path: root/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
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authorCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-10-16 15:52:19 +0200
committerCyril SIX <cyril.six@kalray.eu>2020-10-16 15:52:19 +0200
commitae3e1ed0515236e25924b12d475bc991a33b7632 (patch)
tree154428527771fbdec77f23846652d252400f81c8 /scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
parentfae36491fa22adaaf447e189988848483eb01dcd (diff)
parent53544f625ac6ed6ddb000f5ae8f28faac0da7a7b (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kvx-test-prepass' into mppa-RTLpathSE-verif
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beab405f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathScheduler.v
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+(** RTLpath Scheduling from an external oracle.
+This module is inspired from [Duplicate] and [Duplicateproof]
+Require Import AST Linking Values Maps Globalenvs Smallstep Registers.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Errors Op.
+Require Import RTL RTLpath RTLpathLivegen RTLpathLivegenproof RTLpathSE_theory RTLpathSE_impl.
+Notation "'ASSERT' A 'WITH' MSG 'IN' B" := (if A then B else Error (msg MSG))
+ (at level 200, A at level 100, B at level 200)
+ : error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+(** External oracle returning the new RTLpath function and a mapping of new path_entries to old path_entries
+NB: the new RTLpath function is generated from the fn_code, the fn_entrypoint and the fn_path
+It requires to check that the path structure is wf !
+(* Returns: new code, new entrypoint, new pathmap, revmap
+ * Indeed, the entrypoint might not be the same if the entrypoint node is moved further down
+ * a path ; same reasoning for the pathmap *)
+Axiom untrusted_scheduler: RTLpath.function -> code * node * path_map * (PTree.t node).
+Extract Constant untrusted_scheduler => "RTLpathScheduleraux.scheduler".
+Program Definition function_builder (tfr: RTL.function) (tpm: path_map) :
+ { r : res RTLpath.function | forall f', r = OK f' -> fn_RTL f' = tfr} :=
+ match RTLpathLivegen.function_checker tfr tpm with
+ | false => Error (msg "In function_builder: (tfr, tpm) is not wellformed")
+ | true => OK {| fn_RTL := tfr; fn_path := tpm |}
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ apply function_checker_path_entry. auto.
+Defined. Next Obligation.
+ apply function_checker_wellformed_path_map. auto.
+Definition entrypoint_check (dm: PTree.t node) (fr tfr: RTL.function) : res unit :=
+ match dm ! (fn_entrypoint tfr) with
+ | None => Error (msg "No mapping for (entrypoint tfr)")
+ | Some etp => if (Pos.eq_dec (fn_entrypoint fr) etp) then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "Entrypoints do not match")
+ end.
+Lemma entrypoint_check_correct fr tfr dm:
+ entrypoint_check dm fr tfr = OK tt ->
+ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tfr) = Some (fn_entrypoint fr).
+ unfold entrypoint_check. explore; try discriminate. congruence.
+Definition path_entry_check_single (pm tpm: path_map) (m: node * node) :=
+ let (pc2, pc1) := m in
+ match (tpm ! pc2) with
+ | None => Error (msg "pc2 isn't an entry of tpm")
+ | Some _ =>
+ match (pm ! pc1) with
+ | None => Error (msg "pc1 isn't an entry of pm")
+ | Some _ => OK tt
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma path_entry_check_single_correct pm tpm pc1 pc2:
+ path_entry_check_single pm tpm (pc2, pc1) = OK tt ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ unfold path_entry_check_single. intro. explore.
+ constructor; congruence.
+(* Inspired from Duplicate.verify_mapping_rec *)
+Fixpoint path_entry_check_rec (pm tpm: path_map) lm :=
+ match lm with
+ | nil => OK tt
+ | m :: lm => do u1 <- path_entry_check_single pm tpm m;
+ do u2 <- path_entry_check_rec pm tpm lm;
+ OK tt
+ end.
+Lemma path_entry_check_rec_correct pm tpm pc1 pc2: forall lm,
+ path_entry_check_rec pm tpm lm = OK tt ->
+ In (pc2, pc1) lm ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ induction lm.
