path: root/mppa_k1c
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-05-11 17:13:14 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2018-05-11 17:13:14 +0200
commitb81dbb863781a5f450cad0b01f90f729fb1a2244 (patch)
tree2260b5bb9afbaef9867c472b0149afd9bcf9af8e /mppa_k1c
parenta44f224bfa7c340188b54b3bd26a61e94567729b (diff)
MPPA - refactored instructions
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c')
6 files changed, 549 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asm.v b/mppa_k1c/Asm.v
index 2df185a6..008e6c67 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asm.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asm.v
@@ -152,12 +152,101 @@ Definition label := positive.
representable range. Of course, our K1c generator (file
[Asmgen]) is careful to respect this range. *)
-Inductive instruction : Type :=
-(** Get/Set System Registers *)
+(** Instructions to be expanded *)
+Inductive ex_instruction : Type :=
+ (* Pseudo-instructions *)
+ | Pallocframe (sz: Z) (pos: ptrofs) (**r allocate new stack frame *)
+ | Pfreeframe (sz: Z) (pos: ptrofs) (**r deallocate stack frame and restore previous frame *)
+ | Plabel (lbl: label) (**r define a code label *)
+ | Ploadsymbol (rd: ireg) (id: ident) (ofs: ptrofs) (**r load the address of a symbol *)
+(*| Ploadsymbol_high (rd: ireg) (id: ident) (ofs: ptrofs) (**r load the high part of the address of a symbol *)
+ | Ploadli (rd: ireg) (i: int64) (**r load an immediate int64 *)
+ | Ploadfi (rd: freg) (f: float) (**r load an immediate float *)
+ | Ploadsi (rd: freg) (f: float32) (**r load an immediate single *)
+ | Pbtbl (r: ireg) (tbl: list label) (**r N-way branch through a jump table *) *)
+ | Pbuiltin: external_function -> list (builtin_arg preg)
+ -> builtin_res preg -> ex_instruction (**r built-in function (pseudo) *)
+(** The pseudo-instructions are the following:
+- [Plabel]: define a code label at the current program point.
+- [Ploadsymbol]: load the address of a symbol in an integer register.
+ Expands to the [la] assembler pseudo-instruction, which does the right
+ thing even if we are in PIC mode.
+- [Ploadli rd ival]: load an immediate 64-bit integer into an integer
+ register rd. Expands to a load from an address in the constant data section,
+ using the integer register x31 as temporary:
+ lui x31, %hi(lbl)
+ ld rd, %lo(lbl)(x31)
+ .quad ival
+- [Ploadfi rd fval]: similar to [Ploadli] but loads a double FP constant fval
+ into a float register rd.
+- [Ploadsi rd fval]: similar to [Ploadli] but loads a singe FP constant fval
+ into a float register rd.
+- [Pallocframe sz pos]: in the formal semantics, this
+ pseudo-instruction allocates a memory block with bounds [0] and
+ [sz], stores the value of the stack pointer at offset [pos] in this
+ block, and sets the stack pointer to the address of the bottom of
+ this block.
+ In the printed ASM assembly code, this allocation is:
+ mv x30, sp
+ sub sp, sp, #sz
+ sw x30, #pos(sp)
+ This cannot be expressed in our memory model, which does not reflect
+ the fact that stack frames are adjacent and allocated/freed
+ following a stack discipline.
+- [Pfreeframe sz pos]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
+ reads the word at [pos] of the block pointed by the stack pointer,
+ frees this block, and sets the stack pointer to the value read.
+ In the printed ASM assembly code, this freeing is just an increment of [sp]:
+ add sp, sp, #sz
+ Again, our memory model cannot comprehend that this operation
+ frees (logically) the current stack frame.
+- [Pbtbl reg table]: this is a N-way branch, implemented via a jump table
+ as follows:
+ la x31, table
+ add x31, x31, reg
+ jr x31
+table: .long table[0], table[1], ...
+ Note that [reg] contains 4 times the index of the desired table entry.
+- [Pseq rd rs1 rs2]: since unsigned comparisons have particular
+ semantics for pointers, we cannot encode equality directly using
+ xor/sub etc, which have only integer semantics.
+ xor rd, rs1, rs2
+ sltiu rd, rd, 1
+ The [xor] is omitted if one of [rs1] and [rs2] is [x0].
+- [Psne rd rs1 rs2]: similarly for unsigned inequality.
+ xor rd, rs1, rs2
+ sltu rd, x0, rd
+(** Control Flow instructions *)
+Inductive cf_instruction : Type :=
| Pget (rd: ireg) (rs: preg) (**r get system register *)
| Pset (rd: preg) (rs: ireg) (**r set system register *)
-(** Branch Control Unit instructions *)
| Pret (**r return *)
| Pcall (l: label) (**r function call *)
(* Pgoto is for tailcalls, Pj_l is for jumping to a particular label *)
@@ -166,84 +255,123 @@ Inductive instruction : Type :=
(* Conditional branches *)
| Pcb (bt: btest) (r: ireg) (l: label) (**r branch based on btest *)
| Pcbu (bt: btest) (r: ireg) (l: label) (**r branch based on btest with unsigned semantics *)
-(** Integer Comparisons *)
- | Pcompw (it: itest) (rd rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r comparison word *)
- | Pcompiw (it: itest) (rd rs1: ireg) (imm: int) (**r comparison imm word *)
- | Pcompl (it: itest) (rd rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r comparison long *)
- | Pcompil (it: itest) (rd rs1: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r comparison imm long *)
-(** Load immediates *)
- | Pmake (rd: ireg) (imm: int) (**r load immediate *)
- | Pmakel (rd: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r load immediate long *)
-(** Register move *)
- | Pmv (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (**r register move *)
-(** 32-bit integer register-immediate instructions *)
- | Paddiw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r add imm word *)
- | Pandiw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r and imm word *)
- | Poriw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r or imm word *)
- | Pxoriw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r xor imm word *)
- | Psraiw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift right arithmetic imm word *)
- | Psrliw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift right logical imm word *)
- | Pslliw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift left logical imm word *)
-(** 32-bit integer register-register instructions *)
- | Paddw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r add word *)
- | Psubw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r sub word *)
- | Pmulw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r mul word *)
- | Pandw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r and word *)
- | Porw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r or word *)
- | Pxorw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r xor word *)
- | Pnegw (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (**r negate word *)
- | Psraw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift right arithmetic word *)
- | Psrlw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift right logical word *)
- | Psllw (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift left logical word *)
-(** 64-bit integer register-immediate instructions *)
- | Paddil (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r add immediate long *)
- | Pandil (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r and immediate long *)
- | Poril (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r or immediate long *)
- | Pxoril (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int64) (**r xor immediate long *)
- | Psllil (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift left logical immediate long *)
- | Psrlil (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift right logical immediate long *)
- | Psrail (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (imm: int) (**r shift right arithmetic immediate long *)
-(** 64-bit integer register-register instructions *)
- | Paddl (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r add long *)
- | Psubl (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r sub long *)
- | Pandl (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r and long *)
- | Porl (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r or long *)
- | Pxorl (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r xor long *)
- | Pnegl (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (**r negate long *)
