path: root/flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v
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authorGuillaume Melquiond <guillaume.melquiond@inria.fr>2015-09-22 15:41:50 +0200
committerGuillaume Melquiond <guillaume.melquiond@inria.fr>2015-09-22 15:41:50 +0200
commit0af966a42eb60e9af43f9a450d924758a83946c6 (patch)
tree2bef73e80a8a80da1c47deee66dc825feac45bdd /flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v
parentc212ab7a8adea516db72f17d818393629dbde1b3 (diff)
Upgrade to Flocq 2.5.0.
Note: this version of Flocq is compatible with both Coq 8.4 and 8.5.
Diffstat (limited to 'flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v b/flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v
index f83abc47..3ff6c31a 100644
--- a/flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v
+++ b/flocq/Appli/Fappli_double_round.v
@@ -72,12 +72,15 @@ assert (Hx2 : x - round beta fexp1 Zfloor x
< / 2 * (ulp beta fexp1 x - ulp beta fexp2 x)).
{ now apply (Rplus_lt_reg_r (round beta fexp1 Zfloor x)); ring_simplify. }
set (x'' := round beta fexp2 (Znearest choice2) x).
-assert (Hr1 : Rabs (x'' - x) <= / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x)));
- [now unfold x''; apply ulp_half_error|].
+assert (Hr1 : Rabs (x'' - x) <= / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x))).
+apply Rle_trans with (/ 2 * ulp beta fexp2 x).
+now unfold x''; apply error_le_half_ulp...
+rewrite ulp_neq_0;[now right|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
assert (Pxx' : 0 <= x - x').
{ apply Rle_0_minus.
apply round_DN_pt.
exact Vfexp1. }
+rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0 in Hx2; try (apply Rgt_not_eq; assumption).
assert (Hr2 : Rabs (x'' - x') < / 2 * bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta x))).
{ replace (x'' - x') with (x'' - x + (x - x')) by ring.
apply (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ (Rabs_triang _ _)).
@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ destruct (Req_dec x'' 0) as [Zx''|Nzx''].
+ (bpow (ln_beta x)
- / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x)))) by ring.
apply Rplus_le_lt_compat; [exact Hr1|].
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0 in Hx1;[idtac| now apply Rgt_not_eq].
now rewrite Rabs_right; [|apply Rle_ge; apply Rlt_le].
- unfold x'' in Nzx'' |- *.
now apply ln_beta_round_ge; [|apply valid_rnd_N|]. }
@@ -168,12 +172,14 @@ assert (Pxx' : 0 <= x - x').
apply round_DN_pt.
exact Vfexp1. }
assert (x < bpow (ln_beta x) - / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x)));
- [|now apply double_round_lt_mid_further_place'].
+ [|apply double_round_lt_mid_further_place'; try assumption]...
+2: rewrite ulp_neq_0;[assumption|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
destruct (Req_dec x' 0) as [Zx'|Nzx'].
- (* x' = 0 *)
rewrite Zx' in Hx2; rewrite Rminus_0_r in Hx2.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ Hx2).
rewrite Rmult_minus_distr_l.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- ln_beta x))); [now apply bpow_gt_0|].
unfold ulp, canonic_exp; bpow_simplify.
@@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ destruct (Req_dec x' 0) as [Zx'|Nzx'].
{ apply (Rplus_le_reg_r (ulp beta fexp1 x)); ring_simplify.
rewrite <- ulp_DN.
- change (round _ _ _ _) with x'.
- apply succ_le_bpow.
+ apply id_p_ulp_le_bpow.
+ exact Px'.
+ change x' with (round beta fexp1 Zfloor x).
now apply generic_format_round; [|apply valid_rnd_DN].
@@ -210,10 +216,14 @@ destruct (Req_dec x' 0) as [Zx'|Nzx'].
- exact Vfexp1.
- exact Px'. }
fold (canonic_exp beta fexp2 x); fold (ulp beta fexp2 x).
