path: root/lib/Inclusion.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-06-17 12:37:51 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-06-17 12:37:51 +0000
commit754ecb6217617ee3580922332edf97e41a3b5177 (patch)
tree65ed74cd2728c5ebc6a94f98ae22dc765b643e68 /lib/Inclusion.v
parent058d0971b27d5f64c76d96c710eedb0eaca5c457 (diff)
Update LICENSE file and headers for dual-licensed files.
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2280 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Inclusion.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Inclusion.v b/lib/Inclusion.v
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index 77f5d849..00000000
--- a/lib/Inclusion.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(** Tactics to reason about list inclusion. *)
-(** This file (contributed by Laurence Rideau) defines a tactic [in_tac]
- to reason over list inclusion. It expects goals of the following form:
- id : In x l1
- ============================
- In x l2
-and succeeds if it can prove that [l1] is included in [l2].
-The lists [l1] and [l2] must belong to the following sub-language [L]
- L ::= L++L | E | E::L
-The tactic uses no extra fact.
-A second tactic, [incl_tac], handles goals of the form
- =============================
- incl l1 l2
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Bool.
-Require Import ArithRing.
-Ltac all_app e :=
- match e with
- | cons ?x nil => constr:(cons x nil)
- | cons ?x ?tl =>
- let v := all_app tl in constr:(app (cons x nil) v)
- | app ?e1 ?e2 =>
- let v1 := all_app e1 with v2 := all_app e2 in
- constr:(app v1 v2)
- | _ => e
- end.
-(** This data type, [flatten], [insert_bin], [sort_bin] and a few theorem
- are taken from the CoqArt book, chapt. 16. *)
-Inductive bin : Type := node : bin->bin->bin | leaf : nat->bin.
-Fixpoint flatten_aux (t fin:bin){struct t} : bin :=
- match t with
- | node t1 t2 => flatten_aux t1 (flatten_aux t2 fin)
- | x => node x fin
- end.
-Fixpoint flatten (t:bin) : bin :=
- match t with
- | node t1 t2 => flatten_aux t1 (flatten t2)
- | x => x
- end.
-Fixpoint nat_le_bool (n m:nat){struct m} : bool :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => true
- | S _, O => false
- | S n, S m => nat_le_bool n m
- end.
-Fixpoint insert_bin (n:nat)(t:bin){struct t} : bin :=
- match t with
- | leaf m =>
- if nat_le_bool n m then
- node (leaf n)(leaf m)
- else
- node (leaf m)(leaf n)
- | node (leaf m) t' =>
- if nat_le_bool n m then node (leaf n) t else node (leaf m)(insert_bin n t')
- | t => node (leaf n) t
- end.
-Fixpoint sort_bin (t:bin) : bin :=
- match t with
- | node (leaf n) t' => insert_bin n (sort_bin t')
- | t => t
- end.
-Section assoc_eq.
- Variables (A : Type)(f : A->A->A).
- Hypothesis assoc : forall x y z:A, f x (f y z) = f (f x y) z.
- Fixpoint bin_A (l:list A)(def:A)(t:bin){struct t} : A :=
- match t with
- | node t1 t2 => f (bin_A l def t1)(bin_A l def t2)
- | leaf n => nth n l def
- end.
- Theorem flatten_aux_valid_A :
- forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t t':bin),
- f (bin_A l def t)(bin_A l def t') = bin_A l def (flatten_aux t t').
- Proof.
- intros l def t; elim t; simpl; auto.
- intros t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 t'; rewrite <- IHt1; rewrite <- IHt2.
- symmetry; apply assoc.
- Qed.
- Theorem flatten_valid_A :
- forall (l:list A)(def:A)(t:bin),
- bin_A l def t = bin_A l def (flatten t).
- Proof.
- intros l def t; elim t; simpl; trivial.
- intros t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2; rewrite <- flatten_aux_valid_A; rewrite <- IHt2.
- trivial.
- Qed.
-End assoc_eq.
-Ltac compute_rank l n v :=
- match l with
- | (cons ?X1 ?X2) =>
- let tl := constr:X2 in
- match constr:(X1 = v) with
- | (?X1 = ?X1) => n
- | _ => compute_rank tl (S n) v
- end
- end.
-Ltac term_list_app l v :=
- match v with
- | (app ?X1 ?X2) =>
- let l1 := term_list_app l X2 in term_list_app l1 X1
- | ?X1 => constr:(cons X1 l)
- end.
