path: root/cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
commita5f03d96eee482cd84861fc8cefff9eb451c0cad (patch)
treecbc66cbc183a7c5ef2c044ed9ed04b8011df9cd4 /cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml
parenta9621943087a5578c995d88b06f87c5158eb5d00 (diff)
Cleaned up configure script.
Distribution of CIL as an expanded source tree with changes applied (instead of original .tar.gz + patches to be applied at config time). git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1020 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml b/cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6af37cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil/src/ext/reachingdefs.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+(* Calculate reaching definitions for each instruction.
+ * Determine when it is okay to replace some variables with
+ * expressions.
+ *
+ * After calling computeRDs on a fundec,
+ * ReachingDef.stmtStartData will contain a mapping from
+ * statement ids to data about which definitions reach each
+ * statement. ReachingDef.defIdStmtHash will contain a
+ * mapping from definition ids to the statement in which
+ * that definition takes place.
+ *
+ * instrRDs takes a list of instructions, and the
+ * definitions that reach the first instruction, and
+ * for each instruction figures out which definitions
+ * reach into or out of each instruction.
+ *
+ *)
+open Cil
+open Pretty
+module E = Errormsg
+module DF = Dataflow
+module UD = Usedef
+module IH = Inthash
+module U = Util
+module S = Stats
+let debug_fn = ref ""
+module IOS =
+ Set.Make(struct
+ type t = int option
+ let compare io1 io2 =
+ match io1, io2 with
+ Some i1, Some i2 -> Pervasives.compare i1 i2
+ | Some i1, None -> 1
+ | None, Some i2 -> -1
+ | None, None -> 0
+ end)
+let debug = ref false
+(* return the intersection of
+ Inthashes ih1 and ih2 *)
+let ih_inter ih1 ih2 =
+ let ih' = IH.copy ih1 in
+ IH.iter (fun id vi ->
+ if not(IH.mem ih2 id) then
+ IH.remove ih' id else
+ ()) ih1;
+ ih'
+let ih_union ih1 ih2 =
+ let ih' = IH.copy ih1 in
+ IH.iter (fun id vi ->
+ if not(IH.mem ih' id)
+ then IH.add ih' id vi
+ else ()) ih2;
+ ih'
+(* Lookup varinfo in iosh. If the set contains None
+ or is not a singleton, return None, otherwise
+ return Some of the singleton *)
+(* IOS.t IH.t -> varinfo -> int option *)
+let iosh_singleton_lookup iosh vi =
+ if IH.mem iosh vi.vid then
+ let ios = IH.find iosh vi.vid in
+ if not (IOS.cardinal ios = 1) then None
+ else IOS.choose ios
+ else None
+(* IOS.t IH.t -> varinfo -> IOS.t *)
+let iosh_lookup iosh vi =
+ if IH.mem iosh vi.vid
+ then Some(IH.find iosh vi.vid)
+ else None
+(* return Some(vid) if iosh contains defId.
