path: root/cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-03-03 10:25:25 +0000
commit93d89c2b5e8497365be152fb53cb6cd4c5764d34 (patch)
tree0de8d05bbd0eeaeb5e4b85395f8dd576984b6a9e /cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml
parent891377ce1962cdb31357d6580d6546ec22df2b4f (diff)
Getting rid of CIL
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1270 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 859 deletions
diff --git a/cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml b/cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d07ac4..00000000
--- a/cil/ocamlutil/pretty.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
- * George C. Necula <necula@cs.berkeley.edu>
- * Scott McPeak <smcpeak@cs.berkeley.edu>
- * Wes Weimer <weimer@cs.berkeley.edu>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
- * products derived from this software without specific prior written
- * permission.
- *
- *
- *)
-(* Pretty printer
- This module contains several fast, but sub-optimal heuristics to pretty-print
- structured text.
-let debug = false
-(* Choose an algorithm *)
-type algo = George | Aman | Gap
-let algo = George
-let fastMode = ref false
-(** Whether to print identation or not (for faster printing and smaller
- * output) *)
-let printIndent = ref true
-(* The doc type and constructors *)
-type doc =
- Nil
- | Text of string
- | Concat of doc * doc
- | CText of doc * string
- | Break
- | Line
- | LeftFlush
- | Align
- | Unalign
- | Mark
- | Unmark
-(* Break a string at \n *)
-let rec breakString (acc: doc) (str: string) : doc =
- try
- (* Printf.printf "breaking string %s\n" str; *)
- let r = String.index str '\n' in
- (* Printf.printf "r=%d\n" r; *)
- let len = String.length str in
- if r > 0 then begin
- (* Printf.printf "Taking %s\n" (String.sub str 0 r); *)
- let acc' = Concat(CText (acc, String.sub str 0 r), Line) in
- if r = len - 1 then (* The last one *)
- acc'
- else begin
- (* Printf.printf "Continuing with %s\n" (String.sub str (r + 1) (len - r - 1)); *)
- breakString acc'
- (String.sub str (r + 1) (len - r - 1))
- end
- end else (* The first is a newline *)
- breakString (Concat(acc, Line))
- (String.sub str (r + 1) (len - r - 1))
- with Not_found ->
- if acc = Nil then Text str else CText (acc, str)
-let nil = Nil
-let text s = breakString nil s
-let num i = text (string_of_int i)
-let real f = text (string_of_float f)
-let chr c = text (String.make 1 c)
-let align = Align
-let unalign = Unalign
-let line = Line
-let leftflush = LeftFlush
-let break = Break
-let mark = Mark
-let unmark = Unmark
-let d_int32 (i: int32) = text (Int32.to_string i)
-let f_int32 () i = d_int32 i
-let d_int64 (i: int64) = text (Int64.to_string i)
-let f_int64 () i = d_int64 i
-(* Note that the ++ operator in Ocaml are left-associative. This means
- * that if you have a long list of ++ then the whole thing is very unbalanced
- * towards the left side. This is the worst possible case since scanning the
- * left side of a Concat is the non-tail recursive case. *)
-let (++) d1 d2 = Concat (d1, d2)
-let concat d1 d2 = Concat (d1, d2)
-(* Ben Liblit fix *)
-let indent n d = text (String.make n ' ') ++ (align ++ (d ++ unalign))
-let markup d = mark ++ d ++ unmark
-(* Format a sequence. The first argument is a separator *)
-let seq ~(sep:doc) ~(doit:'a -> doc) ~(elements: 'a list) =
- let rec loop (acc: doc) = function
- [] -> acc
- | h :: t ->
- let fh = doit h in (* Make sure this is done first *)
- loop (acc ++ sep ++ fh) t
- in
- (match elements with
