path: root/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
diff options
authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-01-07 18:15:26 +0100
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2019-01-07 18:15:26 +0100
commit3f21b462519363cd082a500004d3a7af0699d61d (patch)
treec3585aadca50e78ba0483d9469e58e466729b00e /mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
parent253d955435aa5f71a2772da65f810d7ad532d152 (diff)
Finished the immediate recognition part, started latency constraints
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
index 9941bf73..3c7fcab6 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
open Asmblock
+open Printf
+open Camlcoq
(** Resource functions *)
let resource_names = ["ISSUE"; "TINY"; "LITE"; "ALU"; "LSU"; "MAU"; "BCU"; "ACC"; "DATA"; "TCA"; "BRE"; "BRO"; "NOP"]
@@ -54,49 +56,106 @@ type inst_info = {
(* Figuring out whether an immediate is s10, u27l10 or e27u27l10 *)
type imm_encoding = S10 | U27l10 | E27u27l10
-let encode_imm : imm_encoding = raise Not_found (* TODO *)
+let rec pow a = function
+ | 0 -> 1
+ | 1 -> a
+ | n -> let b = pow a (n/2) in
+ b * b * (if n mod 2 = 0 then 1 else a)
+let signed_interval n = begin
+ assert (n > 0);
+ let min = - pow 2 (n-1)
+ and max = pow 2 (n-1) - 1
+ in (min, max)
+let within i interv = match interv with (min, max) -> (i >= min && i <= max)
+let signed_length i =
+ let rec f i n =
+ let interv = signed_interval n
+ in if (within i interv) then n else f i (n+1)
+ in f i 0
+let encode_imm imm =
+ let i = Z.to_int imm
+ in let length = signed_length i
+ in if length <= 10 then S10
+ else if length <= 37 then U27l10
+ else if length <= 64 then E27u27l10
+ else failwith @@ sprintf "encode_imm: integer too big! (%d)" i
+(** Instruction usages building *)
let arith_rrr_info i rd rs1 rs2 = match i with
| Paddl -> { reservation=alu_tiny; write_regs = [rd]; read_regs = [rs1; rs2] }
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | _ -> failwith "arith_rrr_info: unrecognized constructor"
let arith_rri32_info i rd rs imm32 = match i with
- | Paddiw -> let restbl = match encode_imm imm with S10 -> alu_tiny | U27l10 -> alu_tiny_x | E27u27l10 -> alu_tiny_y in
+ | Paddiw -> let restbl = match encode_imm imm32 with S10 -> alu_tiny | U27l10 -> alu_tiny_x | E27u27l10 -> alu_tiny_y in
{ reservation = restbl; write_regs = [rd]; read_regs = [rs] }
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | _ -> failwith "arith_rri32_info: unrecognized constructor"
let arith_rri64_info i rd rs imm64 = match i with
- | Paddil -> let restbl = match encode_imm imm with S10 -> alu_tiny | U27l10 -> alu_tiny_x | E27u27l10 -> alu_tiny_y in
+ | Paddil -> let restbl = match encode_imm imm64 with S10 -> alu_tiny | U27l10 -> alu_tiny_x | E27u27l10 -> alu_tiny_y in
{ reservation = restbl; write_regs = [rd]; read_regs = [rs]}
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | _ -> failwith "arith_rri64_info: unrecognized constructor"
let arith_info i =
match i with
- | PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm -> arith_rri32_info i rd rs imm32
- | PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm64 -> arith_rri64_info i rd rs imm64
- | PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2 -> arith_rrr_info i r0 r1 r2
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | PArithRRI32 (i, rd, rs, imm32) -> arith_rri32_info i rd rs imm32
+ | PArithRRI64 (i, rd, rs, imm64) -> arith_rri64_info i rd rs imm64
+ | PArithRRR (i, rd, rs1, rs2) -> arith_rrr_info i rd rs1 rs2
+ | _ -> failwith "arith_info: unrecognized constructor"
let basic_info i =
match i with
| PArith i -> arith_info i
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | _ -> failwith "basic_info: unrecognized constructor"
-let exit_info i = raise Not_found
+let control_info i = failwith "control_info: not implemented"
-(** Instruction usages building *)
-let rec basic_usages body = match body with
+let rec basic_infos body = match body with
| [] -> []
- | bi :: body -> (basic_info bi).reservation :: (basic_usages body)
+ | bi :: body -> (basic_info bi) :: (basic_infos body)
-let exit_usage exit = match exit with
+let exit_info exit = match exit with
| None -> []
- | Some ex -> [(control_info ex).reservation]
+ | Some ex -> [control_info ex]
+let instruction_infos bb = (basic_infos bb.body) @ (exit_info bb.exit)
-let instruction_usages bb = Array.of_list ((basic_usages bb.body) @ (exit_usage bb.exit))
+let instruction_usages bb =
+ let usages = List.map (fun info -> info.reservation) (instruction_infos bb)
+ in Array.of_list usages
(** Latency constraints building *)
-let latency_constraints bb = (* TODO *)
+type access = { inst: int; reg: ireg }
+let rec get_accesses lregs laccs =
+ let accesses reg laccs = List.filter (fun acc -> acc.reg = reg) laccs
+ in match lregs with
+ | [] -> []
+ | reg :: lregs -> (accesses reg laccs) @ (get_accesses lregs laccs)
+let latency_constraints bb = failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented"
+(* TODO
+ let written = ref []
+ and read = ref []
+ and count = ref 0
+ and constraints = ref []
+ in let step i =
+ let write_accesses = List.map (fun reg -> { inst= !count; reg=reg }) i.write_regs
+ and read_accesses = List.map (fun reg -> { inst= !count; reg=reg }) i.read_regs
+ in let raw = get_accesses !written read_accesses
+ and waw = get_accesses !written write_accesses
+ and war = get_accesses !read write_accesses
+ in begin
+ (* TODO *) failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented"
+ end
+ and instr_infos = instruction_infos bb
+ in List.iter step instr_infos
(** Dumb schedule if the above doesn't work *)