path: root/kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v
diff options
authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-11-27 17:56:53 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-11-27 18:04:35 +0100
commited78594947276264beea0b608c2a101d9f31b18f (patch)
tree2b4c04d9a6fc5e531f38e6b7f4810241cfe49896 /kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v
parent63942e04b0fcb84d54f066122c31ca4c3aa99ad4 (diff)
parent43a7cc2a7305395b20d92b240362ddfdb43963ff (diff)
Merge branch 'kvx-test-prepass' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into aarch64-prepass+postpass
Diffstat (limited to 'kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v b/kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d5d7b2c..00000000
--- a/kvx/lib/Machblockgen.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-(* *************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
-(* David Monniaux CNRS, VERIMAG *)
-(* Cyril Six Kalray *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Kalray. Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
-(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *************************************************************)
-Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import Maps.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Integers.
-Require Import Values.
-Require Import Memory.
-Require Import Globalenvs.
-Require Import Events.
-Require Import Smallstep.
-Require Import Op.
-Require Import Locations.
-Require Import Conventions.
-Require Stacklayout.
-Require Import Mach.
-Require Import Linking.
-Require Import Machblock.
-(** * Tail-recursive (greedy) translation from Mach code to Machblock code *)
-Inductive Machblock_inst: Type :=
-| MB_label (lbl: label)
-| MB_basic (bi: basic_inst)
-| MB_cfi (cfi: control_flow_inst).
-Definition trans_inst (i:Mach.instruction) : Machblock_inst :=
- match i with
- | Mcall sig ros => MB_cfi (MBcall sig ros)
- | Mtailcall sig ros => MB_cfi (MBtailcall sig ros)
- | Mbuiltin ef args res => MB_cfi (MBbuiltin ef args res)
- | Mgoto lbl => MB_cfi (MBgoto lbl)
- | Mcond cond args lbl => MB_cfi (MBcond cond args lbl)
- | Mjumptable arg tbl => MB_cfi (MBjumptable arg tbl)
- | Mreturn => MB_cfi (MBreturn)
- | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => MB_basic (MBgetstack ofs ty dst)
- | Msetstack src ofs ty => MB_basic (MBsetstack src ofs ty)
- | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => MB_basic (MBgetparam ofs ty dst)
- | Mop op args res => MB_basic (MBop op args res)
- | Mload trap chunk addr args dst=> MB_basic (MBload trap chunk addr args dst)
- | Mstore chunk addr args src => MB_basic (MBstore chunk addr args src)
- | Mlabel l => MB_label l
- end.
-Definition empty_bblock:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := None |}.
-Extraction Inline empty_bblock.
-Definition add_label l bb:={| header := l::(header bb); body := (body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
-Extraction Inline add_label.
-Definition add_basic bi bb :={| header := nil; body := bi::(body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
-Extraction Inline add_basic.
-Definition cfi_bblock cfi:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := Some cfi |}.
-Extraction Inline cfi_bblock.
-Definition add_to_new_bblock (i:Machblock_inst) : bblock :=
- match i with
- | MB_label l => add_label l empty_bblock
- | MB_basic i => add_basic i empty_bblock
- | MB_cfi i => cfi_bblock i
- end.
-(** Adding an instruction to the beginning of a bblock list by
-- either adding the instruction to the head of the list,
-- or creating a new bblock with the instruction
-Definition add_to_code (i:Machblock_inst) (bl:code) : code :=
- match bl with
- | bh::bl0 => match i with
- | MB_label l => add_label l bh::bl0
- | MB_cfi i0 => cfi_bblock i0::bl
- | MB_basic i0 => match header bh with
- |_::_ => add_basic i0 empty_bblock::bl
- | nil => add_basic i0 bh::bl0
- end
- end
- | _ => add_to_new_bblock i::nil
- end.
-Fixpoint trans_code_rev (c: Mach.code) (bl:code) : code :=
- match c with
- | nil => bl
- | i::c0 =>
- trans_code_rev c0 (add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl)
- end.
-Function trans_code (c: Mach.code) : code :=
- trans_code_rev (List.rev_append c nil) nil.
-Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : function :=
- {| fn_sig:=Mach.fn_sig f;
- fn_code:=trans_code (Mach.fn_code f);
- fn_stacksize := Mach.fn_stacksize f;
- fn_link_ofs := Mach.fn_link_ofs f;
- fn_retaddr_ofs := Mach.fn_retaddr_ofs f
- |}.
-Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : fundef :=
- transf_fundef transf_function f.
-Definition transf_program (src: Mach.program) : program :=
- transform_program transf_fundef src.
-(** * Abstracting trans_code with a simpler inductive relation *)
-Inductive is_end_block: Machblock_inst -> code -> Prop :=
- | End_empty mbi: is_end_block mbi nil
- | End_basic bi bh bl: header bh <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_basic bi) (bh::bl)
- | End_cfi cfi bl: bl <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_cfi cfi) bl.
-Local Hint Resolve End_empty End_basic End_cfi: core.
-Inductive is_trans_code: Mach.code -> code -> Prop :=
- | Tr_nil: is_trans_code nil nil
- | Tr_end_block i c bl:
- is_trans_code c bl ->
- is_end_block (trans_inst i) bl ->
- is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_new_bblock (trans_inst i)::bl)
- | Tr_add_label i l bh c bl:
- is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
- i = Mlabel l ->
- is_trans_code (i::c) (add_label l bh::bl)
- | Tr_add_basic i bi bh c bl:
- is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
- trans_inst i = MB_basic bi ->
- header bh = nil ->
- is_trans_code (i::c) (add_basic bi bh::bl).
-Local Hint Resolve Tr_nil Tr_end_block: core.
-Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code i c bl:
- is_trans_code c bl ->
- is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl).
- destruct bl as [|bh0 bl]; cbn.
- - intro H. inversion H. subst. eauto.
- - remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
- destruct ti as [l|bi|cfi].
- + intros; eapply Tr_add_label; eauto. destruct i; cbn in * |- *; congruence.
- + intros. remember (header bh0) as hbh0. destruct hbh0 as [|b].
- * eapply Tr_add_basic; eauto.
- * cutrewrite (add_basic bi empty_bblock = add_to_new_bblock (MB_basic bi)); auto.
- rewrite Heqti; eapply Tr_end_block; eauto.
- rewrite <- Heqti. eapply End_basic. congruence.
- + intros.
- cutrewrite (cfi_bblock cfi = add_to_new_bblock (MB_cfi cfi)); auto.
- rewrite Heqti. eapply Tr_end_block; eauto.
- rewrite <- Heqti. eapply End_cfi. congruence.
-Local Hint Resolve add_to_code_is_trans_code: core.
-Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev c1: forall c2 mbi,
- is_trans_code c2 mbi ->
- is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) (trans_code_rev c1 mbi).
- induction c1 as [| i c1]; cbn; auto.
-Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code c: is_trans_code c (trans_code c).
- unfold trans_code.
- rewrite <- rev_alt.
- rewrite <- (rev_involutive c) at 1.
- rewrite rev_alt at 1.
- apply trans_code_is_trans_code_rev; auto.
-Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv i c bl:
- is_trans_code (i::c) bl -> exists bl0, is_trans_code c bl0 /\ bl = add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl0.
- intro H; inversion H as [|H0 H1 bl0| | H0 bi bh H1 bl0]; clear H; subst; (repeat econstructor); eauto.
- + (* case Tr_end_block *) inversion H3; subst; cbn; auto.
- * destruct (header bh); congruence.
- * destruct bl0; cbn; congruence.
- + (* case Tr_add_basic *) rewrite H3. cbn. destruct (header bh); congruence.
-Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev_inv c1: forall c2 mbi,
- is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) mbi ->
- exists mbi0, is_trans_code c2 mbi0 /\ mbi=trans_code_rev c1 mbi0.
- induction c1 as [| i c1]; cbn; eauto.
- intros; exploit IHc1; eauto.
- intros (mbi0 & H1 & H2); subst.
- exploit add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv; eauto.
- intros. destruct H0 as [mbi1 [H2 H3]].
- exists mbi1. split; congruence.
-Local Hint Resolve trans_code_is_trans_code: core.
-Theorem is_trans_code_inv c bl: is_trans_code c bl <-> bl=(trans_code c).
- constructor; intros; subst; auto.
- unfold trans_code.
- exploit (trans_code_is_trans_code_rev_inv (rev_append c nil) nil bl); eauto.
- * rewrite <- rev_alt.
- rewrite <- rev_alt.
- rewrite (rev_involutive c).
- apply H.
- * intros.
- destruct H0 as [mbi [H0 H1]].
- inversion H0. subst. reflexivity.