path: root/flocq/IEEE754
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-09-03 10:52:23 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-09-03 10:52:23 +0200
commit0cb5a0b65b4fbeb5bc1c14f75951798f20500177 (patch)
tree767381d2490c86dcee95da2631ac5c94e14de8f5 /flocq/IEEE754
parent1fbd5d18a9f4398d7ecb9b9ab148a96f575fd1e0 (diff)
parent2f7f68f69b6408e4de6210c827b108eff011af51 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mppa-work-upstream-merge' into mppa-work
Conflicts: configure mppa_k1c/Archi.v mppa_k1c/Asmexpand.ml
Diffstat (limited to 'flocq/IEEE754')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/flocq/IEEE754/Binary.v b/flocq/IEEE754/Binary.v
index 0ec3a297..ac38c761 100644
--- a/flocq/IEEE754/Binary.v
+++ b/flocq/IEEE754/Binary.v
@@ -1839,6 +1839,127 @@ now rewrite <- cond_Zopp_negb.
now destruct y as [ | | | ].
+(** Fused Multiply-Add *)
+Definition Bfma_szero m (x y z: binary_float) : bool :=
+ let s_xy := xorb (Bsign x) (Bsign y) in (* sign of product x*y *)
+ if Bool.eqb s_xy (Bsign z) then s_xy
+ else match m with mode_DN => true | _ => false end.
+Definition Bfma fma_nan m (x y z: binary_float) :=
+ match x, y with
+ | B754_nan _ _ _, _ | _, B754_nan _ _ _
+ | B754_infinity _, B754_zero _
+ | B754_zero _, B754_infinity _ =>
+ (* Multiplication produces NaN *)
+ build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | B754_infinity sx, B754_infinity sy
+ | B754_infinity sx, B754_finite sy _ _ _
+ | B754_finite sx _ _ _, B754_infinity sy =>
+ let s := xorb sx sy in
+ (* Multiplication produces infinity with sign [s] *)
+ match z with
+ | B754_nan _ _ _ => build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | B754_infinity sz =>
+ if Bool.eqb s sz then z else build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | _ => B754_infinity s
+ end
+ | B754_finite sx _ _ _, B754_zero sy
+ | B754_zero sx, B754_finite sy _ _ _
+ | B754_zero sx, B754_zero sy =>
+ (* Multiplication produces zero *)
+ match z with
+ | B754_nan _ _ _ => build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | B754_zero _ => B754_zero (Bfma_szero m x y z)
+ | _ => z
+ end
+ | B754_finite sx mx ex _, B754_finite sy my ey _ =>
+ (* Multiplication produces a finite, non-zero result *)
+ match z with
+ | B754_nan _ _ _ => build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | B754_infinity sz => z
+ | B754_zero _ =>
+ let X := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sx (Zpos mx)) ex in
+ let Y := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sy (Zpos my)) ey in
+ let '(Float _ mr er) := Fmult X Y in
+ binary_normalize m mr er (Bfma_szero m x y z)
+ | B754_finite sz mz ez _ =>
+ let X := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sx (Zpos mx)) ex in
+ let Y := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sy (Zpos my)) ey in
+ let Z := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sz (Zpos mz)) ez in
+ let '(Float _ mr er) := Fplus (Fmult X Y) Z in
+ binary_normalize m mr er (Bfma_szero m x y z)
+ end
+ end.
+Theorem Bfma_correct:
+ forall fma_nan m x y z,
+ let res := (B2R x * B2R y + B2R z)%R in
+ is_finite x = true ->
+ is_finite y = true ->
+ is_finite z = true ->
+ if Rlt_bool (Rabs (round radix2 fexp (round_mode m) res)) (bpow radix2 emax) then
+ B2R (Bfma fma_nan m x y z) = round radix2 fexp (round_mode m) res /\
+ is_finite (Bfma fma_nan m x y z) = true /\
+ Bsign (Bfma fma_nan m x y z) =
+ match Rcompare res 0 with
+ | Eq => Bfma_szero m x y z
+ | Lt => true
+ | Gt => false
+ end
+ else
+ B2FF (Bfma fma_nan m x y z) = binary_overflow m (Rlt_bool res 0).
+ intros. pattern (Bfma fma_nan m x y z).
+ match goal with |- ?p ?x => set (PROP := p) end.
+ set (szero := Bfma_szero m x y z).
+ assert (BINORM: forall mr er, F2R (Float radix2 mr er) = res ->
+ PROP (binary_normalize m mr er szero)).
+ { intros mr er E.
+ specialize (binary_normalize_correct m mr er szero).
+ change (FLT_exp (3 - emax - prec) prec) with fexp. rewrite E. tauto.
+ }
+ set (add_zero :=
+ match z with
+ | B754_nan _ _ _ => build_nan (fma_nan x y z)
+ | B754_zero sz => B754_zero szero
+ | _ => z
+ end).
+ assert (ADDZERO: B2R x = 0%R \/ B2R y = 0%R -> PROP add_zero).
+ {
+ intros Z.
+ assert (RES: res = B2R z).
+ { unfold res. destruct Z as [E|E]; rewrite E, ?Rmult_0_l, ?Rmult_0_r, Rplus_0_l; auto. }
+ unfold PROP, add_zero; destruct z as [ sz | sz | sz plz | sz mz ez Bz]; try discriminate.
+ - simpl in RES; rewrite RES; rewrite round_0 by apply valid_rnd_round_mode.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true. split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Rcompare_Eq by auto. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; apply bpow_gt_0.
+ - rewrite RES, round_generic, Rlt_bool_true.
+ split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity.
+ unfold B2R. destruct sz.
+ rewrite Rcompare_Lt. auto. apply F2R_lt_0. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Rcompare_Gt. auto. apply F2R_gt_0. reflexivity.
+ apply abs_B2R_lt_emax. apply valid_rnd_round_mode. apply generic_format_B2R.
+ }
+ destruct x as [ sx | sx | sx plx | sx mx ex Bx];
+ destruct y as [ sy | sy | sy ply | sy my ey By];
+ try discriminate.
+- apply ADDZERO; auto.
+- apply ADDZERO; auto.
+- apply ADDZERO; auto.
+- destruct z as [ sz | sz | sz plz | sz mz ez Bz]; try discriminate; unfold Bfma.
++ set (X := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sx (Zpos mx)) ex).
+ set (Y := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sy (Zpos my)) ey).
+ destruct (Fmult X Y) as [mr er] eqn:FRES.
+ apply BINORM. unfold res. rewrite <- FRES, F2R_mult, Rplus_0_r. auto.
++ set (X := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sx (Zpos mx)) ex).
+ set (Y := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sy (Zpos my)) ey).
+ set (Z := Float radix2 (cond_Zopp sz (Zpos mz)) ez).
+ destruct (Fplus (Fmult X Y) Z) as [mr er] eqn:FRES.
+ apply BINORM. unfold res. rewrite <- FRES, F2R_plus, F2R_mult. auto.
(** Division *)
Definition Fdiv_core_binary m1 e1 m2 e2 :=