path: root/lib/UnionFind.v
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authorBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-20 13:32:18 +0200
committerBernhard Schommer <bernhardschommer@gmail.com>2015-10-20 13:32:18 +0200
commit4d542bc7eafadb16b845cf05d1eb4988eb55ed0f (patch)
tree1961b41815fc6e392cc0bd2beeb0fb504bc160ce /lib/UnionFind.v
parent7a6bb90048db7a254e959b1e3c308bac5fe6c418 (diff)
Updated PR by removing whitespaces. Bug 17450.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/UnionFind.v')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lib/UnionFind.v b/lib/UnionFind.v
index 46a886ea..76dd6b31 100644
--- a/lib/UnionFind.v
+++ b/lib/UnionFind.v
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Module Type UNIONFIND.
Hypothesis sameclass_union_3:
forall uf a b x y,
sameclass (union uf a b) x y ->
- sameclass uf x y
+ sameclass uf x y
\/ sameclass uf x a /\ sameclass uf y b
\/ sameclass uf x b /\ sameclass uf y a.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Module Type UNIONFIND.
pathlen (merge uf a b) x =
if elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
pathlen uf x
- else if elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ else if elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
pathlen uf x + pathlen uf b + 1
pathlen uf x.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Definition t := unionfind.
Definition getlink (m: M.t elt) (a: elt) : {a' | M.get a m = Some a'} + {M.get a m = None}.
- destruct (M.get a m). left. exists e; auto. right; auto.
+ destruct (M.get a m). left. exists e; auto. right; auto.
(* The canonical representative of an element *)
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ Definition repr (a: elt) : elt := Fix uf.(mwf) (fun _ => elt) F_repr a.
Lemma repr_unroll:
forall a, repr a = match M.get a uf.(m) with Some a' => repr a' | None => a end.
- intros. unfold repr at 1. rewrite Fix_eq.
- unfold F_repr. destruct (getlink uf.(m) a) as [[a' P] | Q].
+ intros. unfold repr at 1. rewrite Fix_eq.
+ unfold F_repr. destruct (getlink uf.(m) a) as [[a' P] | Q].
rewrite P; auto.
rewrite Q; auto.
- intros. unfold F_repr. destruct (getlink (m uf) x) as [[a' P] | Q]; auto.
+ intros. unfold F_repr. destruct (getlink (m uf) x) as [[a' P] | Q]; auto.
Lemma repr_none:
@@ -187,36 +187,36 @@ Lemma repr_none:
M.get a uf.(m) = None ->
repr a = a.
- intros. rewrite repr_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
+ intros. rewrite repr_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
Lemma repr_some:
- forall a a',
+ forall a a',
M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' ->
repr a = repr a'.
- intros. rewrite repr_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
+ intros. rewrite repr_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
Lemma repr_res_none:
forall (a: elt), M.get (repr a) uf.(m) = None.
- apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf)). intros.
+ apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf)). intros.
rewrite repr_unroll. destruct (M.get x (m uf)) as [y|] eqn:X; auto.
Lemma repr_canonical:
forall (a: elt), repr (repr a) = repr a.
- intros. apply repr_none. apply repr_res_none.
+ intros. apply repr_none. apply repr_res_none.
Lemma repr_some_diff:
forall a a', M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' -> a <> repr a'.
- intros; red; intros.
- assert (repr a = a). rewrite (repr_some a a'); auto.
- assert (M.get a uf.(m) = None). rewrite <- H1. apply repr_res_none.
+ intros; red; intros.
+ assert (repr a = a). rewrite (repr_some a a'); auto.
+ assert (M.get a uf.(m) = None). rewrite <- H1. apply repr_res_none.
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ Remark identify_Acc_b:
induction 1; intros. constructor; intros.
rewrite identify_order in H2. destruct H2 as [A | [A B]].
- apply H0; auto. rewrite <- (repr_some uf _ _ A). auto.
+ apply H0; auto. rewrite <- (repr_some uf _ _ A). auto.
subst. elim H1. apply repr_none. auto.
Remark identify_Acc:
forall x,
@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ Proof.
induction 1. constructor; intros.
rewrite identify_order in H1. destruct H1 as [A | [A B]].
- subst. apply identify_Acc_b; auto. apply uf.(mwf).
+ subst. apply identify_Acc_b; auto. apply uf.(mwf).
Lemma identify_wf:
well_founded (order (M.set a b uf.(m))).
