path: root/mppa_k1c/lib
diff options
authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-05-21 16:26:43 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-05-21 16:26:43 +0200
commit405847450b9464c899a16bc8ef6a752a58ab34e0 (patch)
tree74f022fa1b3d4e08b17a44973264e9f7d17a6b4e /mppa_k1c/lib
parent00ae0b645d3d3e1cbf8f8f81560f22ae2bd1278c (diff)
move Machblock*.v into mppa_k1c/lib
Indeed, these files may not be specific to our backend.
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c/lib')
3 files changed, 1368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblock.v b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblock.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30393fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblock.v
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Stacklayout.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Linking.
+(** instructions "basiques" (ie non control-flow) *)
+Inductive basic_inst: Type :=
+ | MBgetstack: ptrofs -> typ -> mreg -> basic_inst
+ | MBsetstack: mreg -> ptrofs -> typ -> basic_inst
+ | MBgetparam: ptrofs -> typ -> mreg -> basic_inst
+ | MBop: operation -> list mreg -> mreg -> basic_inst
+ | MBload: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> basic_inst
+ | MBstore: memory_chunk -> addressing -> list mreg -> mreg -> basic_inst
+ .
+Definition bblock_body := list basic_inst.
+(** instructions de control flow *)
+Inductive control_flow_inst: Type :=
+ | MBcall: signature -> mreg + ident -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBtailcall: signature -> mreg + ident -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBbuiltin: external_function -> list (builtin_arg mreg) -> builtin_res mreg -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBgoto: label -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBcond: condition -> list mreg -> label -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBjumptable: mreg -> list label -> control_flow_inst
+ | MBreturn: control_flow_inst
+ .
+Record bblock := mk_bblock {
+ header: list label;
+ body: bblock_body;
+ exit: option control_flow_inst
+Lemma bblock_eq:
+ forall b1 b2,
+ header b1 = header b2 ->
+ body b1 = body b2 ->
+ exit b1 = exit b2 ->
+ b1 = b2.
+ intros. destruct b1. destruct b2.
+ simpl in *. subst. auto.
+Definition length_opt {A} (o: option A) : nat :=
+ match o with
+ | Some o => 1
+ | None => 0
+ end.
+Definition size (b:bblock): nat := (length (header b))+(length (body b))+(length_opt (exit b)).
+Lemma size_null b:
+ size b = 0%nat ->
+ header b = nil /\ body b = nil /\ exit b = None.
+ destruct b as [h b e]. simpl. unfold size. simpl.
+ intros H.
+ assert (length h = 0%nat) as Hh; [ omega |].
+ assert (length b = 0%nat) as Hb; [ omega |].
+ assert (length_opt e = 0%nat) as He; [ omega|].
+ repeat split.
+ destruct h; try (simpl in Hh; discriminate); auto.
+ destruct b; try (simpl in Hb; discriminate); auto.
+ destruct e; try (simpl in He; discriminate); auto.
+Definition code := list bblock.
+Record function: Type := mkfunction
+ { fn_sig: signature;
+ fn_code: code;
+ fn_stacksize: Z;
+ fn_link_ofs: ptrofs;
+ fn_retaddr_ofs: ptrofs }.
+Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
+Definition program := AST.program fundef unit.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
+(*** sémantique ***)
+Lemma in_dec (lbl: label) (l: list label): { List.In lbl l } + { ~(List.In lbl l) }.
+ apply List.in_dec.
+ apply Pos.eq_dec.
+Definition is_label (lbl: label) (bb: bblock) : bool :=
+ if in_dec lbl (header bb) then true else false.
+Lemma is_label_correct_true lbl bb:
+ List.In lbl (header bb) <-> is_label lbl bb = true.
+ unfold is_label; destruct (in_dec lbl (header bb)); simpl; intuition.
+Lemma is_label_correct_false lbl bb:
+ ~(List.In lbl (header bb)) <-> is_label lbl bb = false.
+ unfold is_label; destruct (in_dec lbl (header bb)); simpl; intuition.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Fixpoint find_label (lbl: label) (c: code) {struct c} : option code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => None
+ | bb1 :: bbl => if is_label lbl bb1 then Some c else find_label lbl bbl
+ end.
+Section RELSEM.
+Variable rao:function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop.
+Variable ge:genv.
+Definition find_function_ptr
+ (ge: genv) (ros: mreg + ident) (rs: regset) : option block :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r =>
+ match rs r with
+ | Vptr b ofs => if Ptrofs.eq ofs Ptrofs.zero then Some b else None
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | inr symb =>
+ Genv.find_symbol ge symb
+ end.
+(** Machblock execution states. *)
+Inductive stackframe: Type :=
+ | Stackframe:
+ forall (f: block) (**r pointer to calling function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
+ (retaddr: val) (**r Asm return address in calling function *)
+ (c: code), (**r program point in calling function *)
+ stackframe.
+Inductive state: Type :=
+ | State:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: block) (**r pointer to current function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer *)
+ (c: code) (**r current program point *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Callstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: block) (**r pointer to function to call *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Returnstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state.
+Definition parent_sp (s: list stackframe) : val :=
+ match s with
+ | nil => Vnullptr
+ | Stackframe f sp ra c :: s' => sp
+ end.
+Definition parent_ra (s: list stackframe) : val :=
+ match s with
+ | nil => Vnullptr
+ | Stackframe f sp ra c :: s' => ra
+ end.
+Inductive basic_step (s: list stackframe) (fb: block) (sp: val) (rs: regset) (m:mem): basic_inst -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
+ | exec_MBgetstack:
+ forall ofs ty dst v,
+ load_stack m sp ty ofs = Some v ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBgetstack ofs ty dst) (rs#dst <- v) m
+ | exec_MBsetstack:
+ forall src ofs ty m' rs',
+ store_stack m sp ty ofs (rs src) = Some m' ->
+ rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_setstack ty) rs ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBsetstack src ofs ty) rs' m'
+ | exec_MBgetparam:
+ forall ofs ty dst v rs' f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ load_stack m sp Tptr f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ load_stack m (parent_sp s) ty ofs = Some v ->
+ rs' = (rs # temp_for_parent_frame <- Vundef # dst <- v) ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBgetparam ofs ty dst) rs' m
+ | exec_MBop:
+ forall op args v rs' res,
+ eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
+ rs' = ((undef_regs (destroyed_by_op op) rs)#res <- v) ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBop op args res) rs' m
+ | exec_MBload:
+ forall addr args a v rs' chunk dst,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+ rs' = ((undef_regs (destroyed_by_load chunk addr) rs)#dst <- v) ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBload chunk addr args dst) rs' m
+ | exec_MBstore:
+ forall chunk addr args src m' a rs',
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m a (rs src) = Some m' ->
+ rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_store chunk addr) rs ->
+ basic_step s fb sp rs m (MBstore chunk addr args src) rs' m'
+ .
