path: root/driver/Compiler.vexpand
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-21 22:08:07 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-21 22:08:07 +0200
commit9cc12b684ee6833971c9549aa76cc683ba931090 (patch)
treec3c602e334aea87be90e9d6b4988df225554e454 /driver/Compiler.vexpand
parentb17a25bae0f9580caadfa5f795a3c12a050075f5 (diff)
begin scripting the Compiler.v file
Diffstat (limited to 'driver/Compiler.vexpand')
1 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Compiler.vexpand b/driver/Compiler.vexpand
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c7c963a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/Compiler.vexpand
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** The whole compiler and its proof of semantic preservation *)
+(** Libraries. *)
+Require Import String.
+Require Import Coqlib Errors.
+Require Import AST Linking Smallstep.
+(** Languages (syntax and semantics). *)
+Require Ctypes Csyntax Csem Cstrategy Cexec.
+Require Clight.
+Require Csharpminor.
+Require Cminor.
+Require CminorSel.
+Require RTL.
+Require LTL.
+Require Linear.
+Require Mach.
+Require Asm.
+(** Translation passes. *)
+Require Initializers.
+Require SimplExpr.
+Require SimplLocals.
+Require Cshmgen.
+Require Cminorgen.
+Require Selection.
+Require RTLgen.
+Require Tailcall.
+Require Inlining.
+Require Profiling.
+Require ProfilingExploit.
+Require FirstNop.
+Require Renumber.
+Require Duplicate.
+Require Constprop.
+Require LICM.
+Require CSE.
+Require ForwardMoves.
+Require CSE2.
+Require CSE3.
+Require Deadcode.
+Require Unusedglob.
+Require Allnontrap.
+Require Allocation.
+Require Tunneling.
+Require Linearize.
+Require CleanupLabels.
+Require Debugvar.
+Require Stacking.
+Require Asmgen.
+(** Proofs of semantic preservation. *)
+Require SimplExprproof.
+Require SimplLocalsproof.
+Require Cshmgenproof.
+Require Cminorgenproof.
+Require Selectionproof.
+Require RTLgenproof.
+Require Tailcallproof.
+Require Inliningproof.
+Require Profilingproof.
+Require ProfilingExploitproof.
+Require FirstNopproof.
+Require Renumberproof.
+Require Duplicateproof.
+Require Constpropproof.
+Require LICMproof.
+Require CSEproof.
+Require ForwardMovesproof.
+Require CSE2proof.
+Require CSE3proof.
+Require Deadcodeproof.
+Require Unusedglobproof.
+Require Allnontrapproof.
+Require Allocproof.
+Require Tunnelingproof.
+Require Linearizeproof.
+Require CleanupLabelsproof.
+Require Debugvarproof.
+Require Stackingproof.
+Require Import Asmgenproof.
+(** Command-line flags. *)
+Require Import Compopts.
+(** Pretty-printers (defined in Caml). *)
+Parameter print_Clight: Clight.program -> unit.
+Parameter print_Cminor: Cminor.program -> unit.
+Parameter print_RTL: Z -> RTL.program -> unit.
+Parameter print_LTL: LTL.program -> unit.
+Parameter print_Mach: Mach.program -> unit.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+(** * Composing the translation passes *)
+(** We first define useful monadic composition operators,
+ along with funny (but convenient) notations. *)
+Definition apply_total (A B: Type) (x: res A) (f: A -> B) : res B :=
+ match x with Error msg => Error msg | OK x1 => OK (f x1) end.
+Definition apply_partial (A B: Type)
+ (x: res A) (f: A -> res B) : res B :=
+ match x with Error msg => Error msg | OK x1 => f x1 end.
+Notation "a @@@ b" :=
+ (apply_partial _ _ a b) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Notation "a @@ b" :=
+ (apply_total _ _ a b) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Definition print {A: Type} (printer: A -> unit) (prog: A) : A :=
+ let unused := printer prog in prog.
+Definition time {A B: Type} (name: string) (f: A -> B) : A -> B := f.
+Definition total_if {A: Type}
+ (flag: unit -> bool) (f: A -> A) (prog: A) : A :=
+ if flag tt then f prog else prog.