+ - simpl. intuition.
+ - simpl. intros. explore. destruct H0.
+ + subst. eapply path_entry_check_single_correct; eauto.
+ + eapply IHlm; assumption.
+Definition path_entry_check (dm: PTree.t node) (pm tpm: path_map) := path_entry_check_rec pm tpm (PTree.elements dm).
+Lemma path_entry_check_correct dm pm tpm:
+ path_entry_check dm pm tpm = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry tpm pc2 /\ path_entry pm pc1.
+ unfold path_entry_check. intros. eapply PTree.elements_correct in H0.
+ eapply path_entry_check_rec_correct; eassumption.
+Definition function_equiv_checker (dm: PTree.t node) (f: RTLpath.function) (tf: RTLpath.function) : res unit :=
+ let pm := fn_path f in
+ let fr := fn_RTL f in
+ let tpm := fn_path tf in
+ let tfr := fn_RTL tf in
+ do _ <- entrypoint_check dm fr tfr;
+ do _ <- path_entry_check dm pm tpm;
+ do _ <- simu_check dm f tf;
+ OK tt.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_entrypoint f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tf) = Some (fn_entrypoint f).
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ eapply entrypoint_check_correct; eauto.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_pathentry1 f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry (fn_path tf) pc2.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ exploit path_entry_check_correct. eassumption. all: eauto. intuition.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_pathentry2 f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ path_entry (fn_path f) pc1.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ exploit path_entry_check_correct. eassumption. all: eauto. intuition.
+Lemma function_equiv_checker_correct f tf dm:
+ function_equiv_checker dm f tf = OK tt ->
+ forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 ->
+ sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2.
+ unfold function_equiv_checker. intros. explore.
+ eapply simu_check_correct; eauto.
+Definition verified_scheduler (f: RTLpath.function) : res (RTLpath.function * (PTree.t node)) :=
+ let (tctetpm, dm) := untrusted_scheduler f in
+ let (tcte, tpm) := tctetpm in
+ let (tc, te) := tcte in
+ let tfr := mkfunction (fn_sig f) (fn_params f) (fn_stacksize f) tc te in
+ do tf <- proj1_sig (function_builder tfr tpm);
+ do tt <- function_equiv_checker dm f tf;
+ OK (tf, dm).
+Theorem verified_scheduler_correct f tf dm:
+ verified_scheduler f = OK (tf, dm) ->
+ fn_sig f = fn_sig tf
+ /\ fn_params f = fn_params tf
+ /\ fn_stacksize f = fn_stacksize tf
+ /\ dm ! (fn_entrypoint tf) = Some (fn_entrypoint f)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f) pc1)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path tf) pc2)
+ /\ (forall pc1 pc2, dm ! pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dm f tf pc1 pc2)
+ intros VERIF. unfold verified_scheduler in VERIF. explore.
+ Local Hint Resolve function_equiv_checker_entrypoint
+ function_equiv_checker_pathentry1 function_equiv_checker_pathentry2
+ function_equiv_checker_correct: core.
+ destruct (function_builder _ _) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ apply H in EQ2. rewrite EQ2. simpl.
+ repeat (constructor; eauto).
+ - exploit function_equiv_checker_entrypoint. eapply EQ4. rewrite EQ2. intuition.
+Record match_function (dupmap: PTree.t node) (f1 f2: RTLpath.function): Prop := {
+ preserv_fnsig: fn_sig f1 = fn_sig f2;
+ preserv_fnparams: fn_params f1 = fn_params f2;
+ preserv_fnstacksize: fn_stacksize f1 = fn_stacksize f2;
+ preserv_entrypoint: dupmap!(f2.(fn_entrypoint)) = Some f1.(fn_entrypoint);
+ dupmap_path_entry1: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f1) pc1;
+ dupmap_path_entry2: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> path_entry (fn_path f2) pc2;
+ dupmap_correct: forall pc1 pc2, dupmap!pc2 = Some pc1 -> sexec_simu dupmap f1 f2 pc1 pc2;
+Program Definition transf_function (f: RTLpath.function):
+ { r : res RTLpath.function | forall f', r = OK f' -> exists dm, match_function dm f f'} :=
+ match (verified_scheduler f) with
+ | Error e => Error e
+ | OK (tf, dm) => OK tf
+ end.
