path: root/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-05-24 15:06:18 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-09-06 15:58:30 +0200
commit0236781c3ff798b60c5c8171a0f9b6cd569f7995 (patch)
tree117e80f627ac331c066db3140a14040603118424 /mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
parent265fdd4f703b0310fbcf5ad448c29dc34f7ff33a (diff)
Machblock: Mach language with basic blocks
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v')
1 files changed, 749 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93284b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Machblockgen.v
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+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Stacklayout.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Linking.
+Require Import Machblock.
+Definition to_basic_inst(i: Mach.instruction): option basic_inst :=
+ match i with
+ | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => Some (MBgetstack ofs ty dst)
+ | Msetstack src ofs ty => Some (MBsetstack src ofs ty)
+ | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => Some (MBgetparam ofs ty dst)
+ | Mop op args res => Some (MBop op args res)
+ | Mload chunk addr args dst => Some (MBload chunk addr args dst)
+ | Mstore chunk addr args src => Some (MBstore chunk addr args src)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+(* version pas récursive terminale, mais plus facile pour la preuve *)
+Fixpoint to_bblock_body(c: Mach.code): bblock_body * Mach.code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => (nil,nil)
+ | i::c' =>
+ match to_basic_inst i with
+ | Some bi =>
+ let (p,c'') := to_bblock_body c' in
+ (bi::p, c'')
+ | None => (nil, c)
+ end
+ end.
+Definition to_bblock_header (c: Mach.code): option label * Mach.code :=
+ match c with
+ | (Mlabel l)::c' => (Some l, c')
+ | _ => (None, c)
+ end.
+Definition to_cfi (i: Mach.instruction): option control_flow_inst :=
+ match i with
+ | Mcall sig ros => Some (MBcall sig ros)
+ | Mtailcall sig ros => Some (MBtailcall sig ros)
+ | Mbuiltin ef args res => Some (MBbuiltin ef args res)
+ | Mgoto lbl => Some (MBgoto lbl)
+ | Mcond cond args lbl => Some (MBcond cond args lbl)
+ | Mjumptable arg tbl => Some (MBjumptable arg tbl)
+ | Mreturn => Some (MBreturn)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+Definition to_bblock_exit (c: Mach.code): option control_flow_inst * Mach.code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => (None,nil)
+ | i::c' =>
+ match to_cfi i with
+ | Some bi as o => (o, c')
+ | None => (None, c)
+ end
+ end.
+Inductive code_nature: Set := IsEmpty | IsLabel | IsBasicInst | IsCFI.
+Definition get_code_nature (c: Mach.code): code_nature :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => IsEmpty
+ | (Mlabel _)::_ => IsLabel
+ | i::_ => match to_basic_inst i with
+ | Some _ => IsBasicInst
+ | None => IsCFI
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac Discriminate :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: ?a <> ?a |- _ ] => contradict H; auto
+ | _ => discriminate
+ end.
+Lemma cn_eqdec (cn1 cn2: code_nature): { cn1=cn2 } + {cn1 <> cn2}.
+ decide equality.
+Lemma get_code_nature_nil c: c<>nil -> get_code_nature c <> IsEmpty.
+ intro. unfold get_code_nature. destruct c; try Discriminate.
+ destruct i; discriminate.
+Lemma get_code_nature_nil_contra c: get_code_nature c = IsEmpty -> c = nil.
+ intro. destruct c; auto. exploit (get_code_nature_nil (i::c)); discriminate || auto.
+ intro. contradict H0.
+Lemma get_code_nature_basic_inst:
+ forall c a c0,
+ c = a :: c0 ->
+ get_code_nature c = IsBasicInst ->
+ to_basic_inst a <> None.
+ intros. destruct a; discriminate || contradict H0; subst; simpl; discriminate.
+Lemma to_bblock_header_not_IsLabel:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ to_bblock_header c = (b, c0) ->
+ c = c0 /\ b=None.
