path: root/mppa_k1c
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-01-30 09:45:17 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-01-30 09:45:17 +0100
commita5da25f1c04f4bc3ef70930053282fd9de4040d5 (patch)
tree87100b89bd141b8136494f2f8a88408c239ab699 /mppa_k1c
parentf48c84ca6c9549d1a4e54134811868617b6d0777 (diff)
synchronized with David's scheduling work
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c')
2 files changed, 249 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.ml b/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.ml
index ae4296a2..b335aab5 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.ml
@@ -11,7 +11,22 @@ type problem = {
resource_bounds : int array;
instruction_usages : int array array;
latency_constraints : latency_constraint list;
- }
+ };;
+let print_problem channel problem =
+ (if problem.max_latency >= 0
+ then Printf.fprintf channel "max makespan: %d\n" problem.max_latency);
+ output_string channel "resource bounds:";
+ (Array.iter (fun b -> Printf.fprintf channel " %d" b) problem.resource_bounds);
+ output_string channel ";\n";
+ (Array.iteri (fun i v ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "instr%d:" i;
+ (Array.iter (fun b -> Printf.fprintf channel " %d" b) v);
+ output_string channel ";\n") problem.instruction_usages);
+ List.iter (fun instr ->
+ Printf.printf "t%d - t%d >= %d;\n"
+ instr.instr_to instr.instr_from instr.latency)
+ problem.latency_constraints;;
let get_nr_instructions problem = Array.length problem.instruction_usages;;
let get_nr_resources problem = Array.length problem.resource_bounds;;
@@ -88,7 +103,7 @@ let vector_subtract a b =
(* The version with critical path ordering is much better! *)
type list_scheduler_order =
let int_max (x : int) (y : int) =
@@ -134,10 +149,9 @@ let critical_paths successors =
-(* let maximum_critical_path problem =
+let maximum_critical_path problem =
let paths = critical_paths (get_successors problem) in
Array.fold_left int_max 0 paths;;
let get_earliest_dates predecessors =
let nr_instructions = (Array.length predecessors)-1 in
@@ -186,7 +200,7 @@ let priority_list_scheduler (order : list_scheduler_order)
and times = Array.make (nr_instructions+1) (-1) in
let priorities = match order with
- (* | INSTRUCTION_ORDER -> None *)
| CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER -> Some (critical_paths successors) in
let module InstrSet =
@@ -293,6 +307,10 @@ let priority_list_scheduler (order : list_scheduler_order)
let list_scheduler = priority_list_scheduler CRITICAL_PATH_ORDER;;
+(* FIXME DUMMY CODE to placate warnings
+ *)
+let _ = priority_list_scheduler INSTRUCTION_ORDER;;
(* alternate implementation
let swap_array_elements a i j =
let x = a.(i) in
@@ -412,13 +430,15 @@ type pseudo_boolean_mapper = {
(* Latency constraints are:
presence of instr-to at each t <= sum of presences of instr-from at compatible times
- if dual_encoding
+ if reverse_encoding
presence of instr-from at each t <= sum of presences of instr-to at compatible times *)
-(* Experiments show dual_encoding=true multiplies time by 2
+(* Experiments show reverse_encoding=true multiplies time by 2 in sat4j
without making hard instances easier *)
-let dual_encoding = false
+let direct_encoding = false
+and reverse_encoding = false
+and delta_encoding = true
let pseudo_boolean_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
let deadline = problem.max_latency in
assert (deadline > 0);
@@ -470,7 +490,7 @@ let pseudo_boolean_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions
then count := !count + 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
- earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
- + (if dual_encoding
+ + (if reverse_encoding
then 1 + latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
- earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
else 0)
@@ -580,7 +600,7 @@ let pseudo_boolean_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
gen_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_to
- if dual_encoding
+ if reverse_encoding
for t_from=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
@@ -630,21 +650,21 @@ let line_to_pb_solution sol line nr_pb_variables =
function "" -> ()
- | item ->
- (match String.get item 0 with
- | '+' ->
- assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
- assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
- assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Positive
- | '-' ->
- assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
- assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
- assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Negative
- | 'x' ->
- assert ((String.length item) >= 2);
- assign (String.sub item 1 ((String.length item)-1)) Positive
- | c -> failwith @@ Printf.sprintf "line_to_pb_solution: unrecognized character: %c" c
- )
+ | item ->
+ (match String.get item 0 with
+ | '+' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
+ assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
+ assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Positive
+ | '-' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 3);
+ assert ((String.get item 1) = 'x');
+ assign (String.sub item 2 ((String.length item)-2)) Negative