+Inductive body_step (s: list stackframe) (f: block) (sp: val): bblock_body -> regset -> mem -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
+ | exec_nil_body:
+ forall rs m,
+ body_step s f sp nil rs m rs m
+ | exec_cons_body:
+ forall rs m bi p rs' m' rs'' m'',
+ basic_step s f sp rs m bi rs' m' ->
+ body_step s f sp p rs' m' rs'' m'' ->
+ body_step s f sp (bi::p) rs m rs'' m''
+ .
+Inductive cfi_step: control_flow_inst -> state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_MBcall:
+ forall s fb sp sig ros c b rs m f f' ra,
+ find_function_ptr ge ros rs = Some f' ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ rao f c ra ->
+ cfi_step (MBcall sig ros) (State s fb sp (b::c) rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe fb sp (Vptr fb ra) c :: s)
+ f' rs m)
+ | exec_MBtailcall:
+ forall s fb stk soff sig ros c rs m f f' m',
+ find_function_ptr ge ros rs = Some f' ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ cfi_step (MBtailcall sig ros) (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) c rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate s f' rs m')
+ | exec_MBbuiltin:
+ forall s f sp rs m ef args res b c vargs t vres rs' m',
+ eval_builtin_args ge rs sp m args vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ rs' = set_res res vres (undef_regs (destroyed_by_builtin ef) rs) ->
+ cfi_step (MBbuiltin ef args res) (State s f sp (b :: c) rs m)
+ t (State s f sp c rs' m')
+ | exec_MBgoto:
+ forall s fb f sp lbl c rs m c',
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ cfi_step (MBgoto lbl) (State s fb sp c rs m)
+ E0 (State s fb sp c' rs m)
+ | exec_MBcond_true:
+ forall s fb f sp cond args lbl c rs m c' rs',
+ eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some true ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_cond cond) rs ->
+ cfi_step (MBcond cond args lbl) (State s fb sp c rs m)
+ E0 (State s fb sp c' rs' m)
+ | exec_MBcond_false:
+ forall s f sp cond args lbl b c rs m rs',
+ eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some false ->
+ rs' = undef_regs (destroyed_by_cond cond) rs ->
+ cfi_step (MBcond cond args lbl) (State s f sp (b :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c rs' m)
+ | exec_MBjumptable:
+ forall s fb f sp arg tbl c rs m n lbl c' rs',
+ rs arg = Vint n ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some lbl ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ rs' = undef_regs destroyed_by_jumptable rs ->
+ cfi_step (MBjumptable arg tbl) (State s fb sp c rs m)
+ E0 (State s fb sp c' rs' m)
+ | exec_MBreturn:
+ forall s fb stk soff c rs m f m',
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tptr f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ cfi_step MBreturn (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) c rs m)
+ E0 (Returnstate s rs m')
+ .
+Inductive exit_step: option control_flow_inst -> state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_Some_exit:
+ forall ctl s t s',
+ cfi_step ctl s t s' ->
+ exit_step (Some ctl) s t s'
+ | exec_None_exit:
+ forall stk f sp b lb rs m,
+ exit_step None (State stk f sp (b::lb) rs m) E0 (State stk f sp lb rs m)
+ .
+Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_bblock:
+ forall sf f sp bb c rs m rs' m' t s',
+ body_step sf f sp (body bb) rs m rs' m' ->
+ exit_step (exit bb) (State sf f sp (bb::c) rs' m') t s' ->
+ step (State sf f sp (bb::c) rs m) t s'
+ | exec_function_internal:
+ forall s fb rs m f m1 m2 m3 stk rs',
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m1, stk) ->
+ let sp := Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero in
+ store_stack m1 sp Tptr f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp s) = Some m2 ->
+ store_stack m2 sp Tptr f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) (parent_ra s) = Some m3 ->
+ rs' = undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry rs ->
+ step (Callstate s fb rs m)
+ E0 (State s fb sp f.(fn_code) rs' m3)
+ | exec_function_external:
+ forall s fb rs m t rs' ef args res m',
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (External ef) ->
+ extcall_arguments rs m (parent_sp s) (ef_sig ef) args ->
+ external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
+ rs' = set_pair (loc_result (ef_sig ef)) res (undef_caller_save_regs rs) ->
+ step (Callstate s fb rs m)
+ t (Returnstate s rs' m')
+ | exec_return:
+ forall s f sp ra c rs m,
+ step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp ra c :: s) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c rs m)
+ .
+Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
+ | initial_state_intro: forall fb m0,
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some fb ->
+ initial_state p (Callstate nil fb (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
+Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
+ | final_state_intro: forall rs m r retcode,
+ loc_result signature_main = One r ->
+ rs r = Vint retcode ->
+ final_state (Returnstate nil rs m) retcode.
+Definition semantics (rao: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop) (p: program) :=
+ Semantics (step rao) (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgen.v b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgen.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dfc309e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgen.v
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Stacklayout.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Linking.
+Require Import Machblock.
+Inductive Machblock_inst: Type :=
+| MB_label (lbl: label)
+| MB_basic (bi: basic_inst)
+| MB_cfi (cfi: control_flow_inst).
+Definition trans_inst (i:Mach.instruction) : Machblock_inst :=
+ match i with
+ | Mcall sig ros => MB_cfi (MBcall sig ros)
+ | Mtailcall sig ros => MB_cfi (MBtailcall sig ros)
+ | Mbuiltin ef args res => MB_cfi (MBbuiltin ef args res)
+ | Mgoto lbl => MB_cfi (MBgoto lbl)
+ | Mcond cond args lbl => MB_cfi (MBcond cond args lbl)
+ | Mjumptable arg tbl => MB_cfi (MBjumptable arg tbl)
+ | Mreturn => MB_cfi (MBreturn)
+ | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => MB_basic (MBgetstack ofs ty dst)
+ | Msetstack src ofs ty => MB_basic (MBsetstack src ofs ty)
+ | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => MB_basic (MBgetparam ofs ty dst)
+ | Mop op args res => MB_basic (MBop op args res)
+ | Mload chunk addr args dst => MB_basic (MBload chunk addr args dst)
+ | Mstore chunk addr args src => MB_basic (MBstore chunk addr args src)
+ | Mlabel l => MB_label l
+ end.
+Definition empty_bblock:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := None |}.
+Extraction Inline empty_bblock.
+Definition add_label l bb:={| header := l::(header bb); body := (body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
+Extraction Inline add_label.