+ intros. destruct c.
+ - simpl in H0; inversion H0; auto.
+ - destruct i; unfold to_bblock_header in H0; inversion H0; auto.
+ simpl in H; contradict H; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_header_eq:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ to_bblock_header c = (b, c0) ->
+ c = c0.
+ intros; exploit to_bblock_header_not_IsLabel; intuition eauto.
+Lemma to_bblock_header_IsLabel:
+ forall c c0 b,
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ to_bblock_header c = (b, c0) ->
+ exists l, c = (Mlabel l)::c0.
+ intros. destruct c; try discriminate.
+ destruct i; try discriminate.
+ unfold to_bblock_header in H0; inversion H0; eauto.
+Lemma to_bblock_header_wf:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ to_bblock_header c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c > length c0)%nat.
+ intros; exploit to_bblock_header_IsLabel; eauto.
+ intros [l H1]; subst; simpl; auto.
+Ltac ExploitHeaderEq :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: to_bblock_header (?i0 :: ?c) = (?b, ?c0) |- _ ] =>
+ exploit (to_bblock_header_eq (i0::c) b c0); [subst; simpl; discriminate | auto | intro; subst; auto]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Lemma to_bblock_header_wfe:
+ forall c b c0,
+ to_bblock_header c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c >= length c0)%nat.
+ intros c b c0; destruct (cn_eqdec (get_code_nature c) IsLabel).
+ - intros; exploit to_bblock_header_wf; eauto; omega.
+ - intros; exploit to_bblock_header_eq; eauto. intros; subst; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_body_eq:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsBasicInst ->
+ to_bblock_body c = (b, c0) ->
+ c = c0.
+ intros. destruct c.
+ - simpl in H0. inversion H0. auto.
+ - destruct i; simpl in *; try Discriminate || inversion H0; subst; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_body_wfe:
+ forall c b c0,
+ to_bblock_body c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c >= length c0)%nat.
+ induction c.
+ - intros. simpl in H. inversion H. subst. auto.
+ - intros. simpl in H. destruct (to_basic_inst a).
+ + remember (to_bblock_body c) as tbbc. destruct tbbc as [p c''].
+ exploit (IHc p c''); auto. inversion H. subst. simpl. omega.
+ + inversion H; subst; auto.
+Inductive cons_to_bblock_body c0: Mach.code -> bblock_body -> Prop :=
+ Cons_to_bbloc_body i bi c' b':
+ to_basic_inst i = Some bi
+ -> to_bblock_body c' = (b', c0)
+ -> cons_to_bblock_body c0 (i::c') (bi::b').
+Lemma to_bblock_body_IsBasicInst:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c = IsBasicInst ->
+ to_bblock_body c = (b, c0) ->
+ cons_to_bblock_body c0 c b.
+ intros. destruct c; [ contradict H; simpl; discriminate | ].
+ remember (to_basic_inst i) as tbii. destruct tbii.
+ - simpl in H0. rewrite <- Heqtbii in H0.
+ remember (to_bblock_body c) as tbbc. destruct tbbc as [p1 c1].
+ inversion H0. subst. eapply Cons_to_bbloc_body; eauto.
+ - destruct i; try discriminate.
+Lemma to_bblock_body_wf:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c = IsBasicInst ->
+ to_bblock_body c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c > length c0)%nat.
+ intros; exploit to_bblock_body_IsBasicInst; eauto.
+ intros H1; destruct H1.
+ exploit to_bblock_body_wfe; eauto.
+ simpl; omega.
+Lemma to_bblock_exit_eq:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsCFI ->
+ to_bblock_exit c = (b, c0) ->
+ c = c0.
+ intros. destruct c.
+ - simpl in H0; inversion H0; auto.
+ - destruct i; unfold to_bblock_header in H0; inversion H0; auto;
+ simpl in H; contradict H; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_exit_wf:
+ forall c b c0,
+ get_code_nature c = IsCFI ->
+ to_bblock_exit c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c > length c0)%nat.
