path: root/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-05-26 22:04:20 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-05-26 22:04:20 +0200
commitb4a08d0815342b6238d307864f0823d0f07bb691 (patch)
tree85f48254ca79a6e2bc9d7359017a5731f98f897f /kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v
parent490a6caea1a95cfdbddf7aca244fa6a1c83aa9a2 (diff)
k1c -> kvx changes
Diffstat (limited to 'kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c02c395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ImpIO.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(** Extension of Coq language with some IO and exception-handling operators.
+TODO: integration with http://coq.io/ ?
+Require Export ImpPrelude.
+Import Notations.
+Local Open Scope impure.
+(** Printing functions *)
+Axiom print: pstring -> ?? unit.
+Extract Constant print => "ImpIOOracles.print".
+Axiom println: pstring -> ?? unit.
+Extract Constant println => "ImpIOOracles.println".
+Axiom read_line: unit -> ?? pstring.
+Extract Constant read_line => "ImpIOOracles.read_line".
+Require Import ZArith.
+Axiom string_of_Z: Z -> ?? pstring.
+Extract Constant string_of_Z => "ImpIOOracles.string_of_Z".
+(** timer *)
+Axiom timer: forall {A B}, (A -> ?? B)*A -> ?? B.
+Extract Constant timer => "ImpIOOracles.timer".
+(** Exception Handling *)
+Axiom exit_observer: Type.
+Extract Constant exit_observer => "((unit -> unit) ref)".
+Axiom new_exit_observer: (unit -> ??unit) -> ??exit_observer.
+Extract Constant new_exit_observer => "ImpIOOracles.new_exit_observer".
+Axiom set_exit_observer: exit_observer * (unit -> ??unit) -> ??unit.
+Extract Constant set_exit_observer => "ImpIOOracles.set_exit_observer".
+Axiom exn: Type.
+Extract Inlined Constant exn => "exn".
+Axiom raise: forall {A}, exn -> ?? A.
+Extract Constant raise => "raise".
+Axiom exn2string: exn -> ?? pstring.
+Extract Constant exn2string => "ImpIOOracles.exn2string".
+Axiom fail: forall {A}, pstring -> ?? A.
+Extract Constant fail => "ImpIOOracles.fail".
+Axiom try_with_fail: forall {A}, (unit -> ?? A) * (pstring -> exn -> ??A) -> ??A.
+Extract Constant try_with_fail => "ImpIOOracles.try_with_fail".
+Axiom try_with_any: forall {A}, (unit -> ?? A) * (exn -> ??A) -> ??A.
+Extract Constant try_with_any => "ImpIOOracles.try_with_any".
+Notation "'RAISE' e" := (DO r <~ raise (A:=False) e ;; RET (match r with end)) (at level 0): impure_scope.
+Notation "'FAILWITH' msg" := (DO r <~ fail (A:=False) msg ;; RET (match r with end)) (at level 0): impure_scope.
+Definition _FAILWITH {A:Type} msg: ?? A := FAILWITH msg.
+Example _FAILWITH_correct A msg (P: A -> Prop):
+ WHEN _FAILWITH msg ~> r THEN P r.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Notation "'TRY' k1 'WITH_FAIL' s ',' e '=>' k2" := (try_with_fail (fun _ => k1, fun s e => k2))
+ (at level 55, k1 at level 53, right associativity): impure_scope.
+Notation "'TRY' k1 'WITH_ANY' e '=>' k2" := (try_with_any (fun _ => k1, fun e => k2))
+ (at level 55, k1 at level 53, right associativity): impure_scope.
+Program Definition assert_b (b: bool) (msg: pstring): ?? b=true :=
+ match b with
+ | true => RET _
+ | false => FAILWITH msg
+ end.
+Lemma assert_wlp_true msg b: WHEN assert_b b msg ~> _ THEN b=true.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Lemma assert_false_wlp msg (P: Prop): WHEN assert_b false msg ~> _ THEN P.
+ simpl; wlp_simplify.
+Program Definition try_catch_fail_ensure {A} (k1: unit -> ?? A) (k2: pstring -> exn -> ??A) (P: A -> Prop | wlp (k1 tt) P /\ (forall s e, wlp (k2 s e) P)): ?? { r | P r }
+ := TRY
+ DO r <~ mk_annot (k1 tt);;
+ RET (exist P r _)
+ WITH_FAIL s, e =>
+ DO r <~ mk_annot (k2 s e);;
+ RET (exist P r _).
+Obligation 2.
+ unfold wlp in * |- *; eauto.
+Notation "'TRY' k1 'CATCH_FAIL' s ',' e '=>' k2 'ENSURE' P" := (try_catch_fail_ensure (fun _ => k1) (fun s e => k2) (exist _ P _))
+ (at level 55, k1 at level 53, right associativity): impure_scope.
+Definition is_try_post {A} (P: A -> Prop) k1 k2 : Prop :=
+ wlp (k1 ()) P /\ forall (e:exn), wlp (k2 e) P.
+Program Definition try_catch_ensure {A} k1 k2 (P:A->Prop|is_try_post P k1 k2): ?? { r | P r }
+ := TRY
+ DO r <~ mk_annot (k1 ());;
+ RET (exist P r _)
+ WITH_ANY e =>
+ DO r <~ mk_annot (k2 e);;
+ RET (exist P r _).
+Obligation 1.
+ unfold is_try_post, wlp in * |- *; intuition eauto.
+Obligation 2.
+ unfold is_try_post, wlp in * |- *; intuition eauto.
+Notation "'TRY' k1 'CATCH' e '=>' k2 'ENSURE' P" := (try_catch_ensure (fun _ => k1) (fun e => k2) (exist _ P _))
+ (at level 55, k1 at level 53, right associativity): impure_scope.
+Program Example tryex {A} (x y:A) :=
+ TRY (RET x)
+ CATCH _ => (RET y)
+ ENSURE (fun r => r = x \/ r = y).
+Obligation 1.
+ split; wlp_simplify.
+Program Example tryex_test {A} (x y:A):
+ WHEN tryex x y ~> r THEN `r <> x -> `r = y.
+ wlp_simplify. destruct exta as [r [X|X]]; intuition.
+Program Example try_branch1 {A} (x:A): ?? { r | r = x} :=
+ TRY (RET x)
+ CATCH e => (FAILWITH "!")
+Obligation 1.
+ split; wlp_simplify.
+Program Example try_branch2 {A} (x:A): ?? { r | r = x} :=
+ CATCH e => (RET x)
+Obligation 1.
+ split; wlp_simplify.