- [] -> nil
- | h :: t ->
- let fh = doit h in loop fh t)
-let docArray ?(sep=chr ',') (doit:int -> 'a -> doc) () (elements:'a array) =
- let len = Array.length elements in
- if len = 0 then
- nil
- else
- let rec loop (acc: doc) i =
- if i >= len then acc else
- let fi = doit i elements.(i) in (* Make sure this is done first *)
- loop (acc ++ sep ++ fi) (i + 1)
- in
- let f0 = doit 0 elements.(0) in
- loop f0 1
-let docOpt delem () = function
- None -> text "None"
- | Some e -> text "Some(" ++ (delem e) ++ chr ')'
-let docList ?(sep=chr ',') (doit:'a -> doc) () (elements:'a list) =
- seq sep doit elements
-let insert () d = d
-let d_list (sep:string) (doit:unit -> 'a -> doc) () (elts:'a list) : doc =
- (* thunk 'doit' to match docList's interface *)
- let internalDoit (elt:'a) =
- (doit () elt) in
- (docList ~sep:(text sep) internalDoit () elts)
-(** Format maps *)
-module MakeMapPrinter =
- functor (Map: sig
- type key
- type 'a t
- val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
- end) ->
- let docMap ?(sep=chr ',')
- (doit: Map.key -> 'a -> doc) () (maplets: 'a Map.t) : doc =
- Map.fold
- (fun k d acc ->
- (if acc==nil then acc else acc ++ sep)
- ++ (doit k d))
- maplets
- nil
- let dmaplet d0 d1 = d0 ++ (text " |-> ") ++ d1
- let d_map ?(dmaplet=dmaplet) (sep:string) dkey dval =
- let doit = fun k d -> dmaplet (dkey () k) (dval () d) in
- docMap ~sep:(text sep) doit
-(** Format sets *)
-module MakeSetPrinter =
- functor (Set: sig
- type elt
- type t
- val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
- end) ->
- let docSet ?(sep=chr ',') (doit: Set.elt -> doc) () (set: Set.t) : doc =
- Set.fold
- (fun elt acc ->
- (if acc==nil then acc else acc ++ sep)
- ++ (doit elt))
- set
- nil
- let d_set (sep:string) delt =
- docSet ~sep:(text sep) (delt ())
-(* Some debugging stuff *)
-let dbgprintf x = Printf.fprintf stderr x
-let rec dbgPrintDoc = function
- Nil -> dbgprintf "(Nil)"
- | Text s -> dbgprintf "(Text %s)" s
- | Concat (d1,d2) -> dbgprintf ""; dbgPrintDoc d1; dbgprintf " ++\n ";
- dbgPrintDoc d2; dbgprintf ""
- | CText (d,s) -> dbgPrintDoc d; dbgprintf " ++ \"%s\"" s;
- | Break -> dbgprintf "(Break)"
- | Line -> dbgprintf "(Line)"
- | LeftFlush -> dbgprintf "(LeftFlush)"
- | Align -> dbgprintf "(Align)"
- | Unalign -> dbgprintf "(Unalign)"
- | Mark -> dbgprintf "(Mark)"
- | Unmark -> dbgprintf "(Unmark)"
-(* The "george" algorithm *)
-(* When we construct documents, most of the time they are heavily unbalanced
- * towards the left. This is due to the left-associativity of ++ and also to
- * the fact that constructors such as docList construct from the let of a
- * sequence. We would prefer to shift the imbalance to the right to avoid
- * consuming a lot of stack when we traverse the document *)
-let rec flatten (acc: doc) = function
- | Concat (d1, d2) -> flatten (flatten acc d2) d1
- | CText (d, s) -> flatten (Concat(Text s, acc)) d
- | Nil -> acc (* Get rid of Nil *)
- | d -> Concat(d, acc)
-(* We keep a stack of active aligns. *)
-type align =
- { mutable gainBreak: int; (* This is the gain that is associated with
- * taking the break associated with this
- * alignment mark. If this is 0, then there
- * is no break associated with the mark *)
- mutable isTaken: bool ref; (* If breakGain is > 0 then this is a ref
- * cell that must be set to true when the
- * break is taken. These ref cells are also
- * int the "breaks" list *)
- deltaFromPrev: int ref; (* The column of this alignment mark -
- * the column of the previous mark.