+ intros. destruct c; try discriminate.
+ destruct i; try discriminate;
+ unfold to_bblock_header in H0; inversion H0; auto.
+Ltac ExploitExitEq :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: to_bblock_exit (?i0 :: ?c) = (?b, ?c0) |- _ ] =>
+ exploit (to_bblock_exit_eq (i0::c) b c0); [subst; simpl; discriminate | auto | intro; subst; auto]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Lemma to_bblock_exit_wfe:
+ forall c b c0,
+ to_bblock_exit c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c >= length c0)%nat.
+ intros. destruct c. unfold to_bblock_exit in H; inversion H; auto.
+ remember i as i0.
+ destruct i; try ExploitExitEq.
+ all: exploit (to_bblock_exit_wf (i0::c) b c0); [subst; simpl; auto | auto | try omega].
+Definition to_bblock(c: Mach.code): bblock * Mach.code :=
+ let (h,c0) := to_bblock_header c in
+ let (bdy, c1) := to_bblock_body c0 in
+ let (ext, c2) := to_bblock_exit c1 in
+ ({| header := h; body := bdy; exit := ext |}, c2)
+ .
+Lemma to_bblock_double_label:
+ forall c l,
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c) = ({| header := Some l; body := nil; exit := None |}, c).
+ intros.
+ destruct c; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ simpl. auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_basic_inst_then_label:
+ forall i c bi,
+ get_code_nature (i::c) = IsBasicInst ->
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ to_basic_inst i = Some bi ->
+ fst (to_bblock (i::c)) = {| header := None; body := bi::nil; exit := None |}.
+ intros.
+ destruct c; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i0; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; simpl in *; inversion H1; subst; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_cf_inst_then_label:
+ forall i c cfi,
+ get_code_nature (i::c) = IsCFI ->
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ to_cfi i = Some cfi ->
+ fst (to_bblock (i::c)) = {| header := None; body := nil; exit := Some cfi |}.
+ intros.
+ destruct c; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i0; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; simpl in *; inversion H1; subst; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_single_label:
+ forall c l,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ fst (to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c)) = {|
+ header := Some l;
+ body := body (fst (to_bblock c));
+ exit := exit (fst (to_bblock c))
+ |}.
+ intros.
+ destruct c; simpl; auto.
+ apply bblock_eq; simpl.
+(* header *)
+ + destruct i; try (
+ remember (to_bblock _) as bb;
+ unfold to_bblock in *;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh;
+ destruct tbh;
+ destruct (to_bblock_body _);
+ destruct (to_bblock_exit _);
+ subst; simpl; inversion Heqtbh; auto; fail
+ ).
+(* body *)
+ + remember i as i0; destruct i0; try (
+ remember (to_bblock _) as bb;
+ unfold to_bblock in *;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; rewrite Heqi0;
+ remember (to_bblock_header (i :: _)) as tbh'; rewrite <- Heqi0 in *;
+ destruct tbh; destruct tbh';
+ inversion Heqtbh; inversion Heqtbh'; subst;
+ destruct (to_bblock_body _);
+ destruct (to_bblock_exit _); auto; fail
+ ). contradict H; simpl; auto.
+(* exit (same proof as body) *)
+ + remember i as i0; destruct i0; try (
+ remember (to_bblock _) as bb;
+ unfold to_bblock in *;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; rewrite Heqi0;
+ remember (to_bblock_header (i :: _)) as tbh'; rewrite <- Heqi0 in *;
+ destruct tbh; destruct tbh';
+ inversion Heqtbh; inversion Heqtbh'; subst;
+ destruct (to_bblock_body _);
+ destruct (to_bblock_exit _); auto; fail
+ ). contradict H; simpl; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_no_label:
+ forall c,
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ fst (to_bblock c) = {|
+ header := None;
+ body := body (fst (to_bblock c));
+ exit := exit (fst (to_bblock c))
+ |}.
