path: root/scheduling
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authorLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@lilo.org>2021-07-28 10:32:09 +0200
committerLéo Gourdin <leo.gourdin@lilo.org>2021-07-28 10:32:09 +0200
commit056658bd2986d9e12ac07a54d25c08eb8a62ff60 (patch)
tree93e3f9a49f656bc8cf1ea3aa460ea2be1c083915 /scheduling
parent77ee161826e24e87f801cbbeb797fb3a4a4a0fe9 (diff)
remove todos, clean
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling')
7 files changed, 69 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/BTLScheduleraux.ml b/scheduling/BTLScheduleraux.ml
index 5ebc4144..c8c4e0d3 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTLScheduleraux.ml
+++ b/scheduling/BTLScheduleraux.ml
@@ -47,61 +47,45 @@ let find_array arr n =
get_some @@ !index
let count_cbs bseq olast indexes =
- debug "count_cbs\n";
let current_cbs = ref SI.empty in
let cbs_above = Hashtbl.create 100 in
let update_cbs n ib =
print_btl_inst stderr ib;
- if is_a_cb ib then (
- debug "n is %d, add cb at: %d\n" n indexes.(n);
- current_cbs := SI.add indexes.(n) !current_cbs)
- else if is_a_load ib then (
- debug "n is %d, add load at: %d\n" n indexes.(n);
- Hashtbl.add cbs_above indexes.(n) !current_cbs)
+ if is_a_cb ib then current_cbs := SI.add indexes.(n) !current_cbs
+ else if is_a_load ib then Hashtbl.add cbs_above indexes.(n) !current_cbs
Array.iteri (fun n ib -> update_cbs n ib) bseq;
(match olast with
- | Some last ->
- debug "last\n";
- update_cbs (Array.length bseq) last
+ | Some last -> update_cbs (Array.length bseq) last
| None -> ());
let apply_schedule bseq olast positions =
- let fmap n = find_array positions n in
- let seq = (Array.init (Array.length positions) (fun i -> i)) in
- let fseq = Array.map fmap seq in
- (*debug_flag := true;*)
- Array.iter (fun i -> debug "%d " i) positions;
- debug "\n";
- Array.iter (fun i -> debug "%d " i) fseq;
- debug "\n";
- Array.iter
- (fun i -> debug "%d " i)
- (Array.init (Array.length positions) (fun i -> i));
- debug "\n";
- let cbs_above_old = count_cbs bseq olast fseq in
let bseq_new = Array.map (fun i -> bseq.(i)) positions in
- let cbs_above_new = count_cbs bseq_new olast seq in
- Array.iteri
- (fun n ib ->
- let n' = fseq.(n) in
- match ib with
- | Bload (t, a, b, c, d, e) ->
- let set_old = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_old n' in
- let set_new = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_new n' in
- if SI.subset set_old set_new then
- bseq_new.(n') <- Bload (AST.TRAP, a, b, c, d, e)
- else (Printf.eprintf "\nTEST_GOURDINL_OK\n"; assert !config.has_non_trapping_loads)
- | _ -> ())
- bseq;
+ (if !config.has_non_trapping_loads then
+ let fmap n = find_array positions n in
+ let seq = Array.init (Array.length positions) (fun i -> i) in
+ let fseq = Array.map fmap seq in
+ let cbs_above_old = count_cbs bseq olast fseq in
+ let cbs_above_new = count_cbs bseq_new olast seq in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun n ib ->
+ let n' = fseq.(n) in
+ match ib with
+ | Bload (t, a, b, c, d, e) ->
+ let set_old = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_old n' in
+ let set_new = Hashtbl.find cbs_above_new n' in
+ if SI.subset set_old set_new then
+ bseq_new.(n') <- Bload (AST.TRAP, a, b, c, d, e)
+ else assert !config.has_non_trapping_loads
+ | _ -> ())
+ bseq);
let ibl = Array.to_list bseq_new in
let rec build_iblock = function
| [] -> failwith "build_iblock: empty list"
| [ ib ] -> ( match olast with Some last -> Bseq (ib, last) | None -> ib)
| ib1 :: ib2 :: k -> Bseq (ib1, build_iblock (ib2 :: k))
- (*debug_flag := false;*)
build_iblock ibl
let schedule_blk n ibf btl =
@@ -110,9 +94,6 @@ let schedule_blk n ibf btl =
let bseq, olast = flatten_blk_basics ibf in
match schedule_sequence bseq btl with
| Some positions ->
- debug "%d," (p2i n);
- Array.iter (fun p -> debug "%d " p) positions;
- debug "\n";
let new_ib = apply_schedule bseq olast positions in
let new_ibf =
{ entry = new_ib; binfo = ibf.binfo; input_regs = ibf.input_regs }
@@ -139,15 +120,8 @@ let rec do_schedule btl = function
| [] -> btl
| (n, ibf) :: blks ->
let code_exp = expanse n ibf btl in
- let code_nt = turn_all_loads_nontrap n ibf btl in
+ let code_nt = turn_all_loads_nontrap n ibf code_exp in
let btl' = schedule_blk n ibf code_nt in
- (*debug_flag := true;*)
- if btl != code_exp then (
- debug "#######################################################\n";
- print_btl_code stderr btl;
- debug "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
- print_btl_code stderr code_exp);
- (*debug_flag := false;*)
do_schedule btl' blks
let btl_scheduler f =
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
index aa27bd19..65d16d01 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
@@ -745,7 +745,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite Heq; eauto.