+Definition partial_if {A: Type}
+ (flag: unit -> bool) (f: A -> res A) (prog: A) : res A :=
+ if flag tt then f prog else OK prog.
+(** We define three translation functions for whole programs: one
+ starting with a C program, one with a Cminor program, one with an
+ RTL program. The three translations produce Asm programs ready for
+ pretty-printing and assembling. *)
+Definition transf_rtl_program (f: RTL.program) : res Asm.program :=
+ OK f
+ @@ print (print_RTL 0)
+ @@@ time "Register allocation" Allocation.transf_program
+ @@ print print_LTL
+ @@ time "Branch tunneling" Tunneling.tunnel_program
+ @@@ time "CFG linearization" Linearize.transf_program
+ @@ time "Label cleanup" CleanupLabels.transf_program
+ @@@ partial_if Compopts.debug (time "Debugging info for local variables" Debugvar.transf_program)
+ @@@ time "Mach generation" Stacking.transf_program
+ @@ print print_Mach
+ @@@ time "Total Mach->Asm generation" Asmgen.transf_program.
+Definition transf_cminor_program (p: Cminor.program) : res Asm.program :=
+ OK p
+ @@ print print_Cminor
+ @@@ time "Instruction selection" Selection.sel_program
+ @@@ time "RTL generation" RTLgen.transl_program
+ @@@ transf_rtl_program.
+Definition transf_clight_program (p: Clight.program) : res Asm.program :=
+ OK p
+ @@ print print_Clight
+ @@@ time "Simplification of locals" SimplLocals.transf_program
+ @@@ time "C#minor generation" Cshmgen.transl_program
+ @@@ time "Cminor generation" Cminorgen.transl_program
+ @@@ transf_cminor_program.
+Definition transf_c_program (p: Csyntax.program) : res Asm.program :=
+ OK p
+ @@@ time "Clight generation" SimplExpr.transl_program
+ @@@ transf_clight_program.
+(** Force [Initializers] and [Cexec] to be extracted as well. *)
+Definition transl_init := Initializers.transl_init.
+Definition cexec_do_step := Cexec.do_step.
+(** The following lemmas help reason over compositions of passes. *)
+Lemma print_identity:
+ forall (A: Type) (printer: A -> unit) (prog: A),
+ print printer prog = prog.
+ intros; unfold print. destruct (printer prog); auto.
+Lemma compose_print_identity:
+ forall (A: Type) (x: res A) (f: A -> unit),
+ x @@ print f = x.
+ intros. destruct x; simpl. rewrite print_identity. auto. auto.
+(** * Relational specification of compilation *)
+Definition match_if {A: Type} (flag: unit -> bool) (R: A -> A -> Prop): A -> A -> Prop :=
+ if flag tt then R else eq.
+Lemma total_if_match:
+ forall (A: Type) (flag: unit -> bool) (f: A -> A) (rel: A -> A -> Prop) (prog: A),
+ (forall p, rel p (f p)) ->
+ match_if flag rel prog (total_if flag f prog).
+ intros. unfold match_if, total_if. destruct (flag tt); auto.
+Lemma partial_if_match:
+ forall (A: Type) (flag: unit -> bool) (f: A -> res A) (rel: A -> A -> Prop) (prog tprog: A),
+ (forall p tp, f p = OK tp -> rel p tp) ->
+ partial_if flag f prog = OK tprog ->
+ match_if flag rel prog tprog.
+ intros. unfold match_if, partial_if in *. destruct (flag tt). auto. congruence.
+Instance TransfIfLink {A: Type} {LA: Linker A}
+ (flag: unit -> bool) (transf: A -> A -> Prop) (TL: TransfLink transf)
+ : TransfLink (match_if flag transf).
+ unfold match_if. destruct (flag tt).
+- auto.
+- red; intros. subst tp1 tp2. exists p; auto.
+(** This is the list of compilation passes of CompCert in relational style.
+ Each pass is characterized by a [match_prog] relation between its
+ input code and its output code. The [mkpass] and [:::] combinators,
+ defined in module [Linking], ensure that the passes are composable
+ (the output language of a pass is the input language of the next pass)
+ and that they commute with linking (property [TransfLink], inferred
+ by the type class mechanism of Coq). *)
+Local Open Scope linking_scope.