+ intros.
+ destruct c; simpl; auto.
+ apply bblock_eq; simpl;
+ destruct i; (
+ try (
+ remember (to_bblock _) as bb;
+ unfold to_bblock in *;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh;
+ destruct tbh;
+ destruct (to_bblock_body _);
+ destruct (to_bblock_exit _);
+ subst; simpl; inversion Heqtbh; auto; fail
+ )
+ || contradict H; simpl; auto ).
+Lemma to_bblock_body_nil c c':
+ to_bblock_body c = (nil, c') ->
+ c = c'.
+ intros H.
+ destruct c; [ simpl in *; inversion H; auto |].
+ destruct i; try ( simpl in *; remember (to_bblock_body c) as tbc; destruct tbc as [p c'']; inversion H ).
+ all: auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_exit_nil c c':
+ to_bblock_exit c = (None, c') ->
+ c = c'.
+ intros H.
+ destruct c; [ simpl in *; inversion H; auto |].
+ destruct i; try ( simpl in *; remember (to_bblock_exit c) as tbe; destruct tbe as [p c'']; inversion H ).
+ all: auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_label b l c c':
+ to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c) = (b, c') ->
+ exists bdy c1, to_bblock_body c = (bdy, c1) /\
+ header b = Some l /\ body b = bdy /\ exit b = fst (to_bblock_exit c1).
+ intros H.
+ (* destruct b as [bhd bbd bex]. simpl. *)
+ unfold to_bblock in H; simpl in H.
+ remember (to_bblock_body c) as tbbc; destruct tbbc as [bdy' c1'].
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c1') as tbbe; destruct tbbe as [ext c2].
+ esplit; eauto. esplit; eauto. esplit; eauto.
+ inversion H; subst; clear H. simpl.
+ apply (f_equal fst) in Heqtbbe. simpl in Heqtbbe. auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_label_then_nil b l c c':
+ to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c) = (b, c') ->
+ body b = nil ->
+ exit b = None ->
+ c = c'.
+ intros TOB BB EB.
+ unfold to_bblock in TOB.
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh as [h c0].
+ remember (to_bblock_body _) as tbb; destruct tbb as [bdy c1].
+ remember (to_bblock_exit _) as tbe; destruct tbe as [ext c2].
+ inversion TOB; subst. simpl in *. clear TOB.
+ inversion Heqtbh; subst. clear Heqtbh.
+ exploit to_bblock_body_nil; eauto. intros; subst. clear Heqtbb.
+ exploit to_bblock_exit_nil; eauto.
+Lemma to_bblock_basic_inst:
+ forall c i bi,
+ get_code_nature (i::c) = IsBasicInst ->
+ to_basic_inst i = Some bi ->
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ fst (to_bblock (i::c)) = {|
+ header := None;
+ body := bi :: body (fst (to_bblock c));
+ exit := exit (fst (to_bblock c))
+ |}.
+ intros.
+ destruct c; try (destruct i; inversion H0; subst; simpl; auto; fail).
+ apply bblock_eq; simpl.
+(* header *)
+ + destruct i; simpl; auto; (
+ exploit to_bblock_no_label; [rewrite H; discriminate | intro; rewrite H2; simpl; auto]).
+(* body *)
+(* FIXME - the proof takes some time to prove.. N² complexity :( *)
+ + destruct i; inversion H0; try (
+ destruct i0; try (
+ subst; unfold to_bblock;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh;
+ remember (to_bblock_header (_::c)) as tbh'; destruct tbh';
+ inversion Heqtbh; inversion Heqtbh'; subst;
+ remember (to_bblock_body _) as tbb; destruct tbb;
+ remember (to_bblock_body (_::c)) as tbb'; destruct tbb';
+ inversion Heqtbb; inversion Heqtbb'; destruct (to_bblock_body c);
+ inversion H3; inversion H4; subst;
+ remember (to_bblock_exit _) as tbc; destruct tbc;
+ simpl; auto );
+ contradict H1; simpl; auto ).
