path: root/mppa_k1c
diff options
authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-19 13:34:03 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-19 13:34:03 +0200
commit43274f37edd4810752b602db19ef2e9deaeeeb83 (patch)
tree5c38eb354922800aee9f3057d9e170f6c6c1aca8 /mppa_k1c
parent3fe25e5b0fab6bc4c7b80d047f232cc16f0c1f03 (diff)
parentbdcd9c750cd03b3fab1c3cf00d39e5348e305ee3 (diff)
Merge branch 'mppa-work' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into mppa-work
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c')
15 files changed, 2093 insertions, 1539 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblockdeps.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblockdeps.v
index 265c4e84..b11a77ff 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblockdeps.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblockdeps.v
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import ImpDep.
+Require Import ImpSimuTest.
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import Parallelizability.
Require Import Asmvliw Permutation.
@@ -302,30 +302,6 @@ Definition op_eval (o: op) (l: list value) :=
- (** Function [is_constant] is used for a small optimization inside the scheduling verifier.
- It is good that it answers [true] as much as possible while satisfying [is_constant_correct] below.
- BE CAREFUL that, [is_constant] must not depend on [ge].
- Otherwise, we would have an easy implementation: [match op_eval o nil with Some _ => true | _ => false end]
- => REM: when [is_constant] is not complete w.r.t [is_constant_correct], this should have only a very little impact
- on the performance of the scheduling verifier...
- *)
-Definition is_constant (o: op): bool :=
- match o with
- | Constant _ | OArithR _ | OArithRI32 _ _ | OArithRI64 _ _ | OArithRF32 _ _ | OArithRF64 _ _ => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-Lemma is_constant_correct o: is_constant o = true -> op_eval o nil <> None.
- destruct o; simpl; try congruence.
- destruct ao; simpl; try congruence;
- destruct n; simpl; try congruence;
- unfold arith_eval; destruct Ge; simpl; try congruence.
Definition arith_op_eq (o1 o2: arith_op): ?? bool :=
match o1 with
| OArithR n1 =>
@@ -507,7 +483,7 @@ Include MkSeqLanguage P.
End L.
-Module IDT := ImpDepTree L ImpPosDict.
+Module IST := ImpSimu L ImpPosDict.
Import L.
Import P.
@@ -1609,16 +1585,46 @@ Definition string_of_op (op: P.op): ?? pstring :=
| Fail => RET (Str "Fail")
+Definition is_constant (o: op): bool :=
+ match o with
+ | Constant _ | OArithR _ | OArithRI32 _ _ | OArithRI64 _ _ | OArithRF32 _ _ | OArithRF64 _ _ => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma is_constant_correct ge o: is_constant o = true -> op_eval ge o [] <> None.
+ destruct o; simpl in * |- *; try congruence.
+ destruct ao; simpl in * |- *; try congruence;
+ destruct n; simpl in * |- *; try congruence;
+ unfold arith_eval; destruct ge; simpl in * |- *; try congruence.
+Definition main_reduce (t: Terms.term):= RET (Terms.nofail is_constant t).
+Local Hint Resolve is_constant_correct: wlp.
+Lemma main_reduce_correct t:
+ WHEN main_reduce t ~> pt THEN Terms.match_pt t pt.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Definition reduce := {| Terms.result := main_reduce; Terms.result_correct := main_reduce_correct |}.
Definition bblock_simu_test (verb: bool) (p1 p2: Asmvliw.bblock) : ?? bool :=
if verb then
- IDT.verb_bblock_simu_test string_of_name string_of_op (trans_block p1) (trans_block p2)
+ IST.verb_bblock_simu_test reduce string_of_name string_of_op (trans_block p1) (trans_block p2)
- IDT.bblock_simu_test (trans_block p1) (trans_block p2).
+ IST.bblock_simu_test reduce (trans_block p1) (trans_block p2).
-Local Hint Resolve IDT.bblock_simu_test_correct bblock_simu_reduce IDT.verb_bblock_simu_test_correct: wlp.
+Local Hint Resolve IST.bblock_simu_test_correct bblock_simu_reduce IST.verb_bblock_simu_test_correct: wlp.
Theorem bblock_simu_test_correct verb p1 p2 :
- WHEN bblock_simu_test verb p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge fn, Ge = Genv ge fn -> Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
+ WHEN bblock_simu_test verb p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge fn, Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
@@ -1630,7 +1636,7 @@ Import UnsafeImpure.
Definition pure_bblock_simu_test (verb: bool) (p1 p2: Asmvliw.bblock): bool := unsafe_coerce (bblock_simu_test verb p1 p2).
-Theorem pure_bblock_simu_test_correct verb p1 p2 ge fn: Ge = Genv ge fn -> pure_bblock_simu_test verb p1 p2 = true -> Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
+Theorem pure_bblock_simu_test_correct verb p1 p2 ge fn: pure_bblock_simu_test verb p1 p2 = true -> Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
intros; unfold pure_bblock_simu_test. intros; eapply bblock_simu_test_correct; eauto.
apply unsafe_coerce_not_really_correct; eauto.
@@ -1638,9 +1644,7 @@ Qed.
Definition bblock_simub: Asmvliw.bblock -> Asmvliw.bblock -> bool := pure_bblock_simu_test true.
-Lemma bblock_simub_correct p1 p2 ge fn: Ge = Genv ge fn -> bblock_simub p1 p2 = true -> Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
+Lemma bblock_simub_correct p1 p2 ge fn: bblock_simub p1 p2 = true -> Asmblockgenproof0.bblock_simu ge fn p1 p2.
eapply (pure_bblock_simu_test_correct true).
+Qed. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v b/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
index 8e6aa028..3370fae3 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma signed_0_eqb :
forall x, (Z.eqb (Int.signed x) 0) = Int.eq x Int.zero.
Lemma Z_quot_le: forall a b,
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
index 2fc561ee..462e9cd0 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/PostpassSchedulingOracle.ml
@@ -699,20 +699,96 @@ let instruction_usages bb =
* Latency constraints building
-type access = { inst: int; loc: location }
+(* type access = { inst: int; loc: location } *)
-let rec get_accesses llocs laccs =
- let accesses loc laccs = List.filter (fun acc -> acc.loc = loc) laccs
- in match llocs with
- | [] -> []
- | loc :: llocs -> (accesses loc laccs) @ (get_accesses llocs laccs)
+let preg2int pr = Camlcoq.P.to_int @@ Asmblockdeps.ppos pr
+let loc2int = function
+ | Mem -> 1
+ | Reg pr -> preg2int pr
+(* module HashedLoc = struct
+ type t = { loc: location; key: int }
+ let equal l1 l2 = (l1.key = l2.key)
+ let hash l = l.key
+ let create (l:location) : t = { loc=l; key = loc2int l }
+end *)
+(* module LocHash = Hashtbl.Make(HashedLoc) *)
+module LocHash = Hashtbl
+(* Hash table : location => list of instruction ids *)
let rec intlist n =
if n < 0 then failwith "intlist: n < 0"
else if n = 0 then []
else (n-1) :: (intlist (n-1))
-let latency_constraints bb = (* failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented" *)
+let find_in_hash hashloc loc =
+ match LocHash.find_opt hashloc loc with
+ | Some idl -> idl
+ | None -> []
+(* Returns a list of instruction ids *)
+let rec get_accesses hashloc (ll: location list) = match ll with
+ | [] -> []
+ | loc :: llocs -> (find_in_hash hashloc loc) @ (get_accesses hashloc llocs)
+let latency_constraints bb =
+ let written = LocHash.create 70
+ and read = LocHash.create 70
+ and count = ref 0
+ and constraints = ref []
+ and instr_infos = instruction_infos bb
+ in let step (i: inst_info) =
+ let raw = get_accesses written i.read_locs
+ and waw = get_accesses written i.write_locs
+ and war = get_accesses read i.write_locs
+ in begin
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) raw;
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) waw;
+ List.iter (fun i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) war;
+ if i.is_control then List.iter (fun n -> constraints := {instr_from = n; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) (intlist !count);
+ (* Updating "read" and "written" hashmaps *)
+ List.iter (fun loc ->
+ begin
+ LocHash.replace written loc [!count];
+ LocHash.replace read loc []; (* Clearing all the entries of "read" hashmap when a register is written *)
+ end) i.write_locs;
+ List.iter (fun loc -> LocHash.replace read loc ((!count) :: (find_in_hash read loc))) i.read_locs;
+ count := !count + 1
+ end
+ in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
+let rec list2locmap v = function
+ | [] -> LocMap.empty
+ | loc :: l -> LocMap.add loc v (list2locmap v l)
+ let written = ref (LocHash.create 0)
+ and read = ref LocMap.empty
+ and count = ref 0
+ and constraints = ref []
+ and instr_infos = instruction_infos bb
+ in let step (i: inst_info) =
+ let write_accesses = list2locmap !count i.write_locs
+ and read_accesses = list2locmap !count i.read_locs
+ in let raw = get_accesses i.read_locs !written
+ and waw = get_accesses i.write_locs !written
+ and war = get_accesses i.write_locs !read
+ in begin
+ LocMap.iter (fun l i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) raw;
+ LocMap.iter (fun l i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = (List.nth instr_infos i).latency} :: !constraints) waw;
+ LocMap.iter (fun l i -> constraints := {instr_from = i; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) war;
+ if i.is_control then List.iter (fun n -> constraints := {instr_from = n; instr_to = !count; latency = 0} :: !constraints) (intlist !count);
+ written := LocMap.union (fun _ i1 i2 -> if i1 < i2 then Some i2 else Some i1) !written write_accesses;
+ read := LocMap.union (fun _ i1 i2 -> if i1 < i2 then Some i2 else Some i1) !read read_accesses;
+ count := !count + 1
+ end
+ in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
+ *)
+(* let latency_constraints bb = (* failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented" *)
let written = ref []
and read = ref []
and count = ref 0
@@ -734,6 +810,7 @@ let latency_constraints bb = (* failwith "latency_constraints: not implemented"
count := !count + 1
in (List.iter step instr_infos; !constraints)
* Using the InstructionScheduler
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
index 618f3ebe..5c94d435 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/AbstractBasicBlocksDef.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(** Syntax and Sequential Semantics of Abstract Basic Blocks.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import ImpPrelude.
Module Type PseudoRegisters.
@@ -24,16 +25,8 @@ Parameter op: Type. (* type of operations *)
Parameter genv: Type. (* environment to be used for evaluating an op *)
-(* NB: possible generalization
- - relation after/before.
Parameter op_eval: genv -> op -> list value -> option value.
-Parameter is_constant: op -> bool.
-Parameter is_constant_correct:
- forall ge o, is_constant o = true -> op_eval ge o nil <> None.
End LangParam.
@@ -54,6 +47,9 @@ Definition mem := R.t -> value.
Definition assign (m: mem) (x:R.t) (v: value): mem
:= fun y => if R.eq_dec x y then v else m y.
+(** expressions *)
Inductive exp :=
| PReg (x:R.t)
| Op (o:op) (le: list_exp)
@@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ Proof.
-(** A small theory of bblock equality *)
+(** A small theory of bblock simulation *)
(* equalities on bblock outputs *)
Definition res_eq (om1 om2: option mem): Prop :=
@@ -240,6 +236,195 @@ Qed.
+Module Terms.
+(** terms in the symbolic evaluation
+NB: such a term represents the successive computations in one given pseudo-register
+Inductive term :=
+ | Input (x:R.t) (hid:hashcode)
+ | App (o: op) (l: list_term) (hid:hashcode)
+with list_term :=
+ | LTnil (hid:hashcode)
+ | LTcons (t:term) (l:list_term) (hid:hashcode)
+ .
+Scheme term_mut := Induction for term Sort Prop
+with list_term_mut := Induction for list_term Sort Prop.
+Bind Scope pattern_scope with term.
+Delimit Scope term_scope with term.
+Delimit Scope pattern_scope with pattern.
+Notation "[ ]" := (LTnil _) (format "[ ]"): pattern_scope.
+Notation "[ x ]" := (LTcons x [] _): pattern_scope.
+Notation "[ x ; y ; .. ; z ]" := (LTcons x (LTcons y .. (LTcons z (LTnil _) _) .. _) _): pattern_scope.
+Notation "o @ l" := (App o l _) (at level 50, no associativity): pattern_scope.
+Import HConsingDefs.
+Notation "[ ]" := (LTnil unknown_hid) (format "[ ]"): term_scope.
+Notation "[ x ]" := (LTcons x [] unknown_hid): term_scope.
+Notation "[ x ; y ; .. ; z ]" := (LTcons x (LTcons y .. (LTcons z (LTnil unknown_hid) unknown_hid) .. unknown_hid) unknown_hid): term_scope.
+Notation "o @ l" := (App o l unknown_hid) (at level 50, no associativity): term_scope.
+Local Open Scope pattern_scope.
+Fixpoint term_eval (ge: genv) (t: term) (m: mem): option value :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ => Some (m x)
+ | o @ l =>
+ match list_term_eval ge l m with
+ | Some v => op_eval ge o v
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ end
+with list_term_eval ge (l: list_term) (m: mem) {struct l}: option (list value) :=
+ match l with
+ | [] => Some nil
+ | LTcons t l' _ =>
+ match term_eval ge t m, list_term_eval ge l' m with
+ | Some v, Some lv => Some (v::lv)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ end.
+Definition term_get_hid (t: term): hashcode :=
+ match t with
+ | Input _ hid => hid
+ | App _ _ hid => hid
+ end.
+Definition list_term_get_hid (l: list_term): hashcode :=
+ match l with
+ | LTnil hid => hid
+ | LTcons _ _ hid => hid
+ end.
+Fixpoint allvalid ge (l: list term) m : Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => True
+ | t::nil => term_eval ge t m <> None
+ | t::l' => term_eval ge t m <> None /\ allvalid ge l' m
+ end.
+Lemma allvalid_extensionality ge (l: list term) m:
+ allvalid ge l m <-> (forall t, List.In t l -> term_eval ge t m <> None).
+ induction l as [|t l]; simpl; try (tauto).
+ destruct l.
+ - intuition (congruence || eauto).
+ - rewrite IHl; clear IHl. intuition (congruence || eauto).
+Record pseudo_term: Type := intro_fail {
+ mayfail: list term;
+ effect: term
+Lemma inf_option_equivalence (A:Type) (o1 o2: option A):
+ (o1 <> None -> o1 = o2) <-> (forall m1, o1 = Some m1 -> o2 = Some m1).
+ destruct o1; intuition (congruence || eauto).
+ symmetry; eauto.
+Definition match_pt (t: term) (pt: pseudo_term) :=
+ (forall ge m, term_eval ge t m <> None <-> allvalid ge pt.(mayfail) m)
+ /\ (forall ge m0 m1, term_eval ge t m0 = Some m1 -> term_eval ge pt.(effect) m0 = Some m1).
+Lemma intro_fail_correct (l: list term) (t: term) :
+ (forall ge m, term_eval ge t m <> None <-> allvalid ge l m) -> match_pt t (intro_fail l t).
+ unfold match_pt; simpl; intros; intuition congruence.
+Hint Resolve intro_fail_correct: wlp.
+Definition identity_fail (t: term):= intro_fail [t] t.
+Lemma identity_fail_correct (t: term): match_pt t (identity_fail t).
+ eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; tauto.
+Global Opaque identity_fail.
+Hint Resolve identity_fail_correct: wlp.
+Definition nofail (is_constant: op -> bool) (t: term):=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ => intro_fail ([])%list t
+ | o @ [] => if is_constant o then (intro_fail ([])%list t) else (identity_fail t)
+ | _ => identity_fail t
+ end.
+Lemma nofail_correct (is_constant: op -> bool) t:
+ (forall ge o, is_constant o = true -> op_eval ge o nil <> None) -> match_pt t (nofail is_constant t).
+ destruct t; simpl.
+ + intros; eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; intuition congruence.
+ + intros; destruct l; simpl; auto with wlp.
+ destruct (is_constant o) eqn:Heqo; simpl; intuition eauto with wlp.
+ eapply intro_fail_correct; simpl; intuition eauto with wlp.
+Global Opaque nofail.
+Hint Resolve nofail_correct: wlp.
+Definition term_equiv t1 t2:= forall ge m, term_eval ge t1 m = term_eval ge t2 m.
+Global Instance term_equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence term_equiv.
+ split; intro x; unfold term_equiv; intros; eauto.
+ eapply eq_trans; eauto.
+Lemma match_pt_term_equiv t1 t2 pt: term_equiv t1 t2 -> match_pt t1 pt -> match_pt t2 pt.
+ unfold match_pt, term_equiv.
+ intros H. intuition; try (erewrite <- H1 in * |- *; congruence).
+ erewrite <- H2; eauto; congruence.
+Hint Resolve match_pt_term_equiv: wlp.
+Definition app_fail (l: list term) (pt: pseudo_term): pseudo_term :=
+ {| mayfail := List.rev_append l pt.(mayfail); effect := pt.(effect) |}.
+Lemma app_fail_allvalid_correct l pt t1 t2: forall
+ (V1: forall (ge : genv) (m : mem), term_eval ge t1 m <> None <-> allvalid ge (mayfail pt) m)
+ (V2: forall (ge : genv) (m : mem), term_eval ge t2 m <> None <-> allvalid ge (mayfail {| mayfail := t1 :: l; effect := t1 |}) m)
+ (ge : genv) (m : mem), term_eval ge t2 m <> None <-> allvalid ge (mayfail (app_fail l pt)) m.
+ intros; generalize (V1 ge m) (V2 ge m); rewrite !allvalid_extensionality; simpl. clear V1 V2.
+ intuition subst.
+ + rewrite rev_append_rev, in_app_iff, <- in_rev in H3. destruct H3; eauto.
+ + eapply H3; eauto.
+ intros. intuition subst.
+ * eapply H2; eauto. intros; eapply H0; eauto. rewrite rev_append_rev, in_app_iff; auto.
+ * intros; eapply H0; eauto. rewrite rev_append_rev, in_app_iff, <- in_rev; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve app_fail_allvalid_correct.