- assert (/ 2 * ulp beta fexp1 x <= ulp beta fexp1 x); [|lra].
+ assert (/ 2 * ulp beta fexp1 x <= ulp beta fexp1 x).
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (ulp _ _ _)) at 2.
apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [|lra].
- apply bpow_ge_0.
+ apply ulp_ge_0.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0 in Hx2;[|now apply Rgt_not_eq|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0 in Hx';[|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0 in H;[|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
+ lra.
Lemma double_round_lt_mid_same_place :
@@ -256,7 +266,7 @@ assert (H : Rabs (x * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)) -
rewrite <- (Rmult_0_r (/ 2)).
apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; [lra|].
apply bpow_gt_0.
- - exact Hx. }
+ - rewrite ulp_neq_0 in Hx;try apply Rgt_not_eq; assumption. }
unfold round at 2.
unfold F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
rewrite Hf2f1.
@@ -320,8 +330,10 @@ unfold double_round_eq.
set (x' := round beta fexp1 Zceil x).
set (x'' := round beta fexp2 (Znearest choice2) x).
intros Hx1 Hx2.
-assert (Hr1 : Rabs (x'' - x) <= / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x)));
- [now unfold x''; apply ulp_half_error|].
+assert (Hr1 : Rabs (x'' - x) <= / 2 * bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta x))).
+ apply Rle_trans with (/2* ulp beta fexp2 x).
+ now unfold x''; apply error_le_half_ulp...
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[now right|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
assert (Px'x : 0 <= x' - x).
{ apply Rle_0_minus.
apply round_UP_pt.
@@ -335,6 +347,7 @@ assert (Hr2 : Rabs (x'' - x') < / 2 * bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta x))).
apply Rplus_le_lt_compat.
- exact Hr1.
- rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0 in Hx2; try (apply Rgt_not_eq; assumption).
now rewrite Rabs_right; [|now apply Rle_ge]; apply Hx2. }
destruct (Req_dec x'' 0) as [Zx''|Nzx''].
- (* x'' = 0 *)
@@ -382,7 +395,8 @@ destruct (Req_dec x'' 0) as [Zx''|Nzx''].
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ Hx2).
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [lra|].
generalize (bpow_ge_0 beta (fexp2 (ln_beta x))).
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; lra.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try (apply Rgt_not_eq; assumption).
+ unfold canonic_exp; lra.
+ apply (Rmult_lt_reg_r (bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta x)))); [now apply bpow_gt_0|].
rewrite <- (Rabs_right (bpow (fexp1 _))) at 1;
[|now apply Rle_ge; apply bpow_ge_0].
@@ -422,7 +436,7 @@ assert (Hx''pow : x'' = bpow (ln_beta x)).
{ apply Rle_lt_trans with (x + / 2 * ulp beta fexp2 x).
- apply (Rplus_le_reg_r (- x)); ring_simplify.
apply Rabs_le_inv.
- apply ulp_half_error.
+ apply error_le_half_ulp.
exact Vfexp2.
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
rewrite <- Rabs_right at 1; [|now apply Rle_ge; apply Rlt_le].
@@ -442,15 +456,17 @@ assert (Hx''pow : x'' = bpow (ln_beta x)).
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H'x'').
apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (Fcore_Raux.bpow _ _)).
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [now apply bpow_ge_0|].
lra. }
assert (Hr : Rabs (x - x'') < / 2 * ulp beta fexp1 x).
{ apply Rle_lt_trans with (/ 2 * ulp beta fexp2 x).
- rewrite Rabs_minus_sym.
- apply ulp_half_error.
+ apply error_le_half_ulp.
exact Vfexp2.
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; [lra|].
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; apply bpow_lt.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq.
+ unfold canonic_exp; apply bpow_lt.
omega. }
unfold round, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
assert (Hf : (0 <= ln_beta x - fexp1 (ln_beta x''))%Z).
