path: root/runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-07-03 11:28:17 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-07-03 11:28:17 +0000
commit14ae5ba40c3217f7410c377bf36e21509b01eb8f (patch)
treef1d57929fb4310b6e8bdf8bf2edb3718c1169be9 /runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s
parent67976ff28a03fc57690ad792fd5e515010f803a5 (diff)
powerpc: faster implementation of long division modeled on that for IA32
test: add one test (2^64-1) / (2^32+3) to exercise a special case of this long division. git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2288 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s b/runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s
index 892e9a09..826d9896 100644
--- a/runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s
+++ b/runtime/powerpc/i64_udivmod.s
@@ -42,54 +42,193 @@
# unsigned 64-bit integers.
# Input: numerator N in (r3,r4), divisor D in (r5,r6)
-# Output: quotient Q in (r7,r8), remainder R in (r3,r4)
-# Locals: mask M in (r9,r10)
+# Output: quotient Q in (r5,r6), remainder R in (r3,r4)
+# Destroys: all integer caller-save registers
.globl __i64_udivmod
.balign 16
- # Set up quotient and mask
- li r8, 0 # Q = 0
- li r7, 0
- li r10, 1 # M = 1
- li r9, 0
- # Check for zero divisor
- or. r0, r6, r5
- beqlr # return with unspecified quotient & remainder
- # Scale divisor and mask
-1: cmpwi r5, 0 # while top bit of D is zero...
- blt 2f
- subfc r0, r6, r4 # compute borrow out of N - D
- subfe r0, r5, r3
- subfe. r0, r0, r0 # EQ iff no borrow iff N >= D
- bne 2f # ... and while N >= D ...
- addc r6, r6, r6 # scale divisor: D = D << 1
- adde r5, r5, r5
- addc r10, r10, r10 # scale mask: M = M << 1
- adde r9, r9, r9
- b 1b # end while
- # Long division
-2: subfc r4, r6, r4 # Q = Q | M, N = N - D, and compute borrow
- or r8, r8, r10
- subfe r3, r5, r3
- or r7, r7, r9
- subfe. r0, r0, r0 # test borrow
- beq 3f # no borrow: N >= D, continue
- addc r4, r4, r6 # borrow: undo what we just did to N and Q
- andc r8, r8, r10
- adde r3, r3, r5
- andc r7, r7, r9
-3: slwi r0, r9, 31 # unscale mask: M = M >> 1
- srwi r10, r10, 1
- or r10, r10, r0
- srwi r9, r9, 1
- slwi r0, r5, 31 # unscale divisor: D = D >> 1
- srwi r6, r6, 1
- or r6, r6, r0
- srwi r5, r5, 1
- or. r0, r10, r9 # iterate while M != 0
- bne 2b
+ cmplwi r5, 0 # DH == 0 ?
+ stwu r1, -32(r1)
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0, 8(r1)
+ stw r31, 12(r1)
+ beq 1f
+# The general case
+ stw r30, 16(r1)
+ stw r29, 20(r1)
+ stw r28, 24(r1)
+ mr r28, r3 # Save N in (r28, r29)
+ mr r29, r4
+ mr r30, r5 # Save D in (r30, r31)
+ mr r31, r6
+ # Scale N and D down, giving N' and D', such that 2^31 <= D' < 2^32
+ cntlzw r7, r5 # r7 = leading zeros in DH = 32 - shift amount
+ subfic r8, r7, 32 # r8 = shift amount
+ slw r0, r3, r7 # N' = N >> shift amount
+ srw r3, r3, r8
+ srw r4, r4, r8
+ or r4, r4, r0
+ slw r0, r5, r7 # D' = D >> shift amount
+ srw r6, r6, r8
+ or r5, r6, r0
+ # Divide N' by D' to get an approximate quotient Q
+ bl __i64_udiv6432 # r3 = quotient, r4 = remainder
+ mr r6, r3 # low half of quotient Q
+ li r5, 0 # high half of quotient is 0
+ # Tentative quotient is either correct or one too high
+ # Compute Q * D in (r7, r8)
+4: mullw r7, r6, r30 # r7 = Q * DH
+ mullw r8, r6, r31 # r8 = low 32 bits of Q * DL
+ mulhwu r0, r6, r31 # r0 = high 32 bits of Q * DL
+ addc r7, r7, r0
+ subfe. r0, r0, r0 # test carry: EQ iff carry
+ beq 2f # handle overflow case
+ # Compute R = N - Q * D, with borrow
+ subfc r4, r8, r29
+ subfe r3, r7, r28
+ subfe. r0, r0, r0 # test borrow: EQ iff no borrow
+ beq 3f # no borrow: N >= Q * D, we are good
+ addi r6, r6, -1 # borrow: adjust Q down by 1
+ addc r4, r4, r31 # and R up by D
+ adde r3, r3, r30
+ # Finished
+3: lwz r0, 8(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r31, 12(r1)
+ lwz r30, 16(r1)
+ lwz r29, 20(r1)
+ lwz r28, 24(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 32
+ # Special case when Q * D overflows
+2: addi r6, r6, -1 # adjust Q down by 1
+ b 4b # and redo computation and check of remainder
+ .balign 16
+# Special case 64 bits divided by 32 bits
+1: cmplwi r3, 0 # NH == 0?