- red; intros. apply identify_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
+ red; intros. apply identify_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
Definition identify := mk (M.set a b uf.(m)) identify_wf.
@@ -323,11 +323,11 @@ Lemma repr_identify_1:
forall x, repr uf x <> a -> repr identify x = repr uf x.
intros x0; pattern x0. apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf)); intros.
- rewrite (repr_unroll uf) in *.
+ rewrite (repr_unroll uf) in *.
destruct (M.get x (m uf)) as [a'|] eqn:X.
rewrite <- H; auto.
apply repr_some. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto. congruence.
- apply repr_none. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ apply repr_none. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
Lemma repr_identify_2:
@@ -335,9 +335,9 @@ Lemma repr_identify_2:
intros x0; pattern x0. apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf)); intros.
rewrite (repr_unroll uf) in H0. destruct (M.get x (m uf)) as [a'|] eqn:X.
- rewrite <- (H a'); auto.
+ rewrite <- (H a'); auto.
apply repr_some. simpl. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto. congruence.
- subst x. rewrite (repr_unroll identify). simpl. rewrite M.gsspec.
+ subst x. rewrite (repr_unroll identify). simpl. rewrite M.gsspec.
rewrite dec_eq_true. apply repr_identify_1. auto.
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ End IDENTIFY.
Remark union_not_same_class:
forall uf a b, repr uf a <> repr uf b -> repr uf (repr uf b) <> repr uf a.
- intros. rewrite repr_canonical. auto.
+ intros. rewrite repr_canonical. auto.
Definition union (uf: t) (a b: elt) : t :=
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma sameclass_union_3:
forall uf a b x y,
sameclass (union uf a b) x y ->
- sameclass uf x y
+ sameclass uf x y
\/ sameclass uf x a /\ sameclass uf y b
\/ sameclass uf x b /\ sameclass uf y a.
@@ -448,14 +448,14 @@ Definition path_ord (uf: t) : elt -> elt -> Prop := order uf.(m).
Lemma path_ord_wellfounded:
forall uf, well_founded (path_ord uf).
- intros. apply mwf.
+ intros. apply mwf.
Lemma path_ord_canonical:
forall uf x y, repr uf x = x -> ~path_ord uf y x.
intros; red; intros. hnf in H0.
- assert (M.get x (m uf) = None). rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
+ assert (M.get x (m uf) = None). rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
@@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ Lemma path_ord_merge_1:
forall uf a b x y,
path_ord uf x y -> path_ord (merge uf a b) x y.
- intros. unfold merge.
+ intros. unfold merge.
destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
- red. simpl. red. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false. apply H.
+ red. simpl. red. rewrite M.gsspec. rewrite dec_eq_false. apply H.
red; intros. hnf in H. generalize (repr_res_none uf a). congruence.
@@ -497,11 +497,11 @@ Definition pathlen (a: elt) : nat := Fix uf.(mwf) (fun _ => nat) F_pathlen a.
Lemma pathlen_unroll:
forall a, pathlen a = match M.get a uf.(m) with Some a' => S(pathlen a') | None => O end.
- intros. unfold pathlen at 1. rewrite Fix_eq.
- unfold F_pathlen. destruct (getlink uf.(m) a) as [[a' P] | Q].
+ intros. unfold pathlen at 1. rewrite Fix_eq.
+ unfold F_pathlen. destruct (getlink uf.(m) a) as [[a' P] | Q].
rewrite P; auto.
rewrite Q; auto.
- intros. unfold F_pathlen. destruct (getlink (m uf) x) as [[a' P] | Q]; auto.
+ intros. unfold F_pathlen. destruct (getlink (m uf) x) as [[a' P] | Q]; auto.
Lemma pathlen_none:
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ Lemma pathlen_none:
M.get a uf.(m) = None ->
pathlen a = 0.
- intros. rewrite pathlen_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
+ intros. rewrite pathlen_unroll. rewrite H; auto.
Lemma pathlen_some:
- forall a a',
+ forall a a',
M.get a uf.(m) = Some a' ->
pathlen a = S (pathlen a').
@@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ Lemma pathlen_zero:
forall a, repr uf a = a <-> pathlen a = O.
intros; split; intros.
- apply pathlen_none. rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
- apply repr_none. rewrite pathlen_unroll in H.
+ apply pathlen_none. rewrite <- H. apply repr_res_none.
+ apply repr_none. rewrite pathlen_unroll in H.
destruct (M.get a (m uf)); congruence.