+Definition add_basic bi bb :={| header := nil; body := bi::(body bb); exit := (exit bb) |}.
+Extraction Inline add_basic.
+Definition cfi_bblock cfi:={| header := nil; body := nil; exit := Some cfi |}.
+Extraction Inline cfi_bblock.
+Definition add_to_new_bblock (i:Machblock_inst) : bblock :=
+ match i with
+ | MB_label l => add_label l empty_bblock
+ | MB_basic i => add_basic i empty_bblock
+ | MB_cfi i => cfi_bblock i
+ end.
+(* ajout d'une instruction en début d'une liste de blocks *)
+(* Soit /1\ ajout en tête de block, soit /2\ ajout dans un nouveau block*)
+(* bl est vide -> /2\ *)
+(* cfi -> /2\ (ajout dans exit)*)
+(* basic -> /1\ si header vide, /2\ si a un header *)
+(* label -> /1\ (dans header)*)
+Definition add_to_code (i:Machblock_inst) (bl:code) : code :=
+ match bl with
+ | bh::bl0 => match i with
+ | MB_label l => add_label l bh::bl0
+ | MB_cfi i0 => cfi_bblock i0::bl
+ | MB_basic i0 => match header bh with
+ |_::_ => add_basic i0 empty_bblock::bl
+ | nil => add_basic i0 bh::bl0
+ end
+ end
+ | _ => add_to_new_bblock i::nil
+ end.
+Fixpoint trans_code_rev (c: Mach.code) (bl:code) : code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => bl
+ | i::c0 =>
+ trans_code_rev c0 (add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl)
+ end.
+Function trans_code (c: Mach.code) : code :=
+ trans_code_rev (List.rev_append c nil) nil.
+(* à finir pour passer des Mach.function au function, etc. *)
+Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : function :=
+ {| fn_sig:=Mach.fn_sig f;
+ fn_code:=trans_code (Mach.fn_code f);
+ fn_stacksize := Mach.fn_stacksize f;
+ fn_link_ofs := Mach.fn_link_ofs f;
+ fn_retaddr_ofs := Mach.fn_retaddr_ofs f
+ |}.
+Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : fundef :=
+ transf_fundef transf_function f.
+Definition transf_program (src: Mach.program) : program :=
+ transform_program transf_fundef src.
+(** Abstraction de trans_code *)
+Inductive is_end_block: Machblock_inst -> code -> Prop :=
+ | End_empty mbi: is_end_block mbi nil
+ | End_basic bi bh bl: header bh <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_basic bi) (bh::bl)
+ | End_cfi cfi bl: bl <> nil -> is_end_block (MB_cfi cfi) bl.
+Local Hint Resolve End_empty End_basic End_cfi.
+Inductive is_trans_code: Mach.code -> code -> Prop :=
+ | Tr_nil: is_trans_code nil nil
+ | Tr_end_block i c bl:
+ is_trans_code c bl ->
+ is_end_block (trans_inst i) bl ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_new_bblock (trans_inst i)::bl)
+ | Tr_add_label i l bh c bl:
+ is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
+ i = Mlabel l ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_label l bh::bl)
+ | Tr_add_basic i bi bh c bl:
+ is_trans_code c (bh::bl) ->
+ trans_inst i = MB_basic bi ->
+ header bh = nil ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_basic bi bh::bl).
+Local Hint Resolve Tr_nil Tr_end_block.
+Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code i c bl:
+ is_trans_code c bl ->
+ is_trans_code (i::c) (add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl).
+ destruct bl as [|bh0 bl]; simpl.
+ - intro H. inversion H. subst. eauto.
+ - remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
+ destruct ti as [l|bi|cfi].
+ + intros; eapply Tr_add_label; eauto. destruct i; simpl in * |- *; congruence.
+ + intros. remember (header bh0) as hbh0. destruct hbh0 as [|b].
+ * eapply Tr_add_basic; eauto.
+ * cutrewrite (add_basic bi empty_bblock = add_to_new_bblock (MB_basic bi)); auto.
+ rewrite Heqti; eapply Tr_end_block; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Heqti. eapply End_basic. congruence.
+ + intros.
+ cutrewrite (cfi_bblock cfi = add_to_new_bblock (MB_cfi cfi)); auto.
+ rewrite Heqti. eapply Tr_end_block; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Heqti. eapply End_cfi. congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve add_to_code_is_trans_code.
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev c1: forall c2 mbi,
+ is_trans_code c2 mbi ->
+ is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) (trans_code_rev c1 mbi).
+ induction c1 as [| i c1]; simpl; auto.
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code c: is_trans_code c (trans_code c).
+ unfold trans_code.
+ rewrite <- rev_alt.
+ rewrite <- (rev_involutive c) at 1.
+ rewrite rev_alt at 1.
+ apply trans_code_is_trans_code_rev; auto.
+Lemma add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv i c bl:
+ is_trans_code (i::c) bl -> exists bl0, is_trans_code c bl0 /\ bl = add_to_code (trans_inst i) bl0.
+ intro H; inversion H as [|H0 H1 bl0| | H0 bi bh H1 bl0]; clear H; subst; (repeat econstructor); eauto.
+ + (* case Tr_end_block *) inversion H3; subst; simpl; auto.
+ * destruct (header bh); congruence.
+ * destruct bl0; simpl; congruence.
+ + (* case Tr_add_basic *) rewrite H3. simpl. destruct (header bh); congruence.
+Lemma trans_code_is_trans_code_rev_inv c1: forall c2 mbi,
+ is_trans_code (rev_append c1 c2) mbi ->
+ exists mbi0, is_trans_code c2 mbi0 /\ mbi=trans_code_rev c1 mbi0.
+ induction c1 as [| i c1]; simpl; eauto.
+ intros; exploit IHc1; eauto.
+ intros (mbi0 & H1 & H2); subst.
+ exploit add_to_code_is_trans_code_inv; eauto.
+ intros. destruct H0 as [mbi1 [H2 H3]].
+ exists mbi1. split; congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve trans_code_is_trans_code.
+Theorem is_trans_code_inv c bl: is_trans_code c bl <-> bl=(trans_code c).
+ constructor; intros; subst; auto.
+ unfold trans_code.
+ exploit (trans_code_is_trans_code_rev_inv (rev_append c nil) nil bl); eauto.
+ * rewrite <- rev_alt.
+ rewrite <- rev_alt.
+ rewrite (rev_involutive c).
+ apply H.
+ * intros.
+ destruct H0 as [mbi [H0 H1]].
+ inversion H0. subst. reflexivity.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgenproof.v b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgenproof.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9186e54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mppa_k1c/lib/Machblockgenproof.v
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Conventions.