- * Shared with the deltaToNext of the
- * previous active align *)
- deltaToNext: int ref (* The column of the next alignment mark -
- * the columns of this one. Shared with
- * deltaFromPrev of the next active align *)
- }
-(* We use references to avoid the need to pass data around all the time *)
-let aligns: align list ref = (* The current stack of active alignment marks,
- * with the top at the head. Never empty. *)
- ref [{ gainBreak = 0; isTaken = ref false;
- deltaFromPrev = ref 0; deltaToNext = ref 0; }]
-let topAlignAbsCol = ref 0 (* The absolute column of the top alignment *)
-let pushAlign (abscol: int) =
- let topalign = List.hd !aligns in
- let res =
- { gainBreak = 0; isTaken = ref false;
- deltaFromPrev = topalign.deltaToNext; (* Share with the previous *)
- deltaToNext = ref 0; (* Allocate a new ref *)} in
- aligns := res :: !aligns;
- res.deltaFromPrev := abscol - !topAlignAbsCol;
- topAlignAbsCol := abscol
-let popAlign () =
- match !aligns with
- top :: t when t != [] ->
- aligns := t;
- topAlignAbsCol := !topAlignAbsCol - !(top.deltaFromPrev)
- | _ -> failwith "Unmatched unalign\n"
-(** We keep a list of active markup sections. For each one we keep the column
- * we are in *)
-let activeMarkups: int list ref = ref []
-(* Keep a list of ref cells for the breaks, in the same order that we see
- * them in the document *)
-let breaks: bool ref list ref = ref []
-(* The maximum column that we should use *)
-let maxCol = ref 0
-(* Sometimes we take all the optional breaks *)
-let breakAllMode = ref false
-(* We are taking a newline and moving left *)
-let newline () =
- let topalign = List.hd !aligns in (* aligns is never empty *)
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Taking a newline: reseting gain of %d\n" topalign.gainBreak;
- topalign.gainBreak <- 0; (* Erase the current break info *)
- if !breakAllMode && !topAlignAbsCol < !maxCol then
- breakAllMode := false;
- !topAlignAbsCol (* This is the new column *)
-(* Choose the align with the best gain. We outght to find a better way to
- * keep the aligns sorted, especially since they gain never changes (when the
- * align is the top align) *)
-let chooseBestGain () : align option =
- let bestGain = ref 0 in
- let rec loop (breakingAlign: align option) = function
- [] -> breakingAlign
- | a :: resta ->
- if debug then dbgprintf "Looking at align with gain %d\n" a.gainBreak;
- if a.gainBreak > !bestGain then begin
- bestGain := a.gainBreak;
- loop (Some a) resta
- end else
- loop breakingAlign resta
- in
- loop None !aligns
-(* Another one that chooses the break associated with the current align only *)
-let chooseLastGain () : align option =
- let topalign = List.hd !aligns in
- if topalign.gainBreak > 0 then Some topalign else None
-(* We have just advanced to a new column. See if we must take a line break *)
-let movingRight (abscol: int) : int =
- (* Keep taking the best break until we get back to the left of maxCol or no
- * more are left *)
- let rec tryAgain abscol =
- if abscol <= !maxCol then abscol else
- begin
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Looking for a break to take in column %d\n" abscol;