- | Pmull (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r mul long (low part) *)
- | Pslll (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift left logical long *)
- | Psrll (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift right logical long *)
- | Psral (rd: ireg) (rs1 rs2: ireg) (**r shift right arithmetic long *)
-(** Conversions *)
- | Pcvtl2w (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (**r Convert Long to Word *)
- | Pcvtw2l (r : ireg) (**r Convert Word to Long *)
- | Pmvw2l (rd: ireg) (rs: ireg) (**r Move Convert Word to Long *)
-(** Loads and Stores *)
+(** Loads **)
+Inductive ld_instruction : Type :=
| Plb (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load byte *)
| Plbu (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load byte unsigned *)
- | Plh (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load half word *)
+ | Plh (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load half word *)
| Plhu (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load half word unsigned *)
| Plw (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load int32 *)
| Plw_a (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load any32 *)
| Pld (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load int64 *)
| Pld_a (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load any64 *)
- | Psb (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store byte *)
- | Psh (rd: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store half byte *)
+ | Pfls (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load float *)
+ | Pfld (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load 64-bit float *)
+(** Stores **)
+Inductive st_instruction : Type :=
+ | Psb (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store byte *)
+ | Psh (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store half byte *)
| Psw (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store int32 *)
| Psw_a (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store any32 *)
| Psd (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store int64 *)
| Psd_a (rs: ireg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store any64 *)
+ | Pfss (rs: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store float *)
+ | Pfsd (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store 64-bit float *)
+(** Arithmetic instructions **)
+Inductive arith_name_r : Type :=
+ | Pcvtw2l (**r Convert Word to Long *)
+Inductive arith_name_rr : Type :=
+ | Pmv (**r register move *)
+ | Pnegw (**r negate word *)
+ | Pnegl (**r negate long *)
+ | Pfnegd (**r float negate double *)
+ | Pcvtl2w (**r Convert Long to Word *)
+ | Pmvw2l (**r Move Convert Word to Long *)
+Inductive arith_name_ri32 : Type :=
+ | Pmake (**r load immediate *)
+Inductive arith_name_ri64 : Type :=
+ | Pmakel (**r load immediate long *)
+Inductive arith_name_rrr : Type :=
+ | Pcompw (it: itest) (**r comparison word *)
+ | Pcompl (it: itest) (**r comparison long *)
+ | Paddw (**r add word *)
+ | Psubw (**r sub word *)
+ | Pmulw (**r mul word *)
+ | Pandw (**r and word *)
+ | Porw (**r or word *)
+ | Pxorw (**r xor word *)
+ | Psraw (**r shift right arithmetic word *)
+ | Psrlw (**r shift right logical word *)
+ | Psllw (**r shift left logical word *)
+ | Paddl (**r add long *)
+ | Psubl (**r sub long *)
+ | Pandl (**r and long *)
+ | Porl (**r or long *)
+ | Pxorl (**r xor long *)
+ | Pmull (**r mul long (low part) *)
+ | Pslll (**r shift left logical long *)
+ | Psrll (**r shift right logical long *)
+ | Psral (**r shift right arithmetic long *)
+Inductive arith_name_rri32 : Type :=
+ | Pcompiw (it: itest) (**r comparison imm word *)
+ | Paddiw (**r add imm word *)
+ | Pandiw (**r and imm word *)
+ | Poriw (**r or imm word *)
+ | Pxoriw (**r xor imm word *)
+ | Psraiw (**r shift right arithmetic imm word *)
+ | Psrliw (**r shift right logical imm word *)
+ | Pslliw (**r shift left logical imm word *)
+ | Psllil (**r shift left logical immediate long *)
+ | Psrlil (**r shift right logical immediate long *)
+ | Psrail (**r shift right arithmetic immediate long *)
+Inductive arith_name_rri64 : Type :=
+ | Pcompil (it: itest) (**r comparison imm long *)
+ | Paddil (**r add immediate long *)
+ | Pandil (**r and immediate long *)
+ | Poril (**r or immediate long *)
+ | Pxoril (**r xor immediate long *)
+Inductive ar_instruction : Type :=
+ | PArithR (i: arith_name_r) (rd: ireg)
+ | PArithRR (i: arith_name_rr) (rd rs: ireg)
+ | PArithRI32 (i: arith_name_ri32) (rd: ireg) (imm: int)
+ | PArithRI64 (i: arith_name_ri64) (rd: ireg) (imm: int64)
+ | PArithRRR (i: arith_name_rrr) (rd rs1 rs2: ireg)
+ | PArithRRI32 (i: arith_name_rri32) (rd rs: ireg) (imm: int)
+ | PArithRRI64 (i: arith_name_rri64) (rd rs: ireg) (imm: int64)
+Coercion PArithR: arith_name_r >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRR: arith_name_rr >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRI32: arith_name_ri32 >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRI64: arith_name_ri64 >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRRR: arith_name_rrr >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRRI32: arith_name_rri32 >-> Funclass.
+Coercion PArithRRI64: arith_name_rri64 >-> Funclass.
- (* Synchronization *)
(*| Pfence (**r fence *)
(* floating point register move *)
@@ -251,9 +379,7 @@ Inductive instruction : Type :=
| Pfmvxs (rd: ireg) (rs: freg) (**r move FP single to integer register *)
| Pfmvxd (rd: ireg) (rs: freg) (**r move FP double to integer register *)
- (* 32-bit (single-precision) floating point *)
-*)| Pfls (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load float *)
- | Pfss (rs: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store float *)
+*)(* 32-bit (single-precision) floating point *)
(*| Pfnegs (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r negation *)
| Pfabss (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r absolute value *)
@@ -286,14 +412,11 @@ Inductive instruction : Type :=
| Pfcvtsl (rd: freg) (rs: ireg) (**r int64 -> float32 conversion *)
| Pfcvtslu (rd: freg) (rs: ireg) (**r unsigned int 64-> float32 conversion *)
- (* 64-bit (double-precision) floating point *)
-*)| Pfld (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load 64-bit float *)
+*)(* 64-bit (double-precision) floating point *)
(*| Pfld_a (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r load any64 *)
-*)| Pfsd (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store 64-bit float *)
-(*| Pfsd_a (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store any64 *)
+ | Pfsd_a (rd: freg) (ra: ireg) (ofs: offset) (**r store any64 *)
-*)| Pfnegd (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r negation *)
-(*| Pfabsd (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r absolute value *)
+ | Pfabsd (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r absolute value *)
| Pfaddd (rd: freg) (rs1 rs2: freg) (**r addition *)
| Pfsubd (rd: freg) (rs1 rs2: freg) (**r subtraction *)
@@ -326,93 +449,20 @@ Inductive instruction : Type :=
| Pfcvtds (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r float32 -> float *)
| Pfcvtsd (rd: freg) (rs: freg) (**r float -> float32 *)
- (* Pseudo-instructions *)
- | Pallocframe (sz: Z) (pos: ptrofs) (**r allocate new stack frame *)
- | Pfreeframe (sz: Z) (pos: ptrofs) (**r deallocate stack frame and restore previous frame *)
- | Plabel (lbl: label) (**r define a code label *)
- | Ploadsymbol (rd: ireg) (id: ident) (ofs: ptrofs) (**r load the address of a symbol *)
-(*| Ploadsymbol_high (rd: ireg) (id: ident) (ofs: ptrofs) (**r load the high part of the address of a symbol *)
- | Ploadli (rd: ireg) (i: int64) (**r load an immediate int64 *)
- | Ploadfi (rd: freg) (f: float) (**r load an immediate float *)
- | Ploadsi (rd: freg) (f: float32) (**r load an immediate single *)
- | Pbtbl (r: ireg) (tbl: list label) (**r N-way branch through a jump table *) *)
- | Pbuiltin: external_function -> list (builtin_arg preg)
- -> builtin_res preg -> instruction. (**r built-in function (pseudo) *)
-(** The pseudo-instructions are the following:
-- [Plabel]: define a code label at the current program point.
