path: root/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
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authorLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-01 16:25:05 +0200
committerLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-01 16:25:05 +0200
commited7397533af0f850688256f07a2c5a22d6c58615 (patch)
tree28652a109d51d40ffc4ac1da629571f0977eaec7 /scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
parent4b370424090ab9e87fdf48ea5b04482728f99b7f (diff)
red_PTree lemmas
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
index df8cc47f..b007a07e 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
@@ -258,21 +258,18 @@ Qed.
Global Opaque hSstore.
Local Hint Resolve hSstore_correct: wlp.
-Definition hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r := eval_sval ctx (ris_sreg_get hrs r).
Definition hrs_sreg_get (hrs: ristate) r: ?? sval :=
match PTree.get r hrs with
| None => if ris_input_init hrs then hSinput r else hSundef
| Some sv => RET sv
-Coercion hrs_sreg_get: ristate >-> Funclass.
Lemma hrs_sreg_get_correct hrs r:
WHEN hrs_sreg_get hrs r ~> sv THEN forall ctx (f: reg -> sval)
- (RR: forall r, hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r = eval_sval ctx (f r)),
+ (RR: forall r, sval_refines ctx (hrs r) (f r)),
sval_refines ctx sv (f r).
- unfold hrs_sreg_eval, ris_sreg_get. wlp_simplify; rewrite <- RR; rewrite H; auto;
+ unfold ris_sreg_get; wlp_simplify; rewrite <- RR; rewrite H; auto;
rewrite H0, H1; simpl; auto.
Global Opaque hrs_sreg_get.
@@ -289,7 +286,7 @@ Fixpoint hlist_args (hrs: ristate) (l: list reg): ?? list_sval :=
Lemma hlist_args_correct hrs l:
WHEN hlist_args hrs l ~> lsv THEN forall ctx (f: reg -> sval)
- (RR: forall r, hrs_sreg_eval ctx hrs r = eval_sval ctx (f r)),
+ (RR: forall r, sval_refines ctx (hrs r) (f r)),
list_sval_refines ctx lsv (list_sval_inj (List.map f l)).
induction l; wlp_simplify.
@@ -333,7 +330,7 @@ with fsval_list_proj sl: ?? list_sval :=
Lemma fsval_proj_correct sv:
WHEN fsval_proj sv ~> sv' THEN forall ctx,
- eval_sval ctx sv = eval_sval ctx sv'.
+ sval_refines ctx sv sv'.
induction sv using sval_mut
with (P0 := fun lsv =>
@@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ Local Hint Resolve fsval_proj_correct: wlp.
Lemma fsval_list_proj_correct lsv:
WHEN fsval_list_proj lsv ~> lsv' THEN forall ctx,
- eval_list_sval ctx lsv = eval_list_sval ctx lsv'.
+ list_sval_refines ctx lsv lsv'.
induction lsv; wlp_simplify.
erewrite H0, H1; eauto.
@@ -495,13 +492,53 @@ Proof.
wlp_simplify; inv REF. erewrite H0; eauto.
- (* Rload *)
destruct trap; wlp_simplify; inv REF.
- + erewrite H0, H, MEM_EQ; eauto.
+ + erewrite H0; eauto.
+ erewrite H; [|eapply REG_EQ; eauto].
+ erewrite MEM_EQ; eauto.
repeat simplify_SOME z.
* destruct (Memory.Mem.loadv _ _ _); try congruence.
* rewrite H1 in OK1; congruence.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+Definition red_PTree_set (r: reg) (sv: sval) (hrs: ristate): ristate :=
+ let sreg :=
+ match (ris_input_init hrs), sv with
+ | true, Sinput r' _ =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec r r'
+ then PTree.remove r' hrs
+ else PTree.set r sv hrs
+ | false, Sundef _ =>
+ PTree.remove r hrs
+ | _, _ => PTree.set r sv hrs
+ end in
+ ris_sreg_set hrs sreg.
+Lemma red_PTree_set_correct (r r0:reg) sv hrs ctx:
+ sval_refines ctx ((red_PTree_set r sv hrs) r0) ((ris_sreg_set hrs (PTree.set r sv hrs)) r0).
+ unfold red_PTree_set, ris_sreg_set, ris_sreg_get; simpl.
+ destruct (ris_input_init hrs) eqn:Hinit, sv; simpl; auto.
+ 1: destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r1); auto; subst;
+ rename r1 into r.
+ all: destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); auto;
+ [ subst; rewrite PTree.grs, PTree.gss; simpl; auto |
+ rewrite PTree.gro, PTree.gso; simpl; auto].
+Lemma red_PTree_set_refines (r r0:reg) ctx hrs st sv1 sv2:
+ ris_refines ctx hrs st ->
+ sval_refines ctx sv1 sv2 ->
+ ris_ok ctx hrs ->
+ sval_refines ctx ((red_PTree_set r sv1 hrs) r0) (if Pos.eq_dec r r0 then sv2 else si_sreg st r0).
+ intros REF SREF OK; rewrite red_PTree_set_correct.
+ unfold ris_sreg_set, ris_sreg_get.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0).
+ - subst; simpl. rewrite PTree.gss; simpl; auto.
+ - inv REF; simpl. rewrite PTree.gso; simpl; eauto.
Definition cbranch_expanse (prev: ristate) (cond: condition) (args: list reg): ?? (condition * list_sval) :=
(* TODO gourdinl
match target_cbranch_expanse prev cond args with
@@ -549,7 +586,31 @@ Proof.
intros; rewrite PTree.gempty; eauto.
+Fixpoint hrexec_rec f ib ris (k: ristate -> rstate): ?? rstate :=
+ match ib with
+ (*| BF fin _ => Rfinal (tr_ris f fin ris) (sexec_final_sfv fin ris)*)
+ (* basic instructions *)
+ | Bnop _ => RET (k ris)
+ | Bop op args res _ =>
+ DO next <~ ris_sreg_set hrs res
+ k (rexec_op op args res ris)
+ | Bload TRAP chunk addr args dst _ => k (rexec_load TRAP chunk addr args dst ris)
+ | Bload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst _ => Rabort
+ | Bstore chunk addr args src _ => k (rexec_store chunk addr args src ris)
+ (* composed instructions *)
+ | Bseq ib1 ib2 =>
+ rexec_rec f ib1 ris (fun ris2 => rexec_rec f ib2 ris2 k)
+ | Bcond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map ris args) in
+ let ifso := rexec_rec f ifso ris k in
+ let ifnot := rexec_rec f ifnot ris k in
+ Rcond cond args ifso ifnot
+ (* TODO to remove *)
+ | _ => RET (k ris)
+ end
+ .
Definition hrexec f ib := hrexec_rec f ib hris_init (fun _ => Rabort).
Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): ?? ristate :=