-Ltac model_aux_app l v :=
- match v with
- | (app ?X1 ?X2) =>
- let r1 := model_aux_app l X1 with r2 := model_aux_app l X2 in
- constr:(node r1 r2)
- | ?X1 => let n := compute_rank l 0 X1 in constr:(leaf n)
- | _ => constr:(leaf 0)
- end.
-Theorem In_permute_app_head :
- forall A:Type, forall r:A, forall x y l:list A,
- In r (x++y++l) -> In r (y++x++l).
-intros A r x y l; generalize r; change (incl (x++y++l)(y++x++l)).
-repeat rewrite ass_app; auto with datatypes.
-Theorem insert_bin_included :
- forall x:nat, forall t2:bin,
- forall (A:Type) (r:A) (l:list (list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def (insert_bin x t2)) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def (node (leaf x) t2)).
-intros x t2; induction t2.
-intros A r l def.
-destruct t2_1 as [t2_11 t2_12|y].
-repeat rewrite app_ass.
-simpl; repeat rewrite app_ass.
-simpl; case (nat_le_bool x y); simpl.
-intros H; apply In_permute_app_head.
-elim in_app_or with (1:= H); clear H; intros H.
-apply in_or_app; left; assumption.
-apply in_or_app; right;apply (IHt2_2 A r l);assumption.
-intros A r l def; simpl.
-case (nat_le_bool x n); simpl.
-intros H.
-rewrite (app_nil_end (nth x l def)) in H.
-rewrite (app_nil_end (nth n l def)).
-apply In_permute_app_head; assumption.
-Theorem in_or_insert_bin :
- forall (n:nat) (t2:bin) (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list (list A)) (def:list A),
- In r (nth n l def) \/ In r (bin_A (list A)(app (A:=A)) l def t2) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A)(app (A:=A)) l def (insert_bin n t2)).
-intros n t2 A r l def; induction t2.
-destruct t2_1 as [t2_11 t2_12| y].
-simpl; apply in_or_app.
-simpl; case (nat_le_bool n y); simpl.
-intros H.
-apply in_or_app.
-exact H.
-intros [H|H].
-apply in_or_app; right; apply IHt2_2; auto.
-elim in_app_or with (1:= H);clear H; intros H; apply in_or_app; auto.
-simpl; intros [H|H]; case (nat_le_bool n n0); simpl; apply in_or_app; auto.
-Theorem sort_included :
- forall t:bin, forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def (sort_bin t)) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def t).
-induction t.
-destruct t1.
-simpl;intros; assumption.
-intros A r l def H; simpl in H; apply insert_bin_included.
-generalize (insert_bin_included _ _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intros H.
-simpl in H.
-elim in_app_or with (1 := H);clear H; intros H;
-apply in_or_insert_bin; auto.
-Theorem sort_included2 :
- forall t:bin, forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def t) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def (sort_bin t)).
-induction t.
-destruct t1.
-simpl; intros; assumption.
-intros A r l def H; simpl in H.
-simpl; apply in_or_insert_bin.
-elim in_app_or with (1:= H); auto.
-simpl; auto.
-Theorem in_remove_head :
- forall (A:Type)(x:A)(l1 l2 l3:list A),
- In x (l1++l2) -> (In x l2 -> In x l3) -> In x (l1++l3).
-intros A x l1 l2 l3 H H1.
-elim in_app_or with (1:= H);clear H; intros H; apply in_or_app; auto.
-Fixpoint check_all_leaves (n:nat)(t:bin) {struct t} : bool :=
- match t with
- leaf n1 => nateq n n1
- | node t1 t2 => andb (check_all_leaves n t1)(check_all_leaves n t2)
- end.
-Fixpoint remove_all_leaves (n:nat)(t:bin){struct t} : bin :=
- match t with
- leaf n => leaf n
- | node (leaf n1) t2 =>
- if nateq n n1 then remove_all_leaves n t2 else t
- | _ => t
- end.
-Fixpoint test_inclusion (t1 t2:bin) {struct t1} : bool :=
- match t1 with
- leaf n => check_all_leaves n t2
- | node (leaf n1) t1' =>
- check_all_leaves n1 t2 || test_inclusion t1' (remove_all_leaves n1 t2)
- | _ => false
- end.
-Theorem check_all_leaves_sound :
- forall x t2,
- check_all_leaves x t2 = true ->
- forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app (A:=A)) l def t2) ->
- In r (nth x l def).
-intros x t2; induction t2; simpl.
-destruct (check_all_leaves x t2_1);
-destruct (check_all_leaves x t2_2); simpl; intros Heq; try discriminate.