+ beq 4f
+ divwu r31, r3, r6 # Divide NH by DL, quotient QH in r31
+ mullw r0, r31, r6
+ subf r3, r0, r3 # NH is remainder of this division
+ mr r5, r6
+ bl __i64_udiv6432 # divide NH : NL by DL
+ mr r5, r31 # high word of quotient
+ mr r6, r3 # low word of quotient
+ # r4 contains low word of remainder
+ li r3, 0 # high word of remainder = 0
+ lwz r0, 8(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ lwz r31, 12(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 32
+ blr
+ .balign 16
+# Special case 32 bits divided by 32 bits
+4: mr r0, r6
+ divwu r6, r4, r6 # low word of quotient
+ li r5, 0 # high word of quotient is 0
+ mullw r0, r6, r0
+ subf r4, r0, r4 # low word of remainder
+ li r3, 0 # high word of remainder is 0
+ addi r1, r1, 32
+ blr
.type __i64_udivmod, @function
.size __i64_udivmod, .-__i64_udivmod
+# Auxiliary division function: 64 bit integer divided by 32 bit integer
+# Not exported
+# Input: numerator N in (r3,r4), divisor D in r5
+# Output: quotient Q in r3, remainder R in r4
+# Destroys: all integer caller-save registers
+# Assumes: high word of N is less than D
+ .balign 16
+# Algorithm 9.3 from Hacker's Delight, section 9.4
+# Initially: u1 in r3, u0 in r4, v in r5
+# s = __builtin_clz(v);
+ cntlzw r6, r5 # s in r6
+# v = v << s;
+ slw r5, r5, r6
+# vn1 = v >> 16; # vn1 in r7
+ srwi r7, r5, 16
+# vn0 = v & 0xFFFF; # vn0 in r8
+ rlwinm r8, r5, 0, 16, 31
+# un32 = (u1 << s) | (u0 >> 32 - s);
+ subfic r0, r6, 32
+ srw r0, r4, r0
+ slw r3, r3, r6 # u1 dies, un32 in r3
+ or r3, r3, r0
+# un10 = u0 << s;
+ slw r4, r4, r6 # u0 dies, un10 in r4
+# un1 = un10 >> 16;
+ srwi r9, r4, 16 # un1 in r9
+# un0 = un10 & 0xFFFF;
+ rlwinm r4, r4, 0, 16, 31 # un10 dies, un0 in r4
+# q1 = un32/vn1;
+ divwu r10, r3, r7 # q in r10
+# rhat = un32 - q1*vn1;
+ mullw r0, r10, r7
+ subf r11, r0, r3 # rhat in r11
+# again1:
+# if (q1 >= b || q1*vn0 > b*rhat + un1) {
+ cmplwi r10, 0xFFFF
+ bgt 2f
+ mullw r0, r10, r8
+ slwi r12, r11, 16
+ add r12, r12, r9
+ cmplw r0, r12
+ ble 3f
+# q1 = q1 - 1;
+ addi r10, r10, -1
+# rhat = rhat + vn1;
+ add r11, r11, r7
+# if (rhat < b) goto again1;}
+ cmplwi r11, 0xFFFF
+ ble 1b
+# un21 = un32*b + un1 - q1*v;
+ slwi r0, r3, 16 # un32 dies
+ add r9, r0, r9 # un1 dies
+ mullw r0, r10, r5
+ subf r9, r0, r9 # un21 in r9
+# q0 = un21/vn1;
+ divwu r3, r9, r7 # q0 in r3
+# rhat = un21 - q0*vn1;
+ mullw r0, r3, r7
+ subf r11, r0, r9 # rhat in r11
+# again2:
+# if (q0 >= b || q0*vn0 > b*rhat + un0) {
+ cmplwi r3, 0xFFFF
+ bgt 5f
+ mullw r0, r3, r8
+ slwi r12, r11, 16
+ add r12, r12, r4
+ cmplw r0, r12
+ ble 6f
+# q0 = q0 - 1;
+ addi r3, r3, -1
+# rhat = rhat + vn1;
+ add r11, r11, r7
+# if (rhat < b) goto again2;}
+ cmplwi r11, 0xFFFF
+ ble 4b
+# remainder = (un21*b + un0 - q0*v) >> s;
+ slwi r0, r9, 16
+ add r4, r0, r4 # un0 dies, remainder in r4
+ mullw r0, r3, r5
+ subf r4, r0, r4
+ srw r4, r4, r6
+# quotient = q1*b + q0;
+ slwi r0, r10, 16
+ add r3, r0, r3
+ blr
+ .type __i64_udiv6432, @function
+ .size __i64_udiv6432,.-__i64_udiv6432