+Lemma app_fail_correct l pt t1 t2:
+ match_pt t1 pt ->
+ match_pt t2 {| mayfail:=t1::l; effect:=t1 |} ->
+ match_pt t2 (app_fail l pt).
+ unfold match_pt in * |- *; intros (V1 & E1) (V2 & E2); split; intros ge m; try (eauto; fail).
+Extraction Inline app_fail.
+Import ImpCore.Notations.
+Local Open Scope impure_scope.
+Record reduction:= {
+ result:> term -> ?? pseudo_term;
+ result_correct: forall t, WHEN result t ~> pt THEN match_pt t pt;
+Hint Resolve result_correct: wlp.
+End Terms.
End MkSeqLanguage.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepTreeTheory.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepTreeTheory.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c7bed8bf..00000000
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepTreeTheory.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-(** Dependency Trees of Abstract Basic Blocks
-with a purely-functional-but-exponential test.
-Require Setoid. (* in order to rewrite <-> *)
-Require Export AbstractBasicBlocksDef.
-Require Import List.
-Module Type PseudoRegDictionary.
-Declare Module R: PseudoRegisters.
-Parameter t: Type -> Type.
-Parameter get: forall {A}, t A -> R.t -> option A.
-Parameter set: forall {A}, t A -> R.t -> A -> t A.
-Parameter set_spec_eq: forall A d x (v: A),
- get (set d x v) x = Some v.
-Parameter set_spec_diff: forall A d x y (v: A),
- x <> y -> get (set d x v) y = get d y.
-Parameter empty: forall {A}, t A.
-Parameter empty_spec: forall A x,
- get (empty (A:=A)) x = None.
-End PseudoRegDictionary.
-(** * Computations of "bblock" Dependencies and application to the equality test *)
-Module DepTree (L: SeqLanguage) (Dict: PseudoRegDictionary with Module R:=L.LP.R).
-Export L.
-Export LP.
-Section DEPTREE.
-(** Dependency Trees of these "bblocks"
-NB: each tree represents the successive computations in one given resource
-Inductive tree :=
- | Tname (x:R.t)
- | Top (o: op) (l: list_tree)
-with list_tree :=
- | Tnil: list_tree
- | Tcons (t:tree) (l:list_tree): list_tree
- .
-Fixpoint tree_eval (ge: genv) (t: tree) (m: mem): option value :=
- match t with
- | Tname x => Some (m x)
- | Top o l =>
- match list_tree_eval ge l m with
- | Some v => op_eval ge o v
- | _ => None
- end
- end
-with list_tree_eval ge (l: list_tree) (m: mem) {struct l}: option (list value) :=
- match l with
- | Tnil => Some nil
- | Tcons t l' =>
- match (tree_eval ge t m), (list_tree_eval ge l' m) with
- | Some v, Some lv => Some (v::lv)
- | _, _ => None
- end
- end.
-Definition deps_get (d:Dict.t tree) x :=
- match Dict.get d x with
- | None => Tname x
- | Some t => t
- end.
-Fixpoint exp_tree (e: exp) d old: tree :=
- match e with
- | PReg x => deps_get d x
- | Op o le => Top o (list_exp_tree le d old)
- | Old e => exp_tree e old old
- end
-with list_exp_tree (le: list_exp) d old: list_tree :=
- match le with
- | Enil => Tnil
- | Econs e le' => Tcons (exp_tree e d old) (list_exp_tree le' d old)
- | LOld le => list_exp_tree le old old
- end.
-Record deps:= {pre: genv -> mem -> Prop; post: Dict.t tree}.
-Coercion post: deps >-> Dict.t.
-Definition deps_eval ge (d: deps) x (m:mem) :=
- tree_eval ge (deps_get d x) m.
-Definition deps_set (d:deps) x (t:tree) :=
- {| pre:=(fun ge m => (deps_eval ge d x m) <> None /\ (d.(pre) ge m));
- post:=Dict.set d x t |}.
-Definition deps_empty := {| pre:=fun _ _ => True; post:=Dict.empty |}.
-Variable ge: genv.
-Lemma set_spec_eq d x t m:
- deps_eval ge (deps_set d x t) x m = tree_eval ge t m.
- unfold deps_eval, deps_set, deps_get; simpl; rewrite Dict.set_spec_eq; simpl; auto.
-Lemma set_spec_diff d x y t m:
- x <> y -> deps_eval ge (deps_set d x t) y m = deps_eval ge d y m.
- intros; unfold deps_eval, deps_set, deps_get; simpl; rewrite Dict.set_spec_diff; simpl; auto.
-Lemma deps_eval_empty x m: deps_eval ge deps_empty x m = Some (m x).
- unfold deps_eval, deps_get; rewrite Dict.empty_spec; simpl; auto.
-Hint Rewrite set_spec_eq deps_eval_empty: dict_rw.
-Fixpoint inst_deps (i: inst) (d old: deps): deps :=
- match i with
- | nil => d
- | (x, e)::i' =>
- let t:=exp_tree e d old in
- inst_deps i' (deps_set d x t) old
- end.
-Fixpoint bblock_deps_rec (p: bblock) (d: deps): deps :=
- match p with
- | nil => d
- | i::p' =>
- let d':=inst_deps i d d in
- bblock_deps_rec p' d'
- end.
-Local Hint Resolve deps_eval_empty.
-Definition bblock_deps: bblock -> deps
- := fun p => bblock_deps_rec p deps_empty.
-Lemma inst_deps_pre_monotonic i old: forall d m,
- (pre (inst_deps i d old) ge m) -> (pre d ge m).
- induction i as [|[y e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
- intros d a H; generalize (IHi _ _ H); clear H IHi.
- unfold deps_set; simpl; intuition.
-Lemma bblock_deps_pre_monotonic p: forall d m,
- (pre (bblock_deps_rec p d) ge m) -> (pre d ge m).
- induction p as [|i p' IHp']; simpl; eauto.
- intros d a H; eapply inst_deps_pre_monotonic; eauto.
-Local Hint Resolve inst_deps_pre_monotonic bblock_deps_pre_monotonic.
-Lemma tree_eval_exp e od m0 old:
- (forall x, deps_eval ge od x m0 = Some (old x)) ->
- forall d m1,
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- tree_eval ge (exp_tree e d od) m0 = exp_eval ge e m1 old.
- unfold deps_eval in * |- *; intro H.
- induction e using exp_mut with
- (P0:=fun l => forall (d:deps) m1, (forall x, tree_eval ge (deps_get d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) -> list_tree_eval ge (list_exp_tree l d od) m0 = list_exp_eval ge l m1 old);
- simpl; auto.
- - intros; erewrite IHe; eauto.
- - intros. erewrite IHe, IHe0; eauto.
-Lemma inst_deps_abort i m0 x old: forall d,
- pre (inst_deps i d old) ge m0 ->
- deps_eval ge d x m0 = None ->
- deps_eval ge (inst_deps i d old) x m0 = None.
- induction i as [|[y e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
- intros d VALID H; erewrite IHi; eauto. clear IHi.
- destruct (R.eq_dec x y).
- * subst; autorewrite with dict_rw.
- generalize (inst_deps_pre_monotonic _ _ _ _ VALID); clear VALID.
- unfold deps_set; simpl; intuition congruence.
- * rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
-Lemma block_deps_rec_abort p m0 x: forall d,
- pre (bblock_deps_rec p d) ge m0 ->
- deps_eval ge d x m0 = None ->
- deps_eval ge (bblock_deps_rec p d) x m0 = None.
- induction p; simpl; auto.
- intros d VALID H; erewrite IHp; eauto. clear IHp.
- eapply inst_deps_abort; eauto.
-Lemma inst_deps_Some_correct1 i m0 old od:
- (forall x, deps_eval ge od x m0 = Some (old x)) ->
- forall (m1 m2: mem) (d: deps),
- inst_run ge i m1 old = Some m2 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- forall x, deps_eval ge (inst_deps i d od) x m0 = Some (m2 x).
- intro X; induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d H.
- - inversion_clear H; eauto.
- - intros H0 x0.
- destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn:Heqov; try congruence.
- refine (IHi _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
- clear x0; intros x0.
- unfold assign; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0).
- * subst; autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
- * rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
-Lemma bblocks_deps_rec_Some_correct1 p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) d,
- run ge p m1 = Some m2 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- forall x, deps_eval ge (bblock_deps_rec p d) x m0 = Some (m2 x).
- Local Hint Resolve inst_deps_Some_correct1.
- induction p as [ | i p]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d H.
- - inversion_clear H; eauto.
- - intros H0 x0.
- destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqov.
- + refine (IHp _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
- + inversion H.
-Lemma bblock_deps_Some_correct1 p m0 m1:
- run ge p m0 = Some m1
- -> forall x, deps_eval ge (bblock_deps p) x m0 = Some (m1 x).
- intros; eapply bblocks_deps_rec_Some_correct1; eauto.
-Lemma inst_deps_None_correct i m0 old od:
- (forall x, deps_eval ge od x m0 = Some (old x)) ->
- forall m1 d, pre (inst_deps i d od) ge m0 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- inst_run ge i m1 old = None -> exists x, deps_eval ge (inst_deps i d od) x m0 = None.
- intro X; induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 d.
- - discriminate.
- - intros VALID H0.
- destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heqov.
- + refine (IHi _ _ _ _); eauto.
- intros x0; unfold assign; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0).
- * subst; autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
- * rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
- + intuition.
- constructor 1 with (x:=x); simpl.
- apply inst_deps_abort; auto.
- autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
-Lemma inst_deps_Some_correct2 i m0 old od:
- (forall x, deps_eval ge od x m0 = Some (old x)) ->
- forall (m1 m2: mem) d,
- pre (inst_deps i d od) ge m0 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge (inst_deps i d od) x m0 = Some (m2 x)) ->
- res_eq (Some m2) (inst_run ge i m1 old).
- intro X.
- induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d VALID H0.
- - intros H; eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
- generalize (H0 x); rewrite H.
- congruence.
- - intros H.
- destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heqov.
- + refine (IHi _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
- intros x0; unfold assign; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0).
- * subst. autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
- * rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
- + generalize (H x).
- rewrite inst_deps_abort; discriminate || auto.
- autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
-Lemma bblocks_deps_rec_Some_correct2 p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) d,
- pre (bblock_deps_rec p d) ge m0 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge (bblock_deps_rec p d) x m0 = Some (m2 x)) ->
- res_eq (Some m2) (run ge p m1).
- induction p as [|i p]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d VALID H0.
- - intros H; eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
- generalize (H0 x); rewrite H.
- congruence.
- - intros H.
- destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqom.
- + refine (IHp _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
- + assert (X: exists x, tree_eval ge (deps_get (inst_deps i d d) x) m0 = None).
- { eapply inst_deps_None_correct; eauto. }
- destruct X as [x H1].
- generalize (H x).
- erewrite block_deps_rec_abort; eauto.
- congruence.
-Lemma bblock_deps_Some_correct2 p m0 m1:
- pre (bblock_deps p) ge m0 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge (bblock_deps p) x m0 = Some (m1 x))
- -> res_eq (Some m1) (run ge p m0).
- intros; eapply bblocks_deps_rec_Some_correct2; eauto.
-Lemma inst_valid i m0 old od:
- (forall x, deps_eval ge od x m0 = Some (old x)) ->
- forall (m1 m2: mem) (d: deps),
- pre d ge m0 ->
- inst_run ge i m1 old = Some m2 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- pre (inst_deps i d od) ge m0.
- induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
- intros Hold m1 m2 d VALID0 H Hm1.
- destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heq; simpl; try congruence.
- eapply IHi; eauto.
- + unfold deps_set in * |- *; simpl.
- rewrite Hm1; intuition congruence.
- + intros x0. unfold assign; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0).
- * subst; autorewrite with dict_rw.
- erewrite tree_eval_exp; eauto.
- * rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
-Lemma block_deps_rec_valid p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) (d:deps),
- pre d ge m0 ->
- run ge p m1 = Some m2 ->
- (forall x, deps_eval ge d x m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
- pre (bblock_deps_rec p d) ge m0.
- Local Hint Resolve inst_valid.
- induction p as [ | i p]; simpl; intros m1 d H; auto.
- intros H0 H1.
- destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqov; eauto.
- congruence.
-Lemma bblock_deps_valid p m0 m1:
- run ge p m0 = Some m1 ->
- pre (bblock_deps p) ge m0.
- intros; eapply block_deps_rec_valid; eauto.
- unfold deps_empty; simpl. auto.
-Definition valid ge d m := pre d ge m /\ forall x, deps_eval ge d x m <> None.
-Theorem bblock_deps_simu p1 p2:
- (forall m, valid ge (bblock_deps p1) m -> valid ge (bblock_deps p2) m) ->
- (forall m0 x m1, valid ge (bblock_deps p1) m0 -> deps_eval ge (bblock_deps p1) x m0 = Some m1 ->
- deps_eval ge (bblock_deps p2) x m0 = Some m1) ->
- bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
- Local Hint Resolve bblock_deps_valid bblock_deps_Some_correct1.
- unfold valid; intros INCL EQUIV m DONTFAIL.
- destruct (run ge p1 m) as [m1|] eqn: RUN1; simpl; try congruence.
- assert (X: forall x, deps_eval ge (bblock_deps p1) x m = Some (m1 x)); eauto.
- eapply bblock_deps_Some_correct2; eauto.
- + destruct (INCL m); intuition eauto.
- congruence.
- + intro x; apply EQUIV; intuition eauto.
- congruence.
-Lemma valid_set_decompose_1 d t x m:
- valid ge (deps_set d x t) m -> valid ge d m.
- unfold valid; intros ((PRE1 & PRE2) & VALID); split.
- + intuition.
- + intros x0 H. case (R.eq_dec x x0).
- * intuition congruence.
- * intros DIFF; eapply VALID. erewrite set_spec_diff; eauto.
-Lemma valid_set_decompose_2 d t x m:
- valid ge (deps_set d x t) m -> tree_eval ge t m <> None.
- unfold valid; intros ((PRE1 & PRE2) & VALID) H.
- generalize (VALID x); autorewrite with dict_rw.
- tauto.
-Lemma valid_set_proof d x t m:
- valid ge d m -> tree_eval ge t m <> None -> valid ge (deps_set d x t) m.
- unfold valid; intros (PRE & VALID) PREt. split.
- + split; auto.
- + intros x0; case (R.eq_dec x x0).
- - intros; subst; autorewrite with dict_rw. auto.
- - intros. rewrite set_spec_diff; auto.
-End DepTree.
-Require Import PArith.
-Require Import FMapPositive.
-Module PosDict <: PseudoRegDictionary with Module R:=Pos.
-Module R:=Pos.
-Definition t:=PositiveMap.t.
-Definition get {A} (d:t A) (x:R.t): option A
- := PositiveMap.find x d.
-Definition set {A} (d:t A) (x:R.t) (v:A): t A
- := PositiveMap.add x v d.
-Local Hint Unfold PositiveMap.E.eq.
-Lemma set_spec_eq A d x (v: A):
- get (set d x v) x = Some v.
- unfold get, set; apply PositiveMap.add_1; auto.
-Lemma set_spec_diff A d x y (v: A):
- x <> y -> get (set d x v) y = get d y.
- unfold get, set; intros; apply PositiveMap.gso; auto.
-Definition empty {A}: t A := PositiveMap.empty A.
-Lemma empty_spec A x:
- get (empty (A:=A)) x = None.
- unfold get, empty; apply PositiveMap.gempty; auto.
-End PosDict. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/ImpDep.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/ImpDep.v
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index eebf396d..00000000
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@@ -1,960 +0,0 @@
-(** Dependency Graph of Abstract Basic Blocks
-using imperative hash-consing technique in order to get a linear equivalence test.
-Require Export Impure.ImpHCons.
-Export Notations.
-Require Export DepTreeTheory.
-Require Import PArith.
-Local Open Scope impure.
-Import ListNotations.
-Local Open Scope list_scope.
-Module Type ImpParam.
-Include LangParam.
-Parameter op_eq: op -> op -> ?? bool.
-Parameter op_eq_correct: forall o1 o2,
- WHEN op_eq o1 o2 ~> b THEN
- b=true -> o1 = o2.
-End ImpParam.
-Module Type ISeqLanguage.
-Declare Module LP: ImpParam.
-Include MkSeqLanguage LP.
-End ISeqLanguage.
-Module Type ImpDict.
-Include PseudoRegDictionary.
-Parameter eq_test: forall {A}, t A -> t A -> ?? bool.
-Parameter eq_test_correct: forall A (d1 d2: t A),
- WHEN eq_test d1 d2 ~> b THEN
- b=true -> forall x, get d1 x = get d2 x.
-(* NB: we could also take an eq_test on R.t (but not really useful with "pure" dictionaries *)
-(* only for debugging *)
-Parameter not_eq_witness: forall {A}, t A -> t A -> ?? option R.t.
-End ImpDict.
-Module ImpDepTree (L: ISeqLanguage) (Dict: ImpDict with Module R:=L.LP.R).
-Module DT := DepTree L Dict.
-Import DT.
-Section CanonBuilding.
-Variable hC_tree: pre_hashV tree -> ?? hashV tree.
-Hypothesis hC_tree_correct: forall t, WHEN hC_tree t ~> t' THEN pre_data t=data t'.
-Variable hC_list_tree: pre_hashV list_tree -> ?? hashV list_tree.
-Hypothesis hC_list_tree_correct: forall t, WHEN hC_list_tree t ~> t' THEN pre_data t=data t'.
-(* First, we wrap constructors for hashed values !*)
-Local Open Scope positive.
-Local Open Scope list_scope.
-Definition hTname (x:R.t) (debug: option pstring): ?? hashV tree :=
- DO hc <~ hash 1;;
- DO hv <~ hash x;;
- hC_tree {| pre_data:=Tname x; hcodes :=[hc;hv]; debug_info := debug |}.
-Lemma hTname_correct x dbg:
- WHEN hTname x dbg ~> t THEN (data t)=(Tname x).
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hTname.