-- [Ploadsymbol]: load the address of a symbol in an integer register.
- Expands to the [la] assembler pseudo-instruction, which does the right
- thing even if we are in PIC mode.
-- [Ploadli rd ival]: load an immediate 64-bit integer into an integer
- register rd. Expands to a load from an address in the constant data section,
- using the integer register x31 as temporary:
- lui x31, %hi(lbl)
- ld rd, %lo(lbl)(x31)
- .quad ival
-- [Ploadfi rd fval]: similar to [Ploadli] but loads a double FP constant fval
- into a float register rd.
-- [Ploadsi rd fval]: similar to [Ploadli] but loads a singe FP constant fval
- into a float register rd.
-- [Pallocframe sz pos]: in the formal semantics, this
- pseudo-instruction allocates a memory block with bounds [0] and
- [sz], stores the value of the stack pointer at offset [pos] in this
- block, and sets the stack pointer to the address of the bottom of
- this block.
- In the printed ASM assembly code, this allocation is:
- mv x30, sp
- sub sp, sp, #sz
- sw x30, #pos(sp)
- This cannot be expressed in our memory model, which does not reflect
- the fact that stack frames are adjacent and allocated/freed
- following a stack discipline.
-- [Pfreeframe sz pos]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
- reads the word at [pos] of the block pointed by the stack pointer,
- frees this block, and sets the stack pointer to the value read.
- In the printed ASM assembly code, this freeing is just an increment of [sp]:
- add sp, sp, #sz
- Again, our memory model cannot comprehend that this operation
- frees (logically) the current stack frame.
-- [Pbtbl reg table]: this is a N-way branch, implemented via a jump table
- as follows:
- la x31, table
- add x31, x31, reg
- jr x31
-table: .long table[0], table[1], ...
- Note that [reg] contains 4 times the index of the desired table entry.
-- [Pseq rd rs1 rs2]: since unsigned comparisons have particular
- semantics for pointers, we cannot encode equality directly using
- xor/sub etc, which have only integer semantics.
- xor rd, rs1, rs2
- sltiu rd, rd, 1
- The [xor] is omitted if one of [rs1] and [rs2] is [x0].
-- [Psne rd rs1 rs2]: similarly for unsigned inequality.
- xor rd, rs1, rs2
- sltu rd, x0, rd
+Inductive instruction : Type :=
+ | PExpand (i: ex_instruction)
+ | PControlFlow (i: cf_instruction)
+ | PLoad (i: ld_instruction)
+ | PStore (i: st_instruction)
+ | PArith (i: ar_instruction)
+Coercion PExpand: ex_instruction >-> instruction.
+Coercion PControlFlow: cf_instruction >-> instruction.
+Coercion PLoad: ld_instruction >-> instruction.
+Coercion PStore: st_instruction >-> instruction.
+Coercion PArith: ar_instruction >-> instruction.
Definition code := list instruction.
Record function : Type := mkfunction { fn_sig: signature; fn_code: code }.
@@ -503,6 +553,7 @@ Lemma is_label_correct:
if is_label lbl instr then instr = Plabel lbl else instr <> Plabel lbl.
intros. destruct instr; simpl; try discriminate.
+ destruct i; simpl; try discriminate.
case (peq lbl lbl0); intro; congruence.
@@ -750,109 +801,81 @@ Definition exec_instr (f: function) (i: instruction) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : out
| (None, _) => Stuck
-(** Comparisons *)
- | Pcompw c d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_int c rs##s1 rs##s2 m))) m
- | Pcompiw c d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_int c rs##s (Vint i) m))) m
- | Pcompl c d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_long c rs###s1 rs###s2 m))) m
- | Pcompil c d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_long c rs###s (Vlong i) m))) m
-(** Load immediates *)
- | Pmakel d i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Vlong i))) m
- | Pmake d i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Vint i))) m
-(** Register move *)
- | Pmv d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (rs#s))) m
+(** Arithmetic Instructions *)
+ | PArithR n d =>
+ match n with
+ | Pcvtw2l => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.longofint rs#d))) m
+ end
+ | PArithRR n d s =>
+ match n with
+ | Pmv => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (rs#s))) m
+ | Pnegw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.neg rs###s))) m
+ | Pnegl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.negl rs###s))) m
+ | Pfnegd => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.negf rs#s))) m
+ | Pcvtl2w => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.loword rs###s))) m
+ | Pmvw2l => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.longofint rs#s))) m
+ end
+ | PArithRI32 n d i =>
+ match n with
+ | Pmake => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Vint i))) m
+ end
+ | PArithRI64 n d i =>
+ match n with
+ | Pmakel => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Vlong i))) m
+ end
-(** 32-bit integer register-immediate instructions *)
- | Paddiw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.add rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Pandiw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.and rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Poriw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.or rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Pxoriw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xor rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Psraiw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shr rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Psrliw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shru rs##s (Vint i)))) m
- | Pslliw d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shl rs##s (Vint i)))) m
-(** 32-bit integer register-register instructions *)
- | Paddw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.add rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Psubw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.sub rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Pmulw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.mul rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Pandw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.and rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Porw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.or rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Pxorw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xor rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Pnegw d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.neg rs###s))) m
- | Psrlw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shru rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Psraw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shr rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
- | Psllw d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shl rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
-(** 64-bit integer register-immediate instructions *)
- | Paddil d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.addl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
- | Pandil d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.andl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
- | Poril d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.orl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
- | Pxoril d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xorl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
- | Psllil d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shll rs###s (Vint i)))) m
- | Psrlil d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrlu rs###s (Vint i)))) m
- | Psrail d s i =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrl rs###s (Vint i)))) m
-(** 64-bit integer register-register instructions *)
- | Paddl d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.addl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Psubl d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.subl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Pandl d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.andl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Porl d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.orl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Pxorl d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xorl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Pnegl d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.negl rs###s))) m
- | Pmull d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.mull rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Pslll d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shll rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Psrll d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrlu rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
- | Psral d s1 s2 =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
-(** Conversions *)
- | Pcvtl2w d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.loword rs###s))) m
- | Pcvtw2l r =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#r <- (Val.longofint rs#r))) m
- | Pmvw2l d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.longofint rs#s))) m
+ | PArithRRR n d s1 s2 =>
+ match n with
+ | Pcompw c => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_int c rs##s1 rs##s2 m))) m
+ | Pcompl c => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_long c rs###s1 rs###s2 m))) m