+Require Stacklayout.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Linking.
+Require Import Machblock.
+Require Import Machblockgen.
+Require Import ForwardSimulationBlock.
+Ltac subst_is_trans_code H :=
+ rewrite is_trans_code_inv in H;
+ rewrite <- H in * |- *;
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in H.
+Definition inv_trans_rao (rao: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop) (f: Mach.function) (c: Mach.code) :=
+ rao (transf_function f) (trans_code c).
+Definition match_prog (p: Mach.program) (tp: Machblock.program) :=
+ match_program (fun _ f tf => tf = transf_fundef f) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match: forall p tp, transf_program p = tp -> match_prog p tp.
+ intros. rewrite <- H. eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+Definition trans_stackframe (msf: Mach.stackframe) : stackframe :=
+ match msf with
+ | Mach.Stackframe f sp retaddr c => Stackframe f sp retaddr (trans_code c)
+ end.
+Fixpoint trans_stack (mst: list Mach.stackframe) : list stackframe :=
+ match mst with
+ | nil => nil
+ | msf :: mst0 => (trans_stackframe msf) :: (trans_stack mst0)
+ end.
+Definition trans_state (ms: Mach.state): state :=
+ match ms with
+ | Mach.State s f sp c rs m => State (trans_stack s) f sp (trans_code c) rs m
+ | Mach.Callstate s f rs m => Callstate (trans_stack s) f rs m
+ | Mach.Returnstate s rs m => Returnstate (trans_stack s) rs m
+ end.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Variable prog: Mach.program.
+Variable tprog: Machblock.program.
+Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
+Variable rao: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop.
+Definition match_states: Mach.state -> state -> Prop
+ := ForwardSimulationBlock.match_states (Mach.semantics (inv_trans_rao rao) prog) (Machblock.semantics rao tprog) trans_state.
+Lemma match_states_trans_state s1: match_states s1 (trans_state s1).
+ apply match_states_trans_state.
+Local Hint Resolve match_states_trans_state.
+Lemma symbols_preserved:
+ forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+Proof (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSF).
+Lemma senv_preserved:
+ Senv.equiv ge tge.
+Proof (Genv.senv_match TRANSF).
+Lemma init_mem_preserved:
+ forall m,
+ Genv.init_mem prog = Some m ->
+ Genv.init_mem tprog = Some m.
+Proof (Genv.init_mem_transf TRANSF).
+Lemma prog_main_preserved:
+ prog_main tprog = prog_main prog.
+Proof (match_program_main TRANSF).
+Lemma functions_translated:
+ forall b f,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
+ exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = tf.
+ intros.
+ exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match TRANSF); eauto. intro.
+ destruct H0 as (cunit & tf & A & B & C).
+ eapply ex_intro. intuition; eauto. subst. eapply A.
+Lemma find_function_ptr_same:
+ forall s rs,
+ Mach.find_function_ptr ge s rs = find_function_ptr tge s rs.
+ intros. unfold Mach.find_function_ptr. unfold find_function_ptr.
+ destruct s; auto.
+ rewrite symbols_preserved; auto.
+Lemma find_funct_ptr_same:
+ forall f f0,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge f = Some (Internal f0) ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge f = Some (Internal (transf_function f0)).
+ intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf TRANSF); eauto.
+Lemma find_funct_ptr_same_external:
+ forall f f0,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge f = Some (External f0) ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge f = Some (External f0).
+ intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf TRANSF); eauto.
+Lemma parent_sp_preserved:
+ forall s,
+ Mach.parent_sp s = parent_sp (trans_stack s).
+ unfold parent_sp. unfold Mach.parent_sp. destruct s; simpl; auto.
+ unfold trans_stackframe. destruct s; simpl; auto.
+Lemma parent_ra_preserved:
+ forall s,
+ Mach.parent_ra s = parent_ra (trans_stack s).
+ unfold parent_ra. unfold Mach.parent_ra. destruct s; simpl; auto.
+ unfold trans_stackframe. destruct s; simpl; auto.
+Lemma external_call_preserved:
+ forall ef args m t res m',
+ external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
+ external_call ef tge args m t res m'.
+ intros. eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto.
+ apply senv_preserved.
+Lemma Mach_find_label_split l i c c':
+ Mach.find_label l (i :: c) = Some c' ->
+ (i=Mlabel l /\ c' = c) \/ (i <> Mlabel l /\ Mach.find_label l c = Some c').
+ intros H.
+ destruct i; try (constructor 2; split; auto; discriminate ).
+ destruct (peq l0 l) as [P|P].
+ - constructor. subst l0; split; auto.
+ revert H. unfold Mach.find_label. simpl. rewrite peq_true.
+ intros H; injection H; auto.
+ - constructor 2. split.
+ + intro F. injection F. intros. contradict P; auto.
+ + revert H. unfold Mach.find_label. simpl. rewrite peq_false; auto.
+Lemma find_label_is_end_block_not_label i l c bl:
+ is_end_block (trans_inst i) bl ->
+ is_trans_code c bl ->
+ i <> Mlabel l -> find_label l (add_to_new_bblock (trans_inst i) :: bl) = find_label l bl.
+ intros H H0 H1.
+ unfold find_label.
+ remember (is_label l _) as b.
+ cutrewrite (b = false); auto.
+ subst; unfold is_label.
+ destruct i; simpl in * |- *; try (destruct (in_dec l nil); intuition).
+ inversion H.
+ destruct (in_dec l (l0::nil)) as [H6|H6]; auto.
+ simpl in H6; intuition try congruence.
+Lemma find_label_at_begin l bh bl:
+ In l (header bh)
+ -> find_label l (bh :: bl) = Some (bh::bl).
+ unfold find_label; rewrite is_label_correct_true; intro H; rewrite H; simpl; auto.
+Lemma find_label_add_label_diff l bh bl:
+ ~(In l (header bh)) ->
+ find_label l (bh::bl) = find_label l bl.
+ unfold find_label; rewrite is_label_correct_false; intro H; rewrite H; simpl; auto.
+Definition concat (h: list label) (c: code): code :=
+ match c with
+ | nil => {| header := h; body := nil; exit := None |}::nil
+ | b::c' => {| header := h ++ (header b); body := body b; exit := exit b |}::c'
+ end.
+Lemma find_label_transcode_preserved:
+ forall l c c',
+ Mach.find_label l c = Some c' ->
+ exists h, In l h /\ find_label l (trans_code c) = Some (concat h (trans_code c')).
+ intros l c. remember (trans_code _) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in * |-.
+ induction Heqbl.