-Hint Resolve hTname_correct: wlp.
-Definition hTop (o:op) (l: hashV list_tree) (debug: option pstring) : ?? hashV tree :=
- DO hc <~ hash 2;;
- DO hv <~ hash o;;
- hC_tree {| pre_data:=Top o (data l);
- hcodes:=[hc;hv;hid l];
- debug_info := debug |}.
-Lemma hTop_correct o l dbg :
- WHEN hTop o l dbg ~> t THEN (data t)=(Top o (data l)).
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hTop.
-Hint Resolve hTop_correct: wlp.
-Definition hTnil (_: unit): ?? hashV list_tree :=
- hC_list_tree {| pre_data:=Tnil; hcodes := nil; debug_info := None |} .
-Lemma hTnil_correct x:
- WHEN hTnil x ~> l THEN (data l)=Tnil.
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hTnil.
-Hint Resolve hTnil_correct: wlp.
-Definition hTcons (t: hashV tree) (l: hashV list_tree): ?? hashV list_tree :=
- hC_list_tree {| pre_data:=Tcons (data t) (data l); hcodes := [hid t; hid l]; debug_info := None |}.
-Lemma hTcons_correct t l:
- WHEN hTcons t l ~> l' THEN (data l')=Tcons (data t) (data l).
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hTcons.
-Hint Resolve hTcons_correct: wlp.
-(* Second, we use these hashed constructors ! *)
-Record hdeps:= {hpre: list (hashV tree); hpost: Dict.t (hashV tree)}.
-Coercion hpost: hdeps >-> Dict.t.
-(* pseudo deps_get *)
-Definition pdeps_get (d:Dict.t (hashV tree)) x : tree :=
- match Dict.get d x with
- | None => Tname x
- | Some t => (data t)
- end.
-Definition hdeps_get (d:hdeps) x dbg : ?? hashV tree :=
- match Dict.get d x with
- | None => hTname x dbg
- | Some t => RET t
- end.
-Lemma hdeps_get_correct (d:hdeps) x dbg:
- WHEN hdeps_get d x dbg ~> t THEN (data t) = pdeps_get d x.
- unfold hdeps_get, pdeps_get; destruct (Dict.get d x); wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hdeps_get.
-Hint Resolve hdeps_get_correct: wlp.
-Definition hdeps_valid ge (hd:hdeps) m := forall ht, List.In ht hd.(hpre) -> tree_eval ge (data ht) m <> None.
-Definition deps_model ge (d: deps) (hd:hdeps): Prop :=
- (forall m, hdeps_valid ge hd m <-> valid ge d m)
- /\ (forall m x, valid ge d m -> tree_eval ge (pdeps_get hd x) m = (deps_eval ge d x m)).
-Lemma deps_model_valid_alt ge d hd: deps_model ge d hd ->
- forall m x, valid ge d m -> tree_eval ge (pdeps_get hd x) m <> None.
- intros (H1 & H2) m x H. rewrite H2; auto.
- unfold valid in H. intuition eauto.
-Lemma deps_model_hdeps_valid_alt ge d hd: deps_model ge d hd ->
- forall m x, hdeps_valid ge hd m -> tree_eval ge (pdeps_get hd x) m <> None.
- intros (H1 & H2) m x H. eapply deps_model_valid_alt.
- - split; eauto.
- - rewrite <- H1; auto.
-Fixpoint hexp_tree (e: exp) (d od: hdeps) (dbg: option pstring) : ?? hashV tree :=
- match e with
- | PReg x => hdeps_get d x dbg
- | Op o le =>
- DO lt <~ hlist_exp_tree le d od;;
- hTop o lt dbg
- | Old e => hexp_tree e od od dbg
- end
-with hlist_exp_tree (le: list_exp) (d od: hdeps): ?? hashV list_tree :=
- match le with
- | Enil => hTnil tt
- | Econs e le' =>
- DO t <~ hexp_tree e d od None;;
- DO lt <~ hlist_exp_tree le' d od;;
- hTcons t lt
- | LOld le => hlist_exp_tree le od od
- end.
-Lemma hexp_tree_correct_x ge e hod od:
- deps_model ge od hod ->
- forall hd d dbg,
- deps_model ge d hd ->
- WHEN hexp_tree e hd hod dbg ~> t THEN forall m, valid ge d m -> valid ge od m -> tree_eval ge (data t) m = tree_eval ge (exp_tree e d od) m.
- intro H.
- induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun le => forall d hd,
- deps_model ge d hd ->
- WHEN hlist_exp_tree le hd hod ~> lt THEN forall m, valid ge d m -> valid ge od m -> list_tree_eval ge (data lt) m = list_tree_eval ge (list_exp_tree le d od) m);
- unfold deps_model, deps_eval in * |- * ; simpl; wlp_simplify.
- - rewrite H1, H4; auto.
- - rewrite H4, <- H0; simpl; auto.
- - rewrite H1; simpl; auto.
- - rewrite H5, <- H0, <- H4; simpl; auto.
-Global Opaque hexp_tree.
-Lemma hexp_tree_correct e hd hod dbg:
- WHEN hexp_tree e hd hod dbg ~> t THEN forall ge od d m, deps_model ge od hod -> deps_model ge d hd -> valid ge d m -> valid ge od m -> tree_eval ge (data t) m = tree_eval ge (exp_tree e d od) m.
- unfold wlp; intros; eapply hexp_tree_correct_x; eauto.
-Hint Resolve hexp_tree_correct: wlp.
-Definition failsafe (t: tree): bool :=
- match t with
- | Tname x => true
- | Top o Tnil => is_constant o
- | _ => false
- end.
-Local Hint Resolve is_constant_correct.
-Lemma failsafe_correct ge (t: tree) m: failsafe t = true -> tree_eval ge t m <> None.
- destruct t; simpl; try congruence.
- destruct l; simpl; try congruence.
- eauto.
-Local Hint Resolve failsafe_correct.
-Definition naive_set (hd:hdeps) x (t:hashV tree) :=
- {| hpre:= t::hd.(hpre); hpost:=Dict.set hd x t |}.
-Lemma naive_set_correct hd x ht ge d t:
- deps_model ge d hd ->
- (forall m, valid ge d m -> tree_eval ge (data ht) m = tree_eval ge t m) ->
- deps_model ge (deps_set d x t) (naive_set hd x ht).
- unfold naive_set; intros (DM0 & DM1) EQT; split.
- - intros m.
- destruct (DM0 m) as (PRE & VALID0); clear DM0.
- assert (VALID1: hdeps_valid ge hd m -> pre d ge m). { unfold valid in PRE; tauto. }
- assert (VALID2: hdeps_valid ge hd m -> forall x : Dict.R.t, deps_eval ge d x m <> None). { unfold valid in PRE; tauto. }
- unfold hdeps_valid in * |- *; simpl.
- intuition (subst; eauto).
- + eapply valid_set_proof; eauto.
- erewrite <- EQT; eauto.
- + exploit valid_set_decompose_1; eauto.
- intros X1; exploit valid_set_decompose_2; eauto.
- rewrite <- EQT; eauto.
- + exploit valid_set_decompose_1; eauto.
- - clear DM0. unfold deps_eval, pdeps_get, deps_get in * |- *; simpl.
- Local Hint Resolve valid_set_decompose_1.
- intros; case (R.eq_dec x x0).
- + intros; subst; rewrite !Dict.set_spec_eq; simpl; eauto.
- + intros; rewrite !Dict.set_spec_diff; simpl; eauto.
-Local Hint Resolve naive_set_correct.
-Definition equiv_hdeps ge (hd1 hd2: hdeps) :=
- (forall m, hdeps_valid ge hd1 m <-> hdeps_valid ge hd2 m)
- /\ (forall m x, hdeps_valid ge hd1 m -> tree_eval ge (pdeps_get hd1 x) m = tree_eval ge (pdeps_get hd2 x) m).
-Lemma equiv_deps_symmetry ge hd1 hd2:
- equiv_hdeps ge hd1 hd2 -> equiv_hdeps ge hd2 hd1.
- intros (V1 & P1); split.
- - intros; symmetry; auto.
- - intros; symmetry; eapply P1. rewrite V1; auto.
-Lemma equiv_hdeps_models ge hd1 hd2 d:
- deps_model ge d hd1 -> equiv_hdeps ge hd1 hd2 -> deps_model ge d hd2.
- intros (VALID & EQUIV) (HEQUIV & PEQUIV); split.
- - intros m; rewrite <- VALID; auto. symmetry; auto.
- - intros m x H. rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
- rewrite PEQUIV; auto.
- rewrite VALID; auto.
-Definition hdeps_set (hd:hdeps) x (t:hashV tree) :=
- DO ot <~ hdeps_get hd x None;;
- DO b <~ phys_eq ot t;;
- if b then
- RET hd
- else
- RET {| hpre:= if failsafe (data t) then hd.(hpre) else t::hd.(hpre);
- hpost:=Dict.set hd x t |}.
-Lemma hdeps_set_correct hd x ht:
- WHEN hdeps_set hd x ht ~> nhd THEN
- forall ge d t, deps_model ge d hd ->
- (forall m, valid ge d m -> tree_eval ge (data ht) m = tree_eval ge t m) ->
- deps_model ge (deps_set d x t) nhd.
- intros; wlp_simplify; eapply equiv_hdeps_models; eauto; unfold equiv_hdeps, hdeps_valid; simpl.
- + split; eauto.
- * intros m; split.
- - intros X1 ht0 X2; apply X1; auto.
- - intros X1 ht0 [Y1 | Y1]. subst.
- rewrite H; eapply deps_model_hdeps_valid_alt; eauto.
- eauto.
- * intros m x0 X1. case (R.eq_dec x x0).
- - intros; subst. unfold pdeps_get at 1. rewrite Dict.set_spec_eq. congruence.
- - intros; unfold pdeps_get; rewrite Dict.set_spec_diff; auto.
- + split; eauto. intros m.
- generalize (failsafe_correct ge (data ht) m); intros FAILSAFE.
- destruct (failsafe _); simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
-Local Hint Resolve hdeps_set_correct: wlp.
-Global Opaque hdeps_set.
-Variable debug_assign: R.t -> ?? option pstring.
-Fixpoint hinst_deps (i: inst) (d od: hdeps): ?? hdeps :=
- match i with
- | nil => RET d
- | (x, e)::i' =>
- DO dbg <~ debug_assign x;;
- DO ht <~ hexp_tree e d od dbg;;
- DO nd <~ hdeps_set d x ht;;
- hinst_deps i' nd od
- end.
-Lemma hinst_deps_correct i: forall hd hod,
- WHEN hinst_deps i hd hod ~> hd' THEN
- forall ge od d, deps_model ge od hod -> deps_model ge d hd -> (forall m, valid ge d m -> valid ge od m) -> deps_model ge (inst_deps i d od) hd'.
- Local Hint Resolve valid_set_proof.
- induction i; simpl; wlp_simplify; eauto 20.
-Global Opaque hinst_deps.
-Local Hint Resolve hinst_deps_correct: wlp.
-(* logging info: we log the number of inst-instructions passed ! *)
-Variable log: unit -> ?? unit.
-Fixpoint hbblock_deps_rec (p: bblock) (d: hdeps): ?? hdeps :=
- match p with
- | nil => RET d
- | i::p' =>
- log tt;;
- DO d' <~ hinst_deps i d d;;
- hbblock_deps_rec p' d'
- end.
-Lemma hbblock_deps_rec_correct p: forall hd,
- WHEN hbblock_deps_rec p hd ~> hd' THEN forall ge d, deps_model ge d hd -> deps_model ge (bblock_deps_rec p d) hd'.
- induction p; simpl; wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque hbblock_deps_rec.
-Local Hint Resolve hbblock_deps_rec_correct: wlp.
-Definition hbblock_deps: bblock -> ?? hdeps
- := fun p => hbblock_deps_rec p {| hpre:= nil ; hpost := Dict.empty |}.
-Lemma hbblock_deps_correct p:
- WHEN hbblock_deps p ~> hd THEN forall ge, deps_model ge (bblock_deps p) hd.
- unfold bblock_deps; wlp_simplify. eapply H. clear H.
- unfold deps_model, valid, pdeps_get, hdeps_valid, deps_eval, deps_get; simpl; intuition;
- rewrite !Dict.empty_spec in * |- *; simpl in * |- *; try congruence.
-Global Opaque hbblock_deps.
-End CanonBuilding.
-(* Now, we build the hash-Cons value from a "hash_eq".
-Informal specification:
- [hash_eq] must be consistent with the "hashed" constructors defined above.
-We expect that pre_hashV values in the code of these "hashed" constructors verify:
- (hash_eq (pre_data x) (pre_data y) ~> true) <-> (hcodes x)=(hcodes y)
-Definition tree_hash_eq (ta tb: tree): ?? bool :=
- match ta, tb with
- | Tname xa, Tname xb =>
- if R.eq_dec xa xb (* Inefficient in some cases ? *)
- then RET true
- else RET false
- | Top oa lta, Top ob ltb =>
- DO b <~ op_eq oa ob ;;
- if b then phys_eq lta ltb
- else RET false
- | _,_ => RET false
- end.
-Local Hint Resolve op_eq_correct: wlp.
-Lemma tree_hash_eq_correct: forall ta tb, WHEN tree_hash_eq ta tb ~> b THEN b=true -> ta=tb.
- destruct ta, tb; wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; auto)).
-Global Opaque tree_hash_eq.
-Hint Resolve tree_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
-Definition list_tree_hash_eq (lta ltb: list_tree): ?? bool :=
- match lta, ltb with
- | Tnil, Tnil => RET true
- | Tcons ta lta, Tcons tb ltb =>
- DO b <~ phys_eq ta tb ;;
- if b then phys_eq lta ltb
- else RET false
- | _,_ => RET false
- end.
-Lemma list_tree_hash_eq_correct: forall lta ltb, WHEN list_tree_hash_eq lta ltb ~> b THEN b=true -> lta=ltb.
- destruct lta, ltb; wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; auto)).
-Global Opaque list_tree_hash_eq.
-Hint Resolve list_tree_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
-Lemma pdeps_get_intro (d1 d2: hdeps):
- (forall x, Dict.get d1 x = Dict.get d2 x) -> (forall x, pdeps_get d1 x = pdeps_get d2 x).
- unfold pdeps_get; intros H x; rewrite H. destruct (Dict.get d2 x); auto.
-Local Hint Resolve hbblock_deps_correct Dict.eq_test_correct: wlp.
-(* TODO:
- A REVOIR pour que Dict.test_eq qui soit insensible aux infos de debug !
- (cf. definition ci-dessous).
- Il faut pour généraliser hash_params sur des Setoid (et les Dict aussi, avec ListSetoid, etc)...
- *)
-Program Definition mk_hash_params (log: hashV tree -> ?? unit): Dict.hash_params (hashV tree) :=
- {| (* Dict.test_eq := fun (ht1 ht2: hashV tree) => phys_eq (data ht1) (data ht2); *)
- Dict.test_eq := phys_eq;
- Dict.hashing := fun (ht: hashV tree) => RET (hid ht);
- Dict.log := log |}.
-Obligation 1.
- eauto with wlp.
-Section Prog_Eq_Gen.
-Variable dbg1: R.t -> ?? option pstring. (* debugging of p1 insts *)
-Variable dbg2: R.t -> ?? option pstring. (* log of p2 insts *)
-Variable log1: unit -> ?? unit. (* log of p1 insts *)
-Variable log2: unit -> ?? unit. (* log of p2 insts *)
-Variable hco_tree: hashConsing tree.
-Hypothesis hco_tree_correct: hCons_spec hco_tree.
-Variable hco_list: hashConsing list_tree.
-Hypothesis hco_list_correct: hCons_spec hco_list.
-Variable print_error_end: hdeps -> hdeps -> ?? unit.
-Variable print_error: pstring -> ?? unit.
-Variable check_failpreserv: bool.
-Variable dbg_failpreserv: hashV tree -> ?? unit. (* info of additional failure of the output bbloc p2 wrt the input bbloc p1 *)
-Program Definition g_bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
- DO failure_in_failpreserv <~ make_cref false;;
- DO r <~ (TRY
- DO d1 <~ hbblock_deps (hC hco_tree) (hC hco_list) dbg1 log1 p1 ;;
- DO d2 <~ hbblock_deps (hC_known hco_tree) (hC_known hco_list) dbg2 log2 p2 ;;
- DO b <~ Dict.eq_test d1 d2 ;;
- if b then (
- if check_failpreserv then (
- let hp := mk_hash_params dbg_failpreserv in
- failure_in_failpreserv.(set)(true);;
- Sets.assert_list_incl hp d2.(hpre) d1.(hpre);;
- RET true
- ) else RET false
- ) else (
- print_error_end d1 d2 ;;
- RET false
- )
- CATCH_FAIL s, _ =>
- DO b <~ failure_in_failpreserv.(get)();;
- if b then RET false
- else print_error s;; RET false
- ENSURE (fun b => b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2));;
- RET (`r).
-Obligation 1.
- destruct hco_tree_correct as [TEQ1 TEQ2], hco_list_correct as [LEQ1 LEQ2].
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify; try congruence.
- destruct (H ge) as (EQPRE1&EQPOST1); destruct (H0 ge) as (EQPRE2&EQPOST2); clear H H0.
- apply bblock_deps_simu; auto.
- + intros m; rewrite <- EQPRE1, <- EQPRE2.
- unfold incl, hdeps_valid in * |- *; intuition eauto.
- + intros m0 x m1 VALID; rewrite <- EQPOST1, <- EQPOST2; auto.
- erewrite pdeps_get_intro; auto.
- auto.
- erewrite <- EQPRE2; auto.
- erewrite <- EQPRE1 in VALID.
- unfold incl, hdeps_valid in * |- *; intuition eauto.
-Theorem g_bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
- WHEN g_bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
- wlp_simplify.
- destruct exta0; simpl in * |- *; auto.
-Global Opaque g_bblock_simu_test.
-End Prog_Eq_Gen.
-Definition skip (_:unit): ?? unit := RET tt.
