path: root/kvx
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authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-07-22 09:09:45 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-07-22 09:09:45 +0200
commit70618966a9ba8b3d0b5c5ec970ec71f1629fbedf (patch)
tree935824ed63933cdc333c60707a774fac5ad6949b /kvx
parentdf6ccab1280be1f5a47c3def1dd9cba0c91016dd (diff)
start a junk implementation of the pre-pass verifier
Diffstat (limited to 'kvx')
2 files changed, 590 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/lib/RTLpathSE_impl_junk.v b/kvx/lib/RTLpathSE_impl_junk.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ae21a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvx/lib/RTLpathSE_impl_junk.v
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+(** Implementation and refinement of the symbolic execution
+ *)
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath.
+Require Import Errors Duplicate.
+Require Import RTLpathSE_theory.
+Require Import Axioms.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Require Export Impure.ImpHCons.
+Export Notations.
+Import HConsing.
+(** * TODO: refine symbolic values/symbolic memories with hash-consed symbolic values *)
+(** * Implementation of local symbolic internal states
+TODO: use refined symbolic values instead of those from RTLpathSE_theory.
+(** name : Hash-consed Symbolic Internal state local. Later on we will use the
+ refinement to introduce hash consing *)
+Record hsistate_local :=
+ {
+ (** [hsi_lsmem] represents the list of smem symbolic evaluations.
+ The first one of the list is the current smem *)
+ hsi_lsmem:> list smem;
+ (** For the values in registers:
+ 1) we store a list of sval evaluations
+ 2) we encode the symbolic regset by a PTree *)
+ hsi_ok_lsval: list sval;
+ hsi_sreg:> PTree.t sval
+ }.
+Definition hsi_sreg_get (hst: PTree.t sval) r: sval :=
+ match PTree.get r hst with
+ | None => Sinput r
+ | Some sv => sv
+ end.
+Definition hsi_smem_get (hst: list smem): smem :=
+ match hst with
+ | nil => Sinit
+ | sm::_ => sm
+ end.
+(* Syntax and semantics of symbolic exit states *)
+(* TODO: add hash-consing *)
+Record hsistate_exit := mk_hsistate_exit
+ { hsi_cond: condition; hsi_scondargs: list_sval; hsi_elocal: hsistate_local; hsi_ifso: node }.
+(** * Syntax and Semantics of symbolic internal state *)
+Record hsistate := { hsi_pc: node; hsi_exits: list hsistate_exit; hsi_local: hsistate_local }.
+(** ** Assignment of memory *)
+Definition hslocal_set_smem (hst:hsistate_local) (sm:smem) :=
+ {| hsi_lsmem := sm::hsi_lsmem hst;
+ hsi_ok_lsval := hsi_ok_lsval hst;
+ hsi_sreg:= hsi_sreg hst
+ |}.
+(** ** Assignment of local state *)
+Definition hsist_set_local (hst: hsistate) (pc: node) (hnxt: hsistate_local): hsistate :=
+ {| hsi_pc := pc; hsi_exits := hst.(hsi_exits); hsi_local:= hnxt |}.
+(** ** Assignment of registers *)
+(* locally new symbolic values during symbolic execution *)
+Inductive root_sval: Type :=
+| Rop (op:operation)
+| Rload (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing)
+Definition root_apply (rsv: root_sval) (lsv: list sval) (sm: smem): sval :=
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op => Sop op (list_sval_inj lsv) sm
+ | Rload trap chunk addr => Sload sm trap chunk addr (list_sval_inj lsv)
+ end.