+ return None otherwise *)
+(* IOS.t IH.t -> int -> int option *)
+let iosh_defId_find iosh defId =
+ (* int -> IOS.t -> int option -> int option*)
+ let get_vid vid ios io =
+ match io with
+ Some(i) -> Some(i)
+ | None ->
+ let there = IOS.exists
+ (function None -> false
+ | Some(i') -> defId = i') ios in
+ if there then Some(vid) else None
+ in
+ IH.fold get_vid iosh None
+(* The resulting iosh will contain the
+ union of the same entries from iosh1 and
+ iosh2. If iosh1 has an entry that iosh2
+ does not, then the result will contain
+ None in addition to the things from the
+ entry in iosh1. *)
+(* XXX this function is a performance bottleneck *)
+let iosh_combine iosh1 iosh2 =
+ let iosh' = IH.copy iosh1 in
+ IH.iter (fun id ios1 ->
+ try let ios2 = IH.find iosh2 id in
+ let newset = IOS.union ios1 ios2 in
+ IH.replace iosh' id newset;
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newset = IOS.add None ios1 in
+ IH.replace iosh' id newset) iosh1;
+ IH.iter (fun id ios2 ->
+ if not(IH.mem iosh1 id) then
+ let newset = IOS.add None ios2 in
+ IH.add iosh' id newset) iosh2;
+ iosh'
+(* determine if two IOS.t IH.t s are the same *)
+let iosh_equals iosh1 iosh2 =
+(* if IH.length iosh1 = 0 && not(IH.length iosh2 = 0) ||
+ IH.length iosh2 = 0 && not(IH.length iosh1 = 0)*)
+ if not(IH.length iosh1 = IH.length iosh2)
+ then
+ (if !debug then ignore(E.log "iosh_equals: length not same\n");
+ false)
+ else
+ IH.fold (fun vid ios b ->
+ if not b then b else
+ try let ios2 = IH.find iosh2 vid in
+ if not(IOS.compare ios ios2 = 0) then
+ (if !debug then ignore(E.log "iosh_equals: sets for vid %d not equal\n" vid);
+ false)
+ else true
+ with Not_found ->
+ (if !debug then ignore(E.log "iosh_equals: vid %d not in iosh2\n" vid);
+ false)) iosh1 true
+(* replace an entire set with a singleton.
+ if nothing was there just add the singleton *)
+(* IOS.t IH.t -> int -> varinfo -> unit *)
+let iosh_replace iosh i vi =
+ if IH.mem iosh vi.vid then
+ let newset = IOS.singleton (Some i) in
+ IH.replace iosh vi.vid newset
+ else
+ let newset = IOS.singleton (Some i) in
+ IH.add iosh vi.vid newset
+(* remove definitions that are killed.
+ add definitions that are gend *)
+(* Takes the defs, the data, and a function for
+ obtaining the next def id *)
+(* VS.t -> IOS.t IH.t -> (unit->int) -> unit *)
+let proc_defs vs iosh f =
+ let pd vi =
+ let newi = f() in
+ (*if !debug then
+ ignore (E.log "proc_defs: genning %d\n" newi);*)
+ iosh_replace iosh newi vi
+ in
+ UD.VS.iter pd vs
+let idMaker () start =
+ let counter = ref start in
+ fun () ->
+ let ret = !counter in
+ counter := !counter + 1;
+ ret
+(* given reaching definitions into a list of
+ instructions, figure out the definitions that
+ reach in/out of each instruction *)
+(* if out is true then calculate the definitions that
+ go out of each instruction, if it is false then
+ calculate the definitions reaching into each instruction *)
+(* instr list -> int -> (varinfo IH.t * int) -> bool -> (varinfo IH.t * int) list *)
+let iRDsHtbl = Hashtbl.create 128
+let instrRDs il sid (ivih, s, iosh) out =
+ if Hashtbl.mem iRDsHtbl (sid,out) then Hashtbl.find iRDsHtbl (sid,out) else
+(* let print_instr i (_,s', iosh') = *)
+(* let d = d_instr () i ++ line in *)
+(* fprint stdout 80 d; *)
+(* flush stdout *)
+(* in *)
+ let proc_one hil i =
+ match hil with
+ | [] ->
+ let _, defd = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
+ if UD.VS.is_empty defd
+ then ((*if !debug then print_instr i ((), s, iosh);*)
+ [((), s, iosh)])
+ else
+ let iosh' = IH.copy iosh in
+ proc_defs defd iosh' (idMaker () s);
+ (*if !debug then
+ print_instr i ((), s + UD.VS.cardinal defd, iosh');*)
+ ((), s + UD.VS.cardinal defd, iosh')::hil
+ | (_, s', iosh')::hrst as l ->
+ let _, defd = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
+ if UD.VS.is_empty defd
+ then
+ ((*if !debug then
+ print_instr i ((),s', iosh');*)
+ ((), s', iosh')::l)
+ else let iosh'' = IH.copy iosh' in
+ proc_defs defd iosh'' (idMaker () s');
+ (*if !debug then
+ print_instr i ((), s' + UD.VS.cardinal defd, iosh'');*)
+ ((),s' + UD.VS.cardinal defd, iosh'')::l
+ in
+ let folded = List.fold_left proc_one [((),s,iosh)] il in
+ let foldedout = List.tl (List.rev folded) in
+ let foldednotout = List.rev (List.tl folded) in
+ Hashtbl.add iRDsHtbl (sid,true) foldedout;
+ Hashtbl.add iRDsHtbl (sid,false) foldednotout;
+ if out then foldedout else foldednotout
+(* The right hand side of an assignment is either
+ a function call or an expression *)
+type rhs = RDExp of exp | RDCall of instr
+(* take the id number of a definition and return
+ the rhs of the definition if there is one.
