path: root/mppa_k1c
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authorSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2018-09-24 23:16:07 +0200
committerSylvain Boulmé <sylvain.boulme@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2018-09-24 23:16:07 +0200
commitffaf5a655456e045f116fcd6b52e4faae9c8a7d4 (patch)
tree7aed00e816b546ef40c18a02d66b47999eb8455a /mppa_k1c
parentd872a6aea877e642c31ccb671d6ec1eb7501b57b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'mppa_k1c')
2 files changed, 148 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
index ba14c451..4f825bf5 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmblock.v
@@ -576,7 +576,6 @@ Fixpoint set_res (res: builtin_res preg) (v: val) (rs: regset) : regset :=
Section RELSEM.
-Variable ge: genv.
(** The semantics is purely small-step and defined as a function
from the current state (a register set + a memory state)
@@ -713,6 +712,9 @@ FIXME: replace parameter "m" by a function corresponding to the resul of "(Mem.v
+Variable ge: genv.
Definition exec_arith_instr (ai: ar_instruction) (rs: bregset) (m: mem) : bregset :=
match ai with
| PArithR n d =>
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmbundle.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmbundle.v
index 14a2ea7e..b5f92c2a 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmbundle.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmbundle.v
@@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ Require Import Conventions.
Require Export Asmblock.
Require Import ListSet.
+Fixpoint notIn {A} (x: A) (l:list A): Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => True
+ | a::l' => x <> a /\ notIn x l'
+ end.
+Lemma notIn_rewrite A (r:A) l: (~List.In r l) <-> notIn r l.
+ induction l; simpl; intuition.
Section RELSEM.
Variable ge: genv.
@@ -44,6 +57,71 @@ Proof.
- unfold all_bregs. repeat (apply in_app_iff; right). simpl. left; auto.
+Definition writeregs (i: instruction): list breg :=
+ match i with
+ (* Control instructions *)
+ | Pset rd rs => rd::nil
+ | Pget rd rs => IR rd::nil
+ | Pcall s => RA::nil
+ (* Load *)
+ | PLoadRRO i rd ra o => IR rd::nil
+ (* Arith *)
+ | PArithR i rd => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRR i rd rs => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRI32 i rd imm => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRI64 i rd imm => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2 => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm => IR rd::nil
+ | PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm => IR rd::nil
+ (* Alloc and freeframe *)
+ | Pallocframe _ _ => IR FP::IR GPR31::IR SP :: nil
+ | Pfreeframe _ _ => IR GPR31::IR SP :: nil
+ (* builtins : only implemented in OCaml, we know nothing about them *)
+ | Pbuiltin _ _ _ => all_bregs
+ (* Instructions that do not write *)
+ | Pnop | Pret | Pgoto _ | Pj_l _ | Pcb _ _ _ | Pcbu _ _ _ | PStoreRRO _ _ _ _ => nil
+ end.
+Lemma update_PC_breg (rs: regset) v (r: breg):
+ (rs#PC <-- v) r = rs r.
+ rewrite Pregmap.gso; congruence.
+Lemma update_pregs_diff (rs:regset) rd x r: r <> rd -> update_pregs rs (rs # rd <- x) r = rs r.
+ unfold update_pregs. intro H. rewrite Bregmap.gso; congruence.
+Hint Rewrite update_PC_breg update_pregs_diff: regset_rw.
+Fact writeregs_correct f i rs m rs' m' r:
+ ~(List.In r (writeregs i)) ->
+ (exec_bblock ge f (bblock_single_inst i) rs m) = Next rs' m' ->
+ rs' r = rs r.
+ rewrite notIn_rewrite.
+ unfold exec_bblock, nextblock, size; destruct i; simpl.
+ destruct i; simpl.
+ destruct i; simpl; try (
+ destruct i; simpl; intro H; decompose [and] H; clear H;
+ intros H; inversion_clear H;
+ autorewrite with regset_rw; auto; fail).
+ - (* LOAD *) destruct i; simpl.
+ destruct i; simpl; unfold exec_load;
+ destruct (Mem.loadv _ _ _); try discriminate;
+ intro H; decompose [and] H; clear H;
+ intros H; inversion_clear H;
+ autorewrite with regset_rw; auto.
+ - (* STORE *) destruct i; simpl.
+ destruct i; simpl; unfold exec_store;
+ destruct (Mem.storev _ _ _ _); try discriminate;
+ intro H; clear H;
+ intros H; inversion_clear H;
+ autorewrite with regset_rw; auto.