- (* Find the best gain there is out there *)
- match if !fastMode then None else chooseBestGain () with
- None -> begin
- (* No breaks are available. Take all breaks from now on *)
- breakAllMode := true;
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Can't find any breaks\n";
- abscol
- end
- | Some breakingAlign -> begin
- let topalign = List.hd !aligns in
- let theGain = breakingAlign.gainBreak in
- assert (theGain > 0);
- if debug then dbgprintf "Taking break at %d. gain=%d\n" abscol theGain;
- breakingAlign.isTaken := true;
- breakingAlign.gainBreak <- 0;
- if breakingAlign != topalign then begin
- breakingAlign.deltaToNext :=
- !(breakingAlign.deltaToNext) - theGain;
- topAlignAbsCol := !topAlignAbsCol - theGain
- end;
- tryAgain (abscol - theGain)
- end
- end
- in
- tryAgain abscol
-(* Keep track of nested align in gprintf. Each gprintf format string must
- * have properly nested align/unalign pairs. When the nesting depth surpasses
- * !printDepth then we print ... and we skip until the matching unalign *)
-let printDepth = ref 10000000 (* WRW: must see whole thing *)
-let alignDepth = ref 0
-let useAlignDepth = true
-(** Start an align. Return true if we ahve just passed the threshhold *)
-let enterAlign () =
- incr alignDepth;
- useAlignDepth && !alignDepth = !printDepth + 1
-(** Exit an align *)
-let exitAlign () =
- decr alignDepth
-(** See if we are at a low-enough align level (and we should be printing
- * normally) *)
-let shallowAlign () =
- not useAlignDepth || !alignDepth <= !printDepth
-(* Pass the current absolute column and compute the new column *)
-let rec scan (abscol: int) (d: doc) : int =
- match d with
- Nil -> abscol
- | Concat (d1, d2) -> scan (scan abscol d1) d2
- | Text s when shallowAlign () ->
- let sl = String.length s in
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Done string: %s from %d to %d\n" s abscol (abscol + sl);
- movingRight (abscol + sl)
- | CText (d, s) ->
- let abscol' = scan abscol d in
- if shallowAlign () then begin
- let sl = String.length s in
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Done string: %s from %d to %d\n" s abscol' (abscol' + sl);
- movingRight (abscol' + sl)
- end else
- abscol'
- | Align ->
- pushAlign abscol;
- if enterAlign () then
- movingRight (abscol + 3) (* "..." *)
- else
- abscol
- | Unalign -> exitAlign (); popAlign (); abscol
- | Line when shallowAlign () -> (* A forced line break *)
- if !activeMarkups != [] then
- failwith "Line breaks inside markup sections";
- newline ()
- | LeftFlush when shallowAlign () -> (* Keep cursor left-flushed *) 0
- | Break when shallowAlign () -> (* An optional line break. Always a space
- * followed by an optional line break *)
- if !activeMarkups != [] then
- failwith "Line breaks inside markup sections";
- let takenref = ref false in
- breaks := takenref :: !breaks;
- let topalign = List.hd !aligns in (* aligns is never empty *)
- if !breakAllMode then begin
- takenref := true;
- newline ()
- end else begin
- (* If there was a previous break there it stays not taken, forever.
