path: root/common/Smallstep.v
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authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2019-05-31 19:07:47 +0200
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@college-de-france.fr>2019-05-31 19:16:18 +0200
commite10870c3da5b28a76c0c0d283c1a0beb09cd7950 (patch)
tree227ace9ea534fc6d09b155116e12c8c1a6723289 /common/Smallstep.v
parent8b0724fdb1af4f89a603f7bde4b5b625c870e111 (diff)
Additional simulation diagrams for determinate source languages
If the source language is determinate, it can take several steps (not just one) before the "match_state" invariant is reinstated.
Diffstat (limited to 'common/Smallstep.v')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/Smallstep.v b/common/Smallstep.v
index c269013b..27ad0a2d 100644
--- a/common/Smallstep.v
+++ b/common/Smallstep.v
@@ -872,6 +872,14 @@ Proof.
intros. eapply sd_determ; eauto.
+Lemma sd_determ_3:
+ forall s t s1 s2,
+ Step L s t s1 -> Step L s E0 s2 -> t = E0 /\ s1 = s2.
+ intros. exploit (sd_determ DET). eexact H. eexact H0.
+ intros [A B]. inv A. auto.
Lemma star_determinacy:
forall s t s', Star L s t s' ->
forall s'', Star L s t s'' -> Star L s' E0 s'' \/ Star L s'' E0 s'.
@@ -895,6 +903,171 @@ Qed.
+(** Extra simulation diagrams for determinate languages. *)
+Variable L1: semantics.
+Variable L2: semantics.
+Hypothesis L1det: determinate L1.
+Variable index: Type.
+Variable order: index -> index -> Prop.
+Hypothesis wf_order: well_founded order.
+Variable match_states: index -> state L1 -> state L2 -> Prop.
+Hypothesis match_initial_states:
+ forall s1, initial_state L1 s1 ->
+ exists i s2, initial_state L2 s2 /\ match_states i s1 s2.
+Hypothesis match_final_states:
+ forall i s1 s2 r,
+ match_states i s1 s2 ->
+ final_state L1 s1 r ->
+ final_state L2 s2 r.
+Hypothesis simulation:
+ forall s1 t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1' ->
+ forall i s2, match_states i s1 s2 ->
+ exists s1'' i' s2',
+ Star L1 s1' E0 s1''
+ /\ (Plus L2 s2 t s2' \/ (Star L2 s2 t s2' /\ order i' i))
+ /\ match_states i' s1'' s2'.
+Hypothesis public_preserved:
+ forall id, Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L2) id = Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L1) id.
+Inductive match_states_later: index * nat -> state L1 -> state L2 -> Prop :=
+| msl_now: forall i s1 s2,
+ match_states i s1 s2 -> match_states_later (i, O) s1 s2
+| msl_later: forall i n s1 s1' s2,
+ Step L1 s1 E0 s1' -> match_states_later (i, n) s1' s2 -> match_states_later (i, S n) s1 s2.
+Lemma star_match_states_later:
+ forall s1 s1', Star L1 s1 E0 s1' ->
+ forall i s2, match_states i s1' s2 ->
+ exists n, match_states_later (i, n) s1 s2.
+ intros s10 s10' STAR0. pattern s10, s10'; eapply star_E0_ind; eauto.
+ - intros s1 i s2 M. exists O; constructor; auto.
+ - intros s1 s1' s1'' STEP IH i s2 M.
+ destruct (IH i s2 M) as (n & MS).
+ exists (S n); econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma forward_simulation_determ: forward_simulation L1 L2.
+ apply Forward_simulation with (order0 := lex_ord order lt) (match_states0 := match_states_later);
+ constructor.
+- apply wf_lex_ord. apply wf_order. apply lt_wf.
+- intros. exploit match_initial_states; eauto. intros (i & s2 & A & B).
+ exists (i, O), s2; auto using msl_now.
+- intros. inv H.
+ + eapply match_final_states; eauto.
+ + eelim (sd_final_nostep L1det); eauto.
+- intros s1 t s1' A; destruct 1.
+ + exploit simulation; eauto. intros (s1'' & i' & s2' & B & C & D).
+ exploit star_match_states_later; eauto. intros (n & E).
+ exists (i', n), s2'; split; auto.
+ destruct C as [P | [P Q]]; auto using lex_ord_left.
+ + exploit sd_determ_3. eauto. eexact A. eauto. intros [P Q]; subst t s1'0.
+ exists (i, n), s2; split; auto.
+ right; split. apply star_refl. apply lex_ord_right. omega.
+- exact public_preserved.
+(** A few useful special cases. *)
+Variable L1: semantics.
+Variable L2: semantics.
+Hypothesis L1det: determinate L1.
+Variable match_states: state L1 -> state L2 -> Prop.
+Hypothesis public_preserved:
+ forall id, Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L2) id = Senv.public_symbol (symbolenv L1) id.
+Hypothesis match_initial_states:
+ forall s1, initial_state L1 s1 ->
+ exists s2, initial_state L2 s2 /\ match_states s1 s2.
+Hypothesis match_final_states:
+ forall s1 s2 r,
+ match_states s1 s2 ->
+ final_state L1 s1 r ->
+ final_state L2 s2 r.
+Variable measure: state L1 -> nat.
+Hypothesis simulation:
+ forall s1 t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1' ->
+ forall s2, match_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s1'' s2',
+ Star L1 s1' E0 s1''
+ /\ (Plus L2 s2 t s2' \/ (Star L2 s2 t s2' /\ measure s1'' < measure s1))%nat
+ /\ match_states s1'' s2'.
+Lemma forward_simulation_determ_star: forward_simulation L1 L2.
+ apply forward_simulation_determ with
+ (match_states := fun i s1 s2 => i = s1 /\ match_states s1 s2)
+ (order := ltof _ measure).
+- assumption.
+- apply well_founded_ltof.
+- intros. exploit match_initial_states; eauto. intros (s2 & A & B).
+ exists s1, s2; auto.
+- intros. destruct H. eapply match_final_states; eauto.
+- intros. destruct H0; subst i.
+ exploit simulation; eauto. intros (s1'' & s2' & A & B & C).
+ exists s1'', s1'', s2'. auto.
+- assumption.
+Hypothesis simulation:
+ forall s1 t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1' ->
+ forall s2, match_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s1'' s2', Star L1 s1' E0 s1'' /\ Plus L2 s2 t s2' /\ match_states s1'' s2'.
+Lemma forward_simulation_determ_plus: forward_simulation L1 L2.
+ apply forward_simulation_determ_star with (measure := fun _ => O).
+ intros. exploit simulation; eauto. intros (s1'' & s2' & A & B & C).
+ exists s1'', s2'; auto.
+Hypothesis simulation:
+ forall s1 t s1', Step L1 s1 t s1' ->
+ forall s2, match_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s1'' s2', Star L1 s1' E0 s1'' /\ Step L2 s2 t s2' /\ match_states s1'' s2'.
+Lemma forward_simulation_determ_one: forward_simulation L1 L2.
+ apply forward_simulation_determ_plus.
+ intros. exploit simulation; eauto. intros (s1'' & s2' & A & B & C).
+ exists s1'', s2'; auto using plus_one.
(** * Backward simulations between two transition semantics. *)
Definition safe (L: semantics) (s: state L) : Prop :=