+Coercion root_apply: root_sval >-> Funclass.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+(* NB: return [false] if the rsv cannot fail *)
+Definition may_trap (rsv: root_sval) (lsv: list sval) (sm: smem): bool :=
+ match rsv with
+ | Rop op => is_trapping_op op ||| negb (Nat.eqb (length lsv) (args_of_operation op)) (* cf. lemma is_trapping_op_sound *)
+ | Rload TRAP _ _ => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+(* simplify a symbolic value before assignment to a register *)
+Definition simplify (rsv: root_sval) lsv sm: sval :=
+ match rsv with
+ | Rload TRAP chunk addr => Sload sm NOTRAP chunk addr (list_sval_inj lsv)
+ | Rop op =>
+ match is_move_operation op lsv with
+ | Some arg => arg (* optimization of Omove *)
+ | None =>
+ if op_depends_on_memory op then
+ rsv lsv sm
+ else
+ Sop op (list_sval_inj lsv) Sinit (* magically remove the dependency on sm ! *)
+ end
+ | _ => rsv lsv sm
+ end.
+Definition red_PTree_set (r:reg) (sv: sval) (hst: PTree.t sval): PTree.t sval :=
+ match sv with
+ | Sinput r' =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec r r'
+ then PTree.remove r' hst
+ else PTree.set r sv hst
+ | _ => PTree.set r sv hst
+ end.
+Definition hslocal_set_sreg (hst:hsistate_local) (r:reg) (rsv:root_sval) lsv sm :=
+ {| hsi_lsmem := hsi_lsmem hst;
+ hsi_ok_lsval := if may_trap rsv lsv sm then (rsv lsv sm)::(hsi_ok_lsval hst) else hsi_ok_lsval hst;
+ hsi_sreg := red_PTree_set r (simplify rsv lsv sm) (hsi_sreg hst) |}.
+(** ** Execution of one instruction *)
+Definition hsiexec_inst (i: instruction) (hst: hsistate): option hsistate :=
+ match i with
+ | Inop pc' =>
+ Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' hst.(hsi_local))
+ | Iop op args dst pc' =>
+ let prev := hst.(hsi_local) in
+ let vargs := List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args in
+ let next := hslocal_set_sreg prev dst (Rop op) vargs (hsi_smem_get prev) in
+ Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next)
+ | Iload trap chunk addr args dst pc' =>
+ let prev := hst.(hsi_local) in
+ let vargs := List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args in
+ let next := hslocal_set_sreg prev dst (Rload trap chunk addr) vargs (hsi_smem_get prev) in
+ Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next)
+ | Istore chunk addr args src pc' =>
+ let prev := hst.(hsi_local) in
+ let vargs := list_sval_inj (List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args) in
+ let next := hslocal_set_smem prev (Sstore (hsi_smem_get prev) chunk addr vargs (hsi_sreg_get prev src)) in
+ Some (hsist_set_local hst pc' next)
+ | Icond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ let prev := hst.(hsi_local) in
+ let vargs := list_sval_inj (List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args) in
+ let ex := {| hsi_cond:=cond; hsi_scondargs:=vargs; hsi_elocal := prev; hsi_ifso := ifso |} in
+ Some {| hsi_pc := ifnot; hsi_exits := ex::hst.(hsi_exits); hsi_local := prev |}
+ | _ => None (* TODO jumptable ? *)
+ end.
+Fixpoint hsiexec_path (path:nat) (f: function) (hst: hsistate): option hsistate :=
+ match path with
+ | O => Some hst
+ | S p =>
+ SOME i <- (fn_code f)!(hst.(hsi_pc)) IN
+ SOME hst1 <- hsiexec_inst i hst IN
+ hsiexec_path p f hst1
+ end.
+(* Definition hfinal_refines hfv fv := forall pge ge sp npc stk f rs0 m0 rs' m' t s',
+ ssem_final pge ge sp npc stk f rs0 m0 hfv rs' m' t s' <-> ssem_final pge ge sp npc stk f rs0 m0 fv rs' m' t s'. *)
+(* FIXME - too strong let's change it later.. *)
+Definition hfinal_refines (hfv fv: sfval) := hfv = fv.
+Record hsstate := { hinternal:> hsistate; hfinal: sfval }.