+ Returns None if, for example, the definition is
+ caused by an assembly instruction *)
+(* stmt IH.t -> (()*int*IOS.t IH.t) IH.t -> int -> (rhs * int * IOS.t IH.t) option *)
+let rhsHtbl = IH.create 64 (* to avoid recomputation *)
+let getDefRhs didstmh stmdat defId =
+ if IH.mem rhsHtbl defId then IH.find rhsHtbl defId else
+ let stm =
+ try IH.find didstmh defId
+ with Not_found -> E.s (E.error "getDefRhs: defId %d not found\n" defId) in
+ let (_,s,iosh) =
+ try IH.find stmdat stm.sid
+ with Not_found -> E.s (E.error "getDefRhs: sid %d not found \n" stm.sid) in
+ match stm.skind with
+ Instr il ->
+ let ivihl = instrRDs il stm.sid ((),s,iosh) true in (* defs that reach out of each instr *)
+ let ivihl_in = instrRDs il stm.sid ((),s,iosh) false in (* defs that reach into each instr *)
+ let iihl = List.combine (List.combine il ivihl) ivihl_in in
+ (try let ((i,(_,_,diosh)),(_,_,iosh_in)) = List.find (fun ((i,(_,_,iosh')),_) ->
+ match S.time "iosh_defId_find" (iosh_defId_find iosh') defId with
+ Some vid ->
+ (match i with
+ Set((Var vi',NoOffset),_,_) -> vi'.vid = vid (* _ -> NoOffset *)
+ | Call(Some(Var vi',NoOffset),_,_,_) -> vi'.vid = vid (* _ -> NoOffset *)
+ | Call(None,_,_,_) -> false
+ | Asm(_,_,sll,_,_,_) -> List.exists
+ (function (_,(Var vi',NoOffset)) -> vi'.vid = vid | _ -> false) sll
+ | _ -> false)
+ | None -> false) iihl in
+ (match i with
+ Set((lh,_),e,_) ->
+ (match lh with
+ Var(vi') ->
+ (IH.add rhsHtbl defId (Some(RDExp(e),stm.sid,iosh_in));
+ Some(RDExp(e), stm.sid, iosh_in))
+ | _ -> E.s (E.error "Reaching Defs getDefRhs: right vi not first\n"))
+ | Call(lvo,e,el,_) ->
+ (IH.add rhsHtbl defId (Some(RDCall(i),stm.sid,iosh_in));
+ Some(RDCall(i), stm.sid, iosh_in))
+ | Asm(a,sl,slvl,sel,sl',_) -> None) (* ? *)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (if !debug then ignore (E.log "getDefRhs: No instruction defines %d\n" defId);
+ IH.add rhsHtbl defId None;
+ None))
+ | _ -> E.s (E.error "getDefRhs: defining statement not an instruction list %d\n" defId)
+ (*None*)
+let prettyprint didstmh stmdat () (_,s,iosh) = text ""
+ (*seq line (fun (vid,ios) ->
+ num vid ++ text ": " ++
+ IOS.fold (fun io d -> match io with
+ None -> d ++ text "None "
+ | Some i ->
+ let stm = IH.find didstmh i in
+ match getDefRhs didstmh stmdat i with
+ None -> d ++ num i
+ | Some(RDExp(e),_,_) ->
+ d ++ num i ++ text " " ++ (d_exp () e)
+ | Some(RDCall(c),_,_) ->
+ d ++ num i ++ text " " ++ (d_instr () c))
+ ios nil)
+ (IH.tolist iosh)*)
+module ReachingDef =
+ struct
+ let name = "Reaching Definitions"
+ let debug = debug
+ (* Should the analysis calculate may-reach
+ or must-reach *)
+ let mayReach = ref false
+ (* An integer that tells the id number of
+ the first definition *)
+ (* Also a hash from variable ids to a set of
+ definition ids that reach this statement.