+(* exit - same as body *)
+ + destruct i; inversion H0; try (
+ destruct i0; try (
+ subst; unfold to_bblock;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh;
+ remember (to_bblock_header (_::c)) as tbh'; destruct tbh';
+ inversion Heqtbh; inversion Heqtbh'; subst;
+ remember (to_bblock_body _) as tbb; destruct tbb;
+ remember (to_bblock_body (_::c)) as tbb'; destruct tbb';
+ inversion Heqtbb; inversion Heqtbb'; destruct (to_bblock_body c);
+ inversion H3; inversion H4; subst;
+ remember (to_bblock_exit _) as tbc; destruct tbc;
+ simpl; auto );
+ contradict H1; simpl; auto ).
+Lemma to_bblock_size_single_label:
+ forall c i,
+ get_code_nature (i::c) = IsLabel ->
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock (i::c))) = Datatypes.S (size (fst (to_bblock c))).
+ intros.
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct c; simpl; auto.
+ destruct i; try (
+ exploit to_bblock_single_label; eauto; intro; rewrite H1;
+ exploit to_bblock_no_label; eauto; intro; rewrite H2;
+ simpl; auto; fail ).
+ Unshelve. all: auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_size_label_neqz:
+ forall c,
+ get_code_nature c = IsLabel ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock c)) <> 0%nat.
+ intros. destruct c; try (contradict H; auto; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct (get_code_nature c) eqn:gcnc.
+ (* Case gcnc is not IsLabel *)
+ all: try (rewrite to_bblock_size_single_label; auto; rewrite gcnc; discriminate).
+ (* Case gcnc is IsLabel *)
+ rewrite to_bblock_double_label; auto; unfold size; simpl; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_size_basicinst_neqz:
+ forall c,
+ get_code_nature c = IsBasicInst ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock c)) <> 0%nat.
+ intros. destruct c; try (contradict H; auto; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate);
+ (
+ destruct (get_code_nature c) eqn:gcnc;
+ (* Case gcnc is not IsLabel *)
+ try (erewrite to_bblock_basic_inst; eauto; [
+ unfold size; simpl; auto
+ | simpl; auto
+ | rewrite gcnc; discriminate
+ ]);
+ erewrite to_bblock_basic_inst_then_label; eauto; [
+ unfold size; simpl; auto
+ | simpl; auto
+ ]
+ ).
+Lemma to_bblock_size_cfi_neqz:
+ forall c,
+ get_code_nature c = IsCFI ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock c)) <> 0%nat.
+ intros. destruct c; try (contradict H; auto; simpl; discriminate).
+ destruct i; discriminate.
+Lemma to_bblock_size_single_basicinst:
+ forall c i,
+ get_code_nature (i::c) = IsBasicInst ->
+ get_code_nature c <> IsLabel ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock (i::c))) = Datatypes.S (size (fst (to_bblock c))).
+ intros.
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; simpl; discriminate); try (
+ (exploit to_bblock_basic_inst; eauto);
+ [remember (to_basic_inst _) as tbi; destruct tbi; eauto |];
+ intro; rewrite H1; unfold size; simpl;
+ assert ((length_opt (header (fst (to_bblock c)))) = 0%nat);
+ exploit to_bblock_no_label; eauto; intro; rewrite H2; simpl; auto;
+ rewrite H2; auto
+ ).
+Lemma to_bblock_wf c b c0:
+ c <> nil ->
+ to_bblock c = (b, c0) ->
+ (length c > length c0)%nat.
+ intro H; lapply (get_code_nature_nil c); eauto.
+ intro H'; remember (get_code_nature c) as gcn.
+ unfold to_bblock.
