+(* ExprState *)
+ destruct (is_val r) as [[v ty]|]_eqn.
+ (* expression is a value *)
+ rewrite (is_val_inv _ _ _ Heqo).
+ destruct k; myinv...
+ destruct v; myinv...
+ (* expression reduces *)
+ destruct (step_expr e RV r m) as [ll|]_eqn; try contradiction. intros.
+ exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[C rd] [A B]].
+ generalize (step_expr_sound e r RV m). unfold reducts_ok. rewrite Heqr0.
+ destruct ll; try contradiction. intros SOUND.
+ exploit SOUND; eauto. intros [CTX [a [EQ RD]]]. subst r.
+ unfold expr_final_state in A. simpl in A. left.
+ destruct rd; inv A; simpl in RD.
+ apply step_lred. auto. apply step_expr_not_stuck; congruence. auto.
+ apply step_rred. auto. apply step_expr_not_stuck; congruence. auto.
+ destruct RD; subst m'. apply Csem.step_call. auto. apply step_expr_not_stuck; congruence. auto.
+(* callstate *)
+ destruct fd; myinv.
+ (* internal *)
+ destruct (do_alloc_variables empty_env m (fn_params f ++ fn_vars f)) as [e m1]_eqn.
+ myinv. right; apply step_internal_function with m1. auto.
+ change e with (fst (e,m1)). change m1 with (snd (e,m1)) at 2. rewrite <- Heqp.
+ apply do_alloc_variables_sound. apply sem_bind_parameters_sound; auto.
+ (* external *)
+ destruct p as [[[w' tr] v] m']. myinv. right; constructor.
+ eapply do_ef_external_sound; eauto.
+(* returnstate *)
+ destruct k; myinv...
+Remark estep_not_val:
+ forall f a k e m t S, estep ge (ExprState f a k e m) t S -> is_val a = None.
+ intros.
+ assert (forall b from to C, context from to C -> (C = fun x => x) \/ is_val (C b) = None).
+ induction 1; simpl; auto.
+ inv H.
+ destruct (H0 a0 _ _ _ H10). subst. inv H8; auto. auto.
+ destruct (H0 a0 _ _ _ H10). subst. inv H8; auto. auto.
+ destruct (H0 a0 _ _ _ H10). subst. inv H8; auto. auto.
+Lemma do_step_complete:
+ forall w S t S' w', possible_trace w t w' -> Csem.step ge S t S' -> In (t, S') (do_step w S).
+Proof with (unfold ret; auto with coqlib).
+ intros until w'; intro PT; intros.
+ destruct H.
+ (* Expression step *)
+ inversion H; subst; exploit estep_not_val; eauto; intro NOTVAL.
+(* lred *)
+ unfold do_step; rewrite NOTVAL.
+ destruct (step_expr e RV (C a) m) as [ll|]_eqn.
+ change (E0, ExprState f (C a') k e m') with (expr_final_state f k e (C, Lred a' m')).
+ apply in_map.
+ generalize (step_expr_context e _ _ _ H2 a m). unfold reducts_incl.
+ rewrite Heqr. destruct (step_expr e LV a m) as [ll'|]_eqn; try tauto.
+ intro. replace C with (fun x => C x). apply H3.
+ rewrite (lred_topred _ _ _ _ _ H0) in Heqr0. inv Heqr0. auto with coqlib.
+ apply extensionality; auto.
+ exploit not_stuck_step_expr; eauto.
+(* rred *)
+ unfold do_step; rewrite NOTVAL.
+ destruct (step_expr e RV (C a) m) as [ll|]_eqn.
+ change (E0, ExprState f (C a') k e m') with (expr_final_state f k e (C, Rred a' m')).
+ apply in_map.
+ generalize (step_expr_context e _ _ _ H2 a m). unfold reducts_incl.
+ rewrite Heqr. destruct (step_expr e RV a m) as [ll'|]_eqn; try tauto.
+ intro. replace C with (fun x => C x). apply H3.
+ rewrite (rred_topred _ _ _ _ _ H0) in Heqr0. inv Heqr0. auto with coqlib.
+ apply extensionality; auto.
+ exploit not_stuck_step_expr; eauto.
+(* callred *)
+ unfold do_step; rewrite NOTVAL.
+ destruct (step_expr e RV (C a) m) as [ll|]_eqn.
+ change (E0, Callstate fd vargs (Kcall f e C ty k) m) with (expr_final_state f k e (C, Callred fd vargs ty m)).
+ apply in_map.
+ generalize (step_expr_context e _ _ _ H2 a m). unfold reducts_incl.
+ rewrite Heqr. destruct (step_expr e RV a m) as [ll'|]_eqn; try tauto.
+ intro. replace C with (fun x => C x). apply H3.
+ rewrite (callred_topred _ _ _ _ _ _ H0) in Heqr0. inv Heqr0. auto with coqlib.
+ apply extensionality; auto.
+ exploit not_stuck_step_expr; eauto.
+ (* Statement step *)
+ inv H; simpl...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite H0...
+ destruct H0; subst s0...
+ destruct H0; subst s0...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite pred_dec_false...
+ rewrite pred_dec_true...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite H0...
+ destruct H0; subst x...
+ rewrite H0...
+ rewrite H0; rewrite H1...
+ rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. rewrite H2. red in H0. destruct k; try contradiction...
+ destruct H0; subst x...
+ rewrite H0...
+ (* Call step *)
+ rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. rewrite (do_alloc_variables_complete _ _ _ _ _ H1).
+ rewrite (sem_bind_parameters_complete _ _ _ _ _ H2)...
+ exploit do_ef_external_complete; eauto. intro EQ; rewrite EQ. auto with coqlib.
+End EXEC.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Definition do_initial_state (p: program): option (genv * state) :=
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ do m0 <- Genv.init_mem p;
+ do b <- Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main);
+ do f <- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b;
+ check (type_eq (type_of_fundef f) (Tfunction Tnil (Tint I32 Signed)));
+ Some (ge, Callstate f nil Kstop m0).
+Definition at_final_state (S: state): option int :=
+ match S with
+ | Returnstate (Vint r) Kstop m => Some r
+ | _ => None
+ end.