+ None means there is a path to this point on which
+ there is no definition of the variable *)
+ type t = (unit * int * IOS.t IH.t)
+ let copy (_, i, iosh) = ((), i, IH.copy iosh)
+ (* entries for starting statements must
+ be added before calling compute *)
+ let stmtStartData = IH.create 32
+ (* a mapping from definition ids to
+ the statement corresponding to that id *)
+ let defIdStmtHash = IH.create 32
+ (* mapping from statement ids to statements
+ for better performance of ok_to_replace *)
+ let sidStmtHash = IH.create 64
+ (* pretty printer *)
+ let pretty = prettyprint defIdStmtHash stmtStartData
+ (* The first id to use when computeFirstPredecessor
+ is next called *)
+ let nextDefId = ref 0
+ (* Count the number of variable definitions in
+ a statement *)
+ let num_defs stm =
+ match stm.skind with
+ Instr(il) -> List.fold_left (fun s i ->
+ let _, d = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
+ s + UD.VS.cardinal d) 0 il
+ | _ -> let _, d = UD.computeUseDefStmtKind stm.skind in
+ UD.VS.cardinal d
+ (* the first predecessor is just the data in along with
+ the id of the first definition of the statement,
+ which we get from nextDefId *)
+ let computeFirstPredecessor stm (_, s, iosh) =
+ let startDefId = max !nextDefId s in
+ let numds = num_defs stm in
+ let rec loop n =
+ if n < 0
+ then ()
+ else
+ (if !debug then
+ ignore (E.log "RD: defId %d -> stm %d\n" (startDefId + n) stm.sid);
+ IH.add defIdStmtHash (startDefId + n) stm;
+ loop (n-1))
+ in
+ loop (numds - 1);
+ nextDefId := startDefId + numds;
+ ((), startDefId, IH.copy iosh)
+ let combinePredecessors (stm:stmt) ~(old:t) ((_, s, iosh):t) =
+ match old with (_, os, oiosh) ->
+ if S.time "iosh_equals" (iosh_equals oiosh) iosh then None else
+ Some((), os, S.time "iosh_combine" (iosh_combine oiosh) iosh)
+ (* return an action that removes things that
+ are redefinied and adds the generated defs *)
+ let doInstr inst (_, s, iosh) =
+ let transform (_, s', iosh') =
+ let _, defd = UD.computeUseDefInstr inst in
+ proc_defs defd iosh' (idMaker () s');
+ ((), s' + UD.VS.cardinal defd, iosh')
+ in
+ DF.Post transform
+ (* all the work gets done at the instruction level *)
+ let doStmt stm (_, s, iosh) =
+ if not(IH.mem sidStmtHash stm.sid) then
+ IH.add sidStmtHash stm.sid stm;
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "RD: looking at %a\n" d_stmt stm);
+ DF.SDefault
+ let doGuard condition _ = DF.GDefault
+ let filterStmt stm = true
+module RD = DF.ForwardsDataFlow(ReachingDef)
+(* map all variables in vil to a set containing
+ None in iosh *)
+(* IOS.t IH.t -> varinfo list -> () *)
+let iosh_none_fill iosh vil =
+ List.iter (fun vi ->
+ IH.add iosh vi.vid (IOS.singleton None))
+ vil
+(* Computes the reaching definitions for a
+ function. *)
+(* Cil.fundec -> unit *)
+let computeRDs fdec =
+ try
+ if compare fdec.svar.vname (!debug_fn) = 0 then
+ (debug := true;
+ ignore (E.log "%s =\n%a\n" (!debug_fn) d_block fdec.sbody));
+ let bdy = fdec.sbody in
+ let slst = bdy.bstmts in
+ let _ = IH.clear ReachingDef.stmtStartData in