+ remember (to_bblock_header c) as p1; eauto.
+ destruct p1 as [h c1].
+ intro H0.
+ destruct gcn.
+ - contradict H'; auto.
+ - exploit to_bblock_header_wf; eauto.
+ remember (to_bblock_body c1) as p2; eauto.
+ destruct p2 as [h2 c2].
+ exploit to_bblock_body_wfe; eauto.
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c2) as p3; eauto.
+ destruct p3 as [h3 c3].
+ exploit to_bblock_exit_wfe; eauto.
+ inversion H0. omega.
+ - exploit to_bblock_header_eq; eauto. rewrite <- Heqgcn. discriminate.
+ intro; subst.
+ remember (to_bblock_body c1) as p2; eauto.
+ destruct p2 as [h2 c2].
+ exploit to_bblock_body_wf; eauto.
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c2) as p3; eauto.
+ destruct p3 as [h3 c3].
+ exploit to_bblock_exit_wfe; eauto.
+ inversion H0. omega.
+ - exploit to_bblock_header_eq; eauto. rewrite <- Heqgcn. discriminate.
+ intro; subst.
+ remember (to_bblock_body c1) as p2; eauto.
+ destruct p2 as [h2 c2].
+ exploit (to_bblock_body_eq c1 h2 c2); eauto. rewrite <- Heqgcn. discriminate.
+ intro; subst.
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c2) as p3; eauto.
+ destruct p3 as [h3 c3].
+ exploit (to_bblock_exit_wf c2 h3 c3); eauto.
+ inversion H0. omega.
+Lemma to_bblock_nonil:
+ forall c i c0,
+ c = i :: c0 ->
+ size (fst (to_bblock c)) <> 0%nat.
+ intros. remember (get_code_nature c) as gcnc. destruct gcnc.
+ - contradict Heqgcnc. subst. simpl. destruct i; discriminate.
+ - eapply to_bblock_size_label_neqz; auto.
+ - eapply to_bblock_size_basicinst_neqz; auto.
+ - eapply to_bblock_size_cfi_neqz; auto.
+Lemma to_bblock_islabel:
+ forall c l,
+ is_label l (fst (to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c))) = true.
+ intros. unfold to_bblock.
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh as [h c0].
+ remember (to_bblock_body _) as tbc; destruct tbc as [bdy c1].
+ remember (to_bblock_exit _) as tbe; destruct tbe as [ext c2].
+ simpl. inversion Heqtbh. unfold is_label. simpl.
+ apply peq_true.
+Lemma body_fst_to_bblock_label:
+ forall l c,
+ body (fst (to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c))) = fst (to_bblock_body c).
+ intros. destruct c as [|i c']; simpl; auto.
+ destruct i; simpl; auto.
+ all: (
+ remember (to_bblock_body c') as tbbc; destruct tbbc as [tc c'']; simpl;
+ unfold to_bblock;
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh as [h c0];
+ remember (to_bblock_body c0) as tbc; destruct tbc as [bdy c1];
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c1) as tbe; destruct tbe as [ext c2];
+ simpl; simpl in Heqtbh; inversion Heqtbh; subst c0;
+ simpl in Heqtbc; remember (to_bblock_body c') as tbc'; destruct tbc' as [tc' osef];
+ inversion Heqtbc; inversion Heqtbbc; auto
+ ).
+Lemma exit_fst_to_bblock_label:
+ forall c c' l,
+ snd (to_bblock_body c) = c' ->
+ exit (fst (to_bblock (Mlabel l :: c))) = fst (to_bblock_exit c').
+ intros. destruct c as [|i c]; [simpl in *; subst; auto |].
+ unfold to_bblock.
+ remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh as [h c0].
+ remember (to_bblock_body c0) as tbc; destruct tbc as [bdy c1].
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c1) as tbe; destruct tbe as [ext c2].
+ simpl in *. inversion Heqtbh; subst.