+ - (* ALLOCFRAME *)
Definition readregs (i: instruction) : list breg :=
match i with
(* Control instructions *)
@@ -60,37 +138,67 @@ Definition readregs (i: instruction) : list breg :=
| PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2 => IR rs1 :: IR rs2 :: nil
| PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm => IR rs :: nil
| PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm => IR rs :: nil
- (* Alloc and freeframe and builtins : implemented in OCaml, we know nothing about them *)
- | Pallocframe _ _ | Pfreeframe _ _ | Pbuiltin _ _ _ => all_bregs
+ (* Alloc and freeframe (from the semantics) *)
+ | Pallocframe _ _ | Pfreeframe _ _ => IR SP :: nil
+ (* builtins : only implemented in OCaml, we know nothing about them *)
+ | Pbuiltin _ _ _ => all_bregs
(* Instructions that do not read *)
| Pnop | Pcall _ | Pgoto _ | Pj_l _ | PArithR _ _ | PArithRI32 _ _ _ | PArithRI64 _ _ _ => nil
-Definition writeregs (i: instruction): list breg :=
- match i with
- (* Control instructions *)
- | Pset rd rs => rd::nil
- | Pget rd rs => IR rd::nil
- | Pcall s => RA::nil
- (* Load *)
- | PLoadRRO i rd ra o => IR rd::nil
- (* Arith *)
- | PArithR i rd => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRR i rd rs => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRI32 i rd imm => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRI64 i rd imm => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRRR i rd rs1 rs2 => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRRI32 i rd rs imm => IR rd::nil
- | PArithRRI64 i rd rs imm => IR rd::nil
- (* Alloc and freeframe *)
- | Pallocframe _ _ | Pfreeframe _ _ | Pbuiltin _ _ _ => all_bregs
- (* Instructions that do not write *)
- | Pnop | Pret | Pgoto _ | Pj_l _ | Pcb _ _ _ | Pcbu _ _ _ | PStoreRRO _ _ _ _ => nil
+Axiom TODO: False.
+Definition outcome_equiv (r: breg) v (o1 o2: outcome (rgset:=regset)) :=
+ match o1 with
+ | Next rs1 m1 => exists rs2, exists m2, o2=Next rs2 m2 /\ (forall r, (rs1#r <-- v) r = rs2 r) /\ (forall chunk p, Mem.loadv chunk m1 p = Mem.loadv chunk m2 p)
+ | Stuck => o2 = Stuck
-(* Definition disjoint {A: Type} (l l':list A) : Prop := forall r, In r l -> In r l' -> False. *)
+Fact useregs_correct f i rs m r v:
+ ~(List.In r ((readregs i)++(writeregs i))) ->
+ outcome_equiv r v
+ (exec_bblock ge f (bblock_single_inst i) rs m)
+ (exec_bblock ge f (bblock_single_inst i) (rs#r <-- v) m).
+ rewrite notIn_rewrite.
+ unfold exec_bblock, nextblock, size; destruct i; simpl.
+ + destruct i; simpl.
+ - destruct i; simpl.
+ * intro H; decompose [and] H; clear H. (* H useless *)
+ elim TODO.
+ * intro H; decompose [and] H; clear H.
+ destruct i; simpl.
+ simpl; eexists; eexists; constructor 1; eauto.
+ intuition.
+ destruct r0.
+ rewrite! update_PC_breg.
+ (* TODO: lemma on rs # _ <-- _ *)
+(* alternative definition of disjoint *)
+Definition disjoint_x {A: Type} (l l':list A) : Prop := forall r, In r l -> ~In r l'. (* TODO: use notIn instead ? *)
+Example disjoint_x_ex1: disjoint_x (4::2::1::nil) (3::5::7::nil).
+ unfold disjoint_x; simpl. intuition.
+Lemma disjoint_x_nilr : forall A (l:list A), disjoint_x l nil.
+ unfold disjoint_x; simpl. intuition.
+Lemma disjoint_x_consl : forall A l l' (e:A), disjoint_x l l' -> (~ In e l') -> disjoint_x (e::l) l'.
+ unfold disjoint_x; simpl. intuition (subst; eauto).
+(* Inductive definition of disjoint, easier to reason with
+Sylvain: I am not sure. Actually, from the above definition, we can still prove the following "constructors" as lemma if needed
+ (cf. example above).
-(* Inductive definition of disjoint, easier to reason with *)
Inductive disjoint {A: Type} : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| disjoint_nilr : forall l, disjoint l nil
| disjoint_nill : forall l, disjoint nil l
@@ -106,15 +214,26 @@ Proof.
Inductive depfree : list breg -> list breg -> list instruction -> Prop :=
- | depfree_nil : forall lw lr, depfree lw lr nil
+ | depfree_nil : forall lr lw, depfree lr lw nil
| depfree_cons : forall i lri lwi lw lr l,
lri = readregs i -> lwi = writeregs i ->
disjoint lwi lw -> (* Checking for WAW *)
- disjoint lwi lr -> (* Checking for RAW *)
+ disjoint lri lw -> (* Checking for RAW *)
depfree (lr++lri) (lw++lwi) l ->
depfree lr lw (i::l)
+(* une version alternative *)
+Inductive depfreex : list breg -> list instruction -> Prop :=
+ | depfreex_nil : forall lw, depfreex lw nil
+ | depfreex_cons : forall i lri lwi lw l,
+ lri = readregs i -> lwi = writeregs i ->
+ disjoint (lri++lwi) lw -> (* Checking for WAW + RAW *)
+ depfreex (lw++lwi) l ->
+ depfreex lw (i::l)
+ .
Definition is_bundle (b:bblock):=True.