path: root/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
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authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-06-11 11:41:37 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-06-11 11:41:37 +0200
commitaf16cdae6d58033cc8aa06bca330f98b96ba12f2 (patch)
tree4985e9ae8fa0d580bbf95a198edeca4f0bd6ff46 /flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
parent21c979fce33b068ce4b86e67d3d866b203411c6c (diff)
parent02b169b444c435b8d1aacf54969dd7de57317a5c (diff)
Merge branch 'BTL' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into BTL
Diffstat (limited to 'flocq/Core/Round_pred.v')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v b/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
index 428a4bac..b7b6778f 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ Definition Rnd_NG (F : R -> Prop) (P : R -> R -> Prop) (rnd : R -> R) :=
Definition Rnd_NA (F : R -> Prop) (rnd : R -> R) :=
forall x : R, Rnd_NA_pt F x (rnd x).
+Definition Rnd_N0 (F : R -> Prop) (rnd : R -> R) :=
+ forall x : R, Rnd_N0_pt F x (rnd x).
Theorem round_val_of_pred :
forall rnd : R -> R -> Prop,
round_pred rnd ->
@@ -1021,6 +1024,251 @@ intros F x f (Hf,_) Hx.
now apply Rnd_N_pt_idempotent with F.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_NG_pt :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 ->
+ forall x f,
+ Rnd_N0_pt F x f <-> Rnd_NG_pt F (fun x f => Rabs f <= Rabs x) x f.
+intros F HF x f.
+destruct (Rle_or_lt 0 x) as [Hx|Hx].
+(* *)
+split ; intros (H1, H2).
+(* . *)
+assert (Hf := Rnd_N_pt_ge_0 F HF x f Hx H1).
+exact H1.
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ H1) as [H3|H3].
+(* . . *)
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hf).
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hx).
+apply H3.
+(* . . *)
+intros f2 Hxf2.
+specialize (H2 _ Hxf2).
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ Hxf2) as [H4|H4].
+apply Rle_antisym.
+apply Rle_trans with x.
+apply H4.
+apply H3.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hf) in H2.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in H2.
+exact H2.
+now apply Rnd_N_pt_ge_0 with F x.
+eapply Rnd_UP_pt_unique ; eassumption.
+(* . *)
+exact H1.
+intros f2 Hxf2.
+destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
+assert (Hf := Rnd_N_pt_ge_0 F HF x f Hx H1).
+assert (Hf2 := Rnd_N_pt_ge_0 F HF x f2 Hx Hxf2).
+rewrite 2!Rabs_pos_eq ; trivial.
+rewrite 2!Rabs_pos_eq in H2 ; trivial.
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ Hxf2) as [H3|H3].
+apply H3.
+apply H1.
+apply H2.
+apply Rle_trans with (1 := H2).
+apply H3.
+rewrite (H2 _ Hxf2).
+apply Rle_refl.
+(* *)
+assert (Hx' := Rlt_le _ _ Hx).
+clear Hx. rename Hx' into Hx.
+split ; intros (H1, H2).
+(* . *)
+assert (Hf := Rnd_N_pt_le_0 F HF x f Hx H1).
+exact H1.
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ H1) as [H3|H3].
+(* . . *)
+intros f2 Hxf2.
+specialize (H2 _ Hxf2).
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ Hxf2) as [H4|H4].
+eapply Rnd_DN_pt_unique ; eassumption.
+apply Rle_antisym.
+2: apply Rle_trans with x.
+2: apply H3.
+2: apply H4.
+rewrite Rabs_left1 with (1 := Hf) in H2.
+rewrite Rabs_left1 in H2.
+now apply Ropp_le_cancel.
+now apply Rnd_N_pt_le_0 with F x.
+(* . . *)
+rewrite Rabs_left1 with (1 := Hf).
+rewrite Rabs_left1 with (1 := Hx).
+apply Ropp_le_contravar.
+apply H3.
+(* . *)
+exact H1.
+intros f2 Hxf2.
+destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
+assert (Hf := Rnd_N_pt_le_0 F HF x f Hx H1).
+assert (Hf2 := Rnd_N_pt_le_0 F HF x f2 Hx Hxf2).
+rewrite 2!Rabs_left1 ; trivial.
+rewrite 2!Rabs_left1 in H2 ; trivial.
+apply Ropp_le_contravar.
+apply Ropp_le_cancel in H2.
+destruct (Rnd_N_pt_DN_or_UP _ _ _ Hxf2) as [H3|H3].
+2: apply H3.
+2: apply H1.
+2: apply H2.
+apply Rle_trans with (2 := H2).
+apply H3.
+rewrite (H2 _ Hxf2).
+apply Rle_refl.
+Lemma Rnd_N0_pt_unique_prop :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 ->
+ Rnd_NG_pt_unique_prop F (fun x f => Rabs f <= Rabs x).
+intros F HF x d u Hxd1 Hxd2 Hxu1 Hxu2 Hd Hu.
+apply Rle_antisym.
+apply Rle_trans with x.
+apply Hxd1.
+apply Hxu1.
+destruct (Rle_or_lt 0 x) as [Hx|Hx].
+apply Hxd1.
+apply Hxu1.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hx) in Hu.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in Hu.