+Definition CompCert's_passes :=
+ mkpass SimplExprproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass SimplLocalsproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Cshmgenproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Cminorgenproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Selectionproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass RTLgenproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_tailcalls Tailcallproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass Inliningproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.profile_arcs Profilingproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.branch_probabilities ProfilingExploitproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_move_loop_invariants FirstNopproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass Renumberproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_duplicate Duplicateproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass Renumberproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_constprop Constpropproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_move_loop_invariants LICMproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_move_loop_invariants Renumberproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_CSE CSEproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_CSE2 CSE2proof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_CSE3 CSE3proof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_forward_moves ForwardMovesproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.optim_redundancy Deadcodeproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.all_loads_nontrap Allnontrapproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass Unusedglobproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Allocproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Tunnelingproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Linearizeproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass CleanupLabelsproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.debug Debugvarproof.match_prog)
+ ::: mkpass Stackingproof.match_prog
+ ::: mkpass Asmgenproof.match_prog
+ ::: pass_nil _.
+(** Composing the [match_prog] relations above, we obtain the relation
+ between CompCert C sources and Asm code that characterize CompCert's
+ compilation. *)
+Definition match_prog: Csyntax.program -> Asm.program -> Prop :=
+ pass_match (compose_passes CompCert's_passes).
+(** The [transf_c_program] function, when successful, produces
+ assembly code that is in the [match_prog] relation with the source C program. *)
+Theorem transf_c_program_match:
+ forall p tp,
+ transf_c_program p = OK tp ->
+ match_prog p tp.
+ intros p tp T.
+ unfold transf_c_program, time in T. simpl in T.
+ destruct (SimplExpr.transl_program p) as [p1|e] eqn:P1; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ unfold transf_clight_program, time in T. rewrite ! compose_print_identity in T. simpl in T.
+ destruct (SimplLocals.transf_program p1) as [p2|e] eqn:P2; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Cshmgen.transl_program p2) as [p3|e] eqn:P3; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Cminorgen.transl_program p3) as [p4|e] eqn:P4; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ unfold transf_cminor_program, time in T. rewrite ! compose_print_identity in T. simpl in T.
+ destruct (Selection.sel_program p4) as [p5|e] eqn:P5; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ destruct (RTLgen.transl_program p5) as [p6|e] eqn:P6; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ unfold transf_rtl_program, time in T. rewrite ! compose_print_identity in T. simpl in T.
+ set (p7 := total_if optim_tailcalls Tailcall.transf_program p6) in *.
+ destruct (Inlining.transf_program p7) as [p8|e] eqn:P8; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p8bis := total_if profile_arcs Profiling.transf_program p8) in *.
+ set (p8ter := total_if branch_probabilities ProfilingExploit.transf_program p8bis) in *.
+ set (p9 := total_if Compopts.optim_move_loop_invariants FirstNop.transf_program p8ter) in *.
+ set (p9bis := Renumber.transf_program p9) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if optim_duplicate Duplicate.transf_program p9bis) as [p10|e] eqn:P10; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p11 := Renumber.transf_program p10) in *.
+ set (p12 := total_if optim_constprop Constprop.transf_program p11) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if optim_move_loop_invariants LICM.transf_program p12) as [p12bis|e] eqn:P12bis; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p12ter :=(total_if optim_move_loop_invariants Renumber.transf_program p12bis)) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if optim_CSE CSE.transf_program p12ter) as [p13|e] eqn:P13; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p13bis := total_if optim_CSE2 CSE2.transf_program p13) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if optim_CSE3 CSE3.transf_program p13bis) as [p13ter|e] eqn:P13ter; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p13quater := total_if optim_forward_moves ForwardMoves.transf_program p13ter) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if optim_redundancy Deadcode.transf_program p13quater) as [p14|e] eqn:P14; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p14bis := total_if all_loads_nontrap Allnontrap.transf_program p14) in *.