-Definition no_dbg (_:R.t): ?? option pstring := RET None.
-Definition msg_prefix: pstring := "*** ERROR INFO from bblock_simu_test: ".
-Definition msg_error_on_end: pstring := "mismatch in final assignments !".
-Definition msg_unknow_tree: pstring := "unknown tree node".
-Definition msg_unknow_list_tree: pstring := "unknown list node".
-Definition msg_number: pstring := "on 2nd bblock -- on inst num ".
-Definition msg_notfailpreserv: pstring := "a possible failure of 2nd bblock is absent in 1st bblock".
-Definition print_error_end (_ _: hdeps): ?? unit
- := println (msg_prefix +; msg_error_on_end).
-Definition print_error (log: logger unit) (s:pstring): ?? unit
- := DO n <~ log_info log ();;
- println (msg_prefix +; msg_number +; n +; " -- " +; s).
-Definition failpreserv_error (_: hashV tree): ?? unit
- := println (msg_prefix +; msg_notfailpreserv).
-Program Definition bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
- DO log <~ count_logger ();;
- DO hco_tree <~ mk_annot (hCons tree_hash_eq (fun _ => RET msg_unknow_tree));;
- DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons list_tree_hash_eq (fun _ => RET msg_unknow_list_tree));;
- g_bblock_simu_test
- no_dbg
- no_dbg
- skip
- (log_insert log)
- hco_tree _
- hco_list _
- print_error_end
- (print_error log)
- true (* check_failpreserv *)
- failpreserv_error
- p1 p2.
-Obligation 1.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Obligation 2.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H); clear H.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Local Hint Resolve g_bblock_simu_test_correct.
-Theorem bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
- WHEN bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque bblock_simu_test.
-(** This is only to print info on each bblock_simu_test run **)
-Section Verbose_version.
-Variable string_of_name: R.t -> ?? pstring.
-Variable string_of_op: op -> ?? pstring.
-Definition tree_id (id: caml_string): pstring := "E" +; (CamlStr id).
-Definition list_id (id: caml_string): pstring := "L" +; (CamlStr id).
-Local Open Scope string_scope.
-Definition print_raw_htree (td: pre_hashV tree): ?? unit :=
- match pre_data td, hcodes td with
- | (Tname x), _ =>
- DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
- println( "init_access " +; s)
- | (Top o Tnil), _ =>
- DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
- println so
- | (Top o _), [ _; _; lid ] =>
- DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
- DO sl <~ string_of_hashcode lid;;
- println (so +; " " +; (list_id sl))
- | _, _ => FAILWITH "unexpected hcodes"
- end.
-Definition print_raw_hlist(ld: pre_hashV list_tree): ?? unit :=
- match pre_data ld, hcodes ld with
- | Tnil, _ => println ""
- | (Tcons _ _), [ t ; l ] =>
- DO st <~ string_of_hashcode t ;;
- DO sl <~ string_of_hashcode l ;;
- println((tree_id st) +; " " +; (list_id sl))
- | _, _ => FAILWITH "unexpected hcodes"
- end.
-Section PrettryPrint.
-Variable get_htree: hashcode -> ?? pre_hashV tree.
-Variable get_hlist: hashcode -> ?? pre_hashV list_tree.
-(* NB: requires [t = pre_data pt] *)
-Fixpoint string_of_tree (t: tree) (pt: pre_hashV tree) : ?? pstring :=
- match debug_info pt with
- | Some x => RET x
- | None =>
- match t, hcodes pt with
- | Tname x, _ => string_of_name x
- | Top o Tnil, _ => string_of_op o
- | Top o (_ as l), [ _; _; lid ] =>
- DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
- DO pl <~ get_hlist lid;;
- DO sl <~ string_of_list_tree l pl;;
- RET (so +; "(" +; sl +; ")")
- | _, _ => FAILWITH "unexpected hcodes"
- end
- end
-(* NB: requires [l = pre_data pl] *)
-with string_of_list_tree (l: list_tree) (lt: pre_hashV list_tree): ?? pstring :=
- match l, hcodes lt with
- | Tnil, _ => RET (Str "")
- | Tcons t Tnil, [ tid ; l ] =>
- DO pt <~ get_htree tid;;
- string_of_tree t pt
- | Tcons t l', [ tid ; lid' ] =>
- DO pt <~ get_htree tid;;
- DO st <~ string_of_tree t pt;;
- DO pl' <~ get_hlist lid';;
- DO sl <~ string_of_list_tree l' pl';;
- RET (st +; "," +; sl)
- | _, _ => FAILWITH "unexpected hcodes"
- end.
-End PrettryPrint.
-Definition pretty_tree ext exl pt :=
- DO r <~ string_of_tree (get_hashV ext) (get_hashV exl) (pre_data pt) pt;;
- println(r).
-Fixpoint print_head (head: list pstring): ?? unit :=
- match head with
- | i::head' => println ("--- inst " +; i);; print_head head'
- | _ => RET tt
- end.
-Definition print_htree ext exl (head: list pstring) (hid: hashcode) (td: pre_hashV tree): ?? unit :=
- print_head head;;
- DO s <~ string_of_hashcode hid ;;
- print ((tree_id s) +; ": ");;
- print_raw_htree td;;
- match debug_info td with
- | Some x =>
- print("// " +; x +; " <- ");;
- pretty_tree ext exl {| pre_data:=(pre_data td); hcodes:=(hcodes td); debug_info:=None |}
- | None => RET tt
- end.
-Definition print_hlist (head: list pstring) (hid: hashcode) (ld: pre_hashV list_tree): ?? unit :=
- print_head head;;
- DO s <~ string_of_hashcode hid ;;
- print ((list_id s) +; ": ");;
- print_raw_hlist ld.
-Definition print_tables ext exl: ?? unit :=
- println "-- tree table --" ;;
- iterall ext (print_htree ext exl);;
- println "-- list table --" ;;
- iterall exl print_hlist;;
- println "----------------".
-Definition print_final_debug ext exl (d1 d2: hdeps): ?? unit
- := DO b <~ Dict.not_eq_witness d1 d2 ;;
- match b with
- | Some x =>
- DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
- println("mismatch on: " +; s);;
- match Dict.get d1 x with
- | None => println("=> unassigned in 1st bblock")
- | Some ht1 =>
- print("=> node expected from 1st bblock: ");;
- DO pt1 <~ get_hashV ext (hid ht1);;
- pretty_tree ext exl pt1
- end;;
- match Dict.get d2 x with
- | None => println("=> unassigned in 2nd bblock")
- | Some ht2 =>
- print("=> node found from 2nd bblock: ");;
- DO pt2 <~ get_hashV ext (hid ht2);;
- pretty_tree ext exl pt2
- end
- | None => FAILWITH "bug in Dict.not_eq_witness ?"
- end.
-Inductive witness:=
- | Htree (pt: pre_hashV tree)
- | Hlist (pl: pre_hashV list_tree)
- | Nothing
- .
-Definition msg_tree (cr: cref witness) td :=
- set cr (Htree td);;
- RET msg_unknow_tree.
-Definition msg_list (cr: cref witness) tl :=
- set cr (Hlist tl);;
- RET msg_unknow_list_tree.
-Definition print_witness ext exl cr msg :=
- DO wit <~ get cr ();;
- match wit with
- | Htree pt =>
- println("=> unknown tree node: ");;
- pretty_tree ext exl {| pre_data:=(pre_data pt); hcodes:=(hcodes pt); debug_info:=None |};;
- println("=> encoded on " +; msg +; " graph as: ");;
- print_raw_htree pt
- | Hlist pl =>
- println("=> unknown list node: ");;
- DO r <~ string_of_list_tree (get_hashV ext) (get_hashV exl) (pre_data pl) pl;;
- println(r);;
- println("=> encoded on " +; msg +; " graph as: ");;
- print_raw_hlist pl
- | _ => println "Unexpected failure: no witness info (hint: hash-consing bug ?)"
- end.
-Definition print_error_end1 hct hcl (d1 d2:hdeps): ?? unit
- := println "- GRAPH of 1st bblock";;
- DO ext <~ export hct ();;
- DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
- print_tables ext exl;;
- print_error_end d1 d2;;
- print_final_debug ext exl d1 d2.
-Definition print_error1 hct hcl cr log s : ?? unit
- := println "- GRAPH of 1st bblock";;
- DO ext <~ export hct ();;
- DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
- print_tables ext exl;;
- print_error log s;;
- print_witness ext exl cr "1st".
-Definition xmsg_number: pstring := "on 1st bblock -- on inst num ".
-Definition print_error_end2 hct hcl (d1 d2:hdeps): ?? unit
- := println (msg_prefix +; msg_error_on_end);;
- println "- GRAPH of 2nd bblock";;
- DO ext <~ export hct ();;
- DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
- print_tables ext exl.
-Definition print_error2 hct hcl cr (log: logger unit) (s:pstring): ?? unit
- := DO n <~ log_info log ();;
- DO ext <~ export hct ();;
- DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
- println (msg_prefix +; xmsg_number +; n +; " -- " +; s);;
- print_witness ext exl cr "2nd";;
- println "- GRAPH of 2nd bblock";;
- print_tables ext exl.
-Definition simple_debug (x: R.t): ?? option pstring :=
- DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
- RET (Some s).
-Definition log_debug (log: logger unit) (x: R.t): ?? option pstring :=
- DO i <~ log_info log ();;
- DO sx <~ string_of_name x;;
- RET (Some (sx +; "@" +; i)).
-Definition hlog (log: logger unit) (hct: hashConsing tree) (hcl: hashConsing list_tree): unit -> ?? unit :=
- (fun _ =>
- log_insert log tt ;;
- DO s <~ log_info log tt;;
- next_log hct s;;
- next_log hcl s
- ).
-Program Definition verb_bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
- DO log1 <~ count_logger ();;
- DO log2 <~ count_logger ();;
- DO cr <~ make_cref Nothing;;
- DO hco_tree <~ mk_annot (hCons tree_hash_eq (msg_tree cr));;
- DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons list_tree_hash_eq (msg_list cr));;
- DO result1 <~ g_bblock_simu_test
- (log_debug log1)
- simple_debug
- (hlog log1 hco_tree hco_list)
- (log_insert log2)
- hco_tree _
- hco_list _
- (print_error_end1 hco_tree hco_list)
- (print_error1 hco_tree hco_list cr log2)
- true
- failpreserv_error (* TODO: debug info *)
- p1 p2;;
- if result1
- then RET true
- else
- DO log1 <~ count_logger ();;
- DO log2 <~ count_logger ();;
- DO cr <~ make_cref Nothing;;
- DO hco_tree <~ mk_annot (hCons tree_hash_eq (msg_tree cr));;
- DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons list_tree_hash_eq (msg_list cr));;
- DO result2 <~ g_bblock_simu_test
- (log_debug log1)
- simple_debug
- (hlog log1 hco_tree hco_list)
- (log_insert log2)
- hco_tree _
- hco_list _
- (print_error_end2 hco_tree hco_list)
- (print_error2 hco_tree hco_list cr log2)
- false
- (fun _ => RET tt)
- p2 p1;;
- if result2
- then (
- println (msg_prefix +; " OOops - symmetry violation in bblock_simu_test => this is a bug of bblock_simu_test ??");;
- RET false
- ) else RET false
- .
-Obligation 1.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Obligation 2.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H); clear H.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Obligation 3.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Obligation 4.
- generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ _ H); clear H.
- constructor 1; wlp_simplify.
-Theorem verb_bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
- WHEN verb_bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
- wlp_simplify.
-Global Opaque verb_bblock_simu_test.
-End Verbose_version.
-End ImpDepTree.
-Require Import FMapPositive.
-Module ImpPosDict <: ImpDict with Module R:=Pos.
-Include PosDict.
-Import PositiveMap.
-Fixpoint eq_test {A} (d1 d2: t A): ?? bool :=
- match d1, d2 with
- | Leaf _, Leaf _ => RET true
- | Node l1 (Some x1) r1, Node l2 (Some x2) r2 =>
- DO b0 <~ phys_eq x1 x2 ;;
- if b0 then
- DO b1 <~ eq_test l1 l2 ;;
- if b1 then
- eq_test r1 r2
- else
- RET false
- else
- RET false
- | Node l1 None r1, Node l2 None r2 =>
- DO b1 <~ eq_test l1 l2 ;;
- if b1 then
- eq_test r1 r2
- else
- RET false
- | _, _ => RET false
- end.
-Lemma eq_test_correct A d1: forall (d2: t A),
- WHEN eq_test d1 d2 ~> b THEN
- b=true -> forall x, get d1 x = get d2 x.
- unfold get; induction d1 as [|l1 Hl1 [x1|] r1 Hr1]; destruct d2 as [|l2 [x2|] r2]; simpl;
- wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; destruct x; simpl; auto)).
-Global Opaque eq_test.
-(* ONLY FOR DEBUGGING INFO: get some key of a non-empty d *)
-Fixpoint pick {A} (d: t A): ?? R.t :=
- match d with
- | Leaf _ => FAILWITH "unexpected empty dictionary"
- | Node _ (Some _) _ => RET xH
- | Node (Leaf _) None r =>
- DO p <~ pick r;;
- RET (xI p)
- | Node l None _ =>
- DO p <~ pick l;;
- RET (xO p)
- end.
-(* ONLY FOR DEBUGGING INFO: find one variable on which d1 and d2 differs *)
-Fixpoint not_eq_witness {A} (d1 d2: t A): ?? option R.t :=
- match d1, d2 with
- | Leaf _, Leaf _ => RET None
- | Node l1 (Some x1) r1, Node l2 (Some x2) r2 =>
- DO b0 <~ phys_eq x1 x2 ;;
- if b0 then
- DO b1 <~ not_eq_witness l1 l2;;
- match b1 with
- | None =>
- DO b2 <~ not_eq_witness r1 r2;;
- match b2 with
- | None => RET None
- | Some p => RET (Some (xI p))
- end
- | Some p => RET (Some (xO p))
- end
- else
- RET (Some xH)
- | Node l1 None r1, Node l2 None r2 =>
- DO b1 <~ not_eq_witness l1 l2;;
- match b1 with
- | None =>
- DO b2 <~ not_eq_witness r1 r2;;
- match b2 with
- | None => RET None
- | Some p => RET (Some (xI p))
- end
- | Some p => RET (Some (xO p))
- end
- | l, Leaf _ => DO p <~ pick l;; RET (Some p)
- | Leaf _, r => DO p <~ pick r;; RET (Some p)
- | _, _ => RET (Some xH)
- end.
-End ImpPosDict.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/ImpSimuTest.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/ImpSimuTest.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea55b735
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+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/ImpSimuTest.v
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+(** Implementation of a symbolic execution of sequential semantics of Abstract Basic Blocks
+with imperative hash-consing, and rewriting.
+Require Export Impure.ImpHCons.
+Export Notations.
+Import HConsing.
+Require Export SeqSimuTheory.
+Require Import PArith.
+Local Open Scope impure.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Module Type ImpParam.
+Include LangParam.
+Parameter op_eq: op -> op -> ?? bool.
+Parameter op_eq_correct: forall o1 o2,
+ WHEN op_eq o1 o2 ~> b THEN
+ b=true -> o1 = o2.
+End ImpParam.
+Module Type ISeqLanguage.
+Declare Module LP: ImpParam.
+Include MkSeqLanguage LP.
+End ISeqLanguage.
+Module Type ImpDict.
+Declare Module R: PseudoRegisters.
+Parameter t: Type -> Type.
+Parameter get: forall {A}, t A -> R.t -> option A.
+Parameter set: forall {A}, t A -> R.t -> A -> t A.
+Parameter set_spec_eq: forall A d x (v: A),
+ get (set d x v) x = Some v.
+Parameter set_spec_diff: forall A d x y (v: A),
+ x <> y -> get (set d x v) y = get d y.
+Parameter rem: forall {A}, t A -> R.t -> t A.
+Parameter rem_spec_eq: forall A (d: t A) x,
+ get (rem d x) x = None.
+Parameter rem_spec_diff: forall A (d: t A) x y,
+ x <> y -> get (rem d x) y = get d y.
+Parameter empty: forall {A}, t A.
+Parameter empty_spec: forall A x,
+ get (empty (A:=A)) x = None.
+Parameter eq_test: forall {A}, t A -> t A -> ?? bool.
+Parameter eq_test_correct: forall A (d1 d2: t A),
+ WHEN eq_test d1 d2 ~> b THEN
+ b=true -> forall x, get d1 x = get d2 x.
+(* NB: we could also take an eq_test on R.t (but not really useful with "pure" dictionaries *)
+(* only for debugging *)
+Parameter not_eq_witness: forall {A}, t A -> t A -> ?? option R.t.
+End ImpDict.
+Module Type ImpSimuInterface.
+Declare Module CoreL: ISeqLanguage.
+Import CoreL.
+Import Terms.
+Parameter bblock_simu_test: reduction -> bblock -> bblock -> ?? bool.
+Parameter bblock_simu_test_correct: forall reduce (p1 p2 : bblock),
+ WHEN bblock_simu_test reduce p1 p2 ~> b
+ THEN b = true -> forall ge : genv, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+Parameter verb_bblock_simu_test
+ : reduction ->
+ (R.t -> ?? pstring) ->
+ (op -> ?? pstring) -> bblock -> bblock -> ?? bool.
+Parameter verb_bblock_simu_test_correct:
+ forall reduce
+ (string_of_name : R.t -> ?? pstring)
+ (string_of_op : op -> ?? pstring)
+ (p1 p2 : bblock),
+ WHEN verb_bblock_simu_test reduce string_of_name string_of_op p1 p2 ~> b
+ THEN b = true -> forall ge : genv, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+End ImpSimuInterface.
+Module ImpSimu (L: ISeqLanguage) (Dict: ImpDict with Module R:=L.LP.R): ImpSimuInterface with Module CoreL := L.
+Module CoreL:=L.
+Module ST := SimuTheory L.
+Import ST.
+Import Terms.
+Definition term_set_hid (t: term) (hid: hashcode): term :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ => Input x hid
+ | App op l _ => App op l hid
+ end.