+ + (* Tr_nil *)
+ intros; exists (l::nil); simpl in * |- *; intuition.
+ discriminate.
+ + (* Tr_end_block *)
+ intros.
+ exploit Mach_find_label_split; eauto.
+ clear H0; destruct 1 as [(H0&H2)|(H0&H2)].
+ - subst. rewrite find_label_at_begin; simpl; auto.
+ inversion H as [mbi H1 H2| | ].
+ subst.
+ inversion Heqbl.
+ subst.
+ exists (l :: nil); simpl; eauto.
+ - exploit IHHeqbl; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as (h & H3 & H4).
+ exists h.
+ split; auto.
+ erewrite find_label_is_end_block_not_label;eauto.
+ + (* Tr_add_label *)
+ intros.
+ exploit Mach_find_label_split; eauto.
+ clear H0; destruct 1 as [(H0&H2)|(H0&H2)].
+ - subst.
+ inversion H0 as [H1].
+ clear H0.
+ erewrite find_label_at_begin; simpl; eauto.
+ subst_is_trans_code Heqbl.
+ exists (l :: nil); simpl; eauto.
+ - subst; assert (H: l0 <> l); try congruence; clear H0.
+ exploit IHHeqbl; eauto.
+ clear IHHeqbl Heqbl.
+ intros (h & H3 & H4).
+ simpl; unfold is_label, add_label; simpl.
+ destruct (in_dec l (l0::header bh)) as [H5|H5]; simpl in H5.
+ * destruct H5; try congruence.
+ exists (l0::h); simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite find_label_at_begin in H4; auto.
+ apply f_equal. inversion H4 as [H5]. clear H4.
+ destruct (trans_code c'); simpl in * |- *;
+ inversion H5; subst; simpl; auto.
+ * exists h. intuition.
+ erewrite <- find_label_add_label_diff; eauto.
+ + (* Tr_add_basic *)
+ intros.
+ exploit Mach_find_label_split; eauto.
+ destruct 1 as [(H2&H3)|(H2&H3)].
+ rewrite H2 in H. unfold trans_inst in H. congruence.
+ exploit IHHeqbl; eauto.
+ clear IHHeqbl Heqbl.
+ intros (h & H4 & H5).
+ rewrite find_label_add_label_diff; auto.
+ rewrite find_label_add_label_diff in H5; eauto.
+ rewrite H0; auto.
+Lemma find_label_preserved:
+ forall l f c,
+ Mach.find_label l (Mach.fn_code f) = Some c ->
+ exists h, In l h /\ find_label l (fn_code (transf_function f)) = Some (concat h (trans_code c)).
+ intros. cutrewrite ((fn_code (transf_function f)) = trans_code (Mach.fn_code f)); eauto.
+ apply find_label_transcode_preserved; auto.
+Lemma mem_free_preserved:
+ forall m stk f,
+ Mem.free m stk 0 (Mach.fn_stacksize f) = Mem.free m stk 0 (fn_stacksize (transf_function f)).
+ intros. auto.
+Local Hint Resolve symbols_preserved senv_preserved init_mem_preserved prog_main_preserved functions_translated
+ parent_sp_preserved.
+Definition dist_end_block_code (c: Mach.code) :=
+ match trans_code c with
+ | nil => 0
+ | bh::_ => (size bh-1)%nat
+ end.
+Definition dist_end_block (s: Mach.state): nat :=
+ match s with
+ | Mach.State _ _ _ c _ _ => dist_end_block_code c
+ | _ => 0
+ end.
+Local Hint Resolve exec_nil_body exec_cons_body.
+Local Hint Resolve exec_MBgetstack exec_MBsetstack exec_MBgetparam exec_MBop exec_MBload exec_MBstore.
+Lemma size_add_label l bh: size (add_label l bh) = size bh + 1.
+ unfold add_label, size; simpl; omega.
+Lemma size_add_basic bi bh: header bh = nil -> size (add_basic bi bh) = size bh + 1.
+ intro H. unfold add_basic, size; rewrite H; simpl. omega.
+Lemma size_add_to_newblock i: size (add_to_new_bblock i) = 1.
+ destruct i; auto.
+Lemma dist_end_block_code_simu_mid_block i c:
+ dist_end_block_code (i::c) <> 0 ->
+ (dist_end_block_code (i::c) = Datatypes.S (dist_end_block_code c)).
+ unfold dist_end_block_code.
+ remember (trans_code (i::c)) as bl.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqbl.
+ inversion Heqbl as [|bl0 H| |]; subst; clear Heqbl.
+ - rewrite size_add_to_newblock; omega.
+ - rewrite size_add_label;
+ subst_is_trans_code H.
+ omega.
+ - rewrite size_add_basic; auto.
+ subst_is_trans_code H.
+ omega.
+Local Hint Resolve dist_end_block_code_simu_mid_block.
+Lemma size_nonzero c b bl:
+ is_trans_code c (b :: bl) -> size b <> 0.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ - rewrite size_add_to_newblock; omega.
+ - rewrite size_add_label; omega.
+ - rewrite size_add_basic; auto; omega.
+Inductive is_header: list label -> Mach.code -> Mach.code -> Prop :=
+ | header_empty : is_header nil nil nil
+ | header_not_label i c: (forall l, i <> Mlabel l) -> is_header nil (i::c) (i::c)
+ | header_is_label l h c c0: is_header h c c0 -> is_header (l::h) ((Mlabel l)::c) c0
+ .
+Inductive is_body: list basic_inst -> Mach.code -> Mach.code -> Prop :=
+ | body_empty : is_body nil nil nil
+ | body_not_bi i c: (forall bi, (trans_inst i) <> (MB_basic bi)) -> is_body nil (i::c) (i::c)
+ | body_is_bi i lbi c0 c1 bi: (trans_inst i) = MB_basic bi -> is_body lbi c0 c1 -> is_body (bi::lbi) (i::c0) c1
+ .
+Inductive is_exit: option control_flow_inst -> Mach.code -> Mach.code -> Prop :=
+ | exit_empty: is_exit None nil nil
+ | exit_not_cfi i c: (forall cfi, (trans_inst i) <> MB_cfi cfi) -> is_exit None (i::c) (i::c)
+ | exit_is_cfi i c cfi: (trans_inst i) = MB_cfi cfi -> is_exit (Some cfi) (i::c) c
+ .
+Lemma Mlabel_is_not_basic i:
+ forall bi, trans_inst i = MB_basic bi -> forall l, i <> Mlabel l.
+unfold trans_inst in H.
+destruct i; congruence.
+Lemma Mlabel_is_not_cfi i:
+ forall cfi, trans_inst i = MB_cfi cfi -> forall l, i <> Mlabel l.