+ destruct (Unusedglob.transform_program p14bis) as [p15|e] eqn:P15; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Allocation.transf_program p15) as [p16|e] eqn:P16; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p17 := Tunneling.tunnel_program p16) in *.
+ destruct (Linearize.transf_program p17) as [p18|e] eqn:P18; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ set (p19 := CleanupLabels.transf_program p18) in *.
+ destruct (partial_if debug Debugvar.transf_program p19) as [p20|e] eqn:P20; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Stacking.transf_program p20) as [p21|e] eqn:P21; simpl in T; try discriminate.
+ unfold match_prog; simpl.
+ exists p1; split. apply SimplExprproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p2; split. apply SimplLocalsproof.match_transf_program; auto.
+ exists p3; split. apply Cshmgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p4; split. apply Cminorgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p5; split. apply Selectionproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p6; split. apply RTLgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p7; split. apply total_if_match. apply Tailcallproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p8; split. apply Inliningproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p8bis; split. apply total_if_match. apply Profilingproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p8ter; split. apply total_if_match. apply ProfilingExploitproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p9; split. apply total_if_match. apply FirstNopproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p9bis; split. apply Renumberproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p10; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply Duplicateproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p11; split. apply Renumberproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p12; split. apply total_if_match. apply Constpropproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p12bis; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply LICMproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p12ter; split. apply total_if_match; eauto. apply Renumberproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p13; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply CSEproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p13bis; split. apply total_if_match. apply CSE2proof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p13ter; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply CSE3proof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p13quater; split. eapply total_if_match; eauto. apply ForwardMovesproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p14; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply Deadcodeproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p14bis; split. eapply total_if_match; eauto. apply Allnontrapproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p15; split. apply Unusedglobproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p16; split. apply Allocproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p17; split. apply Tunnelingproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p18; split. apply Linearizeproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p19; split. apply CleanupLabelsproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists p20; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply Debugvarproof.transf_program_match.
+ exists p21; split. apply Stackingproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ exists tp; split. apply Asmgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.
+ reflexivity.
+(** * Semantic preservation *)
+(** We now prove that the whole CompCert compiler (as characterized by the
+ [match_prog] relation) preserves semantics by constructing
+ the following simulations:
+- Forward simulations from [Cstrategy] to [Asm]
+ (composition of the forward simulations for each pass).
+- Backward simulations for the same languages
+ (derived from the forward simulation, using receptiveness of the source
+ language and determinacy of [Asm]).
+- Backward simulation from [Csem] to [Asm]
+ (composition of two backward simulations).
+Remark forward_simulation_identity:
+ forall sem, forward_simulation sem sem.
+ intros. apply forward_simulation_step with (fun s1 s2 => s2 = s1); intros.
+- auto.
+- exists s1; auto.
+- subst s2; auto.
+- subst s2. exists s1'; auto.
+Lemma match_if_simulation:
+ forall (A: Type) (sem: A -> semantics) (flag: unit -> bool) (transf: A -> A -> Prop) (prog tprog: A),
+ match_if flag transf prog tprog ->
+ (forall p tp, transf p tp -> forward_simulation (sem p) (sem tp)) ->
+ forward_simulation (sem prog) (sem tprog).
+ intros. unfold match_if in *. destruct (flag tt). eauto. subst. apply forward_simulation_identity.
+Theorem cstrategy_semantic_preservation:
+ forall p tp,
+ match_prog p tp ->
+ forward_simulation (Cstrategy.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp)
+ /\ backward_simulation (atomic (Cstrategy.semantics p)) (Asm.semantics tp).
+ intros p tp M. unfold match_prog, pass_match in M; simpl in M.
+Ltac DestructM :=
+ match goal with
+ [ H: exists p, _ /\ _ |- _ ] =>
+ let p := fresh "p" in let M := fresh "M" in let MM := fresh "MM" in
+ destruct H as (p & M & MM); clear H
+ end.
+ repeat DestructM. subst tp.
+ assert (F: forward_simulation (Cstrategy.semantics p) (Asm.semantics p31)).