+ | 'x' ->
+ assert ((String.length item) >= 2);
+ assign (String.sub item 1 ((String.length item)-1)) Positive
+ | _ -> failwith "syntax error in pseudo Boolean solution: epected + - or x"
+ )
(String.split_on_char ' ' (String.sub line 2 ((String.length line)-2)));;
@@ -734,12 +754,13 @@ let adjust_check_solution mapper solution =
(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/open-wbo/open-wbo_static -formula=1" *)
(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/naps/naps" *)
(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "/home/monniaux/progs/CP/minisatp/build/release/bin/minisatp" *)
-let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar /opt/sat4j/sat4j-pb.jar CuttingPlanesStar"
+(* let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "java -jar sat4j-pb.jar CuttingPlanesStar" *)
+let pseudo_boolean_solver = ref "pb_solver"
let pseudo_boolean_scheduler pb_type problem =
- let filename_in = "problem.opb" (* and filename_out = "problem.sol" *) in
+ let filename_in = "problem.opb"
+ (* needed only if not using stdout and filename_out = "problem.sol" *) in
let opb_problem = open_out filename_in in
let mapper = pseudo_boolean_print_problem opb_problem problem pb_type in
close_out opb_problem;
@@ -752,7 +773,7 @@ let pseudo_boolean_scheduler pb_type problem =
| Unschedulable -> None;;
let rec reoptimizing_scheduler (scheduler : scheduler) (previous_solution : solution) (problem : problem) =
- if (get_max_latency previous_solution) > 1 then
+ if (get_max_latency previous_solution)>1 then
Printf.printf "reoptimizing < %d\n" (get_max_latency previous_solution);
flush stdout;
@@ -763,7 +784,7 @@ let rec reoptimizing_scheduler (scheduler : scheduler) (previous_solution : solu
| Some solution -> reoptimizing_scheduler scheduler solution problem
else previous_solution;;
let cascaded_scheduler (problem : problem) =
match validated_scheduler list_scheduler problem with
| None -> None
@@ -773,7 +794,7 @@ let cascaded_scheduler (problem : problem) =
let latency2 = get_max_latency solution
and latency1 = get_max_latency initial_solution in
if latency2 < latency1
- then Printf.printf "%d < %d\n" latency2 latency1
+ then Printf.printf "REOPTIMIZING SUCCEEDED %d < %d for %d instructions\n" latency2 latency1 (Array.length problem.instruction_usages)
else if latency2 = latency1
then Printf.printf "%d unchanged\n" latency1
else failwith "optimizing not optimizing"
@@ -874,3 +895,183 @@ let smt_print_problem channel problem =
output_string channel "(check-sat)(get-model)\n";;
+let ilp_print_problem channel problem pb_type =
+ let deadline = problem.max_latency in
+ assert (deadline > 0);
+ let nr_instructions = get_nr_instructions problem
+ and nr_resources = get_nr_resources problem
+ and successors = get_successors problem
+ and predecessors = get_predecessors problem in
+ let earliest_dates = get_earliest_dates predecessors
+ and latest_dates = get_latest_dates deadline successors in
+ let pb_var i t =
+ Printf.sprintf "x%d_%d" i t in
+ let gen_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_to =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_to;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "c_%d_%d_%d_%d: "
+ i_to i_from latency t_to;
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(i_from) to
+ int_min latest_dates.(i_from) (t_to - latency)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to);
+ output_string channel ">= 0\n"
+ and gen_dual_latency_constraint i_to i_from latency t_from =
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] - t[%d] >= %d when t[%d]=%d\n"
+ i_to i_from latency i_to t_from;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "d_%d_%d_%d_%d: "
+ i_to i_from latency t_from;
+ for t_to=int_max earliest_dates.(i_to) (t_from + latency)
+ to latest_dates.(i_to)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i_to t_to)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "-1 %s " (pb_var i_from t_from);
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= 0\n"
+ and gen_delta_constraint i_from i_to latency =
+ if delta_encoding
+ then Printf.fprintf channel "l_%d_%d_%d: +1 t%d -1 t%d >= %d\n"
+ i_from i_to latency i_to i_from latency
+ in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ nr_instructions=%d deadline=%d\n" nr_instructions deadline;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> output_string channel "Minimize dummy: 0\n"
+ Printf.fprintf channel "Minimize\nmakespan: t%d\n" nr_instructions
+ end;
+ output_string channel "Subject To\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ t[%d] in %d..%d\ntimes%d: " i early late i;
+ for t=early to late
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "+1 %s " (pb_var i t)
+ done;
+ Printf.fprintf channel "= 1\n"
+ done;
+ for t=0 to deadline-1
+ do
+ for j=0 to nr_resources-1
+ do
+ let bound = problem.resource_bounds.(j)
+ and coeffs = ref [] in
+ for i=0 to nr_instructions-1
+ do
+ let usage = problem.instruction_usages.(i).(j) in
+ if t >= earliest_dates.(i) && t <= latest_dates.(i)
+ && usage > 0
+ then coeffs := (i, usage) :: !coeffs
+ done;
+ if !coeffs <> [] then
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel "\\ resource #%d at t=%d <= %d\nr%d_%d: " j t bound j t;