+Definition hsexec_final (i: instruction) (prev: hsistate_local): sfval :=
+ match i with
+ | Icall sig ros args res pc =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map (hsi_sreg_get prev) ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args) in
+ Scall sig svos sargs res pc
+ | Itailcall sig ros args =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map (hsi_sreg_get prev) ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map (hsi_sreg_get prev) args) in
+ Stailcall sig svos sargs
+ | Ibuiltin ef args res pc =>
+ let sargs := List.map (builtin_arg_inj (hsi_sreg_get prev)) args in
+ Sbuiltin ef sargs res pc
+ | Ireturn or =>
+ let sor := SOME r <- or IN Some (hsi_sreg_get prev r) in
+ Sreturn sor
+ | Ijumptable reg tbl =>
+ let sv := hsi_sreg_get prev reg in
+ Sjumptable sv tbl
+ | _ => Snone
+ end.
+Definition init_hsistate_local := {| hsi_lsmem := Sinit::nil; hsi_ok_lsval := nil; hsi_sreg := PTree.empty sval |}.
+Definition init_hsistate pc := {| hsi_pc := pc; hsi_exits := nil; hsi_local := init_hsistate_local |}.
+Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): option hsstate :=
+ SOME path <- (fn_path f)!pc IN
+ SOME hst <- hsiexec_path path.(psize) f (init_hsistate pc) IN
+ SOME i <- (fn_code f)!(hst.(hsi_pc)) IN
+ Some (match hsiexec_inst i hst with
+ | Some hst' => {| hinternal := hst'; hfinal := Snone |}
+ | None => {| hinternal := hst; hfinal := hsexec_final i hst.(hsi_local) |}
+ end).
+(** * The simulation test of concrete symbolic execution *)
+(* TODO - generalize it with a list of registers to test ? *)
+Definition hsilocal_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsistate_local) := OK tt.
+Definition revmap_check_single (dm: PTree.t node) (n tn: node) : res unit :=
+ match dm ! tn with
+ | None => Error (msg "revmap_check_single: no mapping for tn")
+ | Some res => if (Pos.eq_dec n res) then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "revmap_check_single: n and res do not match")
+ end.
+(* WARNING: ce code va bouger pas mal quand on aura le hash-consing ! *)
+Fixpoint sval_simub (sv1 sv2: sval) :=
+ match sv1 with
+ | Sinput r =>
+ match sv2 with
+ | Sinput r' => if (Pos.eq_dec r r') then OK tt else Error (msg "sval_simub: Sinput different registers")
+ | _ => Error (msg "sval_simub: Sinput expected")
+ end
+ | Sop op lsv sm =>
+ match sv2 with
+ | Sop op' lsv' sm' =>
+ if (eq_operation op op') then
+ do _ <- list_sval_simub lsv lsv';
+ smem_simub sm sm'
+ else Error (msg "sval_simub: different operations in Sop")
+ | _ => Error (msg "sval_simub: Sop expected")
+ end
+ | Sload sm trap chk addr lsv =>
+ match sv2 with
+ | Sload sm' trap' chk' addr' lsv' =>
+ if (trapping_mode_eq trap trap') then
+ if (chunk_eq chk chk') then
+ if (eq_addressing addr addr') then
+ do _ <- smem_simub sm sm';
+ list_sval_simub lsv lsv'
+ else Error (msg "sval_simub: addressings do not match")
+ else Error (msg "sval_simub: chunks do not match")
+ else Error (msg "sval_simub: trapping modes do not match")
+ (* FIXME - should be refined once we introduce non trapping loads *)
+ | _ => Error (msg "sval_simub: Sload expected")
+ end
+ end
+with list_sval_simub (lsv1 lsv2: list_sval) :=
+ match lsv1 with
+ | Snil =>
+ match lsv2 with
+ | Snil => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "list_sval_simub: lists of different lengths (lsv2 is bigger)")
+ end
+ | Scons sv1 lsv1 =>
+ match lsv2 with
+ | Snil => Error (msg "list_sval_simub: lists of different lengths (lsv1 is bigger)")
+ | Scons sv2 lsv2 =>
+ do _ <- sval_simub sv1 sv2;
+ list_sval_simub lsv1 lsv2
+ end
+ end
+with smem_simub (sm1 sm2: smem) :=
+ match sm1 with
+ | Sinit =>
+ match sm2 with
+ | Sinit => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "smem_simub: Sinit expected")
+ end
+ | Sstore sm chk addr lsv sv =>
+ match sm2 with
+ | Sstore sm' chk' addr' lsv' sv' =>
+ if (chunk_eq chk chk') then
+ if (eq_addressing addr addr') then
+ do _ <- smem_simub sm sm';
+ do _ <- list_sval_simub lsv lsv';
+ sval_simub sv sv'
+ else Error (msg "smem_simub: addressings do not match")
+ else Error (msg "smem_simub: chunks not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "smem_simub: Sstore expected")
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma sval_simub_correct sv1: forall sv2,
+ sval_simub sv1 sv2 = OK tt -> sv1 = sv2.