+ {
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply SimplExprproof.transl_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply SimplLocalsproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Cshmgenproof.transl_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Cminorgenproof.transl_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Selectionproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply RTLgenproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Tailcallproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Inliningproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Profilingproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact ProfilingExploitproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact FirstNopproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations. eapply Renumberproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Duplicateproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations. eapply Renumberproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Constpropproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact LICMproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Renumberproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact CSEproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact CSE2proof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact CSE3proof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact ForwardMovesproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Deadcodeproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Allnontrapproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Unusedglobproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Allocproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Tunnelingproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Linearizeproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply CleanupLabelsproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Debugvarproof.transf_program_correct.
+ eapply compose_forward_simulations.
+ eapply Stackingproof.transf_program_correct with (return_address_offset := Asmgenproof0.return_address_offset).
+ exact Asmgenproof.return_address_exists.
+ eassumption.
+ eapply Asmgenproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
+ }
+ split. auto.
+ apply forward_to_backward_simulation.
+ apply factor_forward_simulation. auto. eapply sd_traces. eapply Asm.semantics_determinate.
+ apply atomic_receptive. apply Cstrategy.semantics_strongly_receptive.
+ apply Asm.semantics_determinate.
+Theorem c_semantic_preservation:
+ forall p tp,
+ match_prog p tp ->
+ backward_simulation (Csem.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp).
+ intros.
+ apply compose_backward_simulation with (atomic (Cstrategy.semantics p)).
+ eapply sd_traces; eapply Asm.semantics_determinate.
+ apply factor_backward_simulation.
+ apply Cstrategy.strategy_simulation.
+ apply Csem.semantics_single_events.
+ eapply ssr_well_behaved; eapply Cstrategy.semantics_strongly_receptive.
+ exact (proj2 (cstrategy_semantic_preservation _ _ H)).
+(** * Correctness of the CompCert compiler *)
+(** Combining the results above, we obtain semantic preservation for two
+ usage scenarios of CompCert: compilation of a single monolithic program,
+ and separate compilation of multiple source files followed by linking.
+ In the monolithic case, we have a whole C program [p] that is
+ compiled in one run of CompCert to a whole Asm program [tp].
+ Then, [tp] preserves the semantics of [p], in the sense that there
+ exists a backward simulation of the dynamic semantics of [p]
+ by the dynamic semantics of [tp]. *)
+Theorem transf_c_program_correct:
+ forall p tp,
+ transf_c_program p = OK tp ->
+ backward_simulation (Csem.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp).
+ intros. apply c_semantic_preservation. apply transf_c_program_match; auto.
+(** Here is the separate compilation case. Consider a nonempty list [c_units]
+ of C source files (compilation units), [C1 ,,, Cn]. Assume that every
+ C compilation unit [Ci] is successfully compiled by CompCert, obtaining
+ an Asm compilation unit [Ai]. Let [asm_unit] be the nonempty list
+ [A1 ... An]. Further assume that the C units [C1 ... Cn] can be linked
+ together to produce a whole C program [c_program]. Then, the generated
+ Asm units can be linked together, producing a whole Asm program
+ [asm_program]. Moreover, [asm_program] preserves the semantics of
+ [c_program], in the sense that there exists a backward simulation of
+ the dynamic semantics of [asm_program] by the dynamic semantics of [c_program].
+Theorem separate_transf_c_program_correct:
+ forall c_units asm_units c_program,
+ nlist_forall2 (fun cu tcu => transf_c_program cu = OK tcu) c_units asm_units ->
+ link_list c_units = Some c_program ->
+ exists asm_program,
+ link_list asm_units = Some asm_program
+ /\ backward_simulation (Csem.semantics c_program) (Asm.semantics asm_program).
+ intros.
+ assert (nlist_forall2 match_prog c_units asm_units).
+ { eapply nlist_forall2_imply. eauto. simpl; intros. apply transf_c_program_match; auto. }
+ assert (exists asm_program, link_list asm_units = Some asm_program /\ match_prog c_program asm_program).
+ { eapply link_list_compose_passes; eauto. }
+ destruct H2 as (asm_program & P & Q).
+ exists asm_program; split; auto. apply c_semantic_preservation; auto.