+ | Paddw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.add rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Psubw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.sub rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Pmulw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.mul rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Pandw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.and rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Porw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.or rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Pxorw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xor rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Psrlw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shru rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Psraw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shr rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Psllw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shl rs##s1 rs##s2))) m
+ | Paddl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.addl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Psubl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.subl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Pandl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.andl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Porl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.orl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Pxorl => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xorl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Pmull => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.mull rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Pslll => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shll rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Psrll => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrlu rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ | Psral => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrl rs###s1 rs###s2))) m
+ end
+ | PArithRRI32 n d s i =>
+ match n with
+ | Pcompiw c => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_int c rs##s (Vint i) m))) m
+ | Paddiw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.add rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Pandiw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.and rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Poriw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.or rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Pxoriw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xor rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Psraiw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shr rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Psrliw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shru rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Pslliw => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shl rs##s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Psllil => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shll rs###s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Psrlil => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrlu rs###s (Vint i)))) m
+ | Psrail => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.shrl rs###s (Vint i)))) m
+ end
+ | PArithRRI64 n d s i =>
+ match n with
+ | Pcompil c => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (compare_long c rs###s (Vlong i) m))) m
+ | Paddil => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.addl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
+ | Pandil => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.andl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
+ | Poril => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.orl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
+ | Pxoril => Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.xorl rs###s (Vlong i)))) m
+ end
(** Loads and stores *)
| Plb d a ofs =>
@@ -942,9 +965,7 @@ Definition exec_instr (f: function) (i: instruction) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : out
(*| Pfsd_a s a ofs =>
exec_store Many64 rs m s a ofs
-*)| Pfnegd d s =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.negf rs#s))) m
-(*| Pfabsd d s =>
+ | Pfabsd d s =>
Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (Val.absf rs#s))) m
| Pfaddd d s1 s2 =>
@@ -1124,7 +1145,7 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
forall b ofs f ef args res rs m vargs t vres rs' m',
rs PC = Vptr b ofs ->
Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (Internal f) ->
- find_instr (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) f.(fn_code) = Some (Pbuiltin ef args res) ->
+ find_instr (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) f.(fn_code) = Some (A:=instruction) (Pbuiltin ef args res) ->
eval_builtin_args ge rs (rs SP) m args vargs ->
external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
rs' = nextinstr
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmexpand.ml b/mppa_k1c/Asmexpand.ml
index 301e1624..f0a9404c 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmexpand.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmexpand.ml
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ let expand_builtin_inline name args res =
let expand_instruction instr =
match instr with
- | Pallocframe (sz, ofs) ->
+ | PExpand Pallocframe (sz, ofs) ->
let sg = get_current_function_sig() in
- emit (Pmv (GPR10, GPR12));
+ emit (PArith (PArithRR (Pmv, GPR10, GPR12)));
if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin
let n = arguments_size sg in
let extra_sz = if n >= 8 then 0 else align 16 ((8 - n) * wordsize) in
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ let expand_instruction instr =
expand_storeind_ptr GPR10 GPR12 ofs;
vararg_start_ofs := None
- | Pfreeframe (sz, ofs) ->
+ | PExpand Pfreeframe (sz, ofs) ->
let sg = get_current_function_sig() in
let extra_sz =
if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin
@@ -548,10 +548,10 @@ let expand_instruction instr =
end else begin
emit (Pxorl(rd, rs1, rs2)); emit (Psltul(rd, X0, X rd))
-*)| Pcvtl2w(rd, rs) ->
+*)| PArith PArithRR (Pcvtl2w,rd, rs) ->
assert Archi.ptr64;
- emit (Paddiw(rd, rs, Int.zero)) (* 32-bit sign extension *)
- | Pcvtw2l(r) ->
+ emit (PArith (PArithRRI32 (Paddiw,rd, rs, Int.zero))) (* 32-bit sign extension *)
+ | PArith PArithR r -> (* Pcvtw2l *)
assert Archi.ptr64
(* no-operation because the 32-bit integer was kept sign extended already *)
(* FIXME - is it really the case on the MPPA ? *)
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmgen.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmgen.v
index 05dc948e..dbd7b4f5 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmgen.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmgen.v
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ Inductive immed64 : Type :=
(* For now, let's suppose all instructions of K1c can handle 64-bits immediate *)
Definition make_immed64 (val: int64) := Imm64_single val.
+Notation "a ::i b" := (cons (A:=instruction) a b) (at level 49, right associativity).
(** Smart constructors for arithmetic operations involving
a 32-bit or 64-bit integer constant. Depending on whether the
constant fits in 12 bits or not, one or several instructions
@@ -66,14 +68,14 @@ Definition make_immed64 (val: int64) := Imm64_single val.
Definition loadimm32 (r: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) :=
match make_immed32 n with
- | Imm32_single imm => Pmake r imm :: k
+ | Imm32_single imm => Pmake r imm ::i k
-Definition opimm32 (op: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction)
- (opimm: ireg -> ireg -> int -> instruction)
+Definition opimm32 (op: arith_name_rrr)
+ (opimm: arith_name_rri32)
(rd rs: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) :=
match make_immed32 n with
- | Imm32_single imm => opimm rd rs imm :: k
+ | Imm32_single imm => opimm rd rs imm ::i k
Definition addimm32 := opimm32 Paddw Paddiw.
@@ -87,14 +89,14 @@ Definition sltuimm32 := opimm32 Psltuw Psltiuw.
Definition loadimm64 (r: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) :=
match make_immed64 n with
- | Imm64_single imm => Pmakel r imm :: k
+ | Imm64_single imm => Pmakel r imm ::i k
-Definition opimm64 (op: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction)
- (opimm: ireg -> ireg -> int64 -> instruction)
+Definition opimm64 (op: arith_name_rrr)
+ (opimm: arith_name_rri64)
(rd rs: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) :=
match make_immed64 n with
- | Imm64_single imm => opimm rd rs imm :: k
+ | Imm64_single imm => opimm rd rs imm ::i k
Definition addimm64 := opimm64 Paddl Paddil.
@@ -109,13 +111,13 @@ Definition sltuimm64 := opimm64 Psltul Psltiul.
Definition cast32signed (rd rs: ireg) (k: code) :=
if (ireg_eq rd rs)
- then Pcvtw2l rd :: k
- else Pmvw2l rd rs :: k
+ then Pcvtw2l rd ::i k
+ else Pmvw2l rd rs ::i k
Definition addptrofs (rd rs: ireg) (n: ptrofs) (k: code) :=
if Ptrofs.eq_dec n Ptrofs.zero then
- Pmv rd rs :: k
+ Pmv rd rs ::i k
addimm64 rd rs (Ptrofs.to_int64 n) k.
@@ -123,11 +125,11 @@ Definition addptrofs (rd rs: ireg) (n: ptrofs) (k: code) :=
Definition transl_comp
(c: comparison) (s: signedness) (r1 r2: ireg) (lbl: label) (k: code) : list instruction :=
- Pcompw (itest_for_cmp c s) RTMP r1 r2 :: Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl :: k.