- * So we overwrite it. *)
- topalign.isTaken <- takenref;
- topalign.gainBreak <- 1 + abscol - !topAlignAbsCol;
- if debug then
- dbgprintf "Registering a break at %d with gain %d\n"
- (1 + abscol) topalign.gainBreak;
- movingRight (1 + abscol)
- end
- | Mark -> activeMarkups := abscol :: !activeMarkups;
- abscol
- | Unmark -> begin
- match !activeMarkups with
- old :: rest -> activeMarkups := rest;
- old
- | [] -> failwith "Too many unmark"
- end
- | _ -> (* Align level is too deep *) abscol
-(** Keep a running counter of the newlines we are taking. You can read and
- * reset this from user code, if you want *)
-let countNewLines = ref 0
-(* The actual function that takes a document and prints it *)
-let emitDoc
- (emitString: string -> int -> unit) (* emit a number of copies of a
- * string *)
- (d: doc) =
- let aligns: int list ref = ref [0] in (* A stack of alignment columns *)
- let wantIndent = ref false in
- (* Use this function to take a newline *)
- (* AB: modified it to flag wantIndent. The actual indentation is done only
- if leftflush is not encountered *)
- let newline () =
- match !aligns with
- [] -> failwith "Ran out of aligns"
- | x :: _ ->
- emitString "\n" 1;
- incr countNewLines;
- wantIndent := true;
- x
- in
- (* Print indentation if wantIndent was previously flagged ; reset this flag *)
- let indentIfNeeded () =
- if !printIndent && !wantIndent then ignore (
- match !aligns with
- [] -> failwith "Ran out of aligns"
- | x :: _ ->
- if x > 0 then emitString " " x;
- x);
- wantIndent := false
- in
- (* A continuation passing style loop *)
- let rec loopCont (abscol: int) (d: doc) (cont: int -> unit) : unit
- (* the new column *) =
- match d with
- Nil -> cont abscol
- | Concat (d1, d2) ->
- loopCont abscol d1 (fun abscol' -> loopCont abscol' d2 cont)
- | Text s when shallowAlign () ->
- let sl = String.length s in
- indentIfNeeded ();
- emitString s 1;
- cont (abscol + sl)
- | CText (d, s) ->
- loopCont abscol d
- (fun abscol' ->
- if shallowAlign () then
- let sl = String.length s in
- indentIfNeeded ();
- emitString s 1;
- cont (abscol' + sl)
- else
- cont abscol')
- | Align ->
- aligns := abscol :: !aligns;
- if enterAlign () then begin
- indentIfNeeded ();
- emitString "..." 1;
- cont (abscol + 3)
- end else
- cont abscol
- | Unalign -> begin
- match !aligns with
- [] -> failwith "Unmatched unalign"
- | _ :: rest ->
- exitAlign ();
- aligns := rest; cont abscol
- end
- | Line when shallowAlign () -> cont (newline ())
- | LeftFlush when shallowAlign () -> wantIndent := false; cont (0)
- | Break when shallowAlign () -> begin
- match !breaks with
- [] -> failwith "Break without a takenref"
- | istaken :: rest ->
- breaks := rest; (* Consume the break *)
- if !istaken then cont (newline ())
- else begin
- indentIfNeeded ();
- emitString " " 1;
- cont (abscol + 1)
- end
- end
- | Mark ->
- activeMarkups := abscol :: !activeMarkups;
- cont abscol
- | Unmark -> begin
- match !activeMarkups with
- old :: rest -> activeMarkups := rest;
- cont old
- | [] -> failwith "Unmark without a mark"
- end
- | _ -> (* Align is too deep *)
- cont abscol
- in
- loopCont 0 d (fun x -> ())
-(* Print a document on a channel *)
-let fprint (chn: out_channel) ~(width: int) doc =
- (* Save some parameters, to allow for nested calls of these routines. *)
- maxCol := width;
- let old_breaks = !breaks in
- breaks := [];
- let old_alignDepth = !alignDepth in
- alignDepth := 0;
- let old_activeMarkups = !activeMarkups in
- activeMarkups := [];