+ induction sv1 using sval_mut with
+ (P0 := fun lsv1 => forall lsv2, list_sval_simub lsv1 lsv2 = OK tt -> lsv1 = lsv2)
+ (P1 := fun sm1 => forall sm2, smem_simub sm1 sm2 = OK tt -> sm1 = sm2); simpl; auto.
+ (* Sinput *)
+ - destruct sv2; try discriminate.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); [congruence|discriminate].
+ (* Sop *)
+ - destruct sv2; try discriminate.
+ destruct (eq_operation _ _); [|discriminate]. subst.
+ intro. explore. apply IHsv1 in EQ. apply IHsv0 in EQ0. congruence.
+ (* Sload *)
+ - destruct sv2; try discriminate.
+ destruct (trapping_mode_eq _ _); [|discriminate].
+ destruct (chunk_eq _ _); [|discriminate].
+ destruct (eq_addressing _ _); [|discriminate].
+ intro. explore. assert (sm = sm0) by auto. assert (lsv = lsv0) by auto.
+ congruence.
+ (* Snil *)
+ - destruct lsv2; [|discriminate]. congruence.
+ (* Scons *)
+ - destruct lsv2; [discriminate|]. intro. explore.
+ apply IHsv1 in EQ. apply IHsv0 in EQ0. congruence.
+ (* Sinit *)
+ - destruct sm2; [|discriminate]. congruence.
+ (* Sstore *)
+ - destruct sm2; [discriminate|].
+ destruct (chunk_eq _ _); [|discriminate].
+ destruct (eq_addressing _ _); [|discriminate].
+ intro. explore.
+ assert (sm = sm2) by auto. assert (lsv = lsv0) by auto. assert (sv1 = srce) by auto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma list_sval_simub_correct lsv1: forall lsv2,
+ list_sval_simub lsv1 lsv2 = OK tt -> lsv1 = lsv2.
+ induction lsv1; simpl; auto.
+ - destruct lsv2; try discriminate. reflexivity.
+ - destruct lsv2; try discriminate. intro. explore.
+ apply sval_simub_correct in EQ. assert (lsv1 = lsv2) by auto.
+ congruence.
+Definition hsiexit_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hse1 hse2: hsistate_exit) :=
+ if (eq_condition (hsi_cond hse1) (hsi_cond hse2)) then
+ do _ <- list_sval_simub (hsi_scondargs hse1) (hsi_scondargs hse2);
+ do _ <- hsilocal_simub dm f (hsi_elocal hse1) (hsi_elocal hse2);
+ revmap_check_single dm (hsi_ifso hse1) (hsi_ifso hse2)
+ else Error (msg "siexit_simub: conditions do not match")
+Fixpoint hsiexits_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (lhse1 lhse2: list hsistate_exit) :=
+ match lhse1 with
+ | nil =>
+ match lhse2 with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "siexists_simub: sle1 and sle2 lengths do not match")
+ end
+ | hse1 :: lhse1 =>
+ match lhse2 with
+ | nil => Error (msg "siexits_simub: sle1 and sle2 lengths do not match")
+ | hse2 :: lhse2 =>
+ do _ <- hsiexit_simub dm f hse1 hse2;
+ do _ <- hsiexits_simub dm f lhse1 lhse2;
+ OK tt
+ end
+ end.
