path: root/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
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authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2018-09-24 14:39:32 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2018-09-24 14:39:32 +0200
commit7f82b7c266e9b5673c3e088c46aab7cc2bd4f3f0 (patch)
tree12bb9a92bf3ad1b69d560cc04d68ae74fe90e96a /mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
parent4cc8ba6663f9e41ac45a1a2e0fbb7ef360342162 (diff)
a few stubs for bundling
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
index 293752f8..ba14c451 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
@@ -1178,12 +1178,6 @@ Proof.
-(* juste pour essayer *)
-Parameter is_bundle: bblock -> Prop.
-Definition bundle_step (s:state) (t:trace) (s':state): Prop :=
- exists obi, stepin obi s t s' /\ forall bi, obi = Some bi -> is_bundle bi.
(** Execution of whole programs. *)
@@ -1282,191 +1276,3 @@ Ltac Equalities :=
inv H; inv H0. congruence.
-(** * Instruction dependencies, definition of a bundle
-NOTE: this would be better to do this in an other file, e.g. Asmbundle ?
-(** NOTE: in all of these dependencies definitions, we do *not* consider PC.
- PC dependencies are fullfilled by the above separation in bblocks
- *)
-(* (writereg i rd) holds if an instruction writes to a single register rd *)
-Inductive writereg: instruction -> preg -> Prop :=
- | writereg_set: forall rd rs, writereg (Pset rd rs) rd
- | writereg_get: forall rd rs, writereg (Pget rd rs) rd
- | writereg_load: forall i rd ra o, writereg (PLoadRRO i rd ra o) rd
- | writereg_arith_r: forall i rd, writereg (PArithR i rd) rd
- | writereg_arith_rr: forall i rd rs, writereg (PArithRR i rd rs) rd
- | writereg_arith_ri32: forall i rd imm, writereg (PArithRI32 i rd imm) rd
- | writereg_arith_ri64: forall i rd imm, writereg (PArithRI64 i rd imm) rd
- | writereg_arith_rrr: forall i rd rs1 rs2, writereg (PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2) rd
- | writereg_arith_rri32: forall i rd rs imm, writereg (PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm) rd
- | writereg_arith_rri64: forall i rd rs imm, writereg (PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm) rd
- .
-(* (nowrite i) holds if an instruction doesn't write to any register *)
-Inductive nowrite: instruction -> Prop :=
- | nowrite_ret: nowrite Pret
- | nowrite_call: forall l, nowrite (Pcall l)
- | nowrite_goto: forall l, nowrite (Pgoto l)
- | nowrite_jl: forall l, nowrite (Pj_l l)
- | nowrite_cb: forall bt r l, nowrite (Pcb bt r l)
- | nowrite_cbu: forall bt r l, nowrite (Pcbu bt r l)
- | nowrite_store: forall i rs ra o, nowrite (PStoreRRO i rs ra o)
- | nowrite_label: forall l, nowrite (Plabel l)
- .
-(* (readregs i lr) holds if an instruction reads from the register list lr, and only from it *)
-Inductive readregs: instruction -> list preg -> Prop :=
- | readregs_set: forall rd rs, readregs (Pset rd rs) (IR rs::nil)
- | readregs_get: forall rd rs, readregs (Pget rd rs) (rs::nil)
- | readregs_cb: forall bt r l, readregs (Pcb bt r l) (IR r::nil)
- | readregs_cbu: forall bt r l, readregs (Pcbu bt r l) (IR r::nil)
- | readregs_load: forall i rd ra o, readregs (PLoadRRO i rd ra o) (IR ra::nil)
- | readregs_store: forall i rs ra o, readregs (PStoreRRO i rs ra o) (IR rs::IR ra::nil)
- | readregs_arith_rr: forall i rd rs, readregs (PArithRR i rd rs) (IR rs::nil)
- | readregs_arith_rrr: forall i rd rs1 rs2, readregs (PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2) (IR rs1::IR rs2::nil)
- | readregs_arith_rri32: forall i rd rs imm, readregs (PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm) (IR rs::nil)
- | readregs_arith_rri64: forall i rd rs imm, readregs (PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm) (IR rs::nil)
- .
-(* (noread i) holds if an instruction doesn't read any register *)
-Inductive noread: instruction -> Prop :=
- | noread_ret: noread Pret
- | noread_call: forall l, noread (Pcall l)
- | noread_goto: forall l, noread (Pgoto l)
- | noread_jl: forall l, noread (Pj_l l)
- | noread_arith_r: forall i rd, noread (PArithR i rd)
- | noread_arith_ri32: forall i rd imm, noread (PArithRI32 i rd imm)
- | noread_arith_ri64: forall i rd imm, noread (PArithRI64 i rd imm)
- | noread_label: forall l, noread (Plabel l)
- .
-(* (wawfree i i') holds if i::i' has no WAW dependency *)
-Inductive wawfree: instruction -> instruction -> Prop :=
- | wawfree_write: forall i rs i' rs',
- writereg i rs -> writereg i' rs' -> rs <> rs' -> wawfree i i'
- | wawfree_free1: forall i i',
- nowrite i -> wawfree i i'
- | wawfree_free2: forall i i',
- nowrite i' -> wawfree i i'
- .