@@ -538,27 +538,27 @@ Lemma pathlen_merge:
pathlen (merge uf a b) x =
if M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
pathlen uf x
- else if M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ else if M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
pathlen uf x + pathlen uf b + 1
pathlen uf x.
- intros. unfold merge.
+ intros. unfold merge.
destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
set (uf' := identify uf (repr uf a) b (repr_res_none uf a) (not_eq_sym n)).
pattern x. apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf')); intros.
rewrite (pathlen_unroll uf'). destruct (M.get x0 (m uf')) as [x'|] eqn:G.
- rewrite H; auto. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
+ rewrite H; auto. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)). rewrite e. rewrite repr_canonical. rewrite dec_eq_true.
- inversion G. subst x'. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
- replace (pathlen uf (repr uf a)) with 0. omega.
- symmetry. apply pathlen_none. apply repr_res_none.
+ inversion G. subst x'. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ replace (pathlen uf (repr uf a)) with 0. omega.
+ symmetry. apply pathlen_none. apply repr_res_none.
rewrite (repr_unroll uf x0), (pathlen_unroll uf x0); rewrite G.
- destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x') (repr uf a)); omega.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x') (repr uf a)); omega.
simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)); try discriminate.
- rewrite (repr_none uf x0) by auto. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
- symmetry. apply pathlen_zero; auto. apply repr_none; auto.
+ rewrite (repr_none uf x0) by auto. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ symmetry. apply pathlen_zero; auto. apply repr_none; auto.
Lemma pathlen_gt_merge:
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ Lemma pathlen_gt_merge:
pathlen uf x > pathlen uf y ->
pathlen (merge uf a b) x > pathlen (merge uf a b) y.
- intros. repeat rewrite pathlen_merge.
+ intros. repeat rewrite pathlen_merge.
destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)). auto.
rewrite H. destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf y) (repr uf a)).
omega. auto.
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ Proof.
induction 1. constructor; intros.
destruct (compress_order _ _ H1) as [A | [A B]].
- subst x y. constructor; intros.
+ subst x y. constructor; intros.
destruct (compress_order _ _ H2) as [A | [A B]].
red in A. generalize (repr_res_none uf a). congruence.
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma compress_wf:
well_founded (order (M.set a b uf.(m))).
- red; intros. apply compress_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
+ red; intros. apply compress_Acc. apply uf.(mwf).
Definition compress := mk (M.set a b uf.(m)) compress_wf.
@@ -620,11 +620,11 @@ Proof.
apply (well_founded_ind (mwf compress)); intros.
rewrite (repr_unroll compress).
destruct (M.get x (m compress)) as [y|] eqn:G.
- rewrite H; auto.
- simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x a).
+ rewrite H; auto.
+ simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x a).
inversion G. subst x y. rewrite <- a_repr_b. apply repr_canonical.
symmetry; apply repr_some; auto.
- simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x a).
+ simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x a).
symmetry; apply repr_none; auto.
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ Section FIND.
Variable uf: t.
-Program Fixpoint find_x (a: elt) {wf (order uf.(m)) a} :
+Program Fixpoint find_x (a: elt) {wf (order uf.(m)) a} :
{ r: elt * t | fst r = repr uf a /\ forall x, repr (snd r) x = repr uf x } :=
match M.get a uf.(m) with
| Some a' =>
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ Next Obligation.
destruct (find_x a')
as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0.
symmetry. apply repr_some. auto.
- intros. rewrite repr_compress.
+ intros. rewrite repr_compress.
destruct (find_x a')
as [[b' uf''] [A B]]. simpl in *. inv Heq_anonymous0. auto.
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ Next Obligation.
split; auto. symmetry. apply repr_none. auto.
Next Obligation.
- apply mwf.
+ apply mwf.
Definition find (a: elt) : elt * t := proj1_sig (find_x a).
@@ -680,15 +680,15 @@ Definition find (a: elt) : elt * t := proj1_sig (find_x a).
Lemma find_repr:
forall a, fst (find a) = repr uf a.
- unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
+ unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
Lemma find_unchanged:
forall a x, repr (snd (find a)) x = repr uf x.
- unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
+ unfold find; intros. destruct (find_x a) as [[b uf'] [A B]]. simpl. auto.
Lemma sameclass_find_1:
forall a x y, sameclass (snd (find a)) x y <-> sameclass uf x y.