@@ -475,6 +491,7 @@ rewrite (Znearest_imp _ _ (beta ^ (ln_beta x - fexp1 (ln_beta x'')))%Z).
rewrite <- Rabs_mult.
rewrite Rmult_minus_distr_r.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0 in Hr;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
rewrite <- Hx''pow; exact Hr.
- rewrite Z2R_Zpower; [|exact Hf].
apply (Rmult_lt_reg_r (bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta x'')))); [now apply bpow_gt_0|].
@@ -522,7 +539,7 @@ assert (H : Rabs (Z2R (Zceil (x * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x))))
+ apply Rle_0_minus.
apply round_UP_pt.
exact Vfexp1.
- - exact Hx. }
+ - rewrite ulp_neq_0 in Hx;[exact Hx|now apply Rgt_not_eq]. }
unfold double_round_eq, round at 2.
unfold F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
rewrite Hf2f1.
@@ -761,9 +778,10 @@ destruct (Req_dec y 0) as [Zy|Nzy].
- (* y = 0 *)
now rewrite Zy; rewrite Rplus_0_r.
- (* y <> 0 *)
- apply (ln_beta_succ beta fexp); [assumption|assumption|].
+ apply (ln_beta_plus_eps beta fexp); [assumption|assumption|].
split; [assumption|].
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq].
+ unfold canonic_exp.
destruct (ln_beta y) as (ey, Hey); simpl in *.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow ey).
+ now rewrite <- (Rabs_right y); [apply Hey|apply Rle_ge].
@@ -797,8 +815,7 @@ apply ln_beta_unique.
- apply Rabs_ge; right.
assert (Hy : y < ulp beta fexp (bpow (ln_beta x - 1))).
- { unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
- rewrite ln_beta_bpow.
+ { rewrite ulp_bpow.
replace (_ + _)%Z with (ln_beta x : Z) by ring.
rewrite <- (Rabs_right y); [|now apply Rle_ge; apply Rlt_le].
apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow (ln_beta y)).
@@ -808,7 +825,8 @@ split.
apply Rle_trans with (bpow (ln_beta x - 1)
+ ulp beta fexp (bpow (ln_beta x - 1))).
+ now apply Rplus_le_compat_l; apply Rlt_le.
- + apply succ_le_lt; [|exact Fx|now split; [apply bpow_gt_0|]].
+ + rewrite <- succ_eq_pos;[idtac|apply bpow_ge_0].
+ apply succ_le_lt; [apply Vfexp|idtac|exact Fx|assumption].
apply (generic_format_bpow beta fexp (ln_beta x - 1)).
replace (_ + _)%Z with (ln_beta x : Z) by ring.
assert (fexp (ln_beta x) < ln_beta x)%Z; [|omega].
@@ -1039,13 +1057,15 @@ apply double_round_lt_mid.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ (proj2 (double_round_plus_aux1_aux 2 P2 fexp1 x y Px
Py Hly Lxy Fx))).
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)))); [now apply bpow_gt_0|].
apply (Rle_trans _ _ _ Bpow2).
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_r (/ 2)) at 3.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; lra.
-- unfold ulp, round, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl; rewrite Lxy.
+- rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold round, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl; rewrite Lxy.
intro Hf2'.
apply (Rmult_lt_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x))));
[now apply bpow_gt_0|].
@@ -1056,7 +1076,8 @@ apply double_round_lt_mid.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ (proj2 (double_round_plus_aux1_aux 2 P2 fexp1 x y Px
Py Hly Lxy Fx))).
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)))); [now apply bpow_gt_0|].
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy, Rmult_minus_distr_r; bpow_simplify.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy, Rmult_minus_distr_r; bpow_simplify.
apply (Rle_trans _ _ _ Bpow2).
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_r (/ 2)) at 3; rewrite <- Rmult_minus_distr_l.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [lra|].