- ignore (scan 0 doc);
- breaks := List.rev !breaks;
- ignore (emitDoc
- (fun s nrcopies ->
- for i = 1 to nrcopies do
- output_string chn s
- done) doc);
- activeMarkups := old_activeMarkups;
- alignDepth := old_alignDepth;
- breaks := old_breaks (* We must do this especially if we don't do emit
- * (which consumes breaks) because otherwise we waste
- * memory *)
-(* Print the document to a string *)
-let sprint ~(width : int) doc : string =
- maxCol := width;
- let old_breaks = !breaks in
- breaks := [];
- let old_activeMarkups = !activeMarkups in
- activeMarkups := [];
- let old_alignDepth = !alignDepth in
- alignDepth := 0;
- ignore (scan 0 doc);
- breaks := List.rev !breaks;
- let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- let rec add_n_strings str num =
- if num <= 0 then ()
- else begin Buffer.add_string buf str; add_n_strings str (num - 1) end
- in
- emitDoc add_n_strings doc;
- breaks := old_breaks;
- activeMarkups := old_activeMarkups;
- alignDepth := old_alignDepth;
- Buffer.contents buf
- (* The rest is based on printf.ml *)
-external format_int: string -> int -> string = "caml_format_int"
-external format_float: string -> float -> string = "caml_format_float"
-let gprintf (finish : doc -> 'b)
- (format : ('a, unit, doc, 'b) format4) : 'a =
- let format = (Obj.magic format : string) in
- (* Record the starting align depth *)
- let startAlignDepth = !alignDepth in
- (* Special concatenation functions *)
- let dconcat (acc: doc) (another: doc) =
- if !alignDepth > !printDepth then acc else acc ++ another in
- let dctext1 (acc: doc) (str: string) =
- if !alignDepth > !printDepth then acc else
- CText(acc, str)
- in
- (* Special finish function *)
- let dfinish (dc: doc) : 'b =
- if !alignDepth <> startAlignDepth then
- prerr_string ("Unmatched align/unalign in " ^ format ^ "\n");
- finish dc
- in
- let flen = String.length format in
- (* Reading a format character *)
- let fget = String.unsafe_get format in
- (* Output a literal sequence of
- * characters, starting at i. The
- * character at i does not need to be
- * checked. *)
- let rec literal acc i =
- let rec skipChars j =
- if j >= flen ||
- (match fget j with
- '%' -> true
- | '@' -> true
- | '\n' -> true
- | _ -> false) then
- collect (dctext1 acc (String.sub format i (j-i))) j
- else
- skipChars (succ j)
- in
- skipChars (succ i)
- (* the main collection function *)
- and collect (acc: doc) (i: int) =
- if i >= flen then begin
- Obj.magic (dfinish acc)
- end else begin
- let c = fget i in
- if c = '%' then begin
- let j = skip_args (succ i) in
- match fget j with
- '%' -> literal acc j
- | 's' ->
- Obj.magic(fun s ->
- let str =
- if j <= i+1 then
- s
- else
- let sl = String.length s in
- let p =
- try
- int_of_string (String.sub format (i+1) (j-i-1))
- with _ ->
- invalid_arg "fprintf: bad %s format" in
- if p > 0 && sl < p then
- (String.make (p - sl) ' ') ^ s
- else if p < 0 && sl < -p then
- s ^ (String.make (-p - sl) ' ')
- else
- s
- in
- collect (breakString acc str) (succ j))
- | 'c' ->
- Obj.magic(fun c ->
- collect (dctext1 acc (String.make 1 c)) (succ j))
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
- Obj.magic(fun n ->
- collect (dctext1 acc
- (format_int (String.sub format i
- (j-i+1)) n))
- (succ j))
- (* L, l, and n are the Int64, Int32, and Nativeint modifiers to the integer
- formats d,i,o,x,X,u. For example, %Lo means print an Int64 in octal.*)
- | 'L' ->
- if j != i + 1 then (*Int64.format handles simple formats like %d.
