path: root/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
diff options
authorLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-19 14:20:53 +0200
committerLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2021-07-19 14:20:53 +0200
commitf59ff208a301bf3f04aab350d9f0b3b217ddeac3 (patch)
tree3045fd9a1be3a4ff7a487d37c8acf13458c8d8b7 /scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
parentc9cb80f008c919d543212dc69b5fbcd7a0d73df8 (diff)
Finish implem proof, need to adapt scheduler proof
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v b/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
index 12840f62..63114125 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Require Import Coqlib Maps.
Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import RTL Op Registers OptionMonad BTL.
-Require Import Errors Linking BTL_SEtheory.
+Require Import Errors Linking BTL_SEtheory BTL_SEimpl.
(** External oracle *)
Axiom scheduler: BTL.function -> BTL.code.
@@ -48,18 +48,69 @@ Record match_function (f1 f2: BTL.function): Prop := {
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-Definition check_symbolic_simu (f tf: BTL.function): res unit := OK tt. (* TODO: fixme *)
+Fixpoint check_symbolic_simu_rec (f1 f2: BTL.function) (lpc: list node): res unit :=
+ match lpc with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | pc :: lpc' =>
+ match (fn_code f1)!pc, (fn_code f2)!pc with
+ | Some ibf1, Some ibf2 =>
+ do _ <- simu_check f1 f2 ibf1 ibf2;
+ check_symbolic_simu_rec f1 f2 lpc'
+ | _, _ => Error (msg "check_symbolic_simu_rec: code tree mismatch")
+ end
+ end.
+Definition check_symbolic_simu (f1 f2: BTL.function): res unit :=
+ check_symbolic_simu_rec f1 f2 (List.map (fun elt => fst elt) (PTree.elements (fn_code f1))).
+Lemma check_symbolic_simu_rec_input_equiv lpc: forall f1 f2 x,
+ check_symbolic_simu_rec f1 f2 lpc = OK x ->
+ lpc = (List.map (fun elt => fst elt) (PTree.elements (fn_code f1))) ->
+ equiv_input_regs f1 f2.
+ unfold equiv_input_regs; induction lpc; simpl; intros f1 f2 x X EQL1.
+ - destruct (map _ _) eqn:EQL2; inv X; intuition;
+ symmetry in EQL1; apply map_eq_nil in EQL1; apply map_eq_nil in EQL2.
+ + destruct (fn_code f1), (fn_code f2); simpl in *; auto.
+ inv EQL2.
+ unfold PTree.elements in EQL1.
+ + admit.
+ +
+ destruct ((fn_code f1) ! a), ((fn_code f2) ! a); monadInv X.
+ eapply IHlpc; eauto.
+ *)
Lemma check_symbolic_simu_input_equiv x f1 f2:
check_symbolic_simu f1 f2 = OK x -> equiv_input_regs f1 f2.
+ unfold check_symbolic_simu; simpl; intros X.
+ eapply check_symbolic_simu_rec_input_equiv; eauto.
+Lemma check_symbolic_simu_rec_correct lpc: forall f1 f2 x,
+ check_symbolic_simu_rec f1 f2 lpc = OK x ->
+ forall pc ib1, (fn_code f1)!pc = Some ib1 ->
+ exists ib2, (fn_code f2)!pc = Some ib2 /\ symbolic_simu f1 f2 (entry ib1) (entry ib2).
+ (*
+ induction lpc; simpl; intros f1 f2 x X pc ib1 PC; try (inv X; fail).
+ destruct ((fn_code f1) ! pc), ((fn_code f2) ! pc); inv X.
+ eapply IHlpc; eauto.
+ *)
Lemma check_symbolic_simu_correct x f1 f2:
check_symbolic_simu f1 f2 = OK x ->
forall pc ib1, (fn_code f1)!pc = Some ib1 ->
exists ib2, (fn_code f2)!pc = Some ib2 /\ symbolic_simu f1 f2 (entry ib1) (entry ib2).
+ unfold check_symbolic_simu; intros X pc ib1 PC.
+ eapply check_symbolic_simu_rec_correct; eauto.
Definition transf_function (f: BTL.function) :=
let tf := BTL.mkfunction (fn_sig f) (fn_params f) (fn_stacksize f) (scheduler f) (fn_entrypoint f) in