+Definition list_term_set_hid (l: list_term) (hid: hashcode): list_term :=
+ match l with
+ | LTnil _ => LTnil hid
+ | LTcons t l' _ => LTcons t l' hid
+ end.
+Lemma term_eval_set_hid ge t hid m:
+ term_eval ge (term_set_hid t hid) m = term_eval ge t m.
+ destruct t; simpl; auto.
+Lemma list_term_eval_set_hid ge l hid m:
+ list_term_eval ge (list_term_set_hid l hid) m = list_term_eval ge l m.
+ destruct l; simpl; auto.
+(* Local nickname *)
+Module D:=ImpPrelude.Dict.
+Section SimuWithReduce.
+Variable reduce: reduction.
+Section CanonBuilding.
+Variable hC_term: hashinfo term -> ?? term.
+Hypothesis hC_term_correct: forall t, WHEN hC_term t ~> t' THEN forall ge m, term_eval ge (hdata t) m = term_eval ge t' m.
+Variable hC_list_term: hashinfo list_term -> ?? list_term.
+Hypothesis hC_list_term_correct: forall t, WHEN hC_list_term t ~> t' THEN forall ge m, list_term_eval ge (hdata t) m = list_term_eval ge t' m.
+(* First, we wrap constructors for hashed values !*)
+Local Open Scope positive.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Definition hInput_hcodes (x:R.t) :=
+ DO hc <~ hash 1;;
+ DO hv <~ hash x;;
+ RET [hc;hv].
+Extraction Inline hInput_hcodes.
+Definition hInput (x:R.t): ?? term :=
+ DO hv <~ hInput_hcodes x;;
+ hC_term {| hdata:=Input x unknown_hid; hcodes :=hv; |}.
+Lemma hInput_correct x:
+ WHEN hInput x ~> t THEN forall ge m, term_eval ge t m = Some (m x).
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hInput.
+Hint Resolve hInput_correct: wlp.
+Definition hApp_hcodes (o:op) (l: list_term) :=
+ DO hc <~ hash 2;;
+ DO hv <~ hash o;;
+ RET [hc;hv;list_term_get_hid l].
+Extraction Inline hApp_hcodes.
+Definition hApp (o:op) (l: list_term) : ?? term :=
+ DO hv <~ hApp_hcodes o l;;
+ hC_term {| hdata:=App o l unknown_hid; hcodes:=hv |}.
+Lemma hApp_correct o l:
+ WHEN hApp o l ~> t THEN forall ge m,
+ term_eval ge t m = match list_term_eval ge l m with
+ | Some v => op_eval ge o v
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hApp.
+Hint Resolve hApp_correct: wlp.
+Definition hLTnil (_: unit): ?? list_term :=
+ hC_list_term {| hdata:=LTnil unknown_hid; hcodes := nil; |} .
+Lemma hLTnil_correct x:
+ WHEN hLTnil x ~> l THEN forall ge m, list_term_eval ge l m = Some nil.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hLTnil.
+Hint Resolve hLTnil_correct: wlp.
+Definition hLTcons (t: term) (l: list_term): ?? list_term :=
+ hC_list_term {| hdata:=LTcons t l unknown_hid; hcodes := [term_get_hid t; list_term_get_hid l]; |}.
+Lemma hLTcons_correct t l:
+ WHEN hLTcons t l ~> l' THEN forall ge m,
+ list_term_eval ge l' m = match term_eval ge t m, list_term_eval ge l m with
+ | Some v, Some lv => Some (v::lv)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hLTcons.
+Hint Resolve hLTcons_correct: wlp.
+(* Second, we use these hashed constructors ! *)
+Record hsmem:= {hpre: list term; hpost:> Dict.t term}.
+(** evaluation of the post-condition *)
+Definition hsmem_post_eval ge (hd: Dict.t term) x (m:mem) :=
+ match Dict.get hd x with
+ | None => Some (m x)
+ | Some ht => term_eval ge ht m
+ end.
+Definition hsmem_get (d:hsmem) x: ?? term :=
+ match Dict.get d x with
+ | None => hInput x
+ | Some t => RET t
+ end.
+Lemma hsmem_get_correct (d:hsmem) x:
+ WHEN hsmem_get d x ~> t THEN forall ge m, term_eval ge t m = hsmem_post_eval ge d x m.
+ unfold hsmem_get, hsmem_post_eval; destruct (Dict.get d x); wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque hsmem_get.
+Hint Resolve hsmem_get_correct: wlp.
+Local Opaque allvalid.
+Definition smem_model ge (d: smem) (hd:hsmem): Prop :=
+ (forall m, allvalid ge hd.(hpre) m <-> smem_valid ge d m)
+ /\ (forall m x, smem_valid ge d m -> hsmem_post_eval ge hd x m = (ST.term_eval ge (d x) m)).
+Lemma smem_model_smem_valid_alt ge d hd: smem_model ge d hd ->
+ forall m x, smem_valid ge d m -> hsmem_post_eval ge hd x m <> None.
+ intros (H1 & H2) m x H. rewrite H2; auto.
+ unfold smem_valid in H. intuition eauto.
+Lemma smem_model_allvalid_alt ge d hd: smem_model ge d hd ->
+ forall m x, allvalid ge hd.(hpre) m -> hsmem_post_eval ge hd x m <> None.
+ intros (H1 & H2) m x H. eapply smem_model_smem_valid_alt.
+ - split; eauto.
+ - rewrite <- H1; auto.
+Definition naive_set (hd:hsmem) x (t:term) :=
+ {| hpre:= t::hd.(hpre); hpost:=Dict.set hd x t |}.
+Lemma naive_set_correct hd x ht ge d t:
+ smem_model ge d hd ->
+ (forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> term_eval ge ht m = ST.term_eval ge t m) ->
+ smem_model ge (smem_set d x t) (naive_set hd x ht).
+ unfold naive_set; intros (DM0 & DM1) EQT; split.
+ - intros m.
+ destruct (DM0 m) as (PRE & VALID0); clear DM0.
+ assert (VALID1: allvalid ge hd.(hpre) m -> pre d ge m). { unfold smem_valid in PRE; tauto. }
+ assert (VALID2: allvalid ge hd.(hpre) m -> forall x : Dict.R.t, ST.term_eval ge (d x) m <> None). { unfold smem_valid in PRE; tauto. }
+ rewrite !allvalid_extensionality in * |- *; simpl.
+ intuition (subst; eauto).
+ + eapply smem_valid_set_proof; eauto.
+ erewrite <- EQT; eauto.
+ + exploit smem_valid_set_decompose_1; eauto.
+ intros X1; exploit smem_valid_set_decompose_2; eauto.
+ rewrite <- EQT; eauto.
+ + exploit smem_valid_set_decompose_1; eauto.
+ - clear DM0. unfold hsmem_post_eval, hsmem_post_eval in * |- *; simpl.
+ Local Hint Resolve smem_valid_set_decompose_1.
+ intros; case (R.eq_dec x x0).
+ + intros; subst; rewrite !Dict.set_spec_eq; simpl; eauto.
+ + intros; rewrite !Dict.set_spec_diff; simpl; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve naive_set_correct.
+Definition equiv_hsmem ge (hd1 hd2: hsmem) :=
+ (forall m, allvalid ge hd1.(hpre) m <-> allvalid ge hd2.(hpre) m)
+ /\ (forall m x, allvalid ge hd1.(hpre) m -> hsmem_post_eval ge hd1 x m = hsmem_post_eval ge hd2 x m).
+Lemma equiv_smem_symmetry ge hd1 hd2:
+ equiv_hsmem ge hd1 hd2 -> equiv_hsmem ge hd2 hd1.
+ intros (V1 & P1); split.
+ - intros; symmetry; auto.
+ - intros; symmetry; eapply P1. rewrite V1; auto.
+Lemma equiv_hsmem_models ge hd1 hd2 d:
+ smem_model ge d hd1 -> equiv_hsmem ge hd1 hd2 -> smem_model ge d hd2.
+ intros (VALID & EQUIV) (HEQUIV & PEQUIV); split.
+ - intros m; rewrite <- VALID; auto. symmetry; auto.
+ - intros m x H. rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
+ rewrite PEQUIV; auto.
+ rewrite VALID; auto.
+Variable log_assign: R.t -> term -> ?? unit.
+Definition lift {A B} hid (x:A) (k: B -> ?? A) (y:B): ?? A :=
+ DO b <~ phys_eq hid unknown_hid;;
+ if b then k y else RET x.
+Fixpoint hterm_lift (t: term): ?? term :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x hid => lift hid t hInput x
+ | App o l hid =>
+ lift hid t
+ (fun l => DO lt <~ hlist_term_lift l;;
+ hApp o lt) l
+ end
+with hlist_term_lift (l: list_term) {struct l}: ?? list_term :=
+ match l with
+ | LTnil hid => lift hid l hLTnil ()
+ | LTcons t l' hid =>
+ lift hid l
+ (fun t => DO t <~ hterm_lift t;;
+ DO lt <~ hlist_term_lift l';;
+ hLTcons t lt) t
+ end.
+Lemma hterm_lift_correct t:
+ WHEN hterm_lift t ~> ht THEN forall ge m, term_eval ge ht m = term_eval ge t m.
+ induction t using term_mut with (P0:=fun lt =>
+ WHEN hlist_term_lift lt ~> hlt THEN forall ge m, list_term_eval ge hlt m = list_term_eval ge lt m);
+ wlp_simplify.
+ - rewrite H0, H; auto.
+ - rewrite H1, H0, H; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve hterm_lift_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hterm_lift.
+Variable log_new_hterm: term -> ?? unit.
+Fixpoint hterm_append (l: list term) (lh: list term): ?? list term :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => RET lh
+ | t::l' =>
+ DO ht <~ hterm_lift t;;
+ log_new_hterm ht;;
+ hterm_append l' (ht::lh)
+ end.
+Lemma hterm_append_correct l: forall lh,
+ WHEN hterm_append l lh ~> lh' THEN (forall ge m, allvalid ge lh' m <-> (allvalid ge l m /\ allvalid ge lh m)).
+ Local Hint Resolve eq_trans: localhint.
+ induction l as [|t l']; simpl; wlp_xsimplify ltac:(eauto with wlp).
+ - intros; rewrite! allvalid_extensionality; intuition eauto.
+ - intros REC ge m; rewrite REC; clear IHl' REC. rewrite !allvalid_extensionality.
+ simpl; intuition (subst; eauto with wlp localhint).
+(*Local Hint Resolve hterm_append_correct: wlp.*)
+Global Opaque hterm_append.
+Definition smart_set (hd:hsmem) x (ht:term) :=
+ match ht with
+ | Input y _ =>
+ if R.eq_dec x y then
+ RET (Dict.rem hd x)
+ else (
+ log_assign x ht;;
+ RET (Dict.set hd x ht)
+ )
+ | _ =>
+ log_assign x ht;;
+ RET (Dict.set hd x ht)
+ end.
+Lemma smart_set_correct hd x ht:
+ WHEN smart_set hd x ht ~> d THEN
+ forall ge m y, hsmem_post_eval ge d y m = hsmem_post_eval ge (Dict.set hd x ht) y m.
+ destruct ht; wlp_simplify.
+ unfold hsmem_post_eval; simpl. case (R.eq_dec x0 y).
+ - intros; subst. rewrite Dict.set_spec_eq, Dict.rem_spec_eq. simpl; congruence.
+ - intros; rewrite Dict.set_spec_diff, Dict.rem_spec_diff; auto.
+(*Local Hint Resolve smart_set_correct: wlp.*)
+Global Opaque smart_set.
+Definition hsmem_set (hd:hsmem) x (t:term) :=
+ DO pt <~ reduce t;;
+ DO lht <~ hterm_append pt.(mayfail) hd.(hpre);;
+ DO ht <~ hterm_lift pt.(effect);;
+ log_new_hterm ht;;
+ DO nd <~ smart_set hd x ht;;
+ RET {| hpre := lht; hpost := nd |}.
+Lemma hsmem_set_correct hd x ht:
+ WHEN hsmem_set hd x ht ~> nhd THEN
+ forall ge d t, smem_model ge d hd ->
+ (forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> term_eval ge ht m = ST.term_eval ge t m) ->
+ smem_model ge (smem_set d x t) nhd.
+ intros; wlp_simplify.
+ generalize (hterm_append_correct _ _ _ Hexta0); intro APPEND.
+ generalize (hterm_lift_correct _ _ Hexta1); intro LIFT.
+ generalize (smart_set_correct _ _ _ _ Hexta3); intro SMART.
+ eapply equiv_hsmem_models; eauto; unfold equiv_hsmem; simpl.
+ destruct H as (VALID & EFFECT); split.
+ - intros; rewrite APPEND, <- VALID.
+ rewrite !allvalid_extensionality in * |- *; simpl; intuition (subst; eauto).
+ - intros m x0 ALLVALID; rewrite SMART.
+ destruct (term_eval ge ht m) eqn: Hht.
+ * case (R.eq_dec x x0).
+ + intros; subst. unfold hsmem_post_eval; simpl. rewrite !Dict.set_spec_eq.
+ erewrite LIFT, EFFECT; eauto.
+ + intros; unfold hsmem_post_eval; simpl. rewrite !Dict.set_spec_diff; auto.
+ * rewrite allvalid_extensionality in ALLVALID; destruct (ALLVALID ht); simpl; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve hsmem_set_correct: wlp.
+Global Opaque hsmem_set.
+(* VARIANTE: we do not hash-cons the term from the expression
+Lemma exp_hterm_correct ge e hod od:
+ smem_model ge od hod ->
+ forall hd d,
+ smem_model ge d hd ->
+ forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m -> term_eval ge (exp_term e hd hod) m = term_eval ge (exp_term e d od) m.
+ intro H.
+ induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun le => forall d hd,
+ smem_model ge d hd -> forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m -> list_term_eval ge (list_exp_term le hd hod) m = list_term_eval ge (list_exp_term le d od) m);
+ unfold smem_model in * |- * ; simpl; intuition eauto.
+ - erewrite IHe; eauto.
+ - erewrite IHe0, IHe; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve exp_hterm_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint exp_hterm (e: exp) (hd hod: hsmem): ?? term :=
+ match e with
+ | PReg x => hsmem_get hd x
+ | Op o le =>
+ DO lt <~ list_exp_hterm le hd hod;;
+ hApp o lt
+ | Old e => exp_hterm e hod hod
+ end
+with list_exp_hterm (le: list_exp) (hd hod: hsmem): ?? list_term :=
+ match le with
+ | Enil => hLTnil tt
+ | Econs e le' =>
+ DO t <~ exp_hterm e hd hod;;
+ DO lt <~ list_exp_hterm le' hd hod;;
+ hLTcons t lt
+ | LOld le => list_exp_hterm le hod hod
+ end.
+Lemma exp_hterm_correct_x ge e hod od:
+ smem_model ge od hod ->
+ forall hd d,
+ smem_model ge d hd ->
+ WHEN exp_hterm e hd hod ~> t THEN forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m -> term_eval ge t m = ST.term_eval ge (exp_term e d od) m.
+ Proof.
+ intro H.
+ induction e using exp_mut with (P0:=fun le => forall d hd,
+ smem_model ge d hd ->
+ WHEN list_exp_hterm le hd hod ~> lt THEN forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m -> list_term_eval ge lt m = ST.list_term_eval ge (list_exp_term le d od) m);
+ unfold smem_model, hsmem_post_eval in * |- * ; simpl; wlp_simplify.
+ - rewrite H1, <- H4; auto.
+ - rewrite H4, <- H0; simpl; auto.
+ - rewrite H5, <- H0, <- H4; simpl; auto.
+Global Opaque exp_hterm.
+Lemma exp_hterm_correct e hd hod:
+ WHEN exp_hterm e hd hod ~> t THEN forall ge od d m, smem_model ge od hod -> smem_model ge d hd -> smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m -> term_eval ge t m = ST.term_eval ge (exp_term e d od) m.
+ unfold wlp; intros; eapply exp_hterm_correct_x; eauto.
+Hint Resolve exp_hterm_correct: wlp.
+Fixpoint hinst_smem (i: inst) (hd hod: hsmem): ?? hsmem :=
+ match i with
+ | nil => RET hd
+ | (x, e)::i' =>
+ DO ht <~ exp_hterm e hd hod;;
+ DO nd <~ hsmem_set hd x ht;;
+ hinst_smem i' nd hod
+ end.
+Lemma hinst_smem_correct i: forall hd hod,
+ WHEN hinst_smem i hd hod ~> hd' THEN
+ forall ge od d, smem_model ge od hod -> smem_model ge d hd -> (forall m, smem_valid ge d m -> smem_valid ge od m) -> smem_model ge (inst_smem i d od) hd'.
+ Local Hint Resolve smem_valid_set_proof.
+ induction i; simpl; wlp_simplify; eauto 15 with wlp.
+Global Opaque hinst_smem.
+Local Hint Resolve hinst_smem_correct: wlp.
+(* logging info: we log the number of inst-instructions passed ! *)
+Variable log_new_inst: unit -> ?? unit.
+Fixpoint bblock_hsmem_rec (p: bblock) (d: hsmem): ?? hsmem :=
+ match p with
+ | nil => RET d
+ | i::p' =>
+ log_new_inst tt;;
+ DO d' <~ hinst_smem i d d;;
+ bblock_hsmem_rec p' d'
+ end.
+Lemma bblock_hsmem_rec_correct p: forall hd,
+ WHEN bblock_hsmem_rec p hd ~> hd' THEN forall ge d, smem_model ge d hd -> smem_model ge (bblock_smem_rec p d) hd'.
+ induction p; simpl; wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque bblock_hsmem_rec.
+Local Hint Resolve bblock_hsmem_rec_correct: wlp.
+Definition hsmem_empty: hsmem := {| hpre:= nil ; hpost := Dict.empty |}.
+Lemma hsmem_empty_correct ge: smem_model ge smem_empty hsmem_empty.
+ unfold smem_model, smem_valid, hsmem_post_eval; simpl; intuition try congruence.