@@ -1391,7 +1412,8 @@ apply double_round_gt_mid.
[now apply double_round_minus_aux2_aux; try assumption; omega|].
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ Ly).
now apply bpow_le.
- + unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+ + rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply sym_not_eq, Rlt_not_eq, Rgt_minus].
+ unfold canonic_exp.
replace (_ - 2)%Z with (fexp1 (ln_beta (x - y)) - 1 - 1)%Z by ring.
unfold Zminus at 1; rewrite bpow_plus.
rewrite Rmult_comm.
@@ -1423,7 +1445,8 @@ apply double_round_gt_mid.
+ unfold Fcore_Raux.bpow, Z.pow_pos; simpl.
rewrite Zmult_1_r; apply Rinv_le; [lra|].
now change 2 with (Z2R 2); apply Z2R_le.
- + unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+ + rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rgt_minus.
+ unfold canonic_exp.
apply (Rplus_le_reg_r (bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (x - y))))); ring_simplify.
apply Rle_trans with (2 * bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (x - y)) - 1)).
* rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r; rewrite Rmult_1_l.
@@ -1868,19 +1891,22 @@ apply double_round_lt_mid.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ (proj2 (double_round_plus_aux1_aux 1 P1 fexp1 x y Px
Py Hly Lxy Fx))).
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x))));
[now apply bpow_gt_0|].
apply (Rle_trans _ _ _ Bpow3); lra.
-- unfold ulp, round, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl; rewrite Lxy.
+- rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold round, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl; rewrite Lxy.
intro Hf2'.
unfold midp.
apply (Rplus_lt_reg_r (- round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x + y))); ring_simplify.
rewrite <- Rmult_minus_distr_l.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ (proj2 (double_round_plus_aux1_aux 1 P1 fexp1 x y Px
Py Hly Lxy Fx))).
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rplus_lt_0_compat].
+ unfold canonic_exp; rewrite Lxy.
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x))));
[now apply bpow_gt_0|].
rewrite (Rmult_assoc (/ 2)).
@@ -2106,7 +2132,8 @@ apply double_round_gt_mid.
[now apply double_round_minus_aux2_aux|].
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ Ly).
now apply bpow_le.
- + unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+ + rewrite ulp_neq_0;[idtac|now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rgt_minus].
+ unfold canonic_exp.
unfold Zminus at 1; rewrite bpow_plus.
rewrite Rmult_comm.
apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [now apply bpow_ge_0|].
@@ -2124,7 +2151,8 @@ apply double_round_gt_mid.
apply (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ Ly).
apply Rle_trans with (bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (x - y)) - 1));
[now apply bpow_le|].
- unfold ulp, canonic_exp.
+ rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq, Rgt_minus.
+ unfold canonic_exp.
apply (Rmult_le_reg_r (bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta (x - y)))));
[now apply bpow_gt_0|].
rewrite Rmult_assoc.
@@ -2533,7 +2561,7 @@ destruct (generic_format_EM beta fexp1 x) as [Fx|Nfx].
now apply (generic_inclusion_ln_beta beta fexp1); [omega|].
- (* ~ generic_format beta fexp1 x *)
assert (Hceil : round beta fexp1 Zceil x = rd + u1);
- [now apply ulp_DN_UP|].
+ [now apply round_UP_DN_ulp|].
assert (Hf2' : (fexp2 (ln_beta x) <= fexp1 (ln_beta x) - 1)%Z); [omega|].
destruct (Rlt_or_le (x - rd) (/ 2 * (u1 - u2))).
+ (* x - rd < / 2 * (u1 - u2) *)
@@ -2589,10 +2617,11 @@ assert (Hbeta : (2 <= beta)%Z).
{ destruct beta as (beta_val,beta_prop).
now apply Zle_bool_imp_le. }
set (a := round beta fexp1 Zfloor (sqrt x)).
-set (u1 := ulp beta fexp1 (sqrt x)).