+Next Obligation.
+ exploit verified_scheduler_correct; eauto.
+ intros (A & B & C & D & E & F & G (* & H *)).
+ exists dm. econstructor; eauto.
+Theorem match_function_preserves f f' dm:
+ match_function dm f f' ->
+ fn_sig f = fn_sig f' /\ fn_params f = fn_params f' /\ fn_stacksize f = fn_stacksize f'.
+ intros.
+ intuition.
+Definition transf_fundef (f: fundef) : res fundef :=
+ transf_partial_fundef (fun f => proj1_sig (transf_function f)) f.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
+ transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.
+(** * Preservation proof *)
+Local Notation ext alive := (fun r => Regset.In r alive).
+Inductive match_fundef: RTLpath.fundef -> RTLpath.fundef -> Prop :=
+ | match_Internal dupmap f f': match_function dupmap f f' -> match_fundef (Internal f) (Internal f')
+ | match_External ef: match_fundef (External ef) (External ef).
+Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | match_stackframe_intro dupmap res f sp pc rs1 rs2 f' pc' path
+ (TRANSF: match_function dupmap f f')
+ (DUPLIC: dupmap!pc' = Some pc)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: forall v, eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) (rs1 # res <- v) (rs2 # res <- v)):
+ match_stackframes (Stackframe res f sp pc rs1) (Stackframe res f' sp pc' rs2).
+Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | match_states_intro dupmap st f sp pc rs1 rs2 m st' f' pc' path
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_function dupmap f f')
+ (DUPLIC: dupmap!pc' = Some pc)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_path)!pc = Some path)
+ (EQUIV: eqlive_reg (ext path.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2):
+ match_states (State st f sp pc rs1 m) (State st' f' sp pc' rs2 m)
+ | match_states_call st st' f f' args m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_fundef f f')
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_fundef f):
+ match_states (Callstate st f args m) (Callstate st' f' args m)
+ | match_states_return st st' v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st'):
+ match_states (Returnstate st v m) (Returnstate st' v m).
+Lemma match_stackframes_equiv stf1 stf2 stf3:
+ match_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> equiv_stackframe stf2 stf3 -> match_stackframes stf1 stf3.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; try econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+ rewrite eqlive_reg_triv in * |-.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; auto.
+Lemma match_stack_equiv stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
+ Local Hint Resolve match_stackframes_equiv: core.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma match_states_equiv s1 s2 s3: match_states s1 s2 -> equiv_state s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve match_stack_equiv: core.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_triv_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_stackframes stf1 stf2 stf3:
+ eqlive_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> match_stackframes stf2 stf3 -> match_stackframes stf1 stf3.
+ destruct 1; intros MS; inv MS; try econstructor; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps. intros; eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_stack stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 match_stackframes stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 MS; inv MS; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_match_stackframes; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_match_states s1 s2 s3: eqlive_states s1 s2 -> match_states s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve eqlive_match_stack: core.
+ destruct 1; intros MS; inv MS; try_simplify_someHyps; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_trans; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_stackframes_refl stf1 stf2: match_stackframes stf1 stf2 -> eqlive_stackframes stf1 stf1.
+ destruct 1; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_refl; eauto.
+Lemma eqlive_stacks_refl stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 -> list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk1.
+ induction 1; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_stackframes_refl; eauto.
+Lemma transf_fundef_correct f f':
+ transf_fundef f = OK f' -> match_fundef f f'.
+ intros TRANSF; destruct f; simpl; monadInv TRANSF.
+ + destruct (transf_function f) as [res H]; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ destruct (H _ EQ).
+ intuition subst; auto.
+ eapply match_Internal; eauto.
+ + eapply match_External.