+ Pcompw (itest_for_cmp c s) RTMP r1 r2 ::i Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::i k.
Definition transl_compl
(c: comparison) (s: signedness) (r1 r2: ireg) (lbl: label) (k: code) : list instruction :=
- Pcompl (itest_for_cmp c s) RTMP r1 r2 :: Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl :: k.
+ Pcompl (itest_for_cmp c s) RTMP r1 r2 ::i Pcb BTwnez RTMP lbl ::i k.
Definition select_comp (n: int) (c: comparison) : option comparison :=
if Int.eq n Int.zero then
@@ -143,8 +145,8 @@ Definition select_comp (n: int) (c: comparison) : option comparison :=
Definition transl_opt_compuimm
(n: int) (c: comparison) (r1: ireg) (lbl: label) (k: code) : list instruction :=
match select_comp n c with
- | Some Ceq => Pcbu BTweqz r1 lbl :: k
- | Some Cne => Pcbu BTwnez r1 lbl :: k
+ | Some Ceq => Pcbu BTweqz r1 lbl ::i k
+ | Some Cne => Pcbu BTwnez r1 lbl ::i k
| Some _ => nil (* Never happens *)
| None => loadimm32 RTMP n (transl_comp c Unsigned r1 RTMP lbl k)
@@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ Definition select_compl (n: int64) (c: comparison) : option comparison :=
Definition transl_opt_compluimm
(n: int64) (c: comparison) (r1: ireg) (lbl: label) (k: code) : list instruction :=
match select_compl n c with
- | Some Ceq => Pcbu BTdeqz r1 lbl :: k
- | Some Cne => Pcbu BTdnez r1 lbl :: k
+ | Some Ceq => Pcbu BTdeqz r1 lbl ::i k
+ | Some Cne => Pcbu BTdnez r1 lbl ::i k
| Some _ => nil (* Never happens *)
| None => loadimm64 RTMP n (transl_compl c Unsigned r1 RTMP lbl k)
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ Definition transl_cbranch
| Ccompimm c n, a1 :: nil =>
do r1 <- ireg_of a1;
OK (if Int.eq n Int.zero then
- Pcb (btest_for_cmpswz c) r1 lbl :: k
+ Pcb (btest_for_cmpswz c) r1 lbl ::i k
loadimm32 RTMP n (transl_comp c Signed r1 RTMP lbl k)
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ Definition transl_cbranch
| Ccomplimm c n, a1 :: nil =>
do r1 <- ireg_of a1;
OK (if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then
- Pcb (btest_for_cmpsdz c) r1 lbl :: k
+ Pcb (btest_for_cmpsdz c) r1 lbl ::i k
loadimm64 RTMP n (transl_compl c Signed r1 RTMP lbl k)
@@ -231,28 +233,28 @@ Definition transl_cbranch
condition. *)
Definition transl_cond_int32s (cmp: comparison) (rd r1 r2: ireg) (k: code) :=
- Pcompw (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 r2 :: k.
+ Pcompw (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 r2 ::i k.
Definition transl_cond_int32u (cmp: comparison) (rd r1 r2: ireg) (k: code) :=
- Pcompw (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 r2 :: k.
+ Pcompw (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 r2 ::i k.
Definition transl_cond_int64s (cmp: comparison) (rd r1 r2: ireg) (k: code) :=
- Pcompl (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 r2 :: k.
+ Pcompl (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 r2 ::i k.
Definition transl_cond_int64u (cmp: comparison) (rd r1 r2: ireg) (k: code) :=
- Pcompl (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 r2 :: k.
+ Pcompl (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 r2 ::i k.
Definition transl_condimm_int32s (cmp: comparison) (rd r1: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) :=
- Pcompiw (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 n :: k.
+ Pcompiw (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 n ::i k.
Definition transl_condimm_int32u (cmp: comparison) (rd r1: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) :=
- Pcompiw (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 n :: k.
+ Pcompiw (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 n ::i k.
Definition transl_condimm_int64s (cmp: comparison) (rd r1: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) :=
- Pcompil (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 n :: k.
+ Pcompil (itest_for_cmp cmp Signed) rd r1 n ::i k.
Definition transl_condimm_int64u (cmp: comparison) (rd r1: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) :=
- Pcompil (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 n :: k.
+ Pcompil (itest_for_cmp cmp Unsigned) rd r1 n ::i k.
Definition transl_cond_op
(cond: condition) (rd: ireg) (args: list mreg) (k: code) :=
@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ Definition transl_op
match op, args with
| Omove, a1 :: nil =>
match preg_of res, preg_of a1 with
- | IR r, IR a => OK (Pmv r a :: k)
+ | IR r, IR a => OK (Pmv r a ::i k)
| _ , _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.Omove")
| Ointconst n, nil =>
@@ -331,33 +333,33 @@ Definition transl_op
*)| Oaddrsymbol s ofs, nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res;
OK (if Archi.pic_code tt && negb (Ptrofs.eq ofs Ptrofs.zero)
- then Ploadsymbol rd s Ptrofs.zero :: addptrofs rd rd ofs k
- else Ploadsymbol rd s ofs :: k)
+ then Ploadsymbol rd s Ptrofs.zero ::i addptrofs rd rd ofs k
+ else Ploadsymbol rd s ofs ::i k)
| Oaddrstack n, nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res;
OK (addptrofs rd SP n k)
| Ocast8signed, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pslliw rd rs (Int.repr 24) :: Psraiw rd rd (Int.repr 24) :: k)
+ OK (Pslliw rd rs (Int.repr 24) ::i Psraiw rd rd (Int.repr 24) ::i k)
| Ocast16signed, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pslliw rd rs (Int.repr 16) :: Psraiw rd rd (Int.repr 16) :: k)
+ OK (Pslliw rd rs (Int.repr 16) ::i Psraiw rd rd (Int.repr 16) ::i k)
| Oadd, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Paddw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Paddw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oaddimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (addimm32 rd rs n k)
| Oneg, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pnegw rd rs :: k)
+ OK (Pnegw rd rs ::i k)
| Osub, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psubw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psubw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Omul, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pmulw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pmulw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
(*| Omulhs, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
OK (Pmulhw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
@@ -378,52 +380,52 @@ Definition transl_op
OK (Premuw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
*)| Oand, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pandw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pandw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oandimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (andimm32 rd rs n k)
| Oor, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Porw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Porw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oorimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (orimm32 rd rs n k)
| Oxor, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pxorw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pxorw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oxorimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (xorimm32 rd rs n k)
| Oshl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psllw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psllw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pslliw rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Pslliw rd rs n ::i k)
| Oshr, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psraw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psraw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshrimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Psraiw rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Psraiw rd rs n ::i k)
