path: root/kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-09-29 16:22:18 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-09-29 17:08:56 +0200
commitb2fc9b55d9c59a9c507786a650377e2f0a1ddad8 (patch)
treeb6e835836c78566162d79c83bf353aa555a1d95c /kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
parent52b4f973646c3b79804fcdddeed5325ab1f3ce7d (diff)
simpl -> cbn
Diffstat (limited to 'kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v b/kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
index 948ed660..6960f363 100644
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
+++ b/kvx/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Lemma exp_equiv e old1 old2:
(exp_eval e m1 old1) = (exp_eval e m2 old2).
intros H1.
- induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun l => forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> list_exp_eval l m1 old1 = list_exp_eval l m2 old2); simpl; try congruence; auto.
+ induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun l => forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> list_exp_eval l m1 old1 = list_exp_eval l m2 old2); cbn; try congruence; auto.
- intros; erewrite IHe; eauto.
- intros; erewrite IHe, IHe0; auto.
@@ -183,38 +183,38 @@ Lemma inst_equiv_refl i old1 old2:
forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) ->
res_eq (inst_run i m1 old1) (inst_run i m2 old2).
- intro H; induction i as [ | [x e]]; simpl; eauto.
+ intro H; induction i as [ | [x e]]; cbn; eauto.
intros m1 m2 H1. erewrite exp_equiv; eauto.
- destruct (exp_eval e m2 old2); simpl; auto.
+ destruct (exp_eval e m2 old2); cbn; auto.
apply IHi.
unfold assign; intro y. destruct (R.eq_dec x y); auto.
Lemma bblock_equiv_refl p: forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> res_eq (run p m1) (run p m2).
- induction p as [ | i p']; simpl; eauto.
+ induction p as [ | i p']; cbn; eauto.
intros m1 m2 H; lapply (inst_equiv_refl i m1 m2); auto.
intros X; lapply (X m1 m2); auto; clear X.
- destruct (inst_run i m1 m1); simpl.
- - intros [m3 [H1 H2]]; rewrite H1; simpl; auto.
- - intros H1; rewrite H1; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (inst_run i m1 m1); cbn.
+ - intros [m3 [H1 H2]]; rewrite H1; cbn; auto.
+ - intros H1; rewrite H1; cbn; auto.
Lemma res_eq_sym om1 om2: res_eq om1 om2 -> res_eq om2 om1.
- destruct om1; simpl.
- - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; simpl. eauto.
- - intros; subst; simpl; eauto.
+ destruct om1; cbn.
+ - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; cbn. eauto.
+ - intros; subst; cbn; eauto.
Lemma res_eq_trans (om1 om2 om3: option mem):
(res_eq om1 om2) -> (res_eq om2 om3) -> (res_eq om1 om3).
- destruct om1; simpl.
- - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; simpl.
- intros [m3 [H3 H4]]; subst; simpl.
+ destruct om1; cbn.
+ - intros [m2 [H1 H2]]; subst; cbn.
+ intros [m3 [H3 H4]]; subst; cbn.
eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto. rewrite H2; auto.
- - intro; subst; simpl; auto.
+ - intro; subst; cbn; auto.
Lemma bblock_simu_alt p1 p2: bblock_simu p1 p2 <-> (forall m1 m2, (forall x, m1 x = m2 x) -> (run p1 m1)<>None -> res_eq (run p1 m1) (run p2 m2)).
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ Lemma run_app p1: forall m1 p2,
| None => None
- induction p1; simpl; try congruence.
- intros; destruct (inst_run _ _ _); simpl; auto.
+ induction p1; cbn; try congruence.
+ intros; destruct (inst_run _ _ _); cbn; auto.
Lemma run_app_None p1 m1 p2:
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Fixpoint allvalid ge (l: list term) m : Prop :=
Lemma allvalid_extensionality ge (l: list term) m:
allvalid ge l m <-> (forall t, List.In t l -> term_eval ge t m <> None).
- induction l as [|t l]; simpl; try (tauto).
+ induction l as [|t l]; cbn; try (tauto).
destruct l.
- intuition (congruence || eauto).
- rewrite IHl; clear IHl. intuition (congruence || eauto).
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma intro_fail_correct (l: list term) (t: term) :
(forall ge m, term_eval ge t m <> None <-> allvalid ge l m) -> match_pt t (intro_fail l t).
- unfold match_pt; simpl; intros; intuition congruence.
+ unfold match_pt; cbn; intros; intuition congruence.
Hint Resolve intro_fail_correct: wlp.
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ Definition identity_fail (t: term):= intro_fail [t] t.
Lemma identity_fail_correct (t: term): match_pt t (identity_fail t).
- eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; tauto.
+ eapply intro_fail_correct; cbn; tauto.
Global Opaque identity_fail.
Hint Resolve identity_fail_correct: wlp.
@@ -390,11 +390,11 @@ Definition nofail (is_constant: op -> bool) (t: term):=
Lemma nofail_correct (is_constant: op -> bool) t:
(forall ge o, is_constant o = true -> op_eval ge o nil <> None) -> match_pt t (nofail is_constant t).
- destruct t; simpl.
- + intros; eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; intuition congruence.
- + intros; destruct l; simpl; auto with wlp.
- destruct (is_constant o) eqn:Heqo; simpl; intuition eauto with wlp.
- eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; intuition eauto with wlp.
+ destruct t; cbn.
+ + intros; eapply intro_fail_correct; cbn; intuition congruence.
+ + intros; destruct l; cbn; auto with wlp.
+ destruct (is_constant o) eqn:Heqo; cbn; intuition eauto with wlp.
+ eapply intro_fail_correct; cbn; intuition eauto with wlp.
Global Opaque nofail.
Hint Resolve nofail_correct: wlp.
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ Lemma app_fail_allvalid_correct l pt t1 t2: forall
(V2: forall (ge : genv) (m : mem), term_eval ge t2 m <> None <-> allvalid ge (mayfail {| mayfail := t1 :: l; effect := t1 |}) m)
(ge : genv) (m : mem), term_eval ge t2 m <> None <-> allvalid ge (mayfail (app_fail l pt)) m.
- intros; generalize (V1 ge m) (V2 ge m); rewrite !allvalid_extensionality; simpl. clear V1 V2.
+ intros; generalize (V1 ge m) (V2 ge m); rewrite !allvalid_extensionality; cbn. clear V1 V2.
intuition subst.
+ rewrite rev_append_rev, in_app_iff, <- in_rev in H3. destruct H3; eauto.
+ eapply H3; eauto.