+ destruct (to_basic_inst i) eqn:TBI.
+ - remember (to_bblock_body c) as tbbc; destruct tbbc as [p c''].
+ simpl. simpl in Heqtbc. rewrite TBI in Heqtbc. rewrite <- Heqtbbc in Heqtbc.
+ inversion Heqtbc; subst. apply (f_equal fst) in Heqtbe; auto.
+ - simpl. simpl in Heqtbc. rewrite TBI in Heqtbc.
+ inversion Heqtbc; subst. clear Heqtbh Heqtbc. unfold to_bblock_exit in Heqtbe.
+ apply (f_equal fst) in Heqtbe; auto.
+Function trans_code (c: Mach.code) { measure length c }: code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => nil
+ | _ =>
+ let (b, c0) := to_bblock c in
+ b::(trans_code c0)
+ end.
+ intros; eapply to_bblock_wf; eauto. discriminate.
+Functional Scheme trans_code_ind := Induction for trans_code Sort Prop.
+Definition hd_code (bc: code) := (hd {| header := None; body := nil; exit := None |} bc).
+Lemma trans_code_nonil:
+ forall c,
+ c <> nil -> trans_code c <> nil.
+ intros.
+ induction c, (trans_code c) using trans_code_ind; simpl; auto. discriminate.
+Lemma trans_code_step:
+ forall c b lb0 hb c1 bb c2 eb c3,
+ trans_code c = b :: lb0 ->
+ to_bblock_header c = (hb, c1) ->
+ to_bblock_body c1 = (bb, c2) ->
+ to_bblock_exit c2 = (eb, c3) ->
+ hb = header b /\ bb = body b /\ eb = exit b /\ trans_code c3 = lb0.
+ intros.
+ induction c, (trans_code c) using trans_code_ind. discriminate. clear IHc0.
+ subst. destruct _x as [|i c]; try (contradict y; auto; fail).
+ inversion H; subst. clear H. unfold to_bblock in e0.
+ remember (to_bblock_header (i::c)) as hd. destruct hd as [hb' c1'].
+ remember (to_bblock_body c1') as bd. destruct bd as [bb' c2'].
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c2') as be. destruct be as [eb' c3'].
+ inversion e0. simpl.
+ inversion H0. subst.
+ rewrite <- Heqbd in H1. inversion H1. subst.
+ rewrite <- Heqbe in H2. inversion H2. subst.
+ auto.
+Lemma trans_code_cfi:
+ forall i c cfi,
+ to_cfi i = Some cfi ->
+ trans_code (i :: c) = {| header := None ; body := nil ; exit := Some cfi |} :: trans_code c.
+ intros. rewrite trans_code_equation. remember (to_bblock _) as tb; destruct tb as [b c0].
+ destruct i; try (contradict H; discriminate).
+ all: unfold to_bblock in Heqtb; remember (to_bblock_header _) as tbh; destruct tbh as [h c0'];
+ remember (to_bblock_body c0') as tbb; destruct tbb as [bdy c1'];
+ remember (to_bblock_exit c1') as tbe; destruct tbe as [ext c2]; simpl in *;
+ inversion Heqtbh; subst; inversion Heqtbb; subst; inversion Heqtbe; subst;
+ inversion Heqtb; subst; rewrite H; auto.
+(* à finir pour passer des Mach.function au function, etc. *)
+Definition trans_function (f: Mach.function) : function :=
+ {| fn_sig:=Mach.fn_sig f;
+ fn_code:=trans_code (Mach.fn_code f);
+ fn_stacksize := Mach.fn_stacksize f;
+ fn_link_ofs := Mach.fn_link_ofs f;
+ fn_retaddr_ofs := Mach.fn_retaddr_ofs f
+ |}.
+Definition trans_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : fundef :=
+ transf_fundef trans_function f.
+Definition trans_prog (src: Mach.program) : program :=
+ transform_program trans_fundef src.