| Oshru, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psrlw rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psrlw rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshruimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Psrliw rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Psrliw rd rs n ::i k)
| Oshrximm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (if Int.eq n Int.zero then Pmv rd rs :: k else
- Psraiw GPR31 rs (Int.repr 31) ::
- Psrliw GPR31 GPR31 (Int.sub Int.iwordsize n) ::
- Paddw GPR31 rs GPR31 ::
- Psraiw rd GPR31 n :: k)
+ OK (if Int.eq n Int.zero then Pmv rd rs ::i k else
+ Psraiw GPR31 rs (Int.repr 31) ::i
+ Psrliw GPR31 GPR31 (Int.sub Int.iwordsize n) ::i
+ Paddw GPR31 rs GPR31 ::i
+ Psraiw rd GPR31 n ::i k)
(* [Omakelong], [Ohighlong] should not occur *)
| Olowlong, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pcvtl2w rd rs :: k)
+ OK (Pcvtl2w rd rs ::i k)
| Ocast32signed, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (cast32signed rd rs k)
@@ -433,19 +435,19 @@ Definition transl_op
OK (Pcvtw2l rd :: Psllil rd rd (Int.repr 32) :: Psrlil rd rd (Int.repr 32) :: k)
*)| Oaddl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Paddl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Paddl rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oaddlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (addimm64 rd rs n k)
| Onegl, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Pnegl rd rs :: k)
+ OK (Pnegl rd rs ::i k)
| Osubl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psubl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psubl rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Omull, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pmull rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pmull rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
(*| Omullhs, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
OK (Pmulhl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
@@ -466,40 +468,40 @@ Definition transl_op
OK (Premul rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
*)| Oandl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pandl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pandl rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oandlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (andimm64 rd rs n k)
| Oorl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Porl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Porl rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oorlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (orimm64 rd rs n k)
| Oxorl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pxorl rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pxorl rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oxorlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (xorimm64 rd rs n k)
| Oshll, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Pslll rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Pslll rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshllimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Psllil rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Psllil rd rs n ::i k)
| Oshrl, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psral rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psral rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshrlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Psrail rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Psrail rd rs n ::i k)
| Oshrlu, a1 :: a2 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs1 <- ireg_of a1; do rs2 <- ireg_of a2;
- OK (Psrll rd rs1 rs2 :: k)
+ OK (Psrll rd rs1 rs2 ::i k)
| Oshrluimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
- OK (Psrlil rd rs n :: k)
+ OK (Psrlil rd rs n ::i k)
(*| Oshrxlimm n, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- ireg_of res; do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (if Int.eq n Int.zero then Pmv rd rs :: k else
@@ -510,7 +512,7 @@ Definition transl_op
*)| Onegf, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- freg_of res; do rs <- freg_of a1;
- OK (Pfnegd rd rs :: k)
+ OK (Pfnegd rd rs ::i k)
(*| Oabsf, a1 :: nil =>
do rd <- freg_of res; do rs <- freg_of a1;
OK (Pfabsd rd rs :: k)
@@ -618,7 +620,7 @@ Definition indexed_memory_access
(base: ireg) (ofs: ptrofs) (k: code) :=
match make_immed64 (Ptrofs.to_int64 ofs) with
| Imm64_single imm =>
- mk_instr base (Ofsimm (Ptrofs.of_int64 imm)) :: k
+ mk_instr base (Ofsimm (Ptrofs.of_int64 imm)) ::i k
(*| Imm64_pair hi lo =>
Pluil GPR31 hi :: Paddl GPR31 base GPR31 :: mk_instr GPR31 (Ofsimm (Ptrofs.of_int64 lo)) :: k
| Imm64_large imm =>
@@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ Definition transl_memory_access
do rs <- ireg_of a1;
OK (indexed_memory_access mk_instr rs ofs k)
| Aglobal id ofs, nil =>
- OK (Ploadsymbol GPR31 id ofs :: mk_instr GPR31 (Ofsimm Ptrofs.zero) :: k)
+ OK (Ploadsymbol GPR31 id ofs ::i (mk_instr GPR31 (Ofsimm Ptrofs.zero) ::i k))
| Ainstack ofs, nil =>
OK (indexed_memory_access mk_instr SP ofs k)
| _, _ =>
@@ -730,7 +732,7 @@ Definition transl_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing)
Definition make_epilogue (f: Mach.function) (k: code) :=
loadind_ptr SP f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) GPR8
- (Pset RA GPR8 :: Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: k).
+ (Pset RA GPR8 ::i Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) ::i k).
(** Translation of a Mach instruction. *)
@@ -755,23 +757,23 @@ Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction)
(*| Mcall sig (inl r) =>
do r1 <- ireg_of r; OK (Pjal_r r1 sig :: k)
*)| Mcall sig (inr symb) =>
- OK ((Pcall symb) :: k)
+ OK ((Pcall symb) ::i k)
(*| Mtailcall sig (inl r) =>
do r1 <- ireg_of r;
OK (make_epilogue f (Pcall :: k))
*)| Mtailcall sig (inr symb) =>
- OK (make_epilogue f ((Pgoto symb) :: k))
+ OK (make_epilogue f ((Pgoto symb) ::i k))
| Mbuiltin ef args res =>
- OK (Pbuiltin ef (List.map (map_builtin_arg preg_of) args) (map_builtin_res preg_of res) :: k)
+ OK (Pbuiltin ef (List.map (map_builtin_arg preg_of) args) (map_builtin_res preg_of res) ::i k)
| Mlabel lbl =>
- OK (Plabel lbl :: k)
+ OK (Plabel lbl ::i k)
| Mgoto lbl =>
- OK (Pj_l lbl :: k)
+ OK (Pj_l lbl ::i k)
| Mcond cond args lbl =>
transl_cbranch cond args lbl k
(*| Mjumptable arg tbl => do r <- ireg_of arg; OK (Pbtbl r tbl :: k)
*)| Mreturn =>
- OK (make_epilogue f (Pret :: k))
+ OK (make_epilogue f (Pret ::i k))
(*OK (make_epilogue f (Pj_r RA f.(Mach.fn_sig) :: k))*)
| _ =>
Error (msg "Asmgen.transl_instr")
@@ -821,8 +823,8 @@ Definition transl_code' (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) (it1p: bo
Definition transl_function (f: Mach.function) :=
do c <- transl_code' f f.(Mach.fn_code) true;
OK (mkfunction f.(Mach.fn_sig)
- (Pallocframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) ::
- Pget GPR8 RA ::
+ (Pallocframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) ::i
+ Pget GPR8 RA ::i
storeind_ptr GPR8 SP f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) c)).
Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : res Asm.function :=
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof.v
index 39f832b4..896e9ce9 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof.v
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve loadimm32_label: labels.
Remark opimm32_label:
- forall op opimm r1 r2 n k,
+ forall (op: arith_name_rrr) (opimm: arith_name_rri32) r1 r2 n k,
(forall r1 r2 r3, nolabel (op r1 r2 r3)) ->
(forall r1 r2 n, nolabel (opimm r1 r2 n)) ->
tail_nolabel k (opimm32 op opimm r1 r2 n k).
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve cast32signed_label: labels.
Remark opimm64_label:
- forall op opimm r1 r2 n k,
+ forall (op: arith_name_rrr) (opimm: arith_name_rri64) r1 r2 n k,
(forall r1 r2 r3, nolabel (op r1 r2 r3)) ->
(forall r1 r2 n, nolabel (opimm r1 r2 n)) ->
tail_nolabel k (opimm64 op opimm r1 r2 n k).