+ rewrite !Dict.empty_spec; simpl; auto.
+Definition bblock_hsmem: bblock -> ?? hsmem
+ := fun p => bblock_hsmem_rec p hsmem_empty.
+Lemma bblock_hsmem_correct p:
+ WHEN bblock_hsmem p ~> hd THEN forall ge, smem_model ge (bblock_smem p) hd.
+ Local Hint Resolve hsmem_empty_correct.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque bblock_hsmem.
+End CanonBuilding.
+(* Now, we build the hash-Cons value from a "hash_eq".
+Informal specification:
+ [hash_eq] must be consistent with the "hashed" constructors defined above.
+We expect that hashinfo values in the code of these "hashed" constructors verify:
+ (hash_eq (hdata x) (hdata y) ~> true) <-> (hcodes x)=(hcodes y)
+Definition term_hash_eq (ta tb: term): ?? bool :=
+ match ta, tb with
+ | Input xa _, Input xb _ =>
+ if R.eq_dec xa xb (* Inefficient in some cases ? *)
+ then RET true
+ else RET false
+ | App oa lta _, App ob ltb _ =>
+ DO b <~ op_eq oa ob ;;
+ if b then phys_eq lta ltb
+ else RET false
+ | _,_ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma term_hash_eq_correct: forall ta tb, WHEN term_hash_eq ta tb ~> b THEN b=true -> term_set_hid ta unknown_hid=term_set_hid tb unknown_hid.
+ Local Hint Resolve op_eq_correct: wlp.
+ destruct ta, tb; wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; auto)).
+Global Opaque term_hash_eq.
+Hint Resolve term_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
+Definition list_term_hash_eq (lta ltb: list_term): ?? bool :=
+ match lta, ltb with
+ | LTnil _, LTnil _ => RET true
+ | LTcons ta lta _, LTcons tb ltb _ =>
+ DO b <~ phys_eq ta tb ;;
+ if b then phys_eq lta ltb
+ else RET false
+ | _,_ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma list_term_hash_eq_correct: forall lta ltb, WHEN list_term_hash_eq lta ltb ~> b THEN b=true -> list_term_set_hid lta unknown_hid=list_term_set_hid ltb unknown_hid.
+ destruct lta, ltb; wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; auto)).
+Global Opaque list_term_hash_eq.
+Hint Resolve list_term_hash_eq_correct: wlp.
+Lemma hsmem_post_eval_intro (d1 d2: hsmem):
+ (forall x, Dict.get d1 x = Dict.get d2 x) -> (forall ge x m, hsmem_post_eval ge d1 x m = hsmem_post_eval ge d2 x m).
+ unfold hsmem_post_eval; intros H ge x m; rewrite H. destruct (Dict.get d2 x); auto.
+Local Hint Resolve bblock_hsmem_correct Dict.eq_test_correct: wlp.
+Program Definition mk_hash_params (log: term -> ?? unit): Dict.hash_params term :=
+ {|
+ Dict.test_eq := phys_eq;
+ Dict.hashing := fun (ht: term) => RET (term_get_hid ht);
+ Dict.log := log |}.
+Obligation 1.
+ eauto with wlp.
+Definition no_log_assign (x:R.t) (t:term): ?? unit := RET tt.
+Definition no_log_new_term (t:term): ?? unit := RET tt.
+Section Prog_Eq_Gen.
+Variable log_assign: R.t -> term -> ?? unit.
+Variable log_new_term: hashConsing term -> hashConsing list_term -> ??(term -> ?? unit).
+Variable log_inst1: unit -> ?? unit. (* log of p1 insts *)
+Variable log_inst2: unit -> ?? unit. (* log of p2 insts *)
+Variable hco_term: hashConsing term.
+Hypothesis hco_term_correct: forall t, WHEN hco_term.(hC) t ~> t' THEN forall ge m, term_eval ge (hdata t) m = term_eval ge t' m.
+Variable hco_list: hashConsing list_term.
+Hypothesis hco_list_correct: forall t, WHEN hco_list.(hC) t ~> t' THEN forall ge m, list_term_eval ge (hdata t) m = list_term_eval ge t' m.
+Variable print_error_end: hsmem -> hsmem -> ?? unit.
+Variable print_error: pstring -> ?? unit.
+Variable check_failpreserv: bool.
+Variable dbg_failpreserv: term -> ?? unit. (* info of additional failure of the output bbloc p2 wrt the input bbloc p1 *)
+Program Definition g_bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
+ DO failure_in_failpreserv <~ make_cref false;;
+ DO r <~ (TRY
+ DO d1 <~ bblock_hsmem hco_term.(hC) hco_list.(hC) log_assign no_log_new_term log_inst1 p1;;
+ DO log_new_term <~ log_new_term hco_term hco_list;;
+ DO d2 <~ bblock_hsmem hco_term.(hC) hco_list.(hC) no_log_assign log_new_term log_inst2 p2;;
+ DO b <~ Dict.eq_test d1 d2 ;;
+ if b then (
+ if check_failpreserv then (
+ let hp := mk_hash_params dbg_failpreserv in
+ failure_in_failpreserv.(set)(true);;
+ Sets.assert_list_incl hp d2.(hpre) d1.(hpre);;
+ RET true
+ ) else RET false
+ ) else (
+ print_error_end d1 d2 ;;
+ RET false
+ )
+ CATCH_FAIL s, _ =>
+ DO b <~ failure_in_failpreserv.(get)();;
+ if b then RET false
+ else print_error s;; RET false
+ ENSURE (fun b => b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2));;
+ RET (`r).
+Obligation 1.
+ constructor 1; wlp_simplify; try congruence.
+ destruct (H ge) as (EQPRE1&EQPOST1); destruct (H0 ge) as (EQPRE2&EQPOST2); clear H H0.
+ apply bblock_smem_simu; auto. split.
+ + intros m; rewrite <- EQPRE1, <- EQPRE2.
+ rewrite ! allvalid_extensionality.
+ unfold incl in * |- *; intuition eauto.
+ + intros m0 x VALID; rewrite <- EQPOST1, <- EQPOST2; auto.
+ erewrite hsmem_post_eval_intro; eauto.
+ erewrite <- EQPRE2; auto.
+ erewrite <- EQPRE1 in VALID.
+ rewrite ! allvalid_extensionality in * |- *.
+ unfold incl in * |- *; intuition eauto.
+Theorem g_bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
+ WHEN g_bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+ destruct exta0; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+Global Opaque g_bblock_simu_test.
+End Prog_Eq_Gen.
+Definition hpt: hashP term := {| hash_eq := term_hash_eq; get_hid:=term_get_hid; set_hid:=term_set_hid |}.
+Definition hplt: hashP list_term := {| hash_eq := list_term_hash_eq; get_hid:=list_term_get_hid; set_hid:=list_term_set_hid |}.
+Definition recover_hcodes (t:term): ??(hashinfo term) :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ =>
+ DO hv <~ hInput_hcodes x ;;
+ RET {| hdata := t; hcodes := hv |}
+ | App o l _ =>
+ DO hv <~ hApp_hcodes o l ;;
+ RET {| hdata := t; hcodes := hv |}
+ end.
+Definition msg_end_of_bblock: pstring :="--- unknown subterms in the graph".
+Definition log_new_term
+ (unknownHash_msg: term -> ?? pstring)
+ (hct:hashConsing term)
+ (hcl:hashConsing list_term)
+ : ?? (term -> ?? unit) :=
+ DO clock <~ hct.(next_hid)();;
+ hct.(next_log) msg_end_of_bblock;;
+ hcl.(next_log) msg_end_of_bblock;;
+ RET (fun t =>
+ DO ok <~ hash_older (term_get_hid t) clock;;
+ if ok
+ then
+ RET tt
+ else
+ DO ht <~ recover_hcodes t;;
+ hct.(remove) ht;;
+ DO msg <~ unknownHash_msg t;;
+ FAILWITH msg).
+Definition skip (_:unit): ?? unit := RET tt.
+Definition msg_prefix: pstring := "*** ERROR INFO from bblock_simu_test: ".
+Definition msg_error_on_end: pstring := "mismatch in final assignments !".
+Definition msg_unknow_term: pstring := "unknown term".
+Definition msg_number: pstring := "on 2nd bblock -- on inst num ".
+Definition msg_notfailpreserv: pstring := "a possible failure of 2nd bblock is absent in 1st bblock (INTERNAL ERROR: this error is expected to be detected before!!!)".
+Definition print_error_end (_ _: hsmem): ?? unit
+ := println (msg_prefix +; msg_error_on_end).
+Definition print_error (log: logger unit) (s:pstring): ?? unit
+ := DO n <~ log_info log ();;
+ println (msg_prefix +; msg_number +; n +; " -- " +; s).
+Definition failpreserv_error (_: term): ?? unit
+ := println (msg_prefix +; msg_notfailpreserv).
+Lemma term_eval_set_hid_equiv ge t1 t2 hid1 hid2 m:
+ term_set_hid t1 hid1 = term_set_hid t2 hid2 -> term_eval ge t1 m = term_eval ge t2 m.
+ intro H; erewrite <- term_eval_set_hid; rewrite H. apply term_eval_set_hid.
+Lemma list_term_eval_set_hid_equiv ge t1 t2 hid1 hid2 m:
+ list_term_set_hid t1 hid1 = list_term_set_hid t2 hid2 -> list_term_eval ge t1 m = list_term_eval ge t2 m.
+ intro H; erewrite <- list_term_eval_set_hid; rewrite H. apply list_term_eval_set_hid.
+Local Hint Resolve term_eval_set_hid_equiv list_term_eval_set_hid_equiv.
+Program Definition bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
+ DO log <~ count_logger ();;
+ DO hco_term <~ mk_annot (hCons hpt);;
+ DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons hplt);;
+ g_bblock_simu_test
+ no_log_assign
+ (log_new_term (fun _ => RET msg_unknow_term))
+ skip
+ (log_insert log)
+ hco_term _
+ hco_list _
+ print_error_end
+ (print_error log)
+ true (* check_failpreserv *)
+ failpreserv_error
+ p1 p2.
+Obligation 1.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Obligation 2.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H); clear H.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Local Hint Resolve g_bblock_simu_test_correct.
+Theorem bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
+ WHEN bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque bblock_simu_test.
+(** This is only to print info on each bblock_simu_test run **)
+Section Verbose_version.
+Variable string_of_name: R.t -> ?? pstring.
+Variable string_of_op: op -> ?? pstring.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Definition string_term_hid (t: term): ?? pstring :=
+ DO id <~ string_of_hashcode (term_get_hid t);;
+ RET ("E" +; (CamlStr id)).
+Definition string_list_hid (lt: list_term): ?? pstring :=
+ DO id <~ string_of_hashcode (list_term_get_hid lt);;
+ RET ("L" +; (CamlStr id)).
+Definition print_raw_term (t: term): ?? unit :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ =>
+ DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
+ println( "init_access " +; s)
+ | App o (LTnil _) _ =>
+ DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
+ println so
+ | App o l _ =>
+ DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
+ DO sl <~ string_list_hid l;;
+ println (so +; " " +; sl)
+ end.
+Definition print_raw_list(lt: list_term): ?? unit :=
+ match lt with
+ | LTnil _=> println ""
+ | LTcons t l _ =>
+ DO st <~ string_term_hid t;;
+ DO sl <~ string_list_hid l;;
+ println(st +; " " +; sl)
+ end.
+Section PrettryPrint.
+Variable get_debug_info: term -> ?? option pstring.
+Fixpoint string_of_term (t: term): ?? pstring :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x _ => string_of_name x
+ | App o (LTnil _) _ => string_of_op o
+ | App o l _ =>
+ DO so <~ string_of_op o;;
+ DO sl <~ string_of_list_term l;;
+ RET (so +; "[" +; sl +; "]")
+ end
+with string_of_list_term (l: list_term): ?? pstring :=
+ match l with
+ | LTnil _ => RET (Str "")
+ | LTcons t (LTnil _) _ =>
+ DO dbg <~ get_debug_info t;;
+ match dbg with
+ | Some x => RET x
+ | None => string_of_term t
+ end
+ | LTcons t l' _ =>
+ DO st <~ (DO dbg <~ get_debug_info t;;
+ match dbg with
+ | Some x => RET x
+ | None => string_of_term t
+ end);;
+ DO sl <~ string_of_list_term l';;
+ RET (st +; ";" +; sl)
+ end.
+End PrettryPrint.
+Definition pretty_term gdi t :=
+ DO r <~ string_of_term gdi t;;
+ println(r).
+Fixpoint print_head (head: list pstring): ?? unit :=
+ match head with
+ | i::head' => println (i);; print_head head'
+ | _ => RET tt
+ end.
+Definition print_term gdi (head: list pstring) (t: term): ?? unit :=
+ print_head head;;
+ DO s <~ string_term_hid t;;
+ print (s +; ": ");;
+ print_raw_term t;;
+ DO dbg <~ gdi t;;
+ match dbg with
+ | Some x =>
+ print("// " +; x +; " <- ");;
+ pretty_term gdi t
+ | None => RET tt
+ end.
+Definition print_list gdi (head: list pstring) (lt: list_term): ?? unit :=
+ print_head head;;
+ DO s <~ string_list_hid lt ;;
+ print (s +; ": ");;
+ (* print_raw_list lt;; *)
+ DO ps <~ string_of_list_term gdi lt;;
+ println("[" +; ps +; "]").
+Definition print_tables gdi ext exl: ?? unit :=
+ println "-- term table --" ;;
+ iterall ext (fun head _ pt => print_term gdi head pt.(hdata));;
+ println "-- list table --" ;;
+ iterall exl (fun head _ pl => print_list gdi head pl.(hdata));;
+ println "----------------".
+Definition print_final_debug gdi (d1 d2: hsmem): ?? unit
+ := DO b <~ Dict.not_eq_witness d1 d2 ;;
+ match b with
+ | Some x =>
+ DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
+ println("mismatch on: " +; s);;
+ match Dict.get d1 x with
+ | None => println("=> unassigned in 1st bblock")
+ | Some t1 =>
+ print("=> node expected from 1st bblock: ");;
+ pretty_term gdi t1
+ end;;
+ match Dict.get d2 x with
+ | None => println("=> unassigned in 2nd bblock")
+ | Some t2 =>
+ print("=> node found from 2nd bblock: ");;
+ pretty_term gdi t2
+ end
+ | None => FAILWITH "bug in Dict.not_eq_witness ?"
+ end.
+Definition witness:= option term.
+Definition msg_term (cr: cref witness) t :=
+ set cr (Some t);;
+ RET msg_unknow_term.
+Definition print_witness gdi cr (*msg*) :=
+ DO wit <~ get cr ();;
+ match wit with
+ | Some t =>
+ println("=> unknown term node: ");;
+ pretty_term gdi t (*;;
+ println("=> encoded on " +; msg +; " graph as: ");;
+ print_raw_term t *)
+ | None => println "Unexpected failure: no witness info (hint: hash-consing bug ?)"
+ end.
+Definition print_error_end1 gdi hct hcl (d1 d2:hsmem): ?? unit
+ := println "- GRAPH of 1st bblock";;
+ DO ext <~ export hct ();;
+ DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
+ print_tables gdi ext exl;;
+ print_error_end d1 d2;;
+ print_final_debug gdi d1 d2.
+Definition print_error1 gdi hct hcl cr log s : ?? unit
+ := println "- GRAPH of 1st bblock";;
+ DO ext <~ export hct ();;
+ DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
+ print_tables gdi ext exl;;
+ print_error log s;;
+ print_witness gdi cr (*"1st"*).
+Definition xmsg_number: pstring := "on 1st bblock -- on inst num ".
+Definition print_error_end2 gdi hct hcl (d1 d2:hsmem): ?? unit
+ := println (msg_prefix +; msg_error_on_end);;
+ println "- GRAPH of 2nd bblock";;
+ DO ext <~ export hct ();;
+ DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
+ print_tables gdi ext exl.
+Definition print_error2 gdi hct hcl cr (log: logger unit) (s:pstring): ?? unit
+ := DO n <~ log_info log ();;
+ DO ext <~ export hct ();;
+ DO exl <~ export hcl ();;
+ println (msg_prefix +; xmsg_number +; n +; " -- " +; s);;
+ print_witness gdi cr (*"2nd"*);;
+ println "- GRAPH of 2nd bblock";;
+ print_tables gdi ext exl.
+Definition simple_log_assign (d: D.t term pstring) (x: R.t) (t: term): ?? unit :=
+ DO s <~ string_of_name x;;
+ d.(D.set) (t,s).
+Definition log_assign (d: D.t term pstring) (log: logger unit) (x: R.t) (t: term): ?? unit :=
+ DO i <~ log_info log ();;
+ DO sx <~ string_of_name x;;
+ d.(D.set) (t,(sx +; "@" +; i)).
+Definition msg_new_inst : pstring := "--- inst ".
+Definition hlog (log: logger unit) (hct: hashConsing term) (hcl: hashConsing list_term): unit -> ?? unit :=
+ (fun _ =>
+ log_insert log tt ;;
+ DO s <~ log_info log tt;;
+ let s:= msg_new_inst +; s in
+ next_log hct s;;
+ next_log hcl s
+ ).