-(* TODO gourdinl move this in BTL_SEtheory? *)
Lemma eval_list_sval_inj_not_none ctx st: forall l,
(forall r, List.In r l -> eval_sval ctx (si_sreg st r) = None -> False) ->
eval_list_sval ctx (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) l)) = None -> False.
@@ -853,23 +852,6 @@ Proof.
split; destruct 1; econstructor; simpl in *; eauto.
-(* TODO useless?
-Lemma hrset_red_reg_correct ctx r rsv sv hrs sis:
- ris_refines ctx hrs sis ->
- (ris_ok ctx hrs -> eval_sval ctx rsv <> None) ->
- (ris_ok ctx hrs -> eval_sval ctx rsv = eval_sval ctx sv) ->
- ris_refines ctx (ris_sreg_set hrs (red_PTree_set r rsv hrs)) (set_sreg r sv sis).
- destruct 1; intros.
- econstructor; eauto.
- + rewrite ok_set_sreg, ok_hrset_red_sreg; intuition congruence.
- + rewrite ok_hrset_red_sreg; intuition eauto.
- + rewrite ok_hrset_red_sreg. intros; unfold set_sreg; simpl;
- erewrite red_PTree_set_refines; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- *)
Fixpoint transfer_hrs (inputs: list reg) (hrs: ristate): ?? ristate :=
match inputs with
| nil => RET {| ris_smem := hrs.(ris_smem);
@@ -1474,7 +1456,7 @@ Definition simu_check_single (f1 f2: function) (ibf1 ibf2: iblock_info): ?? unit
Lemma simu_check_single_correct (f1 f2: function) (ibf1 ibf2: iblock_info):
WHEN simu_check_single f1 f2 ibf1 ibf2 ~> _ THEN
symbolic_simu f1 f2 ibf1.(entry) ibf2.(entry).
-Proof. (* TODO *)
unfold symbolic_simu; wlp_simplify.
eapply rst_simu_correct; eauto.
+ intros; eapply hrexec_correct1; eauto; wlp_simplify.
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v b/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
index 0662a357..78c597e0 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_Scheduler.v
@@ -46,6 +46,52 @@ Record match_function (f1 f2: BTL.function): Prop := {
exists ib2, (fn_code f2)!pc = Some ib2 /\ symbolic_simu f1 f2 (entry ib1) (entry ib2);
+Inductive match_fundef: fundef -> fundef -> Prop :=
+ | match_Internal f f': match_function f f' -> match_fundef (Internal f) (Internal f')
+ | match_External ef: match_fundef (External ef) (External ef).
+Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | match_stackframe_intro
+ res f sp pc rs rs' f'
+ (EQREGS: forall r, rs # r = rs' # r)
+ (TRANSF: match_function f f')
+ : match_stackframes (BTL.Stackframe res f sp pc rs) (BTL.Stackframe res f' sp pc rs').
+Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | match_states_intro
+ st f sp pc rs rs' m st' f'
+ (EQREGS: forall r, rs # r = rs' # r)
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_function f f')
+ : match_states (State st f sp pc rs m) (State st' f' sp pc rs' m)
+ | match_states_call
+ st st' f f' args m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ (TRANSF: match_fundef f f')
+ : match_states (Callstate st f args m) (Callstate st' f' args m)
+ | match_states_return
+ st st' v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
+ : match_states (Returnstate st v m) (Returnstate st' v m)
+ .
+Lemma match_stack_equiv stk1 stk2:
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ forall stk3, list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk2 stk3 ->
+ list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
+ induction 1; intros stk3 EQ; inv EQ; constructor; eauto.
+ inv H3; inv H; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
+Lemma match_states_equiv s1 s2 s3: match_states s1 s2 -> equiv_state s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
+ Local Hint Resolve match_stack_equiv: core.
+ destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
+ intros; rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
Fixpoint check_symbolic_simu_rec (f1 f2: BTL.function) (lpc: list node): res unit :=
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_Schedulerproof.v b/scheduling/BTL_Schedulerproof.v
index 40ad0d88..9a73d278 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_Schedulerproof.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_Schedulerproof.v
@@ -45,53 +45,6 @@ Proof.