-(* (rawfree i i') holds if i::i' has no RAW dependency *)
-Inductive rawfree: instruction -> instruction -> Prop :=
- | rawfree_single: forall i rd i' rs,
- writereg i rd -> readregs i' (rs::nil) -> rd <> rs -> rawfree i i'
- | rawfree_double: forall i rd i' rs rs',
- writereg i rd -> readregs i' (rs::rs'::nil) -> rd <> rs -> rd <> rs' -> rawfree i i'
- | rawfree_free1: forall i i',
- nowrite i -> rawfree i i'
- | rawfree_free2: forall i i',
- noread i' -> rawfree i i'
- .
-(* (depfree i i') holds if i::i' has no RAW or WAW dependency *)
-Inductive depfree: instruction -> instruction -> Prop :=
- | mk_depfree: forall i i', rawfree i i' -> wawfree i i' -> depfree i i'.
-(* (depfreelist i c) holds if i::c has no RAW or WAW dependency _in regards to i_ *)
-Inductive depfreelist: instruction -> list instruction -> Prop :=
- | depfreelist_nil: forall i,
- depfreelist i nil
- | depfreelist_cons: forall i i' l,
- depfreelist i l -> depfree i i' -> depfreelist i (i'::l)
- .
-(* (depfreeall c) holds if c has no RAW or WAW dependency within itself *)
-Inductive depfreeall: list instruction -> Prop :=
- | depfreeall_nil:
- depfreeall nil
- | depfreeall_cons: forall i l,
- depfreeall l -> depfreelist i l -> depfreeall (i::l)
- .
-(** NOTE: we do not verify the resource constraints of the bundles,
- since not meeting them causes a failure when invoking the assembler *)
-(* A bundle is well formed if his body and exit do not have RAW or WAW dependencies *)
-Inductive wf_bundle: bblock -> Prop :=
- | mk_wf_bundle: forall b, depfreeall (body b ++ unfold_exit (exit b)) -> wf_bundle b.
-Hint Constructors writereg nowrite readregs noread wawfree rawfree depfree depfreelist depfreeall wf_bundle.
-Record bundle := mk_bundle {
- bd_block: bblock;
- bd_correct: wf_bundle bd_block
-Definition bundles := list bundle.
-Definition unbundlize (lb: list bundle) := map bd_block lb.
-Definition unfold_bd (lb: list bundle) := unfold (map bd_block lb).
-Lemma unfold_bd_app: forall l l', unfold_bd (l ++ l') = unfold_bd l ++ unfold_bd l'.
- intros l l'. unfold unfold_bd. rewrite map_app. rewrite unfold_app. auto.
-(** Some theorems on bundles construction *)
-Lemma bundle_empty_correct: wf_bundle empty_bblock.
- constructor. auto.
-Definition empty_bundle := {| bd_block := empty_bblock; bd_correct := bundle_empty_correct |}.
-(** Bundlization. For now, we restrict ourselves to bundles containing 1 instruction *)
-Definition single_inst_block (i: instruction) := acc_block i empty_bblock.
-Fact single_inst_block_correct: forall i, wf_bundle (hd empty_bblock (single_inst_block i)).
- intros i. unfold single_inst_block. unfold acc_block. destruct i.
- all: simpl; constructor; simpl; auto.
-Definition bundlize_inst (i: instruction) :=
- {| bd_block := hd empty_bblock (single_inst_block i); bd_correct := single_inst_block_correct i |}.
-Lemma bundlize_inst_conserv: forall c, unfold (unbundlize (map bundlize_inst c)) = c.
- induction c as [|i c]; simpl; auto.
- rewrite IHc. destruct i; simpl; auto.
-Definition split_bblock (b: bblock) := map bundlize_inst (unfold_block b).
-Fixpoint bundlize (lb: list bblock) :=
- match lb with
- | nil => nil
- | b :: lb => split_bblock b ++ bundlize lb
- end.
-Lemma unfold_split_bblock: forall b, unfold_bd (split_bblock b) = unfold_block b.
- intros b. unfold unfold_bd. unfold split_bblock. apply bundlize_inst_conserv.
-Theorem unfold_bundlize: forall lb, unfold_bd (bundlize lb) = unfold lb.
- induction lb as [|b lb]; simpl; auto.
- rewrite unfold_bd_app. rewrite IHlb. rewrite unfold_split_bblock. auto.
-Theorem unfold_bundlize_fold: forall c, unfold_bd (bundlize (fold c)) = c.
- intros. rewrite unfold_bundlize. rewrite unfold_fold. auto.
-Record function : Type := mkfunction { fn_sig: signature; fn_bundles: bundles }.
-Definition fn_code := (fun (f: function) => unfold_bd (fn_bundles f)).
-Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
-Definition program := AST.program fundef unit.
-*) \ No newline at end of file