+Definition hsistate_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsistate) :=
+ do _ <- hsilocal_simub dm f (hsi_local hst1) (hsi_local hst2);
+ do _ <- hsiexits_simub dm f (hsi_exits hst1) (hsi_exits hst2);
+ OK tt.
+Fixpoint revmap_check_list (dm: PTree.t node) (ln ln': list node): res unit :=
+ match ln with
+ | nil =>
+ match ln' with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "revmap_check_list: lists have different lengths")
+ end
+ | n::ln =>
+ match ln' with
+ | nil => Error (msg "revmap_check_list: lists have different lengths")
+ | n'::ln' => do _ <- revmap_check_single dm n n'; revmap_check_list dm ln ln'
+ end
+ end.
+Definition svos_simub (svos1 svos2: sval + ident) :=
+ match svos1 with
+ | inl sv1 =>
+ match svos2 with
+ | inl sv2 => sval_simub sv1 sv2
+ | _ => Error (msg "svos_simub: expected sval")
+ end
+ | inr id1 =>
+ match svos2 with
+ | inr id2 =>
+ if (ident_eq id1 id2) then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "svos_simub: ids do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "svos_simub: expected id")
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint builtin_arg_simub (bs bs': builtin_arg sval) :=
+ match bs with
+ | BA sv =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA sv' => sval_simub sv sv'
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA expected")
+ end
+ | BA_int n =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_int n' => if (Integers.int_eq n n') then OK tt else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: integers do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "buitin_arg_simub: BA_int expected")
+ end
+ | BA_long n =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_long n' => if (int64_eq n n') then OK tt else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: integers do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "buitin_arg_simub: BA_long expected")
+ end
+ | BA_float f =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_float f' => if (float_eq f f') then OK tt else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: floats do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_float expected")
+ end
+ | BA_single f =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_single f' => if (float32_eq f f') then OK tt else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: floats do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_single expected")
+ end
+ | BA_loadstack chk ptr =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_loadstack chk' ptr' =>
+ if (chunk_eq chk chk') then
+ if (ptrofs_eq ptr ptr') then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: ptr do not match")
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: chunks do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_loadstack expected")
+ end
+ | BA_addrstack ptr =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_addrstack ptr' => if (ptrofs_eq ptr ptr') then OK tt else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: ptr do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_addrstack expected")
+ end
+ | BA_loadglobal chk id ofs =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_loadglobal chk' id' ofs' =>
+ if (chunk_eq chk chk') then
+ if (ident_eq id id') then
+ if (ptrofs_eq ofs ofs') then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: offsets do not match")
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: identifiers do not match")
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: chunks do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_loadglobal expected")
+ end
+ | BA_addrglobal id ofs =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_addrglobal id' ofs' =>
+ if (ident_eq id id') then
+ if (ptrofs_eq ofs ofs') then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: offsets do not match")
+ else Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: identifiers do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_addrglobal expected")
+ end
+ | BA_splitlong lo hi =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_splitlong lo' hi' => do _ <- builtin_arg_simub lo lo'; builtin_arg_simub hi hi'
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_splitlong expected")
+ end
+ | BA_addptr b1 b2 =>
+ match bs' with
+ | BA_addptr b1' b2' => do _ <- builtin_arg_simub b1 b1'; builtin_arg_simub b2 b2'
+ | _ => Error (msg "builtin_arg_simub: BA_addptr expected")
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint list_builtin_arg_simub lbs1 lbs2 :=
+ match lbs1 with
+ | nil =>
+ match lbs2 with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | _ => Error (msg "list_builtin_arg_simub: lists of different lengths (lbs2 is bigger)")
+ end
+ | bs1::lbs1 =>
+ match lbs2 with
+ | nil => Error (msg "list_builtin_arg_simub: lists of different lengths (lbs1 is bigger)")
+ | bs2::lbs2 =>
+ do _ <- builtin_arg_simub bs1 bs2;
+ list_builtin_arg_simub lbs1 lbs2
+ end
+ end.
