path: root/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-10-03 17:50:53 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-10-03 17:50:53 +0200
commit5486e861bf5cd3980258b95ecfaef0fdbdc9fdeb (patch)
tree2c6a81e29f9801b342f952af9de331fd1cc3ecc9 /mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
parentb466368baad51a1832da5d1f69b0e5bbc2c8a5b3 (diff)
Schéma de simulation + les Pnop sont maintenant implicites
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
index 51010c43..d517e280 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ Definition non_empty_bblock (body: list basic) (exit: option control): Prop
(* Definition builtin_alone (body: list basic) (exit: option control) := forall ef args res,
exit = Some (PExpand (Pbuiltin ef args res)) -> body = nil.
-Definition wf_bblock (header: list label) (body: list basic) (exit: option control) :=
- non_empty_bblock body exit (* /\ builtin_alone body exit *).
+(* Definition wf_bblock (header: list label) (body: list basic) (exit: option control) :=
+ non_empty_bblock body exit (* /\ builtin_alone body exit *). *)
(** A bblock is well-formed if he contains at least one instruction,
and if there is a builtin then it must be alone in this bblock. *)
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Record bblock := mk_bblock {
header: list label;
body: list basic;
exit: option control;
- correct: wf_bblock header body exit
+(* correct: wf_bblock header body exit *)
Ltac bblock_auto_correct := ((* split; *)try discriminate; try (left; discriminate); try (right; discriminate)).
@@ -416,7 +416,11 @@ Definition length_opt {A} (o: option A) : nat :=
We ignore labels here...
The result is in Z to be compatible with operations on PC
-Definition size (b:bblock): Z := Z.of_nat ((length (body b))+(length_opt (exit b))).
+Definition size (b:bblock): Z :=
+ match Z.of_nat ((length (body b))+(length_opt (exit b))) with
+ | 0 => 1
+ | z => z
+ end.
Lemma length_nonil {A: Type} : forall l:(list A), l <> nil -> (length l > 0)%nat.
@@ -434,12 +438,21 @@ Qed.
Lemma size_positive (b:bblock): size b > 0.
- unfold size. apply to_nat_pos. rewrite Nat2Z.id.
- destruct b as [h b e COR]. simpl. inversion COR. (* inversion H. *)
+ unfold size. apply to_nat_pos. destruct (Z.of_nat _) eqn:eq.
+ - simpl. unfold Pos.to_nat. simpl. omega.
+ - rewrite <- eq. rewrite Nat2Z.id. destruct b as [h b e]. simpl in *.
+ destruct b. destruct e. simpl. omega.
+ simpl in eq. discriminate.
+ simpl. omega.
+ - rewrite <- eq. rewrite Nat2Z.id. destruct b as [h b e]. simpl in *.
+ destruct b. destruct e. simpl. omega.
+ simpl in eq. discriminate.
+ simpl. omega.
+(* rewrite eq. (* inversion COR. *) (* inversion H. *)
- assert ((length b > 0)%nat). apply length_nonil. auto.
- destruct e; simpl; try omega. contradict H; simpl; auto.
+ *)Qed.
Definition bblocks := list bblock.
@@ -499,9 +512,10 @@ Program Definition bblock_basic_ctl (c: list basic) (i: option control) :=
| nil => {| header:=nil; body:=Pnop::nil; exit:=None |}
-Next Obligation.
+(* Next Obligation.
constructor. subst; discriminate.
+ *)
(** * Operational semantics *)