+ let _ = IH.clear ReachingDef.defIdStmtHash in
+ let _ = IH.clear rhsHtbl in
+ let _ = Hashtbl.clear iRDsHtbl in
+ let _ = ReachingDef.nextDefId := 0 in
+ let fst_stm = List.hd slst in
+ let fst_iosh = IH.create 32 in
+ let _ = UD.onlyNoOffsetsAreDefs := false in
+ (*let _ = iosh_none_fill fst_iosh fdec.sformals in*)
+ let _ = IH.add ReachingDef.stmtStartData fst_stm.sid ((), 0, fst_iosh) in
+ let _ = ReachingDef.computeFirstPredecessor fst_stm ((), 0, fst_iosh) in
+ if !debug then
+ ignore (E.log "computeRDs: fst_stm.sid=%d\n" fst_stm.sid);
+ RD.compute [fst_stm];
+ if compare fdec.svar.vname (!debug_fn) = 0 then
+ debug := false
+ (* now ReachingDef.stmtStartData has the reaching def data in it *)
+ with Failure "hd" -> if compare fdec.svar.vname (!debug_fn) = 0 then
+ debug := false
+(* return the definitions that reach the statement
+ with statement id sid *)
+let getRDs sid =
+ try
+ Some (IH.find ReachingDef.stmtStartData sid)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+(* E.s (E.error "getRDs: sid %d not found\n" sid) *)
+let getDefIdStmt defid =
+ try
+ Some(IH.find ReachingDef.defIdStmtHash defid)
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+let getStmt sid =
+ try Some(IH.find ReachingDef.sidStmtHash sid)
+ with Not_found -> None
+(* Pretty print the reaching definition data for
+ a function *)
+let ppFdec fdec =
+ seq line (fun stm ->
+ let ivih = IH.find ReachingDef.stmtStartData stm.sid in
+ ReachingDef.pretty () ivih) fdec.sbody.bstmts
+(* If this class is extended with a visitor on expressions,
+ then the current rd data is available at each expression *)
+class rdVisitorClass = object (self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ (* the statement being worked on *)
+ val mutable sid = -1
+ (* if a list of instructions is being processed,
+ then this is the corresponding list of
+ reaching definitions *)
+ val mutable rd_dat_lst = []
+ (* these are the reaching defs for the current
+ instruction if there is one *)
+ val mutable cur_rd_dat = None
+ method vstmt stm =
+ sid <- stm.sid;
+ match getRDs sid with
+ None ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "rdVis: stm %d had no data\n" sid);
+ cur_rd_dat <- None;
+ DoChildren
+ | Some(_,s,iosh) ->
+ match stm.skind with
+ Instr il ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "rdVis: visit il\n");
+ rd_dat_lst <- instrRDs il stm.sid ((),s,iosh) false;
+ DoChildren
+ | _ ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "rdVis: visit non-il\n");
+ cur_rd_dat <- None;
+ DoChildren
+ method vinst i =
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "rdVis: before %a, rd_dat_lst is %d long\n"
+ d_instr i (List.length rd_dat_lst));
+ try
+ cur_rd_dat <- Some(List.hd rd_dat_lst);
+ rd_dat_lst <- List.tl rd_dat_lst;
+ DoChildren
+ with Failure "hd" ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "rdVis: il rd_dat_lst mismatch\n");
+ DoChildren
+ method get_cur_iosh () =
+ match cur_rd_dat with
+ None -> (match getRDs sid with
+ None -> None
+ | Some(_,_,iosh) -> Some iosh)
+ | Some(_,_,iosh) -> Some iosh