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_instr_label:
forall f i ep k c,
transl_instr f i ep k = OK c ->
- match i with Mlabel lbl => c = Plabel lbl :: k | _ => tail_nolabel k c end.
+ match i with Mlabel lbl => c = Plabel lbl ::i k | _ => tail_nolabel k c end.
unfold transl_instr; intros; destruct i; TailNoLabel.
(* loadind *)
@@ -985,8 +985,8 @@ Local Transparent destroyed_by_op.
intros [m3' [P Q]].
(* Execution of function prologue *)
monadInv EQ0. rewrite transl_code'_transl_code in EQ1.
- set (tfbody := Pallocframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::
- Pget GPR8 RA ::
+ set (tfbody := Pallocframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::i
+ Pget GPR8 RA ::i
storeind_ptr GPR8 SP (fn_retaddr_ofs f) x0) in *.
set (tf := {| fn_sig := Mach.fn_sig f; fn_code := tfbody |}) in *.
set (rs2 := nextinstr (rs0#FP <- (parent_sp s) #SP <- sp #GPR31 <- Vundef)).
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof1.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof1.v
index 2234404c..ecb06802 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof1.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmgenproof1.v
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ Qed.
Lemma opimm64_correct:
- forall (op: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction)
- (opi: ireg -> ireg -> int64 -> instruction)
+ forall (op: arith_name_rrr)
+ (opi: arith_name_rri64)
(sem: val -> val -> val) m,
(forall d s1 s2 rs,
exec_instr ge fn (op d s1 s2) rs m = Next (nextinstr (rs#d <- (sem rs###s1 rs###s2))) m) ->
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_comp_correct:
forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m b,
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (transl_comp cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl :: k) rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (transl_comp cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl ::i k) rs' m
/\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
/\ ( Val.cmp_bool cmp rs##r1 rs##r2 = Some b ->
exec_instr ge fn (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl) rs' m = eval_branch fn lbl rs' m (Some b))
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_compu_correct:
forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m b,
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (transl_comp cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl :: k) rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (transl_comp cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl ::i k) rs' m
/\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
/\ ( Val.cmpu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) cmp rs##r1 rs##r2 = Some b ->
exec_instr ge fn (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl) rs' m = eval_branch fn lbl rs' m (Some b))
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_compl_correct:
forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m b,
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (transl_compl cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl :: k) rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (transl_compl cmp Signed r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl ::i k) rs' m
/\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
/\ ( Val.cmpl_bool cmp rs###r1 rs###r2 = Some b ->
exec_instr ge fn (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl) rs' m = eval_branch fn lbl rs' m (Some b))
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_complu_correct:
forall cmp r1 r2 lbl k rs m b,
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (transl_compl cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl :: k) rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (transl_compl cmp Unsigned r1 r2 lbl k) rs m (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl ::i k) rs' m
/\ (forall r : preg, r <> PC -> r <> RTMP -> rs' r = rs r)
/\ ( Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) cmp rs###r1 rs###r2 = Some b ->
exec_instr ge fn (Pcb BTwnez GPR31 lbl) rs' m = eval_branch fn lbl rs' m (Some b))
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ Lemma Pget_correct:
forall (dst: gpreg) (src: preg) k (rs: regset) m,
src = RA ->
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (Pget dst src :: k) rs m k rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (Pget dst src ::i k) rs m k rs' m
/\ rs'#dst = rs#src
/\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ Lemma Pset_correct:
forall (dst: preg) (src: gpreg) k (rs: regset) m,
dst = RA ->
exists rs',
- exec_straight ge fn (Pset dst src :: k) rs m k rs' m
+ exec_straight ge fn (Pset dst src ::i k) rs m k rs' m
/\ rs'#dst = rs#src
/\ forall r, r <> PC -> r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r.
@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite chunk_of_Tptr in *.
exploit (loadind_ptr_correct SP (fn_retaddr_ofs f) GPR8 (Pset RA GPR8
- :: Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) :: k) rs tm).
+ ::i Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::i k) rs tm).
- rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ rs AG). simpl. eexact LRA'.
- congruence.
- intros (rs1 & A1 & B1 & C1).
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ Proof.
apply mkagree; auto.
rewrite C1; discriminate || auto.
intro. rewrite C1; auto; destruct r; simpl; try discriminate.
- + exploit (Pset_correct RA GPR8 (Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) :: k) rs1 tm). auto.
+ + exploit (Pset_correct RA GPR8 (Pfreeframe (fn_stacksize f) (fn_link_ofs f) ::i k) rs1 tm). auto.
intros (rs2 & A2 & B2 & C2).
econstructor; econstructor; split.
* eapply exec_straight_trans.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml b/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
index 04dfe9e7..8e3cce5a 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -188,144 +188,12 @@ module Target : TARGET =
let bcond oc c = fprintf oc "%s" (bcond_name c)
(* Printing of instructions *)
- let print_instruction oc = function
- | Pcall(s) ->
- fprintf oc " call %a\n;;\n" symbol s
- | Pgoto(s) ->
- fprintf oc " goto %a\n;;\n" symbol s
- | Pj_l(s) ->
- fprintf oc " goto %a\n;;\n" print_label s
- | Pret ->
- fprintf oc " ret \n;;\n"
- | Pget (rd, rs) ->
- fprintf oc " get %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd preg rs
- | Pset (rd, rs) ->
- fprintf oc " set %a = %a\n;;\n" preg rd ireg rs
- | Pmv(rd, rs) | Pmvw2l(rd, rs) ->
- fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, 0\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
- | Paddiw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " addw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Paddw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " addw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Paddil (rd, rs, imm) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Paddl(rd, rs1, rs2) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psubw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " sbfw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs2 ireg rs1
- | Psubl(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " sbfd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs2 ireg rs1
- | Pmulw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " mulw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pmull(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " muld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psrliw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " srlw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Psrlil (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " srld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Psrll (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " srld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psrlw (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " srlw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pslliw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " sllw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Psllw (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " sllw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psllil (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " slld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Pslll (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " slld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psraw (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " sraw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psraiw (rd, rs1, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " sraw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 coqint64 imm
- | Psral (rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " srad %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Psrail (rd, rs1, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " srad %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 coqint64 imm
- | Poril (rd, rs, imm) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " ord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Porl(rd, rs1, rs2) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " ord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Poriw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " orw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Porw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " orw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pxoriw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " xorw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Pxorw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " xorw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pxoril (rd, rs, imm) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " xord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Pxorl(rd, rs1, rs2) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " xord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pandiw (rd, rs, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " andw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Pandw(rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " andw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pandil (rd, rs, imm) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " andd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