- * Any special flags eaten by skip_args will confuse it. *)
- invalid_arg ("dprintf: unimplemented format "
- ^ (String.sub format i (j-i+1)));
- let j' = succ j in (* eat the d,i,x etc. *)
- let format_spec = "% " in
- String.set format_spec 1 (fget j'); (* format_spec = "%x", etc. *)
- Obj.magic(fun n ->
- collect (dctext1 acc
- (Int64.format format_spec n))
- (succ j'))
- | 'l' ->
- if j != i + 1 then invalid_arg ("dprintf: unimplemented format "
- ^ (String.sub format i (j-i+1)));
- let j' = succ j in (* eat the d,i,x etc. *)
- let format_spec = "% " in
- String.set format_spec 1 (fget j'); (* format_spec = "%x", etc. *)
- Obj.magic(fun n ->
- collect (dctext1 acc
- (Int32.format format_spec n))
- (succ j'))
- | 'n' ->
- if j != i + 1 then invalid_arg ("dprintf: unimplemented format "
- ^ (String.sub format i (j-i+1)));
- let j' = succ j in (* eat the d,i,x etc. *)
- let format_spec = "% " in
- String.set format_spec 1 (fget j'); (* format_spec = "%x", etc. *)
- Obj.magic(fun n ->
- collect (dctext1 acc
- (Nativeint.format format_spec n))
- (succ j'))
- | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
- Obj.magic(fun f ->
- collect (dctext1 acc
- (format_float (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) f))
- (succ j))
- | 'b' | 'B' ->
- Obj.magic(fun b ->
- collect (dctext1 acc (string_of_bool b)) (succ j))
- | 'a' ->
- Obj.magic(fun pprinter arg ->
- collect (dconcat acc (pprinter () arg)) (succ j))
- | 't' ->
- Obj.magic(fun pprinter ->
- collect (dconcat acc (pprinter ())) (succ j))
- | c ->
- invalid_arg ("dprintf: unknown format %s" ^ String.make 1 c)
- end else if c = '@' then begin
- if i + 1 < flen then begin
- match fget (succ i) with
- (* Now the special format characters *)
- '[' -> (* align *)
- let newacc =
- if !alignDepth > !printDepth then
- acc
- else if !alignDepth = !printDepth then
- CText(acc, "...")
- else
- acc ++ align
- in
- incr alignDepth;
- collect newacc (i + 2)
- | ']' -> (* unalign *)
- decr alignDepth;
- let newacc =
- if !alignDepth >= !printDepth then
- acc
- else
- acc ++ unalign
- in
- collect newacc (i + 2)
- | '!' -> (* hard-line break *)
- collect (dconcat acc line) (i + 2)
- | '?' -> (* soft line break *)
- collect (dconcat acc (break)) (i + 2)
- | '<' ->
- collect (dconcat acc mark) (i +1)
- | '>' ->
- collect (dconcat acc unmark) (i +1)
- | '^' -> (* left-flushed *)
- collect (dconcat acc (leftflush)) (i + 2)
- | '@' ->
- collect (dctext1 acc "@") (i + 2)
- | c ->
- invalid_arg ("dprintf: unknown format @" ^ String.make 1 c)
- end else
- invalid_arg "dprintf: incomplete format @"
- end else if c = '\n' then begin
- collect (dconcat acc line) (i + 1)
- end else
- literal acc i
- end
- and skip_args j =
- match String.unsafe_get format j with
- '0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
- | c -> j
- in
- collect Nil 0
-let withPrintDepth dp thunk =
- let opd = !printDepth in
- printDepth := dp;
- thunk ();
- printDepth := opd
-let flushOften = ref false
-let dprintf format = gprintf (fun x -> x) format
-let fprintf chn format =
- let f d = fprint chn 80 d; d in
- (* weimeric hack begins -- flush output to streams *)
- let res = gprintf f format in
- (* save the value we would have returned, flush the channel and then
- * return it -- this allows us to see debug input near infinite loops
- * *)
- if !flushOften then flush chn;
- res
- (* weimeric hack ends *)
-let printf format = fprintf stdout format
-let eprintf format = fprintf stderr format
-let getAlgoName = function
- George -> "George"
- | Aman -> "Aman"
- | Gap -> "Gap"
-let getAboutString () : string =
- "(Pretty: ALGO=" ^ (getAlgoName algo) ^ ")"
-let auto_printer (typ: string) =
- failwith ("Pretty.auto_printer \"" ^ typ ^ "\" only works with you use -pp \"camlp4o pa_prtype.cmo\" when you compile")