+Program Definition verb_bblock_simu_test (p1 p2: bblock): ?? bool :=
+ DO dict_info <~ make_dict (mk_hash_params (fun _ => RET tt));;
+ DO log1 <~ count_logger ();;
+ DO log2 <~ count_logger ();;
+ DO cr <~ make_cref None;;
+ DO hco_term <~ mk_annot (hCons hpt);;
+ DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons hplt);;
+ DO result1 <~ g_bblock_simu_test
+ (log_assign dict_info log1)
+ (log_new_term (msg_term cr))
+ (hlog log1 hco_term hco_list)
+ (log_insert log2)
+ hco_term _
+ hco_list _
+ (print_error_end1 dict_info.(D.get) hco_term hco_list)
+ (print_error1 dict_info.(D.get) hco_term hco_list cr log2)
+ true
+ failpreserv_error
+ p1 p2;;
+ if result1
+ then RET true
+ else
+ DO dict_info <~ make_dict (mk_hash_params (fun _ => RET tt));;
+ DO log1 <~ count_logger ();;
+ DO log2 <~ count_logger ();;
+ DO cr <~ make_cref None;;
+ DO hco_term <~ mk_annot (hCons hpt);;
+ DO hco_list <~ mk_annot (hCons hplt);;
+ DO result2 <~ g_bblock_simu_test
+ (log_assign dict_info log1)
+ (*fun _ _ => RET no_log_new_term*) (* REM: too weak !! *)
+ (log_new_term (msg_term cr)) (* REM: too strong ?? *)
+ (hlog log1 hco_term hco_list)
+ (log_insert log2)
+ hco_term _
+ hco_list _
+ (print_error_end2 dict_info.(D.get) hco_term hco_list)
+ (print_error2 dict_info.(D.get) hco_term hco_list cr log2)
+ false
+ (fun _ => RET tt)
+ p2 p1;;
+ if result2
+ then (
+ println (msg_prefix +; " OOops - symmetry violation in bblock_simu_test => this is a bug of bblock_simu_test ??");;
+ RET false
+ ) else RET false
+ .
+Obligation 1.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Obligation 2.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H); clear H.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Obligation 3.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Obligation 4.
+ generalize (hCons_correct _ _ _ H); clear H.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Theorem verb_bblock_simu_test_correct p1 p2:
+ WHEN verb_bblock_simu_test p1 p2 ~> b THEN b=true -> forall ge, bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+Global Opaque verb_bblock_simu_test.
+End Verbose_version.
+End SimuWithReduce.
+(* TODO: why inlining fails here ? *)
+Transparent hterm_lift.
+Extraction Inline lift.
+End ImpSimu.
+Require Import FMapPositive.
+Require Import PArith.
+Require Import FMapPositive.
+Module ImpPosDict <: ImpDict with Module R:=Pos.
+Module R:=Pos.
+Definition t:=PositiveMap.t.
+Definition get {A} (d:t A) (x:R.t): option A
+ := PositiveMap.find x d.
+Definition set {A} (d:t A) (x:R.t) (v:A): t A
+ := PositiveMap.add x v d.
+Local Hint Unfold PositiveMap.E.eq.
+Lemma set_spec_eq A d x (v: A):
+ get (set d x v) x = Some v.
+ unfold get, set; apply PositiveMap.add_1; auto.
+Lemma set_spec_diff A d x y (v: A):
+ x <> y -> get (set d x v) y = get d y.
+ unfold get, set; intros; apply PositiveMap.gso; auto.
+Definition rem {A} (d:t A) (x:R.t): t A
+ := PositiveMap.remove x d.
+Lemma rem_spec_eq A (d: t A) x:
+ get (rem d x) x = None.
+ unfold get, rem; apply PositiveMap.grs; auto.
+Lemma rem_spec_diff A (d: t A) x y:
+ x <> y -> get (rem d x) y = get d y.
+ unfold get, rem; intros; apply PositiveMap.gro; auto.
+Definition empty {A}: t A := PositiveMap.empty A.
+Lemma empty_spec A x:
+ get (empty (A:=A)) x = None.
+ unfold get, empty; apply PositiveMap.gempty; auto.
+Import PositiveMap.
+Fixpoint eq_test {A} (d1 d2: t A): ?? bool :=
+ match d1, d2 with
+ | Leaf _, Leaf _ => RET true
+ | Node l1 (Some x1) r1, Node l2 (Some x2) r2 =>
+ DO b0 <~ phys_eq x1 x2 ;;
+ if b0 then
+ DO b1 <~ eq_test l1 l2 ;;
+ if b1 then
+ eq_test r1 r2
+ else
+ RET false
+ else
+ RET false
+ | Node l1 None r1, Node l2 None r2 =>
+ DO b1 <~ eq_test l1 l2 ;;
+ if b1 then
+ eq_test r1 r2
+ else
+ RET false
+ | _, _ => RET false
+ end.
+Lemma eq_test_correct A d1: forall (d2: t A),
+ WHEN eq_test d1 d2 ~> b THEN
+ b=true -> forall x, get d1 x = get d2 x.
+ unfold get; induction d1 as [|l1 Hl1 [x1|] r1 Hr1]; destruct d2 as [|l2 [x2|] r2]; simpl;
+ wlp_simplify; (discriminate || (subst; destruct x; simpl; auto)).
+Global Opaque eq_test.
+(* ONLY FOR DEBUGGING INFO: get some key of a non-empty d *)
+Fixpoint pick {A} (d: t A): ?? R.t :=
+ match d with
+ | Leaf _ => FAILWITH "unexpected empty dictionary"
+ | Node _ (Some _) _ => RET xH
+ | Node (Leaf _) None r =>
+ DO p <~ pick r;;
+ RET (xI p)
+ | Node l None _ =>
+ DO p <~ pick l;;
+ RET (xO p)
+ end.
+(* ONLY FOR DEBUGGING INFO: find one variable on which d1 and d2 differs *)
+Fixpoint not_eq_witness {A} (d1 d2: t A): ?? option R.t :=
+ match d1, d2 with
+ | Leaf _, Leaf _ => RET None
+ | Node l1 (Some x1) r1, Node l2 (Some x2) r2 =>
+ DO b0 <~ phys_eq x1 x2 ;;
+ if b0 then
+ DO b1 <~ not_eq_witness l1 l2;;
+ match b1 with
+ | None =>
+ DO b2 <~ not_eq_witness r1 r2;;
+ match b2 with
+ | None => RET None
+ | Some p => RET (Some (xI p))
+ end
+ | Some p => RET (Some (xO p))
+ end
+ else
+ RET (Some xH)
+ | Node l1 None r1, Node l2 None r2 =>
+ DO b1 <~ not_eq_witness l1 l2;;
+ match b1 with
+ | None =>
+ DO b2 <~ not_eq_witness r1 r2;;
+ match b2 with
+ | None => RET None
+ | Some p => RET (Some (xI p))
+ end
+ | Some p => RET (Some (xO p))
+ end
+ | l, Leaf _ => DO p <~ pick l;; RET (Some p)
+ | Leaf _, r => DO p <~ pick r;; RET (Some p)
+ | _, _ => RET (Some xH)
+ end.
+End ImpPosDict.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpCore.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpCore.v
index 7925f62d..f1abaf7a 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpCore.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpCore.v
@@ -193,4 +193,4 @@ Ltac wlp_xsimplify hint :=
Create HintDb wlp discriminated.
-Ltac wlp_simplify := wlp_xsimplify ltac:(intuition (eauto with wlp)). \ No newline at end of file
+Ltac wlp_simplify := wlp_xsimplify ltac:(intuition eauto with wlp). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpHCons.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpHCons.v
index dd615628..d8002375 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpHCons.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpHCons.v
@@ -99,41 +99,101 @@ Hint Resolve assert_list_incl_correct.
End Sets.
(* (Weak) HConsing *)
+Module HConsing.
-Axiom xhCons: forall {A}, ((A -> A -> ?? bool) * (pre_hashV A -> ?? hashV A)) -> ?? hashConsing A.
+Export HConsingDefs.
+(* NB: this axiom is NOT intended to be called directly, but only through [hCons...] functions below. *)
+Axiom xhCons: forall {A}, (hashP A) -> ?? hashConsing A.
Extract Constant xhCons => "ImpHConsOracles.xhCons".
-Definition hCons_eq_msg: pstring := "xhCons: hash_eq differs".
+Definition hCons_eq_msg: pstring := "xhCons: hash eq differs".
-Definition hCons {A} (hash_eq: A -> A -> ?? bool) (unknownHash_msg: pre_hashV A -> ?? pstring): ?? (hashConsing A) :=
- DO hco <~ xhCons (hash_eq, fun v => DO s <~ unknownHash_msg v ;; FAILWITH s) ;;
+Definition hCons {A} (hp: hashP A): ?? (hashConsing A) :=
+ DO hco <~ xhCons hp ;;
RET {|
- hC := fun x =>
- DO x' <~ hC hco x ;;
- DO b0 <~ hash_eq (pre_data x) (data x') ;;
- assert_b b0 hCons_eq_msg;;
- RET x';
- hC_known := fun x =>
- DO x' <~ hC_known hco x ;;
- DO b0 <~ hash_eq (pre_data x) (data x') ;;
- assert_b b0 hCons_eq_msg;;
- RET x';
- next_log := next_log hco;
- export := export hco;
+ hC := (fun x =>
+ DO x' <~ hC hco x ;;
+ DO b0 <~ hash_eq hp x.(hdata) x' ;;
+ assert_b b0 hCons_eq_msg;;
+ RET x');
+ next_hid := hco.(next_hid);
+ next_log := hco.(next_log);
+ export := hco.(export);
+ remove := hco.(remove)
-Lemma hCons_correct: forall A (hash_eq: A -> A -> ?? bool) msg,
- WHEN hCons hash_eq msg ~> hco THEN
- ((forall x y, WHEN hash_eq x y ~> b THEN b=true -> x=y) -> forall x, WHEN hC hco x ~> x' THEN (pre_data x)=(data x'))
- /\ ((forall x y, WHEN hash_eq x y ~> b THEN b=true -> x=y) -> forall x, WHEN hC_known hco x ~> x' THEN (pre_data x)=(data x')).
+Lemma hCons_correct A (hp: hashP A):
+ WHEN hCons hp ~> hco THEN
+ (forall x y, WHEN hp.(hash_eq) x y ~> b THEN b=true -> (ignore_hid hp x)=(ignore_hid hp y)) ->
+ forall x, WHEN hco.(hC) x ~> x' THEN ignore_hid hp x.(hdata)=ignore_hid hp x'.
Global Opaque hCons.
Hint Resolve hCons_correct: wlp.
-Definition hCons_spec {A} (hco: hashConsing A) :=
- (forall x, WHEN hC hco x ~> x' THEN (pre_data x)=(data x')) /\ (forall x, WHEN hC_known hco x ~> x' THEN (pre_data x)=(data x')).
+(* hashV: extending a given type with hash-consing *)
+Record hashV {A:Type}:= {
+ data: A;
+ hid: hashcode
+Arguments hashV: clear implicits.
+Definition hashV_C {A} (test_eq: A -> A -> ?? bool) : hashP (hashV A) := {|
+ hash_eq := fun v1 v2 => test_eq v1.(data) v2.(data);
+ get_hid := hid;
+ set_hid := fun v id => {| data := v.(data); hid := id |}
+Definition liftHV (x:nat) := {| data := x; hid := unknown_hid |}.
+Definition hConsV {A} (hasheq: A -> A -> ?? bool): ?? (hashConsing (hashV A)) :=
+ hCons (hashV_C hasheq).
+Lemma hConsV_correct A (hasheq: A -> A -> ?? bool):
+ WHEN hConsV hasheq ~> hco THEN
+ (forall x y, WHEN hasheq x y ~> b THEN b=true -> x=y) ->
+ forall x, WHEN hco.(hC) x ~> x' THEN x.(hdata).(data)=x'.(data).
+ Local Hint Resolve f_equal2.
+ wlp_simplify.
+ exploit H; eauto.
+ + wlp_simplify.
+ + intros; congruence.
+Global Opaque hConsV.
+Hint Resolve hConsV_correct: wlp.
+Definition hC_known {A} (hco:hashConsing (hashV A)) (unknownHash_msg: hashinfo (hashV A) -> ?? pstring) (x:hashinfo (hashV A)): ?? hashV A :=
+ DO clock <~ hco.(next_hid)();;
+ DO x' <~ hco.(hC) x;;
+ DO ok <~ hash_older x'.(hid) clock;;
+ if ok
+ then RET x'
+ else
+ hco.(remove) x;;
+ DO msg <~ unknownHash_msg x;;
+Lemma hC_known_correct A (hco:hashConsing (hashV A)) msg x:
+ WHEN hC_known hco msg x ~> x' THEN
+ (forall x, WHEN hco.(hC) x ~> x' THEN x.(hdata).(data)=x'.(data)) ->
+ x.(hdata).(data)=x'.(data).
+ wlp_simplify.
+ unfold wlp in * |- ; eauto.
+Global Opaque hC_known.
+Hint Resolve hC_known_correct: wlp.
+End HConsing.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpLoops.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpLoops.v
index dc8b2627..33376c19 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpLoops.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpLoops.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Section While_Loop.
(** Local Definition of "while-loop-invariant" *)
Let wli {S} cond body (I: S -> Prop) := forall s, I s -> cond s = true -> WHEN (body s) ~> s' THEN I s'.
-Program Definition while {S} cond body (I: S -> Prop | wli cond body I) s0: ?? {s | I s0 -> I s /\ cond s = false}
+Program Definition while {S} cond body (I: S -> Prop | wli cond body I) s0: ?? {s | (I s0 -> I s) /\ cond s = false}
:= loop (A:={s | I s0 -> I s})
fun s =>
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Program Definition while {S} cond body (I: S -> Prop | wli cond body I) s0: ?? {
DO s' <~ mk_annot (body s) ;;
RET (inl (A:={s | I s0 -> I s }) s')
| false =>
- RET (inr (B:={s | I s0 -> I s /\ cond s = false}) s)
+ RET (inr (B:={s | (I s0 -> I s) /\ cond s = false}) s)
Obligation 2.
unfold wli, wlp in * |-; eauto.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Definition wapply {A B} {R: A -> B -> Prop} (beq: A -> A -> ?? bool) (k: A -> ??
assert_b b msg;;
RET (output a).
-Lemma wapply_correct A B (R: A -> B -> Prop) (beq: A -> A -> ?? bool)x (k: A -> ?? answ R):
+Lemma wapply_correct A B (R: A -> B -> Prop) (beq: A -> A -> ?? bool) (k: A -> ?? answ R) x:
beq_correct beq
-> WHEN wapply beq k x ~> y THEN R x y.
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Definition rec_preserv {A B} (recF: (A -> ?? B) -> A -> ?? B) (R: A -> B -> Prop
Program Definition rec {A B} beq recF (R: A -> B -> Prop) (H1: rec_preserv recF R) (H2: beq_correct beq): ?? (A -> ?? B) :=
DO f <~ xrec (B:=answ R) (fun f x =>
DO y <~ mk_annot (recF (wapply beq f) x) ;;
- RET {| input := x; output := proj1_sig y |});;
+ RET {| input := x; output := `y |});;
RET (wapply beq f).
Obligation 1.
eapply H1; eauto. clear H H1.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpPrelude.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpPrelude.v
index 1a84eb3b..de4c7973 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpPrelude.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ImpPrelude.v
@@ -91,11 +91,17 @@ Extract Inlined Constant struct_eq => "(=)".
Hint Resolve struct_eq_correct: wlp.
-(** Data-structure for generic hash-consing, hash-set *)
+(** Data-structure for generic hash-consing *)
Axiom hashcode: Type.
Extract Constant hashcode => "int".
+(* NB: hashConsing is assumed to generate hash-code in ascending order.
+ This gives a way to check that a hash-consed value is older than an other one.
+Axiom hash_older: hashcode -> hashcode -> ?? bool.
+Extract Inlined Constant hash_older => "(<)".
Module Dict.
Record hash_params {A:Type} := {
@@ -115,42 +121,45 @@ Arguments t: clear implicits.
End Dict.
+Module HConsingDefs.
-(* NB: hashConsing is assumed to generate hash-code in ascending order.
- This gives a way to check that a hash-consed value is older than an other one.
-Axiom hash_older: hashcode -> hashcode -> ?? bool.
-Extract Inlined Constant hash_older => "(<=)".
-Record pre_hashV {A: Type} := {
- pre_data: A;
+Record hashinfo {A: Type} := {
+ hdata: A;
hcodes: list hashcode;
- debug_info: option pstring;
-Arguments pre_hashV: clear implicits.
+Arguments hashinfo: clear implicits.
-Record hashV {A:Type}:= {
- data: A;
- hid: hashcode
+(* for inductive types with intrinsic hash-consing *)
+Record hashP {A:Type}:= {
+ hash_eq: A -> A -> ?? bool;
+ get_hid: A -> hashcode;
+ set_hid: A -> hashcode -> A; (* WARNING: should only be used by hash-consing machinery *)
-Arguments hashV: clear implicits.
+Arguments hashP: clear implicits.
+Axiom unknown_hid: hashcode.
+Extract Constant unknown_hid => "-1".
+Definition ignore_hid {A} (hp: hashP A) (hv:A) := set_hid hp hv unknown_hid.
Record hashExport {A:Type}:= {
- get_hashV: hashcode -> ?? pre_hashV A;
- iterall: ((list pstring) -> hashcode -> pre_hashV A -> ?? unit) -> ?? unit; (* iter on all elements in the hashtbl, by order of creation *)
+ get_info: hashcode -> ?? hashinfo A;
+ iterall: ((list pstring) -> hashcode -> hashinfo A -> ?? unit) -> ?? unit; (* iter on all elements in the hashtbl, by order of creation *)
Arguments hashExport: clear implicits.
Record hashConsing {A:Type}:= {
- (* TODO next_hashcode: unit -> ?? hashcode *)
- hC: pre_hashV A -> ?? hashV A;
- hC_known: pre_hashV A -> ?? hashV A; (* fails on unknown inputs *)
- (**** below: debugging functions ****)
+ hC: hashinfo A -> ?? A;
+ (**** below: debugging or internal functions ****)
+ next_hid: unit -> ?? hashcode; (* should be strictly less old than ignore_hid *)
+ remove: hashinfo A -> ??unit; (* SHOULD NOT BE USED ! *)
next_log: pstring -> ?? unit; (* insert a log info (for the next introduced element) -- regiven by [iterall export] below *)
export: unit -> ?? hashExport A ;
Arguments hashConsing: clear implicits.
+End HConsingDefs.