-set (u2 := ulp beta fexp2 (sqrt x)).
+set (u1 := bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (sqrt x)))).
+set (u2 := bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (sqrt x)))).
set (b := / 2 * (u1 - u2)).
set (b' := / 2 * (u1 + u2)).
+unfold midp; rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq, sqrt_lt_R0.
apply Rnot_ge_lt; intro H; apply Rge_le in H.
assert (Fa : generic_format beta fexp1 a).
{ unfold a.
@@ -2619,7 +2648,7 @@ assert (Pb : 0 < b).
rewrite <- (Rmult_0_r (/ 2)).
apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; [lra|].
apply Rlt_Rminus.
- unfold u2, u1, ulp, canonic_exp.
+ unfold u2, u1.
apply bpow_lt.
omega. }
assert (Pb' : 0 < b').
@@ -2686,7 +2715,7 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
- (* a <> 0 *)
assert (Pa : 0 < a); [lra|].
assert (Hla : (ln_beta a = ln_beta (sqrt x) :> Z)).
- { unfold a; apply ln_beta_round_DN.
+ { unfold a; apply ln_beta_DN.
- exact Vfexp1.
- now fold a. }
assert (Hl' : 0 < - (u2 * a) + b * b).
@@ -2697,12 +2726,14 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
replace (_ / 8) with (/ 4 * (u2 ^ 2 + u1 ^ 2)) by field.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (u2 * bpow (ln_beta (sqrt x))).
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; [now unfold u2, ulp; apply bpow_gt_0|].
- unfold u1, ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite <- Hla.
- apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + ulp beta fexp1 a).
+ unfold u1; rewrite <- Hla.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta a))).
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
- rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (ulp _ _ _)).
+ rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (bpow _)) at 2.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; [apply bpow_gt_0|lra].
- + apply (succ_le_bpow _ _ _ _ Pa Fa).
+ + apply Rle_trans with (a+ ulp beta fexp1 a).
+ right; now rewrite ulp_neq_0.
+ apply (id_p_ulp_le_bpow _ _ _ _ Pa Fa).
apply Rabs_lt_inv, bpow_ln_beta_gt.
- apply Rle_trans with (bpow (- 2) * u1 ^ 2).
+ unfold pow; rewrite Rmult_1_r.
@@ -2745,9 +2776,10 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow (ln_beta (sqrt x)) * u2).
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; [now unfold u2, ulp; apply bpow_gt_0|].
apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + u1); [lra|].
- unfold u1.
- rewrite <- ulp_DN; [|exact Vfexp1|exact Pa]; fold a.
- apply succ_le_bpow.
+ unfold u1; fold (canonic_exp beta fexp1 (sqrt x)).
+ rewrite <- canonic_exp_DN; [|exact Vfexp1|exact Pa]; fold a.
+ rewrite <- ulp_neq_0; trivial.
+ apply id_p_ulp_le_bpow.
+ exact Pa.
+ now apply round_DN_pt.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (sqrt x).
@@ -2782,21 +2814,6 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
+ now apply Rle_trans with x.
-(* --> Fcore_Raux *)
-Lemma sqrt_neg : forall x, x <= 0 -> sqrt x = 0.
-intros x Npx.
-destruct (Req_dec x 0) as [Zx|Nzx].
-- (* x = 0 *)
- rewrite Zx.
- exact sqrt_0.
-- (* x < 0 *)
- unfold sqrt.
- destruct Rcase_abs.
- + reflexivity.
- + casetype False.
- now apply Nzx, Rle_antisym; [|apply Rge_le].
Lemma double_round_sqrt :
forall fexp1 fexp2 : Z -> Z,
@@ -3028,10 +3045,11 @@ Lemma double_round_sqrt_beta_ge_4_aux :
intros Hbeta fexp1 fexp2 Vfexp1 Vfexp2 Hexp x Px Hf2 Fx.
set (a := round beta fexp1 Zfloor (sqrt x)).