+ eapply linkorder_refl.
-(* TODO gourdinl move this to BTL_Scheduler.v? *)
-Inductive match_fundef: fundef -> fundef -> Prop :=
- | match_Internal f f': match_function f f' -> match_fundef (Internal f) (Internal f')
- | match_External ef: match_fundef (External ef) (External ef).
-Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
- | match_stackframe_intro
- res f sp pc rs rs' f'
- (EQREGS: forall r, rs # r = rs' # r)
- (TRANSF: match_function f f')
- : match_stackframes (BTL.Stackframe res f sp pc rs) (BTL.Stackframe res f' sp pc rs').
-Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
- | match_states_intro
- st f sp pc rs rs' m st' f'
- (EQREGS: forall r, rs # r = rs' # r)
- (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
- (TRANSF: match_function f f')
- : match_states (State st f sp pc rs m) (State st' f' sp pc rs' m)
- | match_states_call
- st st' f f' args m
- (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
- (TRANSF: match_fundef f f')
- : match_states (Callstate st f args m) (Callstate st' f' args m)
- | match_states_return
- st st' v m
- (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes st st')
- : match_states (Returnstate st v m) (Returnstate st' v m)
- .
-Lemma match_stack_equiv stk1 stk2:
- list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
- forall stk3, list_forall2 equiv_stackframe stk2 stk3 ->
- list_forall2 match_stackframes stk1 stk3.
- induction 1; intros stk3 EQ; inv EQ; constructor; eauto.
- inv H3; inv H; econstructor; eauto.
- intros; rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
-Lemma match_states_equiv s1 s2 s3: match_states s1 s2 -> equiv_state s2 s3 -> match_states s1 s3.
- Local Hint Resolve match_stack_equiv: core.
- destruct 1; intros EQ; inv EQ; econstructor; eauto.
- intros; rewrite <- EQUIV; auto.
Lemma transf_function_correct f f':
transf_function f = OK f' -> match_function f f'.
diff --git a/scheduling/PrintBTL.ml b/scheduling/PrintBTL.ml
index 52178064..89254301 100644
--- a/scheduling/PrintBTL.ml
+++ b/scheduling/PrintBTL.ml
@@ -116,16 +116,3 @@ let print_btl_code pp btl =
(PTree.elements btl);
fprintf pp "\n")
else ()
-(* TODO gourdinl remove or adapt this?
-let print_function pp id f =
- fprintf pp "%s(%a) {\n" (extern_atom id) regs f.fn_params;
- let instrs = List.map (fun (n, i) -> i.entry) (PTree.elements f.fn_code) in
- List.iter (print_iblock pp true "") instrs;
- fprintf pp "}\n\n"
-let print_globdef pp (id, gd) =
- match gd with Gfun (Internal f) -> print_function pp id f | _ -> ()
-let print_program pp (prog : BTL.program) =
- List.iter (print_globdef pp) prog.prog_defs*)
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v
index e21d7cd1..cda1c079 100644
--- a/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v
+++ b/scheduling/RTLpathSE_impl.v
@@ -825,20 +825,6 @@ Local Hint Resolve hslocal_set_sreg_correct: wlp.
(** ** Execution of one instruction *)
-(* TODO gourdinl
- * This is just useful for debugging fake values hashcode projection *)
-Fixpoint check_no_uhid lhsv :=
- match lhsv with
- | HSnil hc =>
- DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;;
- assert_b (negb b) "fail no uhid";;
- RET tt
- | HScons hsv lhsv' hc =>
- DO b <~ phys_eq hc unknown_hid;;
- assert_b (negb b) "fail no uhid";;
- check_no_uhid lhsv'
- end.
Definition cbranch_expanse (prev: hsistate_local) (cond: condition) (args: list reg): ?? (condition * list_hsval) :=
match target_cbranch_expanse prev cond args with
| Some (cond', vargs) =>
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml b/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
index 3de82d96..d544e87f 100644
--- a/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
+++ b/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ let translate_function code entry join_points liveness =
| Some s -> (
match inst with
| Icond (cond, lr, ifso, ifnot, info) ->
- (* TODO gourdinl remove this *)
assert (s = ifnot);
next_nodes := !next_nodes @ non_predicted_successors inst psucc;
iinfo.pcond <- info;
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ let rtl2btl (f : RTL.coq_function) =
let liveness = analyze f in
let btl = translate_function code entry join_points liveness in
let dm = PTree.map (fun n i -> n) btl in
- (* TODO gourdinl move elsewhere *)
(*debug_flag := true;*)
debug "Entry %d\n" (p2i entry);
debug "RTL Code: ";