+unfold trans_inst in H.
+destruct i; congruence.
+Lemma MBbasic_is_not_cfi i:
+ forall cfi, trans_inst i = MB_cfi cfi -> forall bi, trans_inst i <> MB_basic bi.
+unfold trans_inst in H.
+unfold trans_inst.
+destruct i; congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve Mlabel_is_not_cfi.
+Local Hint Resolve MBbasic_is_not_cfi.
+Lemma add_to_new_block_is_label i:
+ header (add_to_new_bblock (trans_inst i)) <> nil -> exists l, i = Mlabel l.
+ intros.
+ unfold add_to_new_bblock in H.
+ destruct (trans_inst i) eqn : H1.
+ + exists lbl.
+ unfold trans_inst in H1.
+ destruct i; congruence.
+ + unfold add_basic in H; simpl in H; congruence.
+ + unfold cfi_bblock in H; simpl in H; congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve Mlabel_is_not_basic.
+Lemma trans_code_decompose c: forall b bl,
+ is_trans_code c (b::bl) ->
+ exists c0 c1 c2, is_header (header b) c c0 /\ is_body (body b) c0 c1 /\ is_exit (exit b) c1 c2 /\ is_trans_code c2 bl.
+ induction c as [|i c].
+ { (* nil => absurd *) intros b bl H; inversion H. }
+ intros b bl H; remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
+ destruct ti as [lbl|bi|cfi];
+ inversion H as [|d0 d1 d2 H0 H1| |]; subst;
+ try (rewrite <- Heqti in * |- *); simpl in * |- *;
+ try congruence.
+ + (* label at end block *)
+ inversion H1; subst. inversion H0; subst.
+ assert (X:i=Mlabel lbl). { destruct i; simpl in Heqti; congruence. }
+ subst. repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ + (* label at mid block *)
+ exploit IHc; eauto.
+ intros (c0 & c1 & c2 & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4).
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ + (* basic at end block *)
+ inversion H1; subst.
+ lapply (Mlabel_is_not_basic i bi); auto.
+ intro H2.
+ - inversion H0; subst.
+ assert (X:(trans_inst i) = MB_basic bi ). { repeat econstructor; congruence. }
+ repeat econstructor; congruence.
+ - exists (i::c), c, c.
+ repeat econstructor; eauto; inversion H0; subst; repeat econstructor; simpl; try congruence.
+ * exploit (add_to_new_block_is_label i0); eauto.
+ intros (l & H8); subst; simpl; congruence.
+ * exploit H3; eauto.
+ * exploit (add_to_new_block_is_label i0); eauto.
+ intros (l & H8); subst; simpl; congruence.
+ + (* basic at mid block *)
+ inversion H1; subst.
+ exploit IHc; eauto.
+ intros (c0 & c1 & c2 & H3 & H4 & H5 & H6).
+ exists (i::c0), c1, c2.
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite H2 in H3.
+ inversion H3; econstructor; eauto.
+ + (* cfi at end block *)
+ inversion H1; subst;
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma step_simu_header st f sp rs m s c h c' t:
+ is_header h c c' ->
+ starN (Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao)) (Genv.globalenv prog) (length h) (Mach.State st f sp c rs m) t s ->
+ s = Mach.State st f sp c' rs m /\ t = E0.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros hs; try (inversion hs; tauto).
+ inversion hs as [|n1 s1 t1 t2 s2 t3 s3 H1]. inversion H1. subst. auto.
+Lemma step_simu_basic_step (i: Mach.instruction) (bi: basic_inst) (c: Mach.code) s f sp rs m (t:trace) (s':Mach.state):
+ trans_inst i = MB_basic bi ->
+ Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao) ge (Mach.State s f sp (i::c) rs m) t s' ->
+ exists rs' m', s'=Mach.State s f sp c rs' m' /\ t=E0 /\ basic_step tge (trans_stack s) f sp rs m bi rs' m'.
+ destruct i; simpl in * |-;
+ (discriminate
+ || (intro H; inversion_clear H; intro X; inversion_clear X; eapply ex_intro; eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto)).
+ - eapply exec_MBgetparam; eauto. exploit (functions_translated); eauto. intro.
+ destruct H3 as (tf & A & B). subst. eapply A.
+ all: simpl; rewrite <- parent_sp_preserved; auto.
+ - eapply exec_MBop; eauto. rewrite <- H. destruct o; simpl; auto. destruct (rs ## l); simpl; auto.
+ unfold Genv.symbol_address; rewrite symbols_preserved; auto.
+ - eapply exec_MBload; eauto; rewrite <- H; destruct a; simpl; auto; destruct (rs ## l); simpl; auto;
+ unfold Genv.symbol_address; rewrite symbols_preserved; auto.
+ - eapply exec_MBstore; eauto; rewrite <- H; destruct a; simpl; auto; destruct (rs ## l); simpl; auto;
+ unfold Genv.symbol_address; rewrite symbols_preserved; auto.
+Lemma star_step_simu_body_step s f sp c bdy c':
+ is_body bdy c c' -> forall rs m t s',
+ starN (Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao)) ge (length bdy) (Mach.State s f sp c rs m) t s' ->
+ exists rs' m', s'=Mach.State s f sp c' rs' m' /\ t=E0 /\ body_step tge (trans_stack s) f sp bdy rs m rs' m'.
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ + intros. inversion H. exists rs. exists m. auto.
+ + intros. inversion H0. exists rs. exists m. auto.
+ + intros. inversion H1; subst.
+ exploit (step_simu_basic_step ); eauto.
+ destruct 1 as [ rs1 [ m1 Hs]].
+ destruct Hs as [Hs1 [Hs2 Hs3]].
+ destruct (IHis_body rs1 m1 t2 s') as [rs2 Hb]. rewrite <- Hs1; eauto.
+ destruct Hb as [m2 [Hb1 [Hb2 Hb3]]].
+ exists rs2, m2.
+ rewrite Hs2, Hb2; eauto.
+ Qed.
+Local Hint Resolve exec_MBcall exec_MBtailcall exec_MBbuiltin exec_MBgoto exec_MBcond_true exec_MBcond_false exec_MBjumptable exec_MBreturn exec_Some_exit exec_None_exit.
+Local Hint Resolve eval_builtin_args_preserved external_call_symbols_preserved find_funct_ptr_same.
+Lemma match_states_concat_trans_code st f sp c rs m h:
+ match_states (Mach.State st f sp c rs m) (State (trans_stack st) f sp (concat h (trans_code c)) rs m).
+ intros; constructor 1; simpl.
+ + intros (t0 & s1' & H0) t s'.