-set (u1 := ulp beta fexp1 (sqrt x)).
-set (u2 := ulp beta fexp2 (sqrt x)).
+set (u1 := bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (sqrt x)))).
+set (u2 := bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (sqrt x)))).
set (b := / 2 * (u1 - u2)).
set (b' := / 2 * (u1 + u2)).
+unfold midp; rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq, sqrt_lt_R0.
apply Rnot_ge_lt; intro H; apply Rge_le in H.
assert (Fa : generic_format beta fexp1 a).
{ unfold a.
@@ -3125,7 +3143,7 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
- (* a <> 0 *)
assert (Pa : 0 < a); [lra|].
assert (Hla : (ln_beta a = ln_beta (sqrt x) :> Z)).
- { unfold a; apply ln_beta_round_DN.
+ { unfold a; apply ln_beta_DN.
- exact Vfexp1.
- now fold a. }
assert (Hl' : 0 < - (u2 * a) + b * b).
@@ -3136,12 +3154,13 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
replace (_ / 8) with (/ 4 * (u2 ^ 2 + u1 ^ 2)) by field.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (u2 * bpow (ln_beta (sqrt x))).
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; [now unfold u2, ulp; apply bpow_gt_0|].
- unfold u1, ulp, canonic_exp; rewrite <- Hla.
+ unfold u1; rewrite <- Hla.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + ulp beta fexp1 a).
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (ulp _ _ _)).
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0; trivial.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; [apply bpow_gt_0|lra].
- + apply (succ_le_bpow _ _ _ _ Pa Fa).
+ + apply (id_p_ulp_le_bpow _ _ _ _ Pa Fa).
apply Rabs_lt_inv, bpow_ln_beta_gt.
- apply Rle_trans with (bpow (- 1) * u1 ^ 2).
+ unfold pow; rewrite Rmult_1_r.
@@ -3184,9 +3203,10 @@ destruct (Req_dec a 0) as [Za|Nza].
apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow (ln_beta (sqrt x)) * u2).
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; [now unfold u2, ulp; apply bpow_gt_0|].
apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + u1); [lra|].
- unfold u1.
- rewrite <- ulp_DN; [|exact Vfexp1|exact Pa]; fold a.
- apply succ_le_bpow.
+ unfold u1; fold (canonic_exp beta fexp1 (sqrt x)).
+ rewrite <- canonic_exp_DN; [|exact Vfexp1|exact Pa]; fold a.
+ rewrite <- ulp_neq_0; trivial.
+ apply id_p_ulp_le_bpow.
+ exact Pa.
+ now apply round_DN_pt.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (sqrt x).
@@ -3504,9 +3524,11 @@ assert (Hf : F2R f = x).
rewrite (Rmult_assoc _ (Z2R n)).
rewrite Rinv_r;
[rewrite Rmult_1_r|change 0 with (Z2R 0); apply Z2R_neq; omega].
- simpl; fold (canonic_exp beta fexp1 x); fold (ulp beta fexp1 x); fold u.
- rewrite Xmid at 2.
+ simpl; fold (canonic_exp beta fexp1 x).
+ rewrite <- 2!ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq.
+ fold u; rewrite Xmid at 2.
apply f_equal2; [|reflexivity].
+ rewrite ulp_neq_0; try now apply Rgt_not_eq.
destruct (Req_dec rd 0) as [Zrd|Nzrd].
- (* rd = 0 *)
rewrite Zrd.
@@ -3657,7 +3679,7 @@ split.
replace (bpow _) with (bpow (ln_beta x) - / 2 * u2 + / 2 * u2) by ring.
apply Rplus_lt_le_compat; [exact Hx|].
apply Rabs_le_inv.
- now apply ulp_half_error.
+ now apply error_le_half_ulp.