(** recMode: this is mainly for Tests ! *)
Inductive recMode:= StdRec | MemoRec | BareRec | BuggyRec.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml
index b7a80679..2b66899b 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
open ImpPrelude
-exception Stop;;
+open HConsingDefs
let make_dict (type key) (p: key Dict.hash_params) =
let module MyHashedType = struct
@@ -16,10 +15,15 @@ let make_dict (type key) (p: key Dict.hash_params) =
-let xhCons (type a) (hash_eq, error: (a -> a -> bool)*(a pre_hashV -> a hashV)) =
+exception Stop;;
+let xhCons (type a) (hp:a hashP) =
+ (* We use a hash-table, but a hash-set would be sufficient ! *)
+ (* Thus, we could use a weak hash-set, but prefer avoid it for easier debugging *)
+ (* Ideally, a parameter would allow to select between the weak or full version *)
let module MyHashedType = struct
- type t = a pre_hashV
- let equal x y = hash_eq x.pre_data y.pre_data
+ type t = a hashinfo
+ let equal x y = hp.hash_eq x.hdata y.hdata
let hash x = Hashtbl.hash x.hcodes
end in
let module MyHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(MyHashedType) in
@@ -34,21 +38,18 @@ let xhCons (type a) (hash_eq, error: (a -> a -> bool)*(a pre_hashV -> a hashV))
let t = MyHashtbl.create 1000 in
let logs = ref [] in
- hC = (fun (x:a pre_hashV) ->
- match MyHashtbl.find_opt t x with
- | Some x' -> x'
+ hC = (fun (k:a hashinfo) ->
+ match MyHashtbl.find_opt t k with
+ | Some d -> d
| None -> (*print_string "+";*)
- let x' = { data = x.pre_data ;
- hid = MyHashtbl.length t }
- in MyHashtbl.add t x x'; x');
- hC_known = (fun (x:a pre_hashV) ->
- match MyHashtbl.find_opt t x with
- | Some x' -> x'
- | None -> error x);
+ let d = hp.set_hid k.hdata (MyHashtbl.length t) in
+ MyHashtbl.add t {k with hdata = d } d; d);
next_log = (fun info -> logs := (MyHashtbl.length t, info)::(!logs));
+ next_hid = (fun () -> MyHashtbl.length t);
+ remove = (fun (x:a hashinfo) -> MyHashtbl.remove t x);
export = fun () ->
match pick t with
- | None -> { get_hashV = (fun _ -> raise Not_found); iterall = (fun _ -> ()) }
+ | None -> { get_info = (fun _ -> raise Not_found); iterall = (fun _ -> ()) }
| Some (k,_) ->
(* the state is fully copied at export ! *)
let logs = ref (List.rev_append (!logs) []) in
@@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ let xhCons (type a) (hash_eq, error: (a -> a -> bool)*(a pre_hashV -> a hashV))
| (j, info)::l' when i>=j -> logs:=l'; info::(step_log i)
| _ -> []
in let a = Array.make (MyHashtbl.length t) k in
- MyHashtbl.iter (fun k d -> a.(d.hid) <- k) t;
+ MyHashtbl.iter (fun k d -> a.(hp.get_hid d) <- k) t;
- get_hashV = (fun i -> a.(i));
+ get_info = (fun i -> a.(i));
iterall = (fun iter_node -> Array.iteri (fun i k -> iter_node (step_log i) i k) a)
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli
index a74c721a..5075d176 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open ImpPrelude
+open HConsingDefs
-val make_dict : 'a1 Dict.hash_params -> ('a1, 'a2) Dict.t
-val xhCons: (('a -> 'a -> bool) * ('a pre_hashV -> 'a hashV)) -> 'a hashConsing
+val make_dict : 'a Dict.hash_params -> ('a, 'b) Dict.t
+val xhCons: 'a hashP -> 'a hashConsing
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Parallelizability.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Parallelizability.v
index d1971e57..22809095 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Parallelizability.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/Parallelizability.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(** Parallel Semantics of Abstract Basic Blocks and parallelizability test.s
+(** Parallel Semantics of Abstract Basic Blocks and parallelizability test.
Require Setoid. (* in order to rewrite <-> *)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Fixpoint inst_prun (i: inst) (m tmp old: mem): option mem :=
-(* [inst_prun] is generalization of [inst_run] *)
+(* [inst_prun] is generalization of [inst_run] *)
Lemma inst_run_prun i: forall m old,
inst_run ge i m old = inst_prun i m m old.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/SeqSimuTheory.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/SeqSimuTheory.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..649dd083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/SeqSimuTheory.v
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+(** A theory for checking/proving simulation by symbolic execution.
+Require Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality. (* not really necessary -- see lemma at the end *)
+Require Setoid. (* in order to rewrite <-> *)
+Require Export AbstractBasicBlocksDef.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import ImpPrelude.
+Import HConsingDefs.
+Module SimuTheory (L: SeqLanguage).
+Export L.
+Export LP.
+Inductive term :=
+ | Input (x:R.t)
+ | App (o: op) (l: list_term)
+with list_term :=
+ | LTnil
+ | LTcons (t:term) (l:list_term)
+ .
+Fixpoint term_eval (ge: genv) (t: term) (m: mem): option value :=
+ match t with
+ | Input x => Some (m x)
+ | App o l =>
+ match list_term_eval ge l m with
+ | Some v => op_eval ge o v
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ end
+with list_term_eval ge (l: list_term) (m: mem) {struct l}: option (list value) :=
+ match l with
+ | LTnil => Some nil
+ | LTcons t l' =>
+ match term_eval ge t m, list_term_eval ge l' m with
+ | Some v, Some lv => Some (v::lv)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ end.
+(* the symbolic memory:
+ - pre: pre-condition expressing that the computation has not yet abort on a None.
+ - post: the post-condition for each pseudo-register
+Record smem:= {pre: genv -> mem -> Prop; post:> R.t -> term}.
+(** initial symbolic memory *)
+Definition smem_empty := {| pre:=fun _ _ => True; post:=(fun x => Input x) |}.
+Fixpoint exp_term (e: exp) (d old: smem) : term :=
+ match e with
+ | PReg x => d x
+ | Op o le => App o (list_exp_term le d old)
+ | Old e => exp_term e old old
+ end
+with list_exp_term (le: list_exp) (d old: smem) : list_term :=
+ match le with
+ | Enil => LTnil
+ | Econs e le' => LTcons (exp_term e d old) (list_exp_term le' d old)
+ | LOld le => list_exp_term le old old
+ end.
+(** assignment of the symbolic memory *)
+Definition smem_set (d:smem) x (t:term) :=
+ {| pre:=(fun ge m => (term_eval ge (d x) m) <> None /\ (d.(pre) ge m));
+ post:=fun y => if R.eq_dec x y then t else d y |}.
+Variable ge: genv.
+Lemma set_spec_eq d x t m:
+ term_eval ge (smem_set d x t x) m = term_eval ge t m.
+ unfold smem_set; simpl; case (R.eq_dec x x); try congruence.
+Lemma set_spec_diff d x y t m:
+ x <> y -> term_eval ge (smem_set d x t y) m = term_eval ge (d y) m.
+ unfold smem_set; simpl; case (R.eq_dec x y); try congruence.
+Fixpoint inst_smem (i: inst) (d old: smem): smem :=
+ match i with
+ | nil => d
+ | (x, e)::i' =>
+ let t:=exp_term e d old in
+ inst_smem i' (smem_set d x t) old
+ end.
+Fixpoint bblock_smem_rec (p: bblock) (d: smem): smem :=
+ match p with
+ | nil => d
+ | i::p' =>
+ let d':=inst_smem i d d in
+ bblock_smem_rec p' d'
+ end.
+Local Hint Resolve smem_eval_empty.
+Definition bblock_smem: bblock -> smem
+ := fun p => bblock_smem_rec p smem_empty.
+Lemma inst_smem_pre_monotonic i old: forall d m,
+ (pre (inst_smem i d old) ge m) -> (pre d ge m).
+ induction i as [|[y e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
+ intros d a H; generalize (IHi _ _ H); clear H IHi.
+ unfold smem_set; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma bblock_smem_pre_monotonic p: forall d m,
+ (pre (bblock_smem_rec p d) ge m) -> (pre d ge m).
+ induction p as [|i p' IHp']; simpl; eauto.
+ intros d a H; eapply inst_smem_pre_monotonic; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve inst_smem_pre_monotonic bblock_smem_pre_monotonic.
+Lemma term_eval_exp e (od:smem) m0 old:
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (od x) m0 = Some (old x)) ->
+ forall (d:smem) m1,
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ term_eval ge (exp_term e d od) m0 = exp_eval ge e m1 old.
+ intro H.
+ induction e using exp_mut with
+ (P0:=fun l => forall (d:smem) m1, (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) -> list_term_eval ge (list_exp_term l d od) m0 = list_exp_eval ge l m1 old);
+ simpl; auto.
+ - intros; erewrite IHe; eauto.
+ - intros. erewrite IHe, IHe0; eauto.
+Lemma inst_smem_abort i m0 x old: forall (d:smem),
+ pre (inst_smem i d old) ge m0 ->
+ term_eval ge (d x) m0 = None ->
+ term_eval ge (inst_smem i d old x) m0 = None.
+ induction i as [|[y e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
+ intros d VALID H; erewrite IHi; eauto. clear IHi.
+ unfold smem_set; simpl; destruct (R.eq_dec y x); auto.
+ subst;
+ generalize (inst_smem_pre_monotonic _ _ _ _ VALID); clear VALID.
+ unfold smem_set; simpl. intuition congruence.
+Lemma block_smem_rec_abort p m0 x: forall d,
+ pre (bblock_smem_rec p d) ge m0 ->
+ term_eval ge (d x) m0 = None ->
+ term_eval ge (bblock_smem_rec p d x) m0 = None.
+ induction p; simpl; auto.
+ intros d VALID H; erewrite IHp; eauto. clear IHp.
+ eapply inst_smem_abort; eauto.
+Lemma inst_smem_Some_correct1 i m0 old (od:smem):
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (od x) m0 = Some (old x)) ->
+ forall (m1 m2: mem) (d: smem),
+ inst_run ge i m1 old = Some m2 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ forall x, term_eval ge (inst_smem i d od x) m0 = Some (m2 x).
+ intro X; induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d H.
+ - inversion_clear H; eauto.
+ - intros H0 x0.
+ destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn:Heqov; try congruence.
+ refine (IHi _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
+ clear x0; intros x0.
+ unfold assign, smem_set; simpl. destruct (R.eq_dec x x0); auto.
+ subst; erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+Lemma bblocks_smem_rec_Some_correct1 p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) (d: smem),
+ run ge p m1 = Some m2 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ forall x, term_eval ge (bblock_smem_rec p d x) m0 = Some (m2 x).
+ Local Hint Resolve inst_smem_Some_correct1.
+ induction p as [ | i p]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d H.
+ - inversion_clear H; eauto.
+ - intros H0 x0.
+ destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqov.
+ + refine (IHp _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
+ + inversion H.
+Lemma bblock_smem_Some_correct1 p m0 m1:
+ run ge p m0 = Some m1
+ -> forall x, term_eval ge (bblock_smem p x) m0 = Some (m1 x).
+ intros; eapply bblocks_smem_rec_Some_correct1; eauto.
+Lemma inst_smem_None_correct i m0 old (od: smem):
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (od x) m0 = Some (old x)) ->
+ forall m1 d, pre (inst_smem i d od) ge m0 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ inst_run ge i m1 old = None -> exists x, term_eval ge (inst_smem i d od x) m0 = None.
+ intro X; induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 d.
+ - discriminate.
+ - intros VALID H0.
+ destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heqov.
+ + refine (IHi _ _ _ _); eauto.
+ intros x0; unfold assign, smem_set; simpl. destruct (R.eq_dec x x0); auto.
+ subst; erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+ + intuition.
+ constructor 1 with (x:=x); simpl.
+ apply inst_smem_abort; auto.
+ rewrite set_spec_eq.
+ erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+Lemma inst_smem_Some_correct2 i m0 old (od: smem):
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (od x) m0 = Some (old x)) ->
+ forall (m1 m2: mem) d,
+ pre (inst_smem i d od) ge m0 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (inst_smem i d od x) m0 = Some (m2 x)) ->
+ res_eq (Some m2) (inst_run ge i m1 old).
+ intro X.
+ induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d VALID H0.
+ - intros H; eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
+ generalize (H0 x); rewrite H.
+ congruence.
+ - intros H.
+ destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heqov.
+ + refine (IHi _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
+ intros x0; unfold assign, smem_set; simpl; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0); auto.
+ subst; erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+ + generalize (H x).
+ rewrite inst_smem_abort; discriminate || auto.
+ rewrite set_spec_eq.
+ erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+Lemma bblocks_smem_rec_Some_correct2 p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) d,
+ pre (bblock_smem_rec p d) ge m0 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (bblock_smem_rec p d x) m0 = Some (m2 x)) ->
+ res_eq (Some m2) (run ge p m1).
+ induction p as [|i p]; simpl; intros m1 m2 d VALID H0.
+ - intros H; eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
+ generalize (H0 x); rewrite H.
+ congruence.
+ - intros H.
+ destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqom.
+ + refine (IHp _ _ _ _ _ _); eauto.
+ + assert (X: exists x, term_eval ge (inst_smem i d d x) m0 = None).
+ { eapply inst_smem_None_correct; eauto. }
+ destruct X as [x H1].
+ generalize (H x).
+ erewrite block_smem_rec_abort; eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma bblock_smem_Some_correct2 p m0 m1:
+ pre (bblock_smem p) ge m0 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (bblock_smem p x) m0 = Some (m1 x))
+ -> res_eq (Some m1) (run ge p m0).
+ intros; eapply bblocks_smem_rec_Some_correct2; eauto.
+Lemma inst_valid i m0 old (od:smem):
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (od x) m0 = Some (old x)) ->
+ forall (m1 m2: mem) (d: smem),
+ pre d ge m0 ->
+ inst_run ge i m1 old = Some m2 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ pre (inst_smem i d od) ge m0.
+ induction i as [|[x e] i IHi]; simpl; auto.
+ intros Hold m1 m2 d VALID0 H Hm1.
+ destruct (exp_eval ge e m1 old) eqn: Heq; simpl; try congruence.
+ eapply IHi; eauto.
+ + unfold smem_set in * |- *; simpl.
+ rewrite Hm1; intuition congruence.
+ + intros x0. unfold assign, smem_set; simpl; destruct (R.eq_dec x x0); auto.
+ subst; erewrite term_eval_exp; eauto.
+Lemma block_smem_rec_valid p m0: forall (m1 m2: mem) (d:smem),
+ pre d ge m0 ->
+ run ge p m1 = Some m2 ->
+ (forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m0 = Some (m1 x)) ->
+ pre (bblock_smem_rec p d) ge m0.
+ Local Hint Resolve inst_valid.
+ induction p as [ | i p]; simpl; intros m1 d H; auto.
+ intros H0 H1.
+ destruct (inst_run ge i m1 m1) eqn: Heqov; eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma bblock_smem_valid p m0 m1:
+ run ge p m0 = Some m1 ->
+ pre (bblock_smem p) ge m0.
+ intros; eapply block_smem_rec_valid; eauto.
+ unfold smem_empty; simpl. auto.
+Definition smem_valid ge d m := pre d ge m /\ forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m <> None.
+Definition smem_simu (d1 d2: smem): Prop :=
+ (forall m, smem_valid ge d1 m -> smem_valid ge d2 m)
+ /\ (forall m0 x, smem_valid ge d1 m0 ->
+ term_eval ge (d1 x) m0 = term_eval ge (d2 x) m0).
+Theorem bblock_smem_simu p1 p2:
+ smem_simu (bblock_smem p1) (bblock_smem p2) ->
+ bblock_simu ge p1 p2.
+ Local Hint Resolve bblock_smem_valid bblock_smem_Some_correct1.
+ intros (INCL & EQUIV) m DONTFAIL; unfold smem_valid in * |-.
+ destruct (run ge p1 m) as [m1|] eqn: RUN1; simpl; try congruence.
+ assert (X: forall x, term_eval ge (bblock_smem p1 x) m = Some (m1 x)); eauto.
+ eapply bblock_smem_Some_correct2; eauto.
+ + destruct (INCL m); intuition eauto.
+ congruence.
+ + intro x; erewrite <- EQUIV; intuition eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma smem_valid_set_decompose_1 d t x m:
+ smem_valid ge (smem_set d x t) m -> smem_valid ge d m.
+ unfold smem_valid; intros ((PRE1 & PRE2) & VALID); split.
+ + intuition.
+ + intros x0 H. case (R.eq_dec x x0).
+ * intuition congruence.
+ * intros DIFF; eapply VALID. erewrite set_spec_diff; eauto.
+Lemma smem_valid_set_decompose_2 d t x m:
+ smem_valid ge (smem_set d x t) m -> term_eval ge t m <> None.
+ unfold smem_valid; intros ((PRE1 & PRE2) & VALID) H.
+ generalize (VALID x); rewrite set_spec_eq.
+ tauto.
+Lemma smem_valid_set_proof d x t m:
+ smem_valid ge d m -> term_eval ge t m <> None -> smem_valid ge (smem_set d x t) m.
+ unfold smem_valid; intros (PRE & VALID) PREt. split.
+ + split; auto.
+ + intros x0; unfold smem_set; simpl; case (R.eq_dec x x0); intros; subst; auto.
+(** REMARKS: more abstract formulation of the proof...
+ but relying on functional_extensionality.
+Definition smem_correct ge (d: smem) (m: mem) (om: option mem): Prop:=
+ forall m', om=Some m' <-> (d.(pre) ge m /\ forall x, term_eval ge (d x) m = Some (m' x)).
+Lemma bblock_smem_correct ge p m: smem_correct ge (bblock_smem p) m (run ge p m).
+ unfold smem_correct; simpl; intros m'; split.
+ + intros; split.
+ * eapply bblock_smem_valid; eauto.
+ * eapply bblock_smem_Some_correct1; eauto.
+ + intros (H1 & H2).
+ destruct (bblock_smem_Some_correct2 ge p m m') as (m2 & X & Y); eauto.
+ rewrite X. f_equal.
+ apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; auto.
+End SimuTheory.