+ remember (trans_code _) as bl.
+ destruct bl as [|bh bl].
+ { rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqbl; inversion Heqbl; inversion H0; congruence. }
+ clear H0.
+ simpl; constructor 1;
+ intros X; inversion X as [d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 rs' m' d10 d11 X1 X2| | | ]; subst; simpl in * |- *;
+ eapply exec_bblock; eauto; simpl;
+ inversion X2 as [cfi d1 d2 d3 H1|]; subst; eauto;
+ inversion H1; subst; eauto.
+ + intros H r; constructor 1; intro X; inversion X.
+Lemma step_simu_cfi_step (i: Mach.instruction) (cfi: control_flow_inst) (c: Mach.code) (blc:code) stk f sp rs m (t:trace) (s':Mach.state) b:
+ trans_inst i = MB_cfi cfi ->
+ is_trans_code c blc ->
+ Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao) ge (Mach.State stk f sp (i::c) rs m) t s' ->
+ exists s2, cfi_step rao tge cfi (State (trans_stack stk) f sp (b::blc) rs m) t s2 /\ match_states s' s2.
+ destruct i; simpl in * |-;
+ (intro H; intro Htc;apply is_trans_code_inv in Htc;rewrite Htc;inversion_clear H;intro X; inversion_clear X).
+ * eapply ex_intro.
+ intuition auto.
+ eapply exec_MBcall;eauto.
+ rewrite <-H; exploit (find_function_ptr_same); eauto.
+ * eapply ex_intro.
+ intuition auto.
+ eapply exec_MBtailcall;eauto.
+ - rewrite <-H; exploit (find_function_ptr_same); eauto.
+ - simpl; rewrite <- parent_sp_preserved; auto.
+ - simpl; rewrite <- parent_ra_preserved; auto.
+ * eapply ex_intro.
+ intuition auto.
+ eapply exec_MBbuiltin ;eauto.
+ * exploit find_label_transcode_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (x & X1 & X2).
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; [ idtac | eapply match_states_concat_trans_code ]; eauto.
+ * exploit find_label_transcode_preserved; eauto.
+ intros (x & X1 & X2).
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; [ idtac | eapply match_states_concat_trans_code ]; eauto.
+ * eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; [ idtac | eapply match_states_trans_state ]; eauto.
+ eapply exec_MBcond_false; eauto.
+ * exploit find_label_transcode_preserved; eauto. intros (h & X1 & X2).
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; [ idtac | eapply match_states_concat_trans_code ]; eauto.
+ * eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; [ idtac | eapply match_states_trans_state ]; eauto.
+ eapply exec_MBreturn; eauto.
+ rewrite parent_sp_preserved in H0; subst; auto.
+ rewrite parent_ra_preserved in H1; subst; auto.
+Lemma step_simu_exit_step stk f sp rs m t s1 e c c' b blc:
+ is_exit e c c' -> is_trans_code c' blc ->
+ starN (Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao)) (Genv.globalenv prog) (length_opt e) (Mach.State stk f sp c rs m) t s1 ->
+ exists s2, exit_step rao tge e (State (trans_stack stk) f sp (b::blc) rs m) t s2 /\ match_states s1 s2.
+ destruct 1.
+ - (* None *)
+ intros H0 H1. inversion H1. exists (State (trans_stack stk) f sp blc rs m).
+ split; eauto.
+ apply is_trans_code_inv in H0.
+ rewrite H0.
+ apply match_states_trans_state.
+ - (* None *)
+ intros H0 H1. inversion H1. exists (State (trans_stack stk) f sp blc rs m).
+ split; eauto.
+ apply is_trans_code_inv in H0.
+ rewrite H0.
+ apply match_states_trans_state.
+ - (* Some *)
+ intros H0 H1.
+ inversion H1; subst.
+ exploit (step_simu_cfi_step); eauto.
+ intros [s2 [Hcfi1 Hcfi3]].
+ inversion H4. subst; simpl.
+ autorewrite with trace_rewrite.
+ exists s2.
+ split;eauto.
+Lemma simu_end_block:
+ forall s1 t s1',
+ starN (Mach.step (inv_trans_rao rao)) ge (Datatypes.S (dist_end_block s1)) s1 t s1' ->
+ exists s2', step rao tge (trans_state s1) t s2' /\ match_states s1' s2'.
+ destruct s1; simpl.
+ + (* State *)
+ remember (trans_code _) as tc.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqtc.
+ intros t s1 H.
+ destruct tc as [|b bl].
+ { (* nil => absurd *)
+ inversion Heqtc. subst.
+ unfold dist_end_block_code; simpl.
+ inversion_clear H;
+ inversion_clear H0.
+ }
+ assert (X: Datatypes.S (dist_end_block_code c) = (size b)).
+ {
+ unfold dist_end_block_code.
+ subst_is_trans_code Heqtc.
+ lapply (size_nonzero c b bl); auto.
+ omega.
+ }
+ rewrite X in H; unfold size in H.
+ (* decomposition of starN in 3 parts: header + body + exit *)
+ destruct (starN_split (Mach.semantics (inv_trans_rao rao) prog) _ _ _ _ H _ _ refl_equal) as (t3&t4&s1'&H0&H3&H4).
+ subst t; clear X H.
+ destruct (starN_split (Mach.semantics (inv_trans_rao rao) prog) _ _ _ _ H0 _ _ refl_equal) as (t1&t2&s1''&H&H1&H2).
+ subst t3; clear H0.
+ exploit trans_code_decompose; eauto. clear Heqtc.
+ intros (c0&c1&c2&Hc0&Hc1&Hc2&Heqtc).
+ (* header steps *)
+ exploit step_simu_header; eauto.
+ clear H; intros [X1 X2]; subst.
+ (* body steps *)
+ exploit (star_step_simu_body_step); eauto.
+ clear H1; intros (rs'&m'&H0&H1&H2). subst.
+ autorewrite with trace_rewrite.
+ (* exit step *)
+ exploit step_simu_exit_step; eauto.
+ clear H3; intros (s2' & H3 & H4).
+ eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
+ eapply exec_bblock; eauto.
+ + (* Callstate *)
+ intros t s1' H; inversion_clear H.
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; eauto.
+ inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
+ inversion_clear H0; simpl.
+ - (* function_internal*)
+ cutrewrite (trans_code (Mach.fn_code f0) = fn_code (transf_function f0)); eauto.
+ eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ rewrite <- parent_sp_preserved; eauto.
+ rewrite <- parent_ra_preserved; eauto.
+ - (* function_external *)
+ autorewrite with trace_rewrite.
+ eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ apply find_funct_ptr_same_external; auto.