Lemma double_round_all_mid_cases :
@@ -3714,7 +3736,7 @@ destruct (Ztrichotomy (ln_beta x) (fexp1 (ln_beta x) - 1)) as [Hlt|[Heq|Hgt]].
now apply (generic_inclusion_ln_beta beta fexp1); [omega|].
- (* ~ generic_format beta fexp1 x *)
assert (Hceil : round beta fexp1 Zceil x = x' + u1);
- [now apply ulp_DN_UP|].
+ [now apply round_UP_DN_ulp|].
assert (Hf2' : (fexp2 (ln_beta x) <= fexp1 (ln_beta x) - 1)%Z);
assert (midp' fexp1 x + / 2 * ulp beta fexp2 x < x);
@@ -3769,12 +3791,15 @@ assert (Hfx : (fexp1 (ln_beta x) < ln_beta x)%Z);
assert (Hfy : (fexp1 (ln_beta y) < ln_beta y)%Z);
[now apply ln_beta_generic_gt; [|apply Rgt_not_eq|]|].
set (p := bpow (ln_beta (x / y))).
-set (u2 := ulp beta fexp2 (x / y)).
+set (u2 := bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (x / y)))).
revert Fx Fy.
unfold generic_format, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
set (mx := Ztrunc (x * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)))).
set (my := Ztrunc (y * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta y)))).
intros Fx Fy.
+rewrite ulp_neq_0.
+2: apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified; [now apply Rgt_not_eq|idtac].
+2: now apply Rinv_neq_0_compat, Rgt_not_eq.
intro Hl.
assert (Hr : x / y < p);
[now apply Rabs_lt_inv; apply bpow_ln_beta_gt|].
@@ -3903,6 +3928,9 @@ assert (Hfx : (fexp1 (ln_beta x) < ln_beta x)%Z);
[now apply ln_beta_generic_gt; [|apply Rgt_not_eq|]|].
assert (Hfy : (fexp1 (ln_beta y) < ln_beta y)%Z);
[now apply ln_beta_generic_gt; [|apply Rgt_not_eq|]|].
+assert (S : (x / y <> 0)%R).
+apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified; [now apply Rgt_not_eq|idtac].
+now apply Rinv_neq_0_compat, Rgt_not_eq.
cut (~ (/ 2 * (ulp beta fexp1 (x / y) - ulp beta fexp2 (x / y))
<= x / y - round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x / y)
< / 2 * ulp beta fexp1 (x / y))).
@@ -3913,9 +3941,10 @@ cut (~ (/ 2 * (ulp beta fexp1 (x / y) - ulp beta fexp2 (x / y))
- apply (Rplus_lt_reg_l (round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x / y))).
apply H'. }
-set (u1 := ulp beta fexp1 (x / y)).
-set (u2 := ulp beta fexp2 (x / y)).
+set (u1 := bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (x / y)))).
+set (u2 := bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (x / y)))).
set (x' := round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x / y)).
+rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; trivial.
revert Fx Fy.
unfold generic_format, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
set (mx := Ztrunc (x * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)))).
@@ -4098,9 +4127,13 @@ cut (~ (/ 2 * ulp beta fexp1 (x / y)
- apply (Rplus_le_reg_l (round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x / y))).
apply H'. }
-set (u1 := ulp beta fexp1 (x / y)).
-set (u2 := ulp beta fexp2 (x / y)).
+set (u1 := bpow (fexp1 (ln_beta (x / y)))).
+set (u2 := bpow (fexp2 (ln_beta (x / y)))).
set (x' := round beta fexp1 Zfloor (x / y)).
+assert (S : (x / y <> 0)%R).
+apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified; [now apply Rgt_not_eq|idtac].
+now apply Rinv_neq_0_compat, Rgt_not_eq.
+rewrite 2!ulp_neq_0; trivial.
revert Fx Fy.
unfold generic_format, F2R, scaled_mantissa, canonic_exp; simpl.
set (mx := Ztrunc (x * bpow (- fexp1 (ln_beta x)))).