+exact Hu.
+apply Rle_trans with (1:=Hx).
+apply Hxu1.
+(* *)
+apply Hxu1.
+apply Hxd1.
+rewrite Rabs_left with (1 := Hx) in Hd.
+rewrite Rabs_left1 in Hd.
+now apply Ropp_le_cancel.
+apply Rlt_le, Rle_lt_trans with (2:=Hx).
+apply Hxd1.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_pt_unique :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 ->
+ forall x f1 f2 : R,
+ Rnd_N0_pt F x f1 -> Rnd_N0_pt F x f2 ->
+ f1 = f2.
+intros F HF x f1 f2 H1 H2.
+apply (Rnd_NG_pt_unique F _ (Rnd_N0_pt_unique_prop F HF) x).
+now apply -> Rnd_N0_NG_pt.
+now apply -> Rnd_N0_NG_pt.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_pt_N :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 ->
+ forall x f : R,
+ Rnd_N_pt F x f ->
+ (Rabs f <= Rabs x)%R ->
+ Rnd_N0_pt F x f.
+intros F HF x f Rxf Hxf.
+apply Rxf.
+intros g Rxg.
+destruct (Rabs_eq_Rabs (f - x) (g - x)) as [H|H].
+apply Rle_antisym.
+apply Rxf.
+apply Rxg.
+apply Rxg.
+apply Rxf.
+(* *)
+replace g with f.
+apply Rle_refl.
+apply Rplus_eq_reg_r with (1 := H).
+(* *)
+assert (g = 2 * x - f)%R.
+replace (2 * x - f)%R with (x - (f - x))%R by ring.
+rewrite H.
+destruct (Rle_lt_dec 0 x) as [Hx|Hx].
+(* . *)
+revert Hxf.
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hx).
+rewrite 2!Rabs_pos_eq ; try ( apply (Rnd_N_pt_ge_0 F HF x) ; assumption ).
+intros Hxf.
+rewrite H0.
+apply Rplus_le_reg_r with f.
+apply Rmult_le_compat_l with (2 := Hxf).
+now apply IZR_le.
+(* . *)
+revert Hxf.
+apply Rlt_le in Hx.
+rewrite Rabs_left1 with (1 := Hx).
+rewrite 2!Rabs_left1 ; try ( apply (Rnd_N_pt_le_0 F HF x) ; assumption ).
+intros Hxf.
+rewrite H0.
+apply Ropp_le_contravar.
+apply Rplus_le_reg_r with f.
+apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
+now apply IZR_le.
+now apply Ropp_le_cancel.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_unique :
+ forall (F : R -> Prop),
+ F 0 ->
+ forall rnd1 rnd2 : R -> R,
+ Rnd_N0 F rnd1 -> Rnd_N0 F rnd2 ->
+ forall x, rnd1 x = rnd2 x.
+intros F HF rnd1 rnd2 H1 H2 x.
+now apply Rnd_N0_pt_unique with F x.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_pt_monotone :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 ->
+ round_pred_monotone (Rnd_N0_pt F).
+intros F HF x y f g Hxf Hyg Hxy.
+apply (Rnd_NG_pt_monotone F _ (Rnd_N0_pt_unique_prop F HF) x y).
+now apply -> Rnd_N0_NG_pt.
+now apply -> Rnd_N0_NG_pt.
+exact Hxy.
+Theorem Rnd_N0_pt_refl :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ forall x : R, F x ->
+ Rnd_N0_pt F x x.
+intros F x Hx.
+now apply Rnd_N_pt_refl.
+intros f Hxf.
+apply Req_le.
+apply f_equal.
+now apply sym_eq, Rnd_N_pt_idempotent with (1 := Hxf).
+Theorem Rnd_N0_pt_idempotent :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ forall x f : R,
+ Rnd_N0_pt F x f -> F x ->
+ f = x.
+intros F x f (Hf,_) Hx.
+now apply Rnd_N_pt_idempotent with F.
Theorem round_pred_ge_0 :
forall P : R -> R -> Prop,
round_pred_monotone P ->
@@ -1405,4 +1653,38 @@ apply Rnd_NA_pt_monotone.
apply Hany.
+Theorem satisfies_any_imp_N0 :
+ forall F : R -> Prop,
+ F 0 -> satisfies_any F ->
+ round_pred (Rnd_N0_pt F).
+intros F HF0 Hany.
+assert (H : round_pred_total (Rnd_NG_pt F (fun a b => (Rabs b <= Rabs a)%R))).
+apply satisfies_any_imp_NG.
+apply Hany.
+intros x d u Hf Hd Hu.
+destruct (Rle_lt_dec 0 x) as [Hx|Hx].
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq with (1 := Hx).
+rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
+apply Hd.
+apply Hd; try easy.
+rewrite Rabs_left with (1 := Hx).
+rewrite Rabs_left1.
+apply Ropp_le_contravar.
+apply Hu.
+apply Hu; try easy.
+now apply Rlt_le.
+intros x.
+destruct (H x) as (f, Hf).
+exists f.
+apply <- Rnd_N0_NG_pt.
+apply Hf.
+apply HF0.
+apply Rnd_N0_pt_monotone.
+apply HF0.
End RND_prop.