- | Pandl(rd, rs1, rs2) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " andd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pmake (rd, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " make %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd coqint imm
- | Pmakel (rd, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " make %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd coqint64 imm
- | Pnegl(rd, rs) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " negd %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
- | Pnegw(rd, rs) ->
- fprintf oc " negw %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
- | Pcompw (it, rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " compw.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pcompiw (it, rd, rs1, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " compw.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 coqint64 imm
- | Pcompl (it, rd, rs1, rs2) ->
- fprintf oc " compd.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
- | Pcompil (it, rd, rs1, imm) ->
- fprintf oc " compd.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 coqint64 imm
- | Pcb (bt, r, lbl) | Pcbu (bt, r, lbl) ->
- fprintf oc " cb.%a %a?%a\n;;\n" bcond bt ireg r print_label lbl
- | Plb(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " lbs %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Plbu(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " lbz %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Plh(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " lhs %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Plhu(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " lhz %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Plw(rd, ra, ofs) | Plw_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfls(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " lws %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Pld(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfld(rd, ra, ofs) | Pld_a(rd, ra, ofs) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " ld %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
- | Psb(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " sb %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
- | Psh(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " sh %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
- | Psw(rd, ra, ofs) | Psw_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfss(rd, ra, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " sw %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
- | Psd(rd, ra, ofs) | Psd_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfsd(rd, ra, ofs) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
- fprintf oc " sd %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
- | Pfnegd(rd, ra) ->
- fprintf oc " fnegd %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg ra ireg rd
+ let print_ex_instruction oc = function
(* Pseudo-instructions expanded in Asmexpand *)
| Pallocframe(sz, ofs) ->
assert false
| Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) ->
assert false
- | Pcvtl2w _ | Pcvtw2l _ -> assert false
(* Pseudo-instructions that remain *)
| Plabel lbl ->
@@ -354,6 +222,164 @@ module Target : TARGET =
assert false
+ let print_cf_instruction oc = function
+ | Pget (rd, rs) ->
+ fprintf oc " get %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd preg rs
+ | Pset (rd, rs) ->
+ fprintf oc " set %a = %a\n;;\n" preg rd ireg rs
+ | Pret ->
+ fprintf oc " ret \n;;\n"
+ | Pcall(s) ->
+ fprintf oc " call %a\n;;\n" symbol s
+ | Pgoto(s) ->
+ fprintf oc " goto %a\n;;\n" symbol s
+ | Pj_l(s) ->
+ fprintf oc " goto %a\n;;\n" print_label s
+ | Pcb (bt, r, lbl) | Pcbu (bt, r, lbl) ->
+ fprintf oc " cb.%a %a?%a\n;;\n" bcond bt ireg r print_label lbl
+ let print_ld_instruction oc = function
+ | Plb(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbs %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ | Plbu(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbz %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ | Plh(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhs %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ | Plhu(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhz %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ | Plw(rd, ra, ofs) | Plw_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfls(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " lws %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ | Pld(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfld(rd, ra, ofs) | Pld_a(rd, ra, ofs) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " ld %a = %a[%a]\n;;\n" ireg rd offset ofs ireg ra
+ let print_st_instruction oc = function
+ | Psb(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " sb %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
+ | Psh(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " sh %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
+ | Psw(rd, ra, ofs) | Psw_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfss(rd, ra, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " sw %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
+ | Psd(rd, ra, ofs) | Psd_a(rd, ra, ofs) | Pfsd(rd, ra, ofs) -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " sd %a[%a] = %a\n;;\n" offset ofs ireg ra ireg rd
+ let print_ar_r_instruction oc rd = (* function
+ | Pcvtw2l ->*) assert false
+ let print_ar_rr_instruction oc rd rs = function
+ | Pmv | Pmvw2l ->
+ fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, 0\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
+ | Pcvtl2w -> assert false
+ | Pnegl -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " negd %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
+ | Pnegw ->
+ fprintf oc " negw %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs
+ | Pfnegd ->
+ fprintf oc " fnegd %a = %a\n;;\n" ireg rs ireg rd
+ let print_ar_ri32_instruction oc rd imm = (* function
+ | Pmake (rd, imm) -> *)
+ fprintf oc " make %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd coqint imm
+ let print_ar_ri64_instruction oc rd imm = (* function
+ | Pmakel (rd, imm) -> *)
+ fprintf oc " make %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd coqint64 imm
+ let print_ar_rrr_instruction oc rd rs1 rs2 = function
+ | Pcompw (it) ->
+ fprintf oc " compw.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pcompl (it) ->
+ fprintf oc " compd.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Paddw ->
+ fprintf oc " addw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psubw ->
+ fprintf oc " sbfw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs2 ireg rs1
+ | Pmulw ->
+ fprintf oc " mulw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pandw ->
+ fprintf oc " andw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Porw ->
+ fprintf oc " orw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pxorw ->
+ fprintf oc " xorw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psraw ->
+ fprintf oc " sraw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psrlw ->
+ fprintf oc " srlw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psllw ->
+ fprintf oc " sllw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Paddl -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psubl ->
+ fprintf oc " sbfd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs2 ireg rs1
+ | Pandl -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " andd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Porl -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " ord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pxorl -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " xord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pmull ->
+ fprintf oc " muld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Pslll ->
+ fprintf oc " slld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psrll ->
+ fprintf oc " srld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ | Psral ->
+ fprintf oc " srad %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs1 ireg rs2
+ let print_ar_rri32_instruction oc rd rs imm = function
+ | Pcompiw (it) ->
+ fprintf oc " compw.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Paddiw ->
+ fprintf oc " addw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Pandiw ->
+ fprintf oc " andw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Poriw ->
+ fprintf oc " orw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Pxoriw ->
+ fprintf oc " xorw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Psraiw ->
+ fprintf oc " sraw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Psrliw ->
+ fprintf oc " srlw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Pslliw ->
+ fprintf oc " sllw %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Psllil ->
+ fprintf oc " slld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Psrlil ->
+ fprintf oc " srld %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Psrail ->
+ fprintf oc " srad %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ let print_ar_rri64_instruction oc rd rs imm = function
+ | Pcompil (it) ->
+ fprintf oc " compd.%a %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" icond it ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Paddil -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " addd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Pandil -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " andd %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Poril -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " ord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ | Pxoril -> assert Archi.ptr64;
+ fprintf oc " xord %a = %a, %a\n;;\n" ireg rd ireg rs coqint64 imm
+ let print_ar_instruction oc = function
+ | PArithR(d) -> print_ar_r_instruction oc d
+ | PArithRR(ins, d, s) -> print_ar_rr_instruction oc d s ins
+ | PArithRI32(d, i) -> print_ar_ri32_instruction oc d i
+ | PArithRI64(d, i) -> print_ar_ri64_instruction oc d i
+ | PArithRRR(ins, d, s1, s2) -> print_ar_rrr_instruction oc d s1 s2 ins
+ | PArithRRI32(ins, d, s, i) -> print_ar_rri32_instruction oc d s i ins
+ | PArithRRI64(ins, d, s, i) -> print_ar_rri64_instruction oc d s i ins
+ let print_instruction oc = function
+ | PExpand(i) -> print_ex_instruction oc i
+ | PControlFlow(i) -> print_cf_instruction oc i
+ | PLoad(i) -> print_ld_instruction oc i
+ | PStore(i) -> print_st_instruction oc i
+ | PArith(i) -> print_ar_instruction oc i
let get_section_names name =
let (text, lit) =
match C2C.atom_sections name with