+ List.iter (fun (i, usage) ->
+ Printf.fprintf channel "%+d %s " (-usage) (pb_var i t)) !coeffs;
+ Printf.fprintf channel ">= %d\n" (-bound)
+ end
+ done
+ done;
+ List.iter
+ (fun ctr ->
+ if ctr.instr_to < nr_instructions then
+ begin
+ gen_delta_constraint ctr.instr_from ctr.instr_to ctr.latency;
+ begin
+ if direct_encoding
+ then
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_to) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_to)
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_to
+ done
+ end;
+ begin
+ if reverse_encoding
+ then
+ for t_from=earliest_dates.(ctr.instr_from) to latest_dates.(ctr.instr_from)
+ do
+ gen_dual_latency_constraint ctr.instr_to ctr.instr_from ctr.latency t_from
+ done
+ end
+ end
+ ) problem.latency_constraints;
+ begin
+ match pb_type with
+ let final_latencies = Array.make nr_instructions 1 in
+ List.iter (fun (i, latency) ->
+ final_latencies.(i) <- int_max final_latencies.(i) latency)
+ predecessors.(nr_instructions);
+ for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ gen_delta_constraint i_from nr_instructions final_latencies.(i_from)
+ done;
+ for t_to=earliest_dates.(nr_instructions) to deadline
+ do
+ for i_from = 0 to nr_instructions -1
+ do
+ gen_latency_constraint nr_instructions i_from final_latencies.(i_from) t_to
+ done
+ done
+ end;
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "ct%d : -1 t%d" i i;
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ for t=early to late do
+ Printf.fprintf channel " +%d %s" t (pb_var i t)
+ done;
+ output_string channel " = 0\n"
+ done;
+ output_string channel "Bounds\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf channel "%d <= t%d <= %d\n" early i late;
+ if true then
+ for t=early to late do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "0 <= %s <= 1\n" (pb_var i t)
+ done
+ end
+ done;
+ output_string channel "Integer\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf channel "t%d " i
+ done;
+ output_string channel "\nBinary\n";
+ for i=0 to (match pb_type with
+ | OPTIMIZATION -> nr_instructions
+ | SATISFIABILITY -> nr_instructions-1)
+ do
+ let early = earliest_dates.(i) and late= latest_dates.(i) in
+ for t=early to late do
+ output_string channel (pb_var i t);
+ output_string channel " "
+ done;
+ output_string channel "\n"
+ done;
+ output_string channel "End\n";;
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.mli b/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.mli
index aea5e909..1cd286a6 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.mli
+++ b/mppa_k1c/InstructionScheduler.mli
@@ -10,24 +10,29 @@ type latency_constraint = {
instr_from : int;
instr_to : int;
latency : int;
+ }
(** A scheduling problem.
In addition to the latency constraints, the resource constraints should be satisfied: at every clock tick, the sum of vectors of resources used by the instructions scheduled at that tick does not exceed the resource bounds.
type problem = {
- (* An optional maximal total latency of the problem, after which the problem is deemed not schedulable. -1 means there should be no maximum. *)
max_latency : int;
+ (** An optional maximal total latency of the problem, after which the problem is deemed not schedulable. -1 means there should be no maximum. *)
- (* An array of number of units available indexed by the kind of resources to be allocated. It can be empty, in which case the problem is scheduling without resource constraints. *)
resource_bounds : int array;
+ (** An array of number of units available indexed by the kind of resources to be allocated. It can be empty, in which case the problem is scheduling without resource constraints. *)
- (* At index {i i} the vector of resources used by instruction number {i i}. It must be the same length as [resource_bounds] *)
instruction_usages: int array array;
+ (** At index {i i} the vector of resources used by instruction number {i i}. It must be the same length as [resource_bounds] *)
latency_constraints : latency_constraint list
+ (** The latency constraints that must be satisfied *)
+(** Print problem for human readability. *)
+val print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;;
(** Scheduling solution. For {i n} instructions to schedule, and 0≤{i i}<{i n}, position {i i} contains the time to which instruction {i i} should be scheduled. Position {i n} contains the final output latency. *)
type solution = int array
@@ -76,6 +81,10 @@ val validated_scheduler : scheduler -> problem -> solution option;;
@return Max latency *)
val get_max_latency : solution -> int;;
+(** Get the length of a maximal critical path
+@return Max length *)
+val maximum_critical_path : problem -> int;;
(** Apply line scheduler then advanced solver
@return A solution if found *)
val cascaded_scheduler : problem -> solution option;;
@@ -92,3 +101,5 @@ val pseudo_boolean_read_solution : pseudo_boolean_mapper -> in_channel -> soluti
val pseudo_boolean_scheduler : pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> problem -> solution option;;
val smt_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> unit;;
+val ilp_print_problem : out_channel -> problem -> pseudo_boolean_problem_type -> unit;;