+(* WARNING: ce code va bouger pas mal quand on aura le hash-consing ! *)
+Definition sfval_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (pc1 pc2: node) (fv1 fv2: sfval) :=
+ match fv1 with
+ | Snone =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Snone => revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Snone expected")
+ end
+ | Scall sig svos lsv res pc1 =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Scall sig2 svos2 lsv2 res2 pc2 =>
+ do _ <- revmap_check_single dm pc1 pc2;
+ if (signature_eq sig sig2) then
+ if (Pos.eq_dec res res2) then
+ do _ <- svos_simub svos svos2;
+ list_sval_simub lsv lsv2
+ else Error (msg "sfval_simub: Scall res do not match")
+ else Error (msg "sfval_simub: Scall different signatures")
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Scall expected")
+ end
+ | Stailcall sig svos lsv =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Stailcall sig' svos' lsv' =>
+ if (signature_eq sig sig') then
+ do _ <- svos_simub svos svos';
+ list_sval_simub lsv lsv'
+ else Error (msg "sfval_simub: signatures do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Stailcall expected")
+ end
+ | Sbuiltin ef lbs br pc =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Sbuiltin ef' lbs' br' pc' =>
+ if (external_function_eq ef ef') then
+ if (builtin_res_eq_pos br br') then
+ do _ <- revmap_check_single dm pc pc';
+ list_builtin_arg_simub lbs lbs'
+ else Error (msg "sfval_simub: builtin res do not match")
+ else Error (msg "sfval_simub: external functions do not match")
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Sbuiltin expected")
+ end
+ | Sjumptable sv ln =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Sjumptable sv' ln' =>
+ do _ <- revmap_check_list dm ln ln'; sval_simub sv sv'
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Sjumptable expected")
+ end
+ | Sreturn osv =>
+ match fv2 with
+ | Sreturn osv' =>
+ match osv with
+ | Some sv =>
+ match osv' with
+ | Some sv' => sval_simub sv sv'
+ | None => Error (msg "sfval_simub sv' expected")
+ end
+ | None =>
+ match osv' with
+ | Some sv' => Error (msg "None expected")
+ | None => OK tt
+ end
+ end
+ | _ => Error (msg "sfval_simub: Sreturn expected")
+ end
+ end.
+Definition hsstate_simub (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (hst1 hst2: hsstate) :=
+ do u1 <- hsistate_simub dm f (hinternal hst1) (hinternal hst2);
+ do u2 <- sfval_simub dm f (hsi_pc hst1) (hsi_pc hst2) (hfinal hst1) (hfinal hst2);
+ OK tt.
+Definition simu_check_single (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) (m: node * node) :=
+ let (pc2, pc1) := m in
+ match (hsexec f pc1) with
+ | None => Error (msg "simu_check_single: hsexec f pc1 failed")
+ | Some hst1 =>
+ match (hsexec tf pc2) with
+ | None => Error (msg "simu_check_single: hsexec tf pc2 failed")
+ | Some hst2 => hsstate_simub dm f hst1 hst2
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint simu_check_rec (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) lm :=
+ match lm with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | m :: lm => do u1 <- simu_check_single dm f tf m;
+ do u2 <- simu_check_rec dm f tf lm;
+ OK tt
+ end.
+Definition simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) :=
+ simu_check_rec dm f tf (PTree.elements dm).
+Definition simu_check (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) := OK tt.
+Lemma simu_check_correct dm f tf:
+ simu_check dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+Admitted. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kvx/lib/RTLpathScheduler.v b/kvx/lib/RTLpathScheduler.v
index 5a1c7f1c..b70c1685 100644
--- a/kvx/lib/RTLpathScheduler.v
+++ b/kvx/lib/RTLpathScheduler.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This module is inspired from [Duplicate] and [Duplicateproof]
Require Import AST Linking Values Maps Globalenvs Smallstep Registers.
Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Errors Op.
-Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathSE_impl.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathSE_impl_junk.
Notation "'ASSERT' A 'WITH' MSG 'IN' B" := (if A then B else Error (msg MSG))