-intros A r l def H; elim in_app_or with (1:= H); clear H; intros H; auto.
-intros Heq A r l def; rewrite (nateq_prop x n); auto.
-rewrite Heq; unfold Is_true; auto.
-Theorem remove_all_leaves_sound :
- forall x t2,
- forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app(A:=A)) l def t2) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app(A:=A)) l def (remove_all_leaves x t2)) \/
- In r (nth x l def).
-intros x t2; induction t2; simpl.
-destruct t2_1.
-simpl; auto.
-intros A r l def.
-generalize (refl_equal (nateq x n)); pattern (nateq x n) at -1;
- case (nateq x n); simpl; auto.
-intros Heq_nateq.
-assert (Heq_xn : x=n).
-apply nateq_prop; rewrite Heq_nateq;unfold Is_true;auto.
-rewrite Heq_xn.
-intros H; elim in_app_or with (1:= H); auto.
-clear H; intros H.
-rewrite Heq_xn in IHt2_2; auto.
-Theorem test_inclusion_sound :
- forall t1 t2:bin,
- test_inclusion t1 t2 = true ->
- forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A)(app(A:=A)) l def t2) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A)(app(A:=A)) l def t1).
-intros t1; induction t1.
-destruct t1_1 as [t1_11 t1_12|x].
-simpl; intros; discriminate.
-simpl; intros t2 Heq A r l def H.
- (check_all_leaves x t2 = true \/
- test_inclusion t1_2 (remove_all_leaves x t2) = true).
-destruct (check_all_leaves x t2);
-destruct (test_inclusion t1_2 (remove_all_leaves x t2));
-simpl in Heq; try discriminate Heq; auto.
-elim H0; clear H0; intros H0.
-apply in_or_app; left; apply check_all_leaves_sound with (1:= H0); auto.
-elim remove_all_leaves_sound with (x:=x)(1:= H); intros H'.
-apply in_or_app; right; apply IHt1_2 with (1:= H0); auto.
-apply in_or_app; auto.
-simpl; apply check_all_leaves_sound.
-Theorem inclusion_theorem :
- forall t1 t2 : bin,
- test_inclusion (sort_bin (flatten t1)) (sort_bin (flatten t2)) = true ->
- forall (A:Type)(r:A)(l:list(list A))(def:list A),
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app(A:=A)) l def t2) ->
- In r (bin_A (list A) (app(A:=A)) l def t1).
-intros t1 t2 Heq A r l def H.
-rewrite flatten_valid_A with (t:= t1)(1:= (ass_app (A:= A))).
-apply sort_included.
-apply test_inclusion_sound with (t2 := sort_bin (flatten t2)).
-apply sort_included2.
-rewrite <- flatten_valid_A with (1:= (ass_app (A:= A))).
-Ltac in_tac :=
- match goal with
- | id : In ?x nil |- _ => elim id
- | id : In ?x ?l1 |- In ?x ?l2 =>
- let t := type of x in
- let v1 := all_app l1 in
- let v2 := all_app l2 in
- (let l := term_list_app (nil (A:=list t)) v2 in
- let term1 := model_aux_app l v1 with
- term2 := model_aux_app l v2 in
- (change (In x (bin_A (list t) (app(A:=t)) l (nil(A:=t)) term2));
- apply inclusion_theorem with (t2:= term1);[apply refl_equal|exact id]))
- end.
-Ltac incl_tac :=
- match goal with
- |- incl _ _ => intro; intro; in_tac
- end.
-(* Usage examples.
-Theorem ex1 : forall x y z:nat, forall l1 l2 : list nat,
- In x (y::l1++l2) -> In x (l2++z::l1++(y::nil)).
-Fixpoint mklist (f:nat->nat)(n:nat){struct n} : list nat :=
- match n with 0 => nil | S p => mklist f p++(f p::nil) end.
-(* At the time of writing these lines, this example takes about 5 seconds
- for 40 elements and 22 seconds for 60 elements.
- A variant to the example is to replace mklist f p++(f p::nil) with
- f p::mklist f p, in this case the time is 6 seconds for 40 elements and
- 35 seconds for 60 elements. *)
-Theorem ex2 :
- forall x : nat, In x (mklist (fun y => y) 40) ->
- In x (mklist (fun y => (40 - 1) - y) 40).
-lazy beta iota zeta delta [mklist minus].
-(* The tactic could be made more efficient by using binary trees and
- numbers of type positive instead of lists and natural numbers. *)