+ rewrite <- parent_sp_preserved; eauto.
+ + (* Returnstate *)
+ intros t s1' H; inversion_clear H.
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1; eauto.
+ inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
+ inversion_clear H0; simpl.
+ eapply exec_return.
+Lemma cfi_dist_end_block i c:
+(exists cfi, trans_inst i = MB_cfi cfi) ->
+dist_end_block_code (i :: c) = 0.
+ unfold dist_end_block_code.
+ intro H. destruct H as [cfi H].
+ destruct i;simpl in H;try(congruence); (
+ remember (trans_code _) as bl;
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqbl;
+ inversion Heqbl; subst; simpl in * |- *; try (congruence)).
+Theorem transf_program_correct:
+ forward_simulation (Mach.semantics (inv_trans_rao rao) prog) (Machblock.semantics rao tprog).
+ apply forward_simulation_block_trans with (dist_end_block := dist_end_block) (trans_state := trans_state).
+(* simu_mid_block *)
+ - intros s1 t s1' H1 H2.
+ destruct H1; simpl in * |- *; omega || (intuition auto);
+ destruct H2; eapply cfi_dist_end_block; simpl; eauto.
+(* public_preserved *)
+ - apply senv_preserved.
+(* match_initial_states *)
+ - intros. simpl.
+ eapply ex_intro; constructor 1.
+ eapply match_states_trans_state.
+ destruct H. split.
+ apply init_mem_preserved; auto.
+ rewrite prog_main_preserved. rewrite <- H0. apply symbols_preserved.
+(* match_final_states *)
+ - intros. simpl. destruct H. split with (r := r); auto.
+(* final_states_end_block *)
+ - intros. simpl in H0.
+ inversion H0.
+ inversion H; simpl; auto.
+ all: try (subst; discriminate).
+ apply cfi_dist_end_block; exists MBreturn; eauto.
+(* simu_end_block *)
+ - apply simu_end_block.
+(** Auxiliary lemmas used to prove existence of a Mach return adress from a Machblock return address. *)
+Lemma is_trans_code_monotonic i c b l:
+ is_trans_code c (b::l) ->
+ exists l' b', is_trans_code (i::c) (l' ++ (b'::l)).
+ intro H; destruct c as [|i' c]. { inversion H. }
+ remember (trans_inst i) as ti.
+ destruct ti as [lbl|bi|cfi].
+ - (*i=lbl *) cutrewrite (i = Mlabel lbl). 2:{ destruct i; simpl in * |- *; try congruence. }
+ exists nil; simpl; eexists. eapply Tr_add_label; eauto.
+ - (*i=basic*)
+ destruct i'.
+ 10: {exists (add_to_new_bblock (MB_basic bi)::nil). exists b.
+ cutrewrite ((add_to_new_bblock (MB_basic bi) :: nil) ++ (b::l)=(add_to_new_bblock (MB_basic bi) :: (b::l)));eauto.
+ rewrite Heqti.
+ eapply Tr_end_block; eauto.
+ rewrite <-Heqti.
+ eapply End_basic. inversion H; try(simpl; congruence).
+ simpl in H5; congruence. }
+ all: try(exists nil; simpl; eexists; eapply Tr_add_basic; eauto; inversion H; try(eauto || congruence)).
+ - (*i=cfi*)
+ destruct i; try(simpl in Heqti; congruence).
+ all: exists (add_to_new_bblock (MB_cfi cfi)::nil); exists b;
+ cutrewrite ((add_to_new_bblock (MB_cfi cfi) :: nil) ++ (b::l)=(add_to_new_bblock (MB_cfi cfi) :: (b::l)));eauto;
+ rewrite Heqti;
+ eapply Tr_end_block; eauto;
+ rewrite <-Heqti;
+ eapply End_cfi; congruence.
+Lemma trans_code_monotonic i c b l:
+ (b::l) = trans_code c ->
+ exists l' b', trans_code (i::c) = (l' ++ (b'::l)).
+ intro H; rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in H.
+ destruct (is_trans_code_monotonic i c b l H) as (l' & b' & H0).
+ subst_is_trans_code H0.
+ eauto.
+(* FIXME: these two lemma should go into [Coqlib.v] *)
+Lemma is_tail_app A (l1: list A): forall l2, is_tail l2 (l1 ++ l2).
+ induction l1; simpl; auto with coqlib.
+Hint Resolve is_tail_app: coqlib.
+Lemma is_tail_app_inv A (l1: list A): forall l2 l3, is_tail (l1 ++ l2) l3 -> is_tail l2 l3.
+ induction l1; simpl; auto with coqlib.
+ intros l2 l3 H; inversion H; eauto with coqlib.
+Hint Resolve is_tail_app_inv: coqlib.
+Lemma Mach_Machblock_tail sg ros c c1 c2: c1=(Mcall sg ros :: c) -> is_tail c1 c2 ->
+ exists b, is_tail (b :: trans_code c) (trans_code c2).
+ intros H; induction 1.
+ - intros; subst.
+ remember (trans_code (Mcall _ _::c)) as tc2.
+ rewrite <- is_trans_code_inv in Heqtc2.
+ inversion Heqtc2; simpl in * |- *; subst; try congruence.
+ subst_is_trans_code H1.
+ eapply ex_intro; eauto with coqlib.
+ - intros; exploit IHis_tail; eauto. clear IHis_tail.
+ intros (b & Hb). inversion Hb; clear Hb.
+ * exploit (trans_code_monotonic i c2); eauto.
+ intros (l' & b' & Hl'); rewrite Hl'.
+ exists b'; simpl; eauto with coqlib.
+ * exploit (trans_code_monotonic i c2); eauto.
+ intros (l' & b' & Hl'); rewrite Hl'.
+ simpl; eapply ex_intro.
+ eapply is_tail_trans; eauto with coqlib.
+Section Mach_Return_Address.
+Variable return_address_offset: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop.
+Hypothesis ra_exists: forall (b: bblock) (f: function) (c : list bblock),
+ is_tail (b :: c) (fn_code f) -> exists ra : ptrofs, return_address_offset f c ra.
+Definition Mach_return_address_offset (f: Mach.function) (c: Mach.code) (ofs: ptrofs) : Prop :=
+ return_address_offset (transf_function f) (trans_code c) ofs.
+Lemma Mach_return_address_exists:
+ forall f sg ros c, is_tail (Mcall sg ros :: c) f.(Mach.fn_code) ->
+ exists ra, Mach_return_address_offset f c ra.
+ intros.
+ exploit Mach_Machblock_tail; eauto.
+ destruct 1.
+ eapply ra_exists; eauto